Spelling suggestions: ""cublic managemement"" ""cublic managementment""
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In a changing world transformation is from the earliest centuries, familiar to mankind.
Therefore the argument is valid that the meaning did not require further explanation.
Although it might be the case, a dilemma is that people oft en experienced uncertainty
regarding the meaning of transformation and intention of role players, when they refer to
the concept. People have different viewpoints, opinions and perceptions of
transformation. Therefore the purpose is to bring transformation into perspective.
It is argued that the concept should be categorised in different types of transformation.
This is necessary in order to differentiate the meaning and to increase the possibilities for
implementation purposes in practice. The value of this approach is that resistance to
change is not necessarily a matter of principal, but it is restricted to ân specific type of
transformation. Role players must bear in mind that the various types of transformation
are often inter-related. Therefore a rigid approach is not recommended.
There is a relation between perceptions of transformation, meanings and viewpoints. This
is because viewpoints are for instance, often based on perceptions. Perceptions are not
necessarily a true reflection of reality, because it is based on selective observation, what
people want to observe. Some individuals base their decisions on perceptions. Therefore
it is necessary to determine the meaning of perceptions and their impact on
An anastatic approach can be utilised for the renewal of transformation in the minds of
role players. The meaning of anastatic (anastasis) is explained, including why an ideal
state of affairs is regarded as static. The changing relations of public institutions and the
community in relation to the ideal state are explained. Phases of transformation are also
explained within the framework of an anastatic approach. This approach is based on
specific elements.
An anastatic approach indicated that a transformation process can become vague in the
mindsets of role players. This process can be renewed in the mindsets by means of this
Renewal can be conducted by focussing for instance on the necessity, reasons, extent,
sense, meaning and purpose of a specific content of transformation. In this regard a
transcendental approach also focuses on the renewal of transformation in the mindsets of
people. By means of this approach it is explained why barriers in mindsets can contribute
towards the fact that the necessity of transformation is not understood. It is explained by
means of a transcendental approach why minority aspects in an institution can contribute
towards majority problems that exceed organisational boundaries. Different solutions are
indicated to overcome these barriers.
An anastatic and transcendental approach can be utilised in interaction within the
framework of Masakhane. The meaning of Masakhane is explained as well as in the
context of the Masakhane Campaign. This campaign serves as background why this
concept became prominent since the campaign was launched during 1995. Both
approaches indicate that four elements or categories can be relayed from the meaning of
Masakhane. With these elements, it can be specified why this concept can be viewed as a
necessity for the realisation of transformation.
The relation of Masakhane and related concepts such as Ubuntu and Batho-Pele are also
explained. Both approaches can be based on the foundations of public management. This
foundation serves as an alternative approach on which Masakhane can be based for the
realisation of transformation.
In this Thesis, key concepts are viewpoints/perceptions, anastatic/anastasis,
transcendental, transformation, change, renewal, mindsets, barriers, co-operation,
Masakhane, Ubuntu and Batho-Pele.
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At present municipalities in the Republic of South Africa are under pressure as
a result of poor financial control and accountability that give cause to
extensive corruption and financial mismanagement with the subsequent
detrimental consequences for effective and efficient rendering of goods and
services to the inhabitants. Hence, it is of the utmost importance that serious
attention be given to the implementation of effective and efficient financial
control and accountability at municipalities.
Financial control and responsibility are definitely of the utmost importance in
determining either the success or failure of local government in the Republic
of South Africa. Financial control and accountability serve as important
building blocks for a democratic dispensation relying on effective and efficient
municipal government and administration.
It is imperative that financial control should take place continuously and that a
guiding and guarding hand should be held upon the manner in which money is
spent or has been spent. This must then be reported to the municipal council
who in turn must report to the inhabitants of the municipality. In order to
account to the inhabitants regarding the functions and activities of municipal
officials it is of vital importance that a council should execute sound control
over the activities of its officials. Sound financial management will enhance a
positive attitude and trust among the inhabitants towards the council.
Accountability is in fact a responsibility that has to be accepted by everyone
who has come into a position of authority. This implies that accountability has
to be accepted in the manner of which the acquired responsibility is executed.
The inherent aim of financial management at municipalities is to account for
expenditure in public. The taxpayer has to be in a position to determine
whether the money as appropriated in the budget has been used for that
specific purpose. This purpose should be for the service rendering of particular goods and services bearing in mind the scarcity of funds and the
complexity of needs.
Statutory financial control at the sphere of local government consists of two
components, viz. an external component (preparation of the budget, control
over loans, expenditure, revenue, and external auditing) and an internal
component (internal auditing, reporting, ethical conduct, and financial
regulations). By means of these, it can be determined whether funds for
approved programmes have been spent effectively and efficiently and whether
the local community has received value for money.
Several issues exist that can make it more difficult for the effective and
efficient financial management at municipalities in the Republic of South
Africa. These issues inter alia, include a lack of expertise, inability to collect
arrear debt, extensive corruption, and exorbitant salaries and bonuses. In
order to eliminate these issues it is necessary to create a basic set of ethical
principles and values. Ethics is linked to the evaluation of specific forms of
human behaviour or decisions that determine what is right or wrong, good or
bad, or acceptable or not acceptable for the inhabitants of a particular
municipality. Ethical conduct and the acceptance of proper values can
prohibit municipal councillors and officials to be attracted to corrupt activities.
A new positive development at the local government sphere is the
implementation of Municipal Public Accounts Committees at municipalities in
Gauteng. This body will enforce accountability at the local government
sphere. A Municipal Public Accounts Committee is a committee of the
municipal council that is appointed by the council to investigate financial
issues and to report to the council. The media can also play an important role
with the functions of this committee as it will keep the inhabitants informed
about issues investigated by the committee.
The effective and efficient enforcement of financial control measures of public
accountability can ameliorate the occurrence of corruption and financial
mismanagement at municipalities. This surely serves as a guarantee for excellent municipal financial management and can add to the public opinion
and interest â the fundamental objectives of a democratic local government
and management. The execution of proper financial control over municipal finances in order
to enforce accountability at local municipalities to avoid
maladministration and corruption and to contribute towards efficiency and
effectiveness at local government level in the Republic of South Africa.
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TEORIE EN PRAKTYK VAN DEURSIGTIGHEID IN DIE OPENBARE SEKTORPretorius, Marlize Carine 25 September 2007 (has links)
The principles of accountability and transparency serve as important building
blocks for a democracy that wants to enhance sound and efficient governance.
The South African government experiences increased allegations of insufficient
public accountability, corruption and maladministration against them and
therefore it is essential to pay in-depth attention to the role of public transparency
in the enhancement of sound democratic governance.
Transparency is not merely an aim in itself, but serves as a means to reach the
planned government objectives and to make effective and efficient participation
of all role-players possible. Open and transparent governance refer to, amongst
other, access to information, participation in public decision-making and the
freedom of the media. An excellent relationship of trust between the public
sector and the public should continuously be developed and maintained. This
makes it essential to keep the public well-informed about the management of
national and regional public institutions, how well they perform, the money spent
by them to reach the approved public objectives and how control is exercised to
ensure successful implementation of the approved government programmes.
Correct and sufficient information must be available to the citizens to enable them
to determine the quality of public goods- and service delivery and to therefore
contribute to improved service delivery by the public sector. A public institution
can be viewed as transparent when it can deliver information to various roleplayers
and/or stakeholders, as prescribed by different Acts, for example the
Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act 2 of 2000). By being
transparent, a public institution confirms its respect towards the countryâs Acts;
justifies its mere existence; confirms its willingness to follow the strategies of the
government-of-the-day and to strive towards the improvement of the public
welfare. Public accountability in a democratic government means that the political officebearers
and public officials must account to the taxpayers for the collection and
spending of public money. Public accountability therefore forms a central theme
in the theory and practice of public transparency and the basis for sound public
administration, as the taxpayer has a right to know how public money has been
collected and spent.
The South African government must implement well-planned programmes and
projects to fight corruption in their strive towards the establishment of
transparent, corruption-free and responsible governance. It is essential that the
government-of-the-day itself fight corruption by adhering to a policy of zero
tolerance towards corrupt officials, irrespective of who the individual is, and to
involve the media as a partner that can publish information about corrupt
practices in order for the public to be well-informed.
Ethics and transparency are closely related. Ethical behaviour can lead to
greater transparency in the activities of public officials. In a democratic
government there is no place for keeping secrets and for confidentiality when it
comes to activities which are financed with public money. Not always serving the
publicâs interest, but rather its own, is unfortunately part of human nature. It is
therefore essential to develop and implement control mechanisms, for example
auditing and reporting techniques, which will contribute to public officials adhering
to the requirements of transparency and openness. It is the duty and
responsibility of all public institutions (political and administrative) to continuously
exercise their actions in a transparent and open manner.
Transparency is the so-called oxygen of politics and the public life. In the
Republic of South Africa it is important to ensure transparent governance to
establish equal and effective goods- and service delivery to the citizens; to
establish excellent accountability and the involvement of citizens in public
decision-making; to improve a legitimate government-of-the-day; to improve the policy formulation and implementation processes; to increase international
investments and lastly to decrease the rate of corruption in the country.
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Rekommunalisierung lokaler Ver- und Entsorgung : Bestandsaufnahme und EntwicklungsperspektivenRöber, Manfred January 2012 (has links)
I. Einleitung
II. Privatisierung und Kommunalisierung in historischer Betrachtung
III. Ursachen der Kommunalisierungs-Renaissance
IV. Rekommunalisierung öffentlicher Aufgaben – mehr „Talk“ als „Action“?
V. Privatisierung versus Kommunalisierung – eine überholte Debatte!
VI. Anregungen aus dem Public Management
VII. Abschließende Bemerkung
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A nova agenda da gestão pública brasileira: estudo de caso do Detran-SP / The new agenda for Brazilian public management: a case study of Detran-SPRodrigues, Denis Alves 06 February 2015 (has links)
A administração pública brasileira tem uma imagem muito negativa perante a sociedade, o que se deve, em grande medida, a um histórico de ineficiência e práticas patrimonialistas e clientelistas. Para enfrentar o desafio de mudar esse tipo de administração pública, a corrente de pensamento denominada Nova Administração Pública (NAP) ou administração gerencialista, como ficou conhecida no Brasil, propõe novos métodos e técnicas de gestão a ela adaptados, muitos deles oriundos das práticas de empresas privadas. Assim, como outras experiências anteriores de reformas no Estado brasileiro, a NAP também ficou mais restrita ao âmbito federal, sendo poucas as oportunidades de estudá-la em nível subnacional (estados ou municípios), ou mesmo via estudos intraorganizacionais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar, por meio de um estudo de caso único, a experiência de implantação de alguns dos valores e práticas da Nova Administração Pública num órgão público brasileiro, de nível estadual, historicamente vinculado aos procedimentos típicos da burocracia tradicional. O órgão público pesquisado é o Departamento de Trânsito de São Paulo (Detran-SP), que atualmente está passando por processo de reestruturação, visando mudanças em seu modelo de gestão. Sendo assim, ele se apresenta como um profícuo laboratório para entender e analisar quais são as variáveis mais relevantes para tornar tecnicamente viável o modelo da NAP em nível subnacional. / Public administration in Brazil has a very negative image in society, largely due to a history of inefficiency combined with patrimonial and clientelistic practices. In order to change this type of administration, the school of thought known as New Public Management (NPM) or managerial public administration, as it is commonly known in Brazil proposes new methods and management techniques, many of which are adapted from private business practices. Similarly to other previous Brazilian state reforms, NPM has been restricted to the federal level, rendering it difficult to be observed or studied at subnational (states or municipalities), or even intraorganizational levels. Given this, the aim of this research is to study, through a single case study, the implementation of some of the values and practices of New Public Management in a state-level Brazilian public agency, historically linked to the typical procedures of traditional bureaucracy. The agency studied is the São Paulo Department of Transit (Detran-SP), which is currently undergoing a restructuring process and can be seen as a laboratory to understand and analyze what are the most relevant variables and challenges to make the NPM possible at the Brazilian subnational level.
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Avaliação dos impactos da modernização da gestão pública no desempenho dos estados brasileiros / Evaluation of public management reform impacts over Brazilian states performanceSá, Mychelle Celeste Batista de 07 October 2009 (has links)
Este estudo pretende analisar qual a relação entre os recursos gerenciais estratégicos do setor público e o desempenho dos estados brasileiros. Para tanto, assume-se que a estratégia é um dos fatores que influenciam a performance financeira e socioeconômica das unidades federativas estatais, e que a modernização da administração pública ocorrida em duas fases, estabelece uma busca pela eficiência apoiada no modelo da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP), que se utiliza desses recursos gerenciais. A pesquisa tem como fundamentação teórica a Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR), que emprega conceitos de competitividade e desempenho no setor público para analisar os seus recursos gerenciais estratégicos como fonte de vantagem competitiva e responsáveis pelo desempenho diferenciado entre as organizações. Trata-se de estudo empírico-analítico de uma amostra de 20 estados brasileiros obtida mediante aplicação de questionário estruturado tipo survey aos Secretários de Estados das Secretarias de Administração, Planejamento, Fazenda, Receita, Educação, Saúde e Segurança dos 26 estados brasileiros. As variáveis referentes aos recursos gerenciais estratégicos foram extraídas do questionário enquanto as demais variáveis de desempenho foram obtidas da base de dados da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN), do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e do Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN). Por meio de métodos de análise multivariada de dependência (correlação canônica e análise de regressão) e de interdependência (análise de correspondência e de homogeneidade), constatou-se que quanto melhor a gestão dos sistema de informações, menor é o nível de endividamento do estado e maior sua liquidez financeira; quanto maior a visão orientada para o cidadão-usuário, maior é a despesa total per capita e o investimento em infraestrutura; os melhores indicadores orçamentários, econômicofinanceiros e de desenvolvimento social estão associados aos Estados que possuem uma boa avaliação da cultura organizacional gerencial, da visão orientada para o cidadão, do capital humano e da gestão dos sistemas de informações. / This research aims to analyze the relationship between public strategic managerial resources and Brazilian states development. Therefore, it is assumed that: (1) the strategy is one of the factors that influence the financial and socio-economic performance of federal unit; and (2) the public administration reform uses these managerial resources. The Resource Based View (RBV) is the research theoretical base. Competitiveness and performance concepts are used to analyze public strategic managerial resources as a source of competitive advantage and as responsible for the different performances among organizations. It is an empirical and analytical study of 20 Brazilian states. This sample was obtained by applying a survey to the administration, planning, finance, income, education, health and safety departments. The variables relating to strategic managerial resources have been extracted from the questionnaire while the other performance variables were obtained from the database of the National Treasury Secretariat (STN), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN ). By multivariate analysis of dependence (canonical correlation and regression analyzes) and interdependence (correspondence and homogeneity analysis), this study revealed that: (1) the best information system management is related with the lower the level of debts and the higher level of financial liquidity, (2) the higher citizen-oriented view is linked with the higher the per capita total expenditure and the higher expenditure on infrastructure, (3) the higher level of the budgetary, financial, economic and social performances is associated with states that have a good evaluation on organizational culture, citizen-oriented view, human capital and information system management.
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A nova agenda da gestão pública brasileira: estudo de caso do Detran-SP / The new agenda for Brazilian public management: a case study of Detran-SPDenis Alves Rodrigues 06 February 2015 (has links)
A administração pública brasileira tem uma imagem muito negativa perante a sociedade, o que se deve, em grande medida, a um histórico de ineficiência e práticas patrimonialistas e clientelistas. Para enfrentar o desafio de mudar esse tipo de administração pública, a corrente de pensamento denominada Nova Administração Pública (NAP) ou administração gerencialista, como ficou conhecida no Brasil, propõe novos métodos e técnicas de gestão a ela adaptados, muitos deles oriundos das práticas de empresas privadas. Assim, como outras experiências anteriores de reformas no Estado brasileiro, a NAP também ficou mais restrita ao âmbito federal, sendo poucas as oportunidades de estudá-la em nível subnacional (estados ou municípios), ou mesmo via estudos intraorganizacionais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar, por meio de um estudo de caso único, a experiência de implantação de alguns dos valores e práticas da Nova Administração Pública num órgão público brasileiro, de nível estadual, historicamente vinculado aos procedimentos típicos da burocracia tradicional. O órgão público pesquisado é o Departamento de Trânsito de São Paulo (Detran-SP), que atualmente está passando por processo de reestruturação, visando mudanças em seu modelo de gestão. Sendo assim, ele se apresenta como um profícuo laboratório para entender e analisar quais são as variáveis mais relevantes para tornar tecnicamente viável o modelo da NAP em nível subnacional. / Public administration in Brazil has a very negative image in society, largely due to a history of inefficiency combined with patrimonial and clientelistic practices. In order to change this type of administration, the school of thought known as New Public Management (NPM) or managerial public administration, as it is commonly known in Brazil proposes new methods and management techniques, many of which are adapted from private business practices. Similarly to other previous Brazilian state reforms, NPM has been restricted to the federal level, rendering it difficult to be observed or studied at subnational (states or municipalities), or even intraorganizational levels. Given this, the aim of this research is to study, through a single case study, the implementation of some of the values and practices of New Public Management in a state-level Brazilian public agency, historically linked to the typical procedures of traditional bureaucracy. The agency studied is the São Paulo Department of Transit (Detran-SP), which is currently undergoing a restructuring process and can be seen as a laboratory to understand and analyze what are the most relevant variables and challenges to make the NPM possible at the Brazilian subnational level.
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Avaliação dos impactos da modernização da gestão pública no desempenho dos estados brasileiros / Evaluation of public management reform impacts over Brazilian states performanceMychelle Celeste Batista de Sá 07 October 2009 (has links)
Este estudo pretende analisar qual a relação entre os recursos gerenciais estratégicos do setor público e o desempenho dos estados brasileiros. Para tanto, assume-se que a estratégia é um dos fatores que influenciam a performance financeira e socioeconômica das unidades federativas estatais, e que a modernização da administração pública ocorrida em duas fases, estabelece uma busca pela eficiência apoiada no modelo da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP), que se utiliza desses recursos gerenciais. A pesquisa tem como fundamentação teórica a Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR), que emprega conceitos de competitividade e desempenho no setor público para analisar os seus recursos gerenciais estratégicos como fonte de vantagem competitiva e responsáveis pelo desempenho diferenciado entre as organizações. Trata-se de estudo empírico-analítico de uma amostra de 20 estados brasileiros obtida mediante aplicação de questionário estruturado tipo survey aos Secretários de Estados das Secretarias de Administração, Planejamento, Fazenda, Receita, Educação, Saúde e Segurança dos 26 estados brasileiros. As variáveis referentes aos recursos gerenciais estratégicos foram extraídas do questionário enquanto as demais variáveis de desempenho foram obtidas da base de dados da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN), do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e do Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN). Por meio de métodos de análise multivariada de dependência (correlação canônica e análise de regressão) e de interdependência (análise de correspondência e de homogeneidade), constatou-se que quanto melhor a gestão dos sistema de informações, menor é o nível de endividamento do estado e maior sua liquidez financeira; quanto maior a visão orientada para o cidadão-usuário, maior é a despesa total per capita e o investimento em infraestrutura; os melhores indicadores orçamentários, econômicofinanceiros e de desenvolvimento social estão associados aos Estados que possuem uma boa avaliação da cultura organizacional gerencial, da visão orientada para o cidadão, do capital humano e da gestão dos sistemas de informações. / This research aims to analyze the relationship between public strategic managerial resources and Brazilian states development. Therefore, it is assumed that: (1) the strategy is one of the factors that influence the financial and socio-economic performance of federal unit; and (2) the public administration reform uses these managerial resources. The Resource Based View (RBV) is the research theoretical base. Competitiveness and performance concepts are used to analyze public strategic managerial resources as a source of competitive advantage and as responsible for the different performances among organizations. It is an empirical and analytical study of 20 Brazilian states. This sample was obtained by applying a survey to the administration, planning, finance, income, education, health and safety departments. The variables relating to strategic managerial resources have been extracted from the questionnaire while the other performance variables were obtained from the database of the National Treasury Secretariat (STN), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN ). By multivariate analysis of dependence (canonical correlation and regression analyzes) and interdependence (correspondence and homogeneity analysis), this study revealed that: (1) the best information system management is related with the lower the level of debts and the higher level of financial liquidity, (2) the higher citizen-oriented view is linked with the higher the per capita total expenditure and the higher expenditure on infrastructure, (3) the higher level of the budgetary, financial, economic and social performances is associated with states that have a good evaluation on organizational culture, citizen-oriented view, human capital and information system management.
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Eficiência e eficácia na gestão pública: um estudo de caso do PIBID / Catalão / Efficiency and effectiveness in public management: a case study PIBID / CatalãoOliveira, Paulo Henrique Santa de 27 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-22T17:36:02Z
No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Paulo Henrique Santana de OLiveira - 2016.pdf: 3842647 bytes, checksum: 21be41eb9bd285ba0d1c20682e319187 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-30T15:46:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Paulo Henrique Santana de OLiveira - 2016.pdf: 3842647 bytes, checksum: 21be41eb9bd285ba0d1c20682e319187 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-30T15:46:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Paulo Henrique Santana de OLiveira - 2016.pdf: 3842647 bytes, checksum: 21be41eb9bd285ba0d1c20682e319187 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-27 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The advance of computer networks added to the popularization of the Internet and facilities
resulting from the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), made
information systems to gain space in society. With the aid of computers easier to obtain
information, which in turn are the result of data processed. This was a big step for the
development and advancement of society. Thus, this study sought to use is a theoretical
framework to investigate the hypothesis that the computerization would make management
processes more efficient and effective in the public sector, in view of the problem: As electronic
/ computerized systems can assist in the management of processes and communication in order
to improve efficiency and effectiveness, optimizing these processes? Regarding the
methodology addressed, the research is characterized as qualitative their approach and applied
/ technology as its nature. As for the method of investigation, first, an application was developed
(electronics) web platform that managed a selection process of the Institutional Program
Introduction to Teaching Exchange (PIBID), the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). The
questionnaires were applied retrospectively to the actors involved in that process (Institutional
Coordinator, Area Coordinators and students/candidates). The questionnaires investigated
whether there was more efficiency and effectiveness in the selection process after having used
an electronic system as well as the level of digital literacy of the investigation. The results
showed that most stakeholders agreed that the computerization of case management in the
selection process, provided more efficiency and effectiveness in organizations. The final
considerations pointed out that the assumptions made in this study were validated by most
survey respondents and that people are at different levels of digital literacy. Moreover, this work
has shown relevance not only because it was developed a product but by the fact that ICTs bring
numerous benefits to the citizen and the state. As an example, using the system, there was a
reduction of costs and or expenses human and material resources, gain productivity and
information processing, long-term storage of information, saving time that would be spent on
transportation to the place of registration, when necessary, and flexible schedules because the
electronics be available without interruption to the actors involved. Finally, it is recommended
that institutions use more electronic systems, as the computerization provides numerous
benefits for both the institutions and for citizens. / O avanço das redes de computadores somado à popularização da Internet e às facilidades
decorrentes do uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) fizeram com que os
sistemas de informação ganhassem espaço na sociedade. A utilização de computadores facilitou
a obtenção de informações, estas, por sua vez, são o resultado de dados processados. Isto foi
um grande passo para o desenvolvimento e avanço da sociedade. Nesse sentido, o estudo ora
proposto buscou investigar a principal hipótese de que a informatização pode fazer com que a
gestão de processos se torne mais eficiente e eficaz, tendo em vista a problemática: Como os
sistemas eletrônicos/informatizados podem auxiliar na gestão de processos e de comunicação
com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência e eficácia, otimizando estes processos? No que tange à
metodologia adotada, a pesquisa se caracteriza como qualitativa, quanto à abordagem e
aplicada/tecnológica quanto à natureza. Quanto ao método de investigação, foi desenvolvida
uma aplicação (sistema eletrônico) em plataforma web que gerenciou um processo seletivo do
Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), na Universidade Federal de
Goiás (UFG) e, a posteriori, foram aplicados questionários para os atores envolvidos no
processo (Coordenador Institucional, Coordenadores de Área e Alunos/Candidatos). Os
questionários investigaram se houve mais eficiência e eficácia no processo seletivo após terem
utilizado um sistema eletrônico, bem como o nível de letramento digital dos investigados. Os
resultados mostraram que a maioria dos atores envolvidos concordou que a informatização da
gestão de processos no processo seletivo proporcionou mais eficiência e eficácia nas
organizações. As considerações finais apontaram que as hipóteses colocadas neste estudo foram
validadas pela maioria dos respondentes da pesquisa e que estes estão em diferentes níveis de
letramento digital. Além disso, este trabalho mostrou relevância não somente por desenvolver
um produto, mas pela constatação de que as TICs proporcionam inúmeros benefícios para os
cidadãos e para o Estado. A exemplo disso, com a utilização do sistema, houve redução de
custos e/ou gastos com recursos humanos e materiais, além de ganho na produtividade e
processamento de informações, no armazenamento de informações a longo prazo, economia de
tempo que seria gasto no transporte até o local de inscrição, quando necessário, e flexibilidade
de horários em virtude do sistema eletrônico estar disponível ininterruptamente aos atores
envolvidos. Por fim, é recomendado que as instituições utilizem mais sistemas eletrônicos, visto
que a informatização proporciona inúmeros benefícios tanto para as instituições quanto para os
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A trajetória de uma câmara técnica de reabilitação como instrumento de gestão pública / The trajectory of technical chamber of rehabilitation as an instrument of public managementArdinghi Brollo, Maria Luiza, 1965- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Cecília Marconi Pinheiro Lima, Maria de Fátima de Campos Françozo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T01:04:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Vários aspectos da estrutura social estão envolvidos com a construção das políticas de saúde. As tensões decorrentes de olhares distintos para problemas comuns, a organização das ações e a escolha das prioridades, o exercício continuado das relações de poder. Estudar as políticas de saúde e a organização dos serviços não é tarefa pouco complexa. No caso das políticas de saúde voltadas às pessoas com deficiência, uma diretriz importante é um maior grau de equidade no acesso desta população às ofertas de saúde para satisfazer suas necessidades na busca de bem estar físico e psíquico. Este trabalho se propôs a analisar a implantação da Câmara Técnica de Reabilitação da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Campinas, como um instrumento de gestão pública. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, por meio de pesquisa de fontes documentais relacionadas com a atenção à pessoa com deficiência desta secretaria. Dentre os documentos estudados, encontravam-se prospectos, atas de reuniões, relatórios e manuais, buscando-se neles os fatos e acontecimentos relacionados com a implantação da Câmara Técnica. Além disso, foram analisados questionários aplicados pelo gestor da área de reabilitação aos trabalhadores do Centro de Referência em Reabilitação, cuja finalidade era, na época, avaliar o trabalho realizado pelo grupo e planejar futuras ações. Os resultados permitiram a elaboração de um breve histórico da reabilitação no município de Campinas, contextualizando a concepção da Câmara Técnica; evidenciaram a área de reabilitação se organizando e adquirindo visibilidade na estrutura da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde; destacaram o estudo de um manual que evidenciou a organização de uma rede de atenção pautada na colaboração entre seus serviços; permitiram, na leitura das atas das reuniões da Câmara Técnica, a correlação das propostas apresentadas com fatos descritos na época. A análise dos conteúdos dos questionários ressaltou três eixos principais: a percepção de uma rede de serviços voltada à reabilitação; a constatação de mudanças internas, subjetivas nos trabalhadores que participaram da Câmara Técnica e a compreensão da interdisciplinaridade e intersetorialidade pelos mesmos. Nas falas dos trabalhadores foi possível evidenciar a autonomia do grupo técnico e de seus usuários na medida em que conheceram seus pares e se organizaram numa rede de ações e saberes. Nas falas desses trabalhadores percebemos a figura do trabalhador-cidadão que se sente parte integrante do problema e da solução / Abstract: Various aspects of social structure are involved in the construction of health policies. Tensions arising from distinct looks for common problems, the organization of actions and the choice of priorities, the continued exercise of power relations. Studying health policies and the organization of services is not just a complex task. In the case of health policies for people with disabilities, an important guideline is a greater degree of equity of this population to access health offering in order to meet their needs in the search of physical and mental well-being. This work proposed to analyze the implantation of the Municipal Secretary Health of Campinas¿ Technical Chamber of Rehabilitation as an instrument of public management. Thus, it was done a qualitative study, based on the research of documentary sources relating to the care for people with disabilities inside this organization. Among the documents studied, there were leaflets, minutes of meetings, reports and manuals, seeking in them the facts and events related to the implantation of the Technical Chamber. In addition, questionnaires applied by the rehabilitation area manager to the workers of the Rehabilitation Reference Center, whose purpose was, at the time, to evaluate the work done by the group and to plan activities for the coming year. The results allowed, in principle, the survey of a brief history of rehabilitation in the borough of Campinas, contextualizing the conception of the Technical Chamber; showed the area of rehabilitation being organized and getting visibility inside the Municipal Secretary of Health's structure; emphasized the study of a manual that showed the organization of a care network based in the collaboration between its services; allowed, in the reading of the minutes of the Technical Chamber's meetings, the correlation of proposals with facts described at the time. The analyses of the content of the questionnaires highlighted three main axes: the perception of a network of services aimed at rehabilitation; the finding of internal and subjective changes of the Technical Chamber's workers and the understanding of interdisciplinarity and intersectoriality by them. In the speeches of workers was possible to point the autonomy of the technical group and its members as they knew their peers and have organized a network of actions and knowledge. In the speeches of these workers we realized the image of the worker-citizen who feels part of the problem as well of the solution / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação
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