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Pracoviště automatizované montáže O-kroužků a testovací stanice v robotizovaném pracovišti / Workplace automated assembly O-rings and test station in robotized workplaceHorák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The thesis proposes a workplace automatic assembly O-rings on the pneumatic valve. It was designed mechanism assembly, assembly testing, movement to test for leaks, flow measurement, transport valve through the workplace and economic calculation workplace.
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Zweidimensionale Bewegungsformen in der VibrationsfördertechnikRisch, Thomas 24 February 2011 (has links)
Vibrationsförderer gehören zur Gruppe der Stetigförderer und werden branchenübergreifend sowohl zur Schütt- als auch zur Stückgutförderung eingesetzt. Das Förderorgan eines Vibrationsförderers versetzt ein darauf befindliches Fördergut mittels kleiner periodischer Vibrationen in eine gerichtete Bewegung. Diese Gutbewegung wird anhand der mittleren Fördergeschwindigkeit charakterisiert und stellt eine wichtige Dimensionierungsgröße dar. Gleichzeitig dient die mittlere Fördergeschwindigkeit, neben einem ruhigen Laufverhalten des Gutes, als Beurteilungskriterium der Güte eines Vibrationsförderers.
Die fortschreitende Entwicklung bringt immer komplexere Geräte mit nahezu beliebigen zweidimensional ausgeformten Vibrationsbewegungen hervor, wobei diese gelegentlich auch unbeabsichtigt generiert werden. Die aus solchen Bewegungsformen resultierenden Fördergutreaktionen lassen sich mit bislang vorhandenen Berechnungsmodellen nicht beschreiben.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Einflüsse zweidimensionaler Bewegungsformen eines Förderorgans auf die daraus resultierende Gutbewegung bei Vibrationsförderern. Diesbezüglich wurde ein numerisches Berechnungsmodell entwickelt, experimentell verifiziert und mit der nach dem Stand der Technik geläufigen Berechnungsvorschrift verglichen. Das entwickelte Modell diente weiterhin als Basis theoretischer Untersuchungen, insbesondere für 2D-Bewegungsformen 1. Ordnung. Aus den Untersuchungsergebnissen konnte schließlich eine für den Anwender praktikable und erweiterte Berechnungsvorschrift abgeleitet werden. / Vibratory conveyors belong to the group of continuous conveyors and are inter-divisionally deployed for the conveyance of bulk and piece goods. The conveyor organ of a vibratory conveyor moves thereupon placed conveyed goods by means of small periodical vibrations in a directed movement. This movement of the goods is characterized via medium conveying speed and describes an important rating dimension. Next to a stable running performance of the goods, the medium conveying speed acts at the same time as an assessment criterion for the quality of a vibratory conveyor.
The progressing development produces more and more complex devices with almost any two-dimensionally formed vibrating movements, which are, however, sometimes generated unintentionally. Reactions of conveying goods resulting from such movement patterns cannot be described with the so far existing analytical models.
The dissertation at hand analyses the influence of two-dimensional movement patterns of a conveyor organ on the resulting movement of the goods when using vibratory conveyors. Concerning this matter, a numerical analytical model was developed, experimentally verified and, according to the calculation rule, compared to the state of the technology. The developed model provided furthermore a basis for theoretical research, here especially for 2D movement patterns of first order. Finally, a practicable and extended calculation rule could be deduced from the research results.
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Real Time Design Space Exploration of Static and Vibratory Structural Responses in Turbomachinery Through Surrogate Modeling with Principal ComponentsBunnell, Spencer Reese 04 June 2020 (has links)
Design space exploration (DSE) is used to improve and understand engineering designs. Such designs must meet objectives and structural requirements. Design improvement is non-trivial and requires new DSE methods. Turbomachinery manufacturers must continue to improve existing engines to keep up with global demand. Two challenges of turbomachinery DSE are: the time required to evaluate designs, and knowing which designs to evaluate. This research addressed these challenges by developing novel surrogate and principal component analysis (PCA) based DSE methods. Node and PCA-based surrogates were created to allow faster DSE of turbomachinery blades. The surrogates provided static stress estimation within 10% error. Surrogate error was related to the number of sampled finite element (FE) models used to train the surrogate and the variables used to change the designs. Surrogates were able to provide structural evaluations three to five orders of magnitude faster than FEA evaluations. The PCA-based surrogates were then used to create a PCA-based design workflow to help designers know which designs to evaluate. The workflow used either two-point correlation or stress and geometry coupling to relate the design variables to principal component (PC) scores. These scores were projections of the FE models onto the PCs obtained from PCA. Analysis showed that this workflow could be used in DSE to better explore and improve designs. The surrogate methods were then applied to vibratory stress. A computationally simplified analysis workflow was developed to allow for enough fluid and structural analyses to create a surrogate model. The simplified analysis workflow introduced 10% error but decreased the computational cost by 90%. The surrogate methods could not directly be applied to emulation of vibration due to the large spikes which occur near resonance. A novel, indirect emulation method was developed to better estimate vibratory responses Surrogates were used to estimate the inputs to calculate the vibratory responses. During DSE these estimations were used to calculate the vibratory responses. This method reduced the error between the surrogate and FEA from 85% to 17%. Lastly, a PCA-based multi-fidelity surrogate method was developed. This assumed the PCs of the high and low-fidelities were similar. The high-fidelity FE models had tens of thousands of nodes and the low-fidelity FE models had a few hundred nodes. The computational cost to create the surrogate was decreased by 75% for the same errors. For the same computational cost, the error was reduced by 50%. Together, the methods developed in this research were shown to decrease the cost of evaluating the structural responses of turbomachinery blade designs. They also provided a method to help the designer understand which designs to explore. This research paves the way for better, and more thoroughly understood turbomachinery blade designs.
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Vibrationsfördertechnik - Gleitförderung auf harmonisch beschleunigten FörderorganenDresig, Hans, Risch, Thomas, Kuhn, Christian 10 October 2016 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Verhalten von Vibrationsförderern. Speziell für Förderer, welche nach dem Gleitprinzip arbeiten, werden Zusammenhänge zwischen der Antriebslage, dem Fördergut sowie der Ausrichtung des Förderorgans beschrieben. Durch Anwendung der vorgestellten Prinzipien wird eine Berechnungsmethode für die Fördergeschwindigkeit abgeleitet und anschließend mit Versuchswerten verglichen. / This paper deals with the behavior of vibrating conveyors. Especially for conveyors, using a sliding principle of movement, relations between the drive position, the conveyed goods and the orientation of the means of transport are described. By applying the principles presented, a method for calculating the conveying velocity is derived and compared with experimental values.
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Vibrationsfördertechnik - Gleitförderung auf nicht harmonisch beschleunigten FörderorganenDresig, Hans, Risch, Thomas 27 February 2014 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag ist der Vibrationsfördertechnik zuzuordnen und befasst sich speziell mit dem Prinzip der Gleitförderung bei nichtharmonischer Beschleunigung in horizontaler Ebene. Es werden Zusammenhänge zwischen der Bewegung des Förderorgans und der Berechnung der resultierenden Fördergeschwindigkeit vorgestellt. Anhand der maximalen Fördergeschwindigkeit und der Effizienz einer Bewegungsform werden schließlich optimale Bewegungsgesetze abgeleitet. / This work is assigned to vibratory conveyor engineering and is dealing with the operation principle of sliding conveying by non-harmonical accelaration along horizontal plane surfaces. The relations between motion of the conveyor organ and calculation of the resulting conveying velocity are explained in this paper. Finally, optimal motion laws regarding a high efficiency of the motion patterns are derived from the maximum conveying velocity.
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Efficient Finishing of Laser Beam Melting Additive Manufactured PartsZeidler, Henning, Aliyev, Rezo, Gindorf, Florian 12 July 2024 (has links)
In many cases, the functional performance of additively manufactured components can only be ensured by finishing the functional surfaces. Various methods are available for this purpose. This paper presents a procedure for selecting suitable processes for finishing laser beam melting additive–manufactured parts which is ultimately based on technological knowledge. It was experimentally proven that the use of several consecutive finishing processes is beneficial to achieve better surface quality. One finishing process chain was particularly effective (namely particle blasting/vibratory grinding/plasma electrolytic polishing) and the technological limits of this method were investigated in this study. The optimal parameters for this process combination ensured a surface roughness Sa < 1 µm.
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Advances on Differential Equations with Uncertainties and their Applications to Probabilistic Mechanics EngineeringLópez Navarro, Elena 29 December 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las ecuaciones diferenciales son herramientas fundamentales para modelizar y analizar sistemas dinámicos en Ingeniería. Las ecuaciones diferenciales permiten a los ingenieros describir cómo cambian en el tiempo y/o en el espacio las magnitudes físicas como, por ejemplo, la posición de un sistema vibratorio (como puede ser un muelle), la deflexión de un estructura mecánica (como puede ser una viga), etc. Por otra parte, muchos sistemas del mundo real están afectados por incertidumbres. Por ejemplo, los errores de medición, la comprensión incompleta de fenómenos físicos complejos, el ruido termal en los circuitos electrónicos o las variaciones en las propiedades de los materiales debido a su heterogeneidad son factores que involucran cierto nivel de aleatoriedad que debe tenerse en cuenta en la modelización. Esta modelización suele realizarse en muchos casos mediante ecuaciones diferenciales que, por tanto, contienen en su formulación magnitudes con incertidumbre, dando lugar a ecuaciones diferenciales aleatorias/estocásticas. Proporcionar métodos rigurosos para estudiar dichas ecuaciones es fundamental para desarrollar soluciones robustas y fiables de problemas de Ingeniería.
Esta tesis presenta un análisis probabilístico de tres clases de problemas de Ingeniería Mecánica, como son los sistemas vibratorios (osciladores), las estructuras mecánicas (deflexión de vigas) y un problema mecánico modelado por una ecuación diferencial fraccionaria aleatoria. A lo largo del trabajo se han aplicado diferentes técnicas probabilísticas para lograr una comprensión más profunda del comportamiento de estos sistemas bajo excitaciones aleatorias. Además, en esta tesis nos hemos centrado en construir aproximaciones, no sólo de los momentos estadísticos principales (media, varianza, etc.), sino también la función de densidad de probabilidad de la respuesta (solución) de los distintos modelos estudiados. Proporcionar una descripción probabilística completa de este tipo de modelos mecánicos es un tema que ha atraído un notable interés tanto de matemáticos como de ingenieros durante las últimas décadas.
En primer lugar, se estudian dos osciladores aleatorios no lineales en los que el término de restauración depende de la posición, en el primer caso, y de la posición y la velocidad, en el segundo. El término no lineal está afectado por un pequeño parámetro de perturbación. Como en ambos casos no podemos obtener la solución explícitamente, utilizaremos el método de perturbación estocástica para construir aproximaciones de la solución estocástica y sus primeros momentos estadísticos. Esto, en combinación con el principio de máxima entropía, nos permitirá obtener aproximaciones de la función de densidad de probabilidad estacionaria de la solución. En segundo lugar, se aborda el estudio de dos modelos estáticos aleatorios que describen la deflexión de una viga en voladizo. Se distinguen dos escenarios con respecto al tipo de procesos estocásticos que modelan la distribución de la carga que soporta la viga, y suponiendo que algunos parámetros del modelo, como el módulo de Young o el parámetro de rigidez flexural, pueden ser aleatorios. Adaptamos convenientemente distintas técnicas estocásticas para calcular de forma exacta o aproximada la función de densidad de probabilidad de la deflexión de la viga en voladizo en cada uno de los dos modelos antes mencionados.
Por último, se revisita un modelo sencillo propuesto recientemente para estudiar una clase de osciladores aleatorios formulados mediante la derivada fraccionaria de Caputo. Concretamente se construyen aproximaciones de la función de densidad de probabilidad de la respuesta estocástica aprovechando el método de transformación de variables aleatorias adaptado a procesos estocásticos. En este estudio se dan condiciones suficientes sobre los parámetros (que son variables aleatorias) del modelo para garantizar la convergencia de estas aproximaciones. / [CA] Les equacions diferencials són ferramentes fonamentals per a modelitzar i analitzar sistemes dinàmics en Enginyeria. Les equacions diferencials permeten als enginyers descriure com canvien en el temps i/o l'espai les magnituds físiques com, per exemple, la posició d'un sistema vibratori (com pot ser un moll), la deflexió d'una estructura mecànica (com pot ser una viga), etc. Per altra banda, molts sistemes del món real estan afectats per incerteses. Per exemple, els errors de mesurament, la comprensió incompleta de fenòmens físics complexos, el soroll termal en els circuits electrònics i les variacions en les propietats dels materials a causa de la seua heterogeneïtat són factors que involucren cert nivell d'aleatorietat que ha de tindre's en compte en la modelització. Esta modelització sol realitzar-se en molts casos mitjançant equacions diferencials que, per tant, contindrà en la seua formulació incertesa, donant lloc a equacions diferencials aleatòries/estocàstiques. Proporcionar mètodes rigorosos per a estudiar estes equacions és fonamental per a desenvolupar solucions robustes i fiables de problemes d'Enginyeria.
Esta tesi presenta una anàlisi probabilística de tres classes de problemes d'Enginyeria Mecànica, com són els sistemes vibratoris (oscil·ladors), les estructures mecàniques (deflexió de bigues) i un problema mecànic modelat per una equació diferencial fraccionària aleatòria. Al llarg del nostre treball, hem aplicat diferents tècniques matemàtiques per a aconseguir una comprensió més profunda del comportament d'estos sistemes sota excitacions aleatòries. A més a més, en esta tesi ens hem centrat en construir aproximacions, no sols dels moments estadístics principals (mitjana, variància, etc.), sinó també la funció de densitat de probabilitat de la resposta (solució) dels diferents models estudiats. Proporcionar una descripció probabilística completa d'esta mena de models mecànics és un tema que ha atret l'interés tant de matemàtics com d'enginyers durant les últimes dècades.
En primer lloc, estudiem dos oscil·ladors aleatoris no lineals en els quals el terme de restauració depén de la posició, en el primer cas, i de la posició i la velocitat, en el segon. El terme no lineal està afectat per un xicotet paràmetre de pertorbació. Com en tots dos casos no podem obtindre la solució explícitament, utilitzarem el mètode de pertorbació estocàstica per a construir aproximacions de la solució estocàstica i els seus primers moments estadístics. Això, en combinació amb el principi de màxima entropia, ens permetrà obtindre aproximacions fiables de la funció de densitat de probabilitat estacionària de la solució. En segon lloc, s'aborda l'estudi de dos models estàtics aleatoris que descriuen la deflexió d'una biga en volada. Distingim dos escenaris diferents respecte al tipus de processos estocàstics que modelen la distribució de la càrrega que suporta la biga i suposant aleatorietat per a alguns paràmetres del model, com el mòdul de Young o el paràmetre de rigidesa flexural. Adaptem convenientment diferents tècniques estocàstiques per a calcular de manera exacta o aproximada la funció de densitat de probabilitat de la deflexió de la biga en volada en cadascun dels dos models abans esmentats.
Finalment, es revisita un model senzill proposat recentment per a estudiar una classe d' oscil·ladors aleatoris formulats mitjançant la derivada fraccionària de Caputo. Concretament, es construïxen aproximacions de la funció de densitat de probabilitat de la resposta estocàstica aprofitant el mètode de transformació de variables aleatòries adaptat a processos estocàstics. En este estudi es donen condicions suficients sobre els paràmetres (que són variables aleatòries) del model per a garantir la convergència d'estes aproximacions. Els resultats d'este estudi poden ser d'utilitat per emprendre en el futur l'estudi d' oscil·ladors aleatoris més complexos formulats mitjançant equacions diferencials fraccionàries. / [EN] Differential equations in Engineering are fundamental tools for modelling and analysing dynamical systems. Differential equations allow engineers to describe how physical quantities change over time and/or space, such as vibratory systems, mechanical structures, etc. However, many real-world systems are influenced by uncertainties. For instance, measurement errors, incomplete understanding of complex physical phenomena, random fluctuations like electronic circuit noise, and unpredictable material properties variations are aleatoric factors. Understanding both deterministic and random/stochastic differential equations is, therefore, vital for developing robust and reliable engineering solutions in a random world.
This thesis presents a comprehensive probabilistic analysis of three mechanical engineering problems: vibratory systems (oscillators), mechanical structures (deflection of beams), and a foundational mechanical problem modelled by a random fractional differential equation. Throughout our work, we have applied different mathematical techniques to better understand these system's behavior under random excitations. A significant focus has been on accurately approximating not only the main statistical moments but also the probability density function of the model's response (solution) of the models studied throughout this dissertation. Providing a complete probabilistic description of such types of mechanical models is a topic that has attracted the interest of mathematicians and engineers during the last decades.
In the first place, we will study two nonlinear random oscillators where the restoring term depends on the position, in the first case, and on the position and velocity, in the second one. The nonlinear term is affected by a small perturbative parameter. As in both cases, we cannot obtain the solution explicitly, we will use the stochastic perturbation method to construct approximations of the stochastic solution and its first statistical moments. This, in combination with the principle of maximum entropy, will result in obtaining reliable approximations of the stationary probability density function of the response. Second, we will study two models describing the deflection of a random static cantilever beam. We distinguish two different scenarios with respect to the type of stochastic processes modelling the distribution of the load spanned the beam and assuming randomness for some model parameters such as the Young's modulus or the flexural rigidity parameter. We then conveniently adapt different stochastic techniques to calculate exactly or approximately the probability density function of the deflection of the cantilever.
Finally, we will revisit a simple model recently proposed to study a class of random oscillators formulated via the Caputo fractional derivative. We will construct approximations of the probability density function of the stochastic response, taking advantage of the random variable transformation method. We rigorously prove the convergence of these approximations under mild conditions of the model's parameters. This approach can inspire the study of more complex oscillators formulated via fractional differential equations. / López Navarro, E. (2024). Advances on Differential Equations with Uncertainties and their Applications to Probabilistic Mechanics Engineering [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213333
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Grundlagenuntersuchungen zur Faserdeformation an VibrationsflächenförderernMüller, Elisabeth, Strube, Simon, Risch, Thomas, Golder, Markus 22 April 2024 (has links)
Vibrationsflächenförderer bieten höhere Flexibilität bei der Teilehandhabung durch elastische Fasern auf der Förderfläche. Der Materialtransport wird dabei entscheidend durch die Faserverformung beeinflusst. Dieser Beitrag untersucht das Deformationsverhalten von Einzelfasern und Faserbündeln mittels Simulation und Experiment. Die Erkenntnisse ermöglichen die analytische Berechnung der Verformungen in guter Näherung und die Ableitung einer Kalibriermethode zur Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher Faseroberflächen. / Vibratory brush conveyors offer higher flexibility for part handling using elastic fibers on conveyor surfaces. Material transport is hereby decisively affected by fiber deformation. This paper studies the deformation behavior of single fibers as well as bundles with simulation and experiment. The findings enable analytical prediction of deflections in close approximation and deduction of a calibration method to characterize given fiber surfaces.
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Development of a substructuring approach to model the vibroacoustic behavior of submerged stiffened cylindrical shells coupled to non-axisymmetric internal frames / Développement d'une approche de sous-structuration pour la prise en compte de structures internes non-axisymétriques dans la modélisation vibro-acoustique de coques raidies immergéesMeyer, Valentin 28 October 2016 (has links)
De nombreux travaux dans la littérature se sont concentrés sur la modélisation vibro-acoustique de coques cylindriques raidies immergées, du fait des nombreuses applications industrielles, en particulier dans le domaine aéronautique ou naval. Cependant, peu d'entre elles prennent en compte des structures internes non-axisymétriques telles que des supports moteurs, des planchers ou des carlingages, qui peuvent avoir une influence importante sur le comportement vibro-acoustique du système. C'est pourquoi une méthode de sous-structuration baptisée CTF est présentée dans cette thèse. Elle est développée dans le cas général de deux structures minces couplées le long d'une ligne. Un ensemble de fonctions orthonormées, baptisées fonctions de condensation, est défini afin d'approximer les forces et déplacements à la jonction entre les sous-systèmes. Des fonctions de transfert condensées sont définies pour chaque sous-système découplé. L'utilisation du principe de superposition, de l'équilibre des forces et de la continuité des déplacements permet de déduire le comportement des sous-systèmes couplés. La méthode est d'abord développée et validée dans le cas de plaques, puis ensuite appliquée au cas d'une coque cylindrique raidie immergée couplée à des structures internes non-axisymétriques. Le système est dans ce cas décomposé en 3 familles de sous-systèmes : la coque cylindrique immergée décrite par une méthode semi-analytique basée sur la résolution des équations de Flügge dans le domaine des nombres d’onde, les structures internes axisymétriques (raidisseurs, cloisons) décrites par éléments finis axisymétriques et les structures non-axisymétriques décrites pas des modèles éléments finis. La méthode CTF est appliquée à différents cas tests afin de montrer l'influence des structures internes non-axisymétriques sur le comportement vibro-acoustique d'une coque cylindrique pour différents types d'excitations pertinents dans le domaine naval : une force ponctuelle, une onde plane acoustique et un champ de pression aléatoire (tel qu'un champ acoustique diffus ou une couche limite turbulente). / Many works can be found in the literature concerning the vibroacoustic modelling of submerged stiffened cylindrical shells, because of high interest in the industrial domain, in particular for aeronautical or naval applications. However, only a few of them take into account non-axisymmetric internal frames, as for instance engine foundations or floor partitions, that can play a role on the vibroacoustic behavior of the system. That is why a substructuring approach called the Condensed Transfer Function (CTF) approach is proposed in the first part of this thesis. The aim is to take advantage of both analytical models and element-based models, in order to be able to deal with the geometrical complexity, and to calculate at higher frequencies than with element-based methods only. The substructuring method is developed in the general case of thin mechanical structures coupled along curves. A set of orthonormal functions called condensation functions, which depend on the curvilinear abscissa along the coupling line, is considered. This set is then used as a basis for approximating and decomposing the displacements and the applied forces at the line junctions. Thanks to the definition and calculation of condensed transfer functions for each uncoupled subsystem and by using the superposition principle for passive linear systems, the behavior of the coupled subsystems can be obtained. The method is first developed and validated for plates and convergence criteria are defined in relation with the size of the basis of condensation functions. The CTF method is then applied to the case of a submerged stiffened cylindrical shell with non-axisymmetric internal frames. The system is partitioned in 3 types of subsystems: the submerged shell, the axisymmetric frames (stiffeners, bulkheads) and the non-axisymmetric frames. The submerged shell is described by a semi-analytical method based on the Flügge equations in the spectral domain. The axisymmetric frames are described by axisymmetric Finite Element models and the non-axisymmetric frames by Finite Element models. The CTF method is applied to different test cases in order to highlight the influence of non-axisymmetric internal frames on the vibroacoustic behavior of a submerged stiffened cylindrical shell, for different excitations particularly relevant in the naval domain: a point force, an acoustic plane wave, and a random pressure field (such as a diffuse sound field or a turbulent boundary layer for instance).
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