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Self-Sufficient Wastewater Reuse with Intermediate Dehydration and with Consideration of Product Recovery.Sun, Jian January 2013 (has links)
Municipal wastewater treatment has a long history of local handling with recovery of toilet wastes for use in agriculture and to some extent energy recovery from biogas by use of local handling. This may be seen as ―the first way‖ further developed by septic tanks and infiltration and recovery as in Ecological Sanitation and use of urine separation toilets. However, problems related to water borne diseases and odor problems successively gave rise to ―the second way‖ with central wastewater systems with large investments in water and sewer nets and increasingly better technologies for water treatment and wastewater treatment. This technology may treat municipal wastewater to a drinking water quality and recover part of energy and nutrients contents for eco-cycling. The problems noted and which are quite obvious are affordability in poor countries and the need for much energy supply and with negative effects of emission of greenhouse gases. Ways should be better evaluated to obtain both an effluent wastewater of drinking water quality and at the same time be self-sufficient with energy, obtain products with a commercial value and comply with methods to reduce the amounts of released greenhouse gases. It is suggested that an intermediate dehydration step should be used by dividing the main stream into two streams, one to which water has been transferred by methods as forward osmosis or freezing and one remaining concentrated stream that could be treated more efficiently. New technologies should be considered for electricity production as use of fuel cell technology and forward osmosis. Methods to diminish greenhouse gas emissions include avoidance of such redox potentials and process conditions that lead to greenhouse gas emissions and binding of carbon dioxide in algae and plants and in clatharates.
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Advanced Wastewater Recycling and Phosphorus Recovery using Membrane Bioreactor and Magnesium Carbonate-based PelletsEghombi, Elvis A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Moving Towards Water Security: Mitigating Emerging Contaminants in Treated Wastewater for Sustainable ReuseAugsburger, Nicolas 04 1900 (has links)
Continuous increases in the interest and implementation of wastewater reuse due to intensified water stress has escalated the concerns of emerging contaminants. Among emerging contaminants there are microbial (antibiotic resistance) and chemical (pharmaceuticals) elements which have been shown to survive wastewater treatment. This dissertation aims to mitigate emerging contaminants by means of understanding and/or developing the appropriate disinfection strategies, with the intention to provide knowledge that would facilitate towards safe and sustainable water reuse.
The first part of this thesis explored microbial risk component of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance genes are abundant in treated wastewater, and only pose a risk if taken up by potential pathogens through natural transformation. Our results showed that solar irradiation can double natural transformation rates, mediated by reactive oxygen species generation, which led to upregulation in DNA repair and competence genes in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1. Treatment with UV-C254 nm irradiation also resulted in upregulation in DNA repair genes, nevertheless we observed a decrease in natural transformation rates. These results imply that direct damage of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) could inhibit their spread and therefore risk, despite other factors contributing to the contrary.
The next chapter in this dissertation postulated that the UV/H2O2 combination would be ideal to treat microbial and chemical emerging contaminants in effluent generated from an anaerobic membrane bioreactor. We demonstrated that at an optimal UV intensity and H2O2 concentration, we were able to achieve a 2 and 6-log reduction of the two antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria and used in this study, respectively, and more than 90% removal of the three pharmaceutical compounds. These observations suggest that UV/H2O2 has great potential in treating effluent with high nitrogen concentrations, preserving the fertilization benefit of AnMBR effluent.
Overall, this dissertation revealed the potential of UV-based treatments for treated wastewater intended for reuse. Post-membrane processes effluent allows one to deploy UV-C254 nm to selectively target DNA and therefore ARB and ARG that may be still present in the treated wastewater. At the same time, coupling chemical oxidants with UV-C (i.e., UV AOP) would further enhance the means to simultaneously oxidize and degrade potentially harmful chemical contaminants.
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Hydrological impacts of global change. Adaptation alternatives in complex water systems with water resources scarcity and severe natural risks (southeast of Spain)Jódar-Abellán, Antonio 09 July 2021 (has links)
Currently, water demands are in continuous growth, which increases the pressure, in quantity and quality, on the available water resources globally. At the same time, the expected reduction of the natural water contributions, due to global change, depicts a new level of uncertainty. In this context, hydrological models are important tools for planning and managing water resources. Its correct application is essential in areas with high levels of water scarcity (arid and semi-arid regions). The southeast of Spain, the field work of this doctoral thesis, presents one of the highest rates of water scarcity and intensive exploitation of water resources in the European and global context. In addition, the frequency and severity of extreme events (floods) in this study region has increased during last decades as a direct consequence of the global change (climate change and land use changes). This doctoral thesis aims to analyse the intrinsic and complete problem of water resources in arid and semi-arid regions, that is, as a need (in case of scarcity and global change) and as a threat (in case of occurrence of extreme events or floods and global change) while studying certain management and adaptation strategies (technologies of wastewater reuse and water desalination) in view of the dual nature of water resources in arid and semi-arid climate areas, in this case in the southeast of Spain. Based on the above mentioned objective, five manuscripts have been performed and published as scientific articles in journals with high impact factor. These papers analyse certain paradigmatic study areas (hydrological basins, aquifers and municipalities) that belong to the southeast of Spain. Main results obtained in the mentioned scientific works can help local authorities responsible for the management and planning of water resources in this region. / Subprograma de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU15/00636). Convocatoria 2015 del Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.
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Micropollutants in nutrient recovery from centrate: Investigation of polar organic micropollutants, metals and metalloidsGenz, Paul 10 February 2025 (has links)
Der übermäßige Einsatz insbesondere mineralischer Dünger in der Landwirtschaft trägt signifikant zu deren negativen globalen Umweltauswirkungen bei. Aus diesem Grund werden innovative Technologien benötigt, um Nährstoffe aus alternativen Quellen, bspw. aus häuslichem Abwasser, zurückzugewinnen. Insbesondere das stickstoffreiche Zentrat, welches klärwerksintern rezirkuliert wird, bietet ein hohes Rückgewinnungspotential. Durch gesteigerte Effizienz in der Nährstoff- und Wassernutzung kann zudem die Etablierung hydroponischer Kultivierungsysteme für die Nahrungsmittelproduktion zur nachhaltigen Transformation der Landwirtschaft beitragen. Jedoch stellt die Verwendung von Abwasser als Nährstoffquelle insbesondere in hydroponischen Systemen durch abwasserinhärente Kontaminanten ein Risiko für die Nahrungsmittelproduktion dar.
Der Fokus dieses Dissertationprojekts lag daher auf der Untersuchung potenziell pflanzenverfügbarer polarer organischer Spurenstoffe, Metalle und Metalloide in einem Prozess zur Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus Zentrat. Die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation durchgeführten Studien, untersuchten (I)~pflanzenverfügbare Spurenstoffe im Zentrat einer örtlichen kommunalen Kläranlage, (II)~die Spurenstoffentfernung in einem zweistufigen System, bestehend aus einem Membranbioreaktor (MBR) und einer Elektrodialyse (ED), das für die Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus dem Zentrat konzipiert war, und (III)~einen möglichen Ansatz zur Optimierung der Entfernung von Spurenstoffen in der ED.
Die Untersuchung des Zentrats zeigte, dass die Konzentrationen einiger organischer Spurenstoffe im Zentrat höher waren als im Ablauf und sogar im Zulauf der Kläranlage. Für die Industriechemikalie Benzotriazol sowie das Arzneimittel Valsartan wurden dabei die höchsten durchschnittlichen Konzentrationen von 80 µg/L bzw. 60 µg/L ermittelt. Unter den Schwermetallen zeigten Zn und Ni die höchsten Konzentrationen mit etwa 50 µg/L bzw. 20 µg/L.
Insgesamt unterlag die Konzentration der organischen Spurenstoffen einer bemerkenswert geringen zeitlichen Fluktuation. So zeigte die Konzentration einer Gruppe von Spurenstoffen mit geringerer Polarität eine relative Standardabweichung von nur 7~\% bei täglicher Probenahme über einen dreiwöchigen Zeitraum. Die Studie zeigte jedoch auch, dass Veränderungen in den Betriebsparametern des Entwässerungsprozesses auch kurzfristige Fluktuationen der Spurenstoffkonzentration im Zentrat zur Folge haben.
Während der Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus Zentrat, zeigte der zweistufige Prozess, bestehend aus MBR und ED, Eliminationsraten von mehr als 90 % für 21 der dabei untersuchten 22 organischen Spurenstoffe und sechs der neun untersuchten Metalle. Durch die Kombination beider Prozessschritte war das System auch unempfindlich gegenüber Schwankungen in der Entfernungsleistung des MBR. So konnte eine vorübergehende Reduktion der MBR Entfernungsleistung für Carbamazepin um 87 % durch die ED ausgeglichen werden, sodass die resultierende Entfernungsleistung im Gesamtsysten nur um 6 % abnahm. Diese Redundanz in der Entfernung durch beide Prozessschritte wurde hauptsächlich für neutrale Stoffe beobachtet und wirkte auf ionische Verbindungen in geringerem Maße.
Deshalb wurde untersucht, ob die Entfernung ionischer Verbindungen in der ED durch eine Anpassung des pH in deren Zulauf gesteigert werden kann. Da die Entfernung neutraler Moleküle in der ED höher ist, sollten durch die pH Anpassung die ionisierbaren Verbindungen in den neutralen Protonierungszustand überführt werden, um deren Entfernung zu erhöhen. Entgegen der Erwartung konnte die Retention keiner der ionisierbaren Moleküle durch diesen Ansatz verbessert werden. Über einen zweiten Ansatz sollte durch die Erhöhung der Stromstärkedichte, über den Grenzstromfluss hinaus, eine pH-Änderung in der ED erzielt werden. Eine Erhöhung des Rückhalts ionisierbarer Moleküle durch den in der Literatur vorhergesagten \textit{barrier effect} konnte auch hier nicht erreicht werden.
Die resultierenden Spurenstoffkonzentrationen im ED-Konzentrat lagen dennoch für mehr als die Hälfte der untersuchten Spurenstoffe nicht über 1 µg/L. Nur einzelne Substanzen wie Valsartansäure, ein biologisches Transformationsprodukt oder auch Benzotriazol erreichten Maximalkonzentrationen von 10 bis 20 µg/L. Unter den Schwermetallen wurden die höchsten Konzentrationen für Zn gefunden, das im ED-Konzentrat bei etwa 400 µg/L vorlag.
Für die abschließende Risikoabschätzung war zu berücksichtigen, dass vor der Nutzung des ED-Konzentrat in der Hydroponik eine Verdünnung zur Anpassung der Nährstoffkonzentration an den Pflanzenbedarf erfolgte. Durch die Verdünnung reduzierte sich die Konzentration der Kontaminanten deutlich, sodass die Konzentration kleiner, neutraler organischer Spurenstoffe, welche nachgewiesenermaßen die höchste Tendenz für die Pflanzenaufnahme haben, im Bereich <~1~ng/L lag. Die Konzentration der Schwermetalle lag bereits vor der Verdünnung unterhalb empfohlener Grenzwerte für die Nutzung von Abwasser in der Landwirtschaft. Das gesundheitliche Risiko, das mit der Pflanzenaufnahme der Spurenstoffe verbunden sein könnte, wird daher als gering eingeschätzt. / Excessive use of mineral fertilizer in agriculture contributes significantly to its global environmental impact. Therefore, innovative concepts are needed to recover nutrients from alternative sources, such as municipal wastewater. For instance, centrate from digested sludge dewatering offers potential for nutrient recovery due its high ammonia nitrogen concentration. Furthermore, the use of soilless cultivation concepts, such as hydroponics, can foster the sustainable transformation of agriculture by more efficient use of nutrients and water. During nutrient recovery from wastewater, contamination of the recovered nutrient solution is a concern as plant uptake of wastewater-borne contaminants may pose a threat to human health.
This dissertation project focused on the study of potentially plant-available polar organic micropollutants, metals and metalloids in nutrient recovery from centrate. Three studies were conducted in the course of this dissertation project, investigating (I) the occurrence of micropollutants in the centrate on a local municipal wastewater treatment plant, (II) their removal in a two-stage system consisting of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and an electrodialysis (ED) designed for nutrient recovery from centrate and (III) a possible approach to optimize the removal of micropollutants in the ED.
Results showed that the concentrations in the centrate exceeded the concentrations detected in the influent and effluent for a number of organic micropollutants. Median concentrations in centrate up to 80 µg/L and 60 µg/L were found for the chemical benzotriazole and pharmaceutical valsartan, respectively. The concentrations of anaerobically degradable organic micropollutants did not exceed 1 µg/L. Among heavy metals, the highest median concentrations were found for Zn and Ni at around 50 µg/L and 20 µg/L. Overall, concentrations of organic micropollutants showed low variability in centrate, with a subset of less polar micropollutants showing relative standard deviation as low as 7 % over the course of three weeks daily sampling. Nevertheless, indicative evidence suggested that operational changes of the dewatering process had a direct impact on organic micropollutant concentrations in centrate.
During the nutrient recovery from centrate, the combination of MBR and ED reduced the loads of 21 out of the monitored 22 organic micropollutants and for six of nine metals by >90 %. The two-stage system was robust against fluctuations in the MBR removal efficiency for neutral organic micropollutants. A temporary 87 % decrease in MBR removal efficiency for the neutral molecule carbamazepine was compensated for in the ED and resulted in as little as 6 % decrease of total removal in the two-stage system. In contrast, reduced removal of ionic compounds was only compensated for to a small extent, as ions are inherently concentrated in the ED.
To improve retention of ionizable compounds in the ED, the pH of the feed to the ED was modified as a means to transfer ions to a neutral protonation state. As the retention of neutral compounds was shown to be high, the pH modification was expected to improve the retention of ionizable compounds. Contrary to expectations, the retention of none of the ionizable compounds could be improved. Their transport was found to be independent of feed pH. Additionally, an attempt to utilize the electric current density to achieve the desired pH shift and induce the barrier effect predicted in literature, remained unsuccessful.
Still, in the final ED concentrate, concentrations of organic micropollutants were below 1 µg/L for more than half of the monitored compounds and reached a maximum of 10 to 20 µg/L only for individual compounds such as the biological metabolite valsartan acid and benzotriazole. Among heavy metals, highest concentrations were found for Zn, which was present at around 400 µg/L in the ED concentrate.
For the final risk assessment it should be considered that the ED concentrate is diluted prior to the use in hydroponics to meet plant-specific nutrient concentrations. After dilution, compounds most relevant for plant uptake, namely small, neutral organic micropollutants will be present at dissolved concentrations around 1 ng/L in the hydroponic nutrient solution. The concentrations of all investigated heavy metals remained below recommended thresholds for safe reuse of wastewater even prior to dilution. Therefore, the risk for human health associated with contaminant uptake from the derived nutrient solution into food plants is considered low.
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Réutilisation des eaux usées traitées en irrigation localisée : impacts des conditions d'écoulement et des matériaux sur le développement de biofilm / Wastewater reuse for micro-irrigation : impact of hydrodynamic conditions and materials on biofilm developmentGamri, Souha 16 January 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre du présent travail, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de l'impact des conditions hydrodynamiques et des matériaux utilisés sur le développement de biofilm au niveau des conduites des systèmes de micro-irrigation. Cette étude contribue à l'amélioration de la compréhension de l'impact de ces paramètres dans la mise en place et la croissance du biofilm. Pour ceci, un montage expérimental aux conditions d'écoulement maîtrisées a été mis en place au laboratoire avec une eau usée modèle de forte concentration en DCO (200 mg.L-1). Le suivi des paramètres de qualité d'eau (COT et oxygène dissous) ont été réalisés au cours des expérimentations. La masse du biofilm récupéré dans les conduites a été mesurée après un séchage à l'étuve à 105°C pendant 24 heures. Les résultats montrent une cinétique de développement du biofilm dans les conduites et confirment l'influence de l'hydrodynamique sur le développement de biofilm. Trois vitesses d'écoulement ont été testées (0,4, 0,8 et 1,2 m. s-1), le biofilm a tendance à se développer dans les conduites à plus faible vitesse. Une valeur seuil, à partir de laquelle la croissance du biofilm est observée tardivement, a été également identifiée. Les résultats obtenus ont été utilisés pour paramétrer un modèle cinétique simple qui permet de décrire le développement de biofilm en fonction des conditions hydrodynamiques. D'autres expérimentations ont été réalisées en parallèle pour étudier l'impact des matériaux plastiques (PE et PVC) et la configuration des conduites du montage expérimental sur le développement de biofilm. / This work aims to improve our understanding on how these parameters impact biofilm establishment and growth. For this purpose, we carried out an experiment in controlled hydrodynamic conditions using a synthetic effluent (200 mg.L-1 of COD concentration). Some water quality parameters (TOC and dissolved oxygen) were monitored . Moreover, biofilm was removed from pipes and then weighed after drying at 105°C for 24 hours. The obtained results confirmed the influence of hydrodynamic on biofilm development. Three flow rates were tested (0,4 ; 0,8 and 1,2 m.s-1) and it was observed that biofilm tends to develop in pipes at lower velocities. A threshold velocity value, from which biofilm growth was observed later, was also identified. The experimental results were used to build a simple model to describe biofilm development as a function of hydrodynamic conditions. Additionnal experiments were performed to study the impact of plastic materials (PE and PVC) and pipes configuration on biofilm growth
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Comparison of Bacterial and Viral Reduction Across Different Wastewater Treatment ProcessesVagadia, Aayushi R. 01 November 2018 (has links)
Today billions of people live without access to basic sanitation facilities, and thousands die every week due to diseases caused by fecal contamination associated with improper sanitation. It has thus become crucial for decision makers to have access to relevant and sufficient data to implement appropriate solutions to these problems. The Global Water Pathogen Project http://www.waterpathogens.org/ is dedicated to providing an up-to-date source of data on pathogen reduction associated with different sanitation technologies that are important if the world is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to health and sanitation provision. In this research, a subset of the Global Water Pathogen Project (GWPP) data is used to access the reduction of bacteria and viruses across different mechanical and natural sanitation technologies. The order of expected removal for bacteria during wastewater treatment was reported as highest for a membrane bioreactor (4.4 log10), waste stabilization pond (2.3 log10), conventional activated sludge (1.43 log10), anaerobic anoxic oxic activated sludge (1.9 log10), trickling filter (1.16 log10), and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (1.2 log10).
Furthermore, the order of expected removal for viruses was reported as highest for a membrane bioreactor (3.3 log10), conventional activated sludge (1.84 log10), anaerobic anoxic oxic activated sludge (1.67 log10), waste stabilization pond (1 log10), upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (0.3 log10) and trickling filter (0.29 log10). It was found that hydraulic retention time (HRT) had a statistically significant relation to the reduction of bacteria in an anaerobic, anoxic oxic treatment system. Similarly, a significant relation was found between the number of waste stabilization ponds in series and the expected reduction of bacteria. HRT was also found to be a significant factor in virus reduction in waste stabilization ponds. Additionally, it was observed that waste stabilization ponds, trickling filters, and UASB reactors could obtain a greater reduction in bacteria (5-7 log10) when combined with additional treatment (e.g., chemical disinfection or use of maturation ponds). Also, mechanized systems, such as activated sludge systems and membrane bioreactors, obtained a greater reduction (2-3 log10) of viruses when compared to a natural system. It was concluded that the selection of the best suitable technology for pathogen reduction depends on environmental, design, and operational factors as well as considering the performance of specific wastewater treatment systems individually as well as when combined with other treatment technologies that may provide added removal of microbial constituents.
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Uniformidade de irrigação por gotejamento usando efluente tratado de abatedouro de aves / Uniformity in drip irrigation for treated wastewater application from poultry slaughterhouseMorais, James 07 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-05T18:26:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-07-07 / The processes that take part of poultry slaughter are responsible for a great amount of water consumption and, consequently, a generation of large volumes of wastewater, which are usually disposed on soil without any control of uniformity regarding its distribution. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating a drip irrigation system, applied to dispose treated poultry slaughterhouse effluent on soil, using three effluent application rates of 100, 200 and 300 m³ ha-1 day-1. Besides the irrigation system, the effluent quality was also evaluated according to its physical-chemical characteristics. The evaluation of the results was given by the following coefficients: Christiansen Uniformity (CUC), Uniform Distribution (UDC), the Statistical Uniformity Coefficient (SUC) as well as quality control techniques. This trial was carried out in an eucalyptus reforestation area from the Industrial Poultry Slaughterhouse of Lar Agroindustrial Cooperative, in Matelândia city, PR. According to data obtained in this research, it was concluded that drip irrigation system, using the proposed rates, can be considered adequate, since it has shown uniformity in distribution of flows, pH and electrical conductivity. For pH and electrical conductivity, all the evaluated uniformity coefficients, CUC, UDC and SUC, were estimated in more than 90% and considered excellent. For the flow rates, all the coefficients were estimated as superior to 90% for 100 m³ ha-1 day-1 treatment and above 80% for treatments of 200 and 300 m³ ha-1 day-1. Usually, the distributions showed the highest coefficient of uniformity for the three parameters evaluated in the three studied treatments, for the highest tested rate of application. Regarding the effluent characterization, it was concluded that its main characteristics are the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon. And during the experiment, the industry kept the standards of disposal in the environment, which were determined by the environmental agencies. Finally, it was concluded that the statistical process control is adequate to evaluate the effluents as well as irrigation uniformity in tests area. / Os processos inerentes ao abate de aves respondem por um grande consumo de água e, consequentemente, a geração de grandes volumes de efluentes que, em geral, são dispostos no solo sem qualquer controle de uniformidade sobre a distribuição. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, aplicado à disposição de efluente tratado de abatedouro de aves no solo, utilizando três taxas de aplicação de efluente: 100, 200 e 300 m³ ha-1 dia-1. Além do sistema de irrigação, a qualidade do efluente também foi avaliada em função das características físico-químicas. A avaliação dos resultados foi dada pelos Coeficientes de Uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC), de Uniformidade de Distribuição (CUD), de Uniformidade Estatístico (CUE), bem como pelas técnicas de controle de qualidade. O experimento foi realizado na área de reflorestamento com eucalipto da Unidade Industrial de Aves da Lar Cooperativa Agroindustrial, em Matelândia, PR. De acordo com os dados obtidos neste trabalho, concluiu-se que o sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, utilizando-se as taxas propostas, pode ser considerado apropriado, pois apresentou uniformidade na distribuição das vazões, do pH e da condutividade elétrica. Para o pH e a condutividade elétrica, todos os coeficientes de uniformidade avaliados, CUC, CUD e CUE, foram estimados em mais de 90%, considerados excelentes. Para as vazões, todos os coeficientes foram estimados acima dos 90% para o tratamento de 100 m³ ha-1 dia-1 e acima dos 80% para os tratamentos de 200 e 300 m³ ha-1 dia-1. Em geral, as distribuições apresentaram maior coeficiente de uniformidade, para os três parâmetros avaliados, nos três tratamentos, para a maior taxa de aplicação testada. Em relação à caracterização do efluente, concluiu-se que suas principais características são as concentrações de nitrogênio, fósforo e carbono. E, durante o experimento, a indústria manteve os padrões de lançamento no ambiente, determinados pelos órgãos ambientais. Por fim, concluiu-se que o controle estatístico de processo é adequado à avaliação, tanto de efluentes quanto de uniformidade na irrigação, em testes a campo.
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Pepper Mild Mottle Virus as a Surrogate for Enteric Viruses: Implications for Assessing Water QualitySymonds, Erin Michelle 03 November 2016 (has links)
Less than 10% of the world’s domestic wastewater is disinfected prior to discharge into surface waters; therefore, human exposure to diverse wastewater-related pathogens results in millions of cases of illness each year. Among the enteric pathogens, viruses represent an important group of emerging pathogens and are frequently the cause of food- and water-borne outbreaks of illness. Although the World Health Organization and many government agencies mandate the use of bacterial indicators to identify poor microbial water quality, it is well known that these indicators poorly correlate with fecal pollution contamination events and risk of disease. The field of public health-related environmental microbiology has made significant advances over the last twenty years; however, there is still a need for improved methods to identify poor microbial water quality and manage health risks associated with water-related activities (e.g., recreation, shellfish harvesting, irrigation). Furthermore, it is imperative to effectively detect fecal pollution in the environment as well as determine the extent of pathogen removal during (waste)water treatment to meet the Sustainable Development Goals associated with water and food security as well as the water reuse recommendations by the U.S. National Research Council.
This dissertation directly addressed the need to identify an improved viral indicator by exploring the application of pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), a virus of dietary origin that is extremely abundant in human feces, as a surrogate for enteric viruses in diverse settings and contexts. Using a reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) method, PMMoV was compared with other indicators, index surrogates, and reference pathogens for assessing surface water quality in a developed country (Appendix A) and developing country context (Appendix B and C). In addition, the applicability of PMMoV as a (waste)water treatment process indicator was demonstrated in natural treatment systems in developing countries (Appendix C and D) and artificial treatment systems (Appendix E).
In all settings, PMMoV always co-occurred with at least one reference pathogen, index organism, and/or indicator; additionally, PMMoV was detected more frequently and in higher concentrations than other reference pathogens and indicators. Three investigations also associated PMMoV detection with predicted human health risks greater than the health benchmark for recreation and water reuse activities (Appendix A, C, and D). Additionally, PMMoV facilitated an improved understanding of virus-particle interactions in wastewater treatment pond systems (Appendix D) and allowed for an improved understanding of virus removal with respect to riverbank filtration systems and wastewater reuse in agriculture (Appendix C). PMMoV was established as a valuable component of the microbial source tracking toolbox in Costa Rica (Appendix B) and appeared to be useful in Bolivia (Appendix C). Finally, a paradigm shift in (waste)water management is occurring, in which routine monitoring is being replaced by a more holistic approach that includes sanitary surveys, targeted water quality monitoring, and exploratory quantitative microbial risk assessment. To support and complement this paradigm shift, field-based, laboratory-free methods are needed to identify and/or infer the presence of enteric viruses (Appendix F). Collectively, all the investigations presented here confirm the use of PMMoV as a surrogate for enteric viruses; however, its utility depends on the context and research question.
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Previous issue date: 2015-10-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study evaluates the use of a pilot filtering double unit, comprising an ascending draining gravel filter and a rapid descending sand filter for the treatment of UASB reactor effluent. As a preliminary phase to the double filtering, coagulation/oxidation was used aiming at helping degradation and flocculation of contaminants, facilitating their retention on the filters. In this phase, three combinations were used: ferrous sulfate (FS) and peracetic acid (APA); ferrous chloride (FC) and CF and APA, all with the same iron concentration. After treatability tests, the efficacy of the system was assessed through the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters. In all treatments carried out in the pilot unit, the suspended solids (SST) were totally removed, which resulted in over 90% turbidity reduction. The treatments in the presence of APA demonstrated higher removal of the effluent color, however, the treatment with FS and APA cannot be recommended due to the high concentration of sulfate ions in the final effluent. Regarding microbiological parameters, the presence of oxidant contributed to the partial inactivation of microorganisms. The alternative to carry out a disinfection phase with APA after double filtering using the coagulant/oxidant FC/APA can be employed without any addition phase to irrigate orchards, pastures and cereal crops according to the NBR 13969/97. By adding the pH adjustment phase and chloride addition to the treatment proposed, the treated effluent can be reused in: agriculture, restrictive agriculture; damming, restrictive damming, environment, industry and the replenishment of underground water (except for drinking purposes), according to the recommendations of the USEPA (2012) Recommendation Manual. / Este trabalho avalia o uso de uma unidade piloto de dupla filtração, composta por filtro de pedregulho de escoamento ascendente e filtro rápido descendente de areia para pós-tratamento de efluente de reator UASB. Como etapa preliminar à dupla filtração utilizou-se a coagulação/oxidação, com o objetivo de auxiliar na degradação e na floculação dos contaminantes, facilitando sua retenção nos filtros. Nesta etapa foram utilizadas três combinações: Sulfato ferroso (SF) e ácido peracético (APA); Cloreto férrico (CF) e CF e APA, todas com a mesma concentração de ferro. Após os ensaios de tratabilidade a eficiência do sistema foi avaliada através de parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Em todos os tratamentos realizados na unidade piloto os sólidos em suspensão (SST) foram totalmente removidos o que refletiu em reduções superiores a 90% de turbidez. Os tratamentos com a presença do oxidante APA demonstraram uma remoção maior da cor do efluente, porém o tratamento com SF e APA não pode ser recomendado pela alta concentração de íons sulfato no efluente final. Quanto aos parâmetros microbiológicos, a presença do oxidante contribuiu para a inativação parcial dos microrganismos. A alternativa de realizar a etapa de desinfecção com APA após a dupla filtração com CF também foi avaliada e possibilitou desinfecção total do efluente quanto aos indicadores de contaminação avaliados. Considerando a possibilidade de reúso, o efluente UASB pós-tratado pela dupla filtração utilizando o coagulante/oxidante CF/APA pode ser utilizado sem nenhuma etapa adicional para irrigação de pomares, pastagens e cultivo de cereais de acordo com a NBR 13969/97. Acrescentando a etapa de ajuste de pH e adição de cloro no tratamento proposto o efluente tratado pode ser utilizado para reúsos: agrícola; agrícola restritivo; represamento; represamento restritivo; ambiental; industrial e reabastecimento de águas subterrâneas (reutilização não potável), de acordo com as recomendações do manual de reúso da USEPA (2012).
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