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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Os trilhos nas áreas urbanas: conflitos, desafios e oportunidades em dez cidades paulistas" / Railways in urbanized areas: challenging conflicts and opportunities for ten cities in São Paulo state.

Luz, Luciano Ferreira da 24 July 2006 (has links)
O destaque alcançado por um grupo significativo de cidades do interior do estado de São Paulo, que nas últimas décadas só foi mais reforçado pelo dinamismo econômico, evidenciou os aspectos que as projetam como pólos regionais. Nesse grupo de cidades ressalta-se a extrema urbanização, em muitas delas uma avançada conurbação com as vizinhas. Surgem aglomerações, que vão de 500 mil a mais de dois milhões de habitantes, formando uma rede de cidades que lideram o segundo maior mercado consumidor brasileiro. A atividade industrial crescente, a geração de empregos, o conseqüente crescimento demográfico e o espraiamento urbano, deram a essas cidades características de organização espacial muito própria e um sistema viário que não acompanhou esse crescimento, mais expressivo do que os das grandes capitais. Contudo, um elemento está presente em todas essas cidades e constitui um rico patrimônio histórico e, talvez, estratégico em seus futuros: a ferrovia. Nas dez maiores cidades do interior paulista, a presença marcante da velha estação e da linha férrea, que as cruzam e as dividem, são as heranças do processo de desmantelamento e total abandono da função ferroviária de transporte de passageiros de longo percurso. Quase sempre relegadas a funções acessórias no planejamento urbano, a ferrovia também esteve distante, encerrada entre seus muros, mantendo o diálogo com as cidades embaraçado ao longo do tempo. Essa pesquisa se propôs a fazer um levantamento geral desses patrimônios ferroviários, identificar suas interfaces atuais com o meio urbano, os novos agentes envolvidos na sua exploração e, principalmente, a visão e os usos pretendidos pelos municípios para as faixas ferroviárias e suas áreas lindeiras. Buscando amparo nas evoluções históricas, na análise de influências recíprocas e nas relações entre transporte e urbanismo, questiona-se a presença dos trilhos nessas áreas intensamente urbanizadas e são expostas as relações institucionais que devem ser consideradas para planejar e viabilizar o seu aproveitamento, seja pela implantação de novos equipamentos urbanos, pelo uso compartilhado de transportes ou mesmo pela sua erradicação. / A large number of relevant cities in the countryside of São Paulo state has recently faced a remarkable distinction brought by a high economical dinamism in these regional poles during the last decades. These cities already have extreme urbanization rates and they are getting aglomerated, creating new metropolitan areas, with a huge population that is responsible for Brazil´s second largest consuming market. The increasing industrial activity and the offers of new jobs have both stimulated the spreading of its urbanized areas that are not always followed by enough new transportation infra structures. However, one element is very present in any of these cities and it stands for rich historical assets: the old railway. Inside any medium size São Paulo´s city in, the prominent station and the rail tracks still divide the urban center, instersecting its streets and being source of many conflicts and accidents. Nowadays, those abandoned structures are the inheritahe of passenger rail transportation, which was completely dismantled after freight rail transports privatizations. Specially inside the cities, not only the railways were continualy limited to secondary functions in all urban planning process, but the urban transportation was never taken as a priority for rail administration either. This research aimed to build a general view of railway equipments and structures of ten cities, identify possible interfaces with their urban areas, identify the agents envolved in its exploitation and mainly identify what the local expectations to the railways are. The analysis was done based on historical evolution of railways and cities, by the influence of transportation infra structure on territories. Urbanism and public transport organization notions were considered as well, in order to identify the needs and ways on what kind of railway would contribute or would be more profitable in new urban functions.

Do plano econômico à estruturação do território: o eixo Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo / From the economic plan to the structuring of the territory: the Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo

Moreno, Monica Manso 10 April 2017 (has links)
Essa tese aborda a consolidação do eixo territorial Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo como núcleo principal do desenvolvimento nacional, através do planejamento econômico e da ação direta do Estado. Ao enfocar o período do 1o Ciclo Desenvolvimentista, de1930 a 1964, evidencia a opção pela industrialização como caminho para o desenvolvimento. Como consequência da subordinação do país à condição de periferia do sistema capitalista internacional, apesar da transformação estrutural do sistema de produção, de nação agroexportadora para urbano-industrial, há continuidade na reprodução das desigualdades, de regionais a intraurbanas.O eixo territorial se estrutura na base de seus vetores lineares, entrelaçando relações de seus núcleos urbanos articulados por uma malha de caminhos e percursos que remontam historicamente à forma de ocupação dos nativos indígenas. As relações entre as Capitais do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, as cidades que se fundam ao longo da história do Vale do Paraíba do Sul e os diversos ciclos econômicos que prevaleceram em determinados momentos forjaram o espaço regional.A tese verifica a hipótese de que a lógica da materialização da produção social do espaço urbano e a dos desequilíbrios dos processos de urbanização brasileiros foram fundamentalmente consolidadas nesse período histórico, a partir de definições determinadas no plano econômico e não por planos urbanísticos concebidos no sentido da organização do meio urbano. Estes, por sua vez, reproduziram modelos para apoiar a construção da imagem de uma sociedade modernizada e assumiriam papel coadjuvante nos processos de urbanização. / This thesis concerns the consolidation of the Rio de Janeiro - Sao Paulo territorial axis as main core of Brazil\'s national development, through economic planning and the direct action of the State. Focusing the period of the 1st Developmental Cycle, from 1930 to 1964, and on the option for industrialization as the path to development. As a consequence of the country\'s subordination to a peripheral condition in the international capitalistic system, though there was structural change in the production system, from agro exporter to urban industrial, there was continuity on the reproduction of inequalities, from regional to intra urban. The territorial axis structures itself on the basis of linear vectors, interweaving relationships of its urban centers articulated by a network of paths and trails that date back to the native indians\' occupation. The relationships between the Capitals cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, the cities that were founded along the Paraiba do Sul Valley\'s history and the several economic cycles that prevailed in determined moments shaped the regional space. The thesis finds support for the hypothesis that the logic of materialization of the social production of the urban space and the unbalanced Brazilian urbanization processes were fundamentally consolidated in this historical period, based on definitions determined by economic, rather than urbanistic plans, conceived in the sense of urban means arrangements. These, in turn, reproduced models to stand the construction of the image of a modernized society and assumed a supporting role in the urbanization processes.

Parque Natural do Pedroso: uma unidade de conservação em área urbana / Pedroso Municipal Natural Park: a conservation unit an urban area

Freitas, Ana Paula de 29 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma análise sobre uma unidade de conservação de proteção integral o Parque Natural Municipal do Pedroso, em Santo André dentro de um contexto urbano. A paisagem do Pedroso é fruto de uma herança de processos econômicos e sociais, que atuaram na formação do território, configurando-o como um remanescente fundiário e um fragmento de Mata Atlântica. Parte da problemática atual advém dessa herança de apropriações, de exploração dos recursos da natureza e do contato com a área urbana que avançou sobre seus limites, e que atualmente representa uma pressão antrópica sobre essa área natural, envolvendo outros municípios além de Santo André. Da necessidade de garantir a integridade de um manancial de abastecimento da cidade é que surge o parque, inicialmente como uma reserva florestal, passando por um período como parque urbano com atividades voltadas para o lazer, e no final da década de 1990, sendo elevado a categoria de unidade de conservação, dentro de um arcabouço legal que visa proteger ecossistemas naturais e oferecer maior garantia a sua conservação. O que se discute a partir daí, são as contradições que essa legislação apresenta diante de um contexto urbano como o do Pedroso, tendo sido importada de uma realidade distinta da brasileira, a partir de um ideário que privilegia a conservação da natureza e não o homem integrado a ela. O enfoque da paisagem expõe a complexidade e a pluralidade de compreensões acerca do tema. / This dissertation refers to an analysis about a Conservation Unit with environmental severe restrictions the Pedroso Municipal Natural Park , within an urban area in the city of Santo André, state of São Paulo. Pedrosos landscape is the legacy of social and economic processes that produced the territory configuration, thus consolidating it as a land property remnant and as an Atlantic Forest fragment. Part of the current problems is due to the inheritance of those processes for appropriation and exploitation of natural resources together with the sprawl of the urban areas towards its boundaries, which represents a pressure over this natural area, reaching other municipalities beyond Santo André. The Park emerges from the demand of protecting the citys watershed, firstly as a forest reserve, then as an urban park with recreation activities and finally, in the 1990s, it was raised to the category of a Conservation Unit, supported by legislation aiming the natural ecosystem preservation and offering more guarantees to its conservation. This work then reflects about the contradictions represented by this legislation when confronted with the urban context over Pedroso, having also been imported from a foreign reality, distinct from the Brazilian one, and which is based on the restricted conservation of nature, without the integration of man. This work focuses on the park as a broader concept of landscape revealing both the complexity and the diversity of approaches on the subject.

Imperialismo e produção do espaço urbano: a indústria do amianto e a construção da cidade de Minaçu-GO / Imperialism and production of urban space: asbestos industry and the construction of the city of Minaçu-GO

Barbosa, Fábio de Macedo Tristão 13 December 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa que ora se apresenta ocupou-se do debate sobre o imperialismo como modo de ser do capitalismo contemporâneo e sua relação com o espaço urbano olhado a partir da indústria do amianto e, consequentemente, perpassando por temas como trabalho, saúde dos trabalhadores expostos ao amianto e movimentos sociais que defendem o banimento deste mineral. A forma genérica/universal do imperialismo expressa-se concretamente sob formas diversas nos diferentes lugares/partes do mundo. Cada parte anuncia o mundo no lugar e compõe o mosaico de lugares que forma a totalidade social imperialista. Portanto, do ponto de vista do método de interpretação, adota-se a dialética universal-particular refletida no modo pelo qual o imperialismo efetivamente se realiza. Este procedimento analítico coloca o desafio de fazer as reflexões necessárias relacionando teorias e fatos, de modo a identificar e compreender como os processos de ordem geral realizam-se em âmbito particular. E, em contrapartida as teorias e os conceitos, enquanto instrumentos de análise, permitiram que esse particular elucidado iluminasse a generalidade dos processos estudados relativos a exploração do amianto em Minaçu-Goiás. O recorte empírico da pesquisa é a indústria do amianto no que ela tem de mais universal e a cidade de Minaçu em Goiás no que ela tem de particular. A primeira relação entre estes dois fenômenos é justamente o fato de a cidade de Minaçu-GO abrigar a terceira maior mina de amianto do mundo e única da América Latina e do Brasil em atividade. Portanto, a indústria do amianto no Brasil tem sua base nesta pequena cidade do interior do Estado de Goiás à que pouca importância é dada nos mapas. No entanto, a cidade de Minaçu está no centro dos debates sobre os malefícios causados pelo amianto à saúde humana. A pergunta que se faz é: que espaço urbano é esse instituído pela indústria do amianto que domina e controla várias dimensões do viver na cidade de Minaçu-GO? Para tentar responder a esta pergunta propõe-se a tese da urbanização autoritária. / This research starts with the analysis of the Imperialism as a stage of the todays capitalism and goes on the establish its relation with urban space and asbestos mining industry. Other topics connected to the asbestos industry are put together in this study such as: labor, worker`s health condition exposed to asbestos and social movements that defend a ban on asbestos mining and commercial activity. The generic/universal form of the Imperialism express itself concretely in many diverse way in different places/portions of the World. Every single portion reveals the World in that place and compounds the mosaic of places which forms the imperialist social totality.This analytical procedure puts the challenge of making the necessary reflexions with theories and facts in order to identify an understand how general process are translated to particular contexts. By doing so, theories and concepts as analytical tools helped that from a particular case study in light in Minaçu, a more general process regarding asbestos were better apprehended.This research empirical context is the asbestos mining industry in general and the city of Minaçu in Goias State (Brazil) a particular site. The linkage between particular and general is the fact that Minaçu town (GO) is has in its site the third largest asbestos mining ore in the World and the only in activity in Latin America and Brazil. Therefore, the mining industry in Brazil has its base in this small town in Goias countryside. This city is almost unseen in national map. Thats why, Minaçu Town is the center of many debates concerning the risks asbestos causes to human health care. The main question cast here is: what kind of urban space completely dominated by this mining industry was created in Minaçu-GO? In order to address this question this study proposes the theory of authoritarian urbanization.

香港市區區劃: 都市問題與區域化. / Xianggang shi qu qu hua: du shi wen ti yu qu yu hua.

January 1983 (has links)
丁寶蓮. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院地理學部. / (Reprint cops. 2 &3; 33 cm.) of manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 167-177). / Ding Baolian. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan di li xue bu. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 / 研究目的 --- p.1 / 區域化的意義及在都市問題上的應用 --- p.2 / 地理上的意義 --- p.3 / 都市地理上的意義 --- p.3 / 行政上的意思  --- p.4 / 小結 --- p.5 / 研究範圍 --- p.6 / 注釋 --- p.8 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文章檢讀 / 區域化的意義 --- p.9 / 地理學上區域的定義 --- p.9 / 區域的類型 --- p.12 / 區域化的原則 --- p.17 / 區域化的程序 --- p.21 / 都市問題與區域化 --- p.24 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究方法 / 資料選取 --- p.32 / 基本面積單位之選取 --- p.32 / 變數之選取 --- p.37 / 資料搜集方法及處理 --- p.40 / 資料搜集及處理程序 --- p.42 / 資料整理 --- p.43 / 統計分析 --- p.43 / 因子分析法´ؤ´ؤ開始階段 --- p.44 / 聚集分析法´ؤ´ؤ組合階段 --- p.48 / 判別分析法´ؤ´ؤ檢查階段 --- p.52 / 區界線之劃定 --- p.57 / 注釋 --- p.58 / Chapter 第四章 --- 因子分析結果 / 因子分析法的意義 --- p.59 / 因子分析法種類之選取  --- p.62 / 因子分析結果及其含意 --- p.69 / 第一個因子及其含意 --- p.69 / 第二個因子及其含意  --- p.70 / 第三個因子及其含意  --- p.71 / 第四個因子及其含意  --- p.72 / 各因子的空間形態 --- p.73 / Chapter 第五章 --- 聚集分析結果 / 運用聚集分析法之意義     --- p.86 / 具有毗鄰性限制的聚集分析   --- p.87 / 小結 --- p.99 / Chapter 第六章 --- 判別分析結果 / 使用判別分析法的目的 --- p.100 / 判別分析的結果 --- p.102 / 以一般聚集分析結果(沒有毗鄰性限制)作為輸入資料 --- p.102 / 香港島判別分析結果  --- p.105 / 九龍及新九龍的判別  --- p.117 / 分析 / 結論 --- p.129 / 香港島分區劃分情形  --- p.129 / 九龍及新九龍分區劃分情形 --- p.133 / Chapter 第七章 --- 分析及討論 / 分析空間內涵的意義及準則   --- p.137 / 總結 --- p.148 / Chapter 第八章 --- 總論 / 研究限制 --- p.151 / 研究展望 --- p.154 / 研究要點重申 --- p.160 / 詞匯 --- p.163 / 參考文獻 --- p.167

Assessment of the Effects of Urbanization on Water Quality along a New England Stream

Dudiac, Tatyana 08 September 2016 (has links)
"Abstract. Urbanization has a significant impact on water quality. Urban drainage systems and impervious surfaces accelerate the delivery of pollutants from land areas in watersheds to streams and rivers. The harmful pollutants include sodium and chloride associated with the application of road salts during the winter, metals and oils associated with vehicles and impervious surface. The goal of this project was to access impacts of urbanization on River Meadow Brook and validate a chloride assessment tool. The first phase of this research was a part of a chloride study sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). The second phase of the projects included flow and water quality monitoring. The first phase of the project involved the development of a linear regression equation to validate a chloride assessment tool that MassDEP had developed and implemented based on historical data. River Meadow Brook, a Massachusetts stream that flows from a non-urban, rural area with relatively low pollutant concentrations to highly urbanized area in Lowell, MA, was chosen for that purpose because of the area’s large concentration of roadways and highways and historically high concentrations of chloride. Water samples and continuous conductivity data were collected for a 7-month period. Using 24 grab samples analyzed at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) laboratory in Chelmsford, MA, the model was validated with 99.37% confidence using a linear regression equation. Therefore, the relationship between conductivity and chloride was validated. Calculated chloride was used to identify chloride violations of ambient water quality standards in River Meadow Brook. In addition to MassDEP study, the relationship between the percent of imperviousness and various trace metals, anions and total suspended solids was developed to show impacts of urbanization on the stream. The research approach included collection of both water samples and flows to calculate daily pollutant loads. Water monitoring included grab samples and unattended continuous conductivity with a 30-minute recording intervals. Discharge monitoring included collection of flows in River Meadow Brook using a brad- crested dam and the area- velocity technique. A wide variety of cations from a sampling of 5 sites along River Meadow Brook were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Cl, sulfate and nitrate were analyzed using the Dionex ICS-2100 Ion Chromatography System. Laboratory results of water quality parameters showed that pollutants associated with impervious surface increase as the stream flows from its headwaters to downstream. The result from the Pearson correlation analysis revealed that sodium, chloride, potassium, vanadium, nickel, copper, arsenic, TSs and pH had a positive relationship with imperviousness while DO and nitrate had negative relationship. The combination of laboratory and field analysis helped to assess the impacts of urbanization and checked against ambient water quality standards. "

Le patrimoine au service de la métropolisation. La réhabilitation des quartiers historiques en Chine à travers l'exemple du Wuhan Tiandi / Heritage for metropolisation. The rehabilitation of historic districts in China through the example of Wuhan Tiandi

Xun, Yi 13 January 2017 (has links)
Le quartier du XIXe siècle de Wuhan, situé dans l’ancienne ville de Hankou, s’est formé pendant l’ouverture commerciale de la Chine dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, au moment où les concessions étrangères ont été installées dans la ville. A l’époque, le quartier se distingue par son urbanisation moderne et son architecture résultant d’un métissage entre les influences orientales et occidentales. Il fût construit sans planification globale et a su montrer, tout au long de son histoire, une force de réception des cultures extérieures et une capacité de transformation sans pour autant perdre son identité locale traditionnelle.Cependant, au début du XXIe siècle, ce quartier historique de Wuhan est dans une situation de déclin, confronté à la métropolisation rapide de la ville. La ville se lance ainsi dans une stratégie de « mise en réseau » dans le but de redynamiser les vieux quartiers centraux. Dans cette perspective, le projet de réhabilitation «Wuhan Tiandi » voit le jour et s’articule autour d’une station de transport multimodale, implantée au coeur du quartier du XIXe siècle. L’ancien quartier est transformé en une zone touristique et commerciale moderne et son réseau de ruelles traditionnelles est intégré au réseau de transport métropolitain.La problématique de cette thèse est élaborée autour de ce projet de réhabilitation : quels sont les effets de ce projet de réhabilitation urbaine sur ce quartier patrimonial de Wuhan ? Quel est le rôle joué par ce projet dans le processus de métropolisation de cette ville chinoise de second rang ? En répondant à ces questions, la thèse montre la relation indissociable entre les projets de réhabilitation et la métropolisation de Wuhan. La thèse cherche aussi à révéler l’urbanisme pragmatique et dirigiste de la Chine : d’une part, la façon de sauvegarder le patrimoine urbain dépendant de l’intérêt du marché, de l’autre, l’effet déterminant des acteurs des projets, dont les plus importants sont l’Etat et les gouvernements locaux. / The nineteenth century district of Wuhan, located in the ancient city of Hankou, has been formed during China's trade openness in the second half of the XIXth century, when foreign concessions have been settled in the city. At the time, the district is distinguished by its modern architecture and urbanization resulting from a blending of Eastern and Western influences. Built without overall planning, it has demonstrated throughout its history a strength of reception of external cultures and a capacity for transformation without losing its traditional local identity.However, in the early twenty-first century, the historic district of Wuhan is in a declining situation, faced with the rapid metropolisation of the city. Local authorities launch a "networking" strategy in order to revitalize the old central districts. In this perspective, the rehabilitation project "Wuhan Tiandi" was born and revolves around a multimodal transportation station, located in the heart of the nineteenth century district. The old neighborhood has turned into a modern touristic and commercial area and its network of traditional streets is integrated to the metropolitan transport network.The issue of this thesis is built around this rehabilitation project : What are the effects of this urban regeneration project on the heritage district of Wuhan? What is the role of this project in the metropolisation process of this Chinese second-rank city? By answering these questions, the thesis shows the inseparable relationship between rehabilitation projects and the metropolisation of Wuhan. The thesis also seeks to reveal the pragmatic and interventionist posture of urban planning in China. Certainly, the way to safeguard the urban heritage depends on the interests of the market, but the most important actors of the projects are the State and the local governments.

Metropolização, industrialização e urbanização: o processo de configuração espacial de Esteio / RS

Berzagui, César January 2017 (has links)
De forma quase unânime ao longo do tempo, nas caracterizações a respeito de Esteio – tenham elas sido feitas por órgãos de Estado ou entes privados – foram empregadas “abordagens contextuais”, destacando a relação de um município inserido nos processos vivenciados de maneira mais intensa, ao menos nos últimos setenta anos, com a consolidação do eixo metropolitano: “vocação industrial”, “cidade do trabalho e do progresso”, “posição de destaque na região metropolitana”, “no coração da região metropolitana”, “distante 25km da Capital”. Tais análises da forma costumeiramente apresentadas, em si não se bastam, deixando em segundo plano a perspectiva centrada nas transformações internas de Esteio, ou melhor, de como a trama “intra-municipal” respondeu ao transcorrerem todos esses processos de urbanização e industrialização metropolitanos. O município apresenta independência administrativa relativamente recente (emancipa-se de São Leopoldo, em 1955) e está no “epicentro” da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, entre os dois polos econômicos historicamente mais diversificados, o que o posiciona em redes de interação e integração relevantes com circuitos econômicos mais ativos Esse posicionamento, entretanto, se dá mediante uma localização determinada e historicamente estável, principalmente se considerarmos o que é a área central do município. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo, então, tentar suprir uma lacuna no tratamento dado a Esteio; partindo de uma visão centrada no município, entender os processos de organização e configuração do espaço urbano esteiense, buscando colocar em evidência qual o papel representado pela indústria no desenrolar dos mesmos. Para tanto, propõe-se uma divisão em “Momentos”, levando em consideração os sistemas técnicos instalados, e partindo disso o desenrolar das diferentes fases (aparecimento, sucessão, manutenção) das formas e configurações no espaço esteiense. / Almost unanimously over the time, in the characterizations about Esteio - were developed by state agencies or private entities - "contextual approaches" were employed, highlighting a relation of a municipality inserted in the processes experienced in a more intense way, at least in the last 70 years, with a consolidation of the metropolitan axis: "industrial vocation", "city of work and progress", "outstanding position in the metropolitan region", "in the heart of the metropolitan region", "distant 25km from the Capital". Such analyzes of form as are usually presented are not enough, leaving behind the perspective centered on the internal transformations of Esteio, or rather, on how the "intra-municipal" arrangement responded to all those processes of urbanization and metropolitan industrialization The Municipality has relatively recent administrative independence (emancipated from São Leopoldo in 1955) and is in the "epicenter" of the Poro Alegre Metropolitan Region, between the two historically more diversified economic poles, which positions in relevant networks of interaction and integration with more active economic circuits. This positioning, however, occurs through a determined and historically stable location, especially if we consider what is the central area of the municipality. The main goal of the present work is to try to fill a gap in the treatment given to Esteio; assuming a centered vision on the municipality, to understand the processes of organization and configuration of Esteio’s urban space, trying to highlight the role played by the industry in the development of them. In order to do so, it is proposed to division in "Moments", considering the technical systems installed, and starting from this the development of the different phases (appearance, succession, maintenance) of the forms and configurations in the Esteio's space.

Urban dwelling environments : Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Fadan, Yousef Mohammed Osamah January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. M.Arch.A.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Includes bibliographical references. / M.Arch.A.S.

Strategic planning and urban development in New York City, Paris and Sao Paulo: 2001 – 2012

Lobo, Bruno January 2018 (has links)
This study examines the paradigm shift in urban planning towards a strategic spatial approach by investigating the effects of new strategic plans and policies on large-scale urban development projects (UDP’s). Specifically, it compares the impacts of new planning legislation and strategic local plans introduced in New York, Paris and Sao Paulo on three UDP’s in each city by evaluating the impacts on the development programs, implementation process and public benefits delivered from 2001 to 2012. The study provides an overview of the literature on strategic spatial planning theory and practice, comparative planning systems and large-scale urban public/ private developments to describe the overarching ‘spatial turn’ in planning and establish how different planning cultures influence plan making and what the consequences are for public/ private development, focusing on the mechanisms of flexibility provided by strategic plans to address the planning and financing requirements of UDP’s. It argues that despite of the formal differences found between systems as legal constructs, there is a need to investigate if these consequences actually occur and how they are produced. It then presents the case studies of the Special Hudson Yards District in New York City, the ‘Zone d’Amenagement Concerte Clichy-Batignolles’ in Paris and the ‘Operacao Urbana Agua Branca’ in Sao Paulo, focusing on the reform of the local statutes, planning process and implementation using quantitative and qualitative data collected through planning documents, press articles, interviews, observation of public meetings and field research. Each case study is representative of a different planning model where each project was developed after a revision of the local planning statutes and introduction of a new strategic city plan. The study finds that despite the formal differences between strategic plans, UDP’s cause planning systems to converge towards a similar intermediate model where policy determination becomes bidirectional and final development programs are determined by both strategic plans and site-specific considerations. The variations found between projects are instead determined by the broader development models present in each case which determine the implementation capacity of cities and ability to capitalize public resources to capture part of the resulting increment in land values and deliver public benefits. The study concludes with proposed implications for planning research and suggestions of policy formulations aimed at improving the ‘public return’ generated by UDP’s.

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