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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Audit webových stránek a jejich vliv na konkurenceschopnost společnosti Nestle / Website audit of Nestlé company

Šochová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse websites and Facebook profiles of chosen brands of Nestlé company and their competition. This thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with basics of methodology of evaluating websites and Facebook profiles and consists of following parts: graphics and design of websites, visibility on the internet, SEO, information, technical solutions, applicabillity, accessibility and Facebook. All these parts are essential for assessment methodology. The practical part contains the assessment itself according to created methodology. Eleven selected websites and facebook profiles are assessed here. Furthemore, all results are summerized in this part and conclusions as well as recommendatins are drawn from them. The main contribution of this diploma thesis is a comprehensive comparison of selected websites and Facebook profiles of Nestlé company and recommendations made on the basis of the comparison.

Monitoring internetu a jeho přínosy pro podnikání nástroji firmy SAS Institute / Monitoring of Internet and its benefits to business tools from SAS Institute

Moravec, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This Thesis is focused on the ways of getting information from the World Wide Web source . The Introduction pays attention to the theoretical approach towards data collection options . The main part of the Introduction is engaged in the Web Crawler program as the possibility of data collection from internet and consequently they are followed by alternative methods of data collection. E.g. Google Search API. The next part of the Thesis is dedicated to SAS products and their meanings in the context of reporting and internet monitoring. SAS Intelligence platform is presented as the crucial Company platform In the framework of the platform there could be found concrete SAS solutions. SAS Web Crawler and Semantic Server are described in SAS Content Categorization solution. Whilst the first two parts of Thesis are focused on the theory , the third and closing part pays attention to practical examples. There are illustrated examples of Internet Data collection, which are mainly realized in SAS. The practical part of Thesis follows the theoretical one and it cannot be detached.

Bezpečné nalezení zdrojů REST architektury na základě jejich sémantického popisu / Secure Semantically-Based Discovery of Resources in RESTful Architecutre

Koudelka, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This thesis looks into the problematics of secure semantically-based discovery of resources in REST-ful architecture.  The subject of this thesis is the implementation and potential extension of the mRDP for secure discovery of resources in REST-ful architecture, including the implementation of a corresponding open-source library compatible with the Android operating system.  Another topic of this thesis is the implementation of simple example applications using this library.

I wouldn't steal a car but I would download one if I could - En kvalitativ undersökning av fildelning ur ett kriminologiskt perspektiv

Totting, Jakob January 2010 (has links)
Illegal fildelning är ett världsomfattande problem som har skapat heta debatter i många länder. I Sverige är den illegala fildelningen ett vanligt förekommande fenomen. För att komma till rätta med denna verksamhet har vår egen upphovsrättslag uppdaterats och den omdiskuterade IPRED-lagen införts. Trots detta är företeelsen illegal fildelning fortfarande vanligt förekommande i dagens Sverige. Den här studien har haft som syfte attundersöka varför personer fortfarande fildelar samt vad som skulle få dem att sluta med dennaverksamhet. Resultatet av studien visar bl a att man inte upplever risken för upptäckt och straff som stor. Gratis tillgänglighet av digitalt material på nätet i kombination med dagens snabba och smidiga bredbandsuppkopplingar inbjuder också till fortsatt fildelning. Två kriminologiska teorier; Situationell handlingsteori och Rutinaktivitetsteorin framkommerur denna kvalitativa studie som förklaring till fildelarnas handlande. Utifrån fildelarna självaskulle illegal fildelning kunna fås att upphöra om det infördes fler lagliga alternativ för ”streaming” (strömning) av media eller om kostnaderna för digitalt material på Internet sänktes till en lägre och rimligare nivå. Studien visar således varför den illegala fildelningen fortfarande är vanligt förekommande samt redovisar också några alternativ till den illegala fildelningen. En handling som har gjorts straffbar och därmed en stor del av vår befolkning kriminell.

Detektering av phishing : En litteraturstudie om automatisk detektering av phishing med artificiell intelligens (AI) / Detection of phishing : A litterature study about automatic detection of phishing with artificial intelligence (AI)

Ameri, Haydar January 2020 (has links)
Det ökade antalet mejlanvändare idag har lett till en upptrappning och ytterligare problem som är relaterade till phishing. Phishing är ett stort samhällsproblem idag som drabbar både individer och organisationer. Sedan den första attacken kom 1996, verkar phishing vara ett olöst mysterium än idag. Utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) och maskininlärning (ML) har pågått länge, men i samband med introduceringen av djupinlärning (DL) 2010 så har nya innovativa lösningar tillämpats inom flera problemområden. Det här arbetet undersöker ett av dessa, nämligen automatisk detektering av phishing baserad på AI. Arbetet presenterar en överblick av AI-utveckling men också lyfter fram viktiga aspekter som är av betydelse för framtida forskning. Arbetet ger bidrag i termer av nya idéer och ny kunskap till ett nystartat projekt vid högskolan i Skövde där målet är att utveckla ett verktyg som kan varna användaren när den befinner sig i en phishing situation. Vidare har olika lösningar identifierats och presenterats med avseende på skydd åt organisationer mot phishing. Det är dock fortfarande oklart om utmaningen med phishing är löst, eftersom merparten av lösningarna inte har implementerats i verkliga miljöer. Baserat på nuvarande forskning pekar de framstegen som har gjorts inom AI att en lösning av utmaningen kan komma inom en snar framtid. / The increased number of email users today has led to an escalation and additional problems related to phishing. Phishing is a major problem for society affecting both individuals and organizations. Since the first attack came in 1996, phishing still seems to be an unsolved challenge to this day. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has been going on for a long time, but in connection with the introduction of deep learning (DL) in 2010, new innovative solutions have been applied in several problem areas. This thesis examines one of these, namely automatic detection of phishing based on AI. The thesis presents an overview of the developments in this area, but also highlights important aspects that are of importance for future research. The work contributes in terms of new ideas and knowledge to a newly started project at the University of Skövde where the goal is to develop a tool that can alert the user when in a phishing situation. In addition, various solutions have been identified and presented with regard to protection for organizations against phishing. However, it is still unclear if the challenge of phishing has been solved, since most of these solutions have not been implemented in realworld environments. Based on current research, advances made in the area of AI indicates that a solution to the challenge of phishing may come in the near future.

Prototype of a Virtual Experiment Information System for the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory

Gräbling, Nico, Sen, Özgur Ozan, Bilke, Lars, Cajuhi, Tuanny, Naumov, Dmitri, Wang, Wenqing, Ziefle, Gesa, Jaeggi, David, Maßmann, Jobst, Scheuermann, Gerik, Kolditz, Olaf, Rink, Karsten 03 November 2023 (has links)
Underground Research Laboratories (URLs) allow geoscientific in-situ experiments at large scale. At the Mont Terri URL in Switzerland, international research groups conduct numerous experiments in parallel. The measured and simulated data as well as research results obtained from them are highly relevant as they improve the general understanding of geological processes, for example in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Unfortunately, the data obtained at the test site is often only available to researchers who are directly involved in a particular experiment. Furthermore, typical visualisation techniques of such data by domain scientists often lack spatial context and accessing and exploring the data requires prior technical knowledge and a high level of effort.We created a digital replica of the Mont Terri URL and thereby implemented a prototype of a Virtual Experiment Information System that integrates highly heterogeneous data from several different sources. It allows accessing and exploring the relevant data embedded in its spatial context without much prior technical knowledge. Both, simulation results and observation data are displayed within the same system. The 4D visualisation approach focuses on three exemplary experiments conducted at Mont Terri and is easily transferable to other experiments or even other URLs. The Unity Game Engine has been used to develop the prototype. This allowed to build the application for various output devices like desktop computers or Virtual Reality hardware without much additional effort. The implemented system reduces the technical effort required to access and explore highly relevant research data and lowers the cognitive effort usually needed to gain insights from measurements, simulation models and context data. Moreover, it promotes exchange among research groups by enabling interactive visualisations embedded in the URL’s spatial context. In addition, a future use of the system for the communication of scientific methods and results to stakeholders or the general public is plausible.

Corrigendum: Prototype of a virtual experiment information system for the Mont Terri underground research laboratory

Gräbeling, Nico, Sen, Özgür Ozan, Bilke, Lars, Cajuhi, Tuanny, Naumov, Dmitri, Wang, Wenqing, Ziefle, Gesa, Jaeggi, David, Maßmann, Jobst, Scheuermann, Gerik, Kolditz, Olaf, Rink, Karsten 25 January 2024 (has links)
In the published article, there was an error concerning the FE Experiment. Incorrect information was used regarding the heaters’ power and temperature. A correction has been made to Chapter 3: Visualisation of Selected Experiments, Sub-section 3.3 “Full- Scale Emplacement Experiment”, Paragraph 1. The sentence previously stated: “They work with up to 1,500W each and emit heat up to 195°C.” The corrected sentence now states: “They work with up to 1,350W each and emit heat up to 135°C.” The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.

Tinklapių medinės struktūros radimas, išgavimas ir vizualizacija / Semi-supervised semi-interactive methods to identify, extract and visualize navigational menus from web sites

Sušinskas, Gytis 30 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe pateikti praktiniai sprendimai, leidžiantys efektyviai rasti, išgauti ir vizualizuoti tinklapių medinę struktūrą. Tam yra sukurtas vizualiai tinklapių struktūros analizei atlikti skirtas instrumentas. Darbo tikslui pasiekti atlikta mokslinio potencialo analizė, parinkti efektyvūs metodai ir papildyti, atsižvelgiant į sprendžiamą darbo mokslinę ir praktinę problemą. Praktiniame darbe panaudojant class menu artumo bei urlmetodus ir taikant Prefuse vizualizaciją sukurtas instrumentas, leidžiantis ženkliai pagerinti svetainės navigaciją, struktūrą bei patobulinti svarbiausios informacijos pateikimą lankytojui. Gauti rezultatai leidžia efektyviai analizuoti, kurti, plėtoti ir vertinti tinklapių medinės struktūros navigaciją, tinklapio elementų ryšius ir vizualizacijos procesą. / This Master‘s thesis is contemporary and relevant as more efficient and convenient control of sitemap navigation and visualization is beneficial both to the user and creator of such systems. A simpler, faster sitemap, more effective visualization and more convenient structural menu are comprehensively valuable for website users. Therefore the object of this thesis is the creation of the tool which would ensure the visual analysis of site map. This Master‘s thesis contains practical solutions how to make sitemap data extracting, filtering and rendering more effective. The goal of this thesis is to create a tool, ensuring a more efficient sitemap data extracting, filtering and visualization. Therefore to achieve such goal, author forms the following tasks: to research and detect most efficient methods of work; to create an individual method for website sitemap extracting and filtering after applying class menu and url methods and also modifying them with classification and consolidation methods at first; successfully visualize data with the use of created tool. The tool, which improves website map filtering, extracting and rendering is created in the practical part of thesis by applying methods and Prefuse instrument. Obtained results allow us to upgrade and develop website navigation process, through association and visualization information even more efficiently. This project is implemented with JAVA, Python languages. „Microsoft Office Visio 2003“ is used for representation... [to full text]


Nalagatla, Vihitha 01 March 2017 (has links)
Hospitals are the largest and most complex organizations where health care is provided. Safe and effective patient care services in hospitals depend on the efficient decisions made by hospital executives. The main task of hospital executives is to ensure the hospital can provide high quality patient care and services. “Android Mobile Application For Hospital Executives” is an Android application used for displaying hospital performance metrics on a daily basis. This application allows hospital executives to review and monitor hospital operational data with ease of access and in a portable manner. Thus, reducing the effort of the hospital executives to perform their tasks.

臉書粉絲頁超連結分析系統 / A Hyperlink Analyzer for Facebook Pages

李燕宜, Lee, Yen I Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網際網路快速發展和社群網站的盛行,社群網站已成為許多名人、明星、公司、機關團體等與一般使用者溝通的新管道,其中很常見的就是透過建立臉書(Facebook)粉絲頁的方式來發佈消息更新狀況,一般使用者可藉由臉書平台來快速獲取名人動態或產品資訊等與其他網友之評論與意見,透過網路社群經營與粉絲頁建立已成為許多名人、公司企業與團體進行行銷、發表意見與粉絲互動的重要管道。 不僅於此,當重大公共事件發生時,許多臉書粉絲頁也會成為訊息與意見傳播的重要管道,所以許多傳播研究學者紛紛投入研究粉絲頁所發佈的貼文內容與來源,其中一個重點就是粉絲頁貼文所引用的外部網站內容。本論文針對轉發超連結的貼文以及大量貼文內含的超連結作處理,透過網址擷取和網址還原技術(URL unshorten)的應用加以分析統計,以供傳播研究學者快速了解粉絲頁貼文內容分布狀況,並藉此了解在不同情境下的社交媒體策略以及與粉絲之間的互動關係。另外為優化本系統效能,對於排程分析工作中提出並導入了「排程資料處理機制」,可顯著降低重覆分析貼文的次數,以提升資料分析的效率。 / Nowadays, social networking sites have become the new media for many celebrities, groups and business to communicate in societies and worldwide. Many celebrities, groups and business post their new status through Facebook fan pages and users can get status about celebrities or product information through Facebook immediately. Creating a Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote business and build closer relationship with audiences and customers. Besides, during the outbreak a public event, many fan pages would become important sources of news and information dissemination. Thus, many Humanities and Social Sciences scholars are eager to investigate the sources and contents of posts in fan pages. In particular, many posts contain hyperlinks pointing to outside news or information sources. This thesis design and implement a fan page content analyzer, focusing on hyperlinks analysis. By parsing URLs and URL unshortening, our tool offers hyperlink analysis for scholars to get quick overview about fan page feeds and to understand how they cite news or information from various sources. In addition, our tool is equipped with an aggregated data sharing mechanism to avoid parsing redundant feeds, thus being able to improve the performance of the tool.

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