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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biotecnologia para conservação ex-situ de plantas medicinais do Cerrado /

Souza, Ana Valéria de, 1977- January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Maria Soares Pereira / Banca: João Domingos Rodrigues / Banca: Fernando Broetto / Banca: José Eduardo Brasil Pereira Pinto / Banca: Suzelei de Castro França / Resumo: O bioma Cerrado e uma das regioes mais ricas do Brasil no tocante a diversidade de plantas medicinais, sendo atualmente, considerado uma area ghotspotsh devido o alto grau de endemismo das especies e a velocidade de degradacao que vem sofrendo. Anemopaegma arvense, Mandevilla illustris e Mandevilla velutina, sao plantas medicinais endemicas do cerrado, muito utilizadas na medicina popular devido suas propriedades terapeuticas. A coleta indiscriminada realizada pela populacao, como tambem por laboratorios farmaceuticos para a fabricacao de medicamentos, tem colocado essas especies em risco de extincao. Ferramentas biotecnologicas como a tecnica da micropropagacao e biologia molecular para analise do DNA, tem sido amplamente usadas para a producao, conservacao e analise da diversidade genetica de especies nativas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos estudar a variabilidade genetica em diferentes populacoes de M. velutina por meio do marcador molecular RAPD e estabelecer a conservacao em bancos de germoplasma in vitro; desenvolver protocolos eficientes de enraizamento in vitro para A. arvense, M. illustris e M. velutina; verificar a ocorrencia e identificar especies de micorrizas, avaliando a colonizacao em raizes de plantas de diferentes populacoes e variedades de A. arvense. Para os estudos de enraizamento in vitro, as brotacoes foram submetidas a acao de diferentes substancias que apresentam efeito sobre a formacao de raizes adventicias, sob variadas condicoes. Para a analise da diversidade genetica, utilizou-se a tecnica de Polimosfirmo de DNA Amplificado ao Acaso (RAPD) e para os estudos micorrizicos, realizou-se a avaliacao da infeccao micorrizica nas raizes e a identificacao de especies de fungos micorrizicos extraidos do solo. As especies comportaram-se de maneira diferente quanto a inducao de raizes adventicias in vitro, mostrando a influencia direta do genotipo no processo de enraizamento. Para as especies M. illustris / Abstract: The Bioma Cerrado is one of the richest regions in Brazil due to the variety of native medicinal plants, and nowadays it is considered a hotspot area because of the high degree of endemism of the species and the speed of degradation that it has been submitted. Anemopaegma arvense, Mandevilla illustris and Mandevilla velutina, are medicinal plants endemic of Cerrado very used in the popular medicine due to their therapeutic properties. The indiscriminate collection accomplished by the population, as well by pharmaceutical laboratories for the formulation of medicines, has put those species in risk of extinction. Biotechnological tools as the technique of micropropagation and molecular biology for the analysis of the DNA, have been widely used for the production, conservation and analysis of the genetic diversity of native species. In this context, the current work was investigate the genetic variability in different populations of M. velutina by means of molecular marker RAPD and to establish a protocol for in vitro conservation in germplasm bank; to develop efficient protocol of in vitro rooting for A. arvense, M. illustris and M. velutina; to verify the occurrence and to identify species of mycorrhiza, colonizing plant roots of different populations and varieties of A. arvense. For the studies of in vitro rooting, the plantlets were exposed to the action of different exogenous substances that a effect the formation of adventious roots, under several conditions. For the analysis of genetic diversity, it was used the technique of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA at (RAPD) and for the studies on influence of mycorrhizal infection on root development and identification of species of fungi present in the soil. The species behaved in a different ways of induction of adventious roots in vitro. For the species M. illustris and A. arvense, 73,3% e 50% of plantlets rooted after fifteen days in treatment with 1 and 2 mg.L-1 of NAA, respectively. For M. / Doutor

Erythrina velutina Willd. : modelagem de distribuição potencial em Sergipe e análises de sementes como ferramentas para conservação ex situ / Erythrina velutina Willd. : potential distribution model in Sergipe state and seed analysis as tools for ex situ conservation

Souza, Juliana Lopes 24 February 2016 (has links)
The fragmentation of forests promotes the isolation of populations, the loss of genetic diversity of native species and the deterioration of its capacity to adapt to climate change. Even plants with high ecological plasticity are found in a situation of rarity in the Brazilian biomes, before the full knowledge of its properties and potentials, demanding urgent measures for its conservation. Nevertheless, for the establishment of this conservation, the knowledge about germination and tolerance to water restriction is fundamental. Erythrina velutina Willd. is a native species recommended for degraded areas recovery, found in the state of Sergipe in the biomes Atlantic Forest and Caatinga, in rareness in the area of Baixo São Francisco. In this context, it is proposed the identification of the geographic distribution of Erythrina velutina Willd. in Sergipe state through potential geographic distribution modelling technique and identify areas outside of Conservation Units of potential occurrence to with places for seed collecting. For the occurrence modelling, 395 registers of occurrence for the species and 38 variables were used and evaluated on the Maxent program. Using the model generated by the program, maps were created on the program ArcGis with the species occurrence prediction and contrasting against local land use were generated. Through the potential distribution model, 23 cities had the higher occurrence probabilities for E. velutina, and it was noticed that most part of the areas were occupied by pasture and the remaining forests were vastly fragmented, demanding measures to sample this diversity and to collect material for ex situ conservation. For the seeds analysis two seed lots from different origins were used, Sergipe state and Pernambuco state, stored since 2012 and 2008. The seeds were first evaluated through X Ray image analysis, after that the initial seed quality with the determination of morfometry, 1000 seeds weigh, germination on paper and on sand and electric conductivity. After this, the seeds were submitted to water restriction with polietilenoglycol (PEG 6000) at -0.8 MPa though 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Another part of the seeds lots were submitted to osmopriming though submersion in water and PEG at -0.8 MPa with constant airing during seven days. The germination percentage (%G), germination speed index (IVG), average germination time (TMG) and average germination speed (VMG) were estimated. There were no observed differences between the seed thought the X-Ray image analysis, both lots had full seeds, and then the initial quality analyses were held. The seeds from Pernambuco state were bigger and heavier, but had lower germination and vigor. For the water restriction, the seeds form Sergipe state had an increment on germination with the increased time under restriction and the seeds from Pernambuco had the hair germination value with 24 hours. With the restriction at 72 hours is possible to differentiate between the vigor of the two lots. The osmopriming results in a 11% increment in germination in low vigor seeds, such as the ones from Pernambuco with 11% increase. / A fragmentação de florestas em promove o isolamento de populações, a perda da variabilidade genética das espécies nativas e a deterioração da sua capacidade de adaptação às mudanças climáticas. Até plantas com alta plasticidade ecológica são encontradas em situação de raridade nos biomas brasileiros, antes mesmo do conhecimento pleno das suas propriedades e potencialidades, exigindo medidas urgentes para sua conservação. No entanto, para estabelecimento da conservação é necessário o conhecimento sobre germinação, bem como da tolerância à restrição hídrica destas. Erythrina velutina Willd. é uma espécie nativa do estado de Sergipe nos biomas Mata Atlântica e Caatinga, estando em caráter de raridade na região do Baixo São Francisco. Neste contexto, objetivou-se verificar a distribuição geográfica de Erythrina velutina Willd. em Sergipe por meio do método de modelagem de distribuição geográfica potencial e identificar áreas fora das Unidades de Conservação de provável ocorrência para direcionar os locais para coleta de sementes, além de avaliar a resposta de sementes dessa espécie a restrição hídrica e ao condicionamento osmótico. Para a modelagem de ocorrência foram utilizados dados 395 registros de ocorrência da espécie e 38 variáveis ambientais que foram avaliados através do programa Maxent. Com o modelo gerado pelo programa foram gerados mapas no programa ArcGis com a predição de ocorrência e contrastando com o uso local da terra. Por meio do modelo de distribuição potencial, identifica-se 23 municípios com maior probabilidade de ocorrência para E. velutina, observou-se que a maior parte das áreas está ocupada por pastagens e as formações florestais remanescentes altamente fragmentadas, sendo necessárias medidas para amostragem da diversidade e coleta de material para conservação ex situ. Para as análises de sementes, foram usadas sementes de duas procedências, Sergipe e Pernambuco, armazenadas desde 2012 e 2008. As sementes foram primeiramente avaliadas por imagens de raios-X, após isso se determinou a qualidade inicial com a determinação da morfometria, massa de 1.000 sementes, germinação em papel e em areia e condutividade elétrica. Em seguida, as sementes foram submetidas à restrição hídrica com solução de polietilenoglicol (PEG 6000) à -0.8 MPa nos tempos 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas. E outra porção de sementes dos mesmos lotes foi submetida ao osmocondicionamento por imersão em água e em solução PEG à -0,8 MPa com aeração constante durante sete dias. Estimou-se %G, IVG, TMG e VMG. Não sendo observadas diferenças pelas imagens de raios-X, ambas as procedências apresentaram sementes cheias, prosseguiu-se para a avaliação da qualidade inicial. As sementes de Pernambuco, apesar de maiores e mais pesadas, tiveram menor germinação e vigor. Para a restrição hídrica, as sementes procedentes de Sergipe apresentaram incremento na germinação com o aumento do tempo em restrição e as de Pernambuco tiveram o maior valor de germinação com 24 h. Com a restrição no tempo de 72 h é possível diferenciar as duas procedências quanto ao vigor. O condicionamento osmótico resulta em incremento na germinação das sementes com baixo vigor, como as procedentes de Pernambuco com aumento de 11%.

Tree-Ring Based Reconstructions of Disturbance and Growth Dynamics in Several Deciduous Forest Ecosystems

McEwan, Ryan W. 06 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Trees and Structural Soil as a Stormwater Management System in Urban Settings

Bartens, Julia 11 January 2007 (has links)
Urban runoff continues to impair water quality and there is an increasing need for stormwater management within the limited confines of urban spaces. We propose a system of structural soil and trees that can be incorporated beneath pavement. Structural soil has a high load-bearing capacity yet is engineered to support tree root growth. Stormwater is directed into a structural soil reservoir below the pavement where tree roots can also thrive. Two container experiments evaluated tree function in this system. We examined whether tree roots can grow into compacted subsoils and if root penetration increases soil infiltration rate. Quercus velutina, Acer rubrum, and a no-tree variant were planted in 26.5 L (7 gal) containers and the rootballs surrounded by compacted clay loam. Roots grew into all layers of the compacted soil. Infiltration rate increased by 63% (+/-2%) compared to no-tree containers. A second experiment evaluated water uptake and tree development in fluctuating water tables. Quercus bicolor and Fraxinus pennsylvanica were planted in 94.6 L (25 gal) containers with structural soils (either Stalite or CU® Structural Soil). Trees were subjected to fluctuating water tables simulating infiltration rates of 2, 1, and 0.1 cm/hr for two growing seasons. Trees thrived in all infiltration regimes but roots were shallower in slowly drained treatments. Trees grew best and transpired the highest water volume with moderate infiltration. Even if trees uptake only small volumes of water, increased canopy size compared to conventional plantings (because of greater penetrable soil volume) allows greater rainfall interception thus decreasing runoff. / Master of Science

Restoration of Black Oak (<i>Quercus velutina</i>) Sand Barrens via three different habitat management approaches

Kriska, David J. 03 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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