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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillämpar de svenska allmännyttiga bostads-bolagen CSR-redovisning? : En innehållsanalys av de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagens årsredovisningar

Lunell, Sandra, Långström, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie har vi granskat om det utifrån de svenska allmännyttiga bostadsbolagens Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-redovisning går att utläsa ett samband mellan antingen Voluntary Disclosure Theory (VDT) eller intressent- och legitimitetsteorin. VDT utgår ifrån att företag som har ett gediget miljöarbete väljer att redovisa mer CSR-faktorer medan legitimitetsteorin ser det som att företag med ett dåligt rykte väljer att redovisa CSR-faktorer för att förbättra sin legitimitet. Intressentteorin utgår ifrån att finansiellt starka intressenter kan ha en större påverkan på företagens CSR-arbete än de finansiellt svaga intressenterna. Vi valde att granska svenska allmännyttiga bostadsbolag som gick under den juridiska formen aktiebolag för att avgränsa studien. Den allmännyttiga bostadssektorn i Sverige unik eftersom det i stor utsträckning är kommunerna som äger hyresbostäderna men det är allmännyttans bostadsbolag som förvaltar dem. Deras uppdrag har varit att skapa stabilitet på hyresmarknaden och erbjuda boende till hushåll med olika ekonomiska och sociala förutsättningar.Vi har valt att endast granska företagens årsredovisning då det är ett dokument som många intressenter har tillgång till och läser, samt att det är krav på företagen att upprätta en årsredovisning enligt svensk lag. Denna granskning har genomförts med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Innehållsanalysen baseras på två ramverk utformade av Clarkson et al. (2008) samt Sutantoputra (2009). Dessa ramverk är i sin tur baserade på GRI:s riktlinjer. GRI står för Global Reporting Initiative och är idag det ramverk som används i störst utsträckning för frivillig CSR-redovisning.I denna studie utgår vi från ett paradigm som består av en positivistisk kunskapssyn, en objektivistisk verklighetssyn, ett deduktivt angreppssätt och en mixad metod som val av datainsamlingsteknik. Valet att genomföra en mixad metod studie baseras på att en innehållsanalys i regel innefattar både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder eftersom det är upp till oss som författare att göra en bedömning av vad som skall kodas. Vidare utgår studien från ett samhälleligt perspektiv där vi fokuserar på intressenter. Den intressentgrupp som vi lägger mest fokus vid är staten och myndigheter. I studien fann vi likt Clarkson et al. (2008) att de flesta företag verkar redovisa CSR-faktorer på grund av att de har ett faktiskt CSR-arbete. Detta samband anser vi främst beror på VDT, legitimitets och intressentteorin kan dock användas som förklarande variabler. Vidare fann vi att inga av de svenska allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen uttryckligen skriver att de tillämpat en CSR-redovisning i enlighet med GRI.

Analysis of the Effects of Privacy Filter Use on Horizontal Deviations in Posture of VDT Operators

Probst, George T. 12 July 2000 (has links)
The visual display terminal (VDT) is an integral part of the modern office. An issue of concern associated with the use of the VDT is maintaining privacy of on-screen materials. Privacy filters are products designed to restrict the viewing angle to documents displayed on a VDT, so that the on-screen material is not visible to persons other than the VDT operator. Privacy filters restrict the viewing angle either by diffraction or diffusion of the light emitted from the VDT. Constrained posture is a human factors engineering problem that has been associated with VDT use. The purpose of this research was to evaluate whether the use of privacy filters affected: 1) the restriction of postures associated with VDT use, 2) operator performance, and 3) subjective ratings of display issues, posture, and performance. Nine participants performed three types of tasks: word processing, data entry, and Web browsing. Each task was performed under three filter conditions: no filter, diffraction filter, and diffusion filter. Participants were videotaped during the tasks using a camera mounted above the VDT workstation. The videotape was analyzed and horizontal head deviation was measured at 50 randomly selected points during each task. Horizontal head deviation was measured as the angle between an absolute reference line, which bisects the center of the VDT screen, and a reference point located at the center of the participant's head. Standard deviation of head deviation were evaluated across filter type and task type. Accuracy- and/or time-based measures were used to evaluate performance within each task. Participants used a seven-point scale to rate the following: readability, image quality, brightness, glare, posture restriction, performance, and discomfort. The results indicated that the interaction between task and filter type affected the standard deviation of horizontal head deviation (a measure of the average range of horizontal deviation). The standard deviation of horizontal deviation was significantly larger within the Web browsing task under the no filter and diffusion filter conditions as compared to the diffraction filter condition. Filter type affected subjective ratings of the following: readability, image quality, brightness, posture restriction, and discomfort. The diffraction filter resulted in lower readability, image quality, and brightness ratings than the diffusion and no filter conditions. Participants reported that the ability to change postures was significantly decreased by the use of the diffraction filter as compared to the no filter and diffraction filter conditions. The diffraction filter resulted in an increase in reported discomfort as compared to the no filter condition. The interaction between filter and task type affected subjective ratings of performance. Participants reported a decrease in the rating of perceived performance under the diffraction filter / Web browsing condition as compared to the no filter / word processing, diffusion filter / Web browsing, and diffusion filter / data entry conditions. A decrease in the rating of perceived performance was reported in the diffraction filter / data entry condition as compared to the no filter / word processing and diffusion filter / Web browsing conditions. Neither diffraction nor diffusion filter affected performance within any of the tasks, based on the objective performance measures used in the experiment. / Master of Science

“X” banko darbuotojų darbo kompiuteriu ergonomika / Ergonomics of bank employees working with computers

Grilauskaitė, Gintarė 27 August 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti “X” banko darbuotojų sveikatos ir ergonominių darbo aplinkos sąlygų sąsajas. Uždaviniai. 1. Nustatyti dirbančiųjų kompiuteriais sveikatos nusiskundimus. 2. Atlikti subjektyvų darbo sąlygų įvertinimą. 3. Nustatyti sveikatos pakenkimų ir darbo aplinkos sąlygų sąsajas. Metodai. Tyrime dalyvavo Kauno mieste, „X“ banke, dirbantys klientų aptarnavimo specialistai. „X“ banke tuo metu dirbo 128 klientų aptarnavimo specialistai. Išdalintos 128 anoniminės anketos. Jas teisingai užpildė ir atidavė 120 respondentų (atsako dažnis 94%), iš jų 110 moterų (92%) ir 10 vyrų (8%). Tyrime dalyvavusių respondentų amžius svyruoja nuo 20 iki 52 metų. Darbe taikyti metodai: mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, dokumentų analizė, anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Statistinei duomenų analizei buvo naudotas SPSS paketas ir Excel programa. Rezultatai. 73% respondentų po darbo kompiuteriu jaučia regėjimo sutrikimus, 57% - kaklo ir pečių skausmus. 8% apklaustųjų nesiskundė galvos skausmu. Streso darbo metu nejaučia tik 13% respondentų. Vertinant kaklo ir pečių, riešo, juosmens skausmų sąsajas su kompiuteriu, statistikai reikšmingų skirtumų nėra. Prieš pradedant dirbti apie kompiuterio riziką sveikatai buvo supažindinti 26% respondentų. Kaip turi būti teisingai išplanuota darbo vieta žinojo tik 19% apklaustųjų. Išvados. Klientų aptarnavimo specialistai dažniausiai jautė oftalmologinius simptomus, kaklo ir pečių skausmus. Darbo vieta - pakankamai gerai įrengta, tačiau reikėtų pagerinti kai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim. To estimate the correlation between health and ergonomic working environment conditions of the “X” bank employees. Objectives. 4. To estimate health complaints of those working with computers. 5. To make subjective estimation of working conditions. 6. To estimate correlation between health complaints and working conditions. Methods. The research was made with the client service specialists working in the “X” bank in Kaunas town. There were 128 client service specialists working at the “X” bank during the research time. 128 anonymous questionnaires have been distributed. They were correctly filled and given back by 120 respondents (response rate 94%), 110 of which were women (92%) and 10 men (8%). The variation of age of the respondents participating in the research is from 20 to 25 years. Methods practiced during the work process: review of the science literature, analysis of the documents, anonymous questionnaire. SPSS packet and Excel program were used for the statistical analysis of the material. Results. 73% of the respondents feel vision disorders after working with computer, 57% feel pain in neck and shoulders’ area, 8% did not complain of a headache. Only 13% of respondents do not experience stress during work. There are no significant differences for the statistics when estimating neck and shoulders, wrist and waist pains with the computer. 26% respondents were put au fait with the health risks of working with computer before placement and only 19% knew how to... [to full text]

The Scale Method as a Spectral Analysis for Accommodative Fluctuation

No description available.

Sub-clinical Neck Symptoms, Disability, Posture, and Muscle Function in Computer Users, and the Effect of Education versus Education and Deep Cervical Flexor Exercise

Skelly, Donna Lynne 17 May 2016 (has links)
Purpose: 1, to determine effect of education and exercise on neck pain, disability, cervical posture and muscle function in office workers with sub-clinical neck symptoms; 2, to determine differences in forward head posture in preferred and standardized posture, and 3, to explore the influence of time on work posture in a sub-group of office workers. Subjects: Sixty-six office workers with sub-clinical neck symptoms who utilize computers at least 4 hours per day participated. A sub-group of 27 were videotaped to assess posture over a workday. Methods: Videotaping was performed 15 minutes of the first and last hour of the workday for analysis of the craniovertebral angle. Cervical posture using the CROM was measured on all subjects in standardized and preferred positioning of the trunk and lower extremities. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups: education only (EOG), education and exercise (EEG), or control (CG). Pre and post-test measurements of pain (Visual Analog Scale), disability (NeckDisability Index), forward head posture (FHP), and deep cervical flexor muscle function (Craniocervical Flexion Test and Short Neck Flexor Endurance Test) were assessed for change within group as well as differences between groups over the 8 week period. Results: No difference was found for FHP over 8 hours in the subgroup. FHP was greater in preferred position compared to standardized by 7.59 mm (95% CI 6.27-8.92, p<.001). Median and mean scores improved for all 3 groups on pain and disability with greater improvement in intervention groups. FHP was unchanged/slightly worse in the CG and EOG, and improved in the EEG. Muscle function improved for the EEG. Statistical significance was not found for change scores between groups. Posttest scores were statistically significant for the NDI between EEG (20.45) and the CG (34.47), p=.042, and between the EEG and the EOG (34.59), p=.023 using Kruskall Wallis with adjusted significance for pairwise comparisons. Discussion/Conclusions: Posture over the workday did not change, differences were found based on preferred and standardized positions. Exercise and education intervention for those with sub-clinical neck symptoms show promise but did not demonstrate significance improvement over controls in this study.

Dynamics of Understory Tree Seedling Recruitment and Growth of Advance Regeneration Following Variable-Density Thinning of Second-Growth Conifer Stands in the Pacific Northwest

James, Carson 09 December 2016 (has links)
With a growing desire to generate structural characteristics of late-successional conifer forests, managers are commonly seeking an approach to increase structural heterogeneity in otherwise simple second-growth stands. This study examined understory response to experimental thinning on the Olympic Peninsula of Western Washington. Variable-density thinning within the Olympic Habitat Development Study was found to have significant effects on both the density of seedling recruitment as well as early growth of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). In additional analysis, pre-commercial understory thinning, implemented by the Olympic National Forest, produced no observable acceleration in basal area growth. Results suggest that understory development is sensitive to previous management history as well as post-treatment stand structure. Better understanding the sources of variability in understory tree response to non-uniform thinning and understory density management will be principle in evaluating the efficacy of these treatments relative to traditional methods.

Display Technology and Ambient Illumination Influences on Visual Fatigue at VDT Workstations

Bangor, Aaron W. 06 April 2001 (has links)
The concept of "visual fatigue" has been studied for 70 years or more. In that time, no single metric of measuring visual fatigue nor one agreed-upon set of tasks to induce visual fatigue has been settled upon. Not even a robust definition of visual fatigue has been established. This research worked to solve some of those problems. This research first set out to develop an index of visual fatigue that could be used effectively in quantifying the subjective experience of visual fatigue. Then it sought to create a set of measurable tasks, representative of office work, that would induce visual fatigue. Taking these two developments, an experiment using human participants was conducted to validate these developments and work toward solving two issues in the visual fatigue field: how visual display technology and ambient illumination affect the onset of visual fatigue. A 4x4 within-subjects design was developed and executed to study how these two independent variables affected ratings of visual fatigue, performance on the task battery, subjective image quality judgments, and contrast sensitivity shifts. Two cathode ray tube (CRT) and two active-matrix LCD (AMLCD) monitors were used in this study. While many instances of the monitors as a whole caused significant differences in reports of visual fatigue, performance, subjective image quality, and contrast sensitivity loss, only a slight effect of display technology was found. Four of eleven visual fatigue and two of eight subjective image quality dimensions showed that the LCD monitors induced more visual fatigue and were rated poorer than the CRT monitors. Ambient illumination levels of 0, 300, 600, and 1200 lux affected all four groups of dependent variables. On the whole, lighting caused visual fatigue, with "watery eyes" and "glare from lights" being adversely affected by brighter lighting. The 0 and 1200 lux were associated with the worst performance, while 300 lux was associated with the best performance. Subjective image quality was affected by lighting, with increasing lighting causing bothersome screen reflections and more temporal (e.g., flicker and jitter) distortions; 600 lux induced more reports of image sizing anomalies. Finally, it caused significantly worse shifts at the 6.0 c/deg spatial frequency on the contrast sensitivity test. The data show that lighting of 300 lux is the best of these four illumination levels. The results of this study not only contribute to the body of research in the areas of display technology and ambient illumination, but several developments of this research are offered to the research community: a complete survey metric of visual fatigue, a standardized battery of tasks for studying visual fatigue and image quality, and a comprehensive subjective image quality survey. / Ph. D.

The effects of light and dark character CRT displays upon VDT operator performance, eye scanning Behavior, pupil diameter and subjective comfort/discomfort

Kothari, Nimesh C. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Hållbarhetsrapportering kontra hållbarhetsprestation : En fallstudie om ICA Sveriges miljöarbete

Söderlind, Sara, Bergdalen, Maria, Pettersson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Titel: Hållbarhetsrapportering kontra hållbarhetsprestation - En fallstudie om ICA Sveriges miljöarbete  Bakgrund och problem: Oron angående världens miljöpåverkan har ökat på senare tid och ett område som fått mycket uppmärksamhet gällande hållbarhetsfrågor är konsumtion, där just livsmedelskonsumtion står för en stor del av världens miljöpåverkan. Då ICA är Sveriges ledande aktör inom dagligvaruhandeln har de stor möjlighet att bidra till arbetet för ett mer hållbart samhälle. ICA har dessutom tydligt uppställda mål och visioner kring hållbarhet som presenteras i deras externa hållbarhetsrapport, där de vill visa att de tar ansvar och samtidigt vill förbättra verksamheten inom miljömässiga hållbarhetsaspekter. Vidare finns det olika teorier som förklarar företags olika rapporteringsbeteende utifrån sanningshalten i dessa. Greenwashing har blivit ett ökande fenomen i samhället där företag försöker förmedla en bild av sig själva där de presterar bättre angående hållbarhetsaspekter än vad de egentligen gör. Med detta till grund finns det intresse att undersöka ifall ICAs prestationer verkligen överensstämmer med det som ICA rapporterar externt i hållbarhetsrapporten. Vidare kan det finnas svårigheter att få samtliga enheter inom ICA att arbeta på det vis central nivå önskar. För att kunna implementera hållbarhetsprocesser och policys i ett så stort företag som ICA krävs det en fungerande intern styrning för att säkerhetsställa att samtliga enheter arbetar efter dessa. Därav finns ytterligare intresse att undersöka hur ICA arbetar för att integrera miljöfrågor i hela verksamheten genom att undersöka hållbarhetsprestationer ner på enhetsnivå.  Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka i vilken grad de miljömål som ICA Sverige presenterar i sin externa hållbarhetsrapport överensstämmer med det miljöarbete som genomförs inom ICA på enhetsnivå. Detta görs för att se hur olika enheter inom ICA arbetar utefter de miljömål som koncernen externt rapporterar om. Vidare syftar studien till att se hur förmedlingen av olika rekommendationer och riktlinjer gällande det interna arbetet kring miljömässig hållbarhet fungerar mellan ICAs centrala- och enhetsnivå.  Metod: Denna studie har genomförts genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Via semi-strukturerade intervjuer har en fallstudie gjorts på sex stycken olika enheter tillhörande ICA Sverige på geografiskt spridda platser över landet.  Resultat: Studien tyder på att många delar av den externa rapporten och det interna arbetet har en god överensstämmelse, vilket innebär att ICA är sanningsenliga i deras hållbarhetsrapport med få undantag. Vår tolkning av hållbarhetsrapporten är att mycket av den information som ICA presenterar är frivillig information och innefattar mer än vad som obligatoriskt enligt lag att rapportera om. Detta rapporteringsbeteende skulle därmed kunna förklaras till största del av VDT, men även få enstaka områden som till viss del kan förklaras av greenwashing och legitimitetsteorin. Studiens resultat visar även att ICA använder sig av olika styrverktyg för att förmedla riktlinjer och rekommendationer kring hållbarhet, och att denna förmedling fungerar väl då enheterna arbetar utefter dessa. Den brist som har identifierats är dock att det inte sker någon kontroll att dessa riktlinjer och rekommendationer efterföljs på enhetsnivå, och att den interna styrningen hade kunnat förbättras här.

Apšvieta kompiuterizuotose darbo vietose / Illumination at the VDT workplaces

Puplauskaitė, Laura 08 June 2005 (has links)
There are widely used computers in agricultural mobile technique, which show important parameters of work process and its quality in. It is important a good illumination of workplace for quick and correct information identification from the VDT’s. There are forming different levels of illumination in agricultural technique cabins when they are working at the field. Those levels are fluctuating and operator’s eye should adapt to them compulsory. Operator’s vision feels fatigue because of those processes and work becomes not so effective. There are assessed in the work, that luminance increase on the VDT screen, as do illumination level in the cabins of agricultural mobile technique and as a result of this process, contrast reduces and visibility become worse. In experiment, there was researched, that tasks were performed quicker, when illumination was 300 -500 lx, and slower, when - 900-1200 lx. There are assessed the response time dependence on illumination level model , which helps to calculate the duration of operator’s watching, which influences the results of work quality and safety.

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