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Coping strategies and relative factors in primiparous women during the first stage of labour / 自然產初產婦於第一產程之調適策略及其相關因素Yin-Ru Chen, 陳映如 January 2009 (has links)
碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 護理學研究所 / 97 / Pregnancy is a family event; it is also an enormous challenge for prospective parents. At present, it is observed that part of the prenatal education courses can be provided in the classroom to wait for relevant coping strategies, but in clinical practice has failed to be used actively; mothers usually endure the pain silently.
The purpose of this study is aimed to analyze the coping strategies and relative factors in primiparous women in the first stage of labor. Retrospective survey and purposive sampling were used for this study. Following Ethics Committee approval and providing informed consent, 53 nulliparous women completed a questionnaire at 72 hours of the birth of their first child at a medical center in North Taiwan were subjects for the study. SPSS 12.0 software for Windows was used to analysis the data.
The research results indicate that nulliparous women’s knowledge of the use of copying strategies is in a middle level. The average score for this knowledge was 3.59 (total=5).
Knowledge and age are negatively inter-correlated. The average score for women’s attitude was 3.17(total=5). It was positive. Attitude and birth companion’s involvement in the use of copying strategies are positively inter-correlated. The most used continuous strategy throughout the first stage of labor was the breathing strategy, and for discontinuous strategy, postural change showed to be more used. The highest proportion of reasons for stopping use of postural change was no longer working. The degree of using of coping strategies and duration first stage of labor are positively inter-correlated. The correlation analysis showed that continuous using of massage was significantly related to duration first stage of labor and nurse’s involvement in the use of coping strategies; stopping relaxation was significantly related to birth companion’s involvement in the use of coping strategies.
Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to obstetric nurses: first ensure that the women have learned the knowledge and skills, second fit the current situation of the women to coping strategy, and third consider the importance and function of birth companion. In addition, aromatherapy and the use of music also could be useful. Aromatherapy and music is provided by the usage of reference for women at antenatal classes.
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Enhancement Effect of UV/O3 on the Effectiveness of Photocatalytic Oxidation for Removing Indoor Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds / 以紫外光/臭氧程序增進光觸媒對室內生物源揮發性有機物去除效率之研究Guo-Hao Huang, 黃國豪 January 2008 (has links)
碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 環境工程學研究所 / 96 / Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) is one of the major indoor air pollutants, and is considered as an cause for sick building syndrome. Using wood furniture , paint, cleanser and perfume even for freshening and improving indoor air quality by Aromatherapy will produce biogenic volatile organic compounds like limonene. Because of long time exposure and possible production of secondary organic aerosols from reaction between limonene and oxidant so in this essay I choose limonene as a target pollutant in this study.
Among the indoor air-cleaning technology for controlling VOCs, photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) reaction is widely used in recent years because of the advantages such as higher cleaning efficiency, the lower energy consumption, and the fully oxidation and lower operation cost. Some researches have demonstrated that ozone has positive effects on effectiveness of PCO, and also ozone has high oxidation with limonene. The objective of this research was to investigate the enhancement effect of ozone on VOCs removal efficiency and the ozone removal efficiency.
There are many factors influencing PCO efficiency. In this study, the effects of limonene concentration, reactive humidity, gas flow rate and the ozone concentration on the removal of limonene were investigated. Other factors were fixed like controlling temperature on 25±1℃, using UV light source (wavelength is 254 nm), constant UV intensity, and choosing Degussa P25 TiO2 for the catalyst in this study.
The effect of gas-phase mass transfer was negligible when gas flow rate was higher than 1600 ml/min. And the PCO kinetics fitted Langmuir-Hinshelwood model for bimolecular competitive adsorption form. The VOCs conversion and CO2 evolution decreased with increasing limonene concentrations. However, the VOCs oxidation rate has opposite effect. In this experiment, removal efficiency of ozone ranged from 45.01% to 53.77%. After the reaction, concentration of ozone are close or below to 50 ppb.
The VOCs-hydroxyl radical rate constants (k_OH) of limonene is 15.6, 19.7, 16.0 μ-mole/m2-s respectively for humidity 20%, 50%, 80%. PCO rate constants of toluene, p-xylene, m-xylene, mesitylene, and limonene were proportional to k_OH no matter what humidity is. Getting together with Langmuir adsorption constants of the above-mentioned VOCs and water. A linear positive relationship was found between reciprocal of Langmuir adsorption constants and Henry’s Law constants no matter what reactive humidity is.
Increasing reactive humidity showed a dual effect on VOCs conversion, CO2 evolution, and the residual intermediate. The reactive humidity turning point is 40%. The experiment showed that adding ozone can reduce it significantly when the humidity move up to 30%. And it showed that in high humidity, adding ozone can control the residual intermediate on 10~20%, and extending the catalyst effectiveness.
In PCO reaction, the VOCs conversion and CO2 evolution increased with increasing concentration of ozone. But it will enhance the residual intermediate relatively. The slopes of plot of VOCs oxidation rates & ozone concentration were defined as enhancement indices of ozone. The experiment result showed enhancement indices of ozone on limonene is 4.15×〖10〗^(-4) μ-mole-m-2-s-1/ppb-O3. Getting together with above-mentioned species, enhancement indices of ozone were proportional to k_OH.
In PCO reaction, removing efficiency of ozone and VOCs oxidation increased with increasing the ozone removal efficiency. The ozone removal efficiency in the presence and absence of limonene ranged from 50.13% to 89.93% and from 40.23% to 77.29%. So this study found that VOCs oxidation is related to removing efficiency of ozone.
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Safety and efficacy evaluation of tea tree oil for acne / 茶樹精油應用於痤瘡治療之功效與安全性評估Li-Wei Chen, 陳立偉 January 2008 (has links)
碩士 / 臺北醫學大學 / 生藥學研究所 / 96 / Tea tree oil (TTO) is one of the essential oils that are popularly used in cosmetics and mending agents. TTO, the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, is used in aromatherapy and has been investigated as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. However, TTOs can cause skin irritation at high concentrations. In this study, we explored the safety and efficient dosage of TTO and investigated the mechanism of TTO-induced skin irritation between with its components. The clinical trial literatures with randomized and double blinding design were very rare and Jadad score very low. Therefore, we executed following animal experimental research.
Tea tree oils were extracted by hydrodistillation and five brands commercial TTOs were purchased in Taiwan market. All compositions fit with International Standard 4730 guideline for TTO. In the followings, we established anti-Staphylococcal activity and safety evaluation for skin irritations of TTOs in rats. The antibacterial effects of 12 kinds of TTO’s components, extracted and commercial TTOs were measured by agar well diffusion method. Terpinolene (MIC 6.25%, MBC 100%), α-terpinene (MIC 6.25%, MBC 25%), and α-terpineol (MIC 10%, MBC 40%) were the major components in TTOs and exhibited most potent antibacterial activity. According to the above results, we designed the formulated TTOs. Formulated TTOs were more effect than extracted TTO but not as well as commercial one.
Allergic contact dermatitis model was established by neomycin irritations. The extracted TTO showed significant skin irritation at more than 2%/site, 1,8-cineole and terpinen-4-ol no significant dermal toxicity. Continued smear 2%/site TTO on Wistar rats skin for 28 days, GOT, GPT, BUN and creatinine of rats in serum did not significantly changed. We suggested TTO did not damage in the function of liver and kidney under 2%/site smear on skin for 28 days.
According to efficacy and safety literature review of evidence-based medicine and experimental research of TTO for acne treatment, TTOs were ability for Staphylococcus aureus inhibition and anti-inflammatory activity. Topical used with low dose of TTOs rather than oral administration will not cause harm to health.
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The Psychological and Physiological Test of Essential Oil's Odor in Aromatherapy. / 精油氣味之生心理反應及其關係CHEN, YI-CHUN, 陳怡君 January 2014 (has links)
碩士 / 國立臺北護理健康大學 / 旅遊健康研究所 / 102 / Nowadays, Aromatherapy is a popular way for people to release life stress and improve the quality of life. According to the Cognitive Theory, the odor to a human body is not only a feel of sensory but also the combination of experience, judgment, imagination…etc. Many studies have shown the effects of odors only in Psychological or in Physiological. Some studies discussed the relativity between both but still in the minority in Taiwan.
The study recorded HRV and EEG indicators by biofeedback instrument and investigated emotional feeling by questionnaire, to analyze the responses to the odors of Essential oil : Rosemary, Lavender and Cedar wood (33 persons each one).
The results showed that 1. All of the three essential oils reduced HR, EEG and increased SDRR but there is no significant difference among the three oils. 2. Lavender oil showed a better significant score is joy and happy which means each essential oil might have a different influence on emotion. 3. There is no significant relationship between the physiological and psychological reactions. 4. People have nearly the same familiarity and preference for those three odors. But lavender significantly correlated to some brighter colors. 5. Physiological reactions have no significant correlation to familiarity, preference and the color. 6. The familiarity has significantly correlated to the emotion “joy and satisfaction”, “adamant and self-confidence”. There is a positive correlation between preference and the emotion “joy and content”. There is a negative correlation between preference, and the emotion “alertness and sadness”. 7. The influence of odor in mentality (emotion) is more than in physiology and some correlation between them.
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The effectiveness of the aromatherapy body massage on anxiety and sleep quality in general medical surgical ward nurses / 運用芳香按摩改善內外科病房護理人員焦慮及睡眠品質之 成效Wen-Pei Wang, 王文佩 January 2014 (has links)
碩士 / 高雄醫學大學 / 護理學研究所 / 102 / Anxiety and the poor sleep quality are common problems among nurses. This study was to investigate the effects of the aromatherapy body massage on the anxiety reduction and the sleep quality improvement among nurses. The experimental longitudinal study was conducted and staff nurses working in medical surgical wards were recruited from one regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. Twenty-five subjects, who were randomly assigned to the experimental group received aromatherapy, while twenty-five subjects in the control group only listened to the music. The “Beck Anxiety Inventory” and the “Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index” were used for the data collection. The collected were analyzed by descriptive ststistic, The paired t-test, ANCOVA, repeat measure ANOVA, and Pearson product- moment correlation.
The result showed that these nurses with an average age of 30.64(±4.19)years have 8.22(±4.38)years of working experience. Overall, all the subjects experienced mild(42%) or moderate(30%) anxiety and all reported poor sleep quality. After receiving the aromatherapy body massage, there was a statistical significance(p<.001)improvement on the anxiety and the sleep quality between the nurses in the experimental group and those in the control group. It is concluded that aromatherapy body massage could relieve the anxiety and improve the sleep quality of nurses. It is recommended that the aromatherapy body massage can be applied to resolve the anxiety and sleeping problems of nurses. It can enhance the quality of life of nurses to deliver high- quality patient care .
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Straddling paradigms : an interpretive hermeneutic exploration of the experience of midwives practising homeopathyDuckworth, Jean Ellen January 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to explore the experiences of midwives who were also homeopaths as they attempted to straddle the different philosophical and practice paradigms they encountered in each domain. It also explored the implications of their experience on their practice. Over recent decades the National Health Service (NHS) has moved towards a scientific-bureaucratic perspective, in which the emphasis is on the use of evidence-based frameworks. It has been argued that this development has moved the focus in healthcare away from ‘caring’. In parallel, there has been an increase in the demand for complementary and alternative medicines in the United Kingdom (UK), and elsewhere. In responding to this call a number of midwives have taken up training opportunities in massage, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture and homeopathy, amongst others. There are no studies however, that have examined the impact of training as a homeopath on midwives and their practice. After a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this study used an interpretive hermeneutic framework to explore the experience of midwives who trained as homeopaths. In-depth interviews were conducted with seven midwife homeopaths. The findings were analysed using three different lenses. The first of these conceptualised and explored the midwives narratives as personal and professional metamorphoses, as they changed from midwife to homeopath or midwife homeopath. Secondly, the data were framed using a Heideggerian lens, which illuminated a process of transformation into being authentic practitioners. This demonstrates how authenticity allowed the participants to (re) engage with, and further value the therapeutic relationship as a fundamental element of their clinical practice. The final lens explored the impact engendered of being authentic on the therapeutic relationship that developed between midwife homeopath and the women in their care. The conclusion was drawn that the therapeutic relationship developed by an authentic practitioner via a homeopathic consultation is transferable to other healthcare practitioners, and offers a challenge to practice based in notions of scientism and bureaucracy. Further exploration of these phenomenon’s could help to deliver on the drive to deliver compassionate personalised care across the NHS as a whole.
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Application of Grey Relational Grade in Aromatic Diastolic Pressure Therapy for Marketing / 應用灰關聯於芳香舒壓療法的行銷市場評估蔡育宜 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 建國科技大學 / 自動化工程系暨機電光系統研究所 / 104 / In clinical studies have shown that active aging and the pressure will decrease parasympathetic, and will stimulate the brain hypothalamus, and then have some reaction by the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system, leaving the body showed no stable state, resulting in many diseases. This thesis is designed to achieve Applying Grey Relational theory in aromatherapy do application integration Soothing assessment of behavioral marketing. Research on the use of questionnaires and integration of statistical concepts Grey relational theory, oil, bergamot oil, rosemary essential oils for aromatherapy Lavender Heights, find the best marketing promotion services, thereby enhancing the performance of marketing aromatherapy. Thesis research questionnaire verify inhaled aromatherapy applied to 15 healthy college students, with instruments to observe the effects of their autonomic nervous system analysis of physiological parameters. Former test subjects first performed heart rate variability analysis, essential oils used in an amount of 0.2 mL, a spray inhaled manner aromatherapy for 15 minutes, then rest for ten minutes to do heart rate variability analysis. By 1 week, heart rate variability values before and after aromatherapy record period of four weeks to assess the lavender essential oil, bergamot oil, rosemary oil for the autonomic nervous system response. By Grey relational evaluation found that subjects using lavender oil, rosemary oil aromatherapy inhalation act vatable parasympathetic activity, with diastolic pressure and relaxing effect; on the contrary, bergamot oil has the effect to promote the spirit of excitement.
Keywords: Grey relational theory, Aromatherapy, Heart rate variability, Autonomic nervous system.
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Using Ryodoraku to Explore the Relationships between Emotions and Main Meridians on Aromatherapy and Music Therapy / 以良導絡探討芳香療法與音樂療法對情緒與經絡的影響Kuan-Wen Wang, 王冠文 January 2015 (has links)
碩士 / 國立雲林科技大學 / 資訊管理系 / 103 / Given the progress of the industry, the advance knowledge about disease especially disorder, an unintended outcome, often inevitable, has brought a call of using medical treatments for caring psychological and physical disorder situations. That these developments are fueled by medical treatments might misleadingly suggest that human body has little or even no auto-recover ability for disorder. However, allopathy always cures the symptoms, not the disease, there have still many incurable diseases not been solved in the 21 centuries. A lot of effort has been spent on the Energy Medicine planning around the world, however, from a practical and technologic standpoint, the Energy Medicine, especially adopted knowledge engineering associated with music and Aromatherapy treatments for disorder, are scare in Taiwan.
The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it heeds the call for Energy Medicine care, to bridge the music therapy and Aromatherapy together with Chinese Meridian knowledge to diagnose, recover, and support functions in a complex psychological and physical situations. Second, from the practical standpoint, it combines Main Meridians with music therapy and Aromatherapy to systemically analyze the real experimental records, using MEAD-- Ryodoraku, from the volunteer subjects for giving valuable and reusable syndrome changes knowledge for Energy Medicine care.
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The Effects of Different Acupressure Protocols on Agitation of Institutionalized Elderly with Dementia / 不同指壓方案對改善機構失智長者問題行為之成效Sung-Hui Ni, 倪頌惠 January 2005 (has links)
碩士 / 國立陽明大學 / 臨床護理研究所 / 93 / Problem behavior is a major concern for elderly with dementia and their caregivers. Caregivers in families or nursing homes would like to learn skills that help reduce problem behaviors, thus enhancing the overall quality of care. Many problem-solving strategies have been developed to reduce dementia patents’ anxieties and help them to maintain physical and mental comfort. These strategies include complementary therapies such as herbal medicine, relaxation therapy, aromatherapy, massage and acupressure. Acupressure is widely applied in care giving because it is safe, effective, easy to learn and administer, low in cost and is rooted in Chinese culture. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acupressure in improving agitation of elderly with dementia in institutions. A quasi-experimental design was used. Subjects were chosen from a nursing home and three long-term care facilities. 34 subjects met the sampling criteria and 30 of these participated in this study. Subjects were divided into three groups; experimental group I, experimental group II and control group. In experimental group I, subjects received acupressure treatment I with Sishencong (Ex-HN1) and Fengch (GB20) as the main acupoints, with Shnmn (HT7) and Neiquan (PC6) as accessory acupoints. In experimental group II, subjects received acupressure treatment II with Shnmn (HT7), Neiquan (PC6), Fengch (GB20), Baihui (GV20), and Sanyinjiao (SP6) as acupoints. The control group received no acupressure intervention. Both experimental group I and II received acupressure programs lasting 4 weeks, with six sessions per week and 15 minutes per session. The indicators used to determine the effects of acupressure included scores from the Cohen-Mansfield agitation inventory, records of observed agitation during activities, the physical reaction checklist, the relaxation checklist, and the level of patient care difficulty. SPSS 11.5 for Windows was used to analyze all obtained data. The results of the study showed significant differences in the CMAI between pre-and-post tests in experimental group I compared to the control group. Among the experimental group I results, physically non-aggressive behavior and verbally agitated behavior showed significant decreases. No significant difference was found for pre- and post-test CMAI results in experimental group II. During acupressure sessions, both experimental groups exhibited significant decreases in the frequency of agitation. Experimental group I showed significant decreases in aggressive behavior, physically non-aggressive behavior, and verbally agitated behavior. Experimental group II showed significant decreases in physically non-aggressive behavior. The blood pressure, pulse, temperature and relaxation scores were significantly lower during the acupressure treatment. Experimental group I showed significant differences of systolic pressure, pulse, and relaxation weekly, while no significant differences were found in experimental group II. Experimental group I showed significant decreases in the care difficulty score, whereas experimental group II showed no significant difference. Among demographic variables, sex was negatively correlated with the change in scores of the CMAI, aggressive behavior, and physically non-aggressive behavior. Use of restraints was positively correlated with aggressive behavior score changes, but negatively correlated with verbally agitated behavior. Duration of restraint was negatively correlated with the score changes of verbally agitated behavior and relaxation. Cognitive function was positively correlated with verbally agitated behavior score changes. Based on these research findings, the use of acupressure to treat the agitation of elderly with dementia is significantly effective. It can help them relax and lower the level of caring difficulty. Nursing facilities can prolong the effectiveness of acupressure through lessening the use of restraints and eliminate the interfere of environment. he use of acupressure on the agitation of elderly with dementia is recommended as an agitation problem-solving strategy. The results indicate an alternative management approach for dementia patients is available for care givers and the positive results suggest further research is needed.
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Effect of Aromatherapy on women’s Dysmenorrheal / 芳香療法對女性經痛之成效-以Auracom輔助檢測Cheng, Hsiu-Fen, 鄭琇分 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 中臺科技大學 / 護理系碩士班 / 104 / OBJECTIVE:
The purpose of this study are to explore the effect of aromatherapy on dysmenorrhea by using high tech device-Auracom, Biofeedback Device.
This study is a quasi experiment nonequivalent control group pretest- posttest design.
The subjects of this experiment will include 26 senior high school women with menstrual cramps. They will be randomized by 15 for the experimental group and 11 for the control group. The included criteria include: students who rated their menstrual cramps to be greater than 3 on a 10-point visual analogue scale, who has no systemic or reproductive diseases, and who do not use contraceptive drugs.
Subjects will be randomized into two groups: (1) an experimental group (n =15) who received aromatherapy, (2) a control group (n = 11). Aromatherapy will be applie topically to the experimental group in the form of an abdominal massage using two drops of lavender (Lavandula officinalis), one drop of clary sage (Salvia sclarea), two drops of Marjoram(Origanum majorana) and one drop of geranium(Pelargonium graveolens) in 5 cc of sunflower oil. The control group will using sunflower oil only.
The Auracom-Biofeedback Device will be use to measure the result for this study. Through this Device, the study can analysis: (1) Energy distribution characters of menstruation cramps women (2) Comparison between before management and after The bio-information signal of a person immediately changes after the aromatherapy treatment. Data collection will include menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, the change of symptoms(low abdominal pain, lumbago, headache, nausea, fatigue, edema). Menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea and general, menstrual characteristics of subjects will be measure the first day of the pre menstrual period before treatment (pre-test), menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, the change of symptoms will be measure the first and second day of post menstrual period after treatment (posttest).
This study is an ongoing process, the results indicated after the administration of Compound essential oils ,the aromatherapy group improve the scores in two different questionnaires significantly and Auracom. Data will be analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, Spearman's rho Correlation Coefficient, Cronbach's alpha with SPSS 18.0 Program.
The researchers expect to suggest that aromatherapy using topically applied lavender, clary sage, Marjoram and geranium is effective in decreasing the severity of menstrual cramps. Aromatherapy can be offer as part of the nursing care and education to women experiencing menstrual cramps or dysmenorrheal in the future.
Key Words:Aromatherapy , Dysmenorrhea , Auracom
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