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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání efektivity tří aplikací nanoželeza pro sanaci podzemních vod znečištěných chlorovanými etheny / Comparison of effectiveness of three applications of zero-valent iron nanoparticles for remediation of groundwater polluted by chlorinated ethenes

Vacková, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on remediation of groundwater polluted by chlorinated ethenes with a use of nanoiron particles. Three injections of different types of nanoiron were carried out in the contaminated area of Spolchemie a.s. company in Ústí nad Labem. The main aim of the thesis was to compare effectiveness of those three applications. The remediation of groundwater was done by direct- push injection of suspension of nanoscale zero-valent iron. After that a monitoring of groundwater level and physicochemical parameters was performed. Samples of groundwater were collected during the monitoring and were analysed for contaminants and products of dechlorination. It was discovered that NANOFER STAR nanoiron had the strongest influence on reductive dechlorination. This was reflected by concentration decrease of TCE by 84 %, VC by 60 % and total concentration of CHC by 39 % in the period three months after the injection and the increase of degradation products of chlorinated ethenes. Injections of conservative tracers potassium bromide and lithium chloride served as a criterion for differentiation between the process of dechlorination and simple dilution effect. The effectiveness of NZVI-C3 nanoiron and NANOFER STAR with CMC nanoiron were notably lower than the bare NANOFER STAR nanoiron. In...

Léčivé radioaktivní minerální prameny v oblasti Skalná - Bad Brambach / Radioactive medicinal springs in the Skalná - Bad Brambach area

Turnová, Štěpánka January 2019 (has links)
Radiohydrochemical exploration took place in east part of the "smrčinský" pluton between "Skalná-Plesná-Bad Brambach in years 2016-2018. The main aim of the exploration was location and thorough research of possible occurrence of waters with radioactive concretation higher than 1500 Bq/l. That is a value for radioactive mineral waters given by the "lázeňským" law number 164/2001 Sb. Most important area is Plesná-south where was discovered several springs with values exceeding 5000 Bq/l. Eminent spring is called "Břetislav-Radonka" and lies one kilometre southwest from the train station Plesná-Šneky with an activity of about 12.5 kBq / l 222 Rn and a flow rate of about 2.5 l / min. It is the most active surface discharge of radon mineral water in the Czech Republic Another significant source area is north of Skalna - north. These springs were discovered almost 60 years ago, Dr. Marie Zukriegelová. The main source of this area was named after its discoverer - the "Marie Z" spring with an activity of 5800 Bq / l 222 Rn.Further the research focused on historical radioactive conduit which were used to supply village Skalné with water. The conduit was separated on two "branches" and the younger one was built ten years after the first one. In both pipes were found radioactive waters and the most important...

Interpretace a využití monitoringu vodárenských vrtů / Interpretation and use of monitoring data from water supply wells

Kutnarová, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The life of the hydrogeological well is not important only in petroleum geology but also in the water industry. Nowadays, when the demand of water rises, it is necessary to ensure the smooth running of the wells and care as much as possible about their condition. The aim of this thesis is try to apply the methods of production analysis commonly used in oil production in the oil industry for water supply wells. In the thesis I will focus on monitoring the productivity of the well with regard to increasing the hydraulic losses caused by clogging. iv

Kontaminace pitní vody arsenem a borem v Peru - původ, vlastnosti a řešení / Contamination of Peruvian drinking water by arsenic and boron - origin, properties and treatment

Sadloň, Matúš January 2020 (has links)
Excessive arsenic and boron concentrations determined in natural waters within the Department of Tacna in southern Peru are associated with active Andean volcanism, being further exacerbated by the ongoing mining activity in the area. Both arsenic and boron concentrations at five investigated sites significantly exceed the maximum permissible limits determined by the World Health Organisation and the Peruvian legislation for drinking water, thus affecting the health and wellbeing of the local population. Due to the remoteness of the area of interest, which lacks infrastructure, skilled human resources as well as capital, Photon Water Technology s.r.o. has come up with a solution based on the use of small water treatment plants operating on the principle of reverse osmosis in combination with a commercial remediation product Katalox Light® . This product enables the formation of alkaline conditions needed for proper complexation of boron into B(OH)4 - (aq), which is better remediated by the proposed technology. Reverse osmosis can remediate arsenic, although the efficiency of As removal depends on the chemical composition of natural waters at the investigated sites. Laboratory experiments have been focused to prove the viability of Katalox Light® for enhancing the rate of boron removal within the designed...

Uklanjanje benzofenona i kofeina procesima prečišćavanja voda / Removal of benzophenones and caffeine during water treatment processes

Bogunović Minja 23 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Benzofenoni&nbsp; i&nbsp; kofein&nbsp; su&nbsp; sveprisutni,&nbsp; kako&nbsp; u&nbsp; otpadnim,&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; u<br />povr&scaron;inskim vodama, u koncentracijama od nekoliko ng/l do mg/l. Koriste se<br />u proizvodnji kozmetičkih preparata, kao&nbsp; pojačivači mirisa i ukusa, fiksatori<br />u&nbsp; parfemima,&nbsp; aditivi&nbsp; u&nbsp; plastici,&nbsp; sredstvima&nbsp; za&nbsp; či&scaron;ćenje,&nbsp; u&nbsp; proizvodnji<br />pesticida.&nbsp; Benzofenoni&nbsp; su&nbsp; UV&nbsp; filteri&nbsp; pa&nbsp; se&nbsp; često&nbsp; koriste&nbsp; u&nbsp; proizvodnji<br />sunčanih&nbsp; naočara,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; proizvodnji&nbsp; sapuna&nbsp; i&nbsp; parfema,&nbsp; sprečavajući&nbsp; UV<br />zrake&nbsp; da&nbsp; o&scaron;tete&nbsp; miris&nbsp; ili&nbsp; boju&nbsp; proizvoda.&nbsp; BP-3&nbsp; se&nbsp; najče&scaron;će&nbsp; koristi&nbsp; u<br />kozmetičkoj&nbsp; industriji&nbsp; kao&nbsp; UV&nbsp; filter&nbsp; u&nbsp; kremama&nbsp; za&nbsp; sunčanje,&nbsp; losionima&nbsp; za<br />telo,&nbsp; &scaron;amponima,&nbsp; bojama&nbsp; i&nbsp; sprejevima&nbsp; za&nbsp; kosu.&nbsp; Kofein&nbsp; se&nbsp; primenjuje&nbsp; u<br />proizvodnji&nbsp; prehrambenih&nbsp; proizvoda,&nbsp; lekova&nbsp; i&nbsp; kozmetičkih&nbsp; preparata.<br />Značajno&nbsp; se&nbsp; razlikuju&nbsp; po&nbsp; hidrofilnosti&nbsp; (benzofenon&nbsp; log&nbsp; Kow&nbsp; 3,18;<br />benzofenon-3&nbsp; log&nbsp; Kow&nbsp; 3,79;&nbsp; kofein&nbsp; log&nbsp; Kow&nbsp; -0,07).&nbsp; Usled&nbsp; nedostatka<br />podataka o sadržaju odabranih predstavnika benzofenona (benzofenon (BP) i<br />benzofenon-3(BP-3)) i kofeina (CF)&nbsp; u različitim tipovima vode&nbsp; (pre svega u<br />lokalnim&nbsp; otpadnim&nbsp; vodama&nbsp; i&nbsp; rečnoj&nbsp; vodi)&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovom&nbsp; pona&scaron;anju&nbsp; u<br />tretmanima&nbsp; voda,&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; su&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; u&nbsp; efluentu&nbsp; tipičnog&nbsp; postrojenja&nbsp; za<br />preradu&nbsp; otpadnih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; i&nbsp; rečnoj&nbsp; vodi&nbsp; Dunava.&nbsp; Utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; sve&nbsp; tri<br />komponente&nbsp; prisutne&nbsp; u&nbsp; efluentu&nbsp; WWTP&nbsp; (BP&nbsp; od&nbsp; 0,112&nbsp; &micro;g/l&nbsp; do&nbsp; 0,146&nbsp; &micro;g/l;<br />BP-3 od 0,00718 &micro;g/l do 0,42 &micro;g/l; CF od 0,2 &micro;g/l do 12 &micro;g/l) i u Dunavu<br />(maksimalno detektovana koncentracija je za BP 0,95 &micro;g/l, za BP-3 0,62 &micro;g/l<br />i&nbsp; za&nbsp; CF&nbsp; 0,7&nbsp; &micro;g/l).&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; ovih&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; ispitana&nbsp; je<br />efikasnost nekonvencionalnih procesa u obradi efluenta WWTP&nbsp; (adsorpcija,<br />koagulacije,&nbsp; PAC/CoA,&nbsp; PAC/UF)&nbsp; i&nbsp; konvencionalnih&nbsp; (adsorpcija,<br />koagulacija)&nbsp; i&nbsp; nekonvencionalnih procesa (PAC/CoA, PAC/UF, CoA/UF)&nbsp; u<br />obradi&nbsp; rečne&nbsp; vode.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga&nbsp; ispitani&nbsp; su&nbsp; efekti&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; procesa<br />preči&scaron;ćavanja u rečnoj vodi.<br />Nekonvencionalni&nbsp; procesi&nbsp; za&nbsp; preči&scaron;ćavanje&nbsp; otpadnih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; su&nbsp; ispitani&nbsp; pri<br />početnoj&nbsp; koncentraciji&nbsp; supstanci&nbsp; od&nbsp; 0,96&nbsp; &micro;g/l&nbsp; do&nbsp; 2&nbsp; &micro;g/l.&nbsp; Adsorpcija&nbsp; naaktivnom&nbsp; uglju&nbsp; u&nbsp; prahu&nbsp; se&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; efikasnom&nbsp; (benzofenoni&nbsp; se&nbsp; uklanjaju<br />&gt;84%&nbsp; -&nbsp; &gt;94% u zavisnosti od doze uglja, a kofein je moguće ukloniti i do<br />84%).&nbsp; Koagulacija&nbsp; dozama&nbsp; prirodnog&nbsp; koagulanta&nbsp; od&nbsp; 0,0375&nbsp; ml/l&nbsp; i<br />komercijalnog koagulanta&nbsp; FeCl<sub>3 </sub>od 4 mg Fe <sup>3+</sup> /l se&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; neefikasnom za<br />sve&nbsp; supstance&nbsp; (&lt;20%).&nbsp; Hibridni&nbsp; PAC/CoA&nbsp; koji&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitivan&nbsp; sa&nbsp; različitim<br />dozama&nbsp; aktivnog&nbsp; uglja&nbsp; u&nbsp; prahu&nbsp; (5&nbsp; i&nbsp; 20&nbsp; mg/l),&nbsp; prirodnim&nbsp; koagulantom<br />(0,0375 ml/l)&nbsp; ili&nbsp; komercijalnim&nbsp; koagulantom&nbsp; (4 mg Fe <sup>3+</sup> /l),&nbsp; pokazao&nbsp; se&nbsp; kao<br />efikasan za uklanjanje BP, BP-3 i CF sa većom dozom&nbsp; uglja A od 20 mg/l (&gt;88%).&nbsp; Hibridni membranski proces&nbsp; PAC/UF je pokazao&nbsp; visoku efikasnost za uklanjanje BP-3 (&gt;68%) i CF (&gt;99,95%) sa dozom uglja od 20 mg/l. Ispitivanjem&nbsp; biodegradacije&nbsp; BP,&nbsp; BP-3&nbsp; i&nbsp; CF&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; laboratorijskog&nbsp; test filtra, postignuta je efikasnost uklanjanja pri koncentraciji od 20 &micro;g/l od&nbsp; 90% do&nbsp; 99%&nbsp; i&nbsp; pokazano&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; supstance&nbsp; biodegradabilne.&nbsp; Testovi&nbsp; toksičnosti pokazali&nbsp; su&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; smanjenje&nbsp; ukupne&nbsp; toksičnosti&nbsp; sme&scaron;a&nbsp; tokom laboratorijskog&nbsp; testa,&nbsp; a&nbsp; rezidualna&nbsp; toksičnost&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; <em>D.&nbsp; magna</em>&nbsp; može biti&nbsp; posledica&nbsp; nedetektovanih&nbsp; transformacionih&nbsp; produkata.&nbsp; Transportom supstanci kroz sediment Dunava&nbsp; uočeno je da&nbsp; sediment predstavlja efikasnu barijeru&nbsp; za&nbsp; oba&nbsp; testirana&nbsp; benzofenona,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; CF&nbsp; lako&nbsp; prolazi&nbsp; usled&nbsp; svoje mobilnosti (log Kow -0,07). Eksperimentima fotodegradacije potvrđeno je da degradacija benzofenona UV zračanjem&nbsp; zavisi od prisustva&nbsp; anjona (HCO<sub>3</sub> -, Cl i SO<sub>4 </sub><sup>2-</sup>)&nbsp; i DOC&nbsp; u vodenom matriksu. Iako primenjeno UV zračenje nije bilo&nbsp; realno&nbsp; za&nbsp; dezinfekciju&nbsp; u&nbsp; tretmanima&nbsp; voda,&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazali značaj detaljnije&nbsp; procene&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; vode&nbsp; u&nbsp; slučajevima&nbsp; kada&nbsp; se&nbsp; UV&nbsp; zračenje primenjuje.Za uklanjanje odabranih supstanci iz rečne vode ispitani su&nbsp; konvencionalni procesi&nbsp; (zasebno&nbsp; adsorpcija&nbsp; na&nbsp; aktivnom&nbsp; uglju&nbsp; u&nbsp; prahu&nbsp; i&nbsp; koagulacija komercijalnim&nbsp; koagulantom,&nbsp; BOPAC &reg; )&nbsp; i&nbsp; hibridni&nbsp; ili&nbsp; nekonvencionalni<br />procesi&nbsp; adsorpcije/koagulacije&nbsp; (PAC/CoA),&nbsp; adsorpcije/ultrafiltracije (PAC/UF) kao i koagulacije/ultrafiltracije (CoA/UF). Tokom ispitivanja PAC/CoA sa ugljem B (2 mg/l) i BOPAC &reg; (2 mg Al <sup>3+</sup> /l) u određenim&nbsp; procesnim&nbsp; kombinacijama,&nbsp; (tokom&nbsp; sukcesivnog&nbsp; dodavanja&nbsp; prvo uglja&nbsp; B,&nbsp; a&nbsp; zatim&nbsp; koagulanta)&nbsp; uočene&nbsp; su&nbsp; specifičnosti&nbsp; za&nbsp; BP,&nbsp; efikasnost uklanjanja BP je iznosila 92%. U slučaju doziranja prvo koagulanta, a zatim uglja&nbsp; B&nbsp; i&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; simultanog&nbsp; doziranja&nbsp; koagulanta&nbsp; i&nbsp; uglja&nbsp; B,&nbsp; efikasnosti&nbsp; su iznosile&nbsp; 23&nbsp; i&nbsp; 20%,&nbsp; redom.&nbsp; To&nbsp; je&nbsp; verovatno&nbsp; posledica&nbsp; kompeticije&nbsp; iliblokiranja pora&nbsp; uglja&nbsp; POM iz rečne vode.&nbsp; BP-3 se efikasno uklanjao tokom svih procesnih kombinacija sa ugljem B (87-93%), dok je za CF efikasnost<br />uklanjanja iznosila&nbsp; od 0-12%.&nbsp; Hibridni procesi su se pokazali efikasniji pri<br />primeni uglja C. U slučaju BP efikasnost je iznosila 81-90% i za CF 17-27% ,dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; za&nbsp; BP-3&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; iznosila&nbsp; od&nbsp; 71%&nbsp; do&nbsp; 96%.&nbsp; Hibridni&nbsp; membranski procesi&nbsp; PAC/UF&nbsp; i&nbsp; CoA/UF&nbsp; u&nbsp; obradi&nbsp; rečne&nbsp; vode&nbsp; efikasni&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; uklanjanju supstanci&nbsp; sa&nbsp; visokim&nbsp; log&nbsp; Kow.&nbsp; Benzofenoni&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; hibridnim&nbsp; membranskim procesima&nbsp; uklonjeni&nbsp; od&nbsp; 69%-96% iz rečne&nbsp; vode, dok su za kofein utvrđeni promenljivi rezultati i potreba za daljim istraživanjima.</p> / <p>Benzophenones and caffeine are ubiquitous&nbsp; in wastewaters&nbsp; and in surface&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; in&nbsp; concentrations&nbsp; that&nbsp; vary&nbsp; from&nbsp; ng/L&nbsp; to&nbsp; mg/L. Benzophenones&nbsp; are&nbsp; used&nbsp; as:&nbsp; smell&nbsp; and&nbsp; flavor&nbsp; enhancers,&nbsp; perfume&nbsp; fixers, plastic additives, cleaning agents, as well as in the pesticide manufacturing processes.&nbsp; Their&nbsp; UV-resistant&nbsp; properties,&nbsp; makes&nbsp; benzophenones&nbsp; a&nbsp; suitable packaging component&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; to&nbsp; prevent UV light from damaging the odor or the color of the product. Similarly, benzophenone-3 is most commonly used in the&nbsp; cosmetics&nbsp; industry;&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; UV&nbsp; filter&nbsp; agent&nbsp; in&nbsp; sunscreens,&nbsp; body&nbsp; lotions, shampoos, paints and hair sprays.&nbsp; On the other hand, caffeine is prevalent in food-,&nbsp; pharmaceutical-&nbsp; and&nbsp; cosmetics-manufacturing.&nbsp; However, benzophenones&nbsp; and&nbsp; caffeine&nbsp; have&nbsp; significantly&nbsp; different&nbsp; log&nbsp; Kow&nbsp; values. Log Kow values for benzophenone and benzophenone-3 are 3.18 and 3.79,respectively, while for caffeine log Kow is&nbsp; -0.07.&nbsp; Due to the lack of data on the&nbsp; content&nbsp; of&nbsp; selected&nbsp; benzophenones,&nbsp; (benzophenone&nbsp; (BP)&nbsp; and benzophenone-3&nbsp; (BP-3))&nbsp; and&nbsp; caffeine&nbsp; (CF)&nbsp; in&nbsp; different&nbsp; types&nbsp; of&nbsp; water (primarily in local wastewater and&nbsp; river water) and their behavior in water treatments, tests were&nbsp; carried out: a) in the effluent of a typical wastewater treatment&nbsp; plant (WWTP);&nbsp; b) and&nbsp; in&nbsp; the river Danube.&nbsp; In case of the WWTP effluent, the presence of all three compounds was detected in the following ranges: 0.112 &mu;g/L to 0.146 &mu;g/L for BP, 0.00718 &mu;g/L to 0.42 &mu;g/L for BP-3,&nbsp; and&nbsp; 0.2&nbsp; &mu;g/L&nbsp; to&nbsp; 12&nbsp; &mu;g/L&nbsp; for&nbsp; CF.&nbsp; With&nbsp; respect&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; Danube&nbsp; river,&nbsp; the highest&nbsp; detected&nbsp; concentration&nbsp; for&nbsp; BP&nbsp; was&nbsp; 0.95 &mu;g/L,&nbsp; for&nbsp; BP-3&nbsp; was 0.62 &mu;g/L,&nbsp; while&nbsp; CF&nbsp; in&nbsp; Danube&nbsp; river&nbsp; sample&nbsp; was&nbsp; measured&nbsp; in&nbsp; only&nbsp; one sample, resulting in a concentration of 0.7 &mu;g/L. In addition, this&nbsp; work has investigated&nbsp; the&nbsp; efficacy&nbsp; of&nbsp; several&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; processes:&nbsp; unconventional processes&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; WWTP&nbsp; effluent&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; (adsorption,&nbsp; coagulation, PAC/CoA, PAC/UF);&nbsp; as well as the&nbsp; conventional (adsorption, coagulation) and&nbsp; unconventional&nbsp; processes&nbsp; (PAC/CoA,&nbsp; PAC/UF,&nbsp; CoA/UF)&nbsp; in&nbsp; the treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; river&nbsp; waters.&nbsp; Furthermore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; natural&nbsp; purification processes&nbsp; in&nbsp; river&nbsp; water&nbsp; had&nbsp; also&nbsp; been&nbsp; examined&nbsp; within&nbsp; the&nbsp; scope&nbsp; of&nbsp; this research.Unconventional&nbsp; wastewater&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; processes&nbsp; were&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; at&nbsp; initial concentrations&nbsp; of&nbsp; selected substances&nbsp; that ranged&nbsp; from 0.96 &mu;g/L to 2 &mu;g/L. Adsorption&nbsp; on&nbsp; powder&nbsp; activated&nbsp; carbon&nbsp; was&nbsp; effective&nbsp; for&nbsp; removal&nbsp; of benzophenones&nbsp; (&gt; 84%&nbsp; -&gt; 94%)&nbsp; and caffeine&nbsp; (84%),&nbsp; depending on the&nbsp; dose of PAC A. Coagulation with doses of&nbsp; natural coagulant of 0.0375 mL/L&nbsp; and commercial&nbsp; coagulant&nbsp; FeCl 3 of&nbsp; 4&nbsp; mg&nbsp; Fe 3+ /L&nbsp; was&nbsp; ineffective&nbsp; for&nbsp; all substances&nbsp; (&lt;20%).&nbsp; Hybrid&nbsp; PAC/CoA&nbsp; process,&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; with&nbsp; different doses&nbsp; of&nbsp; PAC&nbsp; A&nbsp; (5&nbsp; and&nbsp; 20&nbsp; mg/L),&nbsp; natural&nbsp; coagulant&nbsp; (0.0375&nbsp; mL/L)&nbsp; or commercial coagulant (4 mg Fe 3+ /L), proved to be effective for&nbsp; the removal of BP, BP-3 and CF at a higher PAC A dose of 20 mg/L (&gt; 88%). The hybrid membrane process PAC/UF proved to be highly effective in the&nbsp; removal of BP-3 (&gt; 68%) and CF (&gt; 99.95%) with&nbsp; 20 mg/L&nbsp; of&nbsp; PAC A.&nbsp; Biodegradation of BP, BP-3 and CF had been confirmed in Danube river water sample using a&nbsp; laboratory&nbsp; test&nbsp; filter&nbsp; filled&nbsp; with&nbsp; inert&nbsp; material.&nbsp; The&nbsp; removal&nbsp; efficacy&nbsp; was 90-99%&nbsp; at&nbsp; a&nbsp; concentration&nbsp; of&nbsp; 20&nbsp; &mu;g/L.&nbsp; Toxicity&nbsp; tests&nbsp; showed&nbsp; significant reduction in total toxicity of the mixture during the&nbsp; course of the&nbsp; laboratory test,&nbsp; whereas&nbsp; the&nbsp; residual&nbsp; toxicity&nbsp; in&nbsp; relation&nbsp; to&nbsp; D.&nbsp; magna&nbsp; may&nbsp; be&nbsp; due&nbsp; to undetected transformation products. Transportation of the substances through the&nbsp; Danube&nbsp; sediment,&nbsp; indicated that sediment&nbsp; acts as&nbsp; an&nbsp; effective barrier for both tested benzophenones, while&nbsp; this is not&nbsp; the&nbsp; case with&nbsp; CF.&nbsp; Its mobility (log Kow&nbsp; -0.07) allows CF to pass through the sediment.&nbsp; Photodegradation experiments have confirmed that&nbsp; BP&nbsp; degradation&nbsp; occurs due to&nbsp; the presence of&nbsp; anions&nbsp; (HCO 3-, Cl&nbsp; 2-) and DOC in the aqueous matrix. Although the applied UV radiation was&nbsp; not a realistic representation of disinfection in conventional water treatments, the results showed the importance of a more detailed&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; water&nbsp; quality&nbsp; in&nbsp; cases&nbsp; where&nbsp; UV&nbsp; radiation&nbsp; is applied.&nbsp; Herien&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; are&nbsp; also&nbsp; conventional&nbsp; processes&nbsp; (separately adsorption on PAC,&nbsp; and coagulation&nbsp; with commercial coagulant -&nbsp; BOPAC &reg; ) and hybrid or unconventional&nbsp; adsorption/coagulation&nbsp; processes (PAC/CoA), adsorption/ultrafiltration (PAC/UF) and coagulation/ultrafiltration (CoA/UF) for the&nbsp; removal of the selected substances from river water.The efficiency of BP&nbsp; removal&nbsp; via&nbsp; PAC/CoA&nbsp; with&nbsp; PAC&nbsp; B&nbsp; (2&nbsp; mg/L)&nbsp; and&nbsp; BOPAC &reg; (2 mg Al 3+ /L)&nbsp; observed&nbsp; specificity&nbsp; of&nbsp; removal&nbsp; of&nbsp; BP&nbsp; in&nbsp; certain&nbsp; process combinations, such as successive addition of first PAC B and then coagulant. The efficacy of such BP removal was 92%. In case of the initial coagulant dosing, then PAC B, and in the case of simultaneous dosage of coagulant anPAC&nbsp; B,&nbsp; efficacy&nbsp; were:&nbsp; 23%&nbsp; and&nbsp; 20%,&nbsp; respectively.&nbsp; Such&nbsp; outcome&nbsp; is probably&nbsp; a&nbsp; result&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; competition/blocking&nbsp; of&nbsp; natural&nbsp; organic&nbsp; matter&nbsp; in river&nbsp; water.&nbsp; BP-3&nbsp; was&nbsp; efficiently&nbsp; removed&nbsp; during&nbsp; all&nbsp; process&nbsp; combinations with&nbsp; PAC&nbsp; B&nbsp; (87-93%),&nbsp; while&nbsp; the&nbsp; efficiency&nbsp; of&nbsp; CF&nbsp; ranged&nbsp; from&nbsp; 0-12%.&nbsp; In general, hybrid process proved to be more efficient in case of PAC C. For BP and&nbsp; CF,&nbsp; the&nbsp; efficacy&nbsp; of&nbsp; removal&nbsp; amounted&nbsp; to&nbsp; 81-90%&nbsp; and&nbsp; 17-27%, respectively, wheareas the efficiency of BP-3 removal was found to be in the range&nbsp; of&nbsp; 71-96%.&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; river&nbsp; water,&nbsp; hybrid&nbsp; membrane processes PAC/UF and&nbsp; CoA/UF are effective in the removal of&nbsp; substances with&nbsp; high&nbsp; log&nbsp; Kow.&nbsp; Benzophenones&nbsp; were&nbsp; removed&nbsp; from&nbsp; hybrid&nbsp; membrane processes&nbsp; by&nbsp; 69%-96% from river water, while caffeine was found to have less consistent results and requires further research.</p>

Istovremeni uticaj permeabilnosti sloja, prečnika vlakna i ulazne koncentracije uljne faze na separaciju mineralnih ulja iz otpadnih voda / Simultaneous effect of bed permeability, fiber diameter and oil phase inlet concentration on the separation of mineral oils from wastewater

Sokolović Srđan 26 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da d&acirc; doprinos u proučavanju nedovoljno poznatih fenomena koalescentne filtracije, kako bi se smanjio obim potrebnih poluindustrijskih istraživanja prilikom projektovnja filtera za neku konkretnu primenu. Svi materijali kori&scaron;ćeni u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji su otpadni materijali, čija primena kao filtarskog punjenja predstavlja poseban doprinos održivom razvoju. Jedan od ciljeva ove doktorske disertacije je proučavanje istovremenog uticaja promene permeabilnosti sloja i debljine vlakana na osobine sloja, pad pritiska i efikasnost separacije dispergovanog ulja iz kontinualne vodene faze. Uticaj geometrije sloja proučavan je na slojevima homogene i heterogene geometrije po dubini. Realizovano je detaljno ispitivanje izgleda, morfologije vlakana, kao i strukture sloja, izgleda i rasporeda njegovih pora, primenom skening elektronske mikroskopije i optičke mikroskopije. U radu je dat pregled istraživanja primene vlakana različite prirode (slobodnih i međusobno povezanih, krutih i elastičnih, različite debljine te time i različite vijugavosti) i njihovih slojeva. Takođe, dat je doprinos proučavanju istovremenog uticaja promena ulazne koncentracije dispergovane faze i permeabilnosti sloja. U veći deo ostvarenih istraživanja ukjučeno je i proučavanje uticaja prirode uljne faze, pri čemu je neophodno istaći da su sva kori&scaron;ćena ulja mineralnog porekla. Cilj optimizacije rada koalescera bio je da se pronađu uslovi u kojima se postiže maksimalna vrednost kritične brzine uz minimalni pad pritiska.</p> / <p>The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the study of insufficiently known phenomena of coalescent filtration, in order to reduce the number of pilot plant experiments required for designing filters for some specific applications. All the used materials are waste materials the use of which as a filter media contributes to sustainable development. One of the goals of this doctoral dissertation is to study the simultaneous effect of changes in bed permeability and fiber thickness on bed properties, pressure drop and the efficiency of the dispersed oil separation from a continuous aqueous phase. The effect of bed geometry was studied by applying the beds of homogeneous and heterogeneous geometry in depth. A detailed examination of the appearance and morphology of the fibers, as well as the structure of the bed and the appearance and arrangement of its pores, was performed by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The doctoral dissertation gives an overview of the testing of fibers of different nature (free and interconnected, rigid and elastic, of different thickness and thus of different meandering) and their beds. The simultaneous effect of the changes in the input dispersed phase concentration and the bed permeability was also investigated. Much of the conducted research includes the study of the impact of the nature of the oil phase, and it is necessary to point out that all used oils are mineral oils. The goal of optimizing the operation of a coalescer was to find the conditions providing the maximum critical velocity value with a minimum pressure drop.</p>

Dostupnost zdravotně nezávadné vody v Nikaragui se zaměřením na rurální oblasti regionu Carazo

Křížová, Diana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of drinking water scarcity in Nicaragua, especially in the rural areas of the Carazo region. Theoretical part describes drinking water definition and the most common causes of problematic accessibility of drinking water including the impacts on local inhabitants. Recommended world water strategies for sustainable water management in developing countries are mentioned. The thesis defines contemporary infectious diseases (infectious diarrhea, viral hepatitis A, leptospirosis, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi, cryptosporidiosis, and geohelminth infections) in Nicaragua, and the negative influence on its population's quality of live. Analytical part includes data such as accessibility of drinking water and sanitations. The data were accessed during the stay in Nicaragua, mainly in the Carazo region (62 communities, 8,000 households, 45,024 inhabitants), and also from databases and publications about the selected infectious diseases in Nicaragua. Infectious diarrhea, leptospirosis, and viral hepatitis A are the gravest infectious diseases for the local inhabitants (especially for children). Drinking water is absolutely accessible only in 40 (64.5 %) communities with the population of 36,446 (81.0 %) to all households. Sanitations are absolutely accessible only in 3 (4.8 %) with the population of 14,129 (31.4 %) to all households. This infrastructure does not create suitable conditions for these infectious diseases prevention.

Hodnocení provozně technologických charakteristik čistírny odpadních vod Uherský Brod, se zaměřením na problematické aspekty provozu

Groman, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis evaluates the technological and operational characteristics of the water purification plant in Uh. Brod, specifically focusing on the problematic issue of operation. The thesis is broken into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on water legislation in the EU and the Czech Republic, particularly on the operation of water purification plants. It also provides a general description of the technological processes used in wastewater treatment. The following practical part describes the methods and the technology of sewage treatment in the U. Brod plant. It also evaluates the effectiveness of wastewater purification in Uh.Brod. This is compared with legally permissible minimum levels of effectiveness of wastewater emissions. Furthermore, the emission values in the Uh. Brod plant are compared with emission limits set by law. The results are evaluated in the years of 2014-2017.

Využití elektromigračních metod ke stanovení těžkých kovů v odpadních vodách

Ondračka, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the determination of selected heavy metals in wastewater, while the first part describes electromigration methods and individual heavy metals. In the next part of the thesis is describe, the problems of sewage sludge and methods commonly used for determination of heavy metals in wastewater. The practical part of the thesis describes the development of the electrolyte system together with the use of computer technology. Following is a discussion of the possibility of removing heavy metals from wastewater. In conclusion, the results of heavy metal measurements, comparison with foreign literature and assessment of suitability of the method for analysis of hazardous substances at low concentrations in the environment are presented and commented.

Analýza korozní odolnosti strojního zařízení v čistírnách odpadních vod

Dobrocká, Iva January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of corrosion resistance of machinery used in wastewater treatment plants. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the composition of waste water in terms of corrosion aggressiveness and describes the corrosive en-vironment in the WWTP. Furthermore, the types of corrosion are characterized and the exposed machinery of the WWTP with the highest level of corrosion is determined. The experimental part of the work is devoted to the analysis of corrosion resistance of corrosion-resistant austenitic steels and structural non-alloyed steels with duplex zinc coating and acrylate paint. Furthermore, structural low-alloyed steels with chemical-heat treatment by nitriding and ferritic nitrocarburizing in gas and structural non-alloyed steel with duplex system of phosphate + epoxy coating and zinc + epoxy coating are analysed as a possible replacement for stainless steels. The steels with duplex system of zinc + acrylate coating used in practice show little corrosion resistance (the first signs of corrosion after 12 h and 24 h). some chemical-heat treated steels and steel with duplex sys-tem of zinc + epoxy coating achieved the same corrosion resistance as stainless steels (264 h test time) and can be used in technical practice.

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