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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid postoperativt illamående

Bengtzén, Niklas, Giorgetti, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Postoperativt illamående och kräkning (PONV) är en besvärlig och vanlig komplikation i det postoperativa förloppet vilket kan leda till komplikationer, förlängd vårdtid och ökade kostnader. Många patienter har beskrivit det som att de hellre hade uthärdat smärta än att må illa och kräkas efter anestesi. Syftet med denna studie var att presentera omvårdnadshandlingar och åtgärder som allmänsjuksköterskan kan utföra för att lindra dessa besvär. Metoder som aromterapi och akupressur beskrivs och preventiva åtgärder som den preoperativa informationens betydelse och förberedelse med kolhydrater innan kirurgi behandlas. Aromterapi där patienten har fått inandats t.ex. isopropylalkohol, visade sig vara effektivt vid PONV, liksom akupressur och akustimulering, där stimulering av en akupressurpunkt på handleden (P6) med hjälp av antingen tryck eller svag elektrisk ström har gett goda resultat vid illamående och kräkning. / Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) are common and distressing postsurgical symptoms and persistent nausea and vomiting could result in postoperative complications such as electrolyte abnormalities and dehydration, delayed discharge and increasing medical costs. Nausea and vomiting are frequently listed by patients as their most important perioperative concerns even more concerning than pain. The purpose with this review was to discuss nursing interventions appropriate for the management of PONV. Different methods will be discussed such as aromatherapy and acupressure. Also the importance of preoperative information and preoperative carbohydrate loading is discussed.

Interventioner som främjar patientens sömn på sjukhus : En litteraturstudie / Interventions that promote patients' sleep in the hospital. : A literatue study

Strömbrink, Stefan, Wattland Hoffman, Carina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sömn är ett grundbehov och människan sover en tredjedel av sitt liv. Det är under sömnen som den fysiska och psykiska återhämtningen sker. Dålig sömnkvalitet är ett vanligt förekommande problem hos patienter. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka effekt av omvårdande interventioner med ett fokus på att förbättra sömnkvalitet hos vuxna patienter inom heldygnsvård i sjukhusmiljö. Metod: Litteraturstudien består av 12 empiriska artiklar med kvantitativ metod. Artiklarna har granskats, analyserats och sammanställts. Databaserna som användes i sökningen av artiklarna var Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat: Visade att interventionerna öronproppar och ögonmask, musik, aromaterapi, progressiv muskelavslappning, stödjande undervisning, virtual reality teknik, akupressur, honungsmjölk, kognitiv beteendeterapi och andnings avslappningsövningar förbättrar sömnkvalité för patienter på sjukhus. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien visar att interventionerna har en positiv inverkan på sömnkvaliteten. Det finns ett behov av att utföra liknande studier inom svensk sjukvård då förutsättningar och vårdmiljö skiljer sig åt mellan olika länder. Studierna bör även utföras på olika typer av patientgrupper och att eventuella könsmässiga skillnader bör studeras vidare. / Background: Sleep is a fundamental need and a human sleeps a third of his life. It's during sleep that the physical and mental recovery takes place. Poor sleep quality is a common issue for inpatients. Aim: of the study was to investigate the effect of caring interventions with a focus on improving sleep quality for adult inpatients during hospitalization. Methods: The literature study consists of empirical articles with a quantitative method, The articles have been reviewed, analyzed and compiled. The databases used in the search for the articles were Cinahl and PubMed. Results: The results of the study indicate that the interventions of earplugs and eye mask, music, aromatherapy, progressive muscle relaxation, nurse led intervention, virtual reality technology, acupressure, milk-honey mixture, cognitive therapy combined with relaxing breathing improve sleep quality for inpatiens. Conclusion: The literature study shows that the interventions have a positive impact on sleep quality. There is a need to carry out similar studies in Swedish healthcare as conditions and care environments differ between different countries. The studies should also be performed on different types of patient groups and that any gender differences should be studied further.

Sömnfrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder på intensivvårdsavdelning : En systematisk litteratursammanställning av kvantitativ forskning

Carlsson, Therese, Sriwong, Frans January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sömn är ett grundläggande behov och avgörande för människans fysiska samt psykosociala återhämtningsförmåga. Sömnens betydelse underskattas dock och försummas oftast hos både friska och kritiskt sjuka individer. God sömnkvalitet är en ständig utmaning i en intensivvårdsmiljö och problemet är komplext då vårdmiljön såväl som patientens känslomässiga upplevelse påverkar sömnen och sömnkvalitet. Sjuksköterskans ansvar är att tillgodose människans grundläggande behov vilket utgör grunden för omvårdnad. Därmed är det sjuksköterskans uppgift att tillämpa sömnfrämjande omvårdnadsåtgärder och främja patientens hälsa och välbefinnande. Syfte: Sammanställa och beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att främja sömnkvalitet för patienter som vårdas på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Systematisk litteratursammanställning genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod och deduktiv ansats. 24 studier har granskats, analyserats och skapat ett resultatunderlag som presenteras i en narrativ sammanställning. Resultat: Det framkom att öronproppar, ögonmask, musik, aromaterapi, akupressur, massage och meditation främjar intensivvårdspatienters sömn och sömnkvalitet. Omvårdnadsåtgärderna kan definieras i två främjande aspekter: yttre och inre påverkan. Resultatet visa att omvårdnadsåtgärderna kan ha god effekt både när de används separat och i kombination med varandra. Slutsats: Det finns ett flertal omvårdnadsåtgärder intensivvårdssjuksköterskan kan använda för att främja patientens sömn. Flertalet av omvårdnadsåtgärderna är okonstlade, kräver ingen utbildning och kan vara lätta att etablera i sjukvården. Detta bör bidra till att de relativt enkelt kan implementeras inom intensivvården. / Background: Sleep is a fundamental need and decisive for human physical and psychosocial recovery. However, the importance of sleep is underestimated and often neglected in both healthy and critically ill individuals. Good sleep quality is a constant challenge in an intensive care unit environment and the problem is complex, related to the care unit environment as well as the patient's emotional experience affect sleep and sleep quality. The nurse's responsibility is to take care of the basic human needs that fulfill the basis of nursing. Therefore, it is the nurse's task to apply sleep-promoting nursing interventions and promote the patient's health and well-being. Objective: Compile and describe interventions to promote sleep quality among patients cared for in an intensive care unit. Method: Systematic literature compilation was carried out using a quantitative method with a deductive approach. 24 studies have been reviewed, analyzed, and presented in a narrative compilation. Results: It has emerged that earplugs, eye mask, music, aromatherapy, acupressure, massage, and meditation improve intensive care patients' sleep and sleep quality. Nursing interventions can be defined in two promoting aspects: external and internal influence. The results show that the nursing interventions can have a good effect both when they are used separately and in combination with each other. Conclusion:  There are several nursing interventions the intensive care nurse can use to promote the patient's sleep. Most of the nursing interventions are simple, require no training and can be easily established in healthcare. This should help ensure that they can be implemented relatively easily in intensive care.

Effekten av interventioner som används vid venpunktion på barn : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Allamand Moraga, Daniel, Öhman Ekman, Ester January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: För barn är vård- och sjukhusmiljö ofta en okänd miljö där okunskap tillsammans med sociala och fysiska förväntningar kan orsaka osäkerhet samt rädsla. Barn kan reagera olika vid medicinska procedurer men nästan alla upplever oro och rädsla vid venpunktion. Syfte: Att beskriva effekten av interventioner som används vid venpunktion på barn. Metod: Beskrivande litteraturstudie med kvantitativ design baserad på tolv artiklar framsökta i databasen PubMed. Undersökningsgruppen var barn mellan fyra och tolv år. Temaanalys användes för att analysera data. Huvudresultat: Aktiva distraktionsmetoder såsom ballongblåsning, hostmetoder och bollklämning minskade signifikant smärta och rädsla. TICK-B minskade signifikant smärta och ångest. Flippits minskade signifikant smärta. Bubbelblåsning hade ingen signifikant effekt på smärta men minskade signifikant rädsla. VR minskade signifikant smärta, rädsla och ångest. Gällande passiva distraktionsmetoder minskade Buzzy signifikant smärta och rädsla. Aromaterapi hade ingen signifikant effekt på smärta eller rädsla. Kalejdoskop och serietittande via VR minskade signifikant smärta och ångest medan serietittande via surfplatta hade ingen signifikant effekt. Akupressur minskade signifikant smärta men påverkade inte ångest. Läkemedlet Jet Lidokain hade ingen signifikant effekt på smärta eller rädsla. Slutsats: Det finns flera olika interventioner, både passiva och aktiva distraktionsmetoder, som minskar smärta, rädsla och ångest hos barn vid venpunktion. Utifrån resultatet kan sjuksköterskor, oavsett arbetsplats, få en bättre förståelse för hur barns vårdupplevelser kan förbättras vid venpunktion. Interventionerna var enkla att använda, kostnadseffektiva samt gav inga bieffekter och borde därför användas av sjuksköterskor för att skapa en bättre vårdupplevelse för barn. / Background: Care- and hospital environment are often an unknown environment for children where lack of knowledge together with social and physical expectations can cause uncertainty and fear. Children can react differently to medical procedures but almost everyone experience worry and fear in connection with phlebotomy. Aim: To describe the effects of interventions used on children undergoing phlebotomy. Method: A descriptive literature review with a quantitative design based on twelve articles searched through the database PubMed. Study group were children between four and twelve years old. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data. Main result: Active distraction methods such as balloon blowing, cough methods and ball squeezing significantly reduced pain and fear. TICK-B significantly reduced pain and anxiety. Flippits significantly reduced pain. Bubble blowing showed no significant effect on pain but significantly reduced fear. VR reduced pain, fear and anxiety significantly. When it comes to passive distraction methods Buzzy significantly reduced pain and fear. Aromatherapy did not have a significant effect on pain and fear. Kaleidoscope and watching cartoons through VR significantly reduced pain and anxiety while watching cartoons on a tablet did not have a significant effect. Acupressure reduced pain significantly but didn’t have an effect on anxiety. The pharmacological Jet Lidocaine did not have a significant effect on pain or fear. Conclusion: There are several different interventions, both passive and active distraction methods, that reduce pain, fear and anxiety in children undergoing venipuncture. Based on the result nurses can, no matter their workplace, get a better understanding on how the children’s phlebotomy experience can improve. The interventions were easy to use, cost effective and didn’t give any side effects and should therefore be used by nurses to create a better care experience for children.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid beteendemässiga och psykiska symptom vid demens

Bengtsson, Astrid, Hagborg Hovstam, Matilda January 2013 (has links)
Vårdtagare med demenssjukdom uppvisar ofta beteendemässiga och psykiska symptom vid demens, (BPSD).Syftet med denna studie var att utforska litteratur om sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid BPSD. Vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder kan sjuksköterskan använda sig av och vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder har mest effekt vid BPSD? Det material som användes var elva vetenskapligt granskade studier som var inriktade på vårdtagare med olika beteendemässiga och psykiska symptom vid demens (BPSD). Kvalitetsgranskning gjordes med hjälp av kvantitativ och kvalitativ granskningsmall. Resultatet delades in i Sociala åtgärder, Musik som åtgärd, Aromaterapi och Beröring som åtgärder, samt Hygienåtgärder. Alla dessa omvårdnadsåtgärder var mer eller mindre effektiva vid BPSD. / Residents with dementia often exhibit behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). The purpose of this study was to explore the literature on nursing interventions in BPSD. Which nursing interventions can the nurse apply and which interventions have the highest efficiency in BPSD? The material used was eleven peer reviewed intervention studies that were focused on residents with various behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). Quality control was done using quantitative and qualitative analysis mould. The results were divided into Social interventions, Music as an intervention, Aromatherapy and Touch as interventions as well as Hygiene interventions. All of these nursing interventions were more or less effective in BPSD.

Icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärders effektivitet på preoperativ ångest : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Non-pharmacological nursing interventions effectivity on preoperative anxiety : A systematic literature review

Gálvez Garcia, Margarita, Hallgren, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Preoperativ ångest är en vanlig upplevelse hos patienter som ska genomgå kirurgiska ingrepp och kan orsaka patienten lidande och negativa konsekvenser på individ- och samhällsnivå. Anestesisjuksköterskan ska erbjuda en personcentrerad vård av hög kvalitet grundad i livsvärldsperspektivet och ge en stödjande individualiserad perioperativ omvårdnad till patienter som upplever de här känslorna, för att kunna lindra lidande och främja hälsa samt välbefinnande. Farmakologiska behandlingar kan medföra oönskade bieffekter, därför är det relevant att undersöka effektiviteten av icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder för att lindra patienters preoperativa ångest. Metoden som har tillämpats är en systematisk litteraturöversikt med en narrativ dataanalys av 24 kvantitativa studier. Resultatet tyder på att icke farmakologiska strategier som musik, Virtual Reality (VR), aromaterapi, akupunktur och akupressur kan lindra patienters preoperativa ångest och vara värdefulla tilläggande verktyg i den perioperativa omvårdnaden, även om fler studier om olika typer av kirurgiska ingrepp med både kvinnor och män behövs för att stärka fynden. Slutsatserna indikerar att genomförandet av studier i nordiska länder kan bidra till ökad kunskap och förtroende för de här alternativen hos vårdpersonal. Användandet av de här omvårdnadsåtgärderna kan leda till en minskning av farmakologiska behandlingar för att hantera preoperativ ångest, vilket främjar god hälsa och välbefinnande samt gynnar hållbar utveckling. / Preoperative anxiety is a common experience among patients undergoing surgical procedures and can cause patient suffering and negative consequences at both individual and societal levels. The nurse anaesthetist must provide high quality person-centered care grounded in the lifeworld perspective and offer supportive, individualized perioperative nursing care to patients experiencing these feelings, aiming to alleviate suffering, promote health and enhance well-being. Pharmacological treatments may entail undesirable side effects, hence, it is relevant to examine the effectiveness of non-pharmacological nursing interventions in alleviating patients' preoperative anxiety. The method that has been applied is a systematic literature review with a narrative data analysis of 24 quantitative studies. The findings suggest that non-pharmacological strategies such as music, Virtual Reality (VR), aromatherapy, acupuncture, and acupressure can alleviate patients' preoperative anxiety and serve as valuable adjunctive tools in perioperative care, although further studies involving various types of surgical procedures with both genders are needed to substantiate the findings. The conclusions indicate that conducting studies in Nordic countries can contribute to increased knowledge and confidence in these alternatives among healthcare professionals. Implementing these nursing interventions may lead to a reduction in pharmacological treatments for managing preoperative anxiety, thereby promoting good health and well-being and fostering sustainable development.

Trick vid stick - Avlednings effekter för barns smärtreducering : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Enkvist, Johanna, Mattsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn i alla åldrar kan känna smärta vid nålstick vilket är starkt sammankopplat med rädsla. Det kan generera stress och negativa minnen inför framtida vårdtillfällen, med risk för individ, vård och ökade samhällskostnader. Adekvat smärtlindring är en mänsklig rättighet för individen, men även sett från ett medicinskt, etiskt och juridiskt perspektiv. Trots detta är icke-farmakologisk smärtlindring, som avledning, underutnyttjade i den pediatriska vården. Eftersom barnvaccinationsprogrammet innebär flera nålstick under barnets uppväxt är kunskap om avledning av stor vikt.  Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva effekter av avledning som icke-farmakologisk metod för reducerad smärtupplevelse hos barn vid nålstick. Metod: En litteraturstudie utfördes med deskriptiv design och kvantitativ ansats. Studiens resultat har baserats på 16 randomiserade originalartiklar som hämtades från databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades enligt Caldwell et al. (2011) och resultatanalysen utfördes enligt Popenoe et al. (2021). Huvudresultat: Avledning men hjälp av virtual reality, avledningskort, verbal interaktion med vårdnadshavare, träleksak, leksaksarmband och kalejdoskop hade smärtreducerande effekter för barn vid nålstick. Avledning med såpbubblor visade endast en smärtreducerande effekt hos mindre barn (3–6 år). Vibrerande instrument med kylkudde hade ingen smärtreducerande effekt hos barn som redan var smärtpåverkade. Studien fann motstridiga resultat för effekten av surfplatta och inga signifikanta effekter för leksaksrobot och aromaterapi.  Slutsats: Resultatets påvisande av avledningsmetoders smärtreducerande effekter på barn vid nålstick, föranleder en rekommendation om att dessa implementeras inom hälso- och sjukvård (primärvård, slutenvård, barnhälsovård och elevhälsovård). / Background: Children of all ages feel pain during needlesticks, which is strongly linked to fear. Associated stress and negative memories could affect future healthcare visits. This could imply an increased risk and cost for society. Adequate pain management is, from a medical, ethical and judicial standpoint, a human right. Despite this, pain management, such as distraction, remains underutilized in paediatric care. The childhood vaccination programme involves several needlesticks during the child’s upbringing, understanding the impact of distraction is of great importance. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the effects of distraction as a non-pharmacological method for reducing the pain experience in children during needlesticks. Methods: This literature review was carried out using a descriptive design and a quantitative approach. The results have been based on 16 randomized original studies which were found through the Cinahl and PubMed databases. Article quality was assessed in accordance with Caldwell et al. (2011) and the data analysis was carried out in accordance with Popenoe et al. (2021). Main results: Virtual reality, distraction cards, verbal parent interaction, wooden toy, toy bracelet and kaleidoscope were found to have pain reducing effects for children during needlesticks. Distraction using soap bubbles showed effect only on younger children (3-6 years). Vibrating tool with cold patch showed no effect on children already in pain. There were contradictory results regarding the pain reducing effects of a smart tablet and no significant pain reducing effects of a toy robot and aromatherapy. Conclusion: The demonstrated pain reducing effect of distraction in children warrants a recommendation of implementation of these distraction methods in primary care, inpatient care, child health care and student healthcare.

Sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder för att lindra preoperativ oro och ångest : en litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ nursing interventions to relieve preoperative anxiety : a literature review

Lundberg, Alicia, Ingemarsson, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund Oro och ångest är vanligt förekommande inför operation. Patienters upplevelse är individuell där preoperativ oro och ångest kan grunda sig i olika faktorer. Preoperativ oro och ångest kan leda till konsekvenser för hela det perioperativa vårdförloppet. Preoperativt förbereds patienter med nödvändiga förberedelser utifrån operationens art samt patienters individuella behov. Sjuksköterskor har i den preoperativa fasen en central roll i att bemöta och uppmärksamma patienters oro och ångest för att tillämpa adekvata omvårdnadsåtgärder. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder för att lindra patienters preoperativa oro och ångest. Metod Examensarbetet har genomförts som en strukturerad litteraturöversikt med inslag av den metodologi som används vid systematiska litteraturöversikter. Databaserna CINAHL och PubMed har använts för urval av artiklar. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Nilssons granskningsmall. Analysen utfördes utifrån Fribergs analysmodell. Resultatet grundar sig på 17 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan år 2014–2024. Resultat Huvudkategorierna sjuksköterskors åtgärder och terapier identifierades i resultatet. Resultatet delades upp i följande underkategorier; patientutbildning, samtal med patient, avslappning, massage, musik samt aromaterapi. Slutsats Resultatet visar att det finns olika typer av icke-farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan lindra preoperativ oro och ångest. Genom att uppmärksamma och tillämpa relevanta omvårdnadsåtgärder kan patienters oro och ångest i den preoperativa fasen lindras. / Background Anxiety is common before surgery. The patient’s experience is individual and various factors can be the basis for preoperative anxiety. Preoperative anxiety can lead to consequences for the entire perioperative care process. Preoperatively, the patient is prepared with necessary preparations, which are determined based on type of surgery and the patient’s individual needs. In the preoperative phase, nurses have a central role in meeting and paying attention to the patient’s individual needs in order to relieve anxiety with the help of nursing interventions. Aim The aim was to describe nurses’ nursing interventions to relieve patients preoperative anxiety. Method The thesis has been carried out as a structured literature review with elements of the methodology used in systematic literature review. The databases CINAHL and PubMed were used for selection of articles. The articles were quality reviewed based on Nilsson’s review template. The analysis was conducted based on Friberg’s analysis model. The result is based on 17 scientific articles published between the years 2014–2024. Results The main categories nurses nursing interventions and therapies were identified with the subcategories of patient education, conversation with patient, relaxation, massage, music and aromatherapy. Conclusions The results shows that there are different types of non-pharmacological nursing interventions that can relieve preoperative anxiety. By paying attention and implementing relevant nursing interventions, the patient’s preoperative anxiety can be relieved.

Effects of Ylang ylang essential oil on physiological and socio- psychological variables in females

Van der Westhuizen, Guida Maria January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech.(Somatology)) - Central University of Technology, Free state, 2013 / The role of the modern woman has drastically altered within the last 20 years. Aiming to find a balance and adequate time to address both family and work demands requires fine planning and compromise, most likely leading to a woman who is overstressed, fatigued, impatient and anxious. A fatigued body, induced by stress overload, may result in an elevation in blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing rate. These physiological alterations may predispose individuals to cardiovascular disease and a compromised immune system. Currently, the dynamics between physiological changes within the body and the influence of aromatherapy essential oils are not well defined or researched. Limited information is available to explain the influence of aromatherapy essential oils as a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) on female physiological parameters, specifically blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing rate. The aim of the research study firstly was to evaluate the physiological alterations in the female human body in response to aromatherapy Ylang ylang essential oil, and secondly, to determine the perceptions regarding the physiological and psychological abilities of the participants upon completion of the treatment course. The outcome of this study will contribute to the scientific knowledge of aromatherapy essential oils as a CAM therapy. A single blind, experimental case-control study design was followed. This research study recruited 36 voluntary female participants from the Bloemfontein area between the ages of 20 and 45 years. The 36 participants were divided equally into group A and B. Group A commenced with the face control (carrier oil only), followed by three face experimental treatments (Ylang ylang essential oil blend). Thereafter, the back control was conducted, followed by three back experimental treatments. Similarly, group B commenced with three back experimental treatments, followed by the back control. The three face experimental treatments followed and concluded with the face control. Demographic and post-treatment questionnaires were utilised to ascertain demographic data and any perceptive physiological and psychological changes. The blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing rate physiological parameters were measured by utilizing the Nihon Kodhen apparatus. Physical stress indicators such as elevated pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and breathing rate increased during stress were reduced at a quicker rate in aromatherapy treatments where Ylang ylang essential oil was present. Dermal application of Ylang ylang essential oil produced more prominent improvements when applied to the back area, indicating that a larger absorption surface provides superior improvements in the physical parameters. Most participants perceived an improvement in stress levels, concentration levels, energy levels and self esteem levels. In general, it seems probable that Ylang ylang essential oil had a positive effect on stress and had a reductive effect on some of the physiological parameters. The topic of complementary and alternative therapies is a diverse one. Various opinions, whether justifiable or not, are possibly influencing the public domain which has become directed at CAM therapies as alternatives to conventional medicine. The most evident and probable shortcoming in CAM therapy research lies in the lack of scientific research and evidence. Thus, more research is required in order to contribute to this field of study by adding knowledge and provide a better understanding of the topic. This study has contributed to the knowledge of CAM therapies.

Aromaterapia e yogaterapia no climatério: Os efeitos de aromaterapia e yogaterapia na qualidade de vida, nos níveis de stress e na intensidade e frequência de fogacho em mulheres na fase do climatério / Aromatherapy and yogatherapy in climacterium: the effects of aromatherapy and yogatherapy on quality of life, stress levels and intensity and frequence of hot flashes in climacteric women

Lyra, Cassandra Santantonio de 06 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUCAO: Os sintomas de climaterio podem perturbar intensamente a vida, sendo o fogacho o sintoma de maior incidencia. Aromaterapia e yogaterapia podem oferecer tratamentos eficazes para sintomas de climaterio, em especial o fogacho, por apresentarem mecanismos terapeuticos semelhantes ao eixo fisiologico do fogacho. OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL: Verificar e analisar os desfechos clinicos fisiologicos e psicologicos da aromaterapia olfativa e de exercicios respiratorios de yogaterapia, associados e individualmente, na qualidade de vida, nos niveis de stress subjetivo e na intensidade e frequencia do fogacho de mulheres na fase do climaterio. METODO: Foram avaliadas 85 mulheres na fase do climaterio, das quais 64 participaram da Fase 1 (somente avaliacao) do estudo e 34 participaram da Fase 2 (tratamento). A coleta foi realizada no CEPE-USP. O estudo consiste de um ensaio clinico pragmatico com randomizacao restrita, controlado por grupo controle e placebo, duplo-cego, com intervencao baseada no modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunologico. Foram realizados tratamentos com inalacao de sinergia aromaterapeutica com ou sem exercicios respiratorios de yogaterapia, durante 12 semanas, duas vezes por semana em sessoes de uma hora. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da Escola de Educacao Fisica e Esporte da Universidade de Sao Paulo e foi inscrito no clinicaltrials.gov. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSAO: Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram melhora estatisticamente significante dos sintomas de climaterio para os tres grupos de intervencao. Houve diminuicao significativa do sintoma de fogacho, assim como da queixa de fogacho, sendo que o fogacho foi eliminado em cinco sujeitos. A intensidade e a frequencia de fogacho diminuiram em todos os grupos de intervencao e se mantiveram constantes no grupo controle. O tratamento proposto de aromaterapia se mostrou mais eficaz do que o tratamento proposto de yogaterapia na diminuicao do sintoma de fogacho, quando esses tratamentos eram aplicados isoladamente. A associacao das duas terapias se mostrou benefica, aumentando a eficacia e intensificando a melhora do sintoma de fogacho. Os efeitos globais dos tratamentos variaram intensamente quanto aos outros dominios de sintomas do climaterio. A melhora dos sintomas vasomotores do climaterio (fogacho e suor noturno), foi acompanhada de melhora significativa nos niveis de stress subjetivo, na qualidade do sono e da qualidade de vida em todos os grupos de intervencao. Esse trabalho tambem permitiu discussoes secundarias sobre o climaterio e as terapias, permitindo a sua compreensao a partir do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunologico. CONCLUSAO: Esse estudo serviu como um delineamento geral dos sintomas de climaterio, da aromaterapia e da yogaterapia a partir do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunologico. Os resultados apresentados nao podem ser generalizados para a populacao por causa da amostra pequena, mas podem indicar os resultados mais promissores e, com isso, esse trabalho pode ser o ponto de partida para novos estudos, auxiliando na elaboracao de questoes de pesquisa claras e metodos de pesquisa adequados para estuda-las / INTRODUCTION: Climacteric symptoms can disturb life considerably. Hot flashes are the symptom with highest incidence. Aromatherapy and yogatherapy can offer efficient treatments for climacteric symptoms, specially hot flashes, because their therapeutic mechanisms are similar to the physiological mechanism of hot flashes. MAIN OBJECTIVE: To analyze the psychological and physiological clinical outcomes of olfactory aromatherapy and breathing exercises of yogatherapy, associated or individually, on the quality of life, subjective stress levels and intensity and frequency of hot flashes in women in the climacteric period. METHODS: 85 women in the climacteric period were evaluated, 64 of these subjects participated in Phase 1 (assessment) and 34 participated in Phase 2 (treatment) . Data collection was performed at CEPE-USP. The study consists of a doubleblind, pragmatic clinical trial with restricted randomization, controlled by control and placebo groups. The intervention was based on the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model. Treatments were performed with inhalation of an aromatherapeutic synergy developed for the study with or without yogatherapy breathing exercises for 12 weeks, twice per week in one hour sessions. The study was approved by the ethics comitte Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da Escola de Educacao Fisica e Esporte da Universidade de Sao Paulo and was registered in clinicaltrials.gov. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results showed statistically significant improvement in symptoms of menopause for the three intervention groups. There was significant decrease in symptom of hot flashes, as well as complaints of hot flashes and this symptom was eliminated in five subjects. The intensity and frequency of hot flashes decreased in all intervention groups and remained constant in the control group. Aromatherapy was more effective than yogatherapy to decrease the symptoms of hot flashes, when these treatments were applied separately. The combination of the two therapies proved beneficial, increasing the effectiveness and enhancing the improvement of the symptom of hot flashes. The overall effects of the treatments varied intensely for other climacteric symptoms. The improvement of vasomotor symptoms of menopause (hot flashes and night sweats), was accompanied by a significant improvement in stress levels, quality of sleep and quality of life in all intervention groups. This research also permitted secondary discussions about climacterium and the therapies, permiting their understanding through the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model. CONCLUSION: This study served as a general outline of climacteric symptoms, aromatherapy and yogatherapy through the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model. The results cannot be generalized to the population because of the small sample size. However, the most promissing results can be indicated and this research can be the starting point for further studies, assisting in the preparation of clear research questions and suitable research methods to study them

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