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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sambandet mellan lycka och grad av fysisk aktivitet bland högskolestudenter

Knutsson, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Lycka är en viktig beståndsdel i en människas liv och innehåller komponenter som livstillfredställelse och påverkan av yttre förhållanden. En typ av yttre förhållande som lycka skulle kunna påverkas av är fysisk aktivitet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan lycka och grad av fysisk aktivitet hos högskolestudenter beroende på kön, ålder, civilstånd och antalet studerade terminer. En enkät med två instrument, Oxford happiness questionnaire och International physical activity questionnaire delades ut till 99 högskolestudenter där data bearbetades med variansanalyser. Resultatet visade att högskolestudenter med låg grad av fysisk aktivitet skattade sin lycka lägre än högskolestudenter med måttlig och hög grad av fysisk aktivitet. Även ålder och civilstånd hade en inverkan på hur deltagarna skattade sin lycka. Deltagarantalet ses som en bidragande faktor till resultatet och framtida studier bör fokusera på faktorer som ligger till grund för lyckonivå vid låg grad av fysisk aktivitet.

Happiness in the private physiotherapy sector of South Africa

Elliot, Michael January 2017 (has links)
There is limited research pertaining to assessing the happiness levels of various disciplines within the healthcare industry. Furthermore, happiness and physiotherapy studies are two research areas that are not necessarily associated with one another on a global perspective. Hence, the happiness levels have not been adequately established for private physiotherapists. This treatise is the first attempt to evaluate the happiness levels of private physiotherapists in South Africa. A thorough literature review was conducted to determine the current climate of happiness studies pertaining to the business industry, with focus on private physiotherapy businesses in the healthcare sector. The literature review enabled the development of a hypothesised model, which was tested with quantitative techniques consisting of a questionnaire, data collection and statistical analysis. The research confirmed that influence, social relations, life balance, optimism, work and leisure are all positively associated with the happiness levels of private physiotherapists in South Africa. These variables are recommended as key focus areas for physiotherapy business owners to address, in order to positively affect happiness levels in the workplace and thereby create favourable bottom line results. In accordance with the reviewed literature and the findings of this treatise, by adequately addressing these variables the business owners of physiotherapy practices will generate a workforce that are more productive, demonstrate greater collaboration with colleagues and customers, produce happier customers, are more positively energised and are less absent and more loyal to the business. It is recommended that the proposed model is tested to provide further benefit to the industry by constructing evidence-based retention and recruitment strategies for high performing private physiotherapy staff.

Voimaantumisteorian perusteiden hahmottelua

Siitonen, J. (Juha) 18 August 1999 (has links)
Abstract The original aim of the study was to examine the professional growth of pre-service teachers in a reformed system of long-term module training. Professional growth was approached in terms of the cyclic model of new professionalism developed by Niemi and Kohonen, and professional growth was explored and basic social processes and phenomena identifiable in data were sought. The key phenomenon that emerged from the data of the grounded theory study, carried out in four elementary schools in the spring 1995, was an internal feeling of power, which turned out to be synonymous with the concept of empowerment. The empirical results showed the following categories to be significant for the process of empowerment: freedom, responsibility, appreciation, confidence, context, climate and positive regard. The collection, analysis and interpretation of data were carried out in accordance with the grounded theory approach, using the constant comparative method. A detailed examination of the grounded theory methodology revealed two major schools of thought: the Straussian and the Glaserian schools. The major differences between these approaches were analyzed comparatively. The description of the different stages of data analysis in the present work draws attention to the roles of the inductive-deductive Straussian procedure and the inductive Glaserian procedure. After the empirical stage, the main goal of the study was to formulate a general formal theory of human empowerment. The basic assumption of the theory of empowerment developed in this work is that empowerment is an inherently human and individual process. It is a personal and social process, in which the inner power is nontransferable to another. The theory of empowerment is based on a combination of the empirical findings and the current research findings. The theory formulated here identifies the different subprocesses of empowerment. It does not aim to indicate the measurable qualities of an empowered person or the causal factors contributing to empowerment. The subprocesses of empowerment are classified into a framework which is a modification of Ford's Motivational Systems Theory (MST) and consists of goals, capacity beliefs, context beliefs and emotions. The theory postulates that a person may remain disempowered if he or she has difficulties with some of the subprocesses that constitute the framework. It also claims that empowerment has a catalytic effect on commitment: poor empowerment results in poor commitment, while strong empowerment results in strong commitment. On the basis of the theoretical discussion, it can be concluded that empowerment is not a permanent state. It is, however, possible to strengthen empowerment through subtle and supportive measures that open up possibilities through, for example, openness, freedom of action, encouragement and through strengthening a sense of security, trust and equality. Empowerment arises out of and gives rise to human well-being. The theory of empowerment can be used as the underlying theory in projects and studies aiming to maintain human resources and prevent exhaustion. Especially people working as superiors would benefit from knowledge of the theory of empowerment in their efforts to ensure the well-being of their subordinates in workplaces. The findings of this study can probably also be utilized in supporting the empowerment of the elderly, handicapped, marginalised and unemployed individuals and chronically ill patients. Teacher educators and teacher education supervisors can utilize the empirical findings and the formulated theory in planning their work of supporting students" processes of growth and professional commitment. The theory of empowerment is valuable for both preservice and inservice teacher education in working toward the well-being of students and teachers as well as the realization of human rights. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen alkuperäisenä tavoitteena oli tutkia luokanopettajaksi opiskelevien ammatillista kasvua uusimuotoisessa pitkäkestoisessa moduuliharjoittelussa. Ammatillista kasvua tutkittiin 1)  Hannele Niemen ja Viljo Kohosen kehittämän uusprofessionaalisen syklisen mallin pohjalta, ja ammatillisesta kasvusta etsittiin 2) aineistopohjaisesti perussosiaalisia prosesseja ja ilmiöitä. Neljällä kenttäharjoittelukoululla keväällä 1995 toteutetussa grounded theory -tutkimuksessa aineistosta nousi ammatillisen kasvun ydinilmiöksi sisäinen voimantunne, joka osoittautui synonyymiksi empowerment-käsitteelle. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden perusteella empowerment on voimaantumista. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan kategoriat vapaus, vastuu, arvostus, luottamus, konteksti, ilmapiiri ja myönteisyys ovat merkityksellisiä voimaantumisprosessissa. Havainnointiaineiston kerääminen, analysointi ja tulkinta toteutettiin grounded theory -metodologian mukaisesti jatkuvan vertailun menetelmällä. Grounded theory -metodologiaan tutustumisessa selvisi, että metodologian sisälle on muodostunut kaksi koulukuntaa: straussilainen ja glaserilainen. Suuntausten näkemyseroista on tehty vertaileva analyysi. Tässä tutkimuksessa kerätyn aineiston analyysiprosessin vaiheiden kuvaamisessa on otettu huomioon induktiivis-deduktiivisen straussilaisen ja induktiivisen glaserilaisen menettelyn osuudet. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteeksi muodostui empiirisen vaiheen jälkeen yleisen formaalin teorian rakentaminen ihmisen voimaantumisesta. Kehitetyn voimaantumisteorian keskeisenä ajatuksena on se, että voimaantuminen lähtee ihmisestä itsestään. Se on henkilökohtainen ja sosiaalinen prosessi, eikä voimaa voi antaa toiselle. Voimaantumisteoria on rakentunut empiiristen tulosten ja olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon yhdistämisen tuloksena. Muodostettu teoria jäsentää voimaantumisen osaprosesseja. Se ei pyri osoittamaan voimaantuneen ihmisen mitattavissa olevia ominaisuuksia eikä voimaantumiseen vaikuttavia kausaalitekijöitä. Voimaantumisen osaprosessit luokitellaan Martin Fordin motivoivien järjestelmien teoriasta (MST) sovellettuun kehikkoon päämäärät, kykyuskomukset, kontekstiuskomukset ja emootiot. Voimaantumisteoriassa väitetään, että ihminen voi jäädä voimaantumattomaksi (disempowered), jos hänellä on ympäristössään vaikeuksia tähän kehikkoon jäsentyvissä osaprosesseissa. Teoriassa myös väitetään, että voimaantuminen vaikuttaa katalyytin tavoin sitoutumisprosessiin: heikko voimaantuminen johtaa heikkoon sitoutumiseen ja vahva voimaantuminen johtaa vahvaan sitoutumiseen. Teoreettisen tarkastelun perusteella voidaan todeta, että voimaantuneisuus ei ole pysyvä tila. Voimaantumista voidaan kuitenkin yrittää tukea hienovaraisilla ja mahdollistavilla toimenpiteillä, esimerkiksi avoimuudella, toimintavapaudella, rohkaisemisella sekä turvallisuuteen, luottamukseen ja tasa-arvoisuuteen pyrkimisellä. Voimaantuminen on yhteydessä ihmisen hyvinvointiin. Voimaantumisteorian arvioidaan voivan toimia teoriataustana voimavarojen ylläpitämistä edistävissä ja uupumusta estävissä hankkeissa ja tutkimuksissa. Erityisesti esimiesasemassa oleville ihmisen voimaantumisprosessien tuntemisen ajatellaan olevan hyödyksi, kun he pyrkivät mahdollistamaan alaistensa hyvinvoinnin työpaikalla. Tätä tutkimusta arvioidaan voitavan hyödyntää myös mm. vanhusten, vammaisten, syrjäytyneiden, työttömien ja pitkäaikaissairaiden voimaantumisen tukemisessa. Opettajankouluttajat ja opetusharjoittelun ohjaajat voivat hyödyntää empiirisiä tuloksia ja tuotettua teoriaa suunnitellessaan työtänsä opiskelijan kasvu- ja sitoutumisprosessien tukemisen näkökulmasta. Oppilaiden ja opettajien hyvinvoinnin sekä ihmisoikeuksien toteutumisen vuoksi voimaantumisprosessien tuntemiseen tulisi kiinnittää huomiota sekä opettajien peruskoulutuksessa että täydennyskoulutuksessa.

Genderové rozdíly ve zdrojích osobní pohody / Gender Differences in Sources of Well-being

Beranová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
(in English): This submitted thesis deals with gender differences in sources of well-being. It defines well-being and focuses on defining two significant approaches which are the subjective well-being (SWB) and the psychological well-being (PWB). In the theoretical part it summarizes the most significant demographics and socioeconomics factors which affect the well-being, gender and sex issues, and also focuses on the links between personality and well-being. The empirical part deals with the analysis and exploration of gender's differences of correlations between the well-being and the key characteristics in personality according to the Big Five model, the Schwartz Theory of Basic Values and coping strategies formulated by Carver. Research sample consisted of 2317 students of Masaryk University. The statistical analysis found correlation 0,602 between inventories measuring SWB and PWB. The significantly stronger positive relationship has been confirmed in men between extraversion and PWB, between active coping and PWB and also it has been confirmed, that women have significantly stronger relationship between coping strategy using emotional support and SWB. It was also confirmed, that young women participants have higher values of PWB than men. Exploratory analysis revealed the highest gender...

Subjective well-being amongst children in the Western Cape : multi-group analysis across three age groups

Witten, Heidi Kim January 2016 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / Globally the Subjective Well-Being (SWB) of children is recognized as having a significant effect on the child's psychological and social functioning. Furthermore, not only does children's SWB have effects on childhood well-being research, it has also increased the knowledge of how children view their life that has been determined through the measurement of specific domains that relates to children's lives. The overall aim of this study was to ascertain the SWB of children across three age groups in the Western Cape. Within this process, the study further aimed to fit the structural model depicting the nature of the relationship between global, domain specific and overall life satisfaction across three age groups. The Theory of Model Fit: Goodness of Fit and Fit Indexes was used as the theoretical position conceptualising the study. The sample included 3236 children aged 8, 10, and 12 years selected using stratified random sampling from 29 schools in the Western Cape. The study used Structural Equation Modelling and Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis to address the stated aims and objectives. Ethics principles of informed consent, anonymity, the right to withdraw and privacy were adhered to within the study. Findings of this study indicate that the descriptive statistics depicted high levels of SWB for both measures with mean composite scores ranging between 81.20 to 86.15 for the SLSS; and 83.29 to 84.07 for the PWI-SC. Confirmatory factor analysis showed excellent fit for both the SLSS and the PWI-SC across age groups (multi-group model). The application of Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis in the current study found the measures to be comparable across the three age groups (8, 10 & 12) for the SLSS and two age groups for the PWI-SC (10 & 12). A combined model with two latent constructs, representing different levels of abstraction was also tested. An excellent fit was obtained for this combined model. Appropriate fit statistics was obtained for the overall pooled sample. The standardised regression weights of 0.57 for the PWI-SC and 0.47 for the SLSS point to adequate loadings of the latent constructs onto the OLS. Markedly, it was found that a significant overall mean difference was found between the 10 and 12-year olds and not between the 8 and 10-year olds; while for the domain-specific PWI-SC a similar tendency was noted across the 10 and 12-year olds participants (8 year old group was not applicable in this analysis). / National Research Foundation (NRF)

Towards a developmental model of being

Keyser, Jacobus Petrus Benjamin 18 July 2013 (has links)
M.Phil. (Personal and Professional Leadership) / Humankind seems to have the objectives to be what they can be, grow to potential, and also experience well-being, happiness and/or fulfilment. Meeting these objectives calls for action (doing) and requires aspects such as skills, abilities, traits, knowledge and experience (having), including (knowing). Yet people are human beings, not human doings nor human havings or human knowings. Being development therefore calls for attention. Key Focus of the study: This study explores the concept, theories and elements of being with the intent to construct a model that could be used to develop being. Motivation for the study: The study is motivated by the human need to develop what they are, their being. Success with the development or growth of being, however, firstly calls for the clarification and operationalisation of the complex concept. Secondly, success with the development or growth of being, calls for an understanding of theories with regard to the concept being. Research design: This study is of non-empirical nature. A theory or model building approach was used for the main objective. A grounded theory type concept analysis was used to deduct theories of being. Main findings: In this study it was found that being is described as conscious, mortal existence that reflects the true, essential nature or essence of a person. Two theories of being were derived. According to the inclusive view, being is the sum of all aspects whereby a person is known by him or herself and by others as a result of community, context, environment and time. According to the spiritual theory of being, it is the core, the spiritual element of human kind. In both cases it is a state that could grow and develop to an end state or goal such as to a life with meaning and purpose, fulfilment, eudaimonia, and flourishing. In meeting the main objective of the study and in congruence with the findings, a model was devised and presented, whereby being could be developed. The model indicates the scope of elements and a process to address these elements, utilising a farming metaphor, to reach the objective. Practical/Managerial implications: The model could be employed to achieve personal growth or being development, for individuals, especially those with a leadership calling and organisations, by applying the suggested process to address elements indicated. Contribution and value add: The model will be of value to develop being, of leaders, individuals, groups and organisations. The clarification of the concept being contributes to the prevention of misunderstandings with regard to being, inner being and the spirit. The theories of being derived from literature create a framework for future research on being and related subjects.

Testing two measures of subjective well-being amongst a sample of children in the Western Cape

Noordien, Zorina January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Recent advancements in child well-being research have shown an increased interest in the importance of subjective well-being. The development of instruments and scales to measure subjective well-being among children and adolescents is in its infancy. Furthermore, there are few existing cross-cultural studies with child and adolescent populations. Validation of existing measures and cross-cultural comparisons has been identified by a number of researchers as critical in contributing to the international dialogue. In the current study, two measures of subjective well-being (Student Life Satisfaction Scale and Personal Well-Being Index-School Children) are tested among a sample of children in the Western Cape region of South Africa. Noting the diversity of experience between children from different socio-economic status groups in South Africa, the study further aims to determine the extent to which the measures are comparable across socio-economic status groups. Data from the Children’s World Survey were used; and includes a sample of 1004 children randomly selected from 15 schools within the Cape Town Metropole. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the overall fit structure and multi-group factor analysis, with Scalar and Metric invariance constraints. The results show appropriate fit structure for the overall model, with Scalar and Metric factor invariance tenable across socio-economic status groups. The overall findings suggest that the two measures are appropriate for use with children from low and medium socio-economic status groups in the Western Cape province of South Africa.

Investigating the relationship between hope and life satisfaction among children in low and middle income communities in Cape Town

Raats, Claudia January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / An extensive literature review on child well-being has signified a dearth in relevant South African research on the current topic. It has been established that the interplay of hope, life satisfaction and income level exerts a great impact on the well-being of children. Hence, this study aims to investigate the relationship between hope and life satisfaction among children in low and middle income communities in Cape Town. More specifically, the study aims to ascertain the moderating effect of income level on the relationship between hope and life satisfaction. The 3P Model of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) was used as a theoretical position conceptualising this study. The model categorizes the components of subjective well-being under temporal states of the Past, the Present and the Prospect (future), and therefore proposes that we evaluate our lives across these temporal states. The study used secondary data from the Children’s Worlds: International Survey on Children’s Well Being (2012). Data was collected across all 12 year old participants, within each participating school, by means of purposive sampling, with a total of 1004 participants. The questionnaire administered, incorporated Huebner’s (1991) Student Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS) and Snyder’s et al. (1997) Children’s Hope Scale. Data was analysed by means of correlational analysis and results revealed that there is a significant relationship between hope and life satisfaction for both low and middle income communities. The Process Tool for Moderation Analysis revealed that income level moderates the relationship between hope and life satisfaction. Moreover, this relationship appeared to be stronger for the low income group than for the middle income group. Hence, this finding suggests that hope has a more pronounced impact on life satisfaction for the low income group than for the middle income group.

The relationship between psychological capital and employee wellness in organisations in the manufacturing industry in the Western Cape

Solomon, Shihaan January 2014 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / Psychological capital (PsyCap), the four dimensions of PsyCap and Perceived Wellness are viewed as positive constructs. Research indicated these positive constructs has a beneficial or positive effect on the organisation's financial performance.. Furthermore, health and wellness awareness is lacking especially in the production-driven manufacturing industry where the profit motive is of paramount importance. The research study used a cross-sectional design, measuring Psychological capital and Perceived wellness using questionnaires in the form of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) and the Perceived Wellness Survey (PWS), respectively. These questionnaires are self-report measures, which were distributed to a sample of employees from the manufacturing industry (n = 160) in the Western Cape. Various studies both locally and abroad confirmed that the respective measures are both valid and reliable, However, the applicability in South African organisations requires further exploration.The present study aimed to determine what effect the factors of psychological capital had on the wellness of employees. The relationship between psychological capital and its effect on employees' wellness was assessed using Pearson correlation, Analysis of variance and Multiple regression analysis. Based on the findings, there was no significant relationshipfound between psychological capital and the wellness amongst the sample employees in the manufacturing industry. This is however contradictory to what studies found researching similar constructs.

Occupational adaptation : the experiences of adult patients with MDR- TB who undergo long- term hospitalisation

Firfirey, Nousheena January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / TB is a multi- faceted public health problem spurred on by the biological progression of the disease as well as the social issues associated with it. The treatment of TB is however primarily driven by the medical model where the focus is on the disease and not on a holistic view of the patient. Occupational therapy is a profession concerned with the use of occupation in the promotion of health and well being through the facilitation of the process of occupational adaptation. There is however a paucity of literature pertaining to the role that occupational therapy could play within the TB context. The aim of this study was to explore how adults with MDR- TB who undergo long-term hospitalisation at a hospital in the Western Cape experience occupational adaptation. The objectives of the study were to explore how the participants perceive their occupational identity, to explore the meaning and purpose the participants assign to their occupational engagement and to explore the how the participants perceive their occupational competence. The interpretive research paradigm employing a phenomenological qualitative research approach was utilized in this study. Purposive sampling was used to select four participants based on specific selection criteria. The data gathering methods utilized included diaries, semistructured interviews, participant observation and a focus group. Photographs taken by the researcher for the purpose of participant observation were used to elicit a rich, in depth response from the participants during the focus group discussion. All data was analysed through thematic content analysis. The study findings highlighted that the participants viewed themselves as occupational beings and that they valued the role that occupational engagement played in facilitating their occupational competence and ultimately their ability to adapt to long- term hospitalisation. The environmental demands and constraints that they experienced however infringed their engagement in meaningful occupation and hampered their ability to achieve occupational competence. It was recommended that the hospital adopt an integrative intervention approach to the management of MDR- TB patients that include principles of psychosocial rehabilitation and occupational enrichment to address occupational risk factors and institutionalisation.

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