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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kabelinės televizijos interneto abonentų valdymo ir stebėjimo sistemos kūrimas / Making of Cable TV internet subscribers managing and monitoring system

Ramoška, Mindaugas 31 May 2004 (has links)
This work is about creation of system which allows for cable TV to manage and monitor their internet subscribers and equipment (modems, servers, routers) over database. Created system allows add remove and manage subscribers over internet browser interface. Operator can monitor each subscribers downloaded and uploaded data amount. This system automatically updates routers and servers configurations as subscriber is being added removed or edited. This system also monitors servers and routers state: traffic, packets transmitted, CPU use, system load, RAM use and disk use. Main router periodically updates database with information about each subscribers downloaded and uploaded data amount, and if subscriber has reached its data limit database server responds to this information by sending new configuration to main router for this subscriber. This system allowed company install cheaper services with restricted data amounts for subscribers and subscribers number increased about twice over a year.

Įmonės reklamos internetinės svetainės turinio valdymo sistema / Company's promotion internet site content management system

Rabačius, Virginijus 28 May 2005 (has links)
Objective of this work is to create a system which could allow creating internet sites with its content management possibility. Invoking this system, the creation of internet site consists of two main stages. The first stage. When the design of the site is known, there are formed the templates of pages of the site. The properties of the templates are formed too: height, width, position and etc. On this stage, the objects which will be edited on the templates are placed: text paragraphs, pictures, menu elements and etc. The second stage. There are assigned appropriate properties to the object which are placed on the templates: text type, style, height, color, picture height, width and etc. There are described tools in this work, which are used in the site creation process: 1) site content management system creating system; 2) the content management system created by the first tool. There are discussed few content management systems in this work. As i decided, that striving for the versatility of creation of the sites, it would be worth to create the system, which could to create dynamic site content management systems itself by using templates. The program is created using PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS programming technologies. PHP technology was used because it woks independently on the platform it is working in. Also this system integrates internet site with MySQL database. So the system was created and it proved that such a way of creating sites and its content management... [to full text]

Universali dokumentų valdymo sistema mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms / Universal Document Management System for a Small and Middle Companies

Barauskas, Vaidas 12 January 2006 (has links)
The global network is changing the way every business works. In particular, new networked applications will affect the way in which organizations work with documents. Document management solutions help organizations run smarter and maximize business performance. This document management software was created to help people control and organize all of their work-related documents regardless of whether they exist as an email, a paper copy, a word processing document, an image, or a spreadsheet.

Turinio valdymo sistemos akademinės veiklos pavyzdžiu tyrimas / Analysis of Content management system by example of academic department activity

Abromavičius, Martynas 15 January 2006 (has links)
Most web portals face three fundamental problems regarding content and design: 1) The sharing of responsibilities between programmers, designers and editors, 2) the mixture of content and design and the 3) problem of finding the most logical and user-friendly structure. Programmers and designers, who play a vital role during design and implementation, are usually not very interested in and may not possess the information needed for day to day maintenance of the web pages. On the other hand, staff responsible for contents is not necessarily knowledgeable in web design. This problem can be solved by letting those responsible for contents issue orders or wishes to the programmers but this process may lack both speed and accuracy. Web page used to publish academic department activity is not different from other web pages and the problems with web design and maintenance will lead to many web pages being left inaccurate or not properly updated. My task is to design and develop content management system which fulfills all academic department activity needs.

Verslo valdymo sistema Microsoft Access 2003 terpėje / Business management system in Microsoft Office Access 2003

Kotok, Alicija 23 June 2005 (has links)
In this master work has been passed in review theory material of database and database management system. In addition, has been analysed the main parts of information system of business companies. Microsoft Office Access 2003 is the database management program that gives an improved user experience and an expanded ability to import, export, and work with XML data files. Working in Access 2003 is easier because common errors are identified and flagged for you with options to correct them. Additionally, a new feature to Access 2003 also helps database developers view information on dependencies between database objects. Therefore, Microsoft Office Access 2003 was used to created database management system of company, which sells products of food. In addition, has been explored how influence relations between tables, number of records, number of fields and length of text fields on the rate. Business management system is the main part of comapany information system. Microsoft Office Access 2003 could use small companies, which have no more than 20 computers. This program has some advantages, because it isn‘t cost a lot and everyone could install it without any problem. Examinations show that relations between tables and length of text fields don‘t influnce on the rate. But the rate depends on the number of records and the number of fields.

Vertimų projektų valdymo sistema / Management system of translation projects

Albrektas, Tomas 12 January 2007 (has links)
SUMMARY This Master thesis presents a study of Management system of translation projects. Aim of this study is to alleviate the daily tasks of translation projects save time, resources to meet the pre-defined objectives. This paper outlines requirements set for software which could be capable to support business processes of a company operating in a translation activity. The software is specially designed for translation project management namely to schedule and assign project tasks, to operate recourses generate project reports. This thesis covers also systems architecture as well as systems programming and testing results. Thesis presents also report of Translation Projects Management System quality evaluation. Inquest of end users presents that system matches client accessional requirements and can be used on daily project management practice.

Elektroninės komercijos sistemos kūrimas remiantis ekonominės vertės didinimo metodika / The establishment of electronic commerce system with reference to methodology of economic value enlargement

Žibutis, Žygimantas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiuo metu elektroninis verslas yra sparčiai besivystanti verslo šaka su dideliu potencialu ateityje. Elektroninis verslas naudingas kompanijai, nes suteikia galimybę sukurti platų produktų ir paslaugų spektrą, pasiūlyti konkurencingas kainas, efektyvų ir patogų aptarnavimą, tinkamą tiekimo sistemą, ekonomiškai vartoti išteklius, sumažina išlaidas, o visa tai leidžia kompanijai plėtoti informacijos bazę ir toliau sėkmingai eksploatuoti šį verslą. Daugelis kompanijų Lietuvoje tik dar pradeda diegti elektroninį verslą. Elektroninio verslo perspektyvos Lietuvoje yra milžiniškos, bet informacijos ir iniciatyvos trūkumas stabdo ateities verslo plėtrą. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas buvo įsigilinus į elektroninio verslo teorinius aspektus, ištirti elektroninio verslo vystymosi galimybes ir sukurti elektroninės komercijos portalo valdymo sistemą. Pirmoje ir antroje darbo dalyje yra pateikiama literatūros analizė, t.y. nagrinėjamas vertės kūrimas elektroniniame versle, analizuojamos sėkmingo elektroninio verslo priežastys bei pateikiami elektroninio verslo strategijos kūrimo būdai. Taip pat analizuojama turinio valdymo sistemos samprata bei galimybės. Trečiame darbo skyriuje analizuojama ekonominės vertės didinimo elektroniniame versle metodika. Ketvirtame darbo skyriuje pereita prie UAB „Knygynas“ pristatymo, pateikiami elektroninio verslo vystymo galimybių šioje bendrovėje tyrimo rezultatai bei rekomendacijos, kaip gerinti elektroninio verslo procesus Penktoje darbo dalyje aprašomi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Electronic business is apace progressing business nowadays and it will quickly progress in the future. Electronic business is useful to company, because of giving an opportunity to make wide selection of goods and services, competitive prices, effective and comfortable service of customers, supply system, economize the resources, reduce the expenditures, what allows company to develop the information system and to extend performance. Many companies in Lithuania are just beginning to inculcate electronic business. The perspectives of electronic business in Lithuania are huge, but the lack of knowledge and initiative are blocking the development of latter business. The main task of this work is to analyse the theoretical side of electronic business and later, using this analysis, to evaluate the possibilities of developing electronic business and create the management system of e-commerce. In the first and second part of this work is analysed theoretical literature: analysis is concentrating on revealing the development of electronic business. It is reached by analysing value creation in electronic business, sifting sources of successful electronic business and showing the technique of creating an effective electronic business strategy. Also there is analysed literature about Content Management System. In the third part is analysed methodology of values creation in electronic business In the fourth part of this work JSC „Knygynas“ is introduced. After introduction the results... [to full text]

Įmonių administravimo ir dokumentų valdymo sistemos internete / Document management and enterprise administration system on the Internet

Jankūnas, Laimonas 28 May 2004 (has links)
This article examines the Internet software design technology using Lotus Notes. Current method is based on architecture decomposition in to separate program logics, data, user interface and graphics layers. The practical value of these methods is revealed – increased performance and product support simplicity.

Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių daugiafunkcinė valdymo sistema (APS) / Multifunction mobile parking system management

Pliaukšta, Erikas 23 May 2005 (has links)
The mobile parking system is designed in this project. This system have to make the mobile parking payment easier, to save drivers dear time and money, to reduce traffics and pollution in the centre of the city. Implementing our mobile parking system we will avoid all these problems. Our clients will be all users who has cars and terminal ware (personal computer with connection to the internet, mobile phone which has WAP or GPRS function, laptop). Payment will be very simple, if the place is reserved for you, from that moment the money is begin to count from your account. If it is possible, you will received full information how to drive to your reserved place.

Elektroninių aukcionų kūrimas / Development of e-auctions

Zelenkauskas, Artūras 09 July 2011 (has links)
. Informacinės technologijos, tokios kaip Internetas ir elektroninė komercija, radikaliai pakeitė būdus, kaip keistis informacija ar vykdyti įvairius atsiskaitymus. Sparčiai besivystančios informacinės technologijos neaplenkė ir verslo, kuriam suteikė naujų galimybių didinant konkurencingumą. Per pastaruosius keletą metų ypač išpopuliarėjo elektroninės komercijos šaka – elektroniniai aukcionai, kuri dar labiau paskatino verslą keltis į elektroninę erdvę. Aukciono valdymas yra sudėtingas. Vienas iš svarbiausių konkurencingumo veiksnių yra kaina, kuriai nustatyti įmonė taiko įvairias kainodaros taisykles. Aukcionas tai dinaminės kainodaros būdas, kuris leidžia įmonei ir klientui rasti pačią tinkamiausią sandorio kainą. Tinkamai valdydamos ir kaupdamos verslo taisykles, įmonės galėtų gauti didesnį pelną, greičiau parduoti turimas prekes. Elektroniniai aukcionai, paremti turinio valdymo principu ir norimų taisyklių sudarymu galėtų prisidėti prie verslo efektyvumo didinimo, t.y. kokiu būdu įmonės galėtų integruoti elektroninio aukciono metodą į savo informacines sistemas. Atlikta įvairių aukciono metodų teorinių veikimo principų analizė, kuri leido apibendrinti visus metodus, išskiriant ir palyginant pagrindines jų taisykles. Darbe atlikta sukurtų elektroninių aukcionų informacinių sistemų analizė ir jų kūrimo principai, kurie leido apibendrinti pagrindines naudojamas taisykles. Atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas, kurio metu koreliacinės analizės metodu buvo rasti ryšiai tarp... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Modern business is increasingly looking for more effective marketing techniques, not only in domestic but also international markets. Over the past few years, online auctions became very popular, which encouraged the business move to Internet. Online auctions based on content management principles and rules could help to increase business efficiency. The operating principles of online auctions are reviewed and analyzed in this graduation paper. Online auction systems diversity is analyzed in analytical part of the work. Four different auction systems were analyzed and their main development principles (rules) were summarized. Considering to analysis part online auction model that can help companies increase sales and profits through the auction approach was designed. Experimental study has been made to verify the functionality of the proposed model. Data – jewelry – listings were collected from the world's largest online auction eBay. Quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed; the results are shown in graphs and tables. The final result was derived under the rules of price categories to choose the basic parameters of an auction: the starting price, auction duration and reliability. New benefit option was introduced, which enabled to compare and evaluate the obtained rules. Different methods were used to generate and evaluate auction rules. One of them is self organizing map (SOM). Its aid was used to classify the data. The statistical analysis method was used to evaluate... [to full text]

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