Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wheat speed""
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Modeling of Engine and Driveline Related Disturbances on the Wheel Speed in Passanger Cars / Modellering av Motor- och Drivlinerelaterade Störningar på Hjulhastigheten i PassagerarbilarJohansson, Robert January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to derive a mathematical model of the engine and driveline in a passenger car, capable of describing the wheel speed disturbances related to the engine and driveline. The thesis is conducted in order to improve the disturbance cancelation algorithm in the indirect tire pressure monitoring system, TPI developed by NIRA Dynamics AB. The model consists of two parts, the model of the engine and the model of the driveline. The engine model uses an analytical cylinder pressure model capable of describing petrol and diesel engines. The model is a function of the crank angle, manifold pressure, manifold temperature and spark timing. The output is the pressure in the cylinder. This pressure is then used to calculate the torque generated on the crankshaft when the pressure acts on the piston. This torque is then applied in the driveline model. Both a two wheel and a four wheel driveline model are presented and they consist of a series of masses and dampers connected to each other with stiff springs. The result is a 14 and 19 degrees of freedom system of differential equations respectively. The model is then validated using measurements collected at LiU during two experiments. Measurements where conducted of the cylinder pressure of a four cylinder petrol engine and on the wheel speed of two different cars when driven in a test rig. The validation against this data is satisfactory and the simulations and measurements show good correlation. The model is then finally used to examine wheels speed disturbance phenomenon discovered in the huge database of test drives available at NIRA Dynamics AB. The effects of the drivelines natural frequencies are investigated and so is the difference between the disturbances on the wheel speed for a petrol and diesel engine. The main reasons for the different disturbance levels on the front and rear wheels in a four wheel drive are also discussed.
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Estimation of Radial RunoutNilsson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The demands for ride comfort quality in today's long haulage trucks are constantly growing. A part of the ride comfort problems are represented by internal vibrations caused by rotating mechanical parts. This thesis work focus on the vibrations generated from radial runout on the wheels. These long haulage trucks travel long distances on smooth highways, with a constant speed of 90 km/h resulting in a 7 Hz oscillation. This frequency creates vibrations in the cab, which can be found annoying. To help out with the vibration diagnosis when a truck enters a mechanical workshop, this work studies methods for radial runout detection using the wheel speed sensors.</p><p>The main idea is to represent the varying radius signal with a sinusoid, where the calculations are based on Fourier series. The estimated radial runout value is then the amplitude of the sinusoid. In addition to the detection part, the work also present results regarding how the relative phase difference between two wheels with radial runout effects the lateral motion of the cab.</p><p>This thesis work was performed at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden and all measurements have been full scale experiments on real trucks.</p>
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Estimation of Radial RunoutNilsson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
The demands for ride comfort quality in today's long haulage trucks are constantly growing. A part of the ride comfort problems are represented by internal vibrations caused by rotating mechanical parts. This thesis work focus on the vibrations generated from radial runout on the wheels. These long haulage trucks travel long distances on smooth highways, with a constant speed of 90 km/h resulting in a 7 Hz oscillation. This frequency creates vibrations in the cab, which can be found annoying. To help out with the vibration diagnosis when a truck enters a mechanical workshop, this work studies methods for radial runout detection using the wheel speed sensors. The main idea is to represent the varying radius signal with a sinusoid, where the calculations are based on Fourier series. The estimated radial runout value is then the amplitude of the sinusoid. In addition to the detection part, the work also present results regarding how the relative phase difference between two wheels with radial runout effects the lateral motion of the cab. This thesis work was performed at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden and all measurements have been full scale experiments on real trucks.
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Need for Wheel Speed : Generating synthetic wheel speeds using LSTM and GANsBerglund, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Time series as data in the machine learning research area has been dominated by prediction and forecasting techniques. Ever since the inception of generative models, the interest in generating time series has increased. Time series data appears in many different fields with financial and medical gathering much of the interest. This thesis is instead focusing on the automotive field with a heavy focus on wheel speed data. The issue with wheel speed data, or any other vehicle signal, is that they take a long time to gather since a person has to drive around in order to get the data. This thesis investigates the possibility to generate vehicle signals with a large focus on wheel speed signals. To better understand the difference between different car models and which vehicle signals are most useful. The classification of vehicle time series was done with a stacked LSTM network. A thorough analysis of the network parameters was made and an accuracy of over 80\% was achieved when classifying 6 different vehicle models. For time series generation a GAN with LSTM networks was used, based on CRNNGAN. The generated samples were evaluated by people experienced with the data and by using both PCA and t-SNE. The result is bad and is too noisy. Only one of the vehicle signals could be generated in a satisfying manner and that signal was significantly less complex since it was a binary signal being either 0 or 1.
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Estimace rychlosti vozidla / Vehicle speed estimationRoštek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Rýchlosť vozidla je jednou z kľúčových stavových premenných, ktorej znalosť je potrebná v reálnom čase a s vysokou presnosťou, aby mohla slúžiť ako vstupná veličina pre systémy kontroly dynamiky vozidla. Jej priame meranie vo vozidle je však finančne náročné. Riešením tohoto problému môže byť použitie meraní zo senzorov bežne dostupných na palube vozidla a ich následný prepočet na rýchlosť vozidla. Tieto merania sú však veľmi zaťažené procesným šumom, čo vyplýva z komplexnosti pohybu vozidla. Preto je nutné vyvinúť algoritmus so schopnosťou vysporiadať sa s týmito negatívnymi vplyvmi. Algoritmus prezentovaný v tejto práci odhaduje pozdĺžnu rýchlosť vozidla s použitím meraní uhlových rýchlostí štyroch kolies, pozdĺžnej akcelerácie, momentov motora, rýchlosti otáčania okolo zvislej osi a natočenia volantu. Algoritmus bol testovaný na veľkom počte situácií považovaných za kritické na odhad rýchlosti vozidla, ako napríklad prudká akcelerácia na vozovke s nízkym koeficientom trenia, núdzové brzdenie s aktiváciou ABS, či jazda v kopci s kolesami v preklze, prinášajúc uspokojujúce výsledky.
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Development of PMSM and drivetrain models in MATLAB/Simulink for Model Based Design / Utveckling av PMSM och drivlinemodeller i MATLAB / Simulink för modellbaserad designSivaraman, Gokul January 2021 (has links)
When developing three-phase drives for Electric Vehicles (EVs), it is essential to verify the controller design. This will help in understanding how fast and accurately the torque of the motor can be controlled. In order to do this, it is always better to test the controller using the software version of the motor or vehicle drivetrain than using actual hardware as it could lead to component damage when replicating extreme physical behavior. In this thesis, plant modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) and vehicle drivetrain in MATLAB/Simulink for Model Based Design (MBD) is presented. MBD is an effective method for controller design that, if adopted can lead to cost savings of 25%-30% and time savings of 35%-40% (according to a global study by Altran Technologies, the chair of software and systems engineering and the chair of Information Management of the University of Technology in Munich) [1]. The PMSM plant models take effects like magnetic saturation, cross- coupling, spatial harmonics and temperature into account. Two PMSM models in d-q frame based on flux and inductance principles were implemented. Flux, torque maps from Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and apparent inductance from datasheets were used as inputs to the flux- and inductance-based models, respectively. The FEA of PMSM was done using COMSOL Multiphysics. The PMSM model results were compared with corresponding FEA simulated results for verification. A comparison of these PMSM models with conventional low fidelity models has also been done to highlight the impact of inclusion of temperature and spatial harmonics. These motor models can be combined with an inverter plant model and a controller can be developed for the complete model. Low frequency oscillations of drivetrain in EVs lead to vibrations which can cause discomfort and torsional stresses. In order to control these oscillations, an active oscillation damping controller can be implemented. For implementation of this control, a three-mass mechanical plant model of drivetrain with an ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) wheel speed sensor has been developed in this thesis. Analysis of the model transfer function to obtain the pole zero maps was performed. This was used to observe and verify presence of low frequency oscillations in the drivetrain. In order to include the effects of ABS wheel speed sensor and CAN communication, a model was developed for the sensor. / Testning av regulatorernas inställningar med hänsyn till snabbhet och noggrannhet i momentreglering är avgörande i trefasiga drivsystem för elektriska fordon. Oftast är det bättre att simulera i stället för att utföra experimentella tester där komponenter kan skadas på grund av fysisk stress. Detta kallas för Model Based Design (MBD). MBD är an effektiv metod för utformningen av styrningen som kan leda till kostnadsbesparingar på 25%-30% och tidsbesparingar på 35%-40% enligt en studie från Altran Technologies i samarbete med Tekniska universitet i München, TUM. Detta examensarbete behandlar en modell för en synkronmaskin med permanentmagneter (PMSM) samt en modell för drivlinan utvecklad i Matlab/Simulink för MBD. PMSMs modellen inkluderar magnetisk mättnad och tvärkoppling, MMF övervågor och temperatur. Två PMSM modeller har utvecklats. Den första baseras på magnetiskt flöde som erhålls från finita element beräkningar i COMSOL Multiphysics medan den andra bygger på induktanser givna från datablad. En jämförelse av dessa PMSM-modeller med konventionella low fidelity-modeller har också gjorts för att illustrera påverkan temperaturberoende och MMF övervågor. Modellerna kan kombineras med en växelriktarmodell för att utveckla en hel styrenhet. Lågfrekventa oscillationer i drivlinan leder till vibrationer som kan orsaka vridspänningar och försämra komforten i elfordonet. En aktiv dämpningsregulator kan implementeras för att kontrollera spänningarna men en mekanisk drivlinemodell med tre massor och en ABS (anti-lock braking system) hastighetssensor behövs. Den mekaniska modellen har implementerats och analyserats även beaktande en modell för en CAN kommunikationskanal. Oscillationer med låg frekvens kunde observeras i modellen.
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