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Därför onlinevideo : En engagerande historiaRydqvist, Anna, Lundmarck, Evelina January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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An Exporatory Research of the Effect of Youtube Marketing on Mobile ApplicationsShiu, Lung-Hung 06 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis address the study of the recently popular Apple iOS platform, and its online application marketplace, called the ¡§App Store¡¨. The thesis examines the relation in Youtube videos and raking of the Apps.
According to the research result, over 25% people use mobile device to watch the Apps videos. If marketer can manage the result of the searching and embedded the video in high traffic website, it can get more higher Apps ranking and Youtube video views. In addition, people/App player upload the video and share it with friends. It is just like the word and mouth marketing. Whenever people upload a lot of videos and get more video views, it can get higher App ranking. Furthermore, the video type is belonged to game trailer and walkthrough will has more views. In the other hand, the KUSO video will spread quickly in social network website and it brings more video views and Apps downloads potentially.
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Vliv youtuberů na chování spotřebitele v České republiceSvoboda, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Svoboda, M. The influence of YouTubers on consumer behaviour in the Czech Republic. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The diploma thesis deals with the influence of YouTubers on behaviour of the 15–45 years old consumers in the Czech Republic. The thesis includes an overview of the Czech YouTuber´s scene, which provides basic input information for other parts of the thesis, including the thematic focus of Czech YouTubers. The primary research is based on questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews and expert interviews. The thesis identifies factors, which have the biggest influence on consumers during the watching YouTube videos, as well as concrete markets and target groups of consumers that are the best for promotion by YouTubers. Data from quantitative research are used in cluster analysis for creation consumers segments. The results of research are used for recommendation for the entrepreneurs, planning commercial cooperation with YouTubers, and for creating diagram of consumer behaviour, which includes the influence of YouTubers.
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Kiki, do you love me? : En kvalitativ studie om hur artister kan marknadsföra en låt med hjälp av koreografi / Kiki, do you love me? : A qualitative study about how artists can market a song with the help of choreography.Andersson, Oskar, Lindahl, Abbe, Trenter, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Viral marknadsföring är någonting som alltid har funnits på ett eller annat sätt. De senaste åren har sociala medier tagit en stor roll inom marknadsföring, framförallt för virala kampanjer. De senaste åren har något som kallas “challenges” funnits i våra flöden på olika sociala medie plattformar. Många av dessa är kopplade till dans. Många känner igen “In My Feelings-Challenge, Harlem Shake, Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) och Gangnam Style”. Idag så har många låtar fått mer uppmärksamhet och streams, tack vare en viral koreografi som spridit sig på ett eller annat sätt. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur artister kan använda koreografi för att marknadsföra en låt, samt vilka faktorer som höjer potentialen till att få den viral. Vidare undersöker vi betydelsen av image hos en artist vid marknadsföring av en låt med koreografi. Hur kan en låt bli viral i samband med koreografi? Hur kan en artist sprida sin koreografi via sociala medier? Detta är frågor som vi i denna studie har besvarat efter bästa möjliga förmåga. Vår empiri är baserad på 8 kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som har en relation till ämnet, samtliga respondenter har bidragit med mycket bra tankar och åsikter. Vi kom fram till att det ligger stor betydelse i vilken image artisten har, samt målgrupp och aktiviteten på sociala medier. Vi kom också fram till att video marketing är en oerhört central faktor vid spridandet av koreografier och man kan öka potentialen av att få en viral koreografi genom att samarbeta med passande influencers, men man ska inte som artist uppmana till att starta en koreografi självmant. / Viral marketing is something that has always existed in one way or another. For the past few years, social media has taken a major part within marketing, especially for viral campaigns. In the past years, something called "challenges" has existed in our feeds on our various social media platforms. Many of these challenges are connected to dance. Many people recognize "In My Feelings Challenge, Harlem Shake, Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae) and Gangnam Style". Today, many songs has gotten more attention and streams, thanks to a viral choreography connected to the song, that has spread in one way or another. The purpose of this study is to investigate how artists can use choreography to market a song, as well as which factors increase the potential to get it viral. Furthermore, we analyze the importance of image for an artist with the cnnection to the marketing of a song with choreography. How can a song become viral with the help of choreography? How can an artist spread their choreography through social media? These are questions that we in this study have answered in the best ability as possible. Our empirical data is based on 8 qualitative interviews with people who have a relation in some way or another to the subject. All respondents have contributed with very good thoughts and opinions. Our conclution with this study is that it is a great importance in which image the artist has, as well as the target group and the artists activity on social media. We also found that video marketing is an extremely important factor in the spreading of choreographies. To increase the potential of having a viral choreography, the artist can cooperate with suitable influencers, but the artist their selfes should not encourage their fans to start a choreography independently.
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Der Buchtrailer aus ProduzentensichtVoigt, Mattias 11 October 2016 (has links)
Aus Sicht eines Trailerproduzenten stellt der vorliegende Beitrag Filmplanungs- und Filmkonzeptionsaspekte in den Vordergrund und zeigt detailliert seine Einsatzmöglichkeiten als Marketings- und Distributionsinstrument auf
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Market Analysis and Strategy Formulation for Appalachian Cast IronChumbley, Perry Kate 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Marketing as a revenue generator for businesses seeks to entice consumers into making a final purchase. How this is achieved varies greatly depending on the size of firm, the goods or services being advertised, distribution channels, and other factors. This manuscript includes the creation of a marketing strategy for a small, online business, Appalachian Cast Iron, through the investigation of current literature, and analyses of the external and internal environments. The results provide strategies for areas in which the firm has opportunities to improve.
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Att nå ut i det tysta bruset : En kvalitativ studie om videomarknadsföringsstrategier och ljudlös uppspelning inom musikbranschen / Cutting through the silent content soup : A qualitative study about video marketing strategies and muted video in the music industryÖhgren, Elin, Ingelsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Musikindustrin ställs idag mot en utmaning när innehåll på sociala medier ses utan ljud, vilket kan ha en negativ inverkan på effektiviteten av budskap och annonsering. Denna studie har undersökt hur marknadsförare inom den svenska musikindustrin förhåller sig till ljudlös uppspelning av rörligt innehåll på sociala medier och vilka strategier de använder för att nå ut med rörligt innehåll på sociala medie-plattformar. Fem marknadsförare inom svensk musikindustri deltog i kvalitativa intervjuer. Tre av respondenterna representerar arrangörer för liveevent och två respondenter representerar skivbolag. Resultatet visade på varierat förhållningssätt till fenomenet om ljudlös uppspelning. Några marknadsförare såg på ljudlös uppspelning som problematiskt, medan några inte såg ljudlösa förhållanden som ett problem. En möjlig förklaring kan vara ökad användning av ljudbaserade plattformar, såsom TikTok. Resultaten identifierade ett flertal strategier relaterade till ljud i rörligt innehåll på sociala medier. De flesta instämde med strategier som identifierats i tidigare studier och källor, medan ett fåtal kunde betraktas som ett nytt tillägg till det nuvarande kunskapsläget. Studien bidrar till befintlig forskning om ljudlös reklam och musikmarknadsföringsstrategier i sociala medier. / The music industry faces challenges when content on social media is consumed without sound, potentially making messages and advertising less effective. This study examined how marketers within the Swedish music industry relate to soundless video play on social media, and what strategies they use relating to sound on social platforms. Five marketers within the Swedish music industry participated in qualitative interviews – three of the participants work at concert and event organizers and two participants work at record labels. The interviews showed varied approaches to the phenomenon of soundless videos. Some marketers regarded muted conditions as problematic, whereas some did not consider soundless play an issue. A possible explanation might be the increased utilization of sound based platforms such as TikTok. The results identified several strategies relating to sound in video marketing on social media. Most concurred with strategies identified in previous studies and sources, whereas a few could be considered a new addition to the current state of knowledge. This study contributes to research on soundless advertising and music marketing strategies in social media.
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