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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbanização em Campinas: mudanças no tecido urbano no entorno da rodovia Dom Pedro I / Urban growth in Campinas: changes in the urban fabric around Dom Pedro I highway.

Helio Mitica Neto 19 May 2008 (has links)
Esta tese trata das mudanças ocorridas no processo de urbanização no município de Campinas, sobretudo a partir dos anos 1970, e em especial no eixo da Rodovia Dom Pedro I. Essas mudanças consistem na formação de um novo padrão de urbanização em escala regional, que está intimamente relacionado ao surgimento de novos padrões de tecidos urbanos. Podemos dizer que diversos fatores propiciaram a formação desse novo padrão de urbanização regional, entre eles: a implantação de novas redes de infraestrutura de transporte, abastecimento e comunicações, novas legislações ambientais e de parcelamento do solo, mudanças econômicas nas esferas da produção e do consumo, além de mudanças culturais. Como reflexo destas transformações, verificamos no tecido urbano o surgimento e difusão de condomínios residenciais horizontais, loteamentos unifamiliares fechados, shopping centers, centros empresariais, loteamentos e condomínios fechados industrais. Esta tese procura mostrar que, ao contrário do que se costuma afirmar, o surgimento dessas tipologias está menos relacionado à violência urbana, ou a simples cópia de um modelo estrangeiro de urbanização, e mais ligado a esse novo padrão de urbanização em escala regional que já vinha ocorrendo muito antes do acirramento das tensões sociais ou da abertura da economia brasileira em meados dos anos 1990. / This thesis deals with the changes in the process of urban growth in the city of Campinas, from the year 1970 onwards, more specifically in the areas surrounding the axis of Highway Dom Pedro I. These changes consist in the formation of a new pattern of urban growth in a regional scale, which is closely related to the emergence of new patterns of urban fabric. We can say that several factors provided the formation of this new pattern of regional urban growth, including: the deployment of new networks of transportation, supply and communications infrastructure, new environmental and urban laws, economic and cultural changes in the spheres of production and consumption. As a result, we notice the appearance of air condos, gated communities, business parks, shopping malls and closed industrial enclaves in the urban fabric. This thesis intends to explicit that, contrary to what is often said, the emergence of these new typologies has more factors involved in its making than a mere reaction to urban violence or the reproduction of a foreign model of urbanization. This new pattern of regional urban growth has been occurring long before the rise of social tensions or the opening of the Brazilian market in the mid 1990s.

Building social sustainability through development: the Winnipeg perspective

Brown, Quincy A.M. 24 August 2009 (has links)
This practicum examines the challenges encountered during the development process of slow growth cities. Specific consideration is given to the social realm and the challenges of encouraging socially sustainable development within the slow growth context. A comparative approach to the research was taken. Two case studies were examined. The first study examined the development process of the City of Vancouver. Specific consideration was given to the policies, processes and techniques used in Vancouver to encourage social sustainability. The second study examined the City of Winnipeg. The City of Winnipeg was the focus of the practicum. Lessons from the City of Vancouver were extracted and compared to the City of Winnipeg experience. The end result was a series of recommendations of how the City of Winnipeg could more successfully encourage social sustainability through development.

Building social sustainability through development: the Winnipeg perspective

Brown, Quincy A.M. 24 August 2009 (has links)
This practicum examines the challenges encountered during the development process of slow growth cities. Specific consideration is given to the social realm and the challenges of encouraging socially sustainable development within the slow growth context. A comparative approach to the research was taken. Two case studies were examined. The first study examined the development process of the City of Vancouver. Specific consideration was given to the policies, processes and techniques used in Vancouver to encourage social sustainability. The second study examined the City of Winnipeg. The City of Winnipeg was the focus of the practicum. Lessons from the City of Vancouver were extracted and compared to the City of Winnipeg experience. The end result was a series of recommendations of how the City of Winnipeg could more successfully encourage social sustainability through development.

Using an Urban Growth Model Framework to Project the Impacts of Future Flooding on Coastal Populations

Naurath, Rebecca Cassie 16 June 2023 (has links)
Urbanization in coastal areas of the United States is increasing as simultaneously the East and Gulf coasts of the United States face increasing threats from climate change from hurricanes and storm surge inundation. This study will evaluate urban growth using a cellular automata model to analyze the trends in urbanization between 1996 and 2019 and predict how it will continue until 2050. The study uses historical trends in land use and urbanization, as well as spatial and environmental data, to evaluate the likelihood of urban growth in two modeled scenarios: one that accounts for flood risk and one that does not. The study evaluates trends over the entire coastal buffer area, including the 150-kilometers adjacent to the East and Gulf coasts as well as targeted areas of New Orleans, Louisiana and Houston, Texas to determine growth at the scale of a metropolitan area. Both the scenarios have an overall prediction accuracy of 93% in determining the projected land use of a cell on the gridded map; however, the two models have different strengths. The scenario excluding storm surge impacts better predicts urban growth across the entire study area categorically, while the scenario accounting for the suitability of growth in areas at risk of storm surge inundation is more reliable in showing the specific areas urban growth occurred. The comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the models will help determine if urbanization and population shifts are impacted by threats of storm surge and hurricanes in the study area. The outcome of the model analysis can be used to influence how communities burdened by climate change can strategically grow to limit the impacts of flooding on their residents and infrastructure. / Master of Science / The flood impacts of hurricanes regularly impact the coastline of the United States, however populations in the same coastal areas are continuing to grow. This study models how cities are growing along East and Gulf coasts and the factors influencing that growth. The concern with increasing urban areas in coastal areas is that these areas are also being affected by climate change, which can cause flooding and other dangerous conditions. These flood events are a risk to human lives and the built environment of the communities. This study uses a computer model to analyze how these cities are growing using historic data from 1996 to 2019 and how they will continue to grow through 2050. The model considers factors like the risk of flooding, as well as information about the land and environment in these areas. This study used this information to identify how cities are growing and determine if there is a need to better account for flooding risks and other problems caused by climate change as growth continues. The work looked at two different scenarios, one that accounts for flood risk and one that allows growth without concern for flood risk, to see which one more closely models historic growth. This study will help communities along the coast make smart decisions about how to grow and adapt to the challenges of climate change.

Critical Evaluation Of Adjacent Areas Concept From Urban Growth Perspective In Turkish Urban Planning: The Case Of Ankara

Yildirim, Sibel 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The effects of expansion of cities on the fringe area are still the common problems of several countries as well as Turkey. The main problem stemming from rapid urban growth was described as urban sprawl that has been used as waste of land, time, and natural resources. Although sprawl becomes usually unplanned, uncontrolled, and uncoordinated, it can be claimed that some local and national government policies triggers the urban sprawl by creating planned areas more than required. The growth management policies are utilized to provide a responsible balance between development and the infrastructure needed to manage the impacts of development and to control urban sprawl. Four types of urban containment techniques have been used in several countries to control urban sprawl according to fundamental purposes of where to grow and where not to grow. These are greenbelt, urban growth boundary, urban service area and adjacent area. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the impacts of urban growth on physical development of metropolitan cities and to critically evaluate the raison d&#039 / &ecirc / tre and changing meaning of adjacent areas concept in Turkish urban planning experience in a historical context. Ankara planning experiences are examined as a case study to what extent adjacent area is a functional and effective tool to control sprawl.

Post-Industrial Pathways: The Economic Reorganization of the Urban Rust Belt

Hobor, George January 2007 (has links)
Since the 1970s, waves of deindustrialization have dramatically transformed the urban Rust Belt. The plight of cities in this region is well documented by scholars. The story they present upholds central assumptions in theories of urban growth, mainly new cities grow in new economic regions at the expense of others. This dissertation challenges this notion by addressing the following question: What are the different economic trajectories Rust Belt cities have taken over the course of global economic restructuring from 1970 to 2000? In this research, 69 Rust Belt cities are classified into three different categories based on their performance on a quality of life index over this time period: stable, struggling, and devastated. Then, conventional quantitative methods are used to map changes in employment trends onto the cities in each category. This step provides a general picture of economic restructuring experiences in these cities, which shows all lose manufacturing employment, but increases in business services employment distinguishes stable cities while increases in professional services employment distinguishes devastated cities. Next, an innovative methodology is used to identify different kinds of economic transitions for different types of cities. The analysis shows larger, stable cities have been able to reorganize their local economies into producer service-based economies. It also indicates manufacturing remains central to the local economies in smaller, stable cities, and finally, all devastated cities are developing healthcare-based local economies. Finally, two stable and two devastated cities are examined in-depth to provide a detailed description of local economic transformations. The stable cities have combined local R&D facilities with a strong infrastructure of specialty manufacturers to become high-tech production sites. This change has fueled business services development in these cities. Devastated cities are holding onto old manufacturing while greatly expanding hospital-based employment. Overall, this dissertation makes a contribution by using multiple and innovative methods to develop a rich portrait of the economic reorganization of the urban Rust Belt. This portrait questions central assumptions in theoretical understandings of urban growth and serves as a foundation for an examination of the causes of successful local economic transformation.

O crescimento urbano do município de Bertioga inserido no debate sobre sustentabilidade ambiental / The urban growth of Bertioga city within the discussion on environmental sustainability

Alves, Estela Macedo 20 May 2009 (has links)
Diante da perspectiva de entender como o conceito de sustentabilidade ambiental pode ser aplicado à urbanização das cidades, encontramos em Bertioga caso ilustrativo da associação entre natureza e crescimento urbano. A cidade sofreu, em seu ambiente natural, as conseqüências do crescimento intenso do litoral paulista, que são evidentes tanto na cidade legal quanto em ocupações ilegais. O objeto desta dissertação é a urbanização de Bertioga: uma relação entre o ambiente natural e as formas de produção do espaço urbano, incluindo a construção de espaços ambientalmente precários, que suprem os déficits de infraestrutura e habitação. O objetivo principal é interpretar os impactos gerados pela ocupação humana sobre áreas consideradas ambientalmente frágeis, no contexto de desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade ambiental, debatidos mundialmente. Da perspectiva do planejamento urbano e tendo um território politicamente delimitado município como elemento empírico, aprofundamos duas abordagens: a interpretação de conceitos utilizados no discurso ambiental e a análise territorial urbana. Como base teórica, utilizamos bibliografia ligada à conceituação da sustentabilidade e da problemática ambiental. Além disso, apresentamos levantamento bibliográfico sobre o histórico da internacionalização do debate ambiental e das Conferências Mundiais que influenciaram a ênfase na política ambiental dos Estados Nacionais, base da atual política ambiental adotada no Brasil. Foram considerados importantes os pontos de vista diversos sobre sustentabilidade e crise ambiental que contribuíram para desconstruir os conceitos mais difundidos sobre esses temas, adotados no consenso político, na maior parte dos países ocidentais. O desenvolvimento sustentável não pode ser uma caracterização genérica de limitação de uso de recursos nem mera denominação de programas políticos e sociais, mas, devido à complexidade das questões sociais e de uso dos recursos naturais, são necessárias definições específicas do que seja a sustentabilidade ecológica necessária dentro de um contexto social e cultural preexistente. Alcançar a sustentabilidade socioambiental, no contexto do crescimento urbano, demanda a superação dos conflitos identificados, por meio da determinação de prioridades nas políticas públicas. Em Bertioga, constatamos tanto conflitos internos ao município quanto aqueles referentes aos diversos objetivos propostos pela política ambiental das esferas de poder público estadual e federal. É notável que as políticas públicas municipais, voltadas para o atendimento da demanda social de Bertioga, devem se sobrepor ao atendimento dos interesses privados de uso e ocupação do espaço urbano. / From the perspective of understanding how the concept of environmental sustainability can be applied to the urbanization of the cities, in Bertioga we see an illustrative case on the association between nature and urban growth. This city has suffered in its natural environment consequences of the intense growth of the paulista coastal zone, evident in the official area of the city and in the illegally occupied areas. The object of this dissertation is the urbanization of Bertioga: a relation between natural environment and how urban spaces are produced; including spaces constructed under precarious way due to supply the deficit of infrastructure and housing. The main objective is to interpret the impacts generated by human occupancy over fragile environmental areas, in the context of development and environmental sustainability, as it is debated worldwide. In the vision of town planning and considering a political territory as an empirical element the city we studied two subjects: the interpretation of the concepts used in the environmental discourse and urban space analysis. We used bibliography about sustainability and environmental problems, as a theoretical basis. Besides that we presented bibliographical survey on the historic of the international environmental debate and on the World Conferences that influenced the Nations environmental politics, basis of the Brazilian Environmental Politics. We considered as important the different points of view about sustainability and environmental crisis, that contributed to deconstruct the concepts mostly disseminated about those subjects, adopted in the political consensus, in most part of the western countries. Sustainable development can not be a general characterization to restrict the use of natural resources, not even simply a denomination to political and social programs; but, due to the complexity of social problems and natural resources access, it is necessary to define specific concepts on ecological sustainability in a social and cultural preexistent context. To reach social and environmental sustainability, in the context of urban growth, it is necessary to overcome the identified conflicts by determining the effective priorities on public policies. In Bertioga we could see that there are internal conflicts of the city and conflicts about different proposals in the same subject by state and federal governments. It is remarkable that city public policies to social requests of Bertioga must become most important than the supply of private interests on the use of urban space.

O crescimento urbano do município de Bertioga inserido no debate sobre sustentabilidade ambiental / The urban growth of Bertioga city within the discussion on environmental sustainability

Estela Macedo Alves 20 May 2009 (has links)
Diante da perspectiva de entender como o conceito de sustentabilidade ambiental pode ser aplicado à urbanização das cidades, encontramos em Bertioga caso ilustrativo da associação entre natureza e crescimento urbano. A cidade sofreu, em seu ambiente natural, as conseqüências do crescimento intenso do litoral paulista, que são evidentes tanto na cidade legal quanto em ocupações ilegais. O objeto desta dissertação é a urbanização de Bertioga: uma relação entre o ambiente natural e as formas de produção do espaço urbano, incluindo a construção de espaços ambientalmente precários, que suprem os déficits de infraestrutura e habitação. O objetivo principal é interpretar os impactos gerados pela ocupação humana sobre áreas consideradas ambientalmente frágeis, no contexto de desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade ambiental, debatidos mundialmente. Da perspectiva do planejamento urbano e tendo um território politicamente delimitado município como elemento empírico, aprofundamos duas abordagens: a interpretação de conceitos utilizados no discurso ambiental e a análise territorial urbana. Como base teórica, utilizamos bibliografia ligada à conceituação da sustentabilidade e da problemática ambiental. Além disso, apresentamos levantamento bibliográfico sobre o histórico da internacionalização do debate ambiental e das Conferências Mundiais que influenciaram a ênfase na política ambiental dos Estados Nacionais, base da atual política ambiental adotada no Brasil. Foram considerados importantes os pontos de vista diversos sobre sustentabilidade e crise ambiental que contribuíram para desconstruir os conceitos mais difundidos sobre esses temas, adotados no consenso político, na maior parte dos países ocidentais. O desenvolvimento sustentável não pode ser uma caracterização genérica de limitação de uso de recursos nem mera denominação de programas políticos e sociais, mas, devido à complexidade das questões sociais e de uso dos recursos naturais, são necessárias definições específicas do que seja a sustentabilidade ecológica necessária dentro de um contexto social e cultural preexistente. Alcançar a sustentabilidade socioambiental, no contexto do crescimento urbano, demanda a superação dos conflitos identificados, por meio da determinação de prioridades nas políticas públicas. Em Bertioga, constatamos tanto conflitos internos ao município quanto aqueles referentes aos diversos objetivos propostos pela política ambiental das esferas de poder público estadual e federal. É notável que as políticas públicas municipais, voltadas para o atendimento da demanda social de Bertioga, devem se sobrepor ao atendimento dos interesses privados de uso e ocupação do espaço urbano. / From the perspective of understanding how the concept of environmental sustainability can be applied to the urbanization of the cities, in Bertioga we see an illustrative case on the association between nature and urban growth. This city has suffered in its natural environment consequences of the intense growth of the paulista coastal zone, evident in the official area of the city and in the illegally occupied areas. The object of this dissertation is the urbanization of Bertioga: a relation between natural environment and how urban spaces are produced; including spaces constructed under precarious way due to supply the deficit of infrastructure and housing. The main objective is to interpret the impacts generated by human occupancy over fragile environmental areas, in the context of development and environmental sustainability, as it is debated worldwide. In the vision of town planning and considering a political territory as an empirical element the city we studied two subjects: the interpretation of the concepts used in the environmental discourse and urban space analysis. We used bibliography about sustainability and environmental problems, as a theoretical basis. Besides that we presented bibliographical survey on the historic of the international environmental debate and on the World Conferences that influenced the Nations environmental politics, basis of the Brazilian Environmental Politics. We considered as important the different points of view about sustainability and environmental crisis, that contributed to deconstruct the concepts mostly disseminated about those subjects, adopted in the political consensus, in most part of the western countries. Sustainable development can not be a general characterization to restrict the use of natural resources, not even simply a denomination to political and social programs; but, due to the complexity of social problems and natural resources access, it is necessary to define specific concepts on ecological sustainability in a social and cultural preexistent context. To reach social and environmental sustainability, in the context of urban growth, it is necessary to overcome the identified conflicts by determining the effective priorities on public policies. In Bertioga we could see that there are internal conflicts of the city and conflicts about different proposals in the same subject by state and federal governments. It is remarkable that city public policies to social requests of Bertioga must become most important than the supply of private interests on the use of urban space.

The settlement of Melbourne 1851-1893: selected aspects of urban growth

Campbell, Joan Unknown Date (has links)
Melbourne was the obvious choice as a prototype of a nineteenth century colonial city in the following study in urban history. It succeeded early to a pre-eminent position within Victoria, indeed of the entire Australian continent and its position of supremacy went unchallenged until the twentieth century. It was never seriously threatened by the claims of rival cities such as Ballarat, Sandhurst or Geelong. In this respect, Melbourne was a classic primate city with a whole-state hinterland and was justly described as "the commercial metropolis of the South". Its favourable geographic location, centrally placed between eastern and western halves of the colony, together with its position at the northern end of Port Phillip Bay provided the logical point of convergance for a railway network spanning the reaches of the interior. This gave a nodal quality to the city which made it the sole effective input-output point for all commerce with the mainland interior.(For complete abstract open document)

The settlement of Melbourne 1851-1893: selected aspects of urban growth

Campbell, Joan Unknown Date (has links)
Melbourne was the obvious choice as a prototype of a nineteenth century colonial city in the following study in urban history. It succeeded early to a pre-eminent position within Victoria, indeed of the entire Australian continent and its position of supremacy went unchallenged until the twentieth century. It was never seriously threatened by the claims of rival cities such as Ballarat, Sandhurst or Geelong. In this respect, Melbourne was a classic primate city with a whole-state hinterland and was justly described as "the commercial metropolis of the South". Its favourable geographic location, centrally placed between eastern and western halves of the colony, together with its position at the northern end of Port Phillip Bay provided the logical point of convergance for a railway network spanning the reaches of the interior. This gave a nodal quality to the city which made it the sole effective input-output point for all commerce with the mainland interior.(For complete abstract open document)

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