Spelling suggestions: "subject:"webservices"" "subject:"webbservices""
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Web Services : Aspekter på nya affärsmöjligheter / Web Services : Aspects on new business possibilitesPetrovic, Andreas, Andersson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
E-business innebär att företag använder Internetteknologier eller nätverksteknologier för att skapa större affärsnytta i deras affärsprocesser. För att kunna genomföra automatiserade affärsprocesser krävs att de olika system som används är interoperabla, d v s kan kommunicera och fungera ihop på ett effektivt sätt. Målet med Web Services är att skapa hög interoperabilitet, vilket gör denna teknik lämplig för e-business. Företag kan specialicera sig på att skapa specifika Web Services. Dessa Web Services kan sedan vara byggstenar åt andra företags tjänster. Det krävs då att Web Services kan integreras på ett bra sätt så att de verkligen bildar en affärsprocess. Därför är även frågor kring hur integration mellan Web Services ska gå till, viktigt ur ett e-bussiness perspektiv. Det vi kommit fram till är att det går att minimera integrationsproblemen genom att anvä nda de mest standardiserade protokollen och följa vissa riktlinjer vid skapandet av Web Services. Dessutom går det att testa interoperabiliteten på den skapade Web Servicen genom att använda olika testverktyg såsom XMLBus. Vi tror att Web Services är den definitiva tekniken för framtida e-business. Med den snabba utvecklingen som nu sker på området anser vi att det inte dröjer alltför lång tid innan företag kan få tilltro till tekniken och därmed börjar använda den. Förhoppningsvis skyndar överrenskommelser i form av kontrakt mellan kund och leverantör, s k Service Layer Agreements, på denna process.
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Capacity allocation mechanisms for grid environmentsGardfjäll, Peter January 2006 (has links)
During the past decade, Grid computing has gained popularity as a means to build powerful computing infrastructures by aggregating distributed computing capacity. Grid technology allows computing resources that belong to different organizations to be integrated into a single unified system image – a Grid. As such, Grid technology constitutes a key enabler of large-scale, crossorganizational sharing of computing resources. An important objective for the Virtual Organizations (VOs) that result from such sharing is to tame the distributed capacity of the Grid in order to manage it and make fair and efficient use of the pooled computing resources. Most Grids to date have, however, been completely unregulated, essentially serving as a “source of free CPU cycles” for authorized Grid users. Whenever unrestricted access is admitted to a shared resource there is a risk of overexploitation and degradation of the common resource, a phenomenon often referred to as “the tragedy of the commons”. This thesis addresses this problem by presenting two complementary Grid capacity allocation systems that allow the aggregate computing capacity of a Grid to be divided between users in order to protect the Grid from overuse while delivering fair service that satisfies the individual computational needs of different user groups. These two Grid capacity allocation mechanisms constitute the core contribution of this thesis. The first mechanism, the SweGrid Accounting System (SGAS), addresses the need for coordinated soft, real-time quota enforcement across Grid sites. The SGAS project was an early adopter of the serviceoriented principles that are now common practice in the Grid community, and the system has been tested in the Swegrid production environment. Furthermore, SGAS has been included in the Globus Toolkit, the de-facto standard Grid middleware toolkit. SGAS employs a credit-based allocation model where research projects are granted quota allowances that can be spent across the Grid resources, which charge users for their resource consumption. This enforcement of usage limits thus produces real-time overuse protection. The second approach, employed by the Fair Share Grid (FSGrid) system, uses a share-based allocation model where project entitlements are expressed in terms of hierarchical share policies that logically divide the Grid capacity between user groups. By coordinating local job scheduling to maintain these global capacity shares, the Grid resources collectively strive to schedule users for a “share of the Grid”. We refer to this cooperative scheduling model as decentralized Grid-wide fairshare scheduling.
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Mobile Apps for Ethiopian Commodity ExchangeBekele, Israel January 2016 (has links)
In the African continent the mobile phones are already contributing theirshare in the development of the continent. Specially in Ethiopia, in onedirection, the users of mobile phones are increasing each year and mostimportantly the small scale farmers who contribute 85% of the country’spopulation are using these devices to trade their surplus products in anefficient manner and better deal thus earn good profit. In anotherdirection, Ethiopia has set up its own Commodity Exchange in 2008 sothat farmers and traders could buy and sell commodities in an efficientand transparent manner. Taking into consideration both of thesedevelopments carried out to encourage smooth trade and modernmarking strategies, this project has a target to come up with mobileapplications for the Android mobile platform and iPhone users in the firstphase of implementation. Accordingly, the app developed will help to getreal time Ethiopia commodity Exchange (ECX) market prices, commodityrelated headlines, weather forecasts and other relevant news. It willcontribute to standardize the way ECX is performing to link up differentparties specially farmers who make up majority of the country’spopulation and support the economy of the country in a great deal withthe traders. Although the mobile app developed does not have an aim tobring in significant change into the existing system at the currentpenetration of Smartphone in the country, it helps to disseminateinformation in standardized manner as in big commodity exchanges andbesides, we believe in the future it will be the convenient and widely usedmeans to reach the traders with necessary information.
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Function Practice : Ett verktyg för att öva programmeringAndersson, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
När fler och fler väljer att lära sig programmering kan det vara bra att öva på attlösa problem, genom att skriva funktioner som sedan kan testas för att se omanvändaren har lyckats. Function Practice är en tjänst för att kunna öva programmeringpå just detta sätt, genom att lösa uppgifter med att skriva funktioneri olika programmeringsspråk, de språk som kommer kunna användas ärJava, C++ och Python. Det ger även ett lätt och smidigt sätt att skapa sådanauppgifter. Syftet med projektet är att utveckla denna tjänst, genom att skapa enwebbtjänst som kan kompilera och köra funktioner för de olika språken, enhemsida som användarna kan skriva och testa kod på, samt ett sätt att definierauppgifterna som ska lösas, detta testas sedan med hjälp av ett användartest i enmindre grupp för att se om hur användarvänlig den är, samt att funktionalitetentestas och jämförs med några tidigare lösningar. Tjänsten testas för att se om ytterligaresäkerhet behövs genom att försöka att köra kommandon på värdsystemet.Slutsatsen av projektet är funktionaliteten bakom tjänsten fungerar dock atthemsidan behöver vara lite tydligare för att den ska vara mer användarvänlig,samt att användaren borde kunna få felmeddelanden utifall något inte fungerarför att de lättare ska veta vad de behöver göra. Säkerheten visar sig vara en viktigdel då det går att köra kommandon på värdsystemet vilket ger användarnafull kontroll på systemet. / As more and more people choose to learn programming it may be good to practicesolving problems by writing functions that can then be tested to see if theuser has succeeded. Function Practice is a service to be able to practice programmingin exactly this way, by solving tasks of writing functions in differentprogramming languages, the languages that will be used is Java, C ++ andPython. It also provides an easy and convenient way to create such tasks. Theaim of the project is to develop this service by creating a Web service that cancompile and run functions for the different languages, a website that users canwrite and test code, as well as a way to define the tasks to be solved, this is thentested with a user test in a smaller group to see how user-friendly it is, and thefunctionality is tested and compared with some previous solutions. The serviceis tested to see if additional security is needed by trying to run commands onthe host system. The conclusion of the project is that the functionality behindthe service works, however, that the website needs to be a little clearer for it tobe more user-friendly, and that the user should be able to get error messages incase something does not work to make it easier to know what they need to do.Security proves to be an important part when it is possible to execute commandson the host system which gives users full control of the system.
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An Evaluation Platform for Semantic Web TechnologyÅberg, Cécile January 2006 (has links)
The vision of the Semantic Web aims at enhancing today's Web in order to provide a more efficient and reliable environment for both providers and consumers of Web resources (i.e. information and services). To deploy the Semantic Web, various technologies have been developed, such as machine understandable description languages, language parsers, goal matchers, and resource composition algorithms. Since the Semantic Web is just emerging, each technology tends to make assumptions about different aspects of the Semantic Web's architecture and use, such as the kind of applications that will be deployed, the resource descriptions, the consumers' and providers' requirements, and the existence and capabilities of other technologies. In order to ensure the deployment of a robust and useful Semantic Web and the applications that will rely on it, several aspects of the technologies must be investigated, such as whether the assumptions made are reasonable, whether the existing technologies allow construction of a usable Semantic Web, and the systematic identification of which technology to use when designing new applications. In this thesis we provide a means of investigating these aspects for service discovery, which is a critical task in the context of the Semantic Web. We propose a simulation and evaluation platform for evaluating current and future Semantic Web technology with different resource sets and consumer and provider requirements. For this purpose we provide a model to represent the Semantic Web, a model of the evaluation platform, an implementation of the evaluation platform as a multi-agent system, and an illustrative use of the platform to evaluate some service discovery technology in a travel scenario. The implementation of the platform shows the feasibility of our evaluation approach. We show how the platform provides a controlled setting to support the systematic identification of bottlenecks and other challenges for new Semantic Web applications. Finally, the evaluation shows that the platform can be used to assess technology with respect to both hardware issues such as the kind and number of computers involved in a discovery scenario, and other issues such as the evaluation of the quality of the service discovery result.
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Technologická integrace ICT služeb / Technological integration of ICT servicesJelínek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the integration of ICT services at the technological level. It mainly focuses on the integration of services which are provided by third parties and a user cannot change them. In this work are described the characteristics of web services and the typical methods for designing their application interface. Furthermore, are described various approaches to integration of applications at the technological level and some integration tools. As part of this thesis, was also created an application designed for integration of web services. This application can be categorized as message-oriented middleware. The aim was to create a simple application, which still meets basic requirements for this kind of applications. This thesis also contains a description of the created application and a description of problems that occurred during implementation. During the application development were used some integration design patterns, which are also described in this thesis.
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Testabilité des services Web / Web services testabilityRabhi, Issam 09 January 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’est attaquée sous diverses formes au test automatique des services Web : une première partie est consacrée au test fonctionnel à travers le test de robustesse. La seconde partie étend les travaux précédents pour le test de propriétés non fonctionnelles, telles que les propriétés de testabilité et de sécurité. Nous avons abordé ces problématiques à la fois d’un point de vue théorique et pratique. Nous avons pour cela proposé une nouvelle méthode de test automatique de robustesse des services Web non composés, à savoir les services Web persistants (stateful) et ceux non persistants. Cette méthode consiste à évaluer la robustesse d’un service Web par rapport aux opérations déclarées dans sa description WSDL, en examinant les réponses reçues lorsque ces opérations sont invoquées avec des aléas et en prenant en compte l’environnement SOAP. Les services Web persistants sont modélisés grâce aux systèmes symboliques. Notre méthode de test de robustesse dédiée aux services Web persistants consiste à compléter la spécification du service Web afin de décrire l’ensemble des comportements corrects et incorrects. Puis, en utilisant cette spécification complétée, les services Web sont testés en y intégrant des aléas. Un verdict est ensuite rendu. Nous avons aussi réalisé une étude sur la testabilité des services Web composés avec le langage BPEL. Nous avons décrit précisément les problèmes liés à l’observabilité qui réduisent la faisabilité du test de services Web. Par conséquent, nous avons évalué des facteurs de la testabilité et proposé des solutions afin d’améliorer cette dernière. Pour cela, nous avons proposé une approche permettant, en premier lieu, de transformer la spécification ABPEL en STS. Cette transformation consiste à convertir successivement et de façon récursive chaque activité structurée en un graphe de sous-activités. Ensuite, nous avons proposé des algorithmes d’améliorations permettant de réduire ces problèmes de testabilité. Finalement, nous avons présenté une méthode de test de sécurité des services Web persistants. Cette dernière consiste à évaluer quelques propriétés de sécurité, tel que l’authentification, l’autorisation et la disponibilité, grâce à un ensemble de règles. Ces règles ont été crée, avec le langage formel Nomad. Cette méthodologie de test consiste d’abord à transformer ces règles en objectifs de test en se basant sur la description WSDL, ensuite à compléter, en parallèle, la spécification du service Web persistant et enfin à effectuer le produit synchronisé afin de générer les cas de test. / This PhD thesis focuses on diverse forms of automated Web services testing : on the one hand, is dedicated to functional testing through robustness testing. On the other hand, is extends previous works on the non-functional properties testing, such as the testability and security properties. We have been exploring these issues both from a theoretical and practical perspective. We proposed a robustness testing method which generates and executes test cases automatically from WSDL descriptions. We analyze the Web service over hazards to find those which may be used for testing. We show that few hazards can be really handled and then we improve the robustness issue detection by separating the SOAP processor behavior from the Web service one. Stateful Web services are modeled with Symbolic Systems. A second method dedicated to stateful Web services consists in completing the Web service specification to describe correct and incorrect behaviors. By using this completed specification, the Web services are tested with relevant hazards and a verdict is returned. We study the BPEL testability on a well-known testability criterion called observability. To evaluate, we have chosen to transform ABPEL specifications into STS to apply existing methods. Then, from STS testability issues, we deduce some patterns of ABPEL testability degradation. These latter help to finally propose testability enhancement methods of ABPEL specifications. Finally, we proposed a security testing method for stateful Web Services. We define some specific security rules with the Nomad language. Afterwards, we construct test cases from a symbolic specification and test purposes derived from the previous rules. Moreover, to validate our proposal, we have applied our testing approach on real size case studies.
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Avaliação de um sistema de gerencia de banco de dados em memoria principal para uso em aplicações WEB / Evaluation of a main-memory database for use on web applicationsSupriano, Anderson 31 July 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Eduardo Buzato / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T21:51:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Aplicações web são cada vez mais comuns em nosso cotidiano e com isto torna-se necessária a busca por soluções para a melhora do desempenho no acesso a essas aplicações. Várias técnicas existem para esta melhora de desempenho, entre elas a replicação de aplicações e bancos de dados e o uso de bancos de dados em memória principal. Em busca da melhora de desempenho pensa-se em juntar um banco de dados de memória principal com as técnicas de replicação. Para isto, é necessário escolher um banco de dados de memória principal que seja estável e já tenha bom desempenho, para que a camada de replicação possa ser implementada utilizando-o como base. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o desempenho de um banco de dados de memória principal e compará-lo com o desempenho de dois bancos de dados tradicionais. Os bancos de dados escolhidos foram: Monet, de memória principal, e MySQL e PostgreSQL, tradicionais. Para que uma medida de desempenho seja feita de modo que seja válida para o uso em aplicações web, o benchmark escolhido foi o TPC-W, que especifica a implementação de uma loja de livros e browsers emulados para acessar essa loja, de modo que é possível fazer uma análise de desempenho. Este trabalho irá mostrar um estudo sobre as teorias envolvidas e os resultados dos testes aplicados, em que o Monet não mostra ter um desempenho superior em todos os casos e nem está maduro o suficiente para ser usado na prática em replicação de aplicações web. Portanto, outras soluções baseadas em sistemas de gerência de persistência alternativos devem ser consideradas / Abstract: Web applications are very common applications nowadays and it is necessary to find solutions for performance improvements for these applications. There are several ways to implement these performance improvements, including applications and databases replication and usage of main-memory databases. Looking for performance improvements we can think about using main-memory databases together with replication algorithms. In order to implement this, it is necessary to choose a main-memory database that are stable and with good performance to be used to implement a replication layer on it. The objective of this work is analyzing a main-memory database performance and compares it with the performance of two traditional databases. The database systems chosen were: Monet, as a main-memory database, and MySQL and PostgreSQL, as traditional databases. In order to have a benchmark that is valid for web applications usage we chose the TPC-W benchmark, which specifies a book store implementation and emulated browsers to access this shop, which allows an analysis on database performance. This work will show a study about theories involved and the results of executed tests, where Monet¿s performance does not seem to be better performance in most cases and Monet seems not be stable enough to be used on a real system for replication of web applications. Therefore, other solutions based on alternative persistence management systems should be considered. / Mestrado / Engenharia de Computação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação
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Tratamento de eventos aplicado à composição de serviços web / Processing of events for web services compositionMauricio Chui Rodrigues 29 May 2012 (has links)
Funcionalidades de software expostas como serviços Web são cada vez mais comuns e suas formas de composição e coordenação são cada vez mais imprescindíveis. Orquestração e coreografia, tradicionais abordagens de composição de serviços Web, são providas por ferramentas voltadas ao gerenciamento de processos de negócio com diferentes enfoques. Apesar do sucesso dessas abordagens, existem ainda desafios a serem superados, tais como a dificuldade de manutenção em fluxos de controle já existentes, o custo de comunicação associado às interações com os serviços Web, o conhecimento do processo de negócio por parte dos serviços e ainda a compatibilidade dos mesmos em uma composição. Como alternativa às abordagens tradicionais, esta dissertação propõe o uso da abordagem WED-flow para composição de serviços Web, de modo que a execução de processos de negócio seja orientada pelas alterações do estado dos dados. Na abordagem proposta, o fluxo de controle não é um requisito, mas sim uma consequência da execução dos serviços Web, o que proporciona maior flexibilidade para o desenvolvimento e a manutenção das aplicações. Mais concretamente, a primeira contribuição deste trabalho é a proposição e a avaliação de cenários possíveis de orquestração e coreografia de acordo com critérios pré-definidos. A segunda contribuição é a implementação da abordagem WED-flow para a composição de serviços Web, bem como sua validação prática e sua avaliação em relação aos cenários de coreografia e orquestração. / Features of software exposed as Web services are becoming more common and their forms of composition and coordination are increasingly essential. Orchestration and choreography, traditional approaches for Web service compositions, are provided by tools that manage business processes with different approaches. Despite the success of these approaches, there are still challenges to be overcome such as the difficulty of maintaining flows in existing control, the communication cost associated with Web service interactions, knowledge of the business process by the services and even their compatibility in service compositions. As an alternative to traditional approaches, this paper proposes the use of WED-flow approach for Web services composition, so that the execution of business processes is driven by changes in data states. In our approach, the control flow is not a requirement but a consequence of the Web service execution, which provides greater flexibility for the development and maintenance of applications. More specifically, the first contribution of this work is to propose and evaluate possible scenarios of orchestration and choreography according to predefined criteria. The second contribution of this work is the implementation of WED-flow approach for Web service compositions, as well as its validation in the choreography and orchestration scenarios.
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Navigace v městské hromadné dopravě / Navigation in Public TransportTuric, Matúš January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the issue of traveling in public transport. In the first part the author informs about similar applications and theories necessary for understanding the problems. In the second part, the author describes the design and behavior of the mobile and server application, including the used technologies. Created mobile application has the task of navigating the user from one point to another in the shortest possible time, while it should be possible to replace the current route with faster one.
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