Spelling suggestions: "subject:"monoliths""
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Evolução geoquímica do manto litosférico subcontinental do Vulcão Agua Poca, Província Basáltica Andino-Cuyana, Centro-Oeste da ArgentinaJalowitzki, Tiago Luis Reis January 2010 (has links)
O campo vulcânico Patagônico é composto pelo vulcanismo datado do Quaternário ao Cretáceo e está amplamente distribuído no ambiente geotectônico de extra back-arc continental. Onze vulcões associados à ocorrência de xenólitos mantélicos estão situados dos 36°13’S aos 44°52’S. Estes vulcões são dominantemente compostos por basanitos e a basaltos alcalinos, que são divididos em dois grupos com base em aspectos petrográficos, geoquímicos e isotópicos. (Grupos I e II). Estes Grupos estão relacionados a fontes mantélicas similares, mas foram submetidos a diferentes processos metassomáticos. Os Grupos I e I foram gerados a partir de baixas taxas de fusão a partir de uma fonte mantélica do tipo OIB na zona de estabilidade da granada, mas o Grupo II tem características de manto enriquecido (EMII) possivelmente herdadas de um agente metassomático relacionado à zona de subducção, enquanto que o Grupo I demonstra assinatura geoquímica de magmas tipo OIB relacionados a fontes mantélicas ricas em flogopita. Os basaltos alcalinos do vulcão Agua Poca (37º01’S - 68º07’W) pertencem ao Grupo II e são traquibasaltos. O vulcão Agua Poca é definido é piroclástico monogenético, é composto por intercalações de camadas de spatter e cinder, hospeda xenólitos mantélicos e está localizado a oeste da Província de La Pampa, no extremo norte da Argentina. As amostras de xenólitos mostram textura protogranular, protogranular a porfiroclástica, porfiroclástica e porfiroclástica a equigranular e são compostos por olivina (fosterita), ortopiroxênio (enstatita), clinopiroxênio (diopsídio) e espinélio (sp). Os xenólitos estudados são peridotitos da fácies espinélio e piroxenitos anidros em basaltos alcalinos do Pleistoceno com #Mg em rocha total de 89 a 91. As assinaturas geoquímicas desses xenólitos mostram correlação negativa entre os principais óxidos quando dispostos contra o #Mg e estão empobrecidos em elementos incompatíveis em relação ao manto primitivo (MP). Os xenólitos do vulcão Agua Poca são caracterizados pelo empobrecimento de ETRP e ETRM normalizados para o MP e pelo fracionamento de ETRL em relação aos ETRP (CeN/YbN = 0,15-0,5), com exceção da amostra HAP10 (1,46). Esse comportamento indica que os xenólitos do terreno Cuyania são o resultado de 1 a 10% de fusão do DMM (Manto Depletado) ou de 8 a 17% do MP (Manto Primitivo). Em geral, os peridotitos mostram anomalias positivas de Ba, U, Ta, Pb, Zr e Ti; e anomalias negativas de Rb, Th, Nb, La e Y, enquanto que os piroxenitos mostram anomalias positivas de Ba, U, Ta e Pb; e anomalias negativas de Th, Nb, La, Zr, Hf, Ti e Y. Curvas de mistura calculadas para o resíduo de fusão do MP/DMM com a composição de fluídos/sedimentos derivados de ambientes de subducção indicam interação do manto com até 3% de fluídos/sedimentos. As razões 87Sr/86Sr (0,702874 - 0,704999, com média de 0,704035) são muito similares àquelas definidas para peridotitos com fonte tipo OIB. Agua Poca tem razões 87Sr/86Sr, que estão abaixo daquelas definidas para peridotitos metassomatizados (usualmente >0,705). As razões de Nb/Ta sugerem a presença de um reservatório eclogítico refratário subductado fusão parcial gerando líquidos alcalinos com razões Nb/Ta supercondríticas. / The Patagonian Volcanic Field composed of late Cretaceous to Quaternary volcanism is widely distributed in a continental extra back-arc geotectonic environment. Eleven monogenetic volcanoes accompanied with ultramafic xenoliths are situated from 36°13′S to 44°52′S. These volcanoes are dominantly composed of basanite to alkaline basalt, which are divided into two groups, based on mineralogy, geochemical and isotope compositions (Groups I and II). These Groups are originated from the similar subcontinental mantle sources, but were undergone to different metasomatism processes. Groups I and II were generated from low melting degrees of an OIB-like garnet peridotite, but the Group II has enriched mantle (EMII) characteristics possibly inherited from on-going subduction related metasomatism, while Group I demonstrates the OIB-like signature, which might result from phlogopite-bearing in the subcontinental lithosphere. The alkaline basalts from Agua Poca volcano (37º01’S - 68º07’W) belong to the Group II and are trachybasalts. The Agua Poca volcano is a monogenetic pyroclastic volcano composed by intercalation of spatter and cinder layers, host ultramafic mantle xenoliths and is located in the West of the La Pampa Province, Northernmost of Argentine Patagonia. The xenoliths show protogranular, protogranular to porphyroclastic, porphyroclastic and porphyroclastic to equigranular textures, and are composed of olivine (fosterite), orthopyroxene (enstatite), clinopyroxene (diopside) and spinel (sp). The studied xenoliths are anhydrous spinel-bearing peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths in Pleistocene alkali basalts with whole rock Mg# from 88 to 91. Geochemical signatures of the mantle xenoliths show negative correlation between main oxides against Mg# and depletion in incompatible elements compared to primitive mantle (PM). Agua Poca mantle xenoliths are characterized by flat Sun & McDonough (1989) primitive mantle (PM) normalized HREE and MREE patterns, and depletion of LREE compared to HREE (CeN/YbN = 0.15-0.5), with exception of the HAP10 (1.46) sample. These characteristics suggest that partial melting event is the main process responsible for the generation of these xenoliths. Model calculations suggest that the xenoliths are the result of 1 to 10% of DMM (Depleted Mantle MORB) or 8 to 17% of PM partial melting. Peridotite samples show positive anomalies of Ba, U, Ta, Pb, Zr and Ti; and negative anomalies of Rb, Th, Nb, La and Y, while the pyroxenite samples show positive anomalies of Ba, U, Ta and Pb; and negative anomalies of Th, Nb, La, Zr, Hf, Ti and Y. Mixing curves calculated to mixtures of melting residue of PM/DMM and fluid or sediment compositions related to subduction tectonic setting end members suggest up to 3% of interaction of the fluid sediment on the depleted mantle residue. 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.702874 - 0.704999, with average of 0.704035) are similar to those defined to peridotites with OIB source (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70244 to 0.70502), being close to Depleted Mantle (DM; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7023 to 0.7032) values. Nb/Ta ratios suggest that Agua Poca xenoliths were undergone to partial melting processes that generated alkaline magmas with superchondritic Nb/Ta ratios.
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Suíte de xenólitos de Cerro de los Chenques (Argentina) evolução dos processos de metassomatismo durante a diferenciação do manto litosféricoRieck Junior, Norberto January 2008 (has links)
A suíte de xenólitos ultramáficos do Cerro de los Chenques, Patagônia (44°52’19”S/70°03’57”W), represeta o Manto Litosférico Continental nesta região. Estas rochas guardam registros dos processos a que o manto esteve sujeito durante todo o período de evolução e diferenciação do próprio manto litosférico e de formação de crosta continental. Utilizando-se dados de petrologia, de geoquímica mineral e rocha total de elementos maiores e menores e dados isotópicos, é possível demonstrar que os xenólitos do Cerro de los Chenques possuem paragênese mineralógica primária formada por olivina, enstatita, diopsído e espinélio e que esta paragênese está em equilíbrio, como pode ser observado nos dados de química mineral. Desta forma estas rochas são classificadas como espinélio lherzolitos, espinélio harzburgitos e espinélio olivinawebsteritos, com temperatura e pressão de equilíbrio variando de 782°C a 1029ºC e 14kbar a 19 kbar. Mesmo que a paragênese primária esteja em equilíbrio, ocorrem instabilidades locais com formação de fusão na forma de bolsões de vidro silicáticos e de uma paragênese secundária composta por olivina, diopsídio e espinélio. Os dados geoquímicos de rocha total mostram depleção nos elementos alcalinos e nos elementos traço em relação ao manto primitivo, ilustrando que houve processo de fusão parcial atuando nestas rochas. As amostras estudadas apresentam também feições características de processos de metassomatismo em momentos distintos e guardando características particulares em cada um deles. O primeiro evento metassomático foi determinado como sendo originado por uma pluma de ascenção astenosférica, sendo denotado principalmente pelo enriquecimento nos HFSE (Nb e Ta) e alguns elementos incompatíveis LILE. Este evento é responsável pela metassomatização dos lherzolitos e harzburgitos e pela formação dos olivina-websteritos a partir de um manto granadalherzolítico, onde a granada se torna instável para a formação de clinopiroxênio e espinélio. Eventos metassomáticos posteriores a este também foram identificados, sendo desta vez relacionados a líquidos provenientes da desidratação e fusão de placas oceânicas em zonas de subducção. Um desses eventos está relacionado a colagem dos micro-continentes Maciço Norte Patagônico e Maciço del Deseado, por volta de 350 Ma caracterizado principalmente pelo enriquecimento nos ETR leves em relação aos pesados. O outro, mais recente, relacionado à subducção da Placa Oceânica de Nazca, onde o principal evento é o enriquecimento nos elementos calcófilos (Pb, Sn, W e Sb), que também está registrado em todas as suítes de xenólitos da Patagônia. Foi determinado ainda, que os basaltos de platô de back-arc, resposnsáveis por trazer os xenólitos à superfície não infiltram nos xenólitos, a ponto de alterar a química de suas rochas. / The ultramafic xenolith set from Cerro de los Chenques, Patagônia (44°52’19”S/70°03’57”W), represents the Sub Continetal Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM) of this region. All rocks record processes in the mantle that happened during all period of lithospheric mantle differentiation and crust formation. Using the petrologica data, mineralochemistry, and major, trace and isotope element geochemistry, it is possible to demonstrate that the xenoltihs equilibria mineral assemblage is olivine, enstatite, diopside and spinel. These rocks are classified as spinel lherzolites, spinel harzburgite and spinel olivine websterite, with temperature and pressure equilibrium of 782° to 1029°C and 14 19 kbar, respectively. It is also possible to point out that metassomatic process occurred in the xenolith rocks, which resulted in the crystallization of a secondary assemblage formed by olivine, diopside and spinel, and the formation of silicate melt pockets around spinel and clinopyroxene. Geochemistry data show alkalis and trace elements depletion in relation to primitive mantle as a result of the melting events. The studied samples also show metasomatic events in different periods, with different characteristics. The first metasomatic event was related to an upwelling of an asthenospheric plume, responsible for the HFSE (Nb and Ta) and some incompatible elements (LILE) enrichment in all lithologies, and by the formation of the olivinewebsterite from a garnet-lherzolite, in which garnet reacts out to form clinopyroxene and spinel. Two others metasomatic events must have happened, following this one, both related to fluids and melts originated from the dehydration and melting of the subducting slab. One of these events is related to the collage of the Norte-Patagônia massif to del Deseado massif micro-continets, around 350 Ma, which resulted in the light REE enrichment. The other one, more recent, is related to the Nazca subducting slab, responsible for the enrichment in chalcophile elements (Pb, Sn, W and Sb), which is also observed in all mantle xenoliths from Patagonia. We also discard any infiltration of the host-basalt as the responsible for the ultramafic xenoliths chemical modification.
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Suíte de xenólitos de Cerro de los Chenques (Argentina) evolução dos processos de metassomatismo durante a diferenciação do manto litosféricoRieck Junior, Norberto January 2008 (has links)
A suíte de xenólitos ultramáficos do Cerro de los Chenques, Patagônia (44°52’19”S/70°03’57”W), represeta o Manto Litosférico Continental nesta região. Estas rochas guardam registros dos processos a que o manto esteve sujeito durante todo o período de evolução e diferenciação do próprio manto litosférico e de formação de crosta continental. Utilizando-se dados de petrologia, de geoquímica mineral e rocha total de elementos maiores e menores e dados isotópicos, é possível demonstrar que os xenólitos do Cerro de los Chenques possuem paragênese mineralógica primária formada por olivina, enstatita, diopsído e espinélio e que esta paragênese está em equilíbrio, como pode ser observado nos dados de química mineral. Desta forma estas rochas são classificadas como espinélio lherzolitos, espinélio harzburgitos e espinélio olivinawebsteritos, com temperatura e pressão de equilíbrio variando de 782°C a 1029ºC e 14kbar a 19 kbar. Mesmo que a paragênese primária esteja em equilíbrio, ocorrem instabilidades locais com formação de fusão na forma de bolsões de vidro silicáticos e de uma paragênese secundária composta por olivina, diopsídio e espinélio. Os dados geoquímicos de rocha total mostram depleção nos elementos alcalinos e nos elementos traço em relação ao manto primitivo, ilustrando que houve processo de fusão parcial atuando nestas rochas. As amostras estudadas apresentam também feições características de processos de metassomatismo em momentos distintos e guardando características particulares em cada um deles. O primeiro evento metassomático foi determinado como sendo originado por uma pluma de ascenção astenosférica, sendo denotado principalmente pelo enriquecimento nos HFSE (Nb e Ta) e alguns elementos incompatíveis LILE. Este evento é responsável pela metassomatização dos lherzolitos e harzburgitos e pela formação dos olivina-websteritos a partir de um manto granadalherzolítico, onde a granada se torna instável para a formação de clinopiroxênio e espinélio. Eventos metassomáticos posteriores a este também foram identificados, sendo desta vez relacionados a líquidos provenientes da desidratação e fusão de placas oceânicas em zonas de subducção. Um desses eventos está relacionado a colagem dos micro-continentes Maciço Norte Patagônico e Maciço del Deseado, por volta de 350 Ma caracterizado principalmente pelo enriquecimento nos ETR leves em relação aos pesados. O outro, mais recente, relacionado à subducção da Placa Oceânica de Nazca, onde o principal evento é o enriquecimento nos elementos calcófilos (Pb, Sn, W e Sb), que também está registrado em todas as suítes de xenólitos da Patagônia. Foi determinado ainda, que os basaltos de platô de back-arc, resposnsáveis por trazer os xenólitos à superfície não infiltram nos xenólitos, a ponto de alterar a química de suas rochas. / The ultramafic xenolith set from Cerro de los Chenques, Patagônia (44°52’19”S/70°03’57”W), represents the Sub Continetal Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM) of this region. All rocks record processes in the mantle that happened during all period of lithospheric mantle differentiation and crust formation. Using the petrologica data, mineralochemistry, and major, trace and isotope element geochemistry, it is possible to demonstrate that the xenoltihs equilibria mineral assemblage is olivine, enstatite, diopside and spinel. These rocks are classified as spinel lherzolites, spinel harzburgite and spinel olivine websterite, with temperature and pressure equilibrium of 782° to 1029°C and 14 19 kbar, respectively. It is also possible to point out that metassomatic process occurred in the xenolith rocks, which resulted in the crystallization of a secondary assemblage formed by olivine, diopside and spinel, and the formation of silicate melt pockets around spinel and clinopyroxene. Geochemistry data show alkalis and trace elements depletion in relation to primitive mantle as a result of the melting events. The studied samples also show metasomatic events in different periods, with different characteristics. The first metasomatic event was related to an upwelling of an asthenospheric plume, responsible for the HFSE (Nb and Ta) and some incompatible elements (LILE) enrichment in all lithologies, and by the formation of the olivinewebsterite from a garnet-lherzolite, in which garnet reacts out to form clinopyroxene and spinel. Two others metasomatic events must have happened, following this one, both related to fluids and melts originated from the dehydration and melting of the subducting slab. One of these events is related to the collage of the Norte-Patagônia massif to del Deseado massif micro-continets, around 350 Ma, which resulted in the light REE enrichment. The other one, more recent, is related to the Nazca subducting slab, responsible for the enrichment in chalcophile elements (Pb, Sn, W and Sb), which is also observed in all mantle xenoliths from Patagonia. We also discard any infiltration of the host-basalt as the responsible for the ultramafic xenoliths chemical modification.
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Evolução geoquímica do manto litosférico subcontinental do Vulcão Agua Poca, Província Basáltica Andino-Cuyana, Centro-Oeste da ArgentinaJalowitzki, Tiago Luis Reis January 2010 (has links)
O campo vulcânico Patagônico é composto pelo vulcanismo datado do Quaternário ao Cretáceo e está amplamente distribuído no ambiente geotectônico de extra back-arc continental. Onze vulcões associados à ocorrência de xenólitos mantélicos estão situados dos 36°13’S aos 44°52’S. Estes vulcões são dominantemente compostos por basanitos e a basaltos alcalinos, que são divididos em dois grupos com base em aspectos petrográficos, geoquímicos e isotópicos. (Grupos I e II). Estes Grupos estão relacionados a fontes mantélicas similares, mas foram submetidos a diferentes processos metassomáticos. Os Grupos I e I foram gerados a partir de baixas taxas de fusão a partir de uma fonte mantélica do tipo OIB na zona de estabilidade da granada, mas o Grupo II tem características de manto enriquecido (EMII) possivelmente herdadas de um agente metassomático relacionado à zona de subducção, enquanto que o Grupo I demonstra assinatura geoquímica de magmas tipo OIB relacionados a fontes mantélicas ricas em flogopita. Os basaltos alcalinos do vulcão Agua Poca (37º01’S - 68º07’W) pertencem ao Grupo II e são traquibasaltos. O vulcão Agua Poca é definido é piroclástico monogenético, é composto por intercalações de camadas de spatter e cinder, hospeda xenólitos mantélicos e está localizado a oeste da Província de La Pampa, no extremo norte da Argentina. As amostras de xenólitos mostram textura protogranular, protogranular a porfiroclástica, porfiroclástica e porfiroclástica a equigranular e são compostos por olivina (fosterita), ortopiroxênio (enstatita), clinopiroxênio (diopsídio) e espinélio (sp). Os xenólitos estudados são peridotitos da fácies espinélio e piroxenitos anidros em basaltos alcalinos do Pleistoceno com #Mg em rocha total de 89 a 91. As assinaturas geoquímicas desses xenólitos mostram correlação negativa entre os principais óxidos quando dispostos contra o #Mg e estão empobrecidos em elementos incompatíveis em relação ao manto primitivo (MP). Os xenólitos do vulcão Agua Poca são caracterizados pelo empobrecimento de ETRP e ETRM normalizados para o MP e pelo fracionamento de ETRL em relação aos ETRP (CeN/YbN = 0,15-0,5), com exceção da amostra HAP10 (1,46). Esse comportamento indica que os xenólitos do terreno Cuyania são o resultado de 1 a 10% de fusão do DMM (Manto Depletado) ou de 8 a 17% do MP (Manto Primitivo). Em geral, os peridotitos mostram anomalias positivas de Ba, U, Ta, Pb, Zr e Ti; e anomalias negativas de Rb, Th, Nb, La e Y, enquanto que os piroxenitos mostram anomalias positivas de Ba, U, Ta e Pb; e anomalias negativas de Th, Nb, La, Zr, Hf, Ti e Y. Curvas de mistura calculadas para o resíduo de fusão do MP/DMM com a composição de fluídos/sedimentos derivados de ambientes de subducção indicam interação do manto com até 3% de fluídos/sedimentos. As razões 87Sr/86Sr (0,702874 - 0,704999, com média de 0,704035) são muito similares àquelas definidas para peridotitos com fonte tipo OIB. Agua Poca tem razões 87Sr/86Sr, que estão abaixo daquelas definidas para peridotitos metassomatizados (usualmente >0,705). As razões de Nb/Ta sugerem a presença de um reservatório eclogítico refratário subductado fusão parcial gerando líquidos alcalinos com razões Nb/Ta supercondríticas. / The Patagonian Volcanic Field composed of late Cretaceous to Quaternary volcanism is widely distributed in a continental extra back-arc geotectonic environment. Eleven monogenetic volcanoes accompanied with ultramafic xenoliths are situated from 36°13′S to 44°52′S. These volcanoes are dominantly composed of basanite to alkaline basalt, which are divided into two groups, based on mineralogy, geochemical and isotope compositions (Groups I and II). These Groups are originated from the similar subcontinental mantle sources, but were undergone to different metasomatism processes. Groups I and II were generated from low melting degrees of an OIB-like garnet peridotite, but the Group II has enriched mantle (EMII) characteristics possibly inherited from on-going subduction related metasomatism, while Group I demonstrates the OIB-like signature, which might result from phlogopite-bearing in the subcontinental lithosphere. The alkaline basalts from Agua Poca volcano (37º01’S - 68º07’W) belong to the Group II and are trachybasalts. The Agua Poca volcano is a monogenetic pyroclastic volcano composed by intercalation of spatter and cinder layers, host ultramafic mantle xenoliths and is located in the West of the La Pampa Province, Northernmost of Argentine Patagonia. The xenoliths show protogranular, protogranular to porphyroclastic, porphyroclastic and porphyroclastic to equigranular textures, and are composed of olivine (fosterite), orthopyroxene (enstatite), clinopyroxene (diopside) and spinel (sp). The studied xenoliths are anhydrous spinel-bearing peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths in Pleistocene alkali basalts with whole rock Mg# from 88 to 91. Geochemical signatures of the mantle xenoliths show negative correlation between main oxides against Mg# and depletion in incompatible elements compared to primitive mantle (PM). Agua Poca mantle xenoliths are characterized by flat Sun & McDonough (1989) primitive mantle (PM) normalized HREE and MREE patterns, and depletion of LREE compared to HREE (CeN/YbN = 0.15-0.5), with exception of the HAP10 (1.46) sample. These characteristics suggest that partial melting event is the main process responsible for the generation of these xenoliths. Model calculations suggest that the xenoliths are the result of 1 to 10% of DMM (Depleted Mantle MORB) or 8 to 17% of PM partial melting. Peridotite samples show positive anomalies of Ba, U, Ta, Pb, Zr and Ti; and negative anomalies of Rb, Th, Nb, La and Y, while the pyroxenite samples show positive anomalies of Ba, U, Ta and Pb; and negative anomalies of Th, Nb, La, Zr, Hf, Ti and Y. Mixing curves calculated to mixtures of melting residue of PM/DMM and fluid or sediment compositions related to subduction tectonic setting end members suggest up to 3% of interaction of the fluid sediment on the depleted mantle residue. 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.702874 - 0.704999, with average of 0.704035) are similar to those defined to peridotites with OIB source (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70244 to 0.70502), being close to Depleted Mantle (DM; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7023 to 0.7032) values. Nb/Ta ratios suggest that Agua Poca xenoliths were undergone to partial melting processes that generated alkaline magmas with superchondritic Nb/Ta ratios.
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Evolução geoquímica do manto litosférico subcontinental do Vulcão Agua Poca, Província Basáltica Andino-Cuyana, Centro-Oeste da ArgentinaJalowitzki, Tiago Luis Reis January 2010 (has links)
O campo vulcânico Patagônico é composto pelo vulcanismo datado do Quaternário ao Cretáceo e está amplamente distribuído no ambiente geotectônico de extra back-arc continental. Onze vulcões associados à ocorrência de xenólitos mantélicos estão situados dos 36°13’S aos 44°52’S. Estes vulcões são dominantemente compostos por basanitos e a basaltos alcalinos, que são divididos em dois grupos com base em aspectos petrográficos, geoquímicos e isotópicos. (Grupos I e II). Estes Grupos estão relacionados a fontes mantélicas similares, mas foram submetidos a diferentes processos metassomáticos. Os Grupos I e I foram gerados a partir de baixas taxas de fusão a partir de uma fonte mantélica do tipo OIB na zona de estabilidade da granada, mas o Grupo II tem características de manto enriquecido (EMII) possivelmente herdadas de um agente metassomático relacionado à zona de subducção, enquanto que o Grupo I demonstra assinatura geoquímica de magmas tipo OIB relacionados a fontes mantélicas ricas em flogopita. Os basaltos alcalinos do vulcão Agua Poca (37º01’S - 68º07’W) pertencem ao Grupo II e são traquibasaltos. O vulcão Agua Poca é definido é piroclástico monogenético, é composto por intercalações de camadas de spatter e cinder, hospeda xenólitos mantélicos e está localizado a oeste da Província de La Pampa, no extremo norte da Argentina. As amostras de xenólitos mostram textura protogranular, protogranular a porfiroclástica, porfiroclástica e porfiroclástica a equigranular e são compostos por olivina (fosterita), ortopiroxênio (enstatita), clinopiroxênio (diopsídio) e espinélio (sp). Os xenólitos estudados são peridotitos da fácies espinélio e piroxenitos anidros em basaltos alcalinos do Pleistoceno com #Mg em rocha total de 89 a 91. As assinaturas geoquímicas desses xenólitos mostram correlação negativa entre os principais óxidos quando dispostos contra o #Mg e estão empobrecidos em elementos incompatíveis em relação ao manto primitivo (MP). Os xenólitos do vulcão Agua Poca são caracterizados pelo empobrecimento de ETRP e ETRM normalizados para o MP e pelo fracionamento de ETRL em relação aos ETRP (CeN/YbN = 0,15-0,5), com exceção da amostra HAP10 (1,46). Esse comportamento indica que os xenólitos do terreno Cuyania são o resultado de 1 a 10% de fusão do DMM (Manto Depletado) ou de 8 a 17% do MP (Manto Primitivo). Em geral, os peridotitos mostram anomalias positivas de Ba, U, Ta, Pb, Zr e Ti; e anomalias negativas de Rb, Th, Nb, La e Y, enquanto que os piroxenitos mostram anomalias positivas de Ba, U, Ta e Pb; e anomalias negativas de Th, Nb, La, Zr, Hf, Ti e Y. Curvas de mistura calculadas para o resíduo de fusão do MP/DMM com a composição de fluídos/sedimentos derivados de ambientes de subducção indicam interação do manto com até 3% de fluídos/sedimentos. As razões 87Sr/86Sr (0,702874 - 0,704999, com média de 0,704035) são muito similares àquelas definidas para peridotitos com fonte tipo OIB. Agua Poca tem razões 87Sr/86Sr, que estão abaixo daquelas definidas para peridotitos metassomatizados (usualmente >0,705). As razões de Nb/Ta sugerem a presença de um reservatório eclogítico refratário subductado fusão parcial gerando líquidos alcalinos com razões Nb/Ta supercondríticas. / The Patagonian Volcanic Field composed of late Cretaceous to Quaternary volcanism is widely distributed in a continental extra back-arc geotectonic environment. Eleven monogenetic volcanoes accompanied with ultramafic xenoliths are situated from 36°13′S to 44°52′S. These volcanoes are dominantly composed of basanite to alkaline basalt, which are divided into two groups, based on mineralogy, geochemical and isotope compositions (Groups I and II). These Groups are originated from the similar subcontinental mantle sources, but were undergone to different metasomatism processes. Groups I and II were generated from low melting degrees of an OIB-like garnet peridotite, but the Group II has enriched mantle (EMII) characteristics possibly inherited from on-going subduction related metasomatism, while Group I demonstrates the OIB-like signature, which might result from phlogopite-bearing in the subcontinental lithosphere. The alkaline basalts from Agua Poca volcano (37º01’S - 68º07’W) belong to the Group II and are trachybasalts. The Agua Poca volcano is a monogenetic pyroclastic volcano composed by intercalation of spatter and cinder layers, host ultramafic mantle xenoliths and is located in the West of the La Pampa Province, Northernmost of Argentine Patagonia. The xenoliths show protogranular, protogranular to porphyroclastic, porphyroclastic and porphyroclastic to equigranular textures, and are composed of olivine (fosterite), orthopyroxene (enstatite), clinopyroxene (diopside) and spinel (sp). The studied xenoliths are anhydrous spinel-bearing peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths in Pleistocene alkali basalts with whole rock Mg# from 88 to 91. Geochemical signatures of the mantle xenoliths show negative correlation between main oxides against Mg# and depletion in incompatible elements compared to primitive mantle (PM). Agua Poca mantle xenoliths are characterized by flat Sun & McDonough (1989) primitive mantle (PM) normalized HREE and MREE patterns, and depletion of LREE compared to HREE (CeN/YbN = 0.15-0.5), with exception of the HAP10 (1.46) sample. These characteristics suggest that partial melting event is the main process responsible for the generation of these xenoliths. Model calculations suggest that the xenoliths are the result of 1 to 10% of DMM (Depleted Mantle MORB) or 8 to 17% of PM partial melting. Peridotite samples show positive anomalies of Ba, U, Ta, Pb, Zr and Ti; and negative anomalies of Rb, Th, Nb, La and Y, while the pyroxenite samples show positive anomalies of Ba, U, Ta and Pb; and negative anomalies of Th, Nb, La, Zr, Hf, Ti and Y. Mixing curves calculated to mixtures of melting residue of PM/DMM and fluid or sediment compositions related to subduction tectonic setting end members suggest up to 3% of interaction of the fluid sediment on the depleted mantle residue. 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.702874 - 0.704999, with average of 0.704035) are similar to those defined to peridotites with OIB source (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70244 to 0.70502), being close to Depleted Mantle (DM; 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7023 to 0.7032) values. Nb/Ta ratios suggest that Agua Poca xenoliths were undergone to partial melting processes that generated alkaline magmas with superchondritic Nb/Ta ratios.
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Suíte de xenólitos de Cerro de los Chenques (Argentina) evolução dos processos de metassomatismo durante a diferenciação do manto litosféricoRieck Junior, Norberto January 2008 (has links)
A suíte de xenólitos ultramáficos do Cerro de los Chenques, Patagônia (44°52’19”S/70°03’57”W), represeta o Manto Litosférico Continental nesta região. Estas rochas guardam registros dos processos a que o manto esteve sujeito durante todo o período de evolução e diferenciação do próprio manto litosférico e de formação de crosta continental. Utilizando-se dados de petrologia, de geoquímica mineral e rocha total de elementos maiores e menores e dados isotópicos, é possível demonstrar que os xenólitos do Cerro de los Chenques possuem paragênese mineralógica primária formada por olivina, enstatita, diopsído e espinélio e que esta paragênese está em equilíbrio, como pode ser observado nos dados de química mineral. Desta forma estas rochas são classificadas como espinélio lherzolitos, espinélio harzburgitos e espinélio olivinawebsteritos, com temperatura e pressão de equilíbrio variando de 782°C a 1029ºC e 14kbar a 19 kbar. Mesmo que a paragênese primária esteja em equilíbrio, ocorrem instabilidades locais com formação de fusão na forma de bolsões de vidro silicáticos e de uma paragênese secundária composta por olivina, diopsídio e espinélio. Os dados geoquímicos de rocha total mostram depleção nos elementos alcalinos e nos elementos traço em relação ao manto primitivo, ilustrando que houve processo de fusão parcial atuando nestas rochas. As amostras estudadas apresentam também feições características de processos de metassomatismo em momentos distintos e guardando características particulares em cada um deles. O primeiro evento metassomático foi determinado como sendo originado por uma pluma de ascenção astenosférica, sendo denotado principalmente pelo enriquecimento nos HFSE (Nb e Ta) e alguns elementos incompatíveis LILE. Este evento é responsável pela metassomatização dos lherzolitos e harzburgitos e pela formação dos olivina-websteritos a partir de um manto granadalherzolítico, onde a granada se torna instável para a formação de clinopiroxênio e espinélio. Eventos metassomáticos posteriores a este também foram identificados, sendo desta vez relacionados a líquidos provenientes da desidratação e fusão de placas oceânicas em zonas de subducção. Um desses eventos está relacionado a colagem dos micro-continentes Maciço Norte Patagônico e Maciço del Deseado, por volta de 350 Ma caracterizado principalmente pelo enriquecimento nos ETR leves em relação aos pesados. O outro, mais recente, relacionado à subducção da Placa Oceânica de Nazca, onde o principal evento é o enriquecimento nos elementos calcófilos (Pb, Sn, W e Sb), que também está registrado em todas as suítes de xenólitos da Patagônia. Foi determinado ainda, que os basaltos de platô de back-arc, resposnsáveis por trazer os xenólitos à superfície não infiltram nos xenólitos, a ponto de alterar a química de suas rochas. / The ultramafic xenolith set from Cerro de los Chenques, Patagônia (44°52’19”S/70°03’57”W), represents the Sub Continetal Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM) of this region. All rocks record processes in the mantle that happened during all period of lithospheric mantle differentiation and crust formation. Using the petrologica data, mineralochemistry, and major, trace and isotope element geochemistry, it is possible to demonstrate that the xenoltihs equilibria mineral assemblage is olivine, enstatite, diopside and spinel. These rocks are classified as spinel lherzolites, spinel harzburgite and spinel olivine websterite, with temperature and pressure equilibrium of 782° to 1029°C and 14 19 kbar, respectively. It is also possible to point out that metassomatic process occurred in the xenolith rocks, which resulted in the crystallization of a secondary assemblage formed by olivine, diopside and spinel, and the formation of silicate melt pockets around spinel and clinopyroxene. Geochemistry data show alkalis and trace elements depletion in relation to primitive mantle as a result of the melting events. The studied samples also show metasomatic events in different periods, with different characteristics. The first metasomatic event was related to an upwelling of an asthenospheric plume, responsible for the HFSE (Nb and Ta) and some incompatible elements (LILE) enrichment in all lithologies, and by the formation of the olivinewebsterite from a garnet-lherzolite, in which garnet reacts out to form clinopyroxene and spinel. Two others metasomatic events must have happened, following this one, both related to fluids and melts originated from the dehydration and melting of the subducting slab. One of these events is related to the collage of the Norte-Patagônia massif to del Deseado massif micro-continets, around 350 Ma, which resulted in the light REE enrichment. The other one, more recent, is related to the Nazca subducting slab, responsible for the enrichment in chalcophile elements (Pb, Sn, W and Sb), which is also observed in all mantle xenoliths from Patagonia. We also discard any infiltration of the host-basalt as the responsible for the ultramafic xenoliths chemical modification.
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Magma-Crust Interaction at Subduction Zone VolcanoesJolis, Ester M. January 2013 (has links)
The focus of this work is magma-crust interaction processes and associated crustal volatile release in subduction zone volcanoes, drawing on rock, mineral, and gas geochemistry as well as experimental petrology. Understanding the multitude of differentiation processes that modify an original magma during ascent to the surface is vital to unravel the contributions of the various sources that contribute to the final magmas erupted at volcanoes. In particular, magma-crust interaction (MCI) processes have been investigated at a variety of scales, from a local scale in the Vesuvius, Merapi, and Kelut studies, to a regional scale, in the Java to Bali segment of the Sunda Arc. The role of crustal influences is still not well constrained in subduction systems, particulary in terms of the compositional impact of direct magma crust interplay. To address this shortcoming, we studied marble and calc-silicate (skarn) xenoliths, and used high resolution short timescale experimental petrology at Vesuvius volcano. The marbles and calc-silicates help to identify different mechanisms of magma-carbonate and magma-xenolith interaction, and the subsequent effects of volatile release on potential eruptive behaviour, while sequential short-duration experiments simulate the actual processes of carbonate assimilation employing natural materials and controlled magmatic conditions. The experiments highlight the efficiency of carbonate assimilation and associated carbonate-derived CO2 liberated over short timescales. The findings at Merapi and Kelut demonstrate a complex magmatic plumbing system underneath these volcanoes with magma residing at different depths, spanning from the mantle-crust boundary to the upper crust. The erupted products and volcanic gas emissions enable us to shed light on MCI-processes and associated volatile release in these systems. The knowledge gained from studying individual volcanoes (e.g., Merapi and Kelut) is then tested on a regional scale and applied to the entire Java and Bali arc segment. An attempt is presented to distinguish the extent of source versus crustal influences and establish a quantitative model of late stage crustal influence in this arc segment. This thesis therefore hopes to contribute to our knowledge of magma genesis and magma-crust interaction (MCI) processes that likely operate in subduction zone systems worldwide.
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Architecture lithosphérique et dynamique du manteau sous le Hoggar : le message des xénolites / Nature and evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Hoggar swell (Algeria) : a record from mantle xenolithsKourim, Fatna 19 June 2013 (has links)
Cette étude vise caractériser le manteau lithosphérique du massif du Hoggar (Algérie) et son évolution, grâce à une étude multidisciplinaire (pétrologique, géochimique et pétrophysique) d'enclaves mantelliques échantillonnées par le volcanisme cénozoïque. L'échantillonnage provient de deux districts volcaniques (Tahalagha et Manzaz) situés respectivement en périphérie et au coeur du bombement du Hoggar. Le district de Tahalgha est par ailleurs situé à cheval sur un grand cisaillement pan-africain (le 4°35), séparant deux domaines structuraux majeurs du socle du Hoggar : le Hoggar Central Polycyclique à l'Est (domaine LATEA) et le Hoggar occidental à l'Ouest (bloc d'Iskel). Les xénolites étudiés apportent des informations sur l'évolution du manteau lithosphérique depuis l'orogenèse pan-africaine, au cours de laquelle s'est structuré le socle de cette région (le Bouclier Touareg), jusqu'aux événements cénozoïques responsables du bombement topographique et du volcanisme.L'héritage pan-africain est essentiellement préservé dans les échantillons du district périphérique de Tahalgha, sous la forme de lherzolites équilibrées à basse température (750 - 900°C), à clinopyroxènes appauvris en terres rares légères. Ces échantillons sont considérés comme représentant la lithosphère sous-continentale à l'issue des processus de réjuvénation qui ont marqué les derniers stades de l'orogenèse pan-africaine. Ils montrent des textures de déformation (porphyroclastiques à equigranulaires) bien préservées, attribuées à ces événements et caractérisées par des orientations cristallographiques préférentielles (OPRs) de l'olivine (axiales-[010]) compatibles avec un régime transpressif. Les événements cénozoïques sont marqués par un recuit partiel de ces textures, particulièrement prononcé à Manzaz et dans les échantillons de Tahalgha équilibrés à des températures moyennes à élevées (900-1150°C), et affectés par différents degrés de métasomatisme. Les xénolites de Tahalgha représentent un cas d'étude exemplaire du métasomatisme mantellique, couplant variations texturales, minéralogiques et chimiques le long de gradient locaux de température. Une modification des OPRs d'olivine est observée, qui résulterait à la fois de l'infiltration de liquides métasomatiques et d'une réactivation des accidents pan-africains en cisaillement pur.Des implications importantes de cette étude résident dans l'échelle des variations de premier ordre attribuées aux interactions lithosphère-asthénosphère au Cénozoïque. Celles-ci sont essentiellement à l'échelle du bombement du Hoggar (différences entre Manzaz et Tahalga, c'est-à-dire entre Hoggar central et périphérique) ou à celle de conduits magmatiques et de leurs épontes (variabilité locale des xénolites de Tahalgha). Par contre, les résultats obtenus montrent peu de variations significatives pour les échelles intermédiaires, notamment pour des localités de Tahlagha situées de part et d'autre ou à différentes distances du 4°35. Ceci favorise plutôt, pour l'origine du bombement volcanique du Hoggar, les modèles faisant appel à des structures d'assez grande échelle telle qu'un panache mantellique ou une cellule de convection asthénosphérique de type « Edge Driven Convection », plutôt qu'un processus essentiellement lié à la réactivation des failles lithosphériques pan-africaines. / This study aims to characterize the lithospheric mantle of the Hoggar swell (Algeria) and its evolution through time via a multidisciplinary (petrological, geochemical and petrophysical) study of mantle xenoliths sampled by Cenozoic volcanism. The samples were collected in two volcanic districts (Tahalagha and Manzaz) located in the periphery and in the central part of the Hoggar massif, respectively. The Tahalgha sampling also straddles a mega pan-African shear zone (the 4°35 fault) between two major structural domains of the Tuareg Shield basement: the Central Polycyclic Hoggar to the East (LATEA terranes) and the Western Hoggar domain to the West (Iskel block). The studied xenoliths provide information on the evolution of the lithospheric mantle from the Pan-African orogeny – i.e. the period when the Tuareg Shield was structured – to the Cenozoic events responsible for topographic upwelling and volcanism in the Hoggar swell.The Pan-African heritage is found in xenoliths from the peripheral Tahalgha district. These samples are distinguished by low equilibrium temperatures (750-900°C) and LREE-depleted clinopyroxene compositions. They are considered to represent the sub-continental lithosphere after the rejuvenation process that marked the later stages of the Pan-African orogeny. They show well preserved deformation textures (porphyroclastic to equigranular) assigned to these events and characterized by preferential crystallographic orientations (CPOs) of olivine (axial-[010]) consistent with a transpressional regime. The Cenozoic events are marked by partial annealing of these textures, particularly pronounced in the Manzaz samples, as well as in the Tahalgha xenoliths equilibrated at medium to high temperatures (900-1150°C). These samples were affected by different degrees of metasomatism. The Tahalgha xenoliths represent a rather unique case study of mantle metasomatism, where coupled textural, mineralogical and chemical variations occur along local temperature gradients. The Cenozoic events were also responsible for a change in olivine CPOs, resulting from both infiltration of metasomatic fluids and reactivation of Pan-African accidents in a pure-shear regime.Important implications of this study lie in the scale at which the first-order lithosphere modifications ascribed to the Cenozoic event are observed, i.e. either at the scale of the whole Hoggar swell, as shown by the increasing degree of textural annealing and metasomatism from Tahalgha to Manzaz (i.e. from outer to central Hoggar), or at the small scale of magma conduits and their wall rocks, as shown by the local variability registered by the Tahalgha xenoliths. Conversely, our data show little changes at intermediate scales, as might be expected, for instance, among the Tahalgha localities situated on either sides - or at different distances - from the 4°35. As regards the origin of the Hoggar volcanic swell, this result favours the models involving relatively large-scale structures such as a mantle plume or "Edge Driven Convection", rather than a process involving merely the reactivation of pan-African lithospheric faults.
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Subductions continentales au Tibet Central : héritages pétrologique, rhéologique et construction d'un plateau. / Continental subductions in Central Tibet : petrological and rheologicalinheritances and the building of a PlateauGoussin, Fanny 17 January 2019 (has links)
Quand et comment le Plateau Tibétain s'est édifié demeure une question complexe, aux nombreuses implications pour la compréhension du comportement des lithosphères continentales en collision. Certains modèles mettent en avant l'importance du sous-plaquage de la lithosphère indienne et d'un épaississement localisé aux limites de micro-plaques asiatiques rigides ; tandis que d'autres considèrent au contraire que la lithosphère asiatique est peu résistante et se déforme de manière distribuée. La base croissante de données de haute qualité documentant les processus de surface et les processus profonds doit à présent être intégrée afin de contraindre les différents modèles d'évolution du Plateau. Ce travail de thèse se concentre sur le nord-est du bloc du Qiangtang, au Tibet Central : alors qu'elle constitue un élément clé pour les reconstructions et les modèles, cette région demeure l'une des moins étudiées de la zone de collision. Dans une première partie, l'acquisition de nouveaux âges 40Ar/39Ar de la déformation tardi-triasique (215-200 Ma) sur la suture de Jinsha, ainsi que la datation et l'étude métamorphique de xénolites crustales à corindon d'âge Trias Inférieur (249 Ma) échantillonnées dans des laves éocènes, mettent en évidence le rôle majeur et sous-estimé des subductions mésozoïques dans l'épaississement crustal total. Les résultats suggèrent que la région avait atteint, avant le début de l'Éocène, une épaisseur crustale de l'ordre de 45 à 55 km, soit près de 80% de son épaisseur actuelle de 66 km. Cet épaississement crustal mésozoique fut probablement en grande partie la conséquence du magmatisme d'arc du NE-Qiangtang, lié à 80 Ma de subductions océaniques à ses bordures. Ces nterprétations sont cohérentes avec les données régionales d'émersion et de paléoaltitude entre le Trias et l'Éocène. Dans une seconde partie, l'étude pétrologique et géochimique de roches magmatiques d'âge Éocène des bassins de Xialaxiu et de Nangqian suggère un intense métasomatisme du manteau lithosphérique source par des fluides ou magmas riches en H2O et en CO2. Ces résultats servent de point de départ à une série de modèles rhéologiques et thermomécaniques visant à caractériser le comportement d'une telle lithosphère dans un contexte de convergence continentale. Nous montrons que le manteau lithosphérique sous notre région d'étude à l'Éocène était à la fois très peu résistant (logmin~2.3), très peu dense (~3310 kg/m3 à 2 GPa), et possédait un solidus fortement défléchi vers les basses températures aux moyennes pressions mantelliques (~930°C à 3 GPa). À partir de ces caractéristiques, les modèles thermo-mécaniques laissent envisager un régime atypique de déformation et de fusion partielle, par l'injection de manteau lithosphérique métasomatisé dans l'asthénosphère sous-jacente. Celui-ci reproduit correctement l'intervalle de temps et la distance entre les épisodes magmatiques de Xialaxiu et de Nangqian, ainsi que la magnitude de l'épaississement crustal dans notre région d'étude, sans impliquer de délamination de la racine lithosphérique adoucie. Ces résultats nous amènent à proposer un réexamen des données géophysiques disponibles sur le manteau lithosphérique tibétain, dans lequel la zone de faibles vitesses sismiques imagée à l'aplomb du Tibet Central pourrait être interprétée en terme d'anomalie chimique et minéralogique, et non d'anomalie thermique. / How and when the Tibetan Plateau was built remains a complicated issue, with many implications for our understanding of the behaviour of colliding continental lithospheres. Some models highlight the importance of the underthrusting of the Indian lithosphere and of localized thickening at the edges of rigid Asian microplates ; while others consider that the Asian lithosphere is weak and deforms in a distributed manner. The growing, high-quality database documenting deep and surface processes has now to be integrated in order to constrain the different evolution models of the Plateau.This thesis work focuses on the north-eastern Qiangtang block in Central Tibet : although it is a keystone for reconstructions and models, this region remains one of the least studied of the collision zone.In a first part, new 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Late Triassic (215-200 Ma) deformation on the Jinsha suture, along with a metamorphic study of Early Triassic (249 Ma) corundum-bearing crustal xenoliths sampled in Eocene magmatic rocks, shed light on the the major, but underestimated role played by the Mesozoic subductions in bulk crustal thickening. Our results suggest that prior to the Eocene, our study area had reached a crustal thickness of 45-55 km, i.e 80% of its present-day crustal thickness of 66 km. This Mesozoic crustal thickening was likely achieved by continental arc magmatism related to the 80 Ma of continuous oceanic subductions on both edges of the NE-Qiangtang terrane.These interpretations are consistent with the regional emersion and paleo-altitude data.In a second part, a petrological and geochemical study of Eocene magmatic rocksfrom the Nangqian and Xialaxiu basins suggests an intense metasomatism of the source lithospheric mantle by H2O- and CO2-rich fluids or melts. These results are used as a starting point for a series of rheological and thermo-mechanical models, to characterize the behaviour of such lithosphere in a continental convergence context. We show that the lithospheric mantle underlying our study area in the Eocene was particularly weak (logmin~2.3) and buoyant (~3310 kg/m3 à 2 GPa), and its solidus was deflected to low temperatures at medium mantle pressures (~930°C à 3 GPa). From these characteristics, thermo-mechanical models forecast an atypical deformational and partial melting regime, through the injection of metasomatized lithospheric mantle into the asthenosphere, whichadequately reproduces the timing and location of Xialaxiu and Nangqian magmatic events, and the magnitude of crustal thickening observed in our study area, without any delamination of the weakened lithospheric root.This eventually leads us to reconsider the available geophysical data for the Tibetan lithospheric mantle : the low-velocity zone imaged beneath Central Tibet could indeed represent a geochemical, rather than thermal anomaly.
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Silicic Magma Genesis in Basalt-dominated Oceanic Settings : Examples from Iceland and the Canary IslandsBerg, Sylvia E. January 2016 (has links)
The origin of silicic magma in basalt-dominated oceanic settings is fundamental to our understanding of magmatic processes and formation of the earliest continental crust. Particularly significant is magma-crust interaction that can modify the composition of magma and the dynamics of volcanism. This thesis investigates silicic magma genesis on different scales in two ocean island settings. First, volcanic products from a series of voluminous Neogene silicic centres in northeast Iceland are investigated using rock and mineral geochemistry, U-Pb geochronology, and oxygen isotope analysis. Second, interfacial processes of magma-crust interaction are investigated using geochemistry and 3D X-ray computed microtomography on crustal xenoliths from the 2011-12 El Hierro eruption, Canary Islands. The results from northeast Iceland constrain a rapid outburst of silicic magmatism driven by a flare of the Iceland plume and/or by formation of a new rift zone, causing large volume injection of basaltic magma into hydrated basaltic crust. This promoted crustal recycling by partial melting of the hydrothermally altered Icelandic crust, thereby producing mixed-origin silicic melt pockets that reflect the heterogeneous nature of the crustal protolith with respect to oxygen isotopes. In particular, a previously unrecognised high-δ18O end-member on Iceland was documented, which implies potentially complex multi-component assimilation histories for magmas ascending through the Icelandic crust. Common geochemical traits between Icelandic and Hadean zircon populations strengthen the concept of Iceland as an analogue for early Earth, implying that crustal recycling in emergent rifts was pivotal in generating Earth’s earliest continental silicic crust. Crustal xenoliths from the El Hierro 2011-2012 eruption underline the role of partial melting and assimilation of pre-island sedimentary layers in the early shield-building phase of ocean islands. This phenomenon may contribute to the formation of evolved magmas, and importantly, the release of volatiles from the xenoliths may be sufficient to increase the volatile load of the magma and temporarily alter the character and intensity of an eruption. This thesis sheds new light on the generation of silicic magma in basalt-dominated oceanic settings and emphasises the relevance of magma-crust interaction for magma evolution, silicic crust formation, and eruption style from early Earth to present.
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