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Efeito da aromaterapia no alívio da dor em atletas de alto rendimento: estudo piloto / The effect of Aromatherapy on high performance athletes pain relieve PilotPeniche, Guilherme Giani 29 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A experiência da dor vivida pelo atleta de alto rendimento é tida como cotidiana e marcador de bom rendimento nos treinos e competições. Há uma crescente procura pelas terapias integrativas e complementares à saúde visando o bem-estar, qualidade de vida, rendimento e, principalmente, uma prática livre do risco de dopping. A aromaterapia, ciência que estuda o uso terapêutico dos óleos essenciais (OEs), tem mostrado resultados positivos empiricamente, porém, fazem-se necessárias pesquisas que validem tais práticas a fim de, com segurança e eficácia, servir àqueles que a necessitam e procuram. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito dos óleos essenciais (OEs) sobre a dor no atleta de alto rendimento. Métodos: Estudo piloto quasi-experimental, cegado para o participante, com duas fases: a primeira com utilização de placebo (15 dias) denominada grupo Dor A, a segunda com OEs (15 dias) chamada grupo Dor B e um follow-up de sete dias. Amostra de conveniência composta por 26 atletas adultos de alto rendimento. A intervenção foi realizada com uma sinergia de OEs (lavanda, gengibre e sucupira) e como placebo foi utilizado óleo vegetal inerte (OV). Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados um questionário com dados sóciodemográficos e prática do esporte, recordatório de dor e tratamentos durante o período de estudo, e escalas de Humor de Brunel (BRUMS) e Inventário Breve de Dor (IBD). Para análise de dados utilizou-se o modelo de efeitos fixos e o teste de Bonferroni, teste d Cohen, além de medidas descritivas de tendência central e de variabilidade. Resultados: No início do tratamento, os 26 atletas apresentaram médias de dor de 5,2 no grupo Dor A e 5,6 no grupo Dor B. Após o tratamento com o óleo medicado houve redução de 79% na dor logo após os 15 dias de aplicação e de 81% ao final do período de follow-up (p < 0,001). O nível de tensão medido pela Escala de Humor de Brunel indicou melhora de 37%, logo após o período de aplicação do óleo medicado e 49% após o período de follow-up (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a sinergia de óleos essências em diluição de 10% teve efeito sobre a dor de atletas de alto rendimento em três aplicações diárias por 15 dias e possuiu efeito residual em sete dias de follow-up (p < 0,05). Observou-se efeito sobre o humor dos atletas, com diminuição da tensão (preocupação e tensão musculoesquelética). / Introduction: The experience of pain felt by high performance athletes is very common, and it is a sign of good performance in training and in competition too. There is a growing demand for integrative and complementary therapies aiming wellness, quality of life and performance increase, without the risk of doping. The science of aromatherapy, that studies the therapeutic use of essential oils (EOs), has shown positive results empirically, however, research is necessary to validate such practices in order to safely and effectively serve those who need it and seek it. Objective: evaluate the effect of essential oils over high performance athletes pain. Methods: Quasi-experimental pilot study, blinded to the participant, with two phases: the first one with the use of placebo (15 days) called Pain A group; the second with EOs (15 days) called Pain B group; and a follow-up of seven days. Convenience sample of 26 high performance adult athletes. For intervention, a synergy of EOs (lavender, ginger and sucupira) was used, and for placebo an inert vegetable oil (OV). For data collection, the following questionnaires were used: a sociodemographic data and sports practice questionnaire; a pain and treatment recall questionnaire; the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), and the Brief Pain Inventory (IBD). For data analysis, it was used the fixed-effect model, the Bonferroni test, the d Cohen test, and descriptive measures of central tendency and variability. Results: At the beginning of the treatment, the 26 athletes scored 5.2 of pain average (Pain A group) and 5.6 of pain average (Pain B group). After the treatment with OE (15 days), the pain was reduced by 79% and 81% at the end of the follow-up period (p <0.001). The tension level measured by the Brunel Mood Scale indicated improvement of 37% after the period of OE application, and 49% after the follow-up period (p <0, 05). Conclusion: The results showed that the synergy of essential oils at 10% dilution had effect on the pain of high performance athletes in three daily applications for 15 days and residual effect by seven days of follow-up (p <0.05). In addition, the results showed effect on the athletes mood, with reduced tension (tension and musculoskeletal strain).
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Consumer choice behavior and marketing plan for aromatherapy products in Hong Kong.January 1999 (has links)
by Lam Shiu Ying Sati. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-57). / Questionnaire also in Chinese. / Chapter I. --- introduction --- p.1 / Definition of Aromatherapy --- p.1 / Uses of Aromatherapy --- p.2 / Aromatherapy as Alternative Natural Healing --- p.3 / Aromatherapy in Hong Kong --- p.4 / Objective of the Project --- p.5 / Chapter II. --- ENVIRONMENT --- p.7 / brief History of Aromatherapy --- p.7 / Social and Legal Environment on Aromatherapy in the World and Hong Kong --- p.8 / Social Issues --- p.9 / Legal Issues on Selling Essential Oils --- p.11 / Qualification of Aromatherapists --- p.13 / Chapter III. --- INDUSTRY --- p.15 / Aromatherapy Related Products --- p.15 / Market Players in Hong Kong --- p.17 / Chapter IV. --- MARKETING STRATEGIES --- p.26 / The Company --- p.26 / Market Opportunities --- p.28 / Marketing Strategies of Company ABC --- p.29 / Position of Company ABC --- p.29 / Product and Price Considerations --- p.30 / Promotion and Channel Considerations --- p.31 / Potential Problems and Constraints --- p.34 / Chapter V. --- MARKET SURVEY --- p.35 / Chapter VI. --- CONCLUSION --- p.42 / APPENDIX --- p.46 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.56
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Saúde Mental na Atenção Básica agregando aromaterapia e terapia floral à relação terapêutica /Domingos, Thiago da Silva. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Eliana Mara Braga / Resumo: Introdução: O cuidado em saúde mental na Atenção Básica representa um desafio para o sistema de saúde em suas dimensões políticas, organizacionais e técnico-assistenciais. A transposição do modelo biomédico e da fragmentação do cuidado são condições fundamentais para reverter a lógica de atenção à saúde e compor novos arranjos de cuidado. Essa pesquisa procurou agregar dois recursos terapêuticos, Aromaterapia e Terapia Floral, ao Relacionamento Terapêutico para pluralizar o cuidado aos usuários em sofrimento psíquico no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Objetivos: Compreender a dinâmica do cuidado formal e informal oferecido aos usuários em uso crônico de psicofármacos no contexto do processo de trabalho da Estratégia Saúde da Família e proporcionar o cuidado em saúde mental por meio da oferta de Aromaterapia e Terapia Floral associadas ao Relacionamento Terapêutico para usuários em uso crônico de psicofármacos. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa realizada em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de uma município do interior do estado de São Paulo. Ocorreu em duas etapas inter-relacionadas, iniciando pelo referencial microssociológico que incorporou na coleta de dados a observação participante, o diário de campo, as conversas ocasionais, a entrevista etnográfica e a análise documental; foram participantes os trabalhadores de saúde da referida unidade. Na segunda etapa, guiada pelo referencial da pesquisa clínico-qualitativa, participaram usuários da unidade de saúde que faziam uso... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: The care in mental health in Primary Health care represents a challenge to the health system in its political, organizational and technical-supportive dimensions. The transposition of both the biomedical model and the care fragmentation is a fundamental condition to reverse the actual approach of health attention and set new arrangements for the service. This research aimed to aggregate two therapeutic resources, Aromatherapy and Bach Flowers remedies, to the Therapeutic Relationship in order to amplify the care offered to the users under psychological distress in the context of the Family Health Strategy. Objective: To understand the dynamics of formal and informal care provided to the users under chronic use of psychotropic drugs in the context of the working process of the Family Health Strategy and provide mental health care through Aromatherapy and Bach Flowers associated with the Therapeutic Relationship to users under chronic use of psychotropic drugs. Method: Qualitative Research carried out in a Family Health Unit in the countryside of São Paulo State. It was performed in two interrelated phases, beginning with the microsociological model which incorporated the participative observation, the health diary, the occasional talks, the ethnographic interview and the documental analysis in its data collecting; the health care workers of the referred unit took part in this phase. In the second moment, guided by the clinical qualitative research model, the pati... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Avaliação da eficácia antimicrobiana de sabonetes contendo óleo essencial de melaleuca alternifolia versus triclosan versus clorexidina e o impacto na adesão à higienização das mãos pelo efeito aromaterápico / Evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of soaps containing: Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil versus chlorhexidine versus triclosan and the impact of adherence to hand hygiene by aromatherapeutic effectDamato, Juliana Rizzo Gnatta 10 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os efeitos antimicrobianos de óleos essenciais têm sido relatados na literatura científica, sobretudo referentes ao óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia, também denominado óleo essencial de Tea Tree (OTT). Tal óleo essencial apresenta propriedades antissépticas e pode representar uma alternativa de um produto natural para higienização das mãos (HM) nos estabelecimentos de assistência à saúde que atualmente utilizam predominantemente produtos à base de triclosan e clorexidina. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia antimicrobiana na higiene das mãos realizada com três diferentes formulações de sabonetes líquidos distintos, contendo: óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia a 2,0%; sabonete com triclosan a 0,5%; sabonete com clorexidina a 2,0%, bem como compreender de que forma o uso de um sabonete com óleo essencial na higienização das mãos na prática assistencial é percebido por profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Para o experimento (etapa quantitativa) foram utilizadas as diretrizes da metodologia do Comitê Europeu de Padronização, EN1499 versão abril 2013 (phase2/step2), indicada para avaliar a eficácia de antissépticos para higienização das mãos. Foram contaminadas artificialmente as mãos de 15 voluntários sadios com Escherichia coli K12, seguida pela lavagem das mãos utilizando-se cada um dos produtos em avaliação ou um sabão de referência (soft soap). Realizou-se a contagem do número de microrganismos antes (pré-valores) e após (pós-valores) cada procedimento e foi estabelecida a redução logarítmica microbiana para cada um dos participantes em cada procedimento. Os dados foram analisados aplicando-se dois testes não paramétricos. Para a obtenção dos dados qualiquantitativos realizaram-se entrevistas cujos discursos foram analisados conforme metodologia proposta pelo discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). Resultados: ao ser aplicado o Teste de Wilcoxon, os três sabonetes testados obtiveram resultados superiores ao do sabão de referência (soft soap) e foram considerados antimicrobianos; constatou-se ainda a superioridade do sabonete contendo OTT e contendo triclosan em relação ao sabonete com clorexidina. Quando aplicado o Teste de Friedman, os sabonetes contendo triclosan e OTT, que apresentaram eficácias equivalentes, podem ser considerados antimicrobianos. A maior parte dos profissionais tinha algum conhecimento sobre Aromaterapia (65,21%), mas menos da metade conhecia as aplicações do OTT (43,47%). Profissionais mais jovens e menos experientes acharam o aroma do OTT agradável ou forte, mas não desagradável. Profissionais mais experientes e com mais idade o associaram ao aroma de pinho e levantaram a questão de o aroma ser incômodo para alérgicos. As principais diferenças observadas entre o sabonete com OTT e os demais sabonetes da prática assistencial foram em relação a aspectos físicos, como textura mais agradável, ao aroma e ao fato de ser menos agressivo à pele. A não agressão à pele foi considerada pelos participantes como o grande diferencial do sabonete contendo OTT, sobrepondo-se, inclusive, ao fator aroma, e que poderia contribuir para aumentar a adesão à HM. Conclusão: os sabonetes contendo OTT 2,0% e contendo triclosan 0,5% demonstraram desempenho superior em relação à clorexidina 2,0%. O não ressecamento da pele por produtos de HM é fundamental para aumentar a adesão dos profissionais de saúde. Além disso, a presença do aroma no sabonete pode ou não ser um fator de estímulo. / Introduction: The antimicrobial effects of essential oils have been reported in the scientific literature, especially regarding the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree essential oil (TTO). This essential oil has antiseptic properties and can represent a natural-product alternative for hand hygiene (HH) in health-care settings, which currently use mainly products based on triclosan and chlorhexidine. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy in HH performed using three distinct liquid soap formulations containing 2.0% Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil; 0.5% triclosan; 2.0% chlorhexidine and assess how using a soap with essential oil for HH in healthcare practice is perceived by health professionals. Methods: For the experiment (quantitative phase) we used the methodology guidelines of the European Committee for Standardization, EN1499 version April 2013 (phase2/step2), indicated to evaluate the efficacy of antiseptics for HH. The hands of 15 healthy volunteers were artificially contaminated with Escherichia coli K12 and then the hands were washed with each of the products being assessed or the reference soap (soft soap). The number of microorganisms was counted before (pre-values) and after (post-values) each procedure and microbial logarithmic reduction was performed for each of the participants in each procedure. Data were analyzed using two non-parametric tests. To obtain the qualiquantitative data, interviews were carried out, of which contents were analyzed according to the methodology proposed by the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD). Results: When the Wilcoxon test was applied, the three assessed soaps showed better results than the reference soap (soft soap) and were considered as exhibiting antimicrobial action; the soaps containing TTO and triclosan showed to be superior to the one containing chlorhexidine. When Friedmans test was applied, the soaps containing triclosan and TTO, which showed similar efficacy, were considered antimicrobials. Most of the professionals had some knowledge of aromatherapy (65.21%), but less than half knew about TTO uses (43.47%). Younger and less experienced professionals found the smell of TTO pleasant or strong, but not unpleasant. Older and more experienced professionals associated it to the smell of pine and raised the question of the smell being displeasing for allergic individuals. The main differences between the TTO soap and the other soaps used in health care practice were related to the physical aspects, such as a more pleasant texture, smell and the fact of its being less aggressive to the skin. The fact that it was less aggressive to the skin was perceived by participants as the great differential of the soap containing TTO, overriding even the scent factor, which could help to increase adherence to HH. Conclusion: The soaps containing 2.0% TTO and 0.5% triclosan showed superior performance when compared to the one with 2.0% chlorhexidine. The fact that a soap used in HH does not dry the skin is considered a critical point for adherence by health care professionals. Additionally, the soap smell may or may not be a stimulating factor for HH.
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Avaliação da eficácia antimicrobiana de sabonetes contendo óleo essencial de melaleuca alternifolia versus triclosan versus clorexidina e o impacto na adesão à higienização das mãos pelo efeito aromaterápico / Evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of soaps containing: Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil versus chlorhexidine versus triclosan and the impact of adherence to hand hygiene by aromatherapeutic effectJuliana Rizzo Gnatta Damato 10 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os efeitos antimicrobianos de óleos essenciais têm sido relatados na literatura científica, sobretudo referentes ao óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia, também denominado óleo essencial de Tea Tree (OTT). Tal óleo essencial apresenta propriedades antissépticas e pode representar uma alternativa de um produto natural para higienização das mãos (HM) nos estabelecimentos de assistência à saúde que atualmente utilizam predominantemente produtos à base de triclosan e clorexidina. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia antimicrobiana na higiene das mãos realizada com três diferentes formulações de sabonetes líquidos distintos, contendo: óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia a 2,0%; sabonete com triclosan a 0,5%; sabonete com clorexidina a 2,0%, bem como compreender de que forma o uso de um sabonete com óleo essencial na higienização das mãos na prática assistencial é percebido por profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Para o experimento (etapa quantitativa) foram utilizadas as diretrizes da metodologia do Comitê Europeu de Padronização, EN1499 versão abril 2013 (phase2/step2), indicada para avaliar a eficácia de antissépticos para higienização das mãos. Foram contaminadas artificialmente as mãos de 15 voluntários sadios com Escherichia coli K12, seguida pela lavagem das mãos utilizando-se cada um dos produtos em avaliação ou um sabão de referência (soft soap). Realizou-se a contagem do número de microrganismos antes (pré-valores) e após (pós-valores) cada procedimento e foi estabelecida a redução logarítmica microbiana para cada um dos participantes em cada procedimento. Os dados foram analisados aplicando-se dois testes não paramétricos. Para a obtenção dos dados qualiquantitativos realizaram-se entrevistas cujos discursos foram analisados conforme metodologia proposta pelo discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). Resultados: ao ser aplicado o Teste de Wilcoxon, os três sabonetes testados obtiveram resultados superiores ao do sabão de referência (soft soap) e foram considerados antimicrobianos; constatou-se ainda a superioridade do sabonete contendo OTT e contendo triclosan em relação ao sabonete com clorexidina. Quando aplicado o Teste de Friedman, os sabonetes contendo triclosan e OTT, que apresentaram eficácias equivalentes, podem ser considerados antimicrobianos. A maior parte dos profissionais tinha algum conhecimento sobre Aromaterapia (65,21%), mas menos da metade conhecia as aplicações do OTT (43,47%). Profissionais mais jovens e menos experientes acharam o aroma do OTT agradável ou forte, mas não desagradável. Profissionais mais experientes e com mais idade o associaram ao aroma de pinho e levantaram a questão de o aroma ser incômodo para alérgicos. As principais diferenças observadas entre o sabonete com OTT e os demais sabonetes da prática assistencial foram em relação a aspectos físicos, como textura mais agradável, ao aroma e ao fato de ser menos agressivo à pele. A não agressão à pele foi considerada pelos participantes como o grande diferencial do sabonete contendo OTT, sobrepondo-se, inclusive, ao fator aroma, e que poderia contribuir para aumentar a adesão à HM. Conclusão: os sabonetes contendo OTT 2,0% e contendo triclosan 0,5% demonstraram desempenho superior em relação à clorexidina 2,0%. O não ressecamento da pele por produtos de HM é fundamental para aumentar a adesão dos profissionais de saúde. Além disso, a presença do aroma no sabonete pode ou não ser um fator de estímulo. / Introduction: The antimicrobial effects of essential oils have been reported in the scientific literature, especially regarding the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree essential oil (TTO). This essential oil has antiseptic properties and can represent a natural-product alternative for hand hygiene (HH) in health-care settings, which currently use mainly products based on triclosan and chlorhexidine. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy in HH performed using three distinct liquid soap formulations containing 2.0% Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil; 0.5% triclosan; 2.0% chlorhexidine and assess how using a soap with essential oil for HH in healthcare practice is perceived by health professionals. Methods: For the experiment (quantitative phase) we used the methodology guidelines of the European Committee for Standardization, EN1499 version April 2013 (phase2/step2), indicated to evaluate the efficacy of antiseptics for HH. The hands of 15 healthy volunteers were artificially contaminated with Escherichia coli K12 and then the hands were washed with each of the products being assessed or the reference soap (soft soap). The number of microorganisms was counted before (pre-values) and after (post-values) each procedure and microbial logarithmic reduction was performed for each of the participants in each procedure. Data were analyzed using two non-parametric tests. To obtain the qualiquantitative data, interviews were carried out, of which contents were analyzed according to the methodology proposed by the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD). Results: When the Wilcoxon test was applied, the three assessed soaps showed better results than the reference soap (soft soap) and were considered as exhibiting antimicrobial action; the soaps containing TTO and triclosan showed to be superior to the one containing chlorhexidine. When Friedmans test was applied, the soaps containing triclosan and TTO, which showed similar efficacy, were considered antimicrobials. Most of the professionals had some knowledge of aromatherapy (65.21%), but less than half knew about TTO uses (43.47%). Younger and less experienced professionals found the smell of TTO pleasant or strong, but not unpleasant. Older and more experienced professionals associated it to the smell of pine and raised the question of the smell being displeasing for allergic individuals. The main differences between the TTO soap and the other soaps used in health care practice were related to the physical aspects, such as a more pleasant texture, smell and the fact of its being less aggressive to the skin. The fact that it was less aggressive to the skin was perceived by participants as the great differential of the soap containing TTO, overriding even the scent factor, which could help to increase adherence to HH. Conclusion: The soaps containing 2.0% TTO and 0.5% triclosan showed superior performance when compared to the one with 2.0% chlorhexidine. The fact that a soap used in HH does not dry the skin is considered a critical point for adherence by health care professionals. Additionally, the soap smell may or may not be a stimulating factor for HH.
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Make it essentialBruno Flores, Josue Manuel, Castillo García, Alejandra Gabriela, Escudero Yañez, Natalie, Hernández Bonilla, Camila Jimena, Lopez Villacorta, Erika Valeria 05 July 2019 (has links)
“Make it essential” es el nombre de nuestro proyecto de negocio que plantea poner fin a una necesidad y problemática que permanece en la sociedad y que, en los últimos años, se ha incrementado de manera significativa en los sectores de educación y laboral como es el estrés, a través de una solución innovadora que les permita llevar una vida más plena.
El proyecto se basa en la venta de joyas difusoras de aceites esenciales que cumplen el propósito de aliviar el estrés que es originado por los estudios, el trabajo y también problemas por los que pueda estar pasando la persona. A lo largo del ciclo, hemos logrado validar la idea de negocio a través del planteamiento de hipótesis y la ejecución del Concierge que fue impulsado por las estrategias de marketing en redes sociales.
El público logró tener una buena aceptación del producto gracias al valor diferenciado que posee y obtuvo ventas por 212 unidades a la fecha, que están valorizadas en S/. 12,321. Asimismo, la empresa tiene como objetivo crecer con el tiempo, tanto en ventas como en capacidad instalada, con la finalidad de lograr atender la demanda proyectada y expandirse a otros territorios. Es decir, el análisis de viabilidad en un horizonte de 5 años nos indica que el proyecto está valorizado en S/. 47,963 gracias a la proyección de flujos de efectivo traídos a valor presente, lo cual nos indica que el proyecto es viable y sostenible en el tiempo. / "Make it essential" is the name of our business project that proposes to end a need and problem that remains in society and that in recent years has increased significantly in the education and work sectors such as stress, through an innovative solution that allows them to lead a fuller life.
The project is based on the sale of jewelry diffusers of essential oils that fulfill the purpose of relieving the stress that is caused by studies, work and also problems that the person may be going through. Throughout the cycle we have managed to validate the business idea through the hypothesis approach and the execution of the Concierge that was driven by social media marketing strategies.
The audience managed to have a good acceptance of the product thanks to the differentiated value that it has, achieving sales of 212 units to date that are valued in S /. 12,321. The company aims to grow over time, both in sales and installed capacity to meet projected demand and expand to other territories. The feasibility analysis over a 5-year horizon tells us that the project is valued in S/. 47,963 thanks to the projection of cash flows brought to present value, which tells us that the project is viable and sustainable over time. / Trabajo de investigación
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Effekter och upplevelser av aromaterapi, taktilmassage och akupunktur inom palliativ omvårdnadLindqvist, Petra, Falkerhorn, Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the present literature review was to describe and evaluate the effects and experiences within the complementary approaches such as aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture amongst palliative care patients. Search through Medline (through Pub Med) database and additional manual search was conducted. In total 16 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The result was presented under respectively category: aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture. Physical and psychological effects as well as experiences from the treatments were also documented under the different complementary approaches. Aromatherapy and tactile massage were found to be more effective for reduction in anxiety and depressive mood whilst acupuncture had a greater impact on physical symptoms such as fatigue/insomnia, nausea/vomiting and chemotherapy induced emesis and also xerostomia. Not only did the patients experience relaxation and peacefulness but also feelings of comfort from the aromatherapy and tactile massage therapies. The result also showed that acupuncture felt invigorating and generated more energy for the patients to cope with more activities in their daily lives. In conclusion the complementary therapies aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture are effective and alleviating and therefore very beneficial for patients in palliative care. The complementary therapies is a perfect and valuable tool for symptom management and strengthens the caregiver/patient relationship.</p>
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Effekter och upplevelser av aromaterapi, taktilmassage och akupunktur inom palliativ omvårdnadLindqvist, Petra, Falkerhorn, Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the present literature review was to describe and evaluate the effects and experiences within the complementary approaches such as aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture amongst palliative care patients. Search through Medline (through Pub Med) database and additional manual search was conducted. In total 16 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The result was presented under respectively category: aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture. Physical and psychological effects as well as experiences from the treatments were also documented under the different complementary approaches. Aromatherapy and tactile massage were found to be more effective for reduction in anxiety and depressive mood whilst acupuncture had a greater impact on physical symptoms such as fatigue/insomnia, nausea/vomiting and chemotherapy induced emesis and also xerostomia. Not only did the patients experience relaxation and peacefulness but also feelings of comfort from the aromatherapy and tactile massage therapies. The result also showed that acupuncture felt invigorating and generated more energy for the patients to cope with more activities in their daily lives. In conclusion the complementary therapies aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture are effective and alleviating and therefore very beneficial for patients in palliative care. The complementary therapies is a perfect and valuable tool for symptom management and strengthens the caregiver/patient relationship.
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Nature, health and stress: a research-based approach to stress within our sensorial world.Birkett, Allison 08 December 2014 (has links)
This practicum focuses on developing a deeper knowledge about stress and our external environments. It is directed towards the profession of Landscape Architecture, and healthcare facilities including professionals. It outlines critical information about stress: how stress affects people’s physical, emotional, mental health and well-being, and how landscape architects are able to mitigate different types of stress through the design and use of our exterior environments, offering respite and healing in times of great need. Stress reveals and manifests itself in numerous ways. It has become a major problem within our society, much bigger than people care to acknowledge or believe. Landscape Architects have the ability to help people reflect upon the stress that they are under by creating spaces that inevitably sooth their ‘selves’. Through the profession and subsequent work of Landscape Architects the awareness of stress can be addressed, helping bring respite and relieve tension and stress, whether large or small, which is extremely critical in today’s society. Through the use of gardens and exterior spaces designed with stress-relief in mind, we will be able to decrease hospital stays, drug use and the overall amount of money used by medical institutions and governments, while decreasing the progression and succession of illness and diseases related to and accentuated or propagated by, or due to stress.
Through this document I will discuss ideas and theories that influence and/or are pertinent to Landscape Architecture and stress, as well as natural elements that should be taken into consideration when starting to design or when planning a design that will be situated within medical institutions and healthcare facilities, but not limited to, and including any other exterior environment (such as a backyard). It will also outline design elements which emphasize appropriate ways to design these spaces and places responsibly and sensitively. By understanding how people respond to stress, Landscape Architects may be able to design appropriate, beautiful spaces.
Initially this practicum was directed towards designing beautiful, meaningful gardens for the sick and/or dying, as well as for the families, visitors, and employees within healthcare settings. It has evolved, to include how our brains and bodies are physiologically affected by spaces and places that we encounter, and how these spaces either reduce or increase stress responses within us, therefore, increasing or decreasing our ability to heal, be healthy, and feel well. Stress is a major condition that is often “down-played”, ignored, or not understood within society. It is in fact a very serious condition / illness that has the ability to dictate the outcome of our physical and mental performances, and especially our health and well-being. Landscape Architects have the ability and responsibility to contribute positively to people’s bodily reactions to spaces: exterior and interior.
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Srovnání vlivu klasických masážních a aromaterapeutických technik na psychickou regeneraci žen / Comparing the influence of classical massage and aromatherapy techniques on mental recovery womenKAŇKOVSKÁ, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation dwells on problems of aromatherapeutic methods connected to psychological side of human, focuses on the comparison of classic and aromatherapeutic massage techniques and their influence on psychological regeneration, when women were chosen as the aim group. We can find in it a comprehensive knowledge of classic massage on the one hand, but as well as aromatherapy - it's history, definition and impacts. The indispensable part of that work is the characterization of terms related to psychological side of human, specifically with women going through menopause. I show in my work the possibility of application of aromatherapy in the context of spiritual regeneration of women. It happened to them irreplaceable and regular therapy and gained at each kind of anchoring in their lives.
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