Spelling suggestions: "subject:"warehouse"" "subject:"warehouses""
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Logistics Management: A Firm’s Efficiency Performance ModelLaird, Mark 14 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Decision Support System for Warehousing StrategiesCOLLIANDER, CECILIA, TJELLANDER, ANNA January 2013 (has links)
Although distribution and warehousing theory have been extensively studied in terms of optimisation and functional excellence the extension of these concepts into supply chain management has not been fully explored. In addition information at which decision level warehousing strategies are formed is limited. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which supply chain drivers and subordinate variables that affect warehousing decisions and how these can be used for warehousing strategies. The findings will serve as a decision support in strategic warehouse network design. To fulfil the purpose of the thesis a case study was performed at a sportswear company contributing to the textile and apparel focus of the research. The case company is facing a potential restructure of its warehousing network as the current distribution strategy has created different constraints and complexities which have lead to problems. Through a literature review important supply chain drivers as well as warehousing variables have been identified and serve as the basis for the case company investigation conducted using interviews and a survey. The empirical findings contribute to the results by determining whether decisions regarding the variables are on a strategic, tactical or operational level. The result is a Decision Support System integrating supply chain drivers, warehousing variables and decision levels. The framework fills gaps found in the literature by defining different decision levels of warehousing and by integrating warehousing in the supply chain strategy. The Decision Support System is subsequently applied to the case company revealing areas which need to be considered and improved prior to a restructuring of its warehousing network. By using the Decision Support System a textile and apparel company can map its supply chain and warehousing strategy revealing strengths and weaknesses in the network. The Decision Support System facilitates decisions regarding warehousing and simplifies the process of moving from the strategy employed to the best practice strategy thereby increasing customer satisfaction and achieving a competitive advantage. / Program: Textilt management med inriktning styrning av textila värdekedjor
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Factors influencing the adoption of warehousing 4.0 by manufacturing companies in developing countries: A case study of Sri Lanka and CameroonModeste Tse, Tafuh, Weerathunga, Chanika, Wijewardana, Heshani January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to comprehend the concept of warehousing 4.0 and to examine the critical factors influencing its adoption in developing countries. while at the same time exploring how manufacturing companies can address these factors prior to adopting warehousing 4.0. This master’s thesis employs a multiple case study approach, conducting semi-structured interviews and engaging focus group discussions with respondents from three manufacturing companies operating in 2 developing countries (Sri Lanka and Cameroon). The finding reveals critical factors like cost, technological readiness, availability of skilled workers, IT infrastructure, etc. With a higher level of criticality amongst some critical factors when compared to others. The findings also revealed strategies identified to effectively address the critical factors. These strategies include employee training programs, building partnerships, infrastructure upgrades, data security systems, etc. These proposed strategies across the companies exhibit similarities, indicating a shared understanding of critical factors and a similar approach to addressing them. This research contributes to the existing knowledge on warehousing 4.0 adoption and provides practical insights for manufacturing companies in developing countries. By carefully identifying and addressing the specified critical factors, manufacturing companies in developing countries can navigate challenges and leverage the opportunities presented by warehousing 4.0 technologies in their raw material warehouses.
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Analýza požadavků na skladování nebezpečných látek v ČR pro mezinárodního poskytovatele logistických služeb / Processes of warehousing of chemicals of the lead logistics provider in the Czech RepublicPotančoková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on processes of warehousing of chemicals of the lead logistics provider in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to analyse legislative and safety requirements for warehousing of chemicals in the Czech Republic. An audit, which determines the correctness of warehousing, makes a suggestion and gives advice not only on the warehouse equipment but also on the whole process of warehousing of chemicals, is made on the basis of ascertained information. The first part of thesis describes legislative sources and safety requirements for work performance with chemicals. The second part is focused on the audit of warehousing itself. The risks, which appear on the workplace, are described there, as well as making suggestions of their elimination. The final chapter is dedicated to the improvement of warehouse safety.
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Hållbara e-handelslager : En kvalitativ studie omhållbarhetsperspektivet inom lagerverksamhet / Sustainable warehousing within e-commerceLiljevall, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Hållbarhetsarbete har aktualiserats inom samhället där intressenter och konsumenter förväntar sig ett hållbart ansvarstagande hos företag. I korrelation med denna ökning har även tillväxt av den digitala handeln satt extra press på företags försörjnings- och distributionskedjor för att möta kundens efterfrågan på kundservice samt förväntan om hållbarhet. Tidigare forskning visar på ett stort fokus på hållbarhet inom logistik men begränsat med litteratur gällande lagerverksamhet. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats var att med utgångspunkt ur ett företagsperspektiv, granska hållbarhetsperspektivet vad gäller såväl operativa arbetsuppgifter som strategiska aktiviteter inom lagerverksamhet. Metod För att svara på frågeställningen utgår uppsatsen från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom elva semistrukturerade intervjuer. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån företagsperspektiv och grundar sig i ett urval av svenska företag verksamma inom handel och logistik. Slutsats Uppsatsen visar på att det finns väletablerade arbetssätt inom social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Däremot har de miljömässiga hållbarhetsinsatserna idag ingen tydlig uppföljning vad gäller lagerverksamhet, flera punktinsatser kan dock identifieras. Det framkommer en brist på tydliga bedömningsmodeller, förhållningssätt och uppföljning vad gäller miljö inom lagerverksamhet. Uppsatsen visar dock på ett tilltagande intresse för att fortsatt integrera lagerverksamhetens aktiviteter i företagens miljöarbete. / Background The focus on sustainability has increased in society, where stakeholders and consumers expect sustainable corporate responsibility. In correlation with this increase, growth of digital commerce put further pressure on corporate supply and distribution chains to meet customers' demand for customer service and the expectation of sustainability. Previous research show a strong focus on sustainability within logistics, but literature regarding warehousing in relations to sustainability is limited. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is based on a business perspective, to review the perspective of sustainability within operational tasks and strategic activities within warehouse operations. Method To answer the question, the essay is based on a qualitative research method. The data collection was done through 11 semi-structured interviews. The thesis applies a business perspective, hence the selection of representatives from Swedish companies active within commerce and logistic sector. Conclusion In conclusion, this essay shows a well-established way of working within measures and activities concerning social and economic sustainability. Further the thesis show deficiency regarding environmental sustainability where it shows a lack of indicators within the monitoring of ecologic improvements regarding warehousing. Despite this, several separate initiatives emerge within the continuous improvement concerning warehouse activities, where assessment models and approaches within environmental monitoring are requested. However, the studie show a growing interest in continuing to integrate warehousing operations into environmental development.
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Investigating pluralistic data architectures in data warehousingOladele, Kazeem Ayinde January 2015 (has links)
Understanding and managing change is a strategic objective for many organisations to successfully compete in a market place; as a result, organisations are leveraging their data asset and implementing data warehouses to gain business intelligence necessary to improve their businesses. Data warehouses are expensive initiatives, one-half to two-thirds of most data warehousing efforts end in failure. In the absence of well-formalised design methodology in the industry and in the context of the debate on data architecture in data warehousing, this thesis examines why multidimensional and relational data models define the data architecture landscape in the industry. The study develops a number of propositions from the literature and empirical data to understand the factors impacting the choice of logical data model in data warehousing. Using a comparative case study method as the mean of collecting empirical data from the case organisations, the research proposes a conceptual model for logical data model adoption. The model provides a framework that guides decision making for adopting a logical data model for a data warehouse. The research conceptual model identifies the characteristics of business requirements and decision pathways for multidimensional and relational data warehouses. The conceptual model adds value by identifying the business requirements which a multidimensional and relational logical data model is empirically applicable.
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Advantages and disadvantages regarding usage of wireless systems in a warehouse settingBrobeck, Stefan, Kalozcy, Erik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Mobile computing and wireless systems are becoming more common as wireless technology evolves. Many authors argue that wireless systems can provide advantages and value to organisations, such as increased efficiency and effectiveness. Literature also shows that wireless systems especially suits companies within the logistics industry. However, some authors also highlight disadvantages regarding these solutions, for example insufficient security.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to present advantages and disadvantages for organisations regarding usage of wireless systems in a warehouse setting, and the factors that have an influence over these advantages and disadvantages.</p><p>This purpose is fulfilled with the aid of a qualitative study at Maersk Logistics in Torsvik, Jönköping where a number of respondents were interviewed. The study began with a literature study covering different aspects of wireless systems. The literature study was used to construct an interview guide, and also as a foundation for the analysis.</p><p>The empirical study shows that the wireless system at Maersk Logistics provides value to the organisation at both the operational and management level. The effectiveness and efficiency in the daily work increases and the system generates accurate information that forms a good foundation for the decision-making process. The study also shows that precautions need to be taken when using a wireless system, since the organisation becomes very dependent on the system.</p> / <p>Mobil datoranvändning och trådlösa system blir mer och mer vanliga i och med utvecklingen av trådlös teknik. Många författare hävdar att trådlösa system bidrar med fördelar och tillför värde till en organisation, exempelvis högre effek-tivitet. Litteraturen visar även att trådlösa system är speciellt lämpade inom logistikindustrin. Vissa författare belyser dock nackdelar relaterade till de här lösningarna, exempelvis bristande säkerhet.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera fördelar och nackdelar för organisa-tioner rörande användande av trådlösa system i lagermiljö, och de faktorer som påverkar dessa fördelar och nackdelar.</p><p>Syftet uppfylls med hjälp av en kvalitativ studie på Maersk Logistics i Torsvik, Jönköping där ett antal respondenter har intervjuats. Studien inleddes med en litteraturstudie som omfattade olika aspekter av trådlösa system. Litteraturstudien låg sedan till grund för konstruktion av intervjuguide och genomförande av intervjuerna, och även som underlag för analysen.</p><p>Den empiriska studien visar att det trådlösa systemet på Maersk Logistics tillför värde i en organisation både på driftsnivå och på managementnivå. Effektiviteten i det dagliga arbetet blir högre och systemet bidrar med korrekt information som bildar ett bättre underlag för beslutsprocessen. Studien visar också att försiktighetsåtgärder måste vidtas vid användandet av ett trådlöst system eftersom organisationen blir väldigt beroende av systemet.</p>
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Diseño y construcción de un Data Webhouse de apoyo a la industria del turismo de la X RegiónCastro Astete, Manuel Alejandro January 2014 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / El desafío propuesto en este trabajo de memoria consistió en el desarrollo y construcción de un Data Webhouse que albergue distintos componentes asociados a un sitio web que presenta un catálogo de productos en internet, como lo son los módulos de recomendador de productos (AWS), de análisis de opinión en internet (WOM), y de registro de acceso al sitio web (Web Log), aplicados a un proyecto real relativo al turismo de la X Región.
Apoyado en los avances y desarrollo de memoristas anteriores en temas relativos al web Mining, análisis de log, y sitios adaptativos es que se presenta el proyecto W.H.A.L.E. que alberga a la industria del turismo de la X Región, bajo a supervisión del Gobierno Regional de la X Región y el Sernatur, para buscar potenciar ese sector económico a través del desarrollo y estudio del sitio patagonialoslagos en donde se aplican estos avances por medios de módulos independientes.
El problema propuesto es justamente consolidar dichos avances en uno solo, a través de un modelo de datos que considere cada uno de los módulos mencionados y permita mejores puntos de vista a través de información agregada y combinada, bajo el supuesto que el conjunto es mayor que las individualidades.
El desarrollo de la presente memoria consistió en el desarrollo de un modelo de Data Webhouse que contuviera la información del sitio web Patagonia, y que agregara información pública de valor, generando un modelo en la medida de la disponibilidad de esa información, además se crearon las interfaces de carga para incorporación del registro de visitas del sitio web a través de su web log, al igual que las interfaces de carga de datos desde el módulo de análisis de opinión, sin embargo esto no se logró con el módulo de recomendación de productos ya que su funcionamiento está codificado dentro de la aplicación tomando por sí mismo los datos de la base de datos de la página web. Con el modelo resultante se generó una base de reportes que combina los datos de los productos visitados y las características relacionadas.
Como conclusiones más importantes está la prueba empírica de integración de datos entre los módulos, que se logra en parte, y que sugiere que en una próxima versión del mismo, el diseño de los módulos deben desarrollarse en conjunto con el sitio web para asegurar la compatibilidad esperada.
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Diseño de propuesta de arquitectura de gestión de datos científicos para el Centro de Investigación Web Intelligence CentreMaldonado Bravo, Felipe Alejandro January 2016 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Industrial / El presente trabajo de título busca diseñar una propuesta de arquitectura de gestión de datos de investigación enfocada en el acceso abierto a los datos para el Web Intelligence Centre (WIC, centro perteneciente a la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas (FCFM) de la Universidad de Chile), con el fin de prevenir la falta de disponibilidad de datos generados en el centro para trabajos futuros y así evitar el tener que llevar a cabo los experimentos por segunda vez.
El primer pilar de la arquitectura son las políticas de gestión de datos científicos. Para su diseño se utilizó una serie de pasos ofrecida por el Data Curation Centre (UK). El primer paso fue realizar una evaluación del estado actual del WIC respecto a la gestión de datos, posterior a ello se efectuó una revisión y comparación de las recomendaciones sobre los contenidos de las políticas de un número de entidades que ha desarrollado la materia en los últimos años. De este ejercicio se extrajeron los contenidos mínimos que debe contener este documento. A continuación, se analizó quiénes serán los encargados de aprobar la propuesta para poder realizar una versión borrador del documento sujeto a cambios, los cuales se vieron reflejados en el diseño de la versión final.
El segundo pilar de la arquitectura es la infraestructura tecnológica (TI) que soportará la gestión de los datos. Para esto se realizó un levantamiento de requerimientos con el fin de realizar un benchmark de los repositorios y software especializados en la creación de repositorios científicos existentes. De esta fase se consideró a la plataforma DSpace como la mejor solución para diseñar y crear finalmente la propuesta de repositorio de datos del centro.
El tercer y último pilar tiene relación al soporte necesario para realizar la gestión de datos en el centro, para esto se diseñaron guías, documentos y plantillas de documentos. Además se esquematizaron los procesos principales que se desprenden de las políticas diseñadas.
Después se llevó a cabo un proceso de validación de la arquitectura creada respecto a los términos técnicos y requisitos para poder ejecutar la gestión buscada. Donde se concluye que la propuesta permitirá realizar una gestión de datos científicos en el Web Intelligence Centre y con esto traer beneficios, que a pesar de no ser directamente cuantificables en contraste a los costos, se verán reflejados en el corto y largo plazo tanto en el funcionamiento interno del centro como en la investigación que se realizará en el futuro, los cuales ayudarán a cumplir los objetivos del centro. También se presentaron propuestas de mejoras a la arquitectura desprendidas de la validación realizada.
Por último, se realizó una propuesta relacionada a la gestión del cambio que se deberá llevar a cabo en el centro con el fin de implementar la arquitectura propuesta de manera correcta para poder generar finalmente el valor que se busca.
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A framework for adoption of data warehouse in a South African government department.Kademeteme, Edzai. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Information Systems / Data underpins the smooth operations and strategic decision-making of the day-to-day operation of an organization’s business processes. With the increasing automation of an organization's activities, large volumes of data are generated faster than they may be consumed and digested. The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform is faced with such a generation of large volumes of data. The department could have benefited from data warehousing in which data is stored within a single repository. However, there is no framework that could inform the adoption of Data Warehousing by a South African government department. This research study therefore intended to design a framework for the adoption of Data Warehousing by a South African government department.
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