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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing relations between heritage conservation and urban revitalization : lessons from China

He, Shuaishuai January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to further understanding of the developing relations between heritage conservation and urban revitalization, by following the on-going World Heritage List nomination process for the Grand Canal in China. A review of the history and current situation of heritage conservation and urban revitalization establishes several key gaps in knowledge, for example, the field of systematic heritage conservation is still left blank. Taking advantage of the opportunity to work with this on-going nomination, the project examines the nature and challenges of heritage conservation research and practice for a heritage property of large scale and complexity, in the form of four linked studies. A critique of the national level nomination process to date illustrates the complexity of the task, and concludes that systematic heritage conservation has not been established as a concentrated and nation-wide heritage conservation activity in China. Focusing on the municipal level nomination process to date through a case study of the city of Zhenjiang (and Yangzhou as a comparator) establishes key reasons why one city has been more successful than the other in its participation in the World Heritage List nomination. A second case study, of the Xi Jin Ferry area in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Province), provides a fuller account of the ways in which heritage conservation can contribute to, and work with, urban revitalization. Drawing on the case of Xi Jin Ferry, a theoretically-informed, but practically-viable approach to linking heritage conservation and urban revitalization is developed which learns from the past and looks to the future. Building on the empirical research projects, a critique of existing approaches to heritage conservation of large, complex sites leads to a proposal for a 'Heritage System' framework which would facilitate future evaluations and improve the prospects for on-going management of the Grand Canal.

Selected Structural Characteristics of Community Innovativeness: An Analysis of the Urban Development Action Grant Program

Williams, Frank R. (Frank Robinson) 05 1900 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the relationship between selected structural characteristics of the community and innovation among cities. Four major Structural characteristics were chosen to serve as independent variables. These independent variables were community differentiation, community poverty, community maturity and type of local government. Innovation, as measured by applicant status to the federal Urban Development Action Grant Program, served as the dependent variable. Analysis of the data indicated support for several of the postulated hypotheses. The structural characteristic community differentiation was found to be significantly related to applicant status. For the structural characteristic community poverty no significant relationship to applicant status was observed. Community maturity revealed a significant relationship to applicant status. Finally, for the structural characteristic local form of government a significant relationship with applicant status was observed. Based on the interpretation of the findings, an original typology of innovation was developed. This typology included planned revitalizing innovation, social enhancing innovation, entrepreneurial stimulating innovation, and needs inducing innovation.

(Re)acting the city. Physical planning practices and challenges in urban development projects of the Entrepreneurial City

Madureira, Ana Mafalda January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to traceand discuss the practices and challenges of physical planning within an Entrepreneurial City approach to urban policy. The research aim is addressed by focusing on three questions: 1) how have the practices of physicalplanning been influenced by the context of an Entrepreneurial City approach to urban policy 2) how has physical planning responded to this urban policy context, and 3) which potential dilemmas for physical planning practice derive from this new context? By an Entrepreneurial City approach tourban policy I understand an approach whereby there is an attention placed over strategies to promote local economic growth and attract investments, companies and specific types of people in to the city. Arguably urban policies focus less on welfare-related and redistribution strategies. There is an adoption of private sector discourses and tools to promote the city as a place to live, work and invest in. These discourses and tools pass through place-making strategies, marketing, engagement in speculative, risk-taking market-led projects, and seeking partners with whom to establish alliances that will serve to promote the city. The strong emphasis of Entrepreneurial City approaches on interventions over the built environment of a city or neighborhood implies a greater attention to what is happening to the practices of physical planning in municipalities that have adopted this approach. Existing studies tend to emphasize that it signifies a decrease in the scope of influence for public sector, and by extention for physical planning, in the governance and steering of these projects. The dissertation focuses on large-scale urban development projects – Brunnshög, in Lund, and Bo01, Norra Sorgenfri and Hyllie, in Malmö. The projects were chosen due to their likelihood toillustrate physical planning practices marked by an Entrepreneurial City approach. The main findings of this thesis refute the idea of a turn in urban policy towards entrepreneurial city approaches, and illustrate instead a process by which new practices and values coincide with previously established settings and practices. Physical planning is adopting the discourses of an urban policy approach where intercity competition for new industries (preferably in knowledge-intensive sectors) and residents(preferably the “creative classes”) guide urban development projects. The governance setting is marked by the need to establish working networks and partnerships that will create the capacity to act. Experimentation, piece-meal approaches and inter-project learning mark the adaptation strategies to an urban policy context that is still changing. Potential dilemmas lie in the fragmented character of the partnerships required to execute the projects, and in the assumption that these projects will result in the rehabilitation of the socio-economic trends of the city and promote local economic growth. Additionally the resulting built environments are prone to processes of gentrification and displacement, and spatial and socioeconomic polarization.

Future-proofing the urban landscape: Green Infrastructure as a primer for resilient urban development

Martin, Leigh January 2015 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban Design / Many forgotten and resurfacing emerging theories in the field of urbanism are starting to recognise highperformance landscapes and green infrastructure as an essential urban element toward more resilient urban development. This report, entitled ‘Future-proofing the Urban Landscape: Green Infrastructure as a Primer for Resilient Urban Development’ addresses the question of whether Green Infrastructure can become the primary structuring element towards achieving more resilient development, and how this structure influences public place-making. The strategy is tested on a the Frankenwald site, one of the last remaining greenfield sites in Johannesburg. The proposed development comprises of guidelines and an indepth phasing strategy for development and intermediate natures that add long-term value towards future-proofing the city. The document establishes that green infrastructure is a highly relevant subject to consider for the planning of future cities. As a discourse it adds value to the profession of urban design and questions the urban designer’s capacity to offer more productive landscapes and assist in protecting and enhancing the ecosystem services of cities. The multi-layered nature of priming for green infrastructure services make available a variety of natural elements to be exposed and designed by means of meaningful place making. / GR2017

Transformações urbanas: atos, normas, decretos, leis na administração da cidade Porto Alegre 1937 / 1961 / Urban transformations: acts, rules, edicts, laws in the town administration - Porto Alegre, 1937/1961

Almeida, Maria Soares de 08 April 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho enfoca a cidade de Porto Alegre no período de 1937 a 1961,reconstruindo no tempo a produção das idéias e práticas do urbanismo desenvolvidos no âmbito das administrações municipais da cidade. O ponto central é a produção do conjunto de dispositivos legais que vão sendo produzidos como instrumentos de ordenação e controle da produção do espaço urbano, público e privado. Mostra-se como esses instrumentos vão sendo idealizados relacionados às idéias difundidas nos meios técnicos e políticos locais a cada tempo. Procura-se identificar a origem dessas idéias sobre a cidade e o urbanismo a partir do discurso e das práticas adotadas pelos especialistas e pelos dirigentes a cada período. Privilegia-se a avaliação daqueles instrumentos que vão determinar o controle da altura das edificações e, portanto vão influir no processo de verticalização da cidade. As avaliações são procedidas dentro de um campo contextualizado, identificando-se a cidade especialmente, no âmbito políticoadministrativo, meio no qual vai sendo produzido o instrumental jurídico analisado. / This work investigates the city of Porto Alegre in the period from 1937 to 1961,rebuilding in the time the production of the ideas and practices of the urbanization development in the extent municipal administrations of the city. The central focus is the production of the group of legal devices that were edited as instruments of public policies of ordination and control of the urban space. The analysis is driven through the evaluation of those instruments on the political and administrative context. It show, at the same time, as those regulations were being formulated relating to city concept and its current urbanization process proposed by the technical body and local political forces, considering to identify their origins and diffusing forms. The main concern are the instruments that established control devices about the height of construction and its influence and relation to the production of the building typologies that characterized the verticalization process of the city in each period of analysis.

Adoniran Barbosa e a lírica do progresso de São Paulo / Adoniran Barbosa and the lyric of São Paulos progress

Bragatto, Yara Boscolo 04 July 2018 (has links)
A história da cidade de São Paulo é largamente estudada, e mesmo assim, sempre parece haver motivos para levantar outro ponto de vista. O presente trabalho busca realizar uma leitura a contrapelo das imagens de parte da história da cidade de São Paulo, tendo como ferramenta para análise algumas canções de Adoniran Barbosa. Ao analisar parte da história de São Paulo e quais caminhos foram trilhados para que a locomotiva do país adquirisse tal fama, é possível constatar que tal fenômeno urbano paulistano e não se deu de maneira homogênea. Dentro de uma metrópole dos anos 1950 como São Paulo coexistem diversas situações urbanas e manifestações culturais que colabora para a construção da multiplicidade de imagens. Em uma breve leitura sobre a cidade é possível chegar a um nome que aparece repetidas vezes: Adoniran Barbosa. E é em meio a essa complexidade que ele gostava de viver, caminhar pelas ruas na sua boemia e conversar com as pessoas. Então surgiam suas canções, quase todas tratando a respeito do que ele acreditava ser bom o bastante para virar samba e agradar a seus muitos ouvintes. O que torna a obra de Adoniran tão peculiar é a possibilidade de enxergar com olhares das camadas populares, e olhares cotidianos, uma cidade largamente estudada e analisada, tendo um estilo de narrativa alinhada com as vozes daqueles que faziam parte do cenário exaustivamente estudado, mas que dificilmente eram enxergados ou ouvidos. Não se trata de colocar versões diferentes da história em combate, apenas tentar mostrar que sempre é possível abrir os ouvidos para outras falas. / The history of the city of São Paulo is largely studied, even so, there always seems to be reason to raise another point of view. The present work seeks to perform a counter-reading of the images from part of the history of the city of São Paulo, having as a tool for analysis songs by Adoniran Barbosa. When analyzing part of the history of São Paulo and what paths were trod for the \"locomotive of the country\" to acquire such fame, it is possible to verify that this urban phenomenon of São Paulo did not happen in a homogeneous way. Within the 1950s metropolis of São Paulo, various urban situations and cultural manifestations coexisted, collaborating for the construction of multiplicity of images. In brief reading about the city it is possible to find a name that appears several times: Adoniran Barbosa. And it\'s in the midst of this complexity that he liked to live, walking the streets in his bohemian, and talking to people. Then came his songs, almost all of them dealing with what he believed to be good enough to turn into samba and please his many listeners. What makes Adoniran\'s work so peculiar is the possibility of seeing through the eyes of the popular strata, and everyday looks, a city widely studied and analyzed, having as style of narrative aligned with the voices of those who were part of the scenario exhaustively studied, but which were hardly seen or heard. It\'s not about putting different versions of the story into combat, just trying to show that it\'s always possible to open your ears to other lines.

A participação em conselhos como instrumento de gestão municipal / The Participation in the councils as an instrument of municipal management

Vendramini, Paula Raquel da Rocha Jorge 24 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho parte do desenvolvimento urbano sustentável e das políticas públicas como forma de promovê-lo. Os conselhos gestores de políticas públicas estão presentes em todos os níveis de governo, especialmente após a Constituição Federal de 1988. Tomou-se então para análise o município de Santo André pertencente à Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e quatro de seus 23 conselhos municipais relacionados à: Política Urbana, Política Ambiental, Orçamento Participativo e Gestão da Área de Mananciais. Para alcançar o objetivo de analisar o funcionamento dos conselhos municipais de Santo André, buscando reconhecer os pontos em que são exemplares e as ineficiências, foi realizada pesquisa de campo e entrevistas com gestores municipais e conselheiros. As principais conclusões são que Santo André é um caso exemplar em gestão compartilhada, com diversas experiências positivas que, indo muito além das exigências legais de abertura de canais de participação, reiteram a disposição do governo municipal em abrir para a sociedade civil canais de diálogo e deliberação. Porém, não existe uniformidade na atuação dos conselhos e ainda existem problemas, principalmente relacionados com a paridade numérica e a disparidade de condições para que haja um real compartilhamento de poder nos conselhos / This work parts from sustainable urban development and the public policies as a way to promote it. The public policies management councils are present in all levels of the government, especially after the 1988 Federal Constitution. It was taken for analysis the city of Santo André, which belongs to the metropolitan region of São Paulo, and four of its 23 municipal councils related to: Urban Policy, Environmental Policy, Participatory Budget and Management of the Source Water Area. To achieve the objective of analyzing the municipal councils of Santo André, trying to recognize the places in which it is exemplary and its inefficiencies, we carried out field research and interviews with municipal managers and council members. The main conclusions are that Santo André is an exemplary case of shared management, with various positive experiences that, going far beyond the legal requirements for openings channels of participation, reaffirm the willingness of the municipal government to open channels for civil society dialogue and deliberation. However, there is no uniformity in the actions of the councils and there still are problems, mainly related to the numeric parity and the disparity of conditions so that there is a real sharing of power in the councils. However, there is no uniformity in the performance of councils and there are still problems, mainly related to numeric parity and disparity of conditions so that there is a real sharing of power in the councils

A participação em conselhos como instrumento de gestão municipal / The Participation in the councils as an instrument of municipal management

Paula Raquel da Rocha Jorge Vendramini 24 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho parte do desenvolvimento urbano sustentável e das políticas públicas como forma de promovê-lo. Os conselhos gestores de políticas públicas estão presentes em todos os níveis de governo, especialmente após a Constituição Federal de 1988. Tomou-se então para análise o município de Santo André pertencente à Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e quatro de seus 23 conselhos municipais relacionados à: Política Urbana, Política Ambiental, Orçamento Participativo e Gestão da Área de Mananciais. Para alcançar o objetivo de analisar o funcionamento dos conselhos municipais de Santo André, buscando reconhecer os pontos em que são exemplares e as ineficiências, foi realizada pesquisa de campo e entrevistas com gestores municipais e conselheiros. As principais conclusões são que Santo André é um caso exemplar em gestão compartilhada, com diversas experiências positivas que, indo muito além das exigências legais de abertura de canais de participação, reiteram a disposição do governo municipal em abrir para a sociedade civil canais de diálogo e deliberação. Porém, não existe uniformidade na atuação dos conselhos e ainda existem problemas, principalmente relacionados com a paridade numérica e a disparidade de condições para que haja um real compartilhamento de poder nos conselhos / This work parts from sustainable urban development and the public policies as a way to promote it. The public policies management councils are present in all levels of the government, especially after the 1988 Federal Constitution. It was taken for analysis the city of Santo André, which belongs to the metropolitan region of São Paulo, and four of its 23 municipal councils related to: Urban Policy, Environmental Policy, Participatory Budget and Management of the Source Water Area. To achieve the objective of analyzing the municipal councils of Santo André, trying to recognize the places in which it is exemplary and its inefficiencies, we carried out field research and interviews with municipal managers and council members. The main conclusions are that Santo André is an exemplary case of shared management, with various positive experiences that, going far beyond the legal requirements for openings channels of participation, reaffirm the willingness of the municipal government to open channels for civil society dialogue and deliberation. However, there is no uniformity in the actions of the councils and there still are problems, mainly related to the numeric parity and the disparity of conditions so that there is a real sharing of power in the councils. However, there is no uniformity in the performance of councils and there are still problems, mainly related to numeric parity and disparity of conditions so that there is a real sharing of power in the councils

Adoniran Barbosa e a lírica do progresso de São Paulo / Adoniran Barbosa and the lyric of São Paulos progress

Yara Boscolo Bragatto 04 July 2018 (has links)
A história da cidade de São Paulo é largamente estudada, e mesmo assim, sempre parece haver motivos para levantar outro ponto de vista. O presente trabalho busca realizar uma leitura a contrapelo das imagens de parte da história da cidade de São Paulo, tendo como ferramenta para análise algumas canções de Adoniran Barbosa. Ao analisar parte da história de São Paulo e quais caminhos foram trilhados para que a locomotiva do país adquirisse tal fama, é possível constatar que tal fenômeno urbano paulistano e não se deu de maneira homogênea. Dentro de uma metrópole dos anos 1950 como São Paulo coexistem diversas situações urbanas e manifestações culturais que colabora para a construção da multiplicidade de imagens. Em uma breve leitura sobre a cidade é possível chegar a um nome que aparece repetidas vezes: Adoniran Barbosa. E é em meio a essa complexidade que ele gostava de viver, caminhar pelas ruas na sua boemia e conversar com as pessoas. Então surgiam suas canções, quase todas tratando a respeito do que ele acreditava ser bom o bastante para virar samba e agradar a seus muitos ouvintes. O que torna a obra de Adoniran tão peculiar é a possibilidade de enxergar com olhares das camadas populares, e olhares cotidianos, uma cidade largamente estudada e analisada, tendo um estilo de narrativa alinhada com as vozes daqueles que faziam parte do cenário exaustivamente estudado, mas que dificilmente eram enxergados ou ouvidos. Não se trata de colocar versões diferentes da história em combate, apenas tentar mostrar que sempre é possível abrir os ouvidos para outras falas. / The history of the city of São Paulo is largely studied, even so, there always seems to be reason to raise another point of view. The present work seeks to perform a counter-reading of the images from part of the history of the city of São Paulo, having as a tool for analysis songs by Adoniran Barbosa. When analyzing part of the history of São Paulo and what paths were trod for the \"locomotive of the country\" to acquire such fame, it is possible to verify that this urban phenomenon of São Paulo did not happen in a homogeneous way. Within the 1950s metropolis of São Paulo, various urban situations and cultural manifestations coexisted, collaborating for the construction of multiplicity of images. In brief reading about the city it is possible to find a name that appears several times: Adoniran Barbosa. And it\'s in the midst of this complexity that he liked to live, walking the streets in his bohemian, and talking to people. Then came his songs, almost all of them dealing with what he believed to be good enough to turn into samba and please his many listeners. What makes Adoniran\'s work so peculiar is the possibility of seeing through the eyes of the popular strata, and everyday looks, a city widely studied and analyzed, having as style of narrative aligned with the voices of those who were part of the scenario exhaustively studied, but which were hardly seen or heard. It\'s not about putting different versions of the story into combat, just trying to show that it\'s always possible to open your ears to other lines.

A dinâmica urbana na otimização da infra-estrutura para o gás natural / Urban Dynamics in the natural gas infrastructure optimization

Massara, Vanessa Meloni 18 October 2007 (has links)
Na tomada de decisão, para construção e ampliação das redes de infra-estrutura, diferentes fatores devem ser considerados para a priorização do atendimento a áreas que constituirão um mercado consumidor potencial para o serviço em questão. Neste trabalho, propõe-se a análise conjunta de aspectos sociais, técnicos e econômicos associados ao processo de ocupação dos grandes centros urbanos, como base para verificação de estimativas de mercado, custos e técnicas mais apropriadas para a ampliação da infra-estrutura de distribuição canalizada de gás natural. Como base ao estudo proposto, sugere-se a criação de um modelo, que integre a compreensão da dinâmica urbana às estratégias de expansão da rede de distribuição de gás, caracterizando as possibilidades de consumo em faixas de atratividade. A metodologia desenvolve-se através da organização de 4 sistemas de informações: aspectos de qualidade de vida, planejamento urbano, projeções de demanda por estratificação em tipos de uso do solo e características da obra civil. Relacionando dados sociais ao consumo estimado por tipo de ocupação do solo às características de ramificação da rede, a metodologia permite classificar cada área que compõe uma cidade segundo a viabilidade (atratividade) de implantação da rede de distribuição de gás e os locais com potencial de adensamento da rede já existente. Para verificação da coerência metodológica, seleciona-se como estudos de caso os Municípios de São Paulo, São Caetano do Sul e oito municípios da Região Administrativa de Araçatuba. Como conclusão, apresenta-se o ranking de atratividade a implantação do gás canalizado nessas cidades através da modelagem baseada na dinâmica urbana, a fim de apontar as possibilidades do gás natural, substituir outras formas de energia final nos usos urbanos, além de apresentar diretrizes tecnológicas para os Planos Diretores das cidades, visando à incorporação sustentável dessa infra-estrutura. Os resultados obtidos são coerentes à real expansão do serviço, demonstrando ser o modelo, uma ferramenta de bom grau de precisão, fácil compreensão e utilização como auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisão sobre a expansão e adensamento da rede canalizada de gás natural nas cidades brasileiras. / In the decision-making process for the construction and expansion of natural gas infrastructure, different factors must be considered to prioritize areas with high market potential for the given service. The aim of this work is to propose a systemic analysis of social, technical and economics profile relating to the development process of the great urban areas for assessing the market esteems, the costs and the most appropriate techniques for expanding the natural gas distribution infrastructure.In this work, an analytical methodology that integrates the understanding of the urban dynamics to the strategies of expansion in the natural gas distribution network is considered, characterizing gas consumption possibilities on attractiveness groups. The methodology is developed by gathering four information systems: life quality, urban plan, gas consumption projections by land use stratification and network system (civil engineering work). By relating the gas consumption estimated by each type of land occupation and the cost for expanding the gas distribution network, the model will indicate, for each neighborhood, the viability of implementing a gas network as well as the places with potential for growing density in the existing gas distribution system. For the methodological coherence analysis, the cities of São Paulo, São Caetano do Sul and eight cities of Araçatuba Administrative Area, are selected. As conclusion, the attractiveness ranking for the natural gas expansion are presented though the urban dynamics concept, showing the possibilities of the natural gas as an energy end use option in the urban services, beyond presenting technologies guidelines for the Urban Plans and the sustainable gas infrastructure incorporation in the cities. The results from the model use are satisfactory to the real natural gas service expansion. It has been demonstrated that the model proved to be a good tool with a reasonable precision degree, being easily understood and functioning as an auxiliary in the decision-making process for the natural gas expansion infrastructure in the Brazilian cities.

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