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Minimator: A Serious Game on Zero-Day MarketsCseresnyes, Ehud, Sharma, Hans January 2022 (has links)
Zero-days are vulnerabilities that the software vendor does not know about and thus cannot provide a patch for. Their value has caused markets to develop, divided by the purchase intention. This thesis focuses on the white and grey markets, that is those buying to patch and those buying to exploit. While states generally have an interest in both, they currently spend money to exploit zerodays, keeping software insecure. The lack of knowledge and awareness surrounding this practice is the problem targeted in this thesis. Serious games, aiming to be both entertaining and educational, represent one opportunity to create awareness. They fit our circumstances particularly well because understanding the problem space requires adversarial thinking and lots of different concepts. Our research goal has thus been to create a serious game that accurately illuminates the dilemma experienced by states. Design science was the research strategy employed to reach the stated goal. Our main contribution is Minimator, a multiplayer, web-based game in which players, acting as states, have to protect their infrastructure and deal with zero-day markets. Additionally, we present a formal model of states’ treatment of zero-day markets developed using game theory and shown to resemble the n-players prisoners’ dilemma. An expert evaluation was conducted, delivering promising results in terms of gameplay appeal, and accuracy. A naturalistic evaluation remains, but is suggested in detail for future endeavours. Minimator is original as, to our knowledge, no similar artefact exists. It provides value by potentially creating a starting point for and encouraging an informed, public debate about the trade-off between national and infrastructure security, which is inherently political.
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[pt] Esse trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a reflexão das políticas
públicas urbanas com foco nos riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais em assentamentos
precários. A pesquisa se desenvolve a partir do objeto de estudo riscos e
vulnerabilidades sociais, analisado através de um recorte temporal das políticas
públicas urbanas implementadas na favela da Rocinha, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro,
de 2006 a 2014. A escolha da Rocinha como estudo de caso se justifica pelas
características de precariedade urbanística e edilícia, bem como pelos diversos
problemas de riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais. Essa dissertação busca analisar os
fatores que produzem as desigualdades sociais no espaço urbano, que configuram
em parte a ausência do direito à cidade, trabalhando com os conceitos de riscos
endógenos e exógenos. A metodologia se desenvolve por meio de três categorias
de análise: risco e vulnerabilidade, desigualdade social e direito à cidade, a partir
de pesquisa documental, visita a campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas com
lideranças comunitárias. A pesquisa conclui que a vulnerabilidade na Rocinha está
diretamente relacionada com a desigualdade social e a ausência do direito à cidade,
tanto em comparação a bairros privilegiados da cidade, quanto internamente,
devido à negligência ainda maior sobre os sub-bairros mais precários, que recebem
menor atenção do poder público. Os principais riscos endógenos identificados
foram segurança pública e precariedade de moradias e de infraestrutura. E os riscos
exógenos, inundação e deslizamento. As entrevistas apontaram como principais
vulnerabilidades a violência, insegurança alimentar, saneamento básico e pobreza. / [en] This thesis aims to contribute to the reflection of urban public policies
focusing on social risks and vulnerabilities in precarious settlements. To achieve
such goal the research will analyze urban public policies developed in the squatter
settlement known as Favela Rocinha in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 2006
to 2014. The choice of Rocinha as a case study is justified by the characteristics of
urban and building precariousness as well as the various problems of social risks
and vulnerabilities. Therefore, this thesis will analyze the aspects that produce
social inequalities in the urban space, which partially configure the absence of the
right to the city, using the concepts of endogenous and exogenous risks. The
methodology is developed through three categories of analysis: risk and
vulnerability, social inequality, and the right to the city, based on documentary
research, field research and semi-structured interviews with community leaders.
The research concludes that vulnerability in Rocinha is directly related to social
inequality and the absence of the right to the city, both in comparison to privileged
neighborhoods of the city, and internally, due to the greater neglect of the most
precarious sub-neighborhoods, which receive less attention from the government.
The mais endogenous risks identified were public security and precariouness of
housing and infrastructure. And exogenous risks were flooding and landslides. The
interviews pointed out as main vulnerabilities violence, food insecurity, basic
sanitation and poverty.
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<p dir="ltr">One of the issues on social media that is expanding the fastest is children being exposed to predators online [ 1 ]. Due to the ease with which a larger segment of the younger population may now access the Internet, online grooming activity on social media has grown to be a significant social concern. Child grooming, in which adults and minors exchange sexually explicit text and media via social media platforms, is a typical component of online child exploitation. An estimated 500,000 predators operate online every day. According to estimates, Internet chat rooms and instant messaging are where 89% of sexual approaches against children take place. The child may face a variety of unpleasant consequences following a grooming event, including shame, anger, anxiety, tension, despair, and substance abuse which make it more difficult for them to report the exploitation. A substantial amount of research in this domain has focused on identifying certain vulnerabilities of the victims of grooming. These vulnerabilities include specific age groups, gender, psychological factors, no family support, and lack of good social relations which make young people more vulnerable to grooming. So far no technical work has been done to apply statistical analysis on these vulnerability profiles and observe how these patterns change between different victim types and offender types. This work presents a detailed analysis of the effect of Offender type (contact and fantasy) and victim type (Law Enforcement Officers, Real Victims and Decoys (Perverted Justice)) on representation of different vulnerabilities in grooming conversations. Comparison of different victim groups would provide insights into creating the right training material for LEOs and decoys and help in the training process for online sting operations. Moreover, comparison of different offender types would help create targeted prevention strategies to tackle online child grooming and help the victims.</p>
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Säkerheten i webbapplikationer mot SQL- injektionsattacker : En studie av tekniker, säkerhetspåverkan och förekommande skyddslösningarHanna Malko, Ranim January 2023 (has links)
Web applications constitute an essential part of our daily lives, providing us access to significant online services and information. Despite their advantages, they are also vulnerable to security threats, particularly SQL injection attacks. SQL injection is a vulnerability that arises when an attacker inserts malicious SQL queries through user input parameters in a web application. This attack can have severe consequences, such as exposing sensitive information. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the security of web applications against SQL injection attacks. This is achieved by examining SQL injection techniques, their impact on security and integrity, as well as the most common protective solutions. The goal of the study is to enhance and improve the security of applications and protect users from potential security risks. To achieve this, a combination of literature study and practical investigations is conducted. A literature review is performed to identify SQL injection techniques, security risks, and the most prevalent protective solutions. Subsequently, these factors are evaluated and analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the techniques using the penetration testing tool SQLmap. The results of the study indicate that the most common and effective attack techniques are Inband SQL injection and Inferential SQL injection. These techniques can have severe implications for users, businesses, and society at large, such as unauthorized access to protected data, data manipulation in databases, and the compromise of confidentiality and data integrity. To safeguard against such attacks, it is crucial to employ defensive coding practices, including the use of prepared statements with parameterized queries and input validation. However, manual implementation remains challenging. A combination of automated prevention techniques and best coding practices should be employed to ensure a reliable database protected against SQL injections, even concerning stored procedures that are difficult to prevent with existing automated prevention techniques. / Webbapplikationer utgör en viktig del av vårt dagliga liv och ger oss tillgång till betydelsefulla onlinetjänster och information. Trots deras fördelar är de också sårbara för säkerhetshot, särskilt SQL-injektionsattacker. SQL-injektion är en sårbarhet som uppstår när en angripare infogar skadliga SQL-frågor genom användarens inmatningsparametrar i en webbapplikation. Attacken medför allvarliga konsekvenser, såsom exponering av känslig information. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och analysera säkerheten i webbapplikationer mot SQL-injektionsattacker. Detta genomförs genom att undersöka SQL-injektionstekniker, deras påverkan på säkerhet och integritet, samt de vanligaste skyddslösningarna. Målet med studien är att öka och förbättra säkerheten hos applikationer samt skydda användarna från potentiella säkerhetsrisker. För att åstadkomma detta genomförs en kombination av litteraturstudier och praktiska undersökningar. En litteraturstudie genomförs för att identifiera SQL-injektionstekniker, säkerhetsrisker och de vanligast förekommande skyddslösningarna. Därefter utvärderas och analyseras dessa faktorer för att kunna fastställa effektiviteten hos teknikerna genom användning av penetrationstestningsverktyget SQLmap. Resultaten av studien visar att de vanligaste och mest effektiva attackteknikerna är Inband SQL-injektion och Inferential SQL-injektion. Dessa tekniker kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för användare, företag och samhället i stort, såsom åtkomst till skyddade data, manipulering av data i databasen och förlust av sekretess och dataintegritet. För att skydda mot sådana attacker är det avgörande att använda defensiva kodningsmetoder, inklusive användning av förberedda satser med parametriserade frågor och indatavalidering. Trots detta utgör manuell implementering en utmaning. En kombination av automatiserade förebyggande tekniker och bästa kod-praxis bör användas för att säkerställa en pålitlig databas som är skyddade mot SQL-injektioner, även när det gäller lagrade procedurer som är svåra att förhindra med befintliga automatiserade förebyggande tekniker.
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Ethical Hacking of an IoT-device: Threat Assessment and Penetration Testing : A Survey on Security of a Smart RefrigeratorRadholm, Fredrik, Abefelt, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
Internet of things (IoT) devices are becoming more prevalent. Due to a rapidly growing market of these appliances, improper security measures lead to an expanding range of attacks. There is a devoir of testing and securing these devices to contribute to a more sustainable society. This thesis has evaluated the security of an IoT-refrigerator by using ethical hacking, where a threat model was produced to identify vulnerabilities. Penetration tests were performed based on the threat model. The results from the penetration tests did not find any exploitable vulnerabilities. The conclusion from evaluating the security of this Samsung refrigerator can say the product is secure and contributes to a connected, secure, and sustainable society. / Internet of Things (IoT) enheter blir mer allmänt förekommande. På grund av en snabbt expanderande marknad av dessa apparater, har bristfälliga säkerhetsåtgärder resulterat till en mängd olika attacker. Det finns ett behov att testa dessa enheter for att bidra till ett mer säkert och hållbart samhälle. Denna avhandling har utvärderat säkerheten av ett IoT-kylskåp genom att producera en hot modell för att identifiera sårbarheter. Penetrationstester har utförts på enheten, baserade på hot modellen. Resultatet av penetrationstesterna hittade inga utnyttjningsbara sårbarheter. Slutsatsen från utvärderingen av säkerheten på Samsung-kylskåpet är att produkten är säker och bidrar till ett uppkopplat, säkert, och hållbart samhälle.
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Övervakning och analys av blåtandstrafik för att säkerställa integritet och säkerhet / Montioring and analysis of Bluetooth traffic to ensure integrity and securitySulehria, Ibrahim, Haddad, Noor January 2024 (has links)
I dagens samhälle används Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) alltmer, särskilt inom IoT-enheter (Internet of Things). Detta ökar behovet av säker kommunikation och att identifiera samt åtgärda potentiella sårbarheter. Problemet som denna studie adresserar är risken för passiv avlyssning och säkerhetsbrister i BLE-kommunikation, vilket kan leda till datamissbruk och integritetsintrång. Detta arbete fokuserar på att undersöka säkerheten inom BLE-signalering och presenterar även en praktisk laboration för att öka kunskapsnivån inom analys och hantering av blåtandstrafik. Säkerhetsbrister utvärderas genom att analysera trafiken mellan BLE-enheter, med specifik fokus på passiv avlyssning och de potentiella riskerna med detta. Genom praktiska experiment med tre olika blåtandsenheter, inklusive smarta LED-lister och ett smart hopprep, undersöktes hur signaleringsdata kan extraheras och missbrukas. Resultaten visar att även om nyare versioner av blåtand tillhandahåller förbättrade säkerhetsmekanismer, utnyttjas dessa inte alltid korrekt i produkter med lägre säkerhetskrav. Arbetet ger insikter i hur befintliga säkerhetsmekanismer kan förbättras och betonar vikten av kontinuerliga säkerhetsuppdateringar från tillverkare. / Today, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is increasingly used, particularly in IoT devices (Internet of Things). This increase raises the need for secure communication and identifying as well as addressing potential vulnerabilities. The problem addressed by this study is the risk of passive eavesdropping and security flaws in BLE communication, which can lead to data misuse and privacy breaches. This work focuses on examining the security of BLE signaling and also presents a practical lab to enhance knowledge in analyzing and managing Bluetooth traffic. Security vulnerabilities are evaluated by analyzing the traffic between BLE devices, with a specific focus on passive eavesdropping and its potential risks. Through practical experiments with three different Bluetooth devices, including smart LED strips and a smart jump rope, the study investigated how signaling data can be extracted and misused. The results show that although newer versions of Bluetooth provide improved security mechanisms, these are not always correctly implemented in products with lower security requirements. The study provides insights into how existing security mechanisms can be improved and emphasizes the importance of continuous security updates from manufacturers.
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Strengthening Cyber Defense : A Comparative Study of Smart Home Infrastructure for Penetration Testing and National Cyber Ranges / Stärkning av cyberförsvar : En jämförande studie av smarta heminfrastrukturer för penetrationstestning och nationella cyberanläggningarShamaya, Nina, Tarcheh, Gergo January 2024 (has links)
This thesis addresses the critical issue of security vulnerabilities within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, with a particular emphasis on everyday devices such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, and cameras. The widespread adoption of IoT devices across various sectors has raised significant concerns regarding their security, underscoring the need for more effective penetration testing methods to mitigate potential cyberattacks. In response to this need, the first part of this thesis presents an approach to creating a penetration testing environment specifically tailored for IoT devices. Unlike existing studies that primarily focus on isolated or specific device testing, this work integrates various common household IoT appliances into a single testbed, enabling the testing of a complex system. This setup not only reflects a more realistic usage scenario but also allows for a comprehensive analysis of network traffic and interactions between different devices, thereby potentially identifying new, complex security vulnerabilities. The second part of the thesis undertakes a comparative study of cyber range infrastructures and architectures, an area relatively unexplored in existing literature. This study aims to provide nuanced insights and practical recommendations for developing robust, scalable cyber range infrastructures at a national level. By examining different frameworks, this research contributes to the foundational knowledge necessary for advancing national cybersecurity defenses. Overall, the findings from this research aim to contribute to improving IoT security and guiding the development of robust national cyber range frameworks. / Denna avhandling tar upp de säkerhetsbrister som finns inom det ekosystem som omfattar Internet of Things (IoT) enheter, med särskilt fokus på vardagliga apparater som kylskåp, dammsugare och kameror. Den stora spridningen av IoT-enheter inom olika sektorer har väckt många säkerhetsfrågor, vilka betonar behovet av effektivare metoder för penetrationstestning för att förhindra möjliga cyberattacker. För att möta detta behov presenterar den första delen av avhandlingen en metod för att skapa en penetrationstestningsmiljö särskilt anpassad för IoT-enheter. Till skillnad från tidigare studier, vilka främst fokuserar på enskilda eller specifika enhetstestningar, kombinerar detta arbete olika hushållsapparater i en enda testbädd, vilket möjliggör testningen av ett komplext system. Detta upplägg speglar inte bara en mer realistisk användningssituation, utan tillåter också en mer omfattande analys av nätverkstrafik och interaktioner mellan olika enheter, vilket potentiellt kan identifiera nya, komplexa säkerhetsbrister. Den andra delen av avhandlingen genomför en jämförande studie av cyberanläggningars infrastrukturer och arkitekturer, ett område som är relativt outforskat i befintlig litteratur. Denna studie syftar till att ge insikter och praktiska rekommendationer för att utveckla robusta, skalbara infrastrukturer för cyberanläggningar på nationell nivå. Genom att undersöka olika ramverk bidrar denna forskning till den grundläggande kunskap som behövs för att förbättra nationella cybersäkerhetsförsvar. Sammanfattningsvis syftar resultaten från denna forskning till att förbättra IoT-säkerheten och vägleda utvecklingen av robusta nationella ramverk för cyberanläggningar.
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The requirements for the development of a spatial information system for the Tlokwe Local Municipality water catchments area / Sydney Peter RiekertRiekert January 2014 (has links)
The problem facing the Tlokwe Local Municipality is that it is Constitutional and legislatively obliged to avoid and/or mitigate the impact of potential disasters within its boundaries, through the effective management of potential disaster risks and disasters. The lack of effective risk management tools is especially concerning in the context of the water catchment management of the Mooi River, which is the main water supply of the Tlokwe local Municipality. The Mooi River is exposed to many potential catchment related hazards that could affect the municipality of which the origins are both anthropogenic and natural. Although, many of the impacts on the catchment arise beyond the boundaries and the control of the municipality, this does not relieve the municipality from the responsibility to develop tools to manage the risks.
The aim of the study is to assist in addressing the above stated problem through establishing the requirements for a conceptual model for an effective spatial information system that will assist the municipality in effectively managing the potential disaster risks and disasters that may arise in the Mooi River Catchment area that could impact on the Tlokwe Local Municiaplity. The aim gives rise to three-research questions that are formulated as research objectives that are used to identify the conceptual model requirements.
The first is to identify and conceptualise the constitutional and legislative obligations in respect of disaster risk management in general and specifically those governing the disaster disk management in the water catchment area for the Mooi River. The study of this objective not only highlight the constitutional and legal obligations that the local municipality is subject to, but provides legislatives remedies that the local municipality can utilise to assist with disaster risks reduction.
The second is to identify and conceptualise the generic hazards that are related to water catchment areas (including the related groundwater compartments) and those specific in the Mooi River catchment area. In this section, potential anthropogenic and natural hazards are listed, a methodology for risk and vulnerability analyses is provided, and a concise study of quaternary catchment C23D is provided.
The third is to identify and conceptualize the requirements for an effective conceptual model of GIS for Disaster Risk Management in the Tlokwe Local Municipality. An overview of a GIS is provided. The essential components of a generic information system namely, people, software, hardware, procedures and processes, data and telecommunications or networks are discussed.
The information and system requirements cumulating from the analyses of the three research questions, serve as the drivers of the goal, outcomes and transformation process of the system as well as the requirements for the conceptual model. In this section: a comparison of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Framework for Applied Systems Thinking (FAST), problem solving and the phases addressed in this study; the identification of the conceptual model requirements; and a concise systems conceptualisation of an effective GIS is provided.
As the, mini-dissertation focuses on the needs for a conceptual model, the additional activities required before the system can be implemented are identified and formulated as recommendation that provide the opportunity for future research. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The requirements for the development of a spatial information system for the Tlokwe Local Municipality water catchments area / Sydney Peter RiekertRiekert January 2014 (has links)
The problem facing the Tlokwe Local Municipality is that it is Constitutional and legislatively obliged to avoid and/or mitigate the impact of potential disasters within its boundaries, through the effective management of potential disaster risks and disasters. The lack of effective risk management tools is especially concerning in the context of the water catchment management of the Mooi River, which is the main water supply of the Tlokwe local Municipality. The Mooi River is exposed to many potential catchment related hazards that could affect the municipality of which the origins are both anthropogenic and natural. Although, many of the impacts on the catchment arise beyond the boundaries and the control of the municipality, this does not relieve the municipality from the responsibility to develop tools to manage the risks.
The aim of the study is to assist in addressing the above stated problem through establishing the requirements for a conceptual model for an effective spatial information system that will assist the municipality in effectively managing the potential disaster risks and disasters that may arise in the Mooi River Catchment area that could impact on the Tlokwe Local Municiaplity. The aim gives rise to three-research questions that are formulated as research objectives that are used to identify the conceptual model requirements.
The first is to identify and conceptualise the constitutional and legislative obligations in respect of disaster risk management in general and specifically those governing the disaster disk management in the water catchment area for the Mooi River. The study of this objective not only highlight the constitutional and legal obligations that the local municipality is subject to, but provides legislatives remedies that the local municipality can utilise to assist with disaster risks reduction.
The second is to identify and conceptualise the generic hazards that are related to water catchment areas (including the related groundwater compartments) and those specific in the Mooi River catchment area. In this section, potential anthropogenic and natural hazards are listed, a methodology for risk and vulnerability analyses is provided, and a concise study of quaternary catchment C23D is provided.
The third is to identify and conceptualize the requirements for an effective conceptual model of GIS for Disaster Risk Management in the Tlokwe Local Municipality. An overview of a GIS is provided. The essential components of a generic information system namely, people, software, hardware, procedures and processes, data and telecommunications or networks are discussed.
The information and system requirements cumulating from the analyses of the three research questions, serve as the drivers of the goal, outcomes and transformation process of the system as well as the requirements for the conceptual model. In this section: a comparison of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Framework for Applied Systems Thinking (FAST), problem solving and the phases addressed in this study; the identification of the conceptual model requirements; and a concise systems conceptualisation of an effective GIS is provided.
As the, mini-dissertation focuses on the needs for a conceptual model, the additional activities required before the system can be implemented are identified and formulated as recommendation that provide the opportunity for future research. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-29 / The object of the research is the educational inequality in Brazil, analyzed as human
development measure in terms of social and economic components measured by longevity,
education and income. It adopts the method of historical and dialectical materialism, in order
to size the contradictions in the social construction of the inequalities, after the Federal
Constitution of 1988. The thesis is linked to the research line: State, Educational institutions
of the Program of Post-Graduation of PUC, Goiás, developed under the qualitative approach,
of explanatory aspect, with documentary and statistical analyses, based on the last three
censuses systematized by the consortiums UNDP, Ipea and FJP, published in 2012 and 2014.
It chooses the Federative Unit of Goiás, in the simultaneous investigation of municipal
spatiality and Human Development Units (HDU), which include the metropolitan areas of
Goiânia and surrounding Federal District. The extreme twelfths are statistically used to
encompass syntheses involving 246 municipalities and more than 400 HDU, which design
dimensions of Educational Inequality rates (EIR) and Routes of Overcoming (RO). The
analysis of the Brazilian concrete reality reveals how educational inequality of relief, for the
last decade of the 20th century and first of the 21st, one schooling of only 55% of the
graduating students from primary education. It demonstrates is a transmutation of this
inequality in vulnerabilities education-income, involving social collective made unequal,
sacrificed by poverty and indigence of children, elderly, mothers responsible for their homes,
and workers without urban mobility. Education inequalities changing in vulnerabilities expose
a refined quality of inequalities, not abstract. It is shown that the movement for overcoming
the concrete reality passes by re-politicization of the State, from the popular collectives,
constructing a new relation that overcomes the abstract plan to give way to the concrete. / O objeto da pesquisa é a desigualdade educacional no Brasil, analisado como medida de
desenvolvimento humano, nos termos das componentes sociais e econômica aferidos pela
longevidade, educação e renda. Adota-se o método do materialismo histórico e dialético, com
vistas a apreender as contradições na construção social das desigualdades, após a Constituição
Federal de 1988. A tese vincula-se à Linha de Pesquisa: Estado, Políticas e Instituições
Educacionais do Programa de Pós-Graduação da PUC Goiás, desenvolvida sob a abordagem
qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, com análise documental e estatística, com base nos três
últimos censos sistematizados pelo consórcio PNUD, Ipea e FJP, publicados em 2012 e 2014.
Escolhe-se a Unidade Federativa goiana, na investigação simultânea das espacialidades
municipais e das Unidades de Desenvolvimento Humano (UDH), que englobam as Regiões
Metropolitanas de Goiânia e do Entorno do Distrito Federal. Os duodécimos extremos são
estatisticamente utilizados para abarcar sínteses que envolvem 246 municípios e mais de 400
UDH, que projetam dimensões de Taxas de Desigualdade Educacional (TdE) e Percursos de
Superação (PeS). A análise da realidade concreta brasileira desvela como desigualdade
educacional de relevo, para a última década do século XX e a primeira do XXI, uma
escolarização de apenas 55% dos trabalhadores concluintes do ensino fundamental.
Demonstra-se uma transmudação dessa desigualdade em vulnerabilidades educação-renda,
envolvendo coletivos sociais feitos desiguais, sacrificados pela pobreza e indigência de
crianças, idosos, mães chefes de domicílios e trabalhadores sem mobilidade urbana.
Desigualdades educacionais transformando-se em vulnerabilidades expõem uma refinada
qualidade das desigualdades, não mais abstratas. Mostra-se que o movimento para a
superação da realidade concreta passa pela repolitização do Estado, a partir dos coletivos
populares, construindo uma nova relação que supere o plano abstrato para dar lugar ao
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