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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Test en ligne des systèmes à base de microprocesseur

Michel, Thierry 05 March 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse traite de la vérification en ligne, par des moyens matériels, du flot de contrôle d'un système a base de microprocesseur. Une technique de compaction est utilisée pour faciliter cette vérification (analyse de signature). La plupart des méthodes proposées jusqu'ici imposent une modification du programme d'application, afin d'introduire dans celui-ci des propriétés invariantes (la signature en chaque point de l'organigramme est indépendante des chemins préalablement parcourus). Les méthodes proposées ici, au contraire, ont comme caractéristique principale de ne pas modifier le programme vérifie et utilisent un dispositif de type processeur, disposant d'une mémoire locale, pour assurer l'invariance de la signature. Deux méthodes sont ainsi décrites. La première est facilement adaptable a différents microprocesseurs et présente une efficacité qui la place parmi les meilleures méthodes proposées jusqu'ici. La seconde methode a été dérivée de la première dans le but de diminuer la quantité d'informations nécessaire au test. Cette dernière methode a été implantée sur un prototype d'unité centrale d'automate programmable (avec la société télémécanique) et son efficacité a été évaluée par des expériences d'injection de fautes. Le cout d'implantation particulièrement faible dans le cas du prototype réalise peut permettre d'envisager une évolution de celui-ci vers un produit industriel

Design and implementation of architectures for the deployment of secure community wireless networks

Hortelano Otero, Jorge 25 February 2011 (has links)
Recientes avances en las tecnologías de la comunicación, así como la proliferación de nuevos dispositivos de computación, están plasmando nuestro entorno hacia un Internet ubicuo. Internet ofrece una plataforma global para acceder con bajo coste a una vasta gama de servicios de telecomunicaciones, como el correo electrónico, comercio electrónico, tele-educación, tele-salud y tele-medicina a bajo coste. Sin embargo, incluso en los países más desarrollados, un gran número de áreas rurales todavía están pobremente equipadas con una infraestructura básica de telecomunicaciones. Hoy en día, existen algunos esfuerzos para resolver esta falta de infraestructura, pero resultan todavía insuficientes. Con este objetivo presentamos en esta tesis RuralNet, una red comunitaria inalámbrica para proveer acceso a Internet de forma personalizada a los subscriptores de un área rural. Los objetivos de este estudio han sido el desarrollo de una nueva arquitectura para ofrecer un acceso a Internet flexible y seguro para zonas rurales aisladas. RuralNet combina el paradigma de las redes mesh y el uso de los dispositivos inalámbricos embebidos más económicos para ofrecer un gran número de servicios y aplicaciones basados en Internet. La solución desarrollada por RuralNet es capaz de cubrir grandes áreas a bajo coste, y puede también ser fácilmente desplegado y extendido tanto en términos de cobertura como de servicios ofrecidos. Dado que la implementación y la evaluación de RuralNet requiere un alto coste y una gran cantidad de mano de obra, hemos considerado que la simulación y la emulación eran una alternativa válida para ahorrar costes. Con este objetivo hemos desarrollado Castadiva, un emulador flexible proyectado para la evaluación de redes MANET y mesh. Castadiva es un emulador basado en dispositivos de bajo coste, utilizado para evaluar los protocolos y las aplicaciones desarrolladas. / Hortelano Otero, J. (2011). Design and implementation of architectures for the deployment of secure community wireless networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10079

Surveillance comportementale de systèmes et logiciels embarqués par signature disjointe

Bergaoui, Selma 06 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les systèmes critiques, parmi lesquels les systèmes embarqués construits autour d'un microprocesseur mono-cœur exécutant un logiciel d'application, ne sont pas à l'abri d'interférences naturelles ou malveillantes qui peuvent provoquer des fautes transitoires. Cette thèse porte sur des protections qui peuvent être implantées pour détecter les effets de telles fautes transitoires sans faire d'hypothèses sur la multiplicité des erreurs générées. De plus, ces erreurs peuvent être soit des erreurs de flot de contrôle soit des erreurs sur les données. Une nouvelle méthode de vérification de flot de contrôle est tout d'abord proposée. Elle permet de vérifier, sans modifier le système initial, que les instructions du programme d'application sont lues sans erreur et dans le bon ordre. Les erreurs sur les données sont également prises en compte par une extension de la vérification de flot de contrôle. La méthode proposée offre un bon compromis entre les différents surcoûts, le temps de latence de détection et la couverture des erreurs. Les surcoûts peuvent aussi être ajustés aux besoins de l'application. La méthode est mise en œuvre sur un prototype, construit autour d'un microprocesseur Sparc v8. Les fonctions d'analyse de criticité développées dans le cadre de la méthodologie proposée sont également utilisées pour évaluer l'impact des options de compilation sur la robustesse intrinsèque du logiciel d'application.

Défis et enjeux associés à la collaboration d’enquêteurs ex-civils et de policiers retraités au Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes

Beauregard-Caplette, Joanie 06 1900 (has links)
La présente étude vise à étoffer la maigre littérature existante traitant du BEI et de l’intégration d’enquêteurs provenant de la sphère civile au sein d’organisations policières. Plus précisément, cette étude a été achevée avec l’intention de mettre en lumière les défis et enjeux que peuvent affronter les enquêteurs ex-civils dans leur collaboration avec les policiers retraités au Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé à l’entretien semi-dirigé de 22 enquêteurs du BEI, dont 14 ex-civils et 8 policiers retraités. L’analyse des données a révélé des enjeux et défis pouvant être répartis en deux catégories: l’expertise et les relations. En premier lieu, la carence d'expertise des ex-civils en matière d'enquête criminelle génère des défis relativement à leur formation (dispensée par l’ENPQ), leur avancement aux postes décisionnels au sien du BEI et à leur assignation aux dossiers et tâches d’importance. En second lieu, de cette collaboration ex-civils/policiers retraités émerge certains enjeux relationnels. Notamment, les ex-civils sont considérés comme « autres » par certains de leurs collègues policiers retraités, ce qui créé des tensions au sein de l’organisation et un sentiment d’exclusion chez les ex-civils. Semblablement, ces derniers font face à des défis supplémentaires en ce qui concerne l’établissement de leur légitimité auprès des policiers impliqués et témoins rencontrés lors de leurs enquêtes. De leur côté, les policiers retraités peuvent éprouver des difficultés à créer des liens avec les civils impliqués dans une enquête du BEI (ou leur famille endeuillée, advenant leur décès), particulièrement lorsque ces civils ont des expériences passées négatives avec la police. Considérant son impact sur la réalité policière, plus d’études devraient s’attarder aux instances de surveillance policières telles que le BEI, et à l’intégration d’ex-civils à titre d’enquêteur parmi l’appareil policier. / The present study aims to expand on the meagre existing literature on the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes (BEI) and the integration of civilian investigators within police organizations. Specifically, this study was completed with the intention of highlighting the challenges and issues that ex-civilian investigators may face in their collaboration with retired police officers within the BEI. To achieve this, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 22 BEI investigators, including 14 former civilians and 8 retired police officers. The analysis of the data revealed challenges and issues that can be divided into two broad categories: expertise and relationships. Firstly, the ex-civilians lack of expertise in criminal investigations leads to challenges related to their training which is provided by the National Police Academy (ENPQ), their advancement to management positions, and the distribution of important cases and tasks. Secondly, several investigators highlight the presence of relational issues, with former civilians facing a prevailing police culture characterized by tendencies of exclusion, both within and outside the organization. In particular, ex-civilians are considered as “others” by some of their retired police colleagues, which creates tensions within the organization and a feeling of exclusion among ex civilians. Similarly, the latter face additional challenges in establishing their legitimacy with the police officers encoutered during their investigations. For their part, retired police officers may find it difficult to bond with civilians involved in an BEI investigation (or their bereaved families, in the event of their death), particularly when these civilians have had negative past experiences with the police. Considering its impact on the police reality, further studies should focus on police oversight bodies such as the BEI and the integration of former civilians as investigators within the police apparatus.

Detección concurrente de errores en el flujo de ejecución de un procesador

Rodríguez Ballester, Francisco 02 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Incorporating error detection mechanisms is a key element in the design of fault tolerant systems. For many of those systems the detection of an error (whether temporary or permanent) triggers a bunch of actions or activation of elements pursuing any of these objectives: continuation of the system operation despite the error, system recovery, system stop into a safe state, etc. Objectives ultimately intended to improve the characteristics of reliability, security, and availability, among others, of the system in question. One of these error detection elements is a watchdog processor; it is responsible to monitor the system processor and check that no errors occur during the program execution. The main drawback of the existing proposals in this regard and that prevents a more widespread use of them is the loss of performance and the increased memory consumption suffered by the monitored system. In this PhD a new technique to embed signatures is proposed. The technique is called ISIS - Interleaved Signature Instruction Stream - and it embeds the watchdog signatures interspersed with the original program instructions in the memory. With this technique it is a separate element of the system processor (a watchdog processor as such) who carries out the operations to detect errors. Although signatures are mixed with program instructions, and unlike previous proposals, the main system processor is not involved neither in the recovery of these signatures from memory nor in the corresponding calculations, reducing the performance loss. A novel technique is also proposed that enables the watchdog processor verification of the structural integrity of the monitored program checking the jump addresses used. This jump address processing technique comes to largely solve the problem of verifying a jump to a new program area when there are multiple possible valid destinations of the jump. This problem did not have an adequate solution so far, and although the proposal made here can not solve every possible jump scenario it enables the inclusion of a large number of them into the set verifiable jumps. The theoretical ISIS proposal and its error detection mechanisms are complemented by the contribution of a complete system (processor, watchdog processor, cache memory, etc.) based on ISIS which incorporates the detection mechanisms proposed here. This system has been called HORUS, and is developed in the synthesizable subset of the VHDL language, so it is possible not only to simulate the behavior of the system at the occurrence of a fault and analyze its evolution from it but it is also possible to program a programmable logic device like an FPGA for its inclusion in a real system. To program the HORUS system in this PhD a modified version of the gcc compiler has been developed which includes the generation of signatures for the watchdog processor as an integral part of the process to create the executable program (compilation, assembly, and link) from a source code written in the C language. Finally, another work developed in this PhD is the development of FIASCO (Fault Injection Aid Software Components), a set of scripts using the Tcl/Tk language that allow the injection of a fault during the simulation of HORUS in order to study its behavior and its ability to detect subsequent errors. With FIASCO it is possible to perform hundreds or thousands of simulations in a distributed system environment to reduce the time required to collect the data from large-scale injection campaigns. Results show that a system using the techniques proposed here is able to detect errors during the execution of a program with a minimum loss of performance, and that the penalty in memory consumption when using a watchdog processor is similar to previous proposals. / [ES] La incorporación de mecanismos de detección de errores es un elemento fundamental en el diseño de sistemas tolerantes a fallos en los que, en muchos casos, la detección de un error (ya sea transitorio o permanente) es el punto de partida que desencadena toda una serie de acciones o activación de elementos que persiguen alguno de estos objetivos: la continuación de las operaciones del sistema a pesar del error, la recuperación del mismo, la parada de sus operaciones llevando al sistema a un estado seguro, etc. Objetivos, en definitiva, que pretenden la mejora de las características de fiabilidad, seguridad y disponibilidad, entre otros, del sistema en cuestión. Uno de estos elementos de detección de errores es un procesador de guardia; su trabajo consiste en monitorizar al procesador del sistema y comprobar que no se producen errores durante la ejecución del programa. El principal inconveniente de las propuestas existentes a este respecto y que impiden una mayor difusión de su uso es la pérdida de prestaciones y el aumento de consumo de memoria que sufre el sistema monitorizado. En este trabajo se propone una nueva técnica de empotrado de firmas (ISIS -Interleaved Signature Instruction Stream) intercaladas dentro del espacio de la memoria del programa. Con ella un elemento separado del procesador del sistema realiza las operaciones encaminadas a detectar los errores. A pesar de que las firmas se encuentran mezcladas con las instrucciones del programa que está ejecutando, y a diferencia de las propuestas previas, el procesador principal del sistema no se involucra ni en la recuperación de las firmas ni en las operaciones de cálculo correspondientes, lo que reduce la pérdida de prestaciones. También se propone una novedosa técnica para que el procesador de guardia pueda verificar la integridad estructural del programa que monitoriza comprobando las direcciones de salto empleadas. Esta técnica de procesado de las direcciones de salto viene a resolver en gran medida el problema de la comprobación de un salto a una nueva zona del programa cuando existen múltiples posibles destinos válidos. Este problema no tenía una solución adecuada hasta el momento, y aunque la propuesta que aquí se hace no consigue resolver todos los posibles escenarios de salto sí permite incorporar un buen números de ellos al conjunto de saltos verificables. ISIS y sus mecanismos de detección de errores se complementan con la aportación de un sistema completo (procesador, procesador de guardia, memoria caché, etc.) basado en ISIS denominado HORUS. Está desarrollado en lenguaje VHDL sintetizable, de manera que es posible tanto simular el comportamiento del sistema ante la aparición de un fallo y analizar su evolución a partir de éste como programar un dispositivo lógico programable tipo FPGA para su inclusión en un sistema real. Para programar el sistema HORUS se ha desarrollado una versión modificada del compilador gcc que incluye la generación de las firmas de referencia para el procesador de guardia como parte del proceso de creación del programa ejecutable a partir de código fuente escrito en lenguaje C. Finalmente, otro trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis es el desarrollo de FIASCO (Fault Injection Aid Software COmponents), un conjunto de scripts en lenguaje Tcl/Tk que permiten la inyección de un fallo durante la simulación de HORUS con el objetivo de estudiar su comportamiento y su capacidad para detectar los errores subsiguientes. Con FIASCO es posible lanzar cientos o miles de simulaciones en un entorno distribuido para reducir el tiempo necesario para obtener los datos de campañas de inyección a gran escala. Los resultados demuestran que un sistema que utilice las técnicas que aquí se proponen es capaz de detectar errores durante la ejecución del programa con una mínima pérdida de prestaciones, y que la penalización en el consumo de memoria al usar un procesador de guardia es similar a la de las propu / [CA] La incorporació de mecanismes de detecció d'errors és un element fonamental en el disseny de sistemes tolerants a fallades. En aquests sistemes la detecció d'un error, tant transitori com permanent, sovint significa l'inici d'una sèrie d'accions o activació d'elements per assolir algun del objectius següents: mantenir les operacions del sistema malgrat l'error, la recuperació del sistema, aturar les operacions situant el sistema en un estat segur, etc. Aquests objectius pretenen, fonamentalment, millorar les característiques de fiabilitat, seguretat i disponibilitat del sistema. El processador de guarda és un dels elements emprats per a la detecció d'errors. El seu treball consisteix en monitoritzar el processador del sistema i comprovar que no es produeixen error durant l'execució de les instruccions. Els principals inconvenients de l'ús del processadors de guarda és la pèrdua de prestacions i l'increment de les necessitats de memòria del sistema que monitoritza, per la qual cossa la seva utilització no està molt generalitzada. En aquest treball es proposa una nova tècnica de encastat de signatures (ISIS - Interleaved Signature Instruction Stream) intercalant-les en l'espai de memòria del programa. D'aquesta manera és possible que un element extern al processador realitze les operacions dirigides a detectar els errors, i al mateix temps permet que el processador execute el programa original sense tenir que processar les signatures, encara que aquestes es troben barrejades amb les instruccions del programa que s'està executant. També es proposa en aquest treball una nova tècnica que permet al processador de guarda verificar la integritat estructural del programa en execució. Aquesta verificació permet resoldre el problema de com comprovar que, al executar el processador un salt a una nova zona del programa, el salt es realitza a una de les possibles destinacions que són vàlides. Fins el moment no hi havia una solució adequada per a aquest problema i encara que la tècnica presentada no resol tots el cassos possibles, sí afegeix un bon nombre de salts al conjunt de salts verificables. Les tècniques presentades es reforcen amb l'aportació d'un sistema complet (processador, processador de guarda, memòria cache, etc.) basat en ISIS i que incorpora els mecanismes de detecció que es proposen en aquest treball. A aquest sistema se li ha donat el nom de HORUS, i està desenvolupat en llenguatge VHDL sintetitzable, la qual cosa permet no tan sols simular el seu comportament davant la aparició d'un error i analitzar la seva evolució, sinó també programar-lo en un dispositiu FPGA per incloure'l en un sistema real. Per poder programar el sistema HORUS s'ha desenvolupat una versió modificada del compilador gcc. Aquesta versió del compilador inclou la generació de les signatures de referència per al processador de guarda com part del procés de creació del programa executable (compilació, assemblat i enllaçat) des del codi font en llenguatge C. Finalment en aquesta tesis s'ha desenvolupat un altre treball anomenat FIASCO (Fault Injection Aid Software COmponents), un conjunt d'scripts en llenguatge Tcl/Tk que permeten injectar fallades durant la simulació del funcionament d'HORUS per estudiar la seua capacitat de detectar els errors i el seu comportament posterior. Amb FIASCO és possible llançar centenars o milers de simulacions en entorns distribuïts per reduir el temps necessari per obtenir les dades d'una campanya d'injecció de fallades de grans proporcions. Els resultats obtinguts demostren que un sistema que utilitza les tècniques descrites és capaç de detectar errors durant l'execució del programa amb una pèrdua mínima de prestacions, i amb un requeriments de memòria similars als de les propostes anteriors. / Rodríguez Ballester, F. (2016). Detección concurrente de errores en el flujo de ejecución de un procesador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63254 / Compendio

Internet jako prostor pro sociální inovace? Analýza prostředí digitálních podob současného českého tisku / Internet as a space for social innovations? An analysisof the current Czech online newspaper market

Soukupová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Taking into account the theoretical approaches of Joseph Alois Schumpeter and Clayton Christensen to innovation, this case study is mapping the current Czech environment of written online media. Traditional media houses are dealing with the crisis of finances and information as generally described by Christensen, which means they are in real need for innovation yet they are not always successful. Other new incentives also appear on the market. Similarly to the situation abroad, the NGO sector is able to provide quality content on issues of its interest. Social innovation is rather a buzzword in the country, yet the author identifies a couple of efforts in the online written media. The author also suggests there might even be a niche for a social enterprise in the area to cooperate with the NGO sector and blogosphere. Keywords creative destruction, disruptive innovation, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, Czech Republic, print media online, watchdog journalism Abstrakt Tato případová studie nahlíží teoretickou optikou kreativní destrukce dle Josepha Aloise Schumpetera a rozkladných technologií dle Claytona Christensena prostředí digitálních podob současného českého tisku. Zatímco velké mediální domy se snaží ustát krizi financí a informací, potřebují také v duchu Christensenova přístupu...

Mediální svoboda projevu versus právo veřejných osob na soukromí / Media between Public Watchdog and Greedy Pitbull: Free Speech versus Privacy

Holubová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this Master thesis entitled "Freedom of the Media versus Public Figures' Right to Privacy" is to investigate and analyse the conflict between freedom of the media and right to privacy of public persons. The thesis is formally structured into eight thematical chapters and two parts- theoretical and analytical. The theoretical part of the thesis provides legal, philosophical and media background for further analysis in the special part of the thesis. The analytical part deals with selected case studies of media photography conflicting with right to privacy of public figures. First chapter focuses on the freedom of speech and freedom of the media in historical, legal and philosophical perspective, deals also with the problem of censorship and technological challenges in the postmodern electronic age of the internet. Second chapter critically examines the concept of watchdog journalism in democratic system with special interest in the debate on the current affairs of the British media system. Third chapter deals with right to privacy and reflects also on the fluid concept of privacy in the era of social networking. Fourth chapter analyzes so-called public figure doctrine, celebritization and mediatization of politics and also discusses the collision between free speech and privacy....

Strážci veřejného zájmu: Rámcové vymezování konceptu watchdog v kontextu sociálněvědního diskurzu a v aktérské perspektivě jeho představitelů / Guardians of the Public Interest: Frame Delimiting of watchdog Activism in the Context of Social scientific Discourse and in the Perspective of its Representatives

Beránková, Petra Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the phenomenon of so called watchdog organizations. The increasing number and influence of these organizations indicates a creation of new social movement. The authoress defines them as a type of public benefit nongovernmental organizations focused on the controlling of the public sphere or advocating and asserting a "public interest" in relation to the democratization of society. The authoress target is to understand this type of action, so she asks herself the question: Which frameworks are used by watchdog activists for the interpretation of their acting? At first there is briefly presented the concept of watchdog in the context of wider reflections of contemporary society, mainly in the context of reflexive modernity, monitory and participatory democracy and information society. Secondly there is introduced Goffman's framework analysis and the related conceptualization of framework of social movements by Benford and Snow. The authoress highlights a definition of frames as the principles of selection, emphasis and presentation about what happens, and what matters. In the next part of this work, there are presented the methodology and results of the qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with watchdog activists. The research is settled in the area of...


ROBERTO JOSE MARINHO FALCAO 26 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese verifica que o jornalismo continua capaz de cumprir um papel de cão de guarda da sociedade a partir da hipótese de que foi fundamental para informar a população e combater a desinformação durante a fase crítica da pandemia de covid-19. Para examinar esta questão, a tese se debruça no exame minucioso do jornal diário O Globo, do Rio de Janeiro, entre 9 de março e 20 de setembro de 2020, em um total de 28 semanas, levando-se em conta a centralidade temporal da semana iniciada em 8 de junho, data da formação do Consórcio de Veículos de Imprensa. Com uso da técnica de semanas compostas, utiliza-se a metodologia de análise de conteúdo para verificar em profundidade o tratamento da pandemia pelo jornal em 28 edições (uma por semana), verificando a cobertura em 1.212 itens de informação (notas, matérias e reportagens) e de opinião (colunas, artigos e editoriais). É feita uma análise qualitativa da cobertura a partir de revisão bibliográfica das teorias da parcialidade jornalística e de estudos acadêmicos sobre credibilidade, além do exame de pesquisas desenvolvidas por instituições acadêmicas e entidades de classe sobre a reestruturação forçada do modo de produção do jornalismo em função da aceleração, pela pandemia, da adoção das modalidades de trabalho remoto e híbrido. Assim, a tese demonstra a permanência do papel social do jornalismo, principalmente em situações de emergência sanitária como uma pandemia que mudou a forma de produzir notícias em todo o mundo. / [en] This thesis verifies that journalism still able to play the role of a society’s watchdog based on the hypothesis that it was very important in order to inform the population and face misinformation during the critical phase of the covid-19 pandemic. To examine this question, the thesis focuses on the meticulous analysis of the daily newspaper O Globo, from Rio de Janeiro, from March 9th 2020 to September 20th 2020, in a total of 28 weeks, taking into account the temporal centrality of the week started on June 8, the date of creation of the Media Organizations Consortium. Using the composed weeks technique, the content analysis method is used to verify deeply the treatment of the pandemic by the newspaper in 28 issues (one per week), verifying news coverage in 1.212 information items (notes, news articles and reports) and opinion items (columns, opinion pieces and editorials). The qualitative analysis of the news coverage is based on a bibliographical review of media bias theories and academic studies on credibility as well as the examination of research carried out by academic institutions and professional associations on the restructuring of journalism production caused by pandemic which provoked the adoption of remote and flexible work. Thus, the thesis demonstrates the continuity of the social role of journalism, especially in health emergency situations such as the covid-19 pandemic that changed the journalism process around the World.

An investigation into whether the weekly national newspapers reported unethically on South Africa's 2014 general elections: a critical discourse analysis of the City Press, Sunday Times and The Mail and Guardian

Naidoo, Viloshnee 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis investigates whether or not the press reported unethically on South Africa’s 2014 General Elections in the weekly national newspapers the City Press, Sunday Times and the Mail & Guardian. This study was undertaken on the basis of the ongoing contention between the press and the state which has resulted in polarised positions between both institutions amid accusations of press bias. It has given voice to measures to regulate the press through a Media Appeals Tribunal (MAT) and proposed state regulation. This could negatively impact free speech, public interest and ultimately democracy. This researcher contends that this will not be in the best interest of South Africa. Through this study, it is argued that an ethical press that executes a libertarian duty to society, integrating a watchdog role over the state, while simultaneously overseeing its social responsibility to society, upholds the welfare of society and democracy and should therefore not be regulated by the state. The elections thus forms an important platform for the press to demonstrate unbiased ethical reportage to the state in the wake of being regulated and prove its fundamental role in society’s interest and democracy. Therefore, to determine whether the election coverage was ethical or unethical, the problem investigated whether the press, that is, the print medium in the form of the newspaper, reported truthfully, in a balanced manner and independently for South Africa’s 2014 General Elections, upholding its watchdog and social responsibility roles. This was done through a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of the front-page news reports of the aforementioned national newspapers for the cross sectional time-frame of 13 April to 11 May, 2014. This study argues that language is the most important channel of communication for the exchange of ideas and can be used as an instrument to calculatedly manipulate message and reinforce a particular viewpoint. Hence, it contends that CDA can effectively be utilised as a conceptual framework for language analysis to determine unethical press coverage by journalists. The study identifies and applies two significant theoretical models that is, the Libertarian and Social Responsibility models for the elections which further serves as a form of triangulation to verify the results of the CDA. The study challenges the conventions of a distinct libertarian or a social responsibility model for the press, arguing that both models are not mutually exclusive for the elections. The analysis shows that the press apply both social responsibility and libertarian roles simultaneously in election reporting. It further maps out the incorporation of the developmental journalism model where the press upholds the best interests of both the electorate and the state ethically, without the requirement of a state-regulated media. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication Science)

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