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Testování lomové houževnatosti za vysokých teplot s využitím miniaturních CT těles / Fracture toughness testing at high temperature range using miniaturized CT specimensLokvenc, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with a high temperature testing of fracture toughness and studies the size effect on measured values using miniature size CT specimen. Two types of specimen geometry were manufactured from P91 steel, the standard size and the quarter size specimen. J-R curves were obtained in the temperature range from 23°C to 600°C. No specimen size effect was observed at room temperature tests. The realized experiments together with fractography analysis demonstrated the drop of toughness at 400°C caused by the effect of dynamic strain aging.
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Československá modernistická ilustrace 50. a 60. let 20. století a její vliv na identitu současných českých autorů / Czechoslovak modernist Illustration of the 1950s and 1960s and Its Influence on the Identities of Contemporary Czech Artists>Šrámek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
A doctoral thesis “Czechoslovakian modernist illustration of the 1950s and 1960s and its influences in the contemporary Czech visual culture” is focused on how a modernist illustration of the 1950s and 1960s influences Czech contemporary authors, especially illustrators. We can witness a particularly strong influence of the above mentioned modernist illustration and visual culture of that period in general among producers employing digital tools and vector graphics served. The thesis contains a historical study which follows developments of the visual language of graphic arts (illustration in particular) in the 1950s and 1960s in relation to fine arts. There is a special focus on a position of the 1960s’ modernist illustration within the applied arts of the period. Biographical study dedicated to illustrator M. Šašek introduce key figure of the (late) modernist period.
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Odolnost FRP kompozitních materiálů vůči působení vybraných agresivních prostředí / FRP composite materials resistance to the effects of selected corrosive environmentsMičkal, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with monitoring of the durability of FRP reinforcements in alkaline environments with differing temperature exposures. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of a general description of the FRP composites, the manufacturing of these FRP reinforcements using pultrusion technology, the resistance of these composites in aggressive alkaline environments, and the influence of temperature on the speed and manner of degradation. In the experimental part of this thesis, the FRP reinforcements were placed in an alkaline environment tempered at different temperatures (20 °C, 40 °C, 60 °C). Subsequently, any optical physical changes of the reinforcements were described and evaluated by the use of optical microscopy and the destructive tests of these reinforcements.
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Starověký šperk Střední Asie a jeho vztahy ke šperkařskému umění anitického Středomoří / Ancient Jewellery of Central Asia and its relations to the Jewellers' art of Ancient Mediterranean.Belaňová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Central Asia, crossroads of ancient trade routes known as the Silk Road, absorbed for centuries the pulses of travelling cultural influences and created an environment for the existence of original artistic expression, which can be seen in jewellery making as well. The dissertation thesis deals with analysis of the findings from excavation units and individual pieces of jewellery, in most cases made of gold, which were often largely inspired by the culture of the ancient Mediterranean. The historical - geographic perspective of the work is focused primarily on territory of ancient Bactria and Gandhara - southern part of the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, then northern and eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. These areas were in the past centers of military activities and political formations, followed up in many aspects on the Mediterranean traditions. These political formations contributed distinctly to the dissemination and preservation of some elements of ancient cultural heritage in Central Asian architecture, sculpture and other fine arts and crafts. Most jewelry findings come from a fairly turbulent period of the 1st century AD, when the territory of Central Asia saw the progressive formation of Kushan Empire. The main part of the thesis consists of summary of the...
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Autorské právo v Evropské unii: vliv zájmových skupin při tvorbě směrnice o kolektivní správě práv / Copyright in the European Union: Influence of Interest Groups during the Creation of the Collective Rights Management DirectiveSlabyhoudek, Václav January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on the influence of interest groups during the creation of the 2012 Proposal for a Directive on collective rights management. In particular, the thesis deals with the pre-legislative phase of the legislative process, which began in April 2004. The theoretical framework includes conceptualization of interest groups, lobbying and influence. The mechanisms of influence are analysed using two theories - rational choice theory and rational choice institutionalism. The thesis utilizes process tracing - theory testing as a main methodological approach. Empirical evidence is investigated by analysing primary sources. The main subjects of the analysis are the most relevant documents from the European Commission concerning the pre-legislative phase. Four semi-structured interviews with selected relevant actors were also conducted. The thesis concludes by confirming/ disproving of the main hypothesis: Specific interest groups succeeded in influencing the text of the proposal for a directive on the collective management of copyright.
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Vlivy člověka na zvyšování společenské odpovědnosti firem / How human beings influence an amplifying business responsibility in societyBubnová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis: The fluence of man on increasing corporate social responsibility is describe the meaning of social responsibility and options how to increase it. Is possible to increase responsibility of corporation by employee or customer? How we can recognize that their behaviour isnť only good promotional tactic as a public relation and commercial? How government can support this behaviour and is realistic to force corporate to be morale with using the right? The result of this thesis will be find out what does it means social responsibility for normal people nowadays and what saying companies especially in Prague. Keywords Social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, ethics, individual ethics, business ethics, environment, human influence, commercial, state, law
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Mezi mocí a vnímáním: analýza čínského vlivu v mezinárodních vztazích / Between Power and Perception: Analyzing China's Influence in International RelationsKarásková, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
The doctoral thesis focuses on the People's Republic of China's influence in international relations. It follows two main research objectives, a theoretical and an empirical one. The first goal is to more firmly establish the concept of influence and distinguish it from power, the second is to analyze China's influence in the Czech Republic before, during and after the 'restart' of Czech-China relations in 2012. The thesis rests on the idea of a conceptual 'filter' through which power (conceptualized as ability) passes on its way to becoming influence. As a result, the effects of policies implemented by an actor who aims to exert a power on another actor are co-dependent not only on its power, but also the perception of the actor which is being influenced. The thesis claims that in case of a significant distance (defined geographically or otherwise) between 'the sender' and 'the receiver', perception matters more as it has greater ability to amplify or decrease the effects of the sender's power - i.e. the influence. The latter objective aims at explaining the methods the People's Republic of China uses to impose its interests on others and the receivers' reactions to such efforts. The thesis uses a case study of the Czech Republic as a country where China's influence is just getting established and...
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Diverzita ve statutárních orgánech společností a jejich výkonnost: případ České republiky / Board Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Czech RepublicParlásková, Eva January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on an analysis of the impact of corporate board diversity on firm performance using evidence from the Czech Republic. Return on assets, EBIT margin, EBITDA margin, and net profit margin were used as the performance measures. Three types of board diversity were examined in this thesis - gender, nationality, and age. Gender and nationality diversity were both represented by the percentage of women or foreigners on board, and by a dummy variable indicating the presence of women or a foreigner on board. The age diversity was measured by the average age of all board members. Some additional control variables were included in the models such as firm age, firm size, liquidity, etc. Our research is using data from 114 Czech enterprises between the years 2010 and 2018. The fixed-effects or the random-effects method was used to determine the relationship between board diversity and firm performance. The results show that there is a significant and positive relationship between the presence of women on board and firm performance. The average age of board members has a significant negative effect on all dependent variables. Nationality diversity has a mixed effect on firm performance. JEL Classification D22, G32, G34, J15, J16 Keywords Board diversity, firm performance,...
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Zprostředkovatelé pravicového populismu / Mediators of the right-wing populismParkanová, Edita January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate unofficial ways that spread the ideas of right-wing- populism with focus on family, especially on mother as a primar mediator. In a background of a right-wing traditional family will be researched the psychological strategies, that populists use to involve the family through the children. One of those strategies are ideologically based summer camps, that raise the political and social thinking, that the children brought from their families. The impact of those strategies will be theoretically and practically analysed. Keywords right-wing populism, family influence, prejudices, education of children, role of a woman, closed societies
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Vliv jazyka online médií na vyjadřování médií tištěných na příkladu Lidových novin / The influence of online media language on language of print media for example "Lidové noviny"Zavadilová, Michala January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the influence the language of online media has on the expression of printed media on the example of Lidové noviny newspaper and the Lidovky.cz server. In the theoretical part, this work describes media product and content, style and language of news reporting and opinion journalism, the selection of language devices which are further defined, and the editorial preparation of texts. The empirical part offers an insight into the operation of the newsroom of Lidové noviny and of the server Lidovky.cz and marks their connectedness as well as their differences. Furthermore, this work identifies the language devices appearing in news reporting both local and foreign sections based on a qualitative analysis. Singular language devices are investigated in printed Lidové noviny newspapers from years 2014 and 2019 and in the content of the Lidovky.cz server. The research sample consists in the case of Lidové noviny of the first Monday issue of each month in the respective years. Comparisons within the framework of the specific language devices appearing in the selected research sample are then provided based on the results and their interpretation. In the conclusion, the main results of the singular language categories are summarized after the comparisons between the above-mentioned...
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