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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’interaction orale entre pairs en classe d’anglais LV2 : analyse didactique et linguistique de la construction et du développement des compétences des apprenants / Peer Spoken Interactions in ESL Classrooms : a Didactic and Linguistic Analysis of the Development of Learners’ Interactional Competence

Verplaetse Manoïlov, Pascale 12 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à étudier et rendre-compte du fonctionnement des interactions orales entre pairs, en classe d’anglais L2, au niveau du collège en France. L’enjeu est donc, à partir d’une description détaillée de tâches (au sens didactique du terme) et de l’analyse des productions des apprenants, de documenter la notion de compétence d’interaction orale. L’approche retenue relève de la recherche-action et s’appuie sur des données empiriques recueillies dans des classes. Après avoir mené plusieurs études exploratoires sur des groupes d’apprenants, un protocole de recherche a été mis en place pour collecter des données longitudinales sur un échantillon 24 dyades, soit 48 élèves de 3ème. Les participants ont mené deux tâches d’interaction orale en début d’année puis en fin d’année scolaire, après avoir bénéficié, d’une formation spécifique à l’interaction orale. Leurs performances ont été filmées (18h) et transcrites sous CLAN pour être analysées. Au plan théorique, des liens sont tissés entre plusieurs cadres. Le premier est la didactique des langues qui retient la perspective actionnelle telle que décrite dans le CECRL (2001). Je m’appuie également sur la théorie socioculturelle, issue des travaux de Vygotsky (1978), puis de Lantolf (2000) qui avancent que l’interaction sociale ne se contente pas de faciliter l’apprentissage, mais est au cœur du processus de développement. Enfin les outils de l’analyse conversationnelle sent convoqués afin d’étudier la construction des échanges de manière systématique. Ce sont les questions de formation spécifique des apprenants à l’interaction orale, les résultats auxquels il est raisonnable de s’attendre dans ce contexte, et enfin les modalités d’évaluation de cette compétence en milieu institutionnel qui sont au cœur du sujet. / This research explores the potential of teenage peer spoken interactions in ESL classrooms in France. The focus here is on analysing task-based activities and learners’ performances, in order to improve our understanding of interactional competence. My approach is based on Action Research and a collection of empirical data from language classrooms. Several studies were conducted before setting up a protocol for a longitudinal corpus of video-recorded conversations between 24 dyads of peers. The 48 lower intermediate participants performed two tasks at the beginning and end of the school year. Specific training was offered in order to improve strategic spoken interaction. The 18 hours of verbal and non-verbal outcome was transcribed on CLAN and analysed according to the Conversational Analysis method. On a theoretical level, my approach brings together the European tradition of language didactics based on the CEFR (2001) and the sociocultural theory that takes its roots in Vygotsky’s (1978) work, followed by Lantolf (2000) who deals more specifically with SLA. According to these authors, social interaction not only promotes learning but is also at the core of a development process. This thesis examines the effects of training on communication strategies, the expectable outcomes and assessments of such a competence in an institutional environment.

Monitoring Visual Attention in Videotaped Interrogations: An Investigation of the Camera Perspective Bias

Ware, Lezlee J. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Physicians' use of indirect language to deliver medical bad news: an experimental investigation

Del Vento, Agustin 20 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis examined the delivery of medical bad news as a situational dilemma. When physicians have to convey distressing information, they must apparently choose between two negative communicative alternatives: To convey the diagnosis directly may distress and harm the patient, but to deny the diagnosis, in order to protect the patient and preserve hope, would risk compromising informed decision-making. Following Bavelas’ (1983) and Bavelas, Black, Chovil, and Mullet’s (1990) theory of situational dilemmas, the author predicted that experienced physicians would solve this dilemma by communicating the bad news indirectly (i.e., using honest but mitigated, softened, or hedged language). The experimental test of this prediction compared the language that physicians used when they communicated a diagnosis of metastasized cancer (the bad news condition) vs. a diagnosis of benign hemangiomas (the good news condition). In a within-subjects design, eight physicians with experience in palliative medicine conveyed these two diagnoses to 16 different volunteers who role-played the patients. The physicians and volunteers each had a schematic scenario with the medical background, but they otherwise improvised their interview, which was videotaped in split screen. Microanalysis of the physicians’ language focused on the sections where the physicians presented the good or the bad news for the first time. This analysis reliably assessed whether the physicians used direct or indirect terms in their naming of the diagnosis and in their evaluation of the news; whether they expressed certainty about the diagnosis; how they referred to the receiver of the diagnosis; and who they identified as the bearer of the news. The results of the microanalysis supported the prediction in this thesis: The physicians used indirect terms at a significantly higher rate when the news was bad than when the news was good. These results suggest that indirect language was the solution that these experienced physicians found for the situational dilemma of delivering bad news. In addition, the volunteer patients’ report after the bad news interview indicated that all of the volunteers understood the diagnosis and that virtually all appreciated the way the physician conveyed the bad news. These results provide evidence to support the effectiveness of indirect language in allowing physicians to convey bad news honestly while still being tactful. The findings of this study have direct implications for training physicians on how to break bad news in a manner that is both accurate and humane.

Physicians' use of indirect language to deliver medical bad news: an experimental investigation

Del Vento, Agustin 20 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis examined the delivery of medical bad news as a situational dilemma. When physicians have to convey distressing information, they must apparently choose between two negative communicative alternatives: To convey the diagnosis directly may distress and harm the patient, but to deny the diagnosis, in order to protect the patient and preserve hope, would risk compromising informed decision-making. Following Bavelas’ (1983) and Bavelas, Black, Chovil, and Mullet’s (1990) theory of situational dilemmas, the author predicted that experienced physicians would solve this dilemma by communicating the bad news indirectly (i.e., using honest but mitigated, softened, or hedged language). The experimental test of this prediction compared the language that physicians used when they communicated a diagnosis of metastasized cancer (the bad news condition) vs. a diagnosis of benign hemangiomas (the good news condition). In a within-subjects design, eight physicians with experience in palliative medicine conveyed these two diagnoses to 16 different volunteers who role-played the patients. The physicians and volunteers each had a schematic scenario with the medical background, but they otherwise improvised their interview, which was videotaped in split screen. Microanalysis of the physicians’ language focused on the sections where the physicians presented the good or the bad news for the first time. This analysis reliably assessed whether the physicians used direct or indirect terms in their naming of the diagnosis and in their evaluation of the news; whether they expressed certainty about the diagnosis; how they referred to the receiver of the diagnosis; and who they identified as the bearer of the news. The results of the microanalysis supported the prediction in this thesis: The physicians used indirect terms at a significantly higher rate when the news was bad than when the news was good. These results suggest that indirect language was the solution that these experienced physicians found for the situational dilemma of delivering bad news. In addition, the volunteer patients’ report after the bad news interview indicated that all of the volunteers understood the diagnosis and that virtually all appreciated the way the physician conveyed the bad news. These results provide evidence to support the effectiveness of indirect language in allowing physicians to convey bad news honestly while still being tactful. The findings of this study have direct implications for training physicians on how to break bad news in a manner that is both accurate and humane.

Acquisition et Expression Multimodale de la Négation. Étude d'un Corpus Vidéo et Longitudinal de Dyades Mère-Enfant Francophone et Anglophone. / Multimodal acquisition and expression of negation. Analysis of a videotaped and longitudinal corpus of a French and an English mother-child dyad.

Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'acquisition et le développement de la négation chez deux enfants monolingues anglaise et française, filmées entre 10 mois et 4 ans et 2 mois (66h) en interactions naturelles avec leur mère. Nous adoptons une perspective constructiviste et fonctionnaliste de la langue (Tomasello 2003) en tissant des liens avec la théorie des opérations énonciatives, la socialisation langagière et avec les études sur la gestualité. Notre définition du langage est large car nous analysons toutes les ressources sémiotiques dont le locuteur dispose pour se positionner en interaction. À l'aide d'un système de codage multimodal qui repose sur l'utilisation de logiciels compatibles, nous menons des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de l'usage des modalités verbales et non-verbales pour l'expression de la négation chez l'enfant avant 4 ans.Après avoir présenté l'ancrage théorique (partie 1) et notre méthode (partie 2), nous montrons que la négation correspond à un grand nombre de fonctions pragmatiques qui sont exprimées à l'aide de la synchronisation de modalités distinctes (partie 3). Les résultats indiquent que distinguer le rôle des modalités dans la construction de l’énoncé permet de travailler sur la complexité du langage. Concernant la négation, nous observons qu’il s’agit d’une opération énonciative qui ne repose pas systématiquement sur les mêmes formes selon la fonction exprimée.Cette recherche montre que l'usage synchronisé de plusieurs modalités en contexte de négation est une compétence linguistique et cognitive. En outre, les formes négatives s’enrichissent et se spécialisent après 3 ans pour permettre l’expression d’intentions communicatives variées. / This research focuses on the acquisition and the development of negation in two monolingual French and English children filmed from 10 months to 4 years and 2 months old (66 hours) in natural mother-child dyadic interactions.We use a functionalist and constructivist theoretical approach (Tomasello 2003) but we also bring together French utter-centred approach to language, language socialisation and gesture studies. Our definition of language encompasses all verbal and non-verbal means of expression speakers use to position themselves within interaction. We developed a multimodal coding system relying on the use of several compatible programs to combine qualitative and quantitative analyses. This method offers the opportunity to investigate the expression of negation in verbal and non-verbal modalities in children under 4.After laying the theoretical background (Part 1), we will present our methodology (Part 2). Results show that negation refers to a vast range of pragmatic functions whose expression is fully embodied because it is conveyed through the synchronisation of several modalities of expression (Part 3). Our analysis of the interplay of modalities in the construction of meaning happens to be a great locus to account for the complexity of language. We also observe that negation is a meta-category which can be expressed by a variety of forms.Our research shows that the usage of synchronised modalities in negative contexts can be considered a linguistic and cognitive skill. Moreover, the set of forms for negation develops and specialises after 3 years and helps the child express various communicative intentions linked to negation.

La communication des émotions chez l’enfant (colère, joie, tristesse) ; études de cas et confrontation de théories linguistiques / The communication of emotions in children and adults

Khaled, Fazia 03 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse multimodale de l’expression des émotions chez deux enfants américaines et leurs parents monolingues. Les enfants ont été filmées entre 11 mois et 3 and et 10 mois pour l’une et entre 1 an et 1 mois et 4 ans pour l’autre au cours d’interactions spontanées en milieu familial. Nous adoptons une définition du langage large car toutes les ressources sémiotiques sont à prendre en compte : ressources verbales (lexique, marqueurs grammaticaux), vocales (vocalisations), gestuelles et corporelles (gestes, expressions faciales, actions).Nous nous concentrons sur l’acquisition et le développement des marqueurs verbaux et non verbaux exprimant les émotions chez l’enfant et sur l’usage de ces marqueurs chez l’adulte. Nous montrons que des profils expressifs bien précis et distincts semblent déjà émerger chez les enfants, grandement influencés par l’input auquel ils sont exposés chaque jour.Au plan théorique, notre recherche s’inscrit dans une approche constructiviste et fonctionnaliste de la langue (Tomasello, 2003) et nous analysons les données à l’aune de la socialisation langagière, et des études sur la gestualité et les expressions faciales comme vecteurs d’informations communicationnelles. Au plan méthodologique, nous réalisons des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives afin d’éclairer les comportements propres à chaque locuteur.Après avoir exposé notre socle théorique et notre méthodologie (partie I), nous révélons nos résultats sur l’expression de trois émotions (colère, joie, et tristesse) chez les locuteurs adultes et enfants (partie II). Nos résultats suggèrent que le développement linguistique des enfants n’a pas d’incidence sur l’expression de leurs émotions, mais que l’input et les attitudes parentales jouent un rôle majeur dans l’acquisition et le développement de chaque modalité et dans la transmission de modèles expressifs. / This research provides a multimodal analysis of the expression of emotion in two monolingual American children and their parents. The children were filmed in natural interactions in a family setting from the ages of 11 months to 3 years 10 months, and from 1 year 1 month to 4 years.We adopted a broad definition of language in this research which encompasses various semiotic resources – from verbal resources (lexicon and grammatical features), to nonverbal (vocalizations, facial expressions, and gestures). We focus on the children’s acquisition and development of these verbal and nonverbal markers and on how they are used by their parents. Our research shows that children develop specific and distinct communicational patterns, which are greatly influenced by the input to which they are exposed.From a theoretical perspective, our research draws from a constructivist and functionalist approach (Tomasello, 2003), and our data is analyzed in light of language socialization and of studies which have shown that facial expressions and gestures are used as communicational signals in face-to-face dialogue. Our methodology combines quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate each speaker’s verbal and nonverbal behavior when expressing emotions.Having outlined our theoretical and methodological foundation (Part I), we present our results on the expression of three emotions (happiness, sadness, and anger) in children and adults (Part II). Our research suggests that while children’s linguistic development has little impact on the richness of their emotional expression parental input and attitudes both play a crucial role in the acquisition of each modality and in the transmission of communicational patterns.

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