Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urbanismo.""
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Urbana ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering : Ett kombinerat vetenskapligt och gestaltande arbete om hur konflikten mellan förtätning och hantering av urbana ekosystemtjänster ser ut i den svenska planeringenHansson, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
Till följd av urbanisering och klimatförändringar ställs världens städer inför stora utmaningar. För att arbeta mot en resilient stadsplanering där staden utvecklas i en hållbar riktning pekas urbana ekosystemtjänster ut som en av flera viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till. Urbana ekosystemtjänster definieras som de förmåner naturen ger människan, vilka samspelar med varandra och bidrar till vårt fysiska och psykiska välmående. Trots ekosystemtjänsternas betydelse för en hållbar stadsplanering tenderar grönytor i städer att minska. Den bakomliggande anledningen till denna problematik är att allt fler människor flyttar till urbana miljöer, vilket skapar ett ökat bostadsbehov som i sin tur leder till förtätning. Genom ett kombinerat vetenskapligt och gestaltande arbete har denna studie syftat till att belysa urbana ekosystemtjänsters värde vid förtätning av städer. Hur konflikten mellan förtätning och hantering av urbana ekosystemtjänster ser ut i den svenska fysiska planeringen har undersökts genom en fallstudie på Norra Djurgårdsstaden och Albano. Studiens teoretiska del har vidare använts som ett kunskapsunderlag för arbetets gestaltande del, där olika strategier har definierats och legat till grund för ett gestaltningsförslag. Planområdet för gestaltningsförslaget har utgjorts av den södra delen av Saltö i Karlskrona. Gestaltningsförslaget har syftat till att undersöka hur detta område skulle kunna förtätas och gestaltas med avseende på urbana ekosystemtjänster. Genom att översätta studiens teoretiska del och applicera detta i ett eget projekt gavs möjligheten att se och hantera problemet ur ett holistiskt perspektiv. Studien har grundats i ett teoretiskt ramverk som utgjorts av begreppen social-ekologisk urbanism och stadsodling. Med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket och metoderna kvalitativ textanalys, intervju och urbanmorfologisk analys har Norra Djurgårdsstaden och Albanos hantering av urbana ekosystemtjänster kunnat synliggöras. Resultatet visade att projekten haft en tydlig intention att bevara, utveckla och integrera nya ekosystemtjänster, både inom de aktuella planområdena och rörande den omgivande miljön. Vidare visade resultatet att den ekonomiska faktorn spelat en stor roll, samt att tvärsektoriella samarbeten har bidragit med värdefull kunskap. Dessa samarbeten har dock främst förekommit i början av planprocessen. Vad gäller den översättande designdelen har platsanalys använts som metod, vilken tillsammans med tidigare metoder utgjort ett kunskapsunderlag för studiens gestaltningsförslag. Gestaltningsförslaget har formats mot bakgrund av de strategier som påvisats i studiens teoretiska ramverk, forsknings- och kunskapsöversikt samt resultat- och analysdel. De identifierade strategierna är: samspel med naturen, multifunktionella lösningar, stärkta gröna samband och offentliga mellanrum performativa byggnader.
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Ponava - sportovně komerční areál - fotbalový stadion / Ponava - the sport and commercial complex - football stadiumČerný, Luděk January 2010 (has links)
Diploma project aims at establishing a clear urban conception of city part "Ponava". Priority is maintence of sport`s function based on historical tradition and "genius loci". Project specifically solves the proposal for a new football stadium."
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Náměstí svobody ve Znojmě / Freedom square in ZnojmoKřížek, Josef January 2010 (has links)
The Freedom square in Znojmo was the task to solve. It was solved as a urbanistic - architectural study of the public space in a very bad state. An analysis of the state was a part of this work and as apart of the pre-diploma study. The area is set on the northen part of the historic center of the own of Znojmo. The main problem is the transport, for people unfreandly and illegible public space, calle the Freedom sguare, the contact of the different urbanistic structures, used just for parking the cars and growing the grass. The sollution slows down the transport, connects the green parts of the town. The space is designed to be friendlier and more pleasant and safe for people. The houses are designed as multifunctional with shops and living. the place must be atractive for walkers and bikers. The bikecenter, market place and the first rate of the design of this area will be atractive for people.The place is good forrelaxing and safe moving as well.
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Žabovřeské a Komínské louky / Žabovřesky and Komín MeadowsMedková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
Return to the Nature
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Veřejné prostory a zeleň v urbanistické struktuře bývalé továrny T. Bati ve Zlíně / Public Spaces and Greenery in the Urban Structure of a Former T. Baťa’s Factory in ZlinBartoňová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Revitalization of public spaces of the former Tomáš Baťa's factory in Zlin, which is going to become a part of the city. Introducting the human scale between the industrial buildings by installing urban elements, street furniture and greenery. The design works with the former factory like a new city center.
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Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna loukaVančurová, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The goal of my project is to find how the contemporary school should look like.
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Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna loukaDohnalová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on building a school institution using contemporary information and trends. The corresponding plot is located in Ostrava near Black Meadow, a historic centre, Ostravice river and recently arising housing complex New Carolina. Therefore this locality is becoming a suitable place for building the school institution. The main idea was to build a school not only for children but also for general public. The centre of the complex is a yard and a vestibule, which divides the building site into private spaces used solely by pupils of the school (classrooms, storage rooms, buffet...) and spaces open to the public (gymnasium, fitness centre, climbing wall, school cafeteria, art studio, library...). Due to these public places the school is “alive” even in the afternoons.
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ZBROJOVKA BRNO / ZBROJOVKA FACTORY BRNOStaffová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis is developing a realistic strategy for regeneration and development of the post-industrial factory complex Zbrojovka Brno. Theme of thesis is to involve inaccessible area back into city life. Zbrojovka is not a typical brownfield area. Production was stopped in 2006 and the area is surprisingly full of life today, roughly 50 % of the land is used, leased objects are conserved and not decay. The main theme is transformation of the factory environment into a viable multi-functional urban area using the principles of sustainable urbanism. Compared to the developer plan this proposal maintain existing structures for further development. Zbrojovka factory is a place with unique atmosphere, with genius loci, which is worth preserving. The proposal uses the newly created public spaces as a catalyst for development and aims to attract “creative class“ that could Zbrojovka get into wider public awareness and attract the necessary investment for creation a lively part of the city with an industrial soul.
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RING! - Dostavba městského okruhu v Brně / RING! - Completion of the Ring Road in BrnoPokorná Neveselá, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the completion of the urban fabric in Brno in the area bounded by streets Cejl, Koliště, Křenová a Vlhká. The location is very close to the historical center of the city , but only for the original walls. This site was created as a suburb outside the walls , which was unlike any other inner city type structures with smaller houses with courtyards and gardens. In the 19th century this area avoid the great industrial boom and there were factories built Jewish industrialists. Also this way since the mid-19th century through the railway . After the war in 1945, factories were combined into complex textile manufacturing Mosilana . Development of this area is very mixed , different mass proportions and functional use and is not as good as it close to the historic cores could be . With the considered plan to move the main train station in the displaced position established in this study . This study proposes the redevelopment and extension of the site . Below we deal with historical context , spatial , functional and traffic analyzes and proposals that I worked for two semesters . Also in this study, I deal in detail southern part of the area where I was during one semester proposed two corner houses at the intersection of Křenová and Koliště street. In the last semester, I examined a draft of the Museum of Jewish Culture in Skořepka.
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Hudba jako veřejný prostor – Nový koncept brněnské Filharmonie / Music as a public space - New concept of Brno PhilharmonicKamená, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The Philharmonic building is designed as a circular central building located in the center of an elliptical water ring. The house moderately expands to upward by an angle of ten degrees. This compositional princip implicitly refers to the morphology of ancient temples, but his reasoning is mostly functional. The water ring has a maximal size considering the size of the park, in spite of it is a significant limit for dimensions of the object. First floor therefore builds up the smallest possible surface area of the ring and each higher floor is increased according to the need of the philharmonic, especially so the floor area suffises to the big amount of dressing rooms and rehearsal. The total cubic capacity of the object is almost minimalist, a concert hall and other necessary equipment is designed in the lower limit of the minimum dimensions. The philharmonic is opened to the neighborhood around the perimeter of all floors, behind the facade common life takes place, this fact makes the building visually interesting. In the daylight, when traffic is muted, it gives the impression of the stoic temple, but in the evening it "coming to life". Architectural expression is subordinated to this princip. The facade is designed from structural glazing, to achieve the greatest possible effect of transparency. The abstract shaping without natural scale of the window or other articulated architectural elements is chosen with respect to the principle philharmonic as a temple of music, not primarily "only" public building. Requirements for the indoor climate indicate a need of the interior shading. In accordance with previous principles the shading elements are chosen abstractly as continuous vertical wooden beams starting at different height with respect to public space inside of the building.
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