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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Assessment of Perceptual Therapy Study (APTS)

Patterson, Henry D. 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

A programme to improve gross motor and selected visual perception skills of children who show signs of developmental coordination disorder

Markgraaff, Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of participation in a small group-based perceptual-motor training programme on the gross motor and visual-motor integration skills of children who show signs of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Two physical education teachers selected 22 children for assessment as potential participants for this study. The Movement ABC (M-ABC) was then administered to this group and the eight children who scored the lowest were invited to volunteer for this study. These children all volunteered and then completed the assessment of their visual-motor integration skills as measured by the Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2). The study followed an evaluative case study design in which changes in the gross motor and visual-motor integration skills of each participant were reported and interpreted individually. The six-week intervention programme was focused on developing the perceptual-motor link between throwing, catching and balancing skills with challenges to visual skills development, especially eye-hand coordination. A comparison of pre-test, post-test and retention test scores in the M-ABC revealed that the programme had a positive effect on six of the children. The results for the seventh child were inconsistent on each test occasion, leading to the conclusion that he may have a co-morbid disorder related to attention. Improvements in static balance were noted and some children also experienced improvements in their ball skills (aiming and coincident timing) which brings the researcher to the conclusion that the programme was effective for gross motor development. DTVP-2 results showed improvements in eye-hand coordination in five of the seven children. According to the VMI quotient score, only one child improved, one deteriorated and the rest showed no change which brings the researcher to the conclusion that the intervention programme was not effective for visual-motor integration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die impak te bepaal van deelname in „n klein-groep gebaseerde perseptueel-motoriese oefenprogram op die groot motoriese en visueel-motoriese integrasievaardighede van kinders met tekens van die Ontwikkelingskoördinasie-afwyking (DCD). Twee Lewensoriëntering-onderwysers het 22 kinders geïdentifiseer vir assessering as potensiële deelnemers aan die studie. Hierdie groep het die Beweging-ABC toets (M-ABC) ondergaan en die agt deelnemers met die laagste uitslae is uitgenooi om aan die studie deel te neem. Hierdie agt kinders het ingestem en daarna is die assessering voltooi deur hulle visueel-motoriese integrasievaardighede te meet deur middel van die Ontwikkelingstoets vir Visuele Persepsie (DTVP-2). Die studie het „n evaluerende gevallestudie-ontwerp gevolg waarin die veranderings tussen die groot motoriese en visueel-motoriese integrasievaardighede van elke deelnemer individueel geïnterpreteer en gerapporteer is. Die ses week-intervensieprogram het gefokus op die ontwikkeling van die perseptueel-motoriese skakel tussen gooi-, vang- en balans-vaardighede met uitdagings vir die ontwikkeling van visuele vaardighede, veral oog-hand koördinasie. „n Vergelyking tussen die voor-, na- en opvolgtoetse van die M-ABC se toetstellings het getoon dat die program „n positiewe effek op ses van die kinders se groot motoriese vaardighede gehad het. Die uitslag van die sewende kind was teenstrydig tydens elke toetsgeleentheid en dit het gelei tot die gevolgtrekking dat hy moontlik aan „n addisionele afwyking mag ly wat verband hou met „n aandagprobleem. Verbeterings in statiese balans is waargeneem en sommige kinders het ook „n verbetering in balvaardighede getoon (akkuraatheid en reaksietyd). Volgens die DTVP-2 resultate was daar verbeterings in oog-hand koördinasie by vyf van die sewe kinders. Volgens die VMI-kwosiënttelling het slegs een kind verbeter, een het versleg en die ander vyf het geen verandering getoon nie. Die navorser kom dus tot die gevolgtrekking dat die intervensieprogram nie effektief is vir visueel-motoriese integrasie nie.

A Comparison of Evaluation Models for Handicap Intervention in a Head Start Program

Niebuhr, Carin 01 May 1985 (has links)
The Model A and Model C Title I evaluation options were compared by using both options to measure the effectiveness of handicap intervention in a Head Start program. Two hundred three children in Jackson County (Oregon) were pretested with the Developmental Indicators of Learning Test (DIAL), the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), the Visual-Motor Integration Scale (VMI), and the Carrow Elicited Language Inventory (CELI). The 43 children who scored below the predetermined cut-off level were placed in a six-month intervention program. One hundred forty-nine children remaining in the Head Start program in May were posttested with the same tests. Model A analysis of mean scores of the intervention group indicated significant score change on all three testing instruments. Model C analysis indicated no positive score change. It was posited that the Model A effect in this project was large because it combined a positive intervention effect with a positive general program effect. The Model C option showed no effect because the estimated nonintervention scores were very large due to the large positive score change in the nonintervention group.

Padronização brasileira do Teste Bender Koppitz-2 em crianças da cidade de São Paulo / Brazilian standardization of the Bender Koppitz -2 Test in children from São Paulo city

Esteves, Cristiano 08 July 2015 (has links)
O Teste Guestáltico Visomotor de Bender é um teste psicológico utilizado em psicodiagnósticos infantis nas áreas clínica e neuropsicológica, embora existam adaptações para adolescentes e adultos. Em crianças seu uso se destina a avaliações da maturidade percepto-motora ou organização visomotora, diagnósticos de lesões cerebrais e perturbações emocionais, podendo também ser utilizado como uma técnica projetiva. Para os adultos é empregado tanto como uma técnica projetiva quanto para a identificação de alguns indicadores psicopatológicos e neuropsicológicos. Desde a sua elaboração em 1938 por Lauretta Bender, diversos sistemas de aplicação e avaliação foram desenvolvidos, sendo um dos mais conhecidos o de Elizabeth Koppitz. A tarefa a ser realizada pelo examinando consiste na reprodução de alguns desenhos, que podem ser somente copiados ou copiados e posteriormente reproduzidos de memória, dependendo do sistema utilizado. A avaliação consiste na análise da forma e precisão com que os desenhos são realizados. Um dos mais novos sistemas de avaliação é o Teste Bender Koppitz-2 proposto por Reynolds, que não é somente uma revisão, mas também uma extensão e um redesenvolvimento do sistema Koppitz original e que foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de integração visomotora. A principal diferença em relação ao teste original é que são acrescentados novos modelos mais fáceis, para as crianças mais novas, e mais difíceis, para as mais velhas, além dos nove propostos por Bender. Também foi ampliada a faixa etária de utilização, que passou a ser de 5 a 85 anos. Além disso, enquanto na avaliação do teste original são pontuados os erros na reprodução dos desenhos, na versão atual são pontuados os acertos, ou seja, o quanto eles foram bem realizados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar estudos de validade, fidedignidade e normatização do Sistema Koppitiz-2 em crianças de escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 623 crianças, sendo 51,7% do sexo feminino e 48,3% do masculino. As idades variaram entre 6 e 12 anos (média= 9,05 anos e DP=1,86) e a escolaridade entre um e nove anos de estudo. A validade foi investigada em relação ao desenvolvimento e pela relação com outros testes, o Teste de Inteligência Não Verbal - R-2 e as Figuras Complexas de Rey e pela correlação com a versão original do teste. A fidedignidade foi estudada pelos métodos do teste e reteste, precisão entre avaliadores e consistência interna. Os testes foram aplicados individualmente e as crianças que participaram dos diferentes estudos foram incluídas na amostra total. As análises foram conduzidas separadamente para as crianças de 6 e 7 anos e para as de 8 a 12 anos, uma vez que os sistemas de pontuação baseados na qualidade da execução dos desenhos são diferentes em função da idade. Os resultados mostraram correlações entre 0,616 e 0,648 para os mais novos e entre 0,647 e 0,778 para os mais velhos com as Figuras Complexas de Rey. Em relação ao R-2 as correlações variaram entre 0,542 e 0,638 e 0,439 e 0,667 (respectivamente para os mais novos e mais velhos). As correlações com o sistema Koppitz foram de -0,646 para os mais novos e -0,566 para os mais velhos. Quanto à Fidedignidade, as correlações entre o teste e o reteste variaram entre 0,794 e 0,837 para os mais jovens e 0,745 e 0,964 para os mais velhos. Os valores do Alfa de Cronbach variaram entre 0,716 e 0,879 e para a precisão entre avaliadores as correlações foram de 0,966 para os mais novos e 0,972 para os mais velhos. Foram realizadas análises de variância em função da idade, sexo e tipo de escola, cujos resultados indicaram a necessidade de normas em percentil separadas em relação a essas três variáveis, já que as médias dos grupos se diferenciaram estatisticamente em relação a elas, com destaque para as diferenças entre as médias dos mais velhos que tenderam a ser maiores do que as dos mais novos, ainda que não em todos os casos. Os resultados indicaram adequados índices de validade e fidedignidade para o Koppitz-2 que confirmam suas propriedades psicométricas, caracterizando-o como um instrumento que pode ser utilizado nas avaliações da capacidade de integração visomotora de crianças de 6 a 12 anos nos psicodiagnósticos para os mais diversos fins. No entanto ainda serão necessárias algumas revisões nos critérios de avaliação, que em alguns casos, se mostraram pouco definidos / The Bender Gestalt Test is a psychological test used in children diagnosis in clinical and neuropsychological areas, although there are adaptations for adolescents and adults. It is used to the assessments of perceptual-motor maturity or visual-motor organization, diagnosis of brain injuries and emotional disorders of children, and may also be used as a projective technique. For adults it is used both as a projective technique as well as for the identification of some psychopathological and neuropsychological indicators. Since it was published in 1938 by Lauretta Bender, many systems of administration and scoring have been developed, being one of the most known the system of Elizabeth Koppitz. The task to be performed by the examinee is to reproduce some drawings, which can only be copied or be copied and then reproduced by memory, depending on the system used. The evaluation consists in the analysis of the shape and the accuracy in which the drawings are done. One of the newest assessment systems is the Bender Koppitz-2 Test, proposed by Reynolds, which is not only a review, but also an extension and redevelopment of the original Koppitz system that was developed with the purpose of evaluate the visualmotor integration ability. The main difference is that new easier models for youngest children are added in the new test, and more difficult for the older ones, besides the nine, proposed by Bender. It has also been expanded the age range of use, from 5 to 85 years old. Furthermore, while in the evaluation of the original test errors are scored, in the current version the correct reproduction of the drawings are scored instead, meaning how well they were made. The goal of this work was to establish validity, reliability and the standardization of the Koppitiz-2 system to children from public schools in the city of São Paulo. The sample consisted of 623 children, being 51.7% female and 48.3% male. The ages ranged from 6 to 12 years of age (average = 9.05 years, SD = 1.86) and education between one and nine years of study. The validity was investigated in relation to the development and by the relationship with other tests: The Nonverbal Intelligence Test R-2, the Rey Complex Figures and the original version of the test. The reliability was studied by the methods of test and retest, interscorers reliability and internal consistency. The tests were applied individually and children who participated in the different studies were included in the total sample. The analyses were made separately for children of 6 and 7 years old and from 8 to 12 years old since the scoring systems based on the quality of the drawings are different depending on the age. The results showed correlations between 0.616 and 0.648 for the youngest ones and between 0.647 and 0.778 for oldest ones with the Rey Complex Figure. Regarding the R-2, correlations ranged between 0.542 and 0.638 and 0.439 and 0.667 (respectively for the youngest and oldest children). The correlations with the original Koppitz system were -0.646 for the youngest ones and -0.566 for the oldest ones. Reliability coefficients between test and retest varied between 0.794 and 0.837 for youngest and 0.745 and 0.964 for the oldest. The Cronbach\'s alpha ranged between 0.716 and 0.879 and the interscorers reliability correlations were 0.966 for the youngest ones and 0.972 for the oldest ones. Analysis of variance were performed according to age, sex and type of school, since their results indicated the need for standards in separate percentile to these three variables, and the average of the groups differed statistically in relation to them, especially the differences between the means of the oldest, who tended to be higher than of the youngest, but not in all cases. The results indicated adequate validity and reliability indices for the Koppitz-2, that confirm its psychometric properties, characterizing it as a tool that can be used in assessment of visual motor integration ability of children between 6-12 years of age in psychodiagnosis for various purposes. However some revisions will be required in the assessment criteria which, in some cases, proved to be poorly defined

Die stand van neuro-motoriese ontwikkeling en visueel-motoriese integrasie by 7- en 8-jarige leerders met leerverwante probleme / Chirine van Niekerk.

Van Niekerk, Chirine January 2012 (has links)
Various researchers highlight the role of neuro-motor and visual motor integration problems on learning-related barriers (Mutti et al., 1998; Goldstein & Britt, 1994; Kulp, 1999; Lotz et al., 2005; Van Roon et al., 2010). Visual motor integration and neuro-motor problems, that include perceptual, gross- and fine motor problems further relates to writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000). The visual system plays an important role in visual motor integration and researchers found ocular-motor control to correlate with learning-related problems and are therefore investigated (Vaughn et al., 2006). The aim of the study was twofold. The first aim was to determine the nature of neuro-motor problems that are present in 7- to 8-year old children with learning-related problems (writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems). The second aim was to determine the nature of ocular-motor control and visual-motor integration that are present in 7- to 8-year old children with learning-related problems (writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems). Sixty-eight learners (45 boys and 23 girls) with and without learning-related problems took part in the study. The group with learning-related problems (n=31) consisted of learners that received remedial intervention in Grade 1 and were in Grade 2 during the data collection. The control group (n=37) represented the study group for age and gender with a mean age of 7.5 years (SD=0.43) and had no learning-related problems. The Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST-II) and the Sensory Input Systems Screening Test (SISM) were used to determine the state of neuro-motor development and the visual and ocular-motor control status of learners. The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration - 4th ed. (VMI-4) were used to evaluate the visual-motor integration of learners. The Statistica for Windows 2011 computer program was used to do the data processing (StatSoft, 2011). Differences between learners with and without learning-related problems were determined by an independent t-test. A multi-dimensional representation of learners with learning-related problems were established by means of a correspondence analysis of twoway variance tables with respect to reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems. Results indicate that statistical as well as practical significant differences were found between learners with and without learning-related problems with respect to neuro-motor, visual-motor integration as well as ocular-motor problems. Neuro-motor problems were found between the two groups in visual, auditory, and tactile perception as well as different gross motor skills and were associated with reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems. Regarding ocularmotor control and visual-motor integration, statistical- (p≤0,01) as well as practical (d≥0,8) significant differences were found between learners with and without learning related problems in visual-motor integration as well as 10 of the 11 sub-items of the SISM which include the following: fixation with both eyes, fixation with right eye, fixation with left eye, ocular alignment with right eye, ocular alignment with left eye, tracking with both eyes, tracking with right eye, tracking with left eye, vertical tracking and horizontal tracking. It can be concluded from the results that a significant correlation could be found between neuro-motor problems, that includes ocular-motor control as well as visual-motor integration and learning-related problems (reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems). Neuromotor skills as well as visual-motor integration should therefore be incorporated in intervention of children with learning-related problems. / Thesis (MA (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Die stand van neuro-motoriese ontwikkeling en visueel-motoriese integrasie by 7- en 8-jarige leerders met leerverwante probleme / Chirine van Niekerk.

Van Niekerk, Chirine January 2012 (has links)
Various researchers highlight the role of neuro-motor and visual motor integration problems on learning-related barriers (Mutti et al., 1998; Goldstein & Britt, 1994; Kulp, 1999; Lotz et al., 2005; Van Roon et al., 2010). Visual motor integration and neuro-motor problems, that include perceptual, gross- and fine motor problems further relates to writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000). The visual system plays an important role in visual motor integration and researchers found ocular-motor control to correlate with learning-related problems and are therefore investigated (Vaughn et al., 2006). The aim of the study was twofold. The first aim was to determine the nature of neuro-motor problems that are present in 7- to 8-year old children with learning-related problems (writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems). The second aim was to determine the nature of ocular-motor control and visual-motor integration that are present in 7- to 8-year old children with learning-related problems (writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems). Sixty-eight learners (45 boys and 23 girls) with and without learning-related problems took part in the study. The group with learning-related problems (n=31) consisted of learners that received remedial intervention in Grade 1 and were in Grade 2 during the data collection. The control group (n=37) represented the study group for age and gender with a mean age of 7.5 years (SD=0.43) and had no learning-related problems. The Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST-II) and the Sensory Input Systems Screening Test (SISM) were used to determine the state of neuro-motor development and the visual and ocular-motor control status of learners. The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration - 4th ed. (VMI-4) were used to evaluate the visual-motor integration of learners. The Statistica for Windows 2011 computer program was used to do the data processing (StatSoft, 2011). Differences between learners with and without learning-related problems were determined by an independent t-test. A multi-dimensional representation of learners with learning-related problems were established by means of a correspondence analysis of twoway variance tables with respect to reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems. Results indicate that statistical as well as practical significant differences were found between learners with and without learning-related problems with respect to neuro-motor, visual-motor integration as well as ocular-motor problems. Neuro-motor problems were found between the two groups in visual, auditory, and tactile perception as well as different gross motor skills and were associated with reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems. Regarding ocularmotor control and visual-motor integration, statistical- (p≤0,01) as well as practical (d≥0,8) significant differences were found between learners with and without learning related problems in visual-motor integration as well as 10 of the 11 sub-items of the SISM which include the following: fixation with both eyes, fixation with right eye, fixation with left eye, ocular alignment with right eye, ocular alignment with left eye, tracking with both eyes, tracking with right eye, tracking with left eye, vertical tracking and horizontal tracking. It can be concluded from the results that a significant correlation could be found between neuro-motor problems, that includes ocular-motor control as well as visual-motor integration and learning-related problems (reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems). Neuromotor skills as well as visual-motor integration should therefore be incorporated in intervention of children with learning-related problems. / Thesis (MA (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Terapeutiese waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling en die invloed daarvan op skolastiese prestasie.

Schoeman, Olivier Johannes 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling of terapie vir visueel-perseptueel gestremde leerlinge as 'n subgroep van leergestremdheid, is reeds vir dekades 'n omstrede aangeleentheid. Hierdie omstredenheid is ondersoek aan die hand van sewe internasionaal erkende psigometriese toetse. Die interne konsekwentheidskoeffisiente van hierdie toetse het vir die huidige studie van 0,62 tot 0,95 gestrek. 'n Faktorontleding van die toetsinterkorrelasies het 'n gemeenskaplike faktor blootgele. Ses toetse was primer visueel-perseptueel, en Goodenough <1926> se skaal is vir die bepaling van intelligensie gebruik. Bykomend hiertoe, is leerlinge se prestasies in hul eerste taal, wiskunde en skrif gebruik om die effek van terapie te bepaal. Proefpersone is as visueel-perseptueel gestremd gediagnoseer deur 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige en 'n visuele skolingsentrum in Pretoria, waar eksper imentele leerlinge terapie ontvang het. Hierdie diagnoses is deur die Test for Visual Analysis Skills wat beduidend tussen normale en visueelperseptueel gestremdes onderskei, bevestig. Die toets se geldigheid vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede is in 'n voorstudie bepaal. Honderd en ses, ses- tot negejarige proefpersone (82 seuns en 24 dogters>, van normale intelligensie, gesigskerpte en gehoor, is betrek. Drie en vyftig het die eksperimentele groep gevorm wat onderverdeel is in 32 wat terapie voltooi het, en 21 wat nie het nie. Hierdie leerlinge is individueel afgepaar met kontroleleerlinge van dieselfde geslag, ouderdom, huistaal, sosio-ekonomiese status en skoolstanderd. Eksperimentele leerlinge het visuele terapie in n breer groepsverband vir een uur per week ontvang. Terapieperiodes het van 4 tot 15 maande gewissel. Die eksperimentele ontwerp was 'n voortoets-natoets-tweegroepontwerp. t-Toetse vir afhanklike (afgepaarde) groepe is uitgevoer op die verskille tussen voor- en natoetstellings, asook tussen die eksperimentele en kontrolegroepe. Geeneen van die primer visueel-oerseptuele meettegnieke het beduidende resultate opgelewer nie. Dit is aanduidend van die ondoeltreffendheid van visueel-perseptuele terapie om die tekorte waarop dit gemik is, reg te stel. Die waarde van visueel-perseptueie terapie is inteendeel beperk tot 'n oorhoofse verbetering in konseptualisering en intellektuele ryping by die groep wat terapie voltooi het. Skrif was die enigste vak wat by dieselfde groep beduidend verbeter het. Hierdie resultaat is egter twyfelagtig vanwee beoordelingstekorte. / The value of visual perceptual training or therapy, to visually perceptually impaired pupils as a subgroup of the learning disabled, has been a controversy far decades. This controversy was investigated by means of seven internationally recognised psychometric tests. The internal consistency coefficients of these tests for the present study ranged from 0,62 to 0,95. A factor analysis of test intercorrelations revealed a common factor. Six tests were primarily visual perceptual, whilst the Goodenough (1926) scale determined intelligence. Additionally, pupils' performance in their first language, mathematics and writing, was used to assess the therapeutic effect. Subjects were diagnosed as visually perceptually impaired by an educational psychologist and a visual training centre in Pretoria where experimental pupils received therapy. These diagnoses were confirmed by the Test for Visual Analysis Skills, which significantly differentiates between the normal and visually perceptually impaired. This test's validity for South African circumstances was determined in a prestudy. One hundred and six, six to nine year old subjects <82 boys and 24 girls>, of normal intelligence, visual acuity and hearing, were involved. Fifty three formed the experimental group which was subdivided in 32 who completed therapy, and 21 who did not. These pupils were individualiy matched with controls of similar sex, age, home language, socio economic status and school standard. Experimental pupils received visual therapy within a broader group context for one hour per week. Therapy periods fluctuated between 4 and 15 months. The experimental design was a pretest-posttest two group design. t-Tests for dependant <matched) groups were conducted on the differences between pre and oosttest scores, as well as between the experimental and control groups. None of the primarily visual perceptual tests revealed significant results. This signifies the inefficiency of visual perceptual therapy to rectify the deficits at which it is directed. The value of visual perceptual therapy is, on the contrary, restricted to an overall improvement in conceptualization and intellectual maturation within the group which completed therapy. Writing was the only subject which improved significantly within the same group. However, this result is dubious, due to evaluation deficits. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Verbetering van visueel–motoriese integrasie by 6– tot 8–jarige kinders met Aandaggebrekhiperaktiwiteitsindroom / van Wyk J.

Van Wyk, Yolanda January 2011 (has links)
The visual system and good ocular motor control play an important role in the effective development of gross motor, sport, fine motor and academic skills (Erhardt et al., 1988:84; Desrocher, 1999:36; Orfield, 2001:114). Various researchers report a link between ocular motor problems and attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000:263; Farrar et al., 2001:441; Gould et al., 2001:633; Armstrong & Munoz, 2003:451; Munoz et al., 2003:510; Borsting et al., 2005:588; Hanisch et al., 2005:671; Mason et al., 2005:1345; Loe et al., 2009:432). A few studies were carried out to analyse the links between ADHD and ocular motor control with regard to matters like visual attention, visual perception and ocular motor control like eye movement outside the normal fixation point, but no studies have been reported on the status of the ocular motor control of South African populations, and the effect of visual–motor intervention on the ocular motor control or visual–motor integration of learners with ADHD. The aim of the study was twofold, namely firstly to determine the ocular motor control functions and status of visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– tot 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa, while the second aim was to determine whether a visualmotor– based intervention programme can improve the ocular motor control and status of the visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– to 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa. Statistica for Windows 2010 was used to analyse the data. The Sensory Input Screening measuring instrument and the Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST–II) were used to assess the ocular motor control functions (fixation, ocular alignment, visual tracking and convergence–divergence), while the Beery Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration (VMI–4de weergawe) was used to determine the status of the learners’ visual–motor integration (VMI), visual perception (VP) and motor coordination (MC). The Disruptive Behaviour Scale, a checklist for ADHD (Bester, 2006), was used as measuring instrument to identify the learners with ADHD. Fifty–six learners (31 boys, 25 girls, with an average age of 7,03 years +0,65) participated in the pre–test and were divided into an ADHD (n=39) and a non–ADHD (n=16) group for aim one. Two–way tables were used to determine the percentage of ocular motor control deficits in the learners with and without ADHD, and an independent t–test was used to analyse the visual–motor integration of these learners. The Pearson Chi–squared test was used to determine the practical significance of differences in VMI and VP (d>0,05). The results of the study reveal that the majority of learners displayed ocular motor control deficits, regardless of whether they were classified with ADHD or not. The biggest percentage of learners fell into Class 2 (moderate deficits), particularly with regard to horizontal (68,57%; 52,63%; w=0,16) and vertical tracking (65,71%; 73,68%), as well as convergence–divergence (80%; 78,95%; w=0,11). However, it appears that ADHD learners experience more serious problems (Class 3) with visual tracking than learners without ADHD (both eyes: 22,86%; compared to 10,53% (w=0,22); right eye: 11,43% compared to 0% (p=0,05; w=0,34); left eye: 14,29% compared to 0% (p=0,02; w=0,38)). Learners with and without ADHD displayed a practically significant difference with respect to visual perception (d=0,37) and motor coordination (d=0,5) compared to learners without ADHD (who achieved better results). For aim 2 the subjects were divided into three groups. A pre–test–post–test design compiled from an availability sample of three groups (intervention group with ADHD (n=20); control group with ADHD (n=10) and control group without ADHD (n=17)) was used for this part of the study. The intervention group participated in a nine–week (3x/week and for 45 minutes) visualmotor– based intervention programme in which the ocular motor control functions section was applied for about 5 minutes per learner. Forty–seven learners (25 boys and 22 girls) with an average age of 6,95 years (+0,69) constituted the experimental group, while a control group with ADHD with an average age of 7,2 years (+0,79) and a control group without ADHD with an average age of 7,12 years (+0,60) did not receive any intervention and just participated in the pre– and post–test opportunity. A two–way cross–tabulation table was used to determine the changes in ocular motor control functions. These results mainly revealed that practically significant changes occurred in all three groups, be it improvement or deterioration in the various classes of ocular motor control. It appears that as far as horizontal and vertical visual tracking is concerned, and with convergence–divergence, more subjects were moved back from Class 3 (serious cases) to Class 1 (no deficits) and 2 (moderate deficits) in particular than in the other two groups that had received no intervention. Independent t–testing was used to analyse intragroup differences in the visual–motor integration subdivisions, while a covariance analysis (ANCOVA) (corrected for pre–test differences) was used to determine adjusted average post–test difference values. These results revealed that the motor coordination of the intervention group improved more than that of the control group with ADHD (p=0,18). This can lead to the conclusion that the intervention programme did have an effect on this specific skill. Abstract The overall indications of the results are that learners with ADHD have a general tendency to achieve poorer results in ocular motor control tests and with skills involving visual–motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination than learners without ADHD. Although only a minor improvement was identified in the experimental group after participation in the intervention programme, it is recommended with regard to motor coordination in particular that a similar programme be compiled for ADHD learners that focuses more specifically on the ocular motor control needs of each learner, and that it be presented on a more individual basis in order to accomplish greater improvement. / Thesis (M.A. (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Verbetering van visueel–motoriese integrasie by 6– tot 8–jarige kinders met Aandaggebrekhiperaktiwiteitsindroom / van Wyk J.

Van Wyk, Yolanda January 2011 (has links)
The visual system and good ocular motor control play an important role in the effective development of gross motor, sport, fine motor and academic skills (Erhardt et al., 1988:84; Desrocher, 1999:36; Orfield, 2001:114). Various researchers report a link between ocular motor problems and attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000:263; Farrar et al., 2001:441; Gould et al., 2001:633; Armstrong & Munoz, 2003:451; Munoz et al., 2003:510; Borsting et al., 2005:588; Hanisch et al., 2005:671; Mason et al., 2005:1345; Loe et al., 2009:432). A few studies were carried out to analyse the links between ADHD and ocular motor control with regard to matters like visual attention, visual perception and ocular motor control like eye movement outside the normal fixation point, but no studies have been reported on the status of the ocular motor control of South African populations, and the effect of visual–motor intervention on the ocular motor control or visual–motor integration of learners with ADHD. The aim of the study was twofold, namely firstly to determine the ocular motor control functions and status of visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– tot 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa, while the second aim was to determine whether a visualmotor– based intervention programme can improve the ocular motor control and status of the visual–motor integration of a selected group of 6– to 8–year–old learners with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa. Statistica for Windows 2010 was used to analyse the data. The Sensory Input Screening measuring instrument and the Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST–II) were used to assess the ocular motor control functions (fixation, ocular alignment, visual tracking and convergence–divergence), while the Beery Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration (VMI–4de weergawe) was used to determine the status of the learners’ visual–motor integration (VMI), visual perception (VP) and motor coordination (MC). The Disruptive Behaviour Scale, a checklist for ADHD (Bester, 2006), was used as measuring instrument to identify the learners with ADHD. Fifty–six learners (31 boys, 25 girls, with an average age of 7,03 years +0,65) participated in the pre–test and were divided into an ADHD (n=39) and a non–ADHD (n=16) group for aim one. Two–way tables were used to determine the percentage of ocular motor control deficits in the learners with and without ADHD, and an independent t–test was used to analyse the visual–motor integration of these learners. The Pearson Chi–squared test was used to determine the practical significance of differences in VMI and VP (d>0,05). The results of the study reveal that the majority of learners displayed ocular motor control deficits, regardless of whether they were classified with ADHD or not. The biggest percentage of learners fell into Class 2 (moderate deficits), particularly with regard to horizontal (68,57%; 52,63%; w=0,16) and vertical tracking (65,71%; 73,68%), as well as convergence–divergence (80%; 78,95%; w=0,11). However, it appears that ADHD learners experience more serious problems (Class 3) with visual tracking than learners without ADHD (both eyes: 22,86%; compared to 10,53% (w=0,22); right eye: 11,43% compared to 0% (p=0,05; w=0,34); left eye: 14,29% compared to 0% (p=0,02; w=0,38)). Learners with and without ADHD displayed a practically significant difference with respect to visual perception (d=0,37) and motor coordination (d=0,5) compared to learners without ADHD (who achieved better results). For aim 2 the subjects were divided into three groups. A pre–test–post–test design compiled from an availability sample of three groups (intervention group with ADHD (n=20); control group with ADHD (n=10) and control group without ADHD (n=17)) was used for this part of the study. The intervention group participated in a nine–week (3x/week and for 45 minutes) visualmotor– based intervention programme in which the ocular motor control functions section was applied for about 5 minutes per learner. Forty–seven learners (25 boys and 22 girls) with an average age of 6,95 years (+0,69) constituted the experimental group, while a control group with ADHD with an average age of 7,2 years (+0,79) and a control group without ADHD with an average age of 7,12 years (+0,60) did not receive any intervention and just participated in the pre– and post–test opportunity. A two–way cross–tabulation table was used to determine the changes in ocular motor control functions. These results mainly revealed that practically significant changes occurred in all three groups, be it improvement or deterioration in the various classes of ocular motor control. It appears that as far as horizontal and vertical visual tracking is concerned, and with convergence–divergence, more subjects were moved back from Class 3 (serious cases) to Class 1 (no deficits) and 2 (moderate deficits) in particular than in the other two groups that had received no intervention. Independent t–testing was used to analyse intragroup differences in the visual–motor integration subdivisions, while a covariance analysis (ANCOVA) (corrected for pre–test differences) was used to determine adjusted average post–test difference values. These results revealed that the motor coordination of the intervention group improved more than that of the control group with ADHD (p=0,18). This can lead to the conclusion that the intervention programme did have an effect on this specific skill. Abstract The overall indications of the results are that learners with ADHD have a general tendency to achieve poorer results in ocular motor control tests and with skills involving visual–motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination than learners without ADHD. Although only a minor improvement was identified in the experimental group after participation in the intervention programme, it is recommended with regard to motor coordination in particular that a similar programme be compiled for ADHD learners that focuses more specifically on the ocular motor control needs of each learner, and that it be presented on a more individual basis in order to accomplish greater improvement. / Thesis (M.A. (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Terapeutiese waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling en die invloed daarvan op skolastiese prestasie.

Schoeman, Olivier Johannes 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die waarde van visueel-perseptuele skoling of terapie vir visueel-perseptueel gestremde leerlinge as 'n subgroep van leergestremdheid, is reeds vir dekades 'n omstrede aangeleentheid. Hierdie omstredenheid is ondersoek aan die hand van sewe internasionaal erkende psigometriese toetse. Die interne konsekwentheidskoeffisiente van hierdie toetse het vir die huidige studie van 0,62 tot 0,95 gestrek. 'n Faktorontleding van die toetsinterkorrelasies het 'n gemeenskaplike faktor blootgele. Ses toetse was primer visueel-perseptueel, en Goodenough <1926> se skaal is vir die bepaling van intelligensie gebruik. Bykomend hiertoe, is leerlinge se prestasies in hul eerste taal, wiskunde en skrif gebruik om die effek van terapie te bepaal. Proefpersone is as visueel-perseptueel gestremd gediagnoseer deur 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige en 'n visuele skolingsentrum in Pretoria, waar eksper imentele leerlinge terapie ontvang het. Hierdie diagnoses is deur die Test for Visual Analysis Skills wat beduidend tussen normale en visueelperseptueel gestremdes onderskei, bevestig. Die toets se geldigheid vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede is in 'n voorstudie bepaal. Honderd en ses, ses- tot negejarige proefpersone (82 seuns en 24 dogters>, van normale intelligensie, gesigskerpte en gehoor, is betrek. Drie en vyftig het die eksperimentele groep gevorm wat onderverdeel is in 32 wat terapie voltooi het, en 21 wat nie het nie. Hierdie leerlinge is individueel afgepaar met kontroleleerlinge van dieselfde geslag, ouderdom, huistaal, sosio-ekonomiese status en skoolstanderd. Eksperimentele leerlinge het visuele terapie in n breer groepsverband vir een uur per week ontvang. Terapieperiodes het van 4 tot 15 maande gewissel. Die eksperimentele ontwerp was 'n voortoets-natoets-tweegroepontwerp. t-Toetse vir afhanklike (afgepaarde) groepe is uitgevoer op die verskille tussen voor- en natoetstellings, asook tussen die eksperimentele en kontrolegroepe. Geeneen van die primer visueel-oerseptuele meettegnieke het beduidende resultate opgelewer nie. Dit is aanduidend van die ondoeltreffendheid van visueel-perseptuele terapie om die tekorte waarop dit gemik is, reg te stel. Die waarde van visueel-perseptueie terapie is inteendeel beperk tot 'n oorhoofse verbetering in konseptualisering en intellektuele ryping by die groep wat terapie voltooi het. Skrif was die enigste vak wat by dieselfde groep beduidend verbeter het. Hierdie resultaat is egter twyfelagtig vanwee beoordelingstekorte. / The value of visual perceptual training or therapy, to visually perceptually impaired pupils as a subgroup of the learning disabled, has been a controversy far decades. This controversy was investigated by means of seven internationally recognised psychometric tests. The internal consistency coefficients of these tests for the present study ranged from 0,62 to 0,95. A factor analysis of test intercorrelations revealed a common factor. Six tests were primarily visual perceptual, whilst the Goodenough (1926) scale determined intelligence. Additionally, pupils' performance in their first language, mathematics and writing, was used to assess the therapeutic effect. Subjects were diagnosed as visually perceptually impaired by an educational psychologist and a visual training centre in Pretoria where experimental pupils received therapy. These diagnoses were confirmed by the Test for Visual Analysis Skills, which significantly differentiates between the normal and visually perceptually impaired. This test's validity for South African circumstances was determined in a prestudy. One hundred and six, six to nine year old subjects <82 boys and 24 girls>, of normal intelligence, visual acuity and hearing, were involved. Fifty three formed the experimental group which was subdivided in 32 who completed therapy, and 21 who did not. These pupils were individualiy matched with controls of similar sex, age, home language, socio economic status and school standard. Experimental pupils received visual therapy within a broader group context for one hour per week. Therapy periods fluctuated between 4 and 15 months. The experimental design was a pretest-posttest two group design. t-Tests for dependant <matched) groups were conducted on the differences between pre and oosttest scores, as well as between the experimental and control groups. None of the primarily visual perceptual tests revealed significant results. This signifies the inefficiency of visual perceptual therapy to rectify the deficits at which it is directed. The value of visual perceptual therapy is, on the contrary, restricted to an overall improvement in conceptualization and intellectual maturation within the group which completed therapy. Writing was the only subject which improved significantly within the same group. However, this result is dubious, due to evaluation deficits. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

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