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Zobrazování medicínských dat v reálném čase / Medical Data Rendering in Real-TimeLengyel, Kristián January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of an application for medical data imaging in real-time. The first part of project is focused on methods for obtaining data in medical practice and visualization of large volume data on computer using familiar rendering approaches. Similar applications are used outside of medicine in other fields, such as chemistry to display molecular structures or microorganisms. Another part of project will focus on benefits of visualization of volumetric data using programmable hardware and new methods of parallelization of algorithms on graphics card using CUDA technology, and OpenCL. The resulting application will display the volume of medical data based on selected method accelerated by programmable shaders, and time-consuming operations will be paralleled on graphics card.
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The influence of lumbar spinal drainage on diffusion parameters in patients with suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus using 3T MRIReiss-Zimmermann, Martin, Scheel, Michael, Dengl, Markus, Preuß, Matthias, Fritzsch, Dominik, Hoffmann, Karl-Titus 18 September 2019 (has links)
Background: Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) has been an ongoing and challenging field of research for the past decades because two main issues are still not fully understood: the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying ventricular enlargement and prediction of outcome after surgery. Purpose: To evaluate changes in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) derived parameters in patients with suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus before and after withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Material and Methods: Twenty-four consecutive patients with clinical and radiological suspicion of NPH and 14 agematched control subjects were examined with DTI on a clinical 3T scanner. Patients were examined before and 6–36 h after CSF drainage (interval between scans, 5 days). Fifteen patients were finally included in data analysis. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean, parallel, and radial diffusivity (MD, PD, RD) were evaluated using a combination of a ROI-based approach and a whole-brain voxel-by-voxel analysis. Results: Alteration of DTI parameters in patients with suspected NPH is regionally different. Compared to the control group, we found an elevation of FA in the subcortical white matter (SCWM) and corpus callosum, whereas the other diffusion parameters showed an increase throughout the brain in variable extent.We also found a slight normalization of RD in the SCWM in patients after lumbar drainage. Conclusion: Our results show that DWI parameters are regionally dependent and reflect multifactorial (patho-) physiological mechanisms, which need to be interpreted carefully. It seems that improvement of gait is caused by a decrease of interstitial water deposition in the SCWM.
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Association entre les mouvements périodiques des jambes au cours du sommeil et l’intégrité de la matière blanche cérébraleGareau, Marc-André D. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The interaction between prefrontal cortex and reward system in pathological gambling: evidence from neuroscientific dataQuester, Saskia 11 December 2014 (has links)
Pathologisches Glücksspiel (PG) ist eine psychiatrische Erkrankung, die gerade erst im DSM-5 der gleichen Kategorie wie substanzgebundene Suchterkrankungen zugeordnet wurde. Bildgebungsstudien zu Substanzabhängigkeit beobachteten funktionelle und strukturelle Veränderungen im präfrontalen Kortex (PFC) und mesolimbischen Belohnungssystem (d.h. Striatum). Für PG wurden ähnliche Veränderungen berichtet; jedoch gibt es kaum Studien, die sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten funktioneller und struktureller Korrelate in diesen Regionen beschäftigen. Diese Arbeit untersuchte PG Patienten, alkoholabhängige (AD) Patienten und Kontrollpersonen (HC) mit Magnetresonanztomografie. In Analyse I wurden funktionelle Gehirndaten während der Belohnungsaufgabe zwischen den drei Gruppen verglichen. In Analyse II wurde das Volumen grauer Substanz mit voxelbasierter Morphometrie und in Analyse III die intrinsische Gehirnaktivität mit einer seedbasierten funktionellen Konnektivitätsanalyse von PG Patienten und HC ausgewertet. Die Analysen ergaben veränderte Aktivierungen in frontostriatalen Arealen während der Verarbeitung von Verlustvermeidung für PG Patienten im Vergleich zu HC. PG Patienten unterschieden sich dabei in ihrer Aktivierung von AD Patienten während der Antizipation von Geldverlust. Weiterhin zeigten PG Patienten erhöhte Volumina grauer Substanz und eine erhöhte funktionelle Konnektivität in frontostriatalen Arealen im Vergleich zu HC. Die Ergebnisse liefern weitere Hinweise für eine veränderte Belohnungsverarbeitung in PG und betonen die Bedeutung der Verlustvermeidungsverarbeitung. Die Volumenveränderungen im und die erhöhte Konnektivität zwischen dem PFC and Belohnungssystem deuten auf eine veränderte Interaktion zwischen diesen Regionen hin. Da solche Veränderungen in kortikostriatalen Systemen Ähnlichkeiten zu denen in Substanzabhängigkeiten aufweisen, unterstützen die Ergebnisse die neue Klassifikation des PG im DSM-5. / Pathological gambling (PG) is a psychiatric disorder newly classified under the same category as substance use disorders in the DSM-5. Neuroimaging studies on substance-related addictions reported functional and structural changes in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the mesolimbic reward system (i.e., striatum). For PG, findings are not that extensive, but also demonstrate altered reward processing and prefrontal function. However, there is a lack of studies focusing on different aspects of functional and structural correlates within these areas in PG. This thesis investigated PG patients, alcohol dependent (AD) patients and healthy controls with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In analysis I, functional brain data of a reward paradigm was compared between the three groups. In analysis II, local gray matter volume of PG patients and controls was processed via voxel-based morphometry. Resting-state data of PG patients and controls was analyzed via seed-based functional connectivity in analysis III. Results revealed altered brain responses in fronto-striatal areas during loss avoidance processing in PG patients as compared to controls. Importantly, PG patients differed in their brain responses from AD patients during the prospect of monetary loss. Moreover, PG patients showed an increase in local gray matter volume and functional connectivity in frontal-striatal areas as compared to controls. Our results add further evidence for an altered reward processing in PG and underline the importance of loss avoidance processing. Moreover, our findings of volumetric alterations within and increased connectivity between PFC and reward system, suggest an altered interaction between these brain regions. Since such alterations in cortico-striatal circuits resemble those reported for substance-related addictions, our findings support the new classification of PG in the DSM-5.
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Zobrazování voxelových scén pomocí ray tracingu v reálném čase / Rendering of Voxel-Based Scenes Using Real-Time Ray TracingMenšík, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this work was to create a program to visualize voxel scenes in real time using ray tracing. It included the study of various methods of such a rendering with a focus on shadows. The solution was created using Unity engine and experimental packages Unity Jobs and Burst. The thesis presents multiple ray tracing passes and SVGF technique, that is used to turn a noisy input into full edge-preserving image. The final program is able to render hard shadows, soft shadows, and ambient occlusion at speed of fifty frames per second.
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