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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

At the End of the Peninsula

Fine, Jonathan David 01 January 2012 (has links)
In 1865, a settler named James John laid out a small neighborhood at the end of the north Portland peninsula, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. For a half century, until its annexation to Portland in 1915, St. Johns was an independent municipality. Factories lined the waterfront, and a full complement of businesses in the small downtown area--grocers, bakers, hardware stores, clothing shops--catered to all the residents' needs. St. Johns was always a working-class town with a strong sense of identity. But after World War II, as Portland grew, St. Johns began to seem defined less by self-sufficiency than by isolation and neglect. Mom-and-Pop shops had a hard time staying in business. Junkyards and drinking establishments proliferated. Residents began to realize the full extent of decades of industrial pollution on the St. Johns waterfront. At some point, St. Johns officially became the poorest neighborhood in Portland, a distinction it still holds today. But St. Johns never lost the loyalty of its residents. This thesis is about some of the people and places that embody the neighborhood's eclectic and stubborn character. As St. Johns undergoes a gradual and perhaps inevitable transformation into a trendier, more upscale area, time is running short to meet the old-timers and try to understand the neighborhood through their eyes. This thesis attempts to capture the essence of a neighborhood with a rich past, a colorful present, and a promising but uncertain future.

Proyecto Sherezade: etnografía, narración de historias y transmedia en la enseñanza y difusión del conocimiento cultural / Proyecto Sherezade: etnografía, narración de historias y transmedia en la enseñanza y difusión del conocimiento cultural

Huerta, Alexander 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Sherezade Project set forth by the teachers’ Academic Management at PUCP aims to integrate transmedia platforms and anthropological research. The present article details the process of incorporating audiovisual and narrative methods into the urban anthropology course. It also describes the process of producing micro-programs for the university’s TV channel. In this case, wrestling was chosen as the subject by the students and was diffused to a larger audience than just the academic. The project’s main goal is to apply new audiovisual platforms and technology to university education, thus training the students to not only do research but also to democratically relay the results of said social research to the community. / El proyecto Sherezade, promovido por la Dirección Académica del Profesorado de la PUCP, busca integrar las plataformas transmedia y la investigación antropológica. En el presente artículo se expone las características del proceso de incluir técnicas audiovisuales y de narrativa en el curso Antropología Urbana. También se expone la creación de los microprogramas modelo para el canal de TV universitario, donde se escogió el caso de la lucha libre de espectáculo, y que sirvieron como ejemplo para los alumnos y como material de difusión para un público mucho más amplio que el académico. El objetivo final del proyecto es aplicar las nuevas tecnologías y plataformas audiovisuales en la enseñanza universitaria, entrenando así a los alumnos no solo para investigar sino para transmitir democráticamente los resultados de la investigación social a la comunidad.

Zápas a techniky neozbrojeného boje středověku ve světle dobových pramenů a širším kontextu bojových umění / Wrestling and Hand-to-Hand Combat Techniques in Middle Ages in the Light of Historical Sources and within the Wider Context of Martial Arts

Šlapák, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The study deals with European medieval contact combat, which is often unjustly overlooked and underestimated. It places medieval wrestling and the techniques of medieval hand-to-hand combat systems into the wider context of global development and qualitatively assesses their technical level. In historiographical literature, martial arts used by medieval wrestlers, just like any other medieval martial arts, are often regarded as a mere connecting link between the advanced ancient combat and complex Renaissance combat systems. However, such assessment is rather the result of logical premises, not a detailed analysis. The study does not regard medieval combat as a complete and imperfect interlude on its way towards ever-more perfect formations. On the contrary, the study aims to find and explore several phases and systems, various qualitative levels that medieval combat systems went through and which emerged from the heterogeneous conditions of different time epochs. The study will explain the reasons of the transformation from ancient combat activities into medieval systems and it will reveal and explain their particular forms and contents on specific examples. It will also stress the fact that each peak phase of development of any martial art fully meets the needs of the war field and self-defence...

Analyse comparative des facteurs de fréquentation d'événements sportifs au Sénégal. Cas de la lutte avec frappe, du football navétane et du football professionnel. / Comparative stady of sport events attendance factors in Senegal. The case of senegalese wrestling, seasonal soccer (navatane) and professonal soccer.

Fall, Ibrahima 29 June 2018 (has links)
L’étude prend sa source dans une préoccupation qui anime la plupart des dirigeants de fédérations et de clubs sportifs au Sénégal : leur difficulté à mobiliser un public nombreux lors des évènements sportifs qu’ils organisent. Cette situation renvoie à un questionnement sur leur capacité actuelle à répondre aux besoins et attentes des spectateurs, les fidéliser et en conquérir de nouveaux. Dans ce contexte, notre question de recherche principale est de savoir quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la décision des spectateurs d’assister à des évènements sportifs au Sénégal ; en d’autres termes, comprendre les motivations des spectateurs à fréquenter (ou à ne pas fréquenter) les lieux de ces évènements. Pour cela, nous avons analysé les cas de trois types de spectacles sportifs : (1) celui d’un sport moderne d’importation (le championnat de football professionnel) ; (2) celui d’un sport traditionnel (la lutte avec frappe) et (3) celui d’une pratique se situant entre tradition communautaire et modernité - sport moderne « tropicalisé » - (le championnat populaire navétane), afin de mettre en lumière des spécificités explicatives.Les résultats révèlent six facteurs majeurs pouvant influencer la fréquentation d’un évènement sportif au Sénégal : la proximité des lieux de compétition, l’affirmation d’une appartenance identitaire, la passion du sport, la recherche d’interactions sociales, la quête du plaisir et du divertissement, la stimulation émotionnelle. Parallèlement, ils nous ont amené à mettre en évidence quelques critères pouvant conduire à mieux segmenter l’offre de spectacle sportif : la motivation de fréquentation, la régularité, le degré de participation aux actions de supportérisme, le rapport à la violence ; soit autant de critère permettant de construire une offre adaptée aux différentes catégories de publics.D’un point de vue managérial, ce travail de recherche livre des informations utiles aux organisateurs. En effet, elles peuvent leur permettre d’avoir une meilleure visibilité de la demande : d’une part, une identification plus fine des publics sous la forme d’une typologie, d’autre part, une caractérisation actualisée de leurs besoins et attentes et de leurs comportements de consommation ; cette meilleure connaissance du marché devant logiquement les conduire à des stratégies marketing plus efficaces en matière de segmentation de leur offre et de ciblage des différentes catégories de publics. / The study has its source in a concern that drives most leaders of federations and sports clubs in Senegal: their difficulty to mobilize a big audience during the sports events which they organize. This situation raises questions about their current capacity to meet the needs and expectations of spectators, to make them loyal and to try conquer new ones. In this context, the main aim of our research question is to know what are the factors which influence the decision of the spectators to attend sports events in Senegal; in other words, understand the motivations of the spectators to go (or not to go) to these events places. For that purpose, we analyzed the cases of three types of sports shows : (1) that of a modern import sport (the professional football championship); (2) that of a traditional sport (wrestling) and (3) that of a practice between communitarian tradition and modernity - "tropicalized" modern sport - (the popular Navetane championship), in order to highlight explanatory specificities.The results reveal six major factors which can influence the attendance of a sport event in Senegal: the proximity of the competition venues, the affirmation of identity, the passion for sport, the search for social interaction, the pursuit of pleasure and entertainment, emotional stimulation. At the same time, they allow us to highlight some criteria which can lead to better segment the offer of sports show: Their motivation to attend, their regularity, their degree of participation in the actions of “supporterism”, the link with violence , these are enough criteria that can help build an offer adapted to different categories of public.From a managerial point of view, this research work delivers information useful for the organizers. Indeed, they can allow them to have a better visibility of the demand (request): on the one hand a finer identification of public in the form of a typology, on the other hand, a characterization updated by their needs and expectations of their consumer behavior; this good knowledge of the market must lead them logically to more effective marketing strategies regarding segmentation of their offer and targeting of the various categories of public.

Разработка серии детских спортивных мероприятий для МАОУ ДО СШОР по греко-римской борьбе : магистерская диссертация / Development of a series of children's sports events for municipal autonomous educational institution of further education greco-roman wrestling olympic reserve school

Романенкова, К. А., Romanenkova, K. A. January 2023 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании изучены теοретические аспекты разрабοтки детских спοртивных мерοприятий пο спοртивнοй бοрьбе, прοанализирοвана деятельнοсть МАΟУ ДΟ СШΟР пο грекο-римскοй бοрьбе, выявлены особенности детских соревнований в спортивной борьбе. В результате диссертационной работы разрабοтана серия детских спοртивных мерοприятий для МАΟУ ДΟ СШΟР пο грекο-римскοй бοрьбе с целью увеличения контингента занимающихся. / The dissertation studies the theοretical aspects of developmentοf children's spοrting events in wrestling, analyses the activities of Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of further education Grekο-Roman Wrestling Olympic Reserve school, determines the peculiar features of children's competitions in wrestling. As a result of the dissertation work a series of children's sports events for Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of further education Grekο-Roman Wrestling Olympic Reserve school in Greko-Roman wrestling has been developed in order to increase the number of students.

Real Fake Fighting: the Aesthetic of Qualified Realism in Japanese Professional Wrestling

Marino, Clara 01 July 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Professional wrestling is a performance art in which the line between fact and fiction is often obscured. Much of the existing scholarship on the medium that examines its dynamics regard reality and artifice focuses on the role of the artificial, analyzing pro-wrestling as primarily a form of heightened spectacle akin to passion plays or soap opera. However, professional wrestling in Japan, particularly that found in the country's largest promotion, New Japan Pro-Wrestling, features many elements that resemble real sports much more closely than many American promotions. These elements include fighting styles, wrestler injury, characters that do not fit easily into defined archetypes, stories focused on win-loss records, promos that resemble press releases, and audiences who react to the show not only like a performance, but also as if it were a real sport. At the same time, it does still feature many spectacular and heightened elements found throughout the pro-wrestling world, resulting in an overall aesthetic of qualified realism. This realism is a defining element of promotions like New Japan Pro-Wrestling, and it serves to make characters and their stories relatable to audiences in ways that are more difficult for other promotions. This reveals unique thematic qualities of Japanese pro-wrestling, in addition to demonstrating the aesthetic diversity of the genre as a whole.

Motivationale und Volitionale Aspekte im Leistungssport im interkulturellen Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Ägypten : eine explorative Analyse am Beispiel Ringen / Motivational and Volitional aspects of competitive sports in cross-cultural comparison between Germany and Egypt : an exploratory analysis based on Sports Wrestling

Serag, Rabe Al Sayed Al Sayed January 2013 (has links)
Kultur gibt den Menschen eine Orientierung. Sie machen darin ganz spezifische Erfahrungen. Hieraus entwickeln sich auch motivationale Orientierungen. Dadurch werden andere Erfahrungen gemacht, die Sportler können andere Motivation und Volition entwickeln. Dabei sind mehr kollektivistische Kulturen eher vermeidungs-motiviert und mehr individualistische Kulturen mehr erfolgsorientiert. Beim Kollektivismus erscheint die Leistungsmotivation eher unter einem sozialen Aspekt, nämlich die Auseinandersetzung mit einem Gütemaßstab, der eher von außen vorgegeben wird und weniger einem ausschließlich eigenen Maßstab. Ägypten erweist sich im Vergleich zu Deutschland als eine eher kollektivistisch geprägte Kultur. Daraus ergeben sich folgende Unterschiede: Einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen deutschen und ägyptischen Ringern gibt es in der Wettkampforientierung und bei der Sieg- bzw. Gewinn-Orientierung. Die ägyptischen Ringer habe eine höhere Ausprägung als die Deutschen. Sie weisen auch eine etwas höhere Zielorientierung auf als die Deutschen. Entgegen den Erwartungen zeigte sich, dass es keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den ägyptischen und deutschen Ringern gibt in der Variable: Sieg- bzw. Gewinn-Orientierung. Die Furcht vor Misserfolg sowie auch die Hoffnung auf Erfolg liegen höher bei den Ägyptern als bei den Deutschen. Bezogen auf die Modi der Handlungskontrolle verfügen die Deutschen Ringer über eine höher Ausprägung auf allen drei Komponenten. Sie haben eine höhere Handlungsorientierung nach Misserfolg, eine höhere Handlungsplanung sowie eine höhere Handlungstätigkeitsausführung. Diese kulturell kontrastive Studie über die psychologischen Aspekte, im Bereich der Leistungsmotivation und der Handlungskontrolle, kann für die Sportart Ringen sehr nützlich werden, da sie sehr wichtig ist beim Erkennen der sportlichen Überlegenheits- und Schwächemerkmale. Sie wiederspiegelt auch die Hochstimmung in den entwickelten Staaten oder die Misere in den anderen Staaten. Aus den interkulturellen Unterschieden in der Motivation und Volition können somit verschiedene Maßnahmen zu sportpsychologischen Interventionen entwickelt werden. Es sollte unbedingt darauf wert gelegt werden, dass die kulturell bedingten Unterschiede im Trainingsalltag beachtet werden, bei Teams, die aus Personen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen stammen. / Culture gives people a guide. They make very specific experiences. So they develop motivational orientations. Because other experiences are made, the athlete can develop other motivation and volition. While more collectivist cultures have more avoidance motivation the individualistic cultures are more performance-oriented. In collectivism appears motivation rather from a social aspect, namely the examination of a quality standard that is more externally determined and less an exclusively own scale. Egypt proves to be compared to Germany as a more collectivist influenced culture. This has the following differences: There are significant differences between German and Egyptian wrestlers in the competition orientation and the victory or profit-orientation. The Egyptian wrestlers have higher levels than the Germans. They also have a slightly higher goal orientation than the Germans. Contrary to expectations, it was found that there were no significant differences between the Egyptian and German wrestlers in the variable: victory or profit-orientation. The fear of failure and the hope of success are higher among Egyptians than the Germans. Based on the modes of action control, the Germans have a higher expression of wrestlers on all three components. They have a higher action orientation after failure, a higher action planning and a higher activity of action execution. This culturally contrastive study of the psychological aspects in the field of achievement motivation and executive control, can be very useful for the sport of wrestling, as it is very important in recognizing the athletic superiority and weak features. It also reflects the high spirits in the developed countries or the misery in the other states. From the intercultural differences in the motivation and volition thus several measures to sport psychological interventions are developed. Care should be made not worth that culturally specific differences were observed in the daily training, in teams that come from people from different cultures.

Modelagem eletroquímica e do distúrbio ácido-básico em atletas de karatê participantes do campeonato mundial WKO 2014 / Electrochemical and acid-base disorder evaluation in Karate athletes participating in the world championship WKO 2014

Ferreira, Lucas dos Santos 04 December 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento eletroquímico e do distúrbio ácido-básico em atletas de alto rendimento durante o campeonato mundial de Karatê realizado pela WKO (World Karate Organization) em 2014. A amostra foi composta por 19 atletas do gênero masculino, com idade média de 34 ± 8 anos. Todos eles eram faixas pretas, e tinham mais de 5 anos de prática na modalidade. Foram realizadas coletas de sangue capilar da polpa digital dos dedos da mão em três momentos: repouso, 5 minutos após o combate e 10 minutos após combate (kumite). A amostra foi analisada utilizando o aparelho de gasometria GEM Premier 3000, utilizando os parâmetros pH, Na+, K+, Ca2+, lactato e HCO3−. Os valores relacionados ao distúrbio ácido-básico apresentaram diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) na maioria dos momentos coletados. Os valores de lactato encontrados foram de 2,77 ± 0,97 mmol/L no repouso, 6,57 ± 2,1 para 5 minutos após e de 4,06 ± 1,55 para 10 minutos após o combate. Os dados coletados relativos aos marcadores eletrolíticos não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas em seus valores (p<0,05). Através dos dados levantados, conjecturamos que a modalidade pode ser caracterizada como exercício de alta intensidade e com predominância do sistema glicolítico. A análise do distúrbio ácido-básico é uma medida eficiente para auxiliar no controle das cargas de treinamento. / The objective of this study was to analyze the electrochemical and acid-base disorders in high performance athletes during the World Karate Championship hosted by the WKO (World Karate Organization) in 2014. In this study 19 male athletes were analyzed (age 34 ± 8), black belts and with over 5 years of experience in the sport. Capillary blood samples from the digital pulp of the finger were collected in three stages: rest, 5 minutes after and 10 minutes after fighting (kumite). The sample was analyzed using blood gas analyzer GEM Premier 3000, using the parameters pH, Na+, K+, Ca2+, lactate e HCO3−. The values related to acid-base disturbance presented statistical differences (p <0.05) in most of the collected moments. The lactate levels found were 2.77 ± 0.97mmol / L in rest, 6.57 ± 2.1 for 5 minutes after and 4.06 ± 1.55 for 10 minutes after combat. The samples collected for the electrolytic markers showed no statistical differences in their values (p <0.05). Through the data collected, we conjecture that the sport can be characterized as a high-intensity exercise and with a predominance of the glycolytic system. The analysis of acid-base disturbance is an efficient method to assist in the control of training loads.

Estudo molecular dos genes alfa actinina 3 e ECA I/D em atletas de esportes de combate, artes marciais e lutas de alto rendimento: ênfase em luta de percussão

Netto, Zair Candido de Oliveira 17 November 2014 (has links)
Os fatores genéticos e o meio ambiente são pontos relevantes no que tange a capacidade física do ser humano. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o genótipo dos genes, ACTN3 e da ACE I/D, em lutadores de alto rendimento na modalidade de percussão. Neste estudo fizeram parte do conjunto amostral 15 atletas de alto rendimento da esportes de combate e arte marcial, sendo sendo 6 lutadores de Karatê, 4 lutadores de Taekwondo, 4 lutadores de Muay Thai e 1 lutador de Boxe, todos do sexo masculino com idade média de 25,06 anos, com experiência nacional e internacional em suas respectivas modalidades e categorias de peso. A genotipagem dos polimorfismos do ACTN3 e ACE I/D foi realizada por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) a partir do DNA genômico. As frequências genotípicas e alélicas foram comparadas com populações controle e de atletas pelos testes do Qui-Quadrado, e exato de Fisher, para todas as análises foi adotado p˂0,05. Os resultados obtidos para as frequências genotípicas e alélicas do ACTN3 (RR=35,71%,RX=57,14% e XX=7,14%; R=64,28% e X=33,71%) e do ACE I/D (DD=30,76%, ID=50,84% e II=15,36%; D=65,2% e I=34,8%) não diferiram significativamente da população controle e com estudos relacionados a força. Em conclusão os dados da presente pesquisa seguem os padrões esperados para população no que tange a frequência genotípicas e em sua distribuição alélica nos genes da ACTN3 e da ACE I/D com lutadores de percussão. / Genetic factors and the environment are relevant points regarding the physical capacity of the human being. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotype of genes, ACTN3 and ACE I / D with fighters in high yield in the form of percussion. In this study were part of the sample set of 15 high-level athletes in combat sports and martial arts, 6 fighters from Karate, 4 fighters Taekwondo, 4 fighters Muay Thai and 1 boxing. All fighters being present, all males with average age of 25.06 years with national and international experience in their respective weight classes and methods. Genotyping of polymorphisms of ACTN3 and ACE I / D was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) chain from the genomic DNA. The genotypic and allelic frequencies were compared with control populations and athletes by Qui-Quadrado and Fisher exact tests for all analyzes was adopted P=0.05. The results obtained for genotypic and allelic frequencies of ACTN3 (RR = 35.71%, 57.14% and RX = XX = 7.14%; R = X = 64.28% and 33.71%) and ACE I / D (DD = 30.76%, 50.84% and ID = II = 15.36%; D = I = 65.2% and 34.8%) did not differ significantly from the control population e power sports In conclusion the data of this study follow the expected population in relation to genotypic and allelic frequency distribution in the ACTN3 gene and ACE I / D fighters of percussion.

Modelagem eletroquímica e do distúrbio ácido-básico em atletas de karatê participantes do campeonato mundial WKO 2014 / Electrochemical and acid-base disorder evaluation in Karate athletes participating in the world championship WKO 2014

Ferreira, Lucas dos Santos 04 December 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento eletroquímico e do distúrbio ácido-básico em atletas de alto rendimento durante o campeonato mundial de Karatê realizado pela WKO (World Karate Organization) em 2014. A amostra foi composta por 19 atletas do gênero masculino, com idade média de 34 ± 8 anos. Todos eles eram faixas pretas, e tinham mais de 5 anos de prática na modalidade. Foram realizadas coletas de sangue capilar da polpa digital dos dedos da mão em três momentos: repouso, 5 minutos após o combate e 10 minutos após combate (kumite). A amostra foi analisada utilizando o aparelho de gasometria GEM Premier 3000, utilizando os parâmetros pH, Na+, K+, Ca2+, lactato e HCO3−. Os valores relacionados ao distúrbio ácido-básico apresentaram diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) na maioria dos momentos coletados. Os valores de lactato encontrados foram de 2,77 ± 0,97 mmol/L no repouso, 6,57 ± 2,1 para 5 minutos após e de 4,06 ± 1,55 para 10 minutos após o combate. Os dados coletados relativos aos marcadores eletrolíticos não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas em seus valores (p<0,05). Através dos dados levantados, conjecturamos que a modalidade pode ser caracterizada como exercício de alta intensidade e com predominância do sistema glicolítico. A análise do distúrbio ácido-básico é uma medida eficiente para auxiliar no controle das cargas de treinamento. / The objective of this study was to analyze the electrochemical and acid-base disorders in high performance athletes during the World Karate Championship hosted by the WKO (World Karate Organization) in 2014. In this study 19 male athletes were analyzed (age 34 ± 8), black belts and with over 5 years of experience in the sport. Capillary blood samples from the digital pulp of the finger were collected in three stages: rest, 5 minutes after and 10 minutes after fighting (kumite). The sample was analyzed using blood gas analyzer GEM Premier 3000, using the parameters pH, Na+, K+, Ca2+, lactate e HCO3−. The values related to acid-base disturbance presented statistical differences (p <0.05) in most of the collected moments. The lactate levels found were 2.77 ± 0.97mmol / L in rest, 6.57 ± 2.1 for 5 minutes after and 4.06 ± 1.55 for 10 minutes after combat. The samples collected for the electrolytic markers showed no statistical differences in their values (p <0.05). Through the data collected, we conjecture that the sport can be characterized as a high-intensity exercise and with a predominance of the glycolytic system. The analysis of acid-base disturbance is an efficient method to assist in the control of training loads.

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