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Energetické úspory velkých objektů / Energy saving of large objectsŘehák, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the economical measures using own heat and power production using cogeneration units, use of renewable resources to partially cover the consumption of objects, reduction of thermal losses by evaporation in the outdoor swimming pool and overall increase of waste heat utilization by exchanger heat exchangers from flue gas and heat from waste water.
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Využití odpadní vody v EDU pro vytápění / Use of Waste Water in Nuclear Power Dukovany for HeatingBohůn, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with various ways of energetically advantageous utilization of waste heat produced by industrial technologies. The focus of the diploma thesis is both to provide an overview of different ways and places of origin of waste heat in industrial technologies and of its possible reutilization, to suggest a concrete air heating system using waste heat and to propose a long-distance hot water pipe which supplies hot water pipe system with energy. First, technologies producing waste heat and some ways of regressing of heat in such technologies are theoretically described. Second, the equipment for transferring of heat and for adjustment of thermal energy parameters is described. A special focus is put on water supplies of the Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany and some selected parts of its secondary circuit, which is waste heat collected from. The analysis is supplemented by a calculation of theoretical quantity of waste heat. The aim of the calculation is to determine whether waste heat can be a source of energy for heating. Then, a current system of heating of three selected buildings in the area of the Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany is briefly described. Based on the gained knowledge, a project of air heating with two heat pumps type water – water, a heat receiver preparing warm service water and three recuperative units for preheating of fresh heating air is designed. The selection of main parts of the air heating is amended by a calculation of purchase costs and electric energy consumption. After that, the focus is placed on choice of type of hot water pipe – its trace is stated and an indicative estimation and a thermal-conditions calculation in the hot water pipe are made. The preliminary calculation serves as a source of information for a final project of air heating and calculation of changes of temperatures longwise the hot water pipe. The project contains also a calculation of pressure losses and an analysis of economical questions concerning hot water pipes. In conclusion, the results of project of air heating and hot water pipes are summarized.
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Peltierovy články pro výrobu elektrické energie / Thermoelectric Power Generation SystemBrázdil, Marian January 2011 (has links)
In the last decade there is a rising interest in thermoelectric applications. Thermoelectric generators enabling the direct conversion of the heat into the electricity become attractive. This fact is caused by the demands of environmental operation and saving primary resources. Scientists intensively investigate and develop new materials and structures suitable for these applications. The efficiency of the thermoelectric conversion progressively increases. Unfortunately we have no available materials with sufficient thermoelectric properties which could provide cost-competitive price. Thermoelectric generators seem to be useable devices. For example, in case of the unused waste heat using of the thermoelectric generator can increase the overall effectiveness of the unit despite the low efficiency of the generator. This master thesis deals with the issue of the Peltier modules representing the main part of the thermoelectric generators. The physical principles and structures of the thermoelectric modules and the possibility of thermoelectric power production are described here. In the practical part of this thesis the design of the low power generator utilizing waste heat from biomass boiler Verner A 251.1 is proposed.
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Využití odpadního tepla pro vytápění a ohřev TV / Utilization of waste heat for heating and hot waterDvouletý, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The thesis aims to design a device for utilization of waste heat for heating and hot water in NETME Centre in area of FSI VUT in Brno. First of all there is summary of available sources of waste heat and evaluation of serviceability. Next there is design of a device for utilization of waste heat. Design incluades calculation of heat exchangers and selection of particular heat exchangers. It also incluades design of duct system which anables transportation of heated water from heat exchangers to machine room. In machine room is situated storage tank for accumulation of gained waste heat. This storage tank is conected to heating system and to consumption of hot water which anables utilization of waste heat. Finally there is economic evaluation based on amount of gained waste heat, consumption of heat and costs.
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Enhancing and Expanding Conventional Simulation Models of Refrigeration Systems for Improved CorrelationsMurgham, Haithem Abualasaad January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Waste Heat Driven Membrane Distillation Integrated with Stirling EngineTalåsen, Jonatan, Bergman Larsson, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, the potential to purify water utilizing waste heat from a unit which stores thermal energy and converts it to electricity is studied. The unit, called TES.POD, is developed by Azelio AB and is in this thesis used as a heat source to drive an air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) unit developed by Scarab Development AB. Heat from the TES.POD and ambient air temperature constitutes a temperature difference over a membrane used as a driving force to vaporize a part of the water that transfer through the membrane, and later condensates as clean distilled water as the contaminations stays in the hot stream of feed water. An analysis has been conducted to determine quasi-steady performance of the combined system for estimating the amount of purified water that can be supplied when the TES.POD unit is in peak electricity discharge mode. The 26 kW of waste heat accessible from the TES.POD is shown to enable two AGMD-modules producing purified water at a production of 7, 1l/h per unit having the feed water at 50°C and cooling water at 25°C. A correlation between the amount of waste heat and distilled water production is determined, as the TES.POD could be configured to produce less electricity and more waste heat at a higher temperature. The correlation showed that an 9% increase in cooling temperature, lead to an 30% increase in pure water output and a 33% decrease in electricity output. The results show that when implementing the two companies’ units together, a system that both provides electricity and distilled water is obtained. This is a system with a high demand, especially in off-grid areas with lack of both resources but with accessible renewable energy sources. Moreover, by using waste heat to purify water, it can also reduce the production cost compared to cases where conventional energy sources are used. The potential revenue of the production was estimated to 673 790 SEK/year with an implementation cost of 93 861 SEK with yearly operational expenses estimated to 14 080 SEK/year. / I detta arbete undersöks möjligheten att rena vatten med spillvärme från ett system vilket lagrar termisk energi och av den producerar elektricitet, när det behövs. Systemet är utvecklat av Azelio AB och har produktnamnet TES.POD. Vattendestillationen utförs med en så kallad air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) modul, utvecklad av Scarab Development AB. Värmen från TES.POD och omgivningstemperaturen utgör, i AGMD-modulen, en temperaturdifferens vilken i sin tur skapar en partielltryckskillnad över membranet. Denna partielltryckskillnad låter en del av det förorenade vattnet som flödar i AGMD-modulen att förångas och passera genom membranet. Föroreningarna stannar kvar i det strömmande vattnet och ångan kondenserar som renat vatten. Arbetet visar att de 26kW som finns att tillgå i form av spillvärme är tillräckligt för att driva två AGMD-moduler att producera 7,1 l/h destillerat vatten per modul. Detta är under förutsättningar att det förorenade vattnet är 50°C och kylvattnet är 25°C. I rapporten återfinns också ett samband mellan mängden spillvärme och produktionen av destillerat vatten, eftersom TES.POD kan konfigureras till att producera spillvärme vid en högre temperatur. Sambandet visade på att 9% ökning av spillvärmens temperatur motsvarar 30% ökning i produktionen av destillerat vatten och en minskad elektricitetsproduktion på 33%. Resultatet visar på att integrationen av dessa två produkter bildar ett system som både producerar rent vatten och elektricitet när så önskas. Detta system har till synes en stor efterfrågan, speciellt i områden utanför fast el- och vattennätverk men med goda förnyelsebara energikällor. Dessutom, eftersom vattendestillationen sker med spillvärme, kan produktionskostnaderna vara lägre än då konventionella energikällor används. Den potentiella inkomsten från produktionen estimeras till 673 790 SEK/year med en inköpskostnad om 93 861 SEK samt årliga omkostnader om 14 080 SEK/year.
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Distributed generation for waste heat utilisation and industrial symbiosis at Zigrid AB. : A case study on the Alby hydrogen project in Ånge, SwedenAbdlla, Hamodi, Eshete, Helen January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potential utilisation of Zigrid’s distributed power modules for waste heat utilisation and electricity production within an industrial cluster. The study examines generated waste heat from a hydrogen production plant with a PEM electrolyser and Zigrid’s innovative energy generation capabilities. Furthermore, the study investigates changes in the value chain within the industrial cluster when integrating Zigrid’s power modules as a cooling technique and thereby replacing cooling towers. This integration offers various potential avenues for the excess waste heat, such as electricity production and district heating. An in-depth economic evaluation was performed, weighing the cost-effectiveness of Zigrid's power modules against traditional cooling towers. The economic assessment includes the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) for locally produced electricity and showcase the potential savings by reducing dependence on the grid. Furthermore, the study also highlights the potential benefits of harnessing Sweden's waste heat, forecasting Zigrid's prospective contribution to local electricity generation and substantial economic efficiencies. The study's findings underscore the viability of Zigrid's power units in increasing local electricity generation, curbing emissions, enhancing grid stability, and fostering sustainable practices within industrial clusters. / Denna avhandling undersöker potentialen för användning av Zigrids distribuerade kraftmoduler för utnyttjande av spillvärme och elproduktion inom ett industriellt kluster. Studien granskar genererad spillvärme från en väteproduktionsanläggning med en PEMelektrolysör och Zigrids innovativa energiproduktionsförmåga. Vidare undersöker studien förändringar i värdekedjan inom det industriella klustret när Zigrids kraftmoduler integreras som en kylteknik och därmed ersätter kyltorn. Denna integration erbjuder olika potentiella vägar för överskott av spillvärme, såsom elproduktion och fjärrvärme. En djupgående ekonomisk utvärdering genomfördes, där kostnadseffektiviteten hos Zigrids kraftmoduler jämfördes med traditionella kyltorn. Den ekonomiska bedömningen inkluderar den nivåbaserad elkostnaden (LCOE) för lokalt producerad elektricitet och visar de potentiella besparingarna genom att minska beroendet av elnätet. Vidare belyser studien också de potentiella fördelarna med att utnyttja Sveriges spillvärme och förutspår Zigrids framtida bidrag till lokal elproduktion och betydande ekonomisk effektivitet. Studiens resultat understryker Zigrids kraftenheters livskraftighet för att öka lokal elproduktion, minska utsläpp, förbättra nätstabiliteten och främja hållbara metoder inom industrikluster.
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Waste Heat Driven Membrane Distillation Integrated with Stirling EngineBergman Larsson, Niklas, Talåsen, Jonatan January 2022 (has links)
See file / Se bif. fil
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Low Temperature Waste Energy Harvesting by Shape Memory Alloy ActuatorHegana, Ashenafi B. 04 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Material analysis for a rotating inlet valve : Sliding contact in an oil-free super-critical steam environment / Materialanalys för en roterande inloppsventil : Glidande kontakt i en oljefri superkritisk ångmiljöSamuelsson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, the aim is to study possible tribo-materials for a rotating inlet valve and to find a suitable material combination for the contact. The valve is part of a modern oil-free and high temperature steam engine. Systematic material selection together with tribological tests and wear analyses are performed. The metals Nitronic 60 and Stellite 6B are tested as self-mated metals, and run against graphite. None of these combinations are found suitable. However, the tests show carbon-based materials to be promising. After further study another carbon-based material, antimony impregnated mechanical carbon is selected as valve seat. For the mating part valve distributor, the material ZrO2-MgO is selected. This tribo-pair has shown friction and wear in the same interval as oil-lubrication. The friction and wear are 50% respectively 10% of the second best tribo-pair found in this thesis. The valve seat material is realizable if supported by a valve block of a Ni-resist cast iron with thermal expansion similar to the valve seat. Lastly a redesign of the valve distributor is suggested to comply with ceramic design guidelines. / Målet med denna rapport är att studera möjliga tribo-material för en roterande inloppsventil och att hitta en lämplig materialkombination för kontakten. Ventilen är en del av en modern oljefri och högtempererad ångmotor. Ett systematiskt materialval tillsammans med tribologiska tester och nötningsanalyser utförs. Metallerna Nitronic 60 och Stellite 6B testas dels mot sig själva, och dels mot grafit. Ingen av dessa kombinationer finns lämplig. Testerna visar dock att kolbaserade material är lovande och eftervidare studier är ett annat kolbaserat material, antimonimpregnerat mekaniskt kol, väljs till ventilsätet. Till motytan till ventilsätet, ventilfördelaren, väljs materialet ZrO2-MgO. Detta tribo-par har visat friktion och nötning i samma intervall som oljesmörjning. Friktionen och nötningen är 50 % respektive 10 % av det näst bästa tribo-paret som hittats i denna avhandling. Ventilsätets material är realiserbart om det stöttas i ett ventilblock av ett ”Ni-resist” gjutjärn med en värmeexpansion som liknar ventilsätets. Slutligen föreslås en omkonstruktion av ventilfördelaren för att uppfylla riktlinjerna för keramisk konstruktion.
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