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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patient satisfaction with outpatient mental health services - the influence of organizational factors

Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon January 2008 (has links)
Pasienttilfredshet med polikliniske tilbud i det psykiske helsevernet – betydningen av organisatoriske faktorer Pasientenes opplevelse og tilfredshet med behandlingstilbudet har i økende grad blitt vektlagt ved evaluering av tjenester til mennesker med psykiske lidelser. Systematiske målinger av brukererfaringer i det psykiske helsevernet skal inngå som en av flere kvalitetsindikatorer for spesialisttjenesten. Dette skal blant annet gi brukerne beslutningsgrunnlag for å kunne velge hvor man ønsker å behandles, fagfolkene innspill til egen kvalitetsutvikling og staten nødvendig styringsinformasjon. Hensikten med avhandlingen var å undersøke i hvilken grad organisatoriske forhold har betydning for pasientenes tilfredshet med behandlingstilbudet. Resultatene i avhandlingen bygger på analyser av data fra flere større undersøkelser med spørreskjema til pasienter om deres erfaringer med det psykiske helsevernet. Samlet sett viser resultatene at misnøye eller tilfredshet med tjenestetilbudet i liten grad var avhengig av hvor behandlingen fant sted. Det vil si at pasientene var fornøyd eller misfornøyd relativt uavhengig av hvor de ble behandlet. For eksempel blant pasienter i poliklinikker for voksne kunne bare om lag to prosent av variansen i tilfredshet knyttes til hvilken behandlingsenhet som sto for behandlingen. Resultatene viste også at ulike mål på den psykiske lidelsens alvorlighet var assosiert med pasienttilfredshet, noe som vil ha betydning ved sammenlikning av behandlingsenheter med til dels ulike behandlingsoppgaver. Avhandlingen viser at aggregerte mål for pasienttilfredshet har klare begrensninger som indikator på organisatorisk kvalitet. Det er grunn til å tvile på om gjennomsnittlig tilfredshet ved for eksempel en poliklinikk er egnet som styringsinformasjon. Det synes som om metoden i liten grad er egnet til å identifisere poliklinikker med dårlig kvalitet og det er også usikkert om de poliklinikkene som metoden beskriver som dårlige, faktisk er dårlige. Kandidat: Johan Håkon Bjørngaard, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin Veiledere: Jon Magnussen, Torleif Ruud og Svein Friis Finansieringskilde: Rådet for psykisk helse og Stiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering

A Competitive Analysis of International Express Industry: A Case Study of DHL Taiwan Corporation

Wang, Wan-Jung 20 August 2007 (has links)
DHL, the international air express service provider, set up its first branch in Taiwan in 1973. UPS and FedEx, followed in the forerunner¡¦s footsteps, and joined the market as well. Together with the Chunghwa Post Corporation, these four major international express service providers have made the international express marketplace in Taiwan a very competitive environment. Until now, the competition is pretty much settled with DHL having a majority of the market share in both B2B and B2C markets. The main reason why DHL dominants the industry is due to its cooperative relationship with 7-ELEVEN, the largest convenient chain store in Taiwan. DHL customers can drop-off their shipment or packages at any 7-Eleven in Taiwan. Nevertheless, there are still underlining problems and concerns in regard to the business relationship with 7-Eleven which the company needs to pay attention to. First of all, are the 7-Eleven service personnel receiving professional training needed for DHL distribution channels? Second, is the image of 7-ELEVEN stores consistent with that of DHL? Third, is there strong connections and bonding between DHL express operations and 7-Eleven? These are some questions that are often omitted in the B2C market for the international express enterprises; and yet, these questions are the sources of the company¡¦s internal competitive advantages. This study aims to provide an in-depth interview with international express corporations in the B2C market, channel providers that cooperates with the international express corporations, and the international express customers in Kaohsiung. In terms of international express corporations, the question focuses mostly on the company¡¦s marketing strategies including marketing target, product, price, promotion and channels. In terms of channel providers, the center of attention focuses on marketing channels, cooperation strategies, receiving status, and store locations. In terms of customer impressions, the interview focuses mainly on the issues of user experiences, delivery process, package tracking systems, attitudes of service personnel, prices, service satisfactions and whether recommendations are made to other people. The research findings suggested that DHL is still the leader of the B2C marketplace in Taiwan. Those companies that are closer to their customers win the market share. As for 7-Eleven, by providing product and service diversity, the company actually becomes a concern for DHL for being ¡§unprofessional¡¨. It is found that DHL distribution channels often lose packages during the delivery process. FedEx decided on its distribution channel locations based on the channels¡¦ profit incomes. In terms of employee training for distribution channels, FedEx provides a more complete program than DHL. If a comparison is made with these express companies¡¦ advantages, the Chunghwa Post Corporation provides cheap services; DHL has the most distribution channels in Taiwan; FedEx provides the fastest international express services; and UPS has the most complete distribution channels around the world. The key factor to international express success is the degree of professionalism. The distribution channel personnel must be able to provide clear and precise answers and services in order to gain customer satisfaction or even recommendations to potential new customers. In conclusion, this paper will provide some suggestions and future study suggestions for both the researchers and international express companies. And hopefully provide some valuable information and suggestions to international express companies for their future competitive developments.

Acceptance of Biometric Systemsfor User Authentication and Identification

Dobaibi, Mymoon January 2023 (has links)
Biometric systems have become increasingly popular for user authentication andidentification across various domains, including smartphones, laptops, financial services,healthcare, and security. These systems offer enhanced security and quickaccess to data, aiming to address the challenges associated with passwords and pins.However, achieving a method that provides a 100% guarantee in all fields and for alldevices remains a challenge. To explore user perceptions on the acceptance of biometricsystems, an online survey was conducted with 99 participants from diversebackgrounds, education levels, ages, and countries. The survey focused on understandingusers’ acceptance of biometric systems based on their experiences and perspectives.Additionally, it aimed to investigate whether demographic factors, suchas age, education, and background, influence user acceptance. The study also comparedthe preferred authentication technique among users with findings from previousstudies. The survey results supported previous research, showing that fingerprinttechnology is the most recommended and preferred method for user authentication,followed by facial recognition. This study sheds light on the growing adoption ofbiometric systems to overcome password-related issues and provides valuable insightsinto user preferences for authentication and identification methods.

'The Great Meeting Place': A Study of Bradford's City Park

Barker, Anna, Manning, Nathan, Sirriyeh, Ala January 2014 (has links)
no / City Park opened in early 2012 and despite some on-going criticism, during the summer the site drew thousands of people to the heart of Bradford and was the scene of much relaxed and good natured conviviality amongst socially diverse groups. As a new and unique public space in Bradford and a focal point for the city, a number of staff from the Centre for Applied Social Research believed researching City Park to be a fruitful endeavour to help promote a dialogue with the public and other sectors about living together in Bradford.

Mobile learning using mixed reality games and a conversational, instructional and motivational paradigm : design and implementation of technical language learning mobile games for the developing world with special attention to mixed reality games for the realization of a conversational, instructional and motivational paradigm

Fotouhi-Ghazvini, Faranak January 2011 (has links)
Mobile learning has significant potential to be very influential in further and higher education. In this research a new definition for Mobile Educational Mixed Reality Games (MEMRG) is proposed based on a mobile learning environment. A questionnaire and a quantifying scale are utilised to assist the game developers in designing a MEMRG. A 'Conversational Framework' is proposed as an appropriate psycho-pedagogical approach to teaching and learning for MEMRG. This methodology is based on the theme of a 'conversation' between different actors of the learning community with the objective of building the architectural framework for MEMRG. Various elements responsible for instructing and motivating learners in educational games are utilised in an instructional-motivational model. User interface design for the games incorporates an efficient navigation system that uses contextual information, and allows the players to move seamlessly between real and virtual worlds. The implementation of MEMRG using the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) platform iii is presented. The hardware and software specification for the MEMRG implementation and deployment are also discussed. MEMRG has produced improvements in the different cognitive processes of the learner, and also produced a deeper level of learning through enculturation, externalising ideas, and socialising. Learners' enjoyment, involvement, motivation, autonomy and metacognition skills have improved. This research will assist developers and teachers to gain an insight into learning paradigms which utilise mobile game environments that are formed by mixing real and virtual spaces, and provide them with a vision for effectively incorporating these games into formal and informal classroom sessions.

Creating a service for internet connected dishwashers : A study about how new technology can improve user experience / Skapandet av en tjänst för diskmaskiner med internetuppkoppling : En studie om hur ny teknik kan förbättra användarupplevelsen

Bood, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
This essay treats a service design project and is about how new technology in dishwasher could create value for the end user. This new technology enables dishwasher for having an internet connection and making them act as computers, being that they can send and receive information. To evaluate the possible values that a connected dishwasher could contribute to users, information was collected in how users relates to their dishwashers. This was accomplished with the use of service design methodology and the use of tools such as interviews and observations. This resulted in the development of three persona named Lisa, Tomas and Daniel. Those personas were placed in different custom journeys, which contributed to a deeper understanding of what they are experiences when using a dishwasher in different context. After a completed user study, it was found that a smart dishwasher could make it easier for users but in different ways. This resulted in a prototype in form of an app which works as a medium between the dishwasher and the user. The concept has been co-created with users so that it is well grounded in user needs. The project was in collaboration with Asko Appliances AB, there Andreas Holmèn was the supervisor. Asko Appliances AB are located in Lidköping, where they are developing domestic dishwashers. This project was the degree project of the Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design engineering at Karlstad University. The supervising teacher was Monica Jakobsson and examiner of the course was Professor Leo de Vin. / Denna rapport behandlar ett tjänstedesignprojekt om hur modern teknik kan appliceras på en diskmaskin för att skapa mervärde för slutanvändaren. Den moderna tekniken innebär att diskmaskinen kopplas upp till internet och därmed agerar som en dator, med att den kan skicka och lagra information. För att ta reda på vad en sådan diskmaskin skulle kunna ge för mervärde för slutanvändare så samlades data in på hur användare förhåller sig till sin diskmaskin. Detta gjordes med tjänstedesignsmetodik med olika intervjuer och observationer som mynnade ut i tre persona, namngivna som Lisa, Tomas och Daniel. Dessa placerades i olika Customer Journeys vilket bidrog till en större förståelse för hur de upplever olika situationer kopplat till dess diskmaskin. Efter en utförd användarstudie konstateras det att en smart diskmaskin kan förenkla vardagen på lite olika sätt beroende på användare. Detta resulterade i en app som ska fungera som ett medium mellan diskmaskinen och användaren. Konceptet har utvecklats med användare för att lösningen ska kunna tillgodose deras olika behov. Projektet utfördes tillsammans med Asko Appliances AB med Andreas Holmèn som handledare. Asko Appliances AB är beläget i Lidköping, där dom bland annat utvecklar diskmaskiner för hushållsbruk. Arbetet har gjorts i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i Innovationsteknik och design på Karlstad universitet. Projektets handledare har varit Monica Jakobsson och Leo de Vin har varit examinator.

NUMERICAL NARRATIVE GAME MECHANICS : Theories and Concepts for conveying narratives via numerical mechanics in games

Yan, Yifei January 2022 (has links)
In the fields of game design and interactive storytelling, it is of value to consider game mechanics, narrative design, and how they connect and influence each other. Dubbelman’s Narrative game mechanics theory (2016) started an argumentation that certain game mechanics can serve greater narrative power. This research sees a lack of practical considerations and game development guidelines from Dubbelman’s work and tries to conduct a theoretical framework on useful narrative and game design theories and practical considerations focusing on a subset of game mechanics, numerical narrative game mechanics. The framework covered an in-depth explanation of the process from mechanics to narratives, the role of the player during the narration process and related practices one can utilize, an analytical perspective of numerical elements and numerical mechanics, and ways to improve narratability and representation of contexts. Three case studies of existing games are also conducted to present the use of the framework and improve its applicability.

Mobile Learning using Mixed Reality Games and a Conversational, Instructional and Motivational Paradigm. Design and implementation of technical language learning mobile games for the developing world with special attention to mixed reality games for the realization of a conversational, instructional and motivational paradigm.

Fotouhi-Ghazvini, Faranak January 2011 (has links)
Mobile learning has significant potential to be very influential in further and higher education. In this research a new definition for Mobile Educational Mixed Reality Games (MEMRG) is proposed based on a mobile learning environment. A questionnaire and a quantifying scale are utilised to assist the game developers in designing a MEMRG. A ¿Conversational Framework¿ is proposed as an appropriate psycho-pedagogical approach to teaching and learning for MEMRG. This methodology is based on the theme of a ¿conversation¿ between different actors of the learning community with the objective of building the architectural framework for MEMRG. Various elements responsible for instructing and motivating learners in educational games are utilised in an instructional-motivational model. User interface design for the games incorporates an efficient navigation system that uses contextual information, and allows the players to move seamlessly between real and virtual worlds. The implementation of MEMRG using the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) platform iii is presented. The hardware and software specification for the MEMRG implementation and deployment are also discussed. MEMRG has produced improvements in the different cognitive processes of the learner, and also produced a deeper level of learning through enculturation, externalising ideas, and socialising. Learners¿ enjoyment, involvement, motivation, autonomy and metacognition skills have improved. This research will assist developers and teachers to gain an insight into learning paradigms which utilise mobile game environments that are formed by mixing real and virtual spaces, and provide them with a vision for effectively incorporating these games into formal and informal classroom sessions.

Sustainable architectural design between inscription and de-scription : the case of Masdar City

Sharif, Ahlam Ammar Abdellatif January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to deconstruct the traditional dualities between design and use and blend the boundaries between them. It characterises design as a process that is complex, dynamic, and integral to other processes, such as use. The thesis utilises Latour's concept of the collective. Although this concept has been applied to architectural contexts in previous studies, this thesis expands the collective to include actors of use. The thesis elaborates on the inscription and description of technologies inspired by Akrich (1992). It shows how the collective is shaped and reshaped through such processes. Building parallels with previous studies, it analyses the importance of fluidity and fluid actors in de-scribing technologies and reshaping the collectives. The thesis utilises the case of Masdar City, which has been designed in the UK by the architectural and urban planning firm Foster + Partners and implemented in the Middle East, specifically in the United Arab Emirates. The thesis focuses on its first developed stage represented by Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MIST). Based on a qualitative and inductive approach, the conducted research utilises interviews and site observations with the designers, users, and other main contributors. Through this approach, the thesis reflects on the concept of sustainability that is itself contested, changeable, and vague. The thesis concludes that sustainable design processes should be seen as continuous loops between design and use. In acknowledging this, it is further suggested that concepts such as the living laboratory, which support the adaptation of designs and learning from use, are adopted at the outset in architectural production.

Evaluating User Experiences of Mockup Data created through Regex

Helgesson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of having a library function capable of creating SQL inserts. The values for the inserts were created through regex. The study is conducted through a user study where the test participants tested three methods to create inserts for SQL, including the library function. The results show that the test participants performed on average the worst in terms of time while using the library function. When analysing the results manual insertion was preferred for a few inserts and the web-client was the preferred method for many inserts. This study indicated that the library function does not simplify the creation of SQL inserts under the circumstances of this study.

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