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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eyes on the code : Visual processing of computer code tracked with standard webcams

Thilderkvist, Eva January 2021 (has links)
Eye tracking is an increasingly more popular research method in software engineering and can be used to study how programmers process and comprehend source code. This study investigated the possibility to perform such studies remotely with the use of eye-tracking algorithms and consumer grade webcams. A practical experiment was set up to remotely gather gaze-data from programmers. Several processing steps were applied to the gaze-data to establish the adequacy of the procedure. Two main problems with the webcam eye-tracking technology were found. The first was the lack of a fixation detection algorithm developed specifically for low frequency webcam data. This makes isolation of eye-movements more difficult and the results possibly unreliable. The second was the lack of support for dealing with head movements when predicting the gaze-position. Online experiments are unsupervised and there is no guarantee a subject will keep their head still even if instructed to do so. This was thought to be the reason behind spatial shifts observed within the collected datasets. Positive trends in the data were also identified. Like the consistent dispersions of gaze-points, and certain recognisable reading trends. While deemed unsuited for the task. Ultimately, the positive trends provided optimism for the technology to be usable to study code reading in the future.

Sledování pohybu očí pomocí kamery / Camera based eye tracking

Otáhal, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to understand problematic of eyes movement tracking using webcam. In individual chapters there are introduced basic approaches of eyes movement tracking, based on this method we can get the position of eye pupil and identify where a person looks. The part of this work is program in Matlab, which using the method of infrared detection follow the position of eye pupil and transfer this movements to the movements on the computer screen. Using this program it was tested several volunteers and the results of detection were transferred to the visual form. As part of this program it was created template for assessment of accuracy of used method. At the end of work are discussed achieved results.

Modulární kamerový přehledový systém / Modular CCD cameras surveillance system

Řezníček, Radek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with realization of modular camera system. Introductory part is focused on market research and concept of the system. Next part is dedicated to the choice of components for realization of the system. Practical part deals firstly with design of printed circuit board for supporting control unit which will be controlling peripherals like motion sensor, IR illuminator, eventually magnetic door contact and also focuses on software creation for main and supporting control unit.

Selbstdarstellungs-Medium Webcam? Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Ziele von Webcam-Nutzern.

Fox, Michael 08 June 2005 (has links)
Untersucht wurde, ob und wie Webcams auf privaten Homepages im Internet als Selbstdarstellungs-Medium genutzt werden und welchen Einfluss dabei Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Ziele von Webcam-Nutzern ausüben. An einer internetbasierten Befragung nahmen 62 Personen teil, die über eine zufallsgesteuerte Stichprobe ermittelt wurden. In der Befragung wurden die Persönlichkeitsvariablen der Big Five und Authentizität erhoben, sowie interessierende Facetten des Narzissmus, der Selbstwertschätzung, der Selbstüberwachung sowie neun Stile der Selbstdarstellung. Darüber hinaus machten die Teilnehmer Angaben zu Webcam-Motiven, Gründe für die Installation der Webcam, Zielgruppen und Nutzungsweisen von Webcams sowie zu weiteren interessierenden webcam- und homepage-spezifischen Merkmalen. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, das Webcams auf privaten Homepages zur authentischen Selbstdarstellung verwendet werden. Weiterhin unterscheiden sich Webcam-Besitzer nur marginal hinsichtlich der erhobenen Persönlichkeitsvariablen von Vergleichsstichproben und von Homepage-Besitzern. Dabei richten sich Webcam-Besitzer vorrangig an ein persönlich bekanntes oder nichtbekanntes Publikum und verwenden auch im realen Leben bevorzugte Selbstdarstellungsstile. Abschließend wird die Darstellung der Webcam-Nutzung in öffentlichen Medien kritisch disskutiert und Anregungen für die weitere Forschung in diesem Bereich gegeben.

Platform Tilt Detection : For Drone Landing

This report describes a project aimed at determining the angle of the landing platform to the drones using a tilted platform, IMU, and image processing algorithms. The goal of this project is to determine the safe landing of drones and drone landings by optimizing the landing location via platform tilt adjustment and angle computation. A robotic arm was used to tilt the rectangular platform, and a web camera was used to get images from the top view. Image processing methods built-in MATLAB allow for approximate landing angle determination and angle determination is also done with IMU. The findings confirm the system’s efficiency, with reasonable angle estimates and successful drone landings.

Assessing the affect on short-term memory in students by comparing a serial recall Augmented Reality game and a card version.

Nyman, Oskar, Dorell, Linus January 2022 (has links)
Background AR technology has been increasing across domains in cognitive activities, i.e. learning. Although there are studies that try to examine the quality AR can bring into different territories of human culture, such as educational settings, few studies aspire to determine how AR can have on human memory. Particularly short-term memory. Objectives This research aims to assess the affect on short-term memory through an AR and Analog game. Methods The method proposed for this thesis work is a user study in a controlled environment to gather data for the results. In order to test the hypothesis, a quantitative approach was selected as two versions of the same game were compared. A within-participant experiment was designed. Results The results from the experiment indicate that AR has a lower score on average compared to its non-virtual counterpart. Conclusion Overall, our findings suggest that AR does not have a significant affect on short-term memory with digits.

Webové aplikace pro autentizaci uživatelů / Web applications for user authentication

Vybíral, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problems of user authentication. The first chapter analyzes the problem of authentication, its methods and its utilization. The second chapter presents the different security options for communication. The chapter describes security, communication and authentication protocols. There is the 2D barcode QR Code described at the end of the chapter. The third chapter is devoted to ASP.NET technology, its development and possibilities of utilization. Attention is focused on web form and server controls. There is an analysis of elements of cookies and possibilities of their use. The last chapter consists of a practical part, which describes the development of a web application. There is a description of the parts of application, such as the database, the Web navigation, master pages and etc. in the following chapter. The cardinal part of the chapter consists of an analysis and implementation of forms authentication, the attribute authentication and authentication with QR code. Finally, there is a description of way how to secure the communication by using a certificate.

網路視訊互動的身體感知:一個符擔性的觀點 / The cyber-body of webcam interaction: a viewpoint of affordance

葉倩如, Yeh, Chinq Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以認知心理學的「符擔性」(affordance)概念作為理論基礎,瞭解網路視訊(webcam)這項技術物與使用者在互動過程間觸發的可能性,並且窺探使用者如何因應其特性發展相對應的使用行為。第一層面,闡述基本的網路視訊介面特性以及使用者生活脈絡之間有哪些共振處,進而震盪出使用者的特殊使用意涵與價值。第二層面,符擔性弭除主觀與客觀間的界線,人如何與技術物之間共舞,就本研究所關切的網路視訊介面(webcam interface)呈現的身體影像,即破除了主觀與客觀的界線,形成「網路身體」(cyber-body)的概念,並且利用網路身體讓雙方互動持續進行。 網路視訊作為一項互動媒介,連結了使用者的意識場域以及身體場域,它提供了一個觀察視角,得以讓我們釐清「意識」與「身體」不再是二元對立。本研究自視訊互動的經驗裡,提煉新的概念,稱之為「網路身體」,此概念的意涵呼應哲學家梅洛龐蒂所論述的「身體意向性」。人在生活世界中,種種的身體經驗、腦部思維以及身體行動的意義是緊緊糾纏在一起,透過身體的經驗,方能展現如斯的意義。當我們將人自己本身視作思維的主體,視訊介面中介(mediated)了人作為思維的主體(subject),以及作為行動客體的身體行為表現時,人本身如何去看待身體影像意義,並且透過身體影像產生的「身體感」,以此讓互動持續進行。 為回答本研究的兩項研究問題:其一,網路視訊此互動介面如何融入使用者的生活脈絡(life context),人怎麼使用網路視訊、使用動機為何,對該視訊媒介的想像是什麼;其二,網路視訊如何讓使用者在互動過程中創生新的互動內涵。研究方法採用深度訪談法,並且嘗試結合突斷觀察(breakdown analysis)。 分析結果可以分作兩部份闡述,一是介面特性如何與使用者的使用生活脈絡結合討論,這部份發現,網路視訊使用者使用媒體經驗與想像分作類型:「生活的空間感受被延伸」以及「被觀看的感受及權力」。二是使用者透網路身體進行互動,中介後的身體,也就是本文定義的網路身體,本研究借力於梅落龐蒂提出的「身體圖式」觀點,發現網路身體蘊藏兩種意義,聯覺的身體感以及想像的肉身。 關鍵字:網路視訊、符擔性、梅洛龐蒂、網路身體 / This research, based on the cognitive psychology concept of “affordance”, explores “webcam” and any affordance that happens in the interaction between webcam users. This research aims to explore interaction of webcam users and try to form a new concept “cyber-body” using deep questionnaire, breakdown analysis, and literature review methods. It breaks down the fuzzy borderline between users (object) and the interface (subject) and reveals that webcam as an interacting interface connects the consciousness and body of users. In other words, there is a research perspective which helps us distinguish consciousness and bodies. This study constructs a new concept “cyberbody”, which stems from Merleau-Ponty’s argument, “body intention.“ This research claims that people’s thoughts bonded with body action ,and only through the sense of body keeps human interacting. The results of this study: one is the users keep interacting through the cyber-body, and the users feel their sense of the place is extension; and the other is that users have a feeling of gazing empowerment.

Měření vzdálenosti stereoskopickým senzorem / Stereoscopic sensor for distance measurement

Vavroš, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis will take us through theoretical procedure that allows us to determine the distance of an object by stereoscopic sensor. Part of this work presents the description of the steps to achieve image of objects, calibraton and rectification. At the next part our study provides an overview of algortihms for creating disparity maps and determining the distance of the object from sensor. In the following part of thesis deals with the implementation of these processes into aplication which aim is to measure the distance.

Speciální bezpečnostní systém / Special security system

Náhlík, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on design and realisation of special security system for space and property protection. System is devided into two parts, transmitting and receiving. Transmitting part is formed by Raspberry Pi Model B+, motion sensor, webcam and USB LTE modem Huawei E398. Receiving part consists of computer with suitable application for communication with FTP server. Data transfer in mobile systems is described in the first part of this thesis, transmitting part is designed in the second part. There is one transmitting option chosen in the third part and there are also described applications of the transmitting part. The last part of this thesis is focused on the receiving part and its application.

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