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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Copilot: konceptutveckling av en golfbag / Copilot: A concept development of a golf bag

Elmgren, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The idea of doing a golf bag as my master thesis came to me due to my own experiences from playing golf for almost a decade. I use a carry bag because it gives me freedom to go wherever I want on the golf course, and doing it faster than if I would use a trolley. To be able to move in a smooth and pleasant way, you need good equipment. Golf bags on the market today are unnecessarily large. This is something that I can’t understand. It must be possible to design a golf bag that is compact and easier to use. With innovative ideas I tend to make a conceptual golf bag that is more compact and user friendly. It will inspire more golfers to use a carry bag which in the end will lead to a faster game on the golf course. Finally I will present a physical model that best reflects how the concept would look if it were manufactured. I offer golfers an opportunity to carry their golf equipment in a more convenient way. The golf bag is easy to use, especially on the track, but also in transportation to and from the golf course and when it is stored at home. I have set out to try to find new ways of thinking, which offers golfers equipment that differ from today. New ideas have been combined with ergonomics and design. The work begins with a sketch phase. Five different conceptual ideas are developed. Decisions are made to work on Concept E. It is a small bag that is worn on the lower back. The decision was based on the simplicity of the concept. There are also similarities to the golf bags on the market today. This is a good thing as it will be easier for golfers to connect to the bag and it may have a better chance of entering the market. I ended up with Copilot. It is a golf bag that is compact and slim in its design. The strength lies in the elastic pockets. They will adapt depending on what is stored in them. Therefore is the bag not bigger than what the user makes it. The golf bag is designed in a way that hold the clubs in place so they will not be in contact with each other and cause disturbing noise. Copilot helps golfers to feel relaxed, but at the same time be ready and alert on the golf course. The simplicity, clarity and flexibility are three core values that makes this golf bag the obvious choice for the golfer who wants to focus on their game. / Bakgrunden till projektet ligger i att jag har spelat golf i närmare tio år. Jag använder mig av en bärbag då det ger mig friheten att röra mig snabbare över golfbanan. För att röra sig på ett smidigt och behagligt sätt gäller det att använda en bra utrustning. Golfbagarna som finns idag är otympliga och onödigt stora. Jag ställde mig frågande till det. Det måste gå att utforma golfbagen på ett kompakt och mer användarvänligt sätt. Det var den frågan jag ville undersöka i mitt examensarbete. Jag ska med hjälp av nytänkande idéer arbeta fram ett konceptförslag på hur golfbagen kan göras mer kompakt och användarvänlig. Den ska inspirera fler golfare till att använda bärbag vilket i sin tur leder till ett snabbare spel på golfbanan. Projektet avslutas med att jag presenterar en fysisk modell som på bästa sätt återger hur konceptet ser ut i ett tillverkat skede. Med mitt koncept erbjuder jag golfaren en möjlighet att transportera sin golfutrustning på ett bekvämt och ur storlekssynpunkt mer effektivt sätt. Utrustningen ska upplevas smidig, främst på banan, men även i transporten till och från golfbanan samt när den förvaras i hemmet. Jag eftersträvade ett nytänkande, något som erbjuder golfaren en utrustning som skiljer sig från dagens. Nytänkandet kombinerades med ergonomi och form. Arbetet inleddes med en skissfas där fem olika konceptförslag tas fram. Beslut togs att jobba vidare med koncept E. Det är en smal bag som bärs horisontellt mot ryggslutet. Beslutet grundar sig i konceptets enkelhet och hur användandet har likheter med dagens bärbag. Med kopplingarna till dagens bärbag ansågs konceptet vara lättare för golfaren att ta till sig och bagen kan ha en större chans att komma ut på marknaden. Resultatet blev golfbagen Copilot. Bagen är en kompakt och slimmad i sin form. Styrkan ligger i de elastiska fickorna. Fickorna anpassar sig efter vad som packas ner i dem och bagen blir på så sätt inte större än vad användaren gör den till. Copilot löser ett ständigt återkommande problem, problemet att klubborna slås emot varandra när man går med bagen på ryggen. Bagens ovandel är utformad med låsning av klubborna. Klubborna kilas fast i bagen och kommer inte i kontakt med varandra när användaren går med bagen på ryggen. Copilot bidrar till att golfaren känner sig avslappnad på golfbanan, men samtidigt förberedd och alert. Enkelhet, tydlighet och flexibilitet är tre värdeord som gör golfbagen till det självklara valet för den golfspelaren som vill fokusera sin energi på sitt spel.

Network optimisation and topology control of Free Space Optics

Hammarström, Emil January 2015 (has links)
In communication networks today, the amount of users and traffic is constantly increasing. This results in the need for upgrading the networks to handle the demand. Free space optics is a technique which is relatively cheap with high capacity compared to most systems today. On the other hand, FSO have some disadvantages with the effects on the system by, for instance, turbulence and weather. The aim of the project is to investigate the use of network optimization for designing an optimal network in terms of capacity and cost. Routing optimization is also covered in terms of singlepath and multipath routing. To mitigate the problem with turbulence affecting the system network survivability is implemented with both proactive and reactive solutions. The method used is to implement the system in Matlab, the system should also be tested so that it works as intended. The report covers related work as well as theory behind FSO and the chosen optimization algorithms. The system uses modified Bellman-Ford optimization as well as Kruskal’s minimum spanning tree. K-link-connectivity is also implemented for the network survivability and multipath algorithm. Results of the implementation shows that the network survivability improves the robustness of the system by changing paths for traffic which is affected by broken links. Routing done by multipath will increase the throughput and also reduce the delay for the traffic.

PFC-design for frequency converter

Kantzon, David January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with power factor correction for three-phase systems. A boost-buck topology was described, modeled and then simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results show that the system provides a power factor over 99% over the tested power output range. Moreover, the harmonic injection concept was introduced which reduces the total harmonic distortion to 8.72% at full output power. A prototype system was also built using an FPGA for the control system. The prototype did not provide the performance seen in simulation but showed that the method is valid and does provide a higher power factor when used.

Homebuyers choices and valuations / Bostadsköpares val och värderingar

Frick, Jesper, Osman, Aweys Mohamed January 2015 (has links)
Det finns en generellt god kunskap inom byggnadsbranschen om vilka lägen och byggnadsformer som värderas högst hos bostadsköpare i Sverige. Byggnadsbranschen har dock inte lika bra kunskaper om vad som är att föredra inom bostaden i fråga eftersom dessa värderingar ändrar sig snabbt med tiden. Vilka värderingar har egentligen bostadsköpare när det kommer till bostadens konstruktion, funktionalitet och utformning? Svaret på denna fråga skulle gynna både företagen och bostadsköpare. Syftet med denna studie är just att besvara denna fråga med begränsning till flerbostadshus. Syftet är också att ta reda på hur konstruktionslösningar på en högre nivå än standard påverkar bostadsköparens vilja att betala mer för bostaden. Examensarbetet bygger på en förfrågan av Botrygg AB som vill veta mer om vad bostadsköpare har för värderingar och vilka val de gör om de kan påverka bostaden. För att uppfylla syftet har en kvantitativ studie genomförts där resultatet baseras på en enkätundersökning. Enkäten bestod av tydligt formulerade fleralternativs frågor där den svarande fick värdera olika påståenden och konstruktionslösningar. För att skapa enkäten har en djupare litteraturstudie genomförts. Enkäten visar en mängd intressanta resultat bland annat att bostadsköpare gärna har möjlighet att påverka sin framtida bostad, vare sig det handlar om innan de flyttat in eller efter. Bostadens utformning och planlösning är viktigare än bostadsytan och priset, där det även är tydligt att en öppen eller halvöppen planlösning är att föredra. Det viktigaste med bostadens kök är att det är utformat med fokus på arbetsyta och förvaring. Konstruktionslösningar med högre nivå än standard ökar generellt viljan att betala mer för bostaden, men eftersom svaren skiljer sig mycket handlar det mer om att hitta rätt köpare än en lösning som passar alla. De svarande uttrycker också att det som de är mest nöjda med i sin nuvarande bostad är att den är genomförd med hög konstruktionskvalitet.

How much value has building Visualization? / Hur stort värde har byggvisualisering?

Hadad, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie beskriver hur byggvisualiseringen kan effektiviseras vid programskedet med en kombination av programvarorna Google Sketchup och Lumion. Studiens underlag har erhållits från ED bygger drömmar AB och beskrev ett bostadsområde som ska visualiserats. Syftet med studien är att ge förståelse för byggvisualiseringsprocessen samt att beskriva hur byggvisualiseringen kan effektiviseras vid programskedet. Studien består av två frågor som lyder: Hur går byggvisualiseringsprocessen till? Hur kan man effektivisera byggvisualiseringen vid programskedet? Metoden som användes för att svara på denna frågeställning är genom en beskrivning under hela experimentella byggvisualiseringsprocessen där resultatet kommer besvara på den nämnda frågeställningen. Arbetet genomfördes genom att data har samlats från den beskrivna byggvisualiseringsprocessen samt resultatet som byggvisualiseringen gav, där resultatet har beskrivits i en tabell samt renderade bilder. Slutsatsen som studien kom fram till var att avgörandet av effektiviseringen av visualiseringen är subjektiv och är beroende på läsaren. För att få ett klart svar så krävs det att läsaren själv gör sin bedömning angående sin egen situation.

Dynamiskt administrationsgränsnitt för tabellredigering

Olsson, Hampus January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling the exfoliation of graphite for production of graphene

Abro, Mehwish January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to make a theoretical model of data obtained from liquid-phase exfoliation of graphene. The production of graphene in the liquid phase exfoliation is a cost efficient method One part of this work is devotedto learn the method of production of graphene by the shear mixing technique from the graphite and to estimate some important parameters which are crucial for the process. Other part of my work is based on studying the liquid-phase exfoliation mechanism of graphene through ultrasonication technique. This method is time consuming as compared to shearmixing.

A Phytosociological Study of the Woody, Forest Vegetation of the Cypress Hills

1963 March 1900 (has links)
The Cypress Hills are a prominent landmark on the Canadian Great plains. Their sudden and considerable rise above the general landscape brings with it an equally abrupt vegetal transformation from tawny, semi-arid prairies to green, mesic forests and other, more luxuriant grasslands. The composition of these highland forests and prairies is dissimilar to that of the surrounding vegetations and has its nearest counterpart 200 miles away in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta and in the Aspen Grove Region adjacent to the Boreal Forest. This outlier is relict of at least early post glacial time and covers a landscape that, in part at least, was spared glacial occupation. The forces which isolated these relicts have eliminated all but 6 tree species of which Pinus contorta var. latifolia (lodgepole pine) and Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen) are by far the most abundant. Picea glauca var. albertiana (white spruce) and Ponulus balsamifera (balsam poplar) are common but less abundant, and Betula papyrifera var. subcordata (white birch) and Acer negundo (Manitoba maple) are rare. For convenience, the first 4 species will be referred to as pine, aspen, spruce and balsam poplar respectively. Particularly noticeable is the absence of the genus Abies, an important constituent of most coniferous regions. Festuca scabrella is the most abundant grass of this elevated prairie and, together with Potentilla fruticosa, is largely responsible for its physiognomy. Numerous spring-fed streams emanate from these uplands, providing the only available surface water for many miles. The lush vegetation of the Cypress Hills sustains this brook flow by stabilizing its watersheds and is, in turn, sustained by these same waters. Man, attracted to the hills by the timber and grazing land they offer, and needing this source of water, has sought to exploit their resources and to manage them for his own purposes. The variety and inconstancy of past management efforts attests to a lack of basic knowledge concerning the relationships of this vegetation to its components and to its habitat. A working knowledge of the climate, soils and vegetation of the Cypress Hills has yet to be synthesized. The purpose of the present study has been to examine the distribution of the woody, forest species in an attempt to determine the basic interrelations between the forest communities. This is a preliminary analysis of limited scope, designed to test methods and to clarify problems in preparation for a more comprehensive study. The field work was conducted during the summer 1961. Quantitative data were gathered from 26 stands, distributed to include as much variation as occurs in composition, slope, exposure, altitude and topographic position.

The Lived Experience of Vicarious Resiliency and Growth in Psychologists Who Work with Trauma Survivors

2015 December 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to gain insight into how psychologists experience resiliency, satisfaction, and personal growth despite the challenges (e.g., vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue) of working with trauma survivors. While it cannot be ignored that many psychologists experience negative effects related to working with traumatized clients, it is important to acknowledge the potential to experience resiliency and growth from their work with trauma survivors. Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used to explore the lived experiences of vicarious resiliency and growth in psychologists who work with trauma survivors. Data was collected through an in-depth individual semi-structured interview with six psychologists. The data generated was transcribed and analyzed using an interpretive phenomenological analysis (Smith & Osborn, 2003). Results revealed four major themes: privileging a shared journey, developing purpose and personal growth, deriving positive meaning, and serving humanity with an overarching theme of maintaining resiliency. The current study provided a valuable contribution to the limited literature on psychologists’ ability to foster positive outcomes for themselves through focusing on resiliency, satisfaction, and growth, despite the inherent risks of trauma work. Applications to practice and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Costly choices: gender and luck egalitarianism

Byrnes, Emma 01 February 2016 (has links)
Does choice excuse inequality? Some contemporary egalitarians – often referred to as “Luck Egalitarians” – believe it does. However, many seemingly chosen inequalities obtain between men and women as a group. A recent surge of empirical literature has sought to demonstrate the role that individual choice plays in producing and maintaining a subset of existing gender inequalities (e.g. the gender wage gap). This thesis considers the status of such inequalities in the context of the Luck Egalitarian project. More precisely, it considers whether the claim that choice excuses inequality is appropriate to the phenomenon of gendered choice. In Chapter 1, I argue that Luck Egalitarianism, as it currently stands, does not adequately deal with the topic of gendered choice. I maintain that this is due largely to the fact that it is not sufficiently attentive to the social forces shaping gendered choices (e.g. socialization, hostile social climates). In Chapter 2, I discuss whether attending more fully to factors that facilitate autonomy gives Luck Egalitarianism a way to incorporate a more robust discussion of gender into its account of responsible choice. I argue that contextualizing the choice/circumstance principle is the key to ensuring that it tracks truly autonomous choice, and avoids treating choices shaped by gender norms as justifiably disadvantage-conferring. In Chapter 3, I begin the project of articulating a set of background conditions against which we can deem choices authentic. I draw on feminist approaches to the philosophy of autonomy to inform this project. I come to the conclusion that choice excuses inequality only if such choices are made against conditions which actively work against gender-specific constraints on choice. / Graduate / 0422 / emma.e.byrnes@gmail.com

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