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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A queer world: feminine subversions of chivalric homosocial normativity

Unknown Date (has links)
If queer is an applicable label for that which aims to subvert or counteract normativity, then Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Wife of Bath's tale, and her Prologue are each, in their own ways, queer texts. I examine the ways in which the feminine presences of Morgan le Fay and the Loathly Lady influence and challenge the heteronormative, homosocial space of Arthur and his knights. The two knights in each respective tale journey away from their heteronormative spaces, in which a complex system of homosociality and chivalric patriarchy dominate, to a queer space where each must go against his societal norms and rely on feminine agency and talismans in order for their quests to succeed - and to ensure their survival. It is this very convergence of heteronormative and queer spaces that enables Morgan's defiance of heteronormativity and dominance over those who enter her feminine, non-normative domain. / by Jessica Pitts. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Figuras da tradição judaico-cristã n’a demanda do Santo Graal: os rastros míticos da mulher de Salomão e da irmã de Persival / Figures of judaeo - christian tradition in the Holy Grail quest: mythical traces of Solomon's wife and Perceval's sister

Silva, Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da 19 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-04-18T13:05:16Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da Silva - 2018.pdf: 1843964 bytes, checksum: 34e19a9c19065b3bced0c3c6cdd0256a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-04-18T15:25:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da Silva - 2018.pdf: 1843964 bytes, checksum: 34e19a9c19065b3bced0c3c6cdd0256a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-18T15:25:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da Silva - 2018.pdf: 1843964 bytes, checksum: 34e19a9c19065b3bced0c3c6cdd0256a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-19 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / I perceive the Judaeo-Christian tradition as more comprehensive than it is treated in the biblical canon. This work aims to unfold paths undertaken by some Judaeo-Christian myths, that is, mythical structures, which corroborated the construction of new myths, such as those of Percival’s sister and Solomon’s wife – characters of A demanda do Santo Graal (1995), Portuguese translation from the 15th century, copy of a French sample from the 18th century. In this trajectory, it is essential to consider, besides the biblical scripture, some apocryphal manuscripts which lend literary elements of feminine prominence and humility to the matter of Britain. This character, for example, was scarcely referred in the Portuguese Demand; therefore it is essential that La queste del Saint Graal (1923), present in Vulgata, be consulted for the purpose of studying the narrative of Solomon’s wife. Thus, according to the Judaeo-Christian tradition one can attest that the elements borrowed from it, still echo in discourses, which sometimes vilify and sometimes defend women, making them exemplary and heroic feminine figures, despite carrying the heavy burden of anti feminine tradition. Such misogynous burden is noticed in the narratives that aim at legitimating the Grail’s hero lineage, taking the Hebrew kings from the biblical tradition as ancestors. It is from this androcentric nucleus that heroic feminine narratives will emerge, softening the bitterness against women, in the moment heroes find themselves in abulia in face of the unknown. For this purpose, the dissertation carries out an analytical study of the referred literary pieces, following the methodological procedures of bibliographic, qualitative research, identifying the literary, sociological, historical and cultural perspectives. It tried to unveil the paths taken by the characters Percival’s sister and Solomon’s wife, along their mythical trajectory, compatible to the Judaeo- Christian tradition. / Compreendendo que a tradição judaico-cristã é mais extensa do que está grafado no cânone bíblico, este trabalho propõe-se a desvelar os caminhos percorridos por alguns mitos judaico-cristãos, isto é, estruturas míticas que amparam a construção de novos mitos, como os da irmã de Persival e da mulher de Salomão, personagens presentes n’A demanda do Santo Graal (1995), tradução portuguesa do século XV, cópia de um exemplar francês do século XIII. Neste percurso, é necessário que se considere, além do texto bíblico, alguns textos apócrifos que emprestaram motivos literários da proeminência e da humildade femininas à matéria da Bretanha, como os que estruturaram os mitos da irmã de Persival e da mulher de Salomão. Esta personagem, por exemplo, recebe apenas poucas citações na Demanda portuguesa, sendo indispensável o manuseio de La queste del Saint Graal (1923), presente na Vulgata, para se conhecer a narrativa da mulher de Salomão. De tal modo, seguindo a tradição judaico-cristã, vê-se que os motivos, dela tomados de empréstimo, continuam por ecoar discursos que ora difamam, ora defendem a mulher, tornando as personagens figuras exemplares e heroicas, ainda que carreguem o fardo da tradição antifeminina. Tal fardo misógino será percebido nas narrativas que visam a legitimar a linhagem do herói do Graal, tomando como ancestrais os reis hebreus da tradição bíblica. É neste núcleo androcêntrico que irromperão as narrativas heroicas femininas, suavizando o ranço contra as mulheres, quando os heróis mostrarem-se em abulia frente ao desconhecido. Para tanto, a tese, realizando um estudo analítico das mencionadas obras, pautando-se na pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico e qualitativa, reconhecendo o viés literário, sociológico, histórico e cultural, procurou deslindar os caminhos percorridos pelas personagens, a irmã de Persival e a mulher de Salomão, em sua trajetória mítica, segundo a tradição judaico-cristã.

People on the Edges of Dreams

French, Francesca B. 17 November 1995 (has links)
This thesis is composed of a collection of twelve short stories, varying in length from 2 to 14 pages. Each story contains its own discrete theme, but fits as well within the overarching theme of the collection as a whole. This overarching theme is what gives the collection its cohesiveness. The main theme of the larger work can be found in the title of the collection, People on the Edges of Dreams. In many of the stories dreams, or dream-states, figure in the lives of the protagonists. In addition to the dream-state theme there is a less obvious theme, which has to do with the extent to which most or all of the main characters in the stories are faced with a kind of inescapable compassion for others. For example, the selfinvolved, self-gratifying protagonist in Matador cannot help but feel compassion first for Pearl, the woman he insults, and second for the "bums" on whom his livelihood depends. The theme of inescapable compassion can, I believe, be found to varying degrees in each of the stories in this collection.

Entrepreneurial teams: a categorization and their long-term evolution

Cachon, Jean-Charles January 1990 (has links)
Twenty-nine entrepreneurial teams from central Ontario were examined in three aspects: the mechanisms by which they were formed and modified, their social structure and the complementarity of team members were identified: Husband-Wife, Family-related, Partnerings, and Short-term partnerings, each type showing distinctive characteristics in terms of venture creation and team formation. _________ Vingt-neuf équipes d'entrepreneurs du centre de l 'Ontario ont fait l'objet d'une étude sur trois aspects soit, les mécanismes qui ont contribué à leur formation et à leur évolution, leur structure sociale et la complémentarité des membres de l'équipe : mari-femme, membres d'une même famille. sociétés de personnes et participations à court terme, chaque type présentant des caractéristiques distinctes en termes de création d'entreprise et de formation d'équipe

Women's experiences and expectations of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998.

Shaikh, Faaiza B. January 2003 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

“Varieties of Pain”: An Exploration of Female Melancholy in the Victorian Realist Novel

Fieldberg, Allison L Unknown Date
No description available.

Legitimation of violence against women in Colombia: A feminist critical discourse analytic study

Laura Tolton Unknown Date (has links)
This study analyses the legitimation of violence against women in Colombia, using critical discourse analysis to explore attitudes related to violence, gender, and power. Internet forums from the website of the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo provide everyday examples of talk about two incidents of violence against women (VAW), a sexual assault and a wife-beating, both of which triggered a large scale reaction from the Colombian public. Colombia is a unique context to study the normalisation of VAW. This nation has been characterised by high levels of violence over the last sixty years, suffering through evolving stages of armed conflict. Militarisation has been shown to increase the occurrence of VAW (Kelly, 2000), and the normalisation of VAW may intensify as well in militarily violent contexts (Hume, 2004; McWilliams, 1998). Critical discourse analysis offers theory and methodology to examine an aspect of life in terms of social justice and power (Fairclough, 2003; Resende, 2009), denaturalising the discursive practices which help to produce and reproduce power relations between social groups (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997; van Dijk, 1993). This study examines legitimation, a social action realised in discourse, which has the goal of setting and reinforcing a certain social order. The project also explores how legitimation in these forums is tied to Colombian culture and the topic of VAW. Drawing on the methods of van Dijk (1988, 1998, 2001) ,Wood and Kroger (2000), and grounded theory (Corbin & Strauss, 2008), multiple readings of the forums elicited salient themes as well as discursive strategies used to carry out legitimation of VAW. These were analysed in terms of underlying social beliefs prevailing in Colombian society. Dominant themes emerging from analysis of the sexual assault forums include: ‘“real” violence is more important’; ‘this incident was not a big deal’; ‘it’s her fault anyway’; and ‘she should have appreciated it’. These manifest the dominant strategies and structures of contrasts, minimisation, victim blaming, and romanticisation/sexualisation, respectively. Analysis of the wife-beating forums reveals the following themes: ‘this is not related to me’; ‘wife-beating is a private issue’; ‘domestic violence is normal and even important’; ‘it is the victim’s responsibility to change’; and ‘the victim deserves this violence’. Dominant strategies included respectively: distancing explanations and solutions, discourses of privacy, normalising violence, focusing on the victim, and victim blaming. The forum analyses illustrate how legitimation relates to Colombian culture and the topic of VAW. Numerous elements of culture and topic are used to criticise women’s agency and suggest that women ought to be passive and silent. In one culture-related example, the Colombian reiteration of violent events works to silence women’s stories about their experiences of VAW. Another strong element of culture is found in Colombian sayings and proverbs presenting a common knowledge discourse normalising VAW as romantic, sexual and necessary. Discourses used more universally to justify VAW include the idea that women belong in the private sphere and the psychopathologisation of women as attention-seeking and slutty. These elements work together to suggest that women are strong, sexual, and dangerous, needing violence from an authority to keep them uncomplaining and submissive. This work can inform future studies about discourse concerning VAW in Hispanic contexts, sketching in a little-studied disciplinary intersection. As this research participates in the aims of feminist critical discourse analysis, it is hoped that the present study will also be used for critical campaigns aimed at media specialists and educators so that they may create greater awareness and promote change, pointing out and discouraging these discourses legitimating violence against women in Colombia.

Legitimation of violence against women in Colombia: A feminist critical discourse analytic study

Laura Tolton Unknown Date (has links)
This study analyses the legitimation of violence against women in Colombia, using critical discourse analysis to explore attitudes related to violence, gender, and power. Internet forums from the website of the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo provide everyday examples of talk about two incidents of violence against women (VAW), a sexual assault and a wife-beating, both of which triggered a large scale reaction from the Colombian public. Colombia is a unique context to study the normalisation of VAW. This nation has been characterised by high levels of violence over the last sixty years, suffering through evolving stages of armed conflict. Militarisation has been shown to increase the occurrence of VAW (Kelly, 2000), and the normalisation of VAW may intensify as well in militarily violent contexts (Hume, 2004; McWilliams, 1998). Critical discourse analysis offers theory and methodology to examine an aspect of life in terms of social justice and power (Fairclough, 2003; Resende, 2009), denaturalising the discursive practices which help to produce and reproduce power relations between social groups (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997; van Dijk, 1993). This study examines legitimation, a social action realised in discourse, which has the goal of setting and reinforcing a certain social order. The project also explores how legitimation in these forums is tied to Colombian culture and the topic of VAW. Drawing on the methods of van Dijk (1988, 1998, 2001) ,Wood and Kroger (2000), and grounded theory (Corbin & Strauss, 2008), multiple readings of the forums elicited salient themes as well as discursive strategies used to carry out legitimation of VAW. These were analysed in terms of underlying social beliefs prevailing in Colombian society. Dominant themes emerging from analysis of the sexual assault forums include: ‘“real” violence is more important’; ‘this incident was not a big deal’; ‘it’s her fault anyway’; and ‘she should have appreciated it’. These manifest the dominant strategies and structures of contrasts, minimisation, victim blaming, and romanticisation/sexualisation, respectively. Analysis of the wife-beating forums reveals the following themes: ‘this is not related to me’; ‘wife-beating is a private issue’; ‘domestic violence is normal and even important’; ‘it is the victim’s responsibility to change’; and ‘the victim deserves this violence’. Dominant strategies included respectively: distancing explanations and solutions, discourses of privacy, normalising violence, focusing on the victim, and victim blaming. The forum analyses illustrate how legitimation relates to Colombian culture and the topic of VAW. Numerous elements of culture and topic are used to criticise women’s agency and suggest that women ought to be passive and silent. In one culture-related example, the Colombian reiteration of violent events works to silence women’s stories about their experiences of VAW. Another strong element of culture is found in Colombian sayings and proverbs presenting a common knowledge discourse normalising VAW as romantic, sexual and necessary. Discourses used more universally to justify VAW include the idea that women belong in the private sphere and the psychopathologisation of women as attention-seeking and slutty. These elements work together to suggest that women are strong, sexual, and dangerous, needing violence from an authority to keep them uncomplaining and submissive. This work can inform future studies about discourse concerning VAW in Hispanic contexts, sketching in a little-studied disciplinary intersection. As this research participates in the aims of feminist critical discourse analysis, it is hoped that the present study will also be used for critical campaigns aimed at media specialists and educators so that they may create greater awareness and promote change, pointing out and discouraging these discourses legitimating violence against women in Colombia.

Legitimation of violence against women in Colombia: A feminist critical discourse analytic study

Laura Tolton Unknown Date (has links)
This study analyses the legitimation of violence against women in Colombia, using critical discourse analysis to explore attitudes related to violence, gender, and power. Internet forums from the website of the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo provide everyday examples of talk about two incidents of violence against women (VAW), a sexual assault and a wife-beating, both of which triggered a large scale reaction from the Colombian public. Colombia is a unique context to study the normalisation of VAW. This nation has been characterised by high levels of violence over the last sixty years, suffering through evolving stages of armed conflict. Militarisation has been shown to increase the occurrence of VAW (Kelly, 2000), and the normalisation of VAW may intensify as well in militarily violent contexts (Hume, 2004; McWilliams, 1998). Critical discourse analysis offers theory and methodology to examine an aspect of life in terms of social justice and power (Fairclough, 2003; Resende, 2009), denaturalising the discursive practices which help to produce and reproduce power relations between social groups (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997; van Dijk, 1993). This study examines legitimation, a social action realised in discourse, which has the goal of setting and reinforcing a certain social order. The project also explores how legitimation in these forums is tied to Colombian culture and the topic of VAW. Drawing on the methods of van Dijk (1988, 1998, 2001) ,Wood and Kroger (2000), and grounded theory (Corbin & Strauss, 2008), multiple readings of the forums elicited salient themes as well as discursive strategies used to carry out legitimation of VAW. These were analysed in terms of underlying social beliefs prevailing in Colombian society. Dominant themes emerging from analysis of the sexual assault forums include: ‘“real” violence is more important’; ‘this incident was not a big deal’; ‘it’s her fault anyway’; and ‘she should have appreciated it’. These manifest the dominant strategies and structures of contrasts, minimisation, victim blaming, and romanticisation/sexualisation, respectively. Analysis of the wife-beating forums reveals the following themes: ‘this is not related to me’; ‘wife-beating is a private issue’; ‘domestic violence is normal and even important’; ‘it is the victim’s responsibility to change’; and ‘the victim deserves this violence’. Dominant strategies included respectively: distancing explanations and solutions, discourses of privacy, normalising violence, focusing on the victim, and victim blaming. The forum analyses illustrate how legitimation relates to Colombian culture and the topic of VAW. Numerous elements of culture and topic are used to criticise women’s agency and suggest that women ought to be passive and silent. In one culture-related example, the Colombian reiteration of violent events works to silence women’s stories about their experiences of VAW. Another strong element of culture is found in Colombian sayings and proverbs presenting a common knowledge discourse normalising VAW as romantic, sexual and necessary. Discourses used more universally to justify VAW include the idea that women belong in the private sphere and the psychopathologisation of women as attention-seeking and slutty. These elements work together to suggest that women are strong, sexual, and dangerous, needing violence from an authority to keep them uncomplaining and submissive. This work can inform future studies about discourse concerning VAW in Hispanic contexts, sketching in a little-studied disciplinary intersection. As this research participates in the aims of feminist critical discourse analysis, it is hoped that the present study will also be used for critical campaigns aimed at media specialists and educators so that they may create greater awareness and promote change, pointing out and discouraging these discourses legitimating violence against women in Colombia.

Nacheheliche Unterhaltsvereinbarungen und die Grenzen der Privatautonomie : die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung, insbesondere zum Betreuungsunterhalt /

Lotter, Anja. January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Bayreuth, University, Diss., 2006 u.d.T.: Lotter, Anja: Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung zu den Grenzen der Privatautonomie bei Vereinbarungen über den nachehelichen Unterhalt, insbesondere den Betreuungsunterhalt.

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