Spelling suggestions: ""cublic managemement"" ""cublic managementment""
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Läsprojekt, hur och varför? : Politiskt motiverade arbetssätt i Kultur i Västs läsfrämjande projektBerlin, Frida January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor´s thesis is to examine the motivational factors for project management as a method for the regional library Kultur i Väst in Sweden, using qualitative content analysis and New Public Management (NPM) as the theoretical framework.. It was performed on eight applications for Kulturrådet from 2010 to 2015. The theoretical framework is based on New Public Management theory and a schematic for the analysis was constructed from several scientists established characteristics of NPM. The results showed that Kultur i Väst primary focus has been intercommunication and united action. Many of the projects were also focused on establishing a network between libraries and methods for collective marketing. These work proceedings correlated with established traits in NPM such as standardization and greater focus on reporting and evaluation. Three different reasons for this correlation were discussed. User demand, standardization and legitimation were all found to have implied or outright stated to be the motivational factor in the projects. The study came to the conclusion that the similarities between how Kulturrådet formulates demands on regional libraries and how Kultur i Väst plan and motivate their own strategies supports the idea of a connection between NPM and project as a method for regional libraries.
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Performance indicators and the management of further education in ScotlandMackie, Robert January 2001 (has links)
The focus of this research is on New Public Management and the implementation of public policy with specific reference to the policy on performance indicators and the management of further education in Scotland. The thesis considers the body of literature on public policy implementation and the current state of knowledge of performance indicators and their use in public management in general and in further education in Scotland in particular. Scottish further education faced radical change in the period from 1990 and part of the change was the introduction by Government of prescribed performance indicators. This research examines the public policy-action relationship by considering the implementation of this policy with particular reference to the differences associated with the relationships between performance governance, performance management and consumerism. The empirical elements of this thesis comprise a study of stakeholder perception of the purpose and utility of performance indicators. From this empirical work conclusions are derived which relate to the main beneficiaries of performance indicators and the extent to which public policy is best understood from a `top-down' or a 'bottom-up' perspective. The thesis concludes that neither of these perspectives is sufficient but both are necessary. The recognition of multiple stakeholder interest leads to a conclusion that implementation can only be examined by considering all stakeholder perceptions of the outputs and outcomes of the public policy on performance indicators in Scottish further education. Performance indicators are themselves a good reflection of the way in which NPM is evolving within public services.
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An Inquiry into Entrepreneurship in The Public Sector : Case study: Policy Entrepreneurship in The Municipality of ÖrnsköldsvikMahieddine, Mohamed January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: The study tries to drive back the concept of [policy] entrepreneurship to its basics according to Schumpeterian/Kirznerian approach by displaying its process of emergence and implementation in the public sector, and its interaction with institutions and their changes. Method: The study was conducted by using a qualitative content analysis examining the protocols of the board of the municipality Ö-vik under the current mandate period (2010 - 2013), internal documents related to policy acceptance, a citizen proposal and a proposition from a politician. Even interviews were conducted with some members of the board, an administrator and the external policy entrepreneur. Conclusions: Entrepreneurial act occurs when unnoticed opportunities are discovered, when a policy domain is in disequilibrium. The driving toward equilibrium is performed as a collective act and the entrepreneurial profit emerged returns to the discoverer. The implementation occurs when the politicians composing the majority in the board guarantee that their monopoly in the political market is maintained, the new actors (external policy entrepreneurs) neutralized and the change is controlled. A process of creating meaning/ proactive manipulation that is the rhetoric of NPM ideology submits entrepreneurial acts to the logic of economic rational calculation and neutralizes its creativity.
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De illegitima makthavarna? : - En studie av kommunala tjänstemäns inflytande över beslut med bakgrund av beställar- utförarmodellen och huruvida det kan vara ett demokratiproblem eller inteQaderi, Josef Elias January 2010 (has links)
En stor förändring som har skett inom den offentliga sektorn sedan 1980-talet är synen på hur man bäst effektiviserar verksamheten. Kommunerna riktade blickar mot företagsvärlden där företagsidealet utmärkte sig som det ideala och optimala för effektivisering. En rad olika teorier om hur man bäst effektiviserar den offentliga sektorn som inbegrips under new public management kom att realiseras under 1990-talet. Med bakgrund av den nya styrningen i form av beställar- utförarmodellen som ett led i new public management har syftet med denna uppsats varit att studera i vilken utsträckning tjänstemännen utövar makt genom att studera ett fall och den beslutsprocess som föranledde det. Vidare har syftet varit att studera på vilket sätt tjänstemannamakten utgör ett demokratiskt problem. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har tillämpats för att besvara första frågeställningen. Resultatet visar bland annat att det förekommer meningsskiljeaktigheter i hur beställare och utförare tolkar det kontraktet som är elementärt för beställar- utförarmodellen, vilket riskerar att ansvarutkrävandet blir svårare för medborgaren gentemot politikerna.
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Styrningsrationalitet i svenska kommuner - en fråga om ideologi? : En komparativ studie om sambandet mellan ideologi och styrningsrationalitetAlexandersson (Weimers), Jenny January 2012 (has links)
This paper is about if municipal council's ideology affect steering in the municipalities of Vellinge and Fagertsa. Vellinge has for a long time been governed by Sweden's conservative party Moderaterna. Fagersta has for a long time been governed by Sweden's left party Vänsterpartiet. The main question of the paper to be answered is as follows: Is there a relation between the steering in municipalities and the ideology of the governing parties? The hypothesis is that there is a connection between what ideology the party that governs has and how the municipalities are being governed. The question is being answered by an idea analysis. Two ideal types are being used to compare the two steering alternatives New Puplic Management and Traditional Bureucracy with the two municipalities. The conclusion is that there is a connection though it is rather weak. It is also clear that the steering is being affected not only by the governing parties ideology but also by the state. This explanation is supported by the theory employed in the paper. Keywords: Styrningsrationalitet, New Public Management, Traditional Bureucracy, Kommuner
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Företagshälsovården – en evig diskussion? : En studie om förväntningar och upplevelser kring företagshälsovårdens funktion.Johansson, Heléne, Tindholm, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
Företagshälsovården (FHV) agerar på en fri marknad i egenskap av oberoende expertresurs. Skillnader finns mellan vad kunderna efterfrågar och vad FHV önskar leverera. Det är därför intressant att studera om förväntningarna från kunden stämmer med den intentionen FHV har. Vidare är det intressant att ställa det i relation till den funktion FHV ”bör” ha enligt en nationell diskussion. Studien bygger på en metodkombination mellan kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av mätinstrumentet SERVQUAL och har sedan ställts mot den nationella diskussionen angående företagshälsovårdens uppgift. Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan vad kunderna förväntar sig av FHV och upplevelsen av vad de faktiskt får. Vidare visar det att vad kunderna anser vara FHV:s uppgift inte ligger helt i linje med FHV:s egen uppfattning samt att det finns en diskrepans mellan kundernas förväntningar på FHV och vad den nationella diskussionen framhåller som FHV:s huvudsakliga uppgift.
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An inclusive public sector workplaceLengnick-Hall, Rebecca Diane 12 December 2013 (has links)
This report explores the intersection between public management and workplace inclusion. At its core, workplace inclusion refers to an individual's ability to participate meaningfully and access opportunities within an organization, regardless of his or her unique identity (Mor Barak, 2005 & Prime et. al, 2010). The public sector is of particular interest to this author because of the types of services provided, populations served, and people employed by government agencies. Structural constraints, high expectations of transparency, and broad accountability to the public at large also make public sector organizations a unique management setting. Hill and Lynn (2009) developed a three-dimensional approach to public management that is one of the foundations of this report. In their framework, the three dimensions of public management are structure, culture, and craft. This framework is used in this report because it captures the complex environmental and individual factors that influence a public manager's ability to achieve organizational goals. Mor Barak's (2005) model for an inclusive workplace serves as the second foundation for this report because it is on the cutting edge of social work research. Her model combines both business and social work perspectives to capture the multidisciplinary nature of workplace inclusion. Supplementing these models, private sector research is discussed to illustrate the potential examples, benefits, and limitations of creating an inclusive workplace. The purpose of this report is to create a foundation for future empirical research and to offer an inclusive public management perspective to practitioners. It attempts to integrate models from different disciplines and apply private sector research to a public management context. This report operates under the premise that management practice can be enhanced when the strengths and unique perspectives of different disciplines--such as social work, business, and public management--are shared and integrated. An effectively implemented inclusive public sector workplace model has the potential to mitigate social injustice at the organizational level and enhance an agency's ability to fulfill its mission. / text
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Kontraktsstyrning och kvalitetsindikatorers utformning vid kommunal upphandling : En flerfallsstudie / Management by contract and the design of quality indicators in municipal procurement : A multiple case studyPersson, Fredrik, Blomberg, Linus January 2014 (has links)
Management by contract is nowadays a common method within the public sector since the NPM overtook as paradigm with its mechanisms of control inspired by the private sector. The public agency is foremost a service provider where they interact with citizens in the service process. Swedish eldercare has significantly increased its expose to competition which means that eldercare can be executed not only by the municipalities own provider. Such an adaption increases the requirements to inspect quality and how the purchasers assure goal achievement by control. The outmost liability stays with the municipality to ensure that the service produces god care since their position as the service purchaser implies the responsibility to plan, precise and evaluate the required work that the executor has to accomplish. Previous research has shown the difficulties to define quality in the tendering process. The purpose of this paper is to examine how municipalities control executors to achieve objectives and inspect the design of quality indicators in agreements. The procedure that followed was to describe various in the theoretical frame of reference factors which influence management by contract and to present different perspectives of approaches on how purchaser can control the providers to ensure quality. The paper is a qualitative multiple case study approach with a document analysis and a semi-structured interview with a specialist in care and procurement. In the result section the municipalities are first displayed separately with a model of analysis as reference and characteristic aspects in the contracts before a gathered result is shown. In the same section there are demonstrating examples that indicates how the municipalities tend to control. The results discussion connect the results with theory and what previously been observed in this field of study. The discussion ends with a general discussion regarding the overall implementation of management by contract. The conclusion answers the purpose from a perspective of the emerged result. The result of the study presents that quality indicators in general are sufficiently concretized to regard them as possible to follow-up and the municipalities way of controlling the provider to assure objectives of the activity are accomplished differs from one another.
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En studie om den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom äldreomsorgen i StockholmFyrestam, Nayra, Raappana, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att genom kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder studera hur omsorgsgivarna inom äldreomsorgen uppfattar den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Media har gett en negativ bild om arbetsmiljön där det påstås att omsorgsgivarna har en hög arbetsbelastning som resulterar i att de ständigt känner sig stressade och inte känner att de kan ge patienterna kvalitetstid. Vi vill undersöka om detta överensstämmer med verkligheten och om de resultatdrivna styrverktygen som råder inom den offentliga sektorn påverkar utfallet. Vi vill veta ifall styrningen indirekt influerar omsorgsgivarna genom att de får minskat handlingsutrymme och därmed försämrad psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Vårt underlag för denna studie är baserad på 176 enkätsvar från nio verksamheter i Stockholms län samt åtta stödintervjuer. Resultatet visar att omsorgsgivarna uppfattar deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö som dålig. De visar även på en påtaglig skillnad i psykosocial arbetsmiljö mellan kommunal och privat regi, där omsorgsgivarna inom den kommunala sektorn är mest missnöjda. De största skillnaderna hittar vi i hur omsorgsgivarna känner att de hinner ge patienterna den tiden som de behöver samt om de uppfattar att de har tillräckligt med personal för att utföra ett kvalitativt arbete. En anledning till detta missnöje kan bero på styrningsverktyget New Public Management introduktion i den kommunala sektorn.
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Das neue Steuerungsmodell auf Bundes- und Länderebene sowie die Neuordnung der öffentlichen Finanzkontrolle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland /Dahm, Sabine. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Trier, 2002. / Literaturverz. S. [310] - 328.
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