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Distansarbetares upplevda arbetstillfredsställelse och Work Family Conflict : under covid-19Hallström, Fredrika January 2022 (has links)
Distansarbete som arbetsform har blivit alltmer vanligt det senaste decenniet. Arbetsformen har tidigare oftast varit frivillig och setts som en förmån som arbetsgivaren kan ge de anställda i sitt arbete. I mars 2020 förändrade covid-19 pandemin förutsättningarna för distansarbete, då detta gick från att vara valbart till att rekommenderas och mer eller mindre bli påtvingat för miljontals individer världen över. Distansarbete som arbetsform har i tidigare forsknings setts kunna bidra till en högre upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och en lägre konflikt mellan arbete och privatliv, men sambanden under pandemin är mer oklara. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka om distansarbete under pandemin har någon påverkan på upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och Work Family Conflict (konflikt mellan arbete och privatliv), samt om tidigare erfarenhet av distansarbete modererar denna relation. Ett underliggande syfte var att titta på relationen mellan upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och Work Family Conflict vid distansarbete under covid-19. Studien har en tvärsnittsdesign. Data är insamlade genom en enkätundersökning genomförd av forskningsprojektet Flexibelt arbete (Flex-A) på Högskolan i Gävle. Respondenterna består av 1041 tillsvidareanställda tjänstemän och arbetare från ett tiotal svenska organisationer som arbetat på distans i någon omfattning under covid-19. Resultatet visade att det inte på några samband mellan distansarbete och upplevd Work Family Conflict eller arbetstillfredsställelse under covid-19. Däremot fanns effekter av kön och individer med små barn (yngre än 13 år) på Work Family Conflict. Resultatet visade även ett signifikant samband mellan Work Family Conflict och arbetstillfredsställelse där en lägre Work Family Conflict ger en högre arbetstillfredställse. Då distansarbete troligtvis kommer att vara en mer förekommande arbetsform även när pandemin ebbat ut behövs dock mer forskning inom ämnet.
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Exploring WaveFunctionCollapse as a Design ToolPhan, Hang T. 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Relationship between Work-related Identity and Stress and the Mediating Role of Work-life BalanceNordhall, Linda January 2018 (has links)
In the present study, the relationship between work identity (emotion and cognition components) and work-related stress was investigated, and if work-life balance (WLB) and its components family-work conflict (FWC) and work-family conflict (WFC), might mediate this relationship. The study included 104 participants recruited via Facebook. The results showed: (1) Positive relationship between the cognitive component in the work-related identity and work-related stress; and (2) Negative relationship between the emotional component of the work-related identity and work-related stress. WLB was also shown to mediate the relation between the cognitive component in the work-related identity and work-related stress, accounted for by the WFC-component of WLB.
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Personality and Work-Family Conflict: The Mediational Role of Coping StylesBryant, Rebecca H 13 March 2009 (has links)
Although an extensive body of literature exists on the consequences of work-family conflict (WFC), comparatively little research has examined the construct's antecedents. Research on two sets of antecedent variables, personality and coping style, is particularly scarce. Thus, the present study expands the literature by examining four personality variables (conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and locus of control) and five coping styles (problem solving, support seeking, positive cognitive restructuring, rumination, and escape) in relation to work-interference-with-family (WIF) and family-interference-with-work (FIW) conflict. Additionally, coping style, which was assessed separately for managing work stressors and for managing family stressors, was examined as a potential mediator between personality and both directions of WFC.
Two hundred and four participants, recruited from a snowball approach, completed surveys. Additionally, significant others provided ratings of conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Of the four personality variables, only neuroticism related to WIF and FIW. Furthermore, among the hypothesized relationships between coping and WFC, only rumination and escape for work stressors related to WIF, though several cross-domain relationships were observed. Overall, the present study found little support for coping as a mediator between personality and WFC, though there was some evidence that rumination mediated the relationship between neuroticism and WIF. As a supplementary analysis, coping was examined as a moderator between personality and WFC. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as future directions, are discussed.
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Work-life balance möjlighet att predicera Intention to quit hos skiftarbetareKjellberg, Teodor, Lundin, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka relationen mellan Work-life balance (WLB) och intentionen att säga upp sig (ITQ) hos skiftarbetare. För att undersöka Work-life balance relation till intentionen att säga upp sig delades work-life balance upp i sina underkategorier Work-family conflict (WFC) och Family-work conflict (FWC). En kvantitativ studie genomfördes via en digital enkät som distribuerades ut till 866 trafikoperatörer som arbetar skift inom en statlig myndighet för trafikledning. Av de 886 tillfrågade svarade 235 på enkäten och 188 av dem kom sedan att användas i analysen då 47 av svaren inte var fullständiga. De 188 svaren analyserades genom en hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet visade att Work-life balance kan predicera en individs intention att säga upp sig och att Work-family conflikt var den konflikt som förklarade störst del av variansen i ITQ då FWC inte var en signifikant prediktor. Sambandet mellan Work-family conflict och intentionen att säga upp sig var att desto mer Work-family conflict desto högre intention att säga upp sig. / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Work-life balance and Intention to quit among shift workers. To examine the relationship between Work- Life balance and Intention to quit, Work-life balance was split up into its two subcategories Work-family conflict and Family-work conflict. A quantitative study was carried out through a digital survey that was distributed to 866 traffic-operators within a state department that operates in the field of traffic. Of the 866 respondents 235 answered the survey, 47 of the answers were not completed in full and were therefore ejected from the study, total answers used in the study was 188. The 188 answers were analyzed through a hierarchical regression analysis. The results showed that Work-life balance can predict an individual's intention to quit and that Work-family conflict was the conflict that to most extent explained the variance of intention to quit. The result also showed that Family-work conflict were not a significant predictor for intention to quit. The relation between Work-family conflict and intention to quit were displayed in the following way, more work-family conflict resulted in a higher intention to quit.
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