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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Commentary: Is cost transparency necessarily good for consumers?

Kuah, A.T.H., Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P. January 2015 (has links)
No / The purpose of this paper is to present a critical viewpoint on the negative aspects of market, price and cost transparencies to consumers in terms of its costs. It adopts an inter-disciplinary approach from the marketing, economics and accounting literature. The paper explores market transparency in the ever-changing world and uses brand names like Starbucks and iPhone to illuminate instances where imperfect markets are supported by consumers. Recognizing the role that the Internet plays in promoting price transparency, it espouses how extant information can add costs and risks to the consumer’s value judgement. Finally, the paper advocates that arbitrary judgements existing in cost accounting make it difficult to compare unit cost. This could result in consumers paying extra money to benefit from cost transparency. This paper argues that three main issues may arise in providing unit cost to the consumers. First, transparency entails built-in costs, whether they are in taxes or product prices. Second, in accounting, unit cost information is currently not equitable between businesses. Finally, the paper argues that extra time and effort in making sense of unit cost information lead to questions about the viability of transparent costing. The arguments for transparency have been widely discussed, supported and promoted by many. While negative aspects are known to businesses, few consider the consumer’s perspective. By amalgamating evidence and arguments from different disciplines, this paper lends value, providing a critical perspective where transparent unit cost revelation can be more costly and less viable than what is assumed.

The research of diversification strategy development ¡V based on Taiwan¡¦s motorcycle production

Yu, Wen-Ching 25 June 2003 (has links)
Abstract Because of the motorbike market¡¦s atrophy in Taiwan from 1997,domestic motorbike companies must face it and change their strategies. This is a kind of unavoidable trend. Some of them developed new oversea markets, such as Europe, America, Japan etc. Some of them choose another different way, such as diversification. When these companies devote themselves to some kind of new domains, there are some serious questions which need to think about, such as ¡§What is the new model of development? ¡¨, ¡§What kind of business should we devote to? ¡¨,¡§Should we devote to related business or unrelated business? ¡¨, ¡§What is the related strategies? ¡¨, etc. This research will focus on the processes of strategy development. In other words, we will concern some agendas. Just as: ¡§Which business should we choose when our company devote ourselves to related business? ¡¨, ¡§Why do you determine it? ¡¨, ¡§How do you develop its strategy? ¡¨, etc. The research also strongly suggests that a series of effective strategies almost are based on the core competitiveness of enterprise. Because of the difference among different businesses, companies also have to develop its own unique strategies. This thesis will get a motorbike company, ¡§KYMCO ¡¨motor company, as a research target. We will explore further these questions.


黃崇岳, Huang, Chung-Yaeh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過一個全新的產業矩陣架構,細膩翔實地檢視造成好萊塢電影產業現有形態的產業特性,讓相關產業決策者能夠看到好萊塢電影產業每個環節的意義,繼而思索未來發展的種種可能性,也希望這個研究能給國片市場的經營管理帶來一些參考價值。 分析研究的結果主要如下: 一、好萊塢電影產業成功的關鍵之一,在於其產出部份所面對的不僅是夠大的國內市場,還有可以為其帶來更多淨利的全球市場。 二、好萊塢電影產業在一開始就將電影設定為一種商業性產品,因此幾乎所有的投入價值單元(成本、演員、導演、科技、特效或獲獎消息等),一直到產出面的產品(戲院電影、電視電影、有線電視電影、錄影帶、授權商品)進入各種通路,和授權商品廠商間的異業結盟等,皆和「行銷」有所關聯。 三、各種環境前提,包括了美國文化意涵在全球透過各種不同媒介的高度湛入,和美國在國際政治、經濟、學術、商業地位上的重要角色,也助勢好萊塢電影產業的蓬勃發展。 四、反觀台灣電影產業,既然本身在有限的市場下無法形成像好萊塢電影產業這樣的規模,就應該用一個宏觀的角度去找出自身在全球電影產業中的位置,尋找自己可以扮演的角色;既然無法掌握所有的投入價值單元,就應該就本身的優勢,挑選有競爭力的投入價值單元,全心投入,成為全球電影產業價值鏈中能夠出色的一部份。

Proposta de modelo de formação de preços em indústrias de bens de capital sob encomenda. / Proposal model of pricing for capital goods in engineer-to-order production.

Cruz, Jessé Bortoli 26 February 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um modelo de custeio para apoiar decisão de formação de preços em indústrias de produção sob encomenda. Trata-se de um modelo híbrido que se vale de diferentes métodos de custeio, os quais são, por sua vez, utilizados complementarmente uns aos outros de forma a indicar adequadamente os custos e despesas ocorridos em sistemas de produção sob encomenda para uso no auxílio à formação de preços, tais como, custos de matérias primas, de transformação e despesas fixas indiretas. O modelo se vale dos seguintes métodos: custeio-padrão, custeio por unidade de esforços da produção UEP e custeio baseado em atividades e tempo - TDABC. O modelo proposto foi aplicado em uma indústria de projeto e produção sob encomenda para o setor elétrico permitindo um estudo comparativo acerca da decisão de preços em relação ao modelo atualmente utilizado e o novo modelo proposto. Na comparação realizada, para um produto selecionado, observou-se que ao se utilizar o novo modelo o preço baseado em custos deveria ser 15.5% inferior àquele que se definiria a partir do modelo atualmente aplicado pela indústria, mostrando ter o modelo proposto um tratamento mais coerente em relação aos custos de transformação e despesas da estrutura de apoio se comparado ao modelo atual, refletindo diretamente na competitividade da indústria na medida em que um preço além daquele fixado pela concorrência para uma produção sob encomenda pode afugentar a colocação do pedido pelo potencial cliente. / This research presents a cost model to support the pricing decision in make-to-order industries. The developed hybrid model uses different costing methods, which are, in turn, used in addition to each other presenting indicate adequately the costs and expenditures that occurred in make-to-order systems of production for support pricing decision, such as costs of raw materials, processing and indirect fixed costs. The model takes advantages of the following methods: standard costing, cost per added value unit - AVU and time-driven activity-based costing - TDABC. The proposed model was applied to a make-to-order Company, in this way, allowing a comparative study for the decision of prices between the new model and the current one. In a comparison, considering a selected product, It was observed that, using the new model, the price based on costs would be 15.5% lower than that which was settled using the model currently applied by the company, It shows that the proposed model may treat the processing costs and structures expenditures more consistent when compared to the current model, in this way reflecting the company\'s competitiveness as the price beyond that settled by the competitors for a make-to-order production can stave off placing an order from a potential customer.

Proposta de modelo de formação de preços em indústrias de bens de capital sob encomenda. / Proposal model of pricing for capital goods in engineer-to-order production.

Jessé Bortoli Cruz 26 February 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um modelo de custeio para apoiar decisão de formação de preços em indústrias de produção sob encomenda. Trata-se de um modelo híbrido que se vale de diferentes métodos de custeio, os quais são, por sua vez, utilizados complementarmente uns aos outros de forma a indicar adequadamente os custos e despesas ocorridos em sistemas de produção sob encomenda para uso no auxílio à formação de preços, tais como, custos de matérias primas, de transformação e despesas fixas indiretas. O modelo se vale dos seguintes métodos: custeio-padrão, custeio por unidade de esforços da produção UEP e custeio baseado em atividades e tempo - TDABC. O modelo proposto foi aplicado em uma indústria de projeto e produção sob encomenda para o setor elétrico permitindo um estudo comparativo acerca da decisão de preços em relação ao modelo atualmente utilizado e o novo modelo proposto. Na comparação realizada, para um produto selecionado, observou-se que ao se utilizar o novo modelo o preço baseado em custos deveria ser 15.5% inferior àquele que se definiria a partir do modelo atualmente aplicado pela indústria, mostrando ter o modelo proposto um tratamento mais coerente em relação aos custos de transformação e despesas da estrutura de apoio se comparado ao modelo atual, refletindo diretamente na competitividade da indústria na medida em que um preço além daquele fixado pela concorrência para uma produção sob encomenda pode afugentar a colocação do pedido pelo potencial cliente. / This research presents a cost model to support the pricing decision in make-to-order industries. The developed hybrid model uses different costing methods, which are, in turn, used in addition to each other presenting indicate adequately the costs and expenditures that occurred in make-to-order systems of production for support pricing decision, such as costs of raw materials, processing and indirect fixed costs. The model takes advantages of the following methods: standard costing, cost per added value unit - AVU and time-driven activity-based costing - TDABC. The proposed model was applied to a make-to-order Company, in this way, allowing a comparative study for the decision of prices between the new model and the current one. In a comparison, considering a selected product, It was observed that, using the new model, the price based on costs would be 15.5% lower than that which was settled using the model currently applied by the company, It shows that the proposed model may treat the processing costs and structures expenditures more consistent when compared to the current model, in this way reflecting the company\'s competitiveness as the price beyond that settled by the competitors for a make-to-order production can stave off placing an order from a potential customer.

價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry

黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理理論「策略形態分析」法與「策略矩陣分析」法為基礎,發展出新的分析架構–「價值單元展開分析」法,並與策略矩陣整合成為策略系統模型。藉由個案研究,驗證此策略系統模型如何使管理者能更精確地衡量未來策略規劃之選擇,最佳化公司未來競爭策略方向。 筆者以個案探討新創科技公司在持續變動與競爭之產業中,競爭策略分析與規劃之方法。以3D感測產業作為分析與研究之個案產業,並以其中一新創科技公司–L科技公司作為個案探討之對象,提出一以新創科技公司為出發點,在衡量現有與發展未來競爭策略時,可供利用與權衡的分析方法。 「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies. Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.

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