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Upplevelsen av att bli diagnostiserad med ADHD i vuxen ålder : En kvalitativ sociologisk studieJohansson, Emelie, Edholm, Olof January 2013 (has links)
Abstract We have chosen to examine how it can be to be diagnosed with ADHD in adults. Our purpose of this study was to examine the experience of being diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood. We wanted to investigate if people feel that the diagnosis has led to a change and if so, in what way. We also wanted to investigate the impact that the participants attribute the diagnosis. We have made a qualitative study in which we interviewed five men aged 31-45 years, who have all had their diagnosis for a year or more. We have analyzed our material from our theoretical premises, which has been the SOC and Stigma theory. Our results demonstrate that the people we interviewed, to some extent have experienced a change in their lives as a result of the diagnosis of ADHD. The diagnosis has worked for them as an explanation for their difficulties and as an opportunity to get support and help, such as medication. Some of those we interviewed also felt that the diagnosis has had a negative impact on their lives by an unsympathetic environment and a sense of being different. The people we interviewed attributed the diagnosis of great importance because it contributed to an explanation of their difficulties, as well as access to support and help, and secondly that they believe they have been a different situation if they had been diagnosed as a child. We do not want to draw any general conclusions from the results we obtained in the study, but we can see that the people we interviewed told us about a higher degree of comprehensibility and manageability after being diagnosed with ADHD. We do not see that they experienced an increased sense of purpose after they were diagnosed with ADHD, which is why we can´t say if they have received an increased SOC in its entirety as a result of the diagnosis. We also see that for some has been a stigma attached to being diagnosed with ADHD, while others describe it as a stigma of living with ADHD problems without knowing the cause of it. Keywords: ADHD, SOC, stigma, adult men, experience of diagnosis / Sammanfattning Vi har valt att undersöka hur det kan vara att bli diagnostiserad med ADHD för vuxna personer. Vårt syfte med studien har varit att undersöka upplevelsen av att bli diagnostiserad med ADHD i vuxen ålder. Vi ville undersöka om personerna upplever att diagnostiseringen har lett till en förändring och i så fall på vilket sätt. Vi ville också undersöka vilken betydelse personerna tillskriver diagnosen. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat fem män i åldrarna 31-45 år, som alla har haft sin diagnos i ett år eller mer. Vi har analyserat vårt material utifrån våra teoretiska utgångspunkter, som har varit KASAM och Stigmateorin. Studiens resultat visar att de personer som vi har intervjuat till viss del har upplevt en förändring i sina liv till följd av diagnostiseringen av ADHD. Diagnosen har för dessa fungerat som en förklaring till deras svårigheter och som en möjlighet att få stöd och hjälp, exempelvis genom medicinering. En del av de vi har intervjuat upplever också att diagnosen har haft en negativ påverkan på deras liv genom en oförstående omgivning och genom en känsla av att vara annorlunda. De personer vi intervjuat tillskriver diagnosen en stor betydelse, dels då den bidragit till en förklaring på deras svårigheter, dels som en tillgång till stöd och hjälp och dels att de tror sig ha haft en annan livssituation om de blivit diagnostiserade som barn. Vi vill inte dra några generella slutsatser utifrån de resultat som vi fått i studien men vi kan se att de personer som vi intervjuat har berättat om en högre grad av begriplighet och hanterbarhet efter att de blivit diagnostiserade med ADHD. Vi ser dock inte att de upplever någon ökad känsla av meningsfullhet efter att de diagnostiserats med ADHD, varför vi inte kan uttala oss om de har fått en ökad KASAM i sin helhet till följd av diagnostiseringen. Vi ser också att det för vissa har varit stigmatiserande att bli diagnostiserad med ADHD, samtidigt som andra beskriver det som stigmatiserande att leva med ADHD-problematik utan att veta orsaken till den. Nyckelord: ADHD, KASAM, stigma, vuxna män, upplevelse av diagnos
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DISTANSERING FRÅN KRIMINALITET : En studie om unga vuxna mäns förhållningssätt inom utsatta områden / Distance from crimeShwani, Aran, Makdesi Elias, Sami January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to understand how young adult men experience the environment and the growing conditions that exist in so-called particularly vulnerable areas. And on the basis of these, figure out how they relate to and distance themselves from crime as a way of life. The method used to answer the study's purpose and questions was a qualitative method in which six young adult males aged between 24 - 25 years grown or residing in so-called particularly vulnerable areas were interviewed. The study is based on a thematic analysis with the aim of capturing reflections and experiences. By using semi-structured questions, the respondents were able to contribute with more nuanced answers regarding their reflections and experiences concerning the phenomenon in question. Results showed that the respondents who grew up in these so-called particularly vulnerable areas, experienced worse conditions and fewer opportunities in life comparing to children who grew up in areas with higher socioeconomic status. The respondents relate to their area through strong social friendships and solidarity groups with shared meanings. Within these groups, some respondents feel that there are unwritten rules and norms, such as the way to dress or the way to talk. In order to integrate within these groups, it is usually required to have similar attitudes, common interests and a background from the area to understand the internal symbols and language. Respondents in the so-called particularly vulnerable area later develop a social maturity through a greater consistency thinking and a future thinking. The experience of high expectations from parents, friends and the pursuit of a good self-image are the driving forces to distance themselves from crime. To avoid getting into criminal habits, respondents express that it is essential to have a good education and established schools with resources that can handle the younger ones who run the risk of getting into crime. According to the respondents' experience, you can also distance yourself from crime through sports, hobbies, education, or employment.
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Hur förhåller sig unga vuxna män till spelreklam? : En kvalitativ studie grundad i medieeffekt-teorin / How do young adult men view gamblingadvertisements? : A qualitative study based on media effect theoryEngström, Klas, Murphy, Eamonn January 2022 (has links)
The present study’s main purpose is to find out if there’s a noticeable pattern between young mens exposure to gambling advertising. Why this study only focused on young men is because the researchers in the study are in the same life situation and they also share the same age. Why women weren't included in the present study is because there are some great differences between the two genders that further research would be necessary. This also because the researchers as previously mentioned are in the same age range and life situation according to studying at university and share similar interests, such as sports and online gambling. What this study has included is the data from interviews that involved six different respondents that answered various questions that were sorted into different themes that were analyzed in the discussion together with the chosen theory. In the result we could find some light generalizations associated with the respondents answers in the data, which created some forms of patterns between the impact that online gambling commercials cause. To make the study even more credible the study would’ve needed more respondents to interview, so that more answers could be compared and analyzed against each other. Another improvement that should've been added to the present study is quantitative data, which would be an online survey which would've been sent to more students in the same age range to find out if more people were affected by the lures that gambling commercials try to solicit you with. In conclusion this study can conclude that young male adults indeed are affected by the gambling commercials that surround them constantly. But to achieve a more valid result and discussion in this study it would've needed some improvements in form of more respondents and a greater range of information on the psychological factors amongst young people, associated with gambling commercials in daily use.
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Håller unga vuxna män käften? : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesprofessionellas erfarenheter av arbete med maskulinitetsnormer och psykisk ohälsa hos unga vuxna män.Johansson, Tobias, Pero, Anders January 2019 (has links)
Studiens ambition har varit att undersöka hur universitetskuratorer och frivårdsinspektörer arbetar med unga vuxna män avseende rådande samhälleliga maskulinitetsnormer och dess eventuella koppling till unga vuxna mäns (18–25 år) psykiska ohälsa samt undersöka det professionella kunskapsläget gällande detsamma. I studien har sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fyra frivårdsinspektörer och tre universitetskuratorer. Empirin har analyserats tematiskt där yrkesgrupperna har analyserats separat, men även tillsammans för att tydliggöra eventuella likheter och skillnader. Resultaten i studien ger indikationer på att de frivårdsinspektörer som intervjuats arbetar med delar av begreppet maskulinitetsnormer i större utsträckning än universitetskuratorerna. Gemensamt framkom även indikationer på att utökad forskning och kunskap om unga vuxna män, maskulinitetsnormer och dess eventuella koppling till psykisk ohälsa, potentiellt skulle kunna bidra positivt inom det operativa, professionella sociala arbetsfältet för de yrkesprofessionella som arbetar med unga vuxna män. / <p>2019-01-17</p>
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