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Vybrané aspekty investičného životného poistenia / Selected aspects of variable life insuranceKrajčovič, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis of unit linked insurance in the insurance market of Czech Republic. United linked insurance is presented as a successful combination of risks coverage and savings unit. We are talking about mixed insurance in case of death or survival exact age with single or normal insurance premium, where the size of indemnity depends on yields from investments. It is very complicated insurance product with many benefits and disadvantages. The thesis is divided into more chapters. The first chapter is devoted to determination of the concept and classification of unit linked insurance. In the second one I describe the situation and development trends in the field of unit linked insurance in Czech insurance market. Further chapters involve specific aspects and problems of the product, actual situation in regard of financial crisis and anticipated future development.
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變額壽險與變額年金對消費者退休規劃之優劣比較李豪, Lee,Hao Unknown Date (has links)
由於投資型保險商品具備保戶可自行執行帳戶價值投資策略之特性,對消費者而言帳戶價值相對於傳統壽險有更大的想像空間,年金型商品由初期著重於銀行定存利率連結概念之利率變動型年金發展至變額年金,兩類商品不約而同的取代了傳統壽險及儲蓄險,對於壽險公司長期經營而言也具有消弭了利差損的風險之營運價值,使得短短的6年之間(2000年-2006年) 傳統壽險,意外險,醫療險之首年度保費佔有率逐年降至40%(中華民國人壽保險公會保費速報 2006.07)。
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含解約權之附保證變額壽險評價分析林威廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對躉繳保費的附保證變額壽險進行評價,保單形式為生死合險,假設投保人可將期初的投資金額連結到兩種投資標的:股價指數及債券型基金,並以BGM模型描述利率的動態過程,然後分別計算不含解約權及含解約權的附保證變額壽險躉繳保費,進而求算出隱含在保單中的保證價值和解約權價值。針對含解約權的附保證變額壽險,以Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)提出的最小平方蒙地卡羅法處理解約的問題。最後,我們求算不同年齡下的男性保費,並且在投資比例、起始最低保證、最低保證給付成長率、針對解約的保證給付成長率和第一個允許的解約時點變動下,分別討論對於保證價值和解約權價值的影響。
關鍵字:附保證變額壽險、BGM利率模型、解約選擇權、最小平方蒙地卡羅法 / This study emphasizes on the pricing of variable life insurance with minimum guarantees. As an endowment policy in a single premium form, in this paper, it is assumed that the insured can distribute the initial investment amount into two underlying assets: the stock index fund and bond fund. Simulating the interest rate under a BGM model, computational procedures are performed for the single premium of the variable life insurance policy without surrender option and embedding a surrender option, and further, the guarantee value and surrender value embedded in the insurance policy. For the variable life insurance policy embedding a surrender option, the Least Square Monte-Carlo method proposed by Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) is applied to solve the surrender conditions. Finally, we calculate the premium for a male at different ages, and respectively analyze the variations of the guarantee value and surrender value under the influence of the investment portfolio, the initial minimum guaranteed amount, the growth rate of the minimum guarantee, the growth rate of the minimum guarantee for surrender and the first permitted surrender time.
The results show that: (1) when the initial minimum guaranteed amount equals the initial investment amount, higher proportion invested in stock will result in larger percentage of the guarantee value and surrender value to total premium. Take a 30-year old male as an example: the percentage of guarantee value to the premium of variable life insurance with minimum guarantee and without a surrender option, which is 0.03% when the initial investment amount thoroughly goes to bond fund, rises up to 13.86% with the entire amount invested in stock index fund. Likewise, the percentage of surrender value to the premium of variable life insurance with minimum guarantee and surrender option is 0.05% with total amount invested in bond fund, while it is 9.12% with the entire amount invested in stock index fund. (2) The higher proportion invested in stock, the initial minimum guaranteed amount and the growth rate of minimum guaranteed amount, the larger guarantee value. (3) Larger initial minimum guaranteed amount and the growth rate of the minimum guaranteed amount for surrender would contribute to a higher surrender value. The higher growth rate of the minimum guaranteed amount and the first permitted surrender time, the lower surrender value. (4) The influence of the investment portfolio to surrender value depends on the initial minimum guaranteed amount.
Key words: Variable life insurance with minimum guaranteed amount, BGM interest rate model, surrender option, least squares Monte Carlo approach.
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論投資型保險之監理 / Study on Regulation of Investment Linked Insurance陳雅正 Unknown Date (has links)
為保險業跨業經營預先佈局、增加保單持有人之投資選擇權及因應市場利率之低糜,我國擬於近日推出投資型保險,然而投資型保險基於其特有之性質,其監理自應與一般傳統型保險有所不同。本文先就投資型保險作一定義,並論述其性質及特色,次敘述其歷史發展沿革,再予以介紹其主要之種類。而關於投資型保險監理部分,一般來說,保險監理可分為財務監理及業務監理二部分,本文即依循此二面向分別作一探討。就財務監理部分而言,分就分離帳戶之規範、資金運用規範、責任準備金提存之規範、解約金之規範及稅賦規範五個議題作分析探討,再行提出建議。另一方面,就業務監理部分而言,則分就經營資格規範、資訊揭露規範、商品規範及銷售規範四個議題作分析探討,再行提出建議;最後總結全文以提出結論並針對我國投資型保險之監理提出建議。 / For facilitating of cross-business operation of the insurance industry, increasing policyholders’ choices in financial services, and shifting attach of interest risk, investment linked insurance products will introduced into the Taiwan insurance market soon. Based on it’s special features, the regulation of investment linked insurance should be different from the regulation of traditional life insurance. This paper defines the scope of investment linked insurance and discourses it’s nature and special features in the first place, and then describes it’s historical evolution and main types. In terms of insurance regulation, it is generally divided into two broad categories: i.e. financial regulation and market conduct regulation. This paper studies on the issues of regulation of investment linked insurance in such an approach. With regard to financial regulation of investment linked insurance, five aspects of regulation of investment linked insurance are examined: separate accounts, investments, liability reserves, surrender cash value and tax. With regard to market conduct regulation, this paper includes four aspects: operational qualification, information discourse, products and marketing. Finally the author submits his conclusion and recommendations to the regulatory authority to enhance the framework of regulation of investment linked insurance in Taiwan.
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