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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resolving The Historic Urban Tissue By Tracing The Changes As A Basis For Its Conservation: Samsun From 20th Century Untill Today

Yazici, Merve 01 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis identifies the causes and the process of the change of the historic city center of Samsun since the beginning of the 20th century by the role of the development and conservation activities. Because of rapid urban growth and the lack of conservation principles in city plans, most of the city centers have been subjected to growth-conservation contradiction. As a result of this, the historic city centers lose their unique characteristics and cultural heritage while they change rapidly. The city of Samsun became an important trade and transport center since the middle of the 19th century and significantly improved in economic, physical and cultural aspects. As the tobacco production has developed, tobacco factory has been founded and the port of Samsun has become the most important port of the Black Sea by the middle of the 19th century, the Non-Muslim traders began to settle in Samsun. Hence, Samsun became an important center of the Black Sea region with its commercial activities and multicultural social structure. However, after the middle of the 20th century, as a result of the rapid urban growth, Samsun started to lose its unique urban tissue and cultural heritage increasingly. Today the urban fabric of the city does not reflect its historical importance. The remaining cultural heritage of the city belonging to early 20th century is not legible within today&acute / s urban tissue. By identifying the change in urban tissue, the thesis aims to present the current situation of the cultural properties within today&acute / s urban fabric and prepare a basis for conservation.

Modeling urban growth and land use/land cover change in the Houston Metropolitan Area from 2002 - 2030

Oguz, Hakan 29 August 2005 (has links)
The Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (Houston CMSA) has experienced rapid population growth during the past decades and is the only major US metropolitan area with no zoning regulations. We use SLEUTH, a spatially explicit cellular automata model, to simulate future (2002-2030) urban growth in the Houston metropolitan area, one of the fastest growing metropolises in the United States during the past decades. The model is calibrated with historical data for the period 1974-2002 that are extracted from a time series of satellite images. The dataset consists of four historical urban extents (1974, 1984, 1992, 2002), two land use layers (1992, 2002), five transportation layers (1974, 1984, 1990, 2002, 2025), slope layer, hillshade layer, and excluded layer. Future growth patterns are predicted based on growth coefficients derived during the calibration phase. After calibrating the model successfully, the spatial pattern of urban growth of the Houston CMSA for the period from 2002 to 2030 is predicted. Within SLEUTH, growth in the Houston CMSA is predominately "organic" with most growth occurring along the urban/rural fringe. Projected increases in urban area from 2002 to 2030 parallel projected increases in population growth within the Houston CMSA. We design three specific scenarios to simulate the spatial consequences of urban growth under different environmental conditions. The first scenario is to simulate the unmanaged growth with no restrictions. The second scenario is to project the moderate growth trend by taking into consideration environmental protection, specifically for agricultural areas, forests and wetlands. The last scenario is to simulate the managed growth with maximum environmental protection. Adjusting the level of protection for different land cover types was found to markedly affect the land use changes in the Houston CMSA. Without any protection on resource lands, Houston CMSA is estimated to lose 2,000 km2 of forest land by 2030, about 600 km2 of agricultural land, and approximately 400 km2 of wetland. Approximately half of all resource land could be saved by the third scenario, managed growth with maximum protection.

Neoliberalism, urban growth, and structures of inequality : community-based strategies to combat gang violence in El Salvador

Uzzell, Caitlin Whiteford 05 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the infamous Mara Salvatruchas (MS-13) in Central America, an international gang that has become increasingly powerful and violent. I will examine the cycle of violence perpetuated by the urban structure in Central America, which is characterized by economic and social segregation and sometimes violent oppression, resulting in part from neoliberal economic policies. I will critically review a variety of current MS-13 interventions in El Salvador and elsewhere, and examine how policies have impacted the growth of this international threat. Successful examples of community-based gang interventions, specifically targeted to reach youth, will be examined to determine important components of effective, bottom-up gang interventions that may be applied in El Salvador. / text

Sustainable quality versus quantity metropolitan area : an exploratory analysis

Zhang, Guowei, master of science in community and regional planning 07 July 2011 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding how and why cities grow and how to make this growth more economically and environmentally sustainable. This study is interested in two questions. The first question is how to trace the growth pattern among U.S metropolitan areas after 2000 based on the two types of growth strategies. The second research question is how different growth patterns affect environmental outcomes and income inequality. A quantitative study is used to measure the two faces of urban growth processes in U.S metropolitan areas. After cluster analysis, five groups are developed. Then the study moves to how these groups might impact the performances of sustainability. This thesis closes by summarizing the empirical finding and gives recommendations for future researches. / text

Strategier mot urban sprawl i svenska städer : En fallstudie av åtta svenska kommuners arbete

Mattsson, Robin January 2014 (has links)
Urban sprawl är ett problem i hela världen. Ekonomi, hälsa, miljö och jordbruksmark är några saker som stadsutbredningen har effekter på (Habibi, 2011). I USA började problemen med urban sprawl efter andra världskriget när möjligheter till billiga bolån skapades. Detta gjorde att fler människor hade möjlighet att flytta till enfamiljshus i förorterna och användandet av bil som transportmedel ökade (Duany, 2010). Stadsutbredningen i Sverige startade efter andra världskriget då bilismen ökade även här. Den svenska trafikplaneringen var influerade av den nordamerikanska planeringsmodellen med resultatet att boendetätheten minskade med upp emot en tredjedel (Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen, 2006).     Det finns en hel del metoder för att motarbeta och kontrollera stadsutbredningen. Exempel på metoder är förtätning och sätt att reducera och kontrollera trafik (Habibi, 2011) samt mer djupgående strategier som urban growth boundaries och green belts (Gennaoi et al, 2009).   Eftersom det finns väldigt lite information om urban sprawl i Sverige, så handlar detta arbete om att göra en fallstudie för att undersöka hur åtta svenska kommuner arbetar med att kontrollera och motverka urban sprawl. Dessa kommuner är Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Uppsala, Västerås, Örebro, Linköping och Helsingborg. Kommunernas översiktsplaner har studerats med målet att påvisa fyra metoder för att motverka urban sprawl som identifieras av Habibi (2011).   Sverige är och har varit påverkat av urban sprawl (Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen, 2006). Undersökningen av översiktsplanerna i de svenska kommunerna visar också att alla arbetar mot en hållbar utveckling av sin stad genom förtätning och utbyggnad av kollektivtrafiken. Kommunerna använder sig av generella metoder som förtätning och kontroll av trafik men använder sig inte av några mer specifika och mer djupgående metoder som urban growth boundaries och green belts. Detta kan bero på flera saker, bland annat att de mer djupgående metoderna inte nämns av kommunerna i deras översiktsplaner utan istället kanske finns med i detaljplanerna.

Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection in Isfahan, Iran Using Remote Sensing Techniques

Alavi Shoushtari, Niloofar 09 May 2012 (has links)
Rapid urban growth and unprecedented rural to urban transition, along with a huge population growth are new phenomena for both high and low income countries, which started in the mid-20th century. However, urban growth rates and patterns are different in developed countries and developing ones. In less developed countries, urbanization and rural to urban transition usually takes place in an unmanaged way and they are associated with a series of socioeconomical and environmental issues and problems. Identification of the city growth trends in past decades can help urban planners and managers to minimize these negative impacts. In this research, urban growth in the city of Isfahan, Iran, is the subject of study. Isfahan the third largest city in Iran has experienced a huge urban growth and population boom during the last three decades. This transition led to the destruction of natural and agricultural lands and environmental pollutions. Historical and recent remotely sensed data, along with different remote sensing techniques and methods have been used by researchers for urban land use and land cover change detection. In this study three Landsat TM and ETM+ images of the study site, acquired in 1985, 2000 and 2009 are used. Before starting processing, radiometric normalization is done to minimize the atmospheric effects. Then, processing methods including principal component analysis (PCA), vegetation indices and supervised classification are implemented on the images. Accuracy assessment of the PCA method showed that the first PC was responsible for more than 81% of the total variance, and therefore used for analysis of PCA differencing. ΔPC1t1-t2 shows the amount of changes in land use and land cover during the period of study. In this study ten vegetation indices were selected to be applied to the 1985 image. Accuracy assessments showed that Transformed Differencing Vegetation Index (TDVI) is the most sensitive and accurate index for mapping vegetation in arid and semi-arid urban areas. Hence, TDVI was applied to the 2000 and 2009 images. ΔTDVIt1-t2 showed the changes in land use and land cover especially the land use transformation from vegetation cover into the urban class. Supervised classification is the last method applied to the images. Training sites were assigned for the selected classes and accuracy was monitored during the process of training site selection. The results of classification show the expansion of urban class and diminishment in natural and agricultural lands.

Application Of Sleuth Model In Antalya

Sevik, Ozlem 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, an urban growth model is used to simulate the urban growth in 2025 in the Antalya Metropolitan Area. It is the fastest growing metropolis in Turkey with a population growth of 41,79&amp / #8240 / , although Turkey&amp / #8217 / s growth is 18,28&amp / #8240 / for the last decade. An Urban Growth Model (SLEUTH, Version 3.0) is calibrated with cartographic data. The prediction is based on the archived data trends of the years of the 1987, 1996, and 2002 images, which are extracted from Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper satellite images and the aerial photographs acquired in 1992 and the data are prepared to insert them as input into the model. The urban extent is obtained through supervised classification of the satellite images and visual interpretation of aerial photographs. The model calibration, where a predetermined order of stepping through the coefficient space is used is performed in order to determine the best fit values for the five growth control parameters including the coefficients of diffusion, breed and spread, slope and road gravity with the historical urban extent data. The development trend in Antalya is simulated by slowing down growth by taking into consideration the road development and environmental protection. After the simulation for a period of 23 years, 9824 ha increased in urban areas is obtained for 2025.

Croissance urbaine, un défi pour l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement à Bangui (République Centrafricaine). / Urban growth, a challenge for access to drinking water and sanitation in Bangui (Central African Republic)

Siro Grembo, Diogène Macaire 26 January 2017 (has links)
A l’instar des villes des pays en voie de développement, la croissance de la ville de Bangui fut rapide. Le croît démographique en est la principale cause. La croissance urbaine s’est faite de manière irrégulière et illégale. La ville s’est développée dans une dualité entre les quartiers urbanisés, bien équipés et les quartiers non urbanisés, dépourvus des infrastructures urbaines de base. La politique urbaine de l’Etat, focalisée sur le schéma directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme (SDAU), n’est plus à la hauteur de répondre de façon optimale aux besoins de la ville. L’occupation anarchique de l’espace par des quartiers précaires, est la conséquence directe de la politique de l’Etat en matière de gouvernance urbaine. L’inapplicabilité des textes ou des lois qui caractérisent le régime foncier, ont conduit à la création des bidonvilles. Les services de l’eau et de l’assainissement sont en difficulté face à l’explosion urbaine de la ville. L’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement de base de la population n’est pas totalement assuré par ces services. Il se pose alors, un sérieux problème de gouvernance de ces services face à la croissance urbaine de la ville. Le réseau de la société de distribution d’eau ne couvre pas l’ensemble de la ville, et le système d’assainissement est très détérioré. La société de distribution d’eau en Centrafrique (SODECA), n’assure que 32% de l’approvisionnement en eau de la population. Les quartiers défavorisés sont alimentés par des réseaux informels (bornes fontaines, les forages et les puits). Malgré une légère amélioration, l’approvisionnement en eau potable dans ces quartiers, reste un parcours du combattant. Les femmes et les enfants sont les plus touchés. L’espoir de partenariat public-privé (PPP) suscité en 1990, autour de l’eau par SAUR a donné un bilan mitigé en Centrafrique. / Following the example of the cities of the countries in the process of development, the growth of the town of Bangui was fast. Grows is the leading cause. The urban growth was done in an irregular and illegal was. The city developed in a duality between the districts urbanized equipped well and the not urbanized districts, deprived of the basic urban infrastructures. The urban policy of the State, focused on the town planning and master development plan (SDAU), is not any more worthy meeting in an optimal way the needs for the city. The anarchistic occupation of space by dangerous district is the direct consequence of the policy of the State as regards urban governance. The inapplicability of the texts or the laws which characterize the land mode, led to the creation of the slums. The services of water and the cleansing are in difficulty face the urban explosion of the city. The access to drinking water and basic cleansing of the population is not completely ensured by these services. It is posed then, a serious problem of governance of these services face the urban growth of the city. The network of the company of water supply in Central Africa (SODECA), ensured of only 32% of the water provision of the population. The disadvantaged districts are fed by abstract networks (terminals fountains, drilling and wells). In spite of a light improvement, the drinking water supply in these districts stays an assault course. The women and the children are touched. The hope of public-private partnership (PPP) caused 1990, around water by SAUR gave by assessment mitigated in Central Africa.

Cities in Ecology: Settlement Patterns and Diseases

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: A sequence of models is developed to describe urban population growth in the context of the embedded physical, social and economic environments and an urban disease are developed. This set of models is focused on urban growth and the relationship between the desire to move and the utility derived from city life. This utility is measured in terms of the economic opportunities in the city, the level of human constructed amenity, and the level of amenity caused by the natural environment. The set of urban disease models is focused on examining prospects of eliminating a disease for which a vaccine does not exist. It is inspired by an outbreak of the vector-borne disease dengue fever in Peru, during 2000-2001. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences 2012

Fundamentos legais e imapctos físicos, sociais, econômicos e ambientais da edificação de um grande empreendimento à comunidade de entorno : o caso do Barrashoppingsul

Silva, Ângelo Antônio Vieira da 06 July 2011 (has links)
O crescimento urbano tem provocado alterações no ambiente natural, na medida em que são construídos grandes empreendimentos para atender à demanda da sociedade, por suas necessidades e pela busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida. Contudo, a inserção do meio ambiente artificial em meio à natureza tem alterado a paisagem urbana e provocado diversas consequências no Direito, tanto ambiental quanto urbanístico. Assim, a pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar os impactos produzidos pelo empreendimento BarraShoppingSul, sob aspectos físicos, sociais, econômicos e ambientais na comunidade do entorno. A metodologia de pesquisa considerou os procedimentos técnicos de coleta de dados, em três formas: bibliográficos, documentais e a aplicação de questionário à parte da população da área de influência. A amostra de participantes do estudo foi de 384 (trezentos e oitenta e quatro), assegurando uma margem de confiabilidade de 95%. Os resultados revelam que, muito embora o público da pesquisa tenha se manifestado no sentido de haver melhorias, mesmo na ocorrência de impactos ambientais decorrentes da construção do empreendimento e demonstrando, de certa forma, estar satisfeito com a modernidade implementada, há precariedade no conhecimento da temática meio ambiente, mais precisamente em identificar problemas que interferem de alguma forma no ecossistema em que vivem. Isso os torna carentes de uma visão mais ampla da questão e dos fatos que os cercam cotidianamente. Conclui-se que a intervenção do homem na natureza sempre provoca impactos, e a consciência que deve ungir os homens é a planetária, pela qual se tem, como ponto primordial, que a Terra é a casa de todos, cabendo a todos o dever de cuidá-la. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-23T14:23:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Angelo Vieira.pdf: 9824368 bytes, checksum: 771c39923a3bc0430c4cc0c4b8880c30 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-23T14:23:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Angelo Vieira.pdf: 9824368 bytes, checksum: 771c39923a3bc0430c4cc0c4b8880c30 (MD5) / Urban growth has led to changes in the natural environment as large developments are built to meet the demand of society for their needs and for seeking a better quality of life. However, insertion of the artificial environment in nature has changed the urban landscape and led to several consequences in law, both environmental and urban. Thus, this research aimed to check the impacts produced by the venture “Barra Shopping Sul” under physical, social, economic and environmental conditions in the surrounding community. The methodology considered the technical procedures of data collection in three ways: bibliographic, documentary and a questionnaire to the population of the area of influence. The number of the study participants was 384 (three hundred eighty-four), ensuring a margin of 95% reliability. The results show that although the public research has manifested in the sense that there are improvements, even in the occurrence of environmental impacts from construction of the project and demonstrating in a way, they are satisfied with modernity implemented, there is a lack of knowledge of thematic environment, more precisely to identify problems that interfere in any way the ecosystems in which they live. This makes them lack of a wider view of the issue and the facts that surround them daily. We conclude that human intervention in nature always causes impacts and that the awareness should lead men and the global planet, in which it has as primary point that is the Earth is everybody’s home and everyone has the duty to take care of it.

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