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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mjuk massage och diakoni : Ett holistiskt perspektiv / Tactile Massage and Deaconry : A Holistic Perspective

Edebol, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>Introduction</p><p>Tactile Massage is a generic term that for example includes Massage therapy, Effleurage, Gentle touch, Tactile stimulation, Soft massage and Aromatherapy massage (SBU 2009). Tactile Massage has been proven to activate the perception receptors of the body and stimulates the system of oxytocin and in that way Tactile massage increase wellbeing and decrease pain. The Church of Sweden was formally separated from the state in the year of 2000 and by this means created greater freedom in facilitating its own social and Deaconal programs in separate parishes. Since 2004 a few numbers of deacons have been integrating Tactile massage as a method in Deaconal  ministry within the framework of holistic care in the Church of Sweden.</p><p>Aim/Research questions</p><p>The aim: From a holistic perspective investigate the use of and to increase the problem-awareness of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden.</p><p>The research questions: How is Tactile massage being used and how are we to describe the experiences of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry? What possibilities and difficulties are related to the use of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden?</p><p>Method</p><p>This study is the first explorative research about Tactile massage in Swedish church diaconal context. The study follows Kvales method as seven steps of qualitative interview studies. 1) Aim and research questions were formulated  according to the acquired theory. 2) Three respondents were chosen for in-depth interviews to be able to understand and describe experiences, possibilities and clarify difficulties with the use of Tactile massage within the Church of Sweden. 3) Qualitative interviews were carried out with the help of semi-structured questions. The interviews were recorded and observations were done. 4) The interviews were transcribed and re-read several times. In the process of research the material was coded and interpreted into experiences, possibilities and difficulties. 5) The process of interpretation and analysis of collected data and applied observations were carried out with the help of hermeneutical approach, ten theoretical perspectives and current research. 6) Results. The results were tested according to requirements of reliability, validity and generalization. 7) Report. In this study the results were reported with methodological, ethical and hermeneutical considerations.</p><p>Results</p><p>Tactile massage was described as an extraordinary tool where the experiences pointed out a general longing for touch in the lived body. The power of touch released courage, relaxation, new energy, pain relief and balance. Spiritual presence was experienced as Gods presence in the bodies of both massage-givers and massage-receivers. Possibilities with Tactile massage were described as practical care, where the non-verbal intervention could support the communication when words did not last. Quiet and relief was created through the freeing of the internal oxytocin-system of the body giving the massage-receiver social confirmation and renewal of the body. Difficulties in using Tactile massage within the deaconry were described as physical and mental vulnerability and unclear professional identity of the massage-givers. Difficulties where related also to integrity, boundaries and limitations of gender due to the majority of the female massage-givers and massage-takers in the present situation. One more difficulty was pointed out as the organizational unsecurity about what Tactile massage is and this difficulty was partly related to views of Deaconry and Church. ‘Deaconal Touch’ is the new concept and  the practical result of this study. Deaconal Touch can be described  as a deaconal tool to be handled in the context of the Church of Sweden.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p> / <p>Introduktion</p><p>Mjuk massage är ett samlingsbegrepp för t.ex. beröringsmassage, effleurage, hudmassage, taktil stimulering, taktil massage och aromaterapimassage (SBU 2009). Forskning och erfarenhet visar att Mjuk massage genom stimulering av kroppens känselreceptorer och oxytocinsystem ökar välbefinnandet och bidrar till stress- och ångestreduktion samt möjliggöra smärtlindring.  Svenska kyrkans skiljande från staten år 2000 möjliggör för varje församling att forma en egen diakonal profil. Efter år 2004 har enskilda diakoner och församlingar börjat använda Mjuk massage som ett diakonalt redskap i syfte att tillgodose människors kroppsliga, själsliga, andliga och sociala behov inom ramen för Svenska Kyrkans helhetssyn.</p><p>Syfte/frågeställningar</p><p>Syfte: Att utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv undersöka användningen av och öka problemmedvetenheten om Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakonala arbete.</p><p>Frågeställningar: Hur används Mjuk massage och vilka är erfarenheterna av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkans diakoni? Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter kan vara förenade med användningen av Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakoni?</p><p>Metod</p><p>Studien är en första explorativ studie om Mjuk massage inom Svenska kyrkans diakonala kontext. Studien följer Kvales metod som sju steg för kvalitativa intervjustudier.<strong> </strong>1) Syfte och frågeställning formulerades utifrån inläst teori. 2) Tre respondenter valdes för att genom djupintervjuer förstå och beskriva erfarenheter, möjligheter och synliggöra svårigheter i användningen av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkan. 3) Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna bandades och observationer gjordes. 4) Intervjuerna transkriberades och lästes flera gånger. I forskningsprocessen kodades och tolkades materialet utifrån huvudorden erfarenheter, möjligheter och svårigheter. 5) Bearbetning, analys och tolkning genomfördes utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats med hjälp av tio teoretiska perspektiv och vetenskaplig aktuell forskning. 6) Resultat. Här prövades resultaten inför kraven på reliabilitet, validitet och generaliserbarhet. 7) Rapportering. I föreliggande arbete har resultaten redovisats med metodologiska, forskningsetiska och hermeneutiska överväganden.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Mjuk massage beskrivs som ett extraordinärt redskap där erfarenheterna visade att beröringslängtan finns i den levda kroppen och att beröringens kraft frigör till mod, avslappning, ny energi, smärtlindring och balans. Andlig närvaro upplevdes av både givare och mottagare som Guds närvaro i kroppen. Möjligheter med Mjuk massage beskrevs som praktisk omsorg där den ickeverbala interventionen kunde stödja kommunikationen när orden inte räckte till. Lugn och lindring skapades genom att kroppens eget oxytocinsystem frigjordes och gav mottagaren social bekräftelse och kroppens upprättelse. Svårigheterna med att använda Mjuk massage inom diakoni beskrevs som kroppslig och själslig sårbarhet och oklar professionell identitet hos massagegivarna. Svårigheter relaterades även till integritet, gränssättning och könets begränsning, då majoriteten massagegivare och mottagare i nuläget utgörs av kvinnor. Ytterligare en svårighet utgjorde den organisatoriska osäkerheten om vad Mjuk massage är och denna svårighet hörde delvis samman med diakoni- och kyrkosyn. ´Diakonal beröring´ är det nya begrepp som utgör det praktiska resultatet av denna studie vilket beskriver Mjuk massage som diakonalt redskap i Svenska kyrkans kontext. Diakonal beröring tydliggörs i studien som ett värdefullt komplement till annan diakonal och själavårdande verksamhet.</p>

Mjuk massage och diakoni : Ett holistiskt perspektiv / Tactile Massage and Deaconry : A Holistic Perspective

Edebol, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Introduction Tactile Massage is a generic term that for example includes Massage therapy, Effleurage, Gentle touch, Tactile stimulation, Soft massage and Aromatherapy massage (SBU 2009). Tactile Massage has been proven to activate the perception receptors of the body and stimulates the system of oxytocin and in that way Tactile massage increase wellbeing and decrease pain. The Church of Sweden was formally separated from the state in the year of 2000 and by this means created greater freedom in facilitating its own social and Deaconal programs in separate parishes. Since 2004 a few numbers of deacons have been integrating Tactile massage as a method in Deaconal  ministry within the framework of holistic care in the Church of Sweden. Aim/Research questions The aim: From a holistic perspective investigate the use of and to increase the problem-awareness of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden. The research questions: How is Tactile massage being used and how are we to describe the experiences of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry? What possibilities and difficulties are related to the use of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden? Method This study is the first explorative research about Tactile massage in Swedish church diaconal context. The study follows Kvales method as seven steps of qualitative interview studies. 1) Aim and research questions were formulated  according to the acquired theory. 2) Three respondents were chosen for in-depth interviews to be able to understand and describe experiences, possibilities and clarify difficulties with the use of Tactile massage within the Church of Sweden. 3) Qualitative interviews were carried out with the help of semi-structured questions. The interviews were recorded and observations were done. 4) The interviews were transcribed and re-read several times. In the process of research the material was coded and interpreted into experiences, possibilities and difficulties. 5) The process of interpretation and analysis of collected data and applied observations were carried out with the help of hermeneutical approach, ten theoretical perspectives and current research. 6) Results. The results were tested according to requirements of reliability, validity and generalization. 7) Report. In this study the results were reported with methodological, ethical and hermeneutical considerations. Results Tactile massage was described as an extraordinary tool where the experiences pointed out a general longing for touch in the lived body. The power of touch released courage, relaxation, new energy, pain relief and balance. Spiritual presence was experienced as Gods presence in the bodies of both massage-givers and massage-receivers. Possibilities with Tactile massage were described as practical care, where the non-verbal intervention could support the communication when words did not last. Quiet and relief was created through the freeing of the internal oxytocin-system of the body giving the massage-receiver social confirmation and renewal of the body. Difficulties in using Tactile massage within the deaconry were described as physical and mental vulnerability and unclear professional identity of the massage-givers. Difficulties where related also to integrity, boundaries and limitations of gender due to the majority of the female massage-givers and massage-takers in the present situation. One more difficulty was pointed out as the organizational unsecurity about what Tactile massage is and this difficulty was partly related to views of Deaconry and Church. ‘Deaconal Touch’ is the new concept and  the practical result of this study. Deaconal Touch can be described  as a deaconal tool to be handled in the context of the Church of Sweden. / Introduktion Mjuk massage är ett samlingsbegrepp för t.ex. beröringsmassage, effleurage, hudmassage, taktil stimulering, taktil massage och aromaterapimassage (SBU 2009). Forskning och erfarenhet visar att Mjuk massage genom stimulering av kroppens känselreceptorer och oxytocinsystem ökar välbefinnandet och bidrar till stress- och ångestreduktion samt möjliggöra smärtlindring.  Svenska kyrkans skiljande från staten år 2000 möjliggör för varje församling att forma en egen diakonal profil. Efter år 2004 har enskilda diakoner och församlingar börjat använda Mjuk massage som ett diakonalt redskap i syfte att tillgodose människors kroppsliga, själsliga, andliga och sociala behov inom ramen för Svenska Kyrkans helhetssyn. Syfte/frågeställningar Syfte: Att utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv undersöka användningen av och öka problemmedvetenheten om Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakonala arbete. Frågeställningar: Hur används Mjuk massage och vilka är erfarenheterna av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkans diakoni? Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter kan vara förenade med användningen av Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakoni? Metod Studien är en första explorativ studie om Mjuk massage inom Svenska kyrkans diakonala kontext. Studien följer Kvales metod som sju steg för kvalitativa intervjustudier. 1) Syfte och frågeställning formulerades utifrån inläst teori. 2) Tre respondenter valdes för att genom djupintervjuer förstå och beskriva erfarenheter, möjligheter och synliggöra svårigheter i användningen av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkan. 3) Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna bandades och observationer gjordes. 4) Intervjuerna transkriberades och lästes flera gånger. I forskningsprocessen kodades och tolkades materialet utifrån huvudorden erfarenheter, möjligheter och svårigheter. 5) Bearbetning, analys och tolkning genomfördes utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats med hjälp av tio teoretiska perspektiv och vetenskaplig aktuell forskning. 6) Resultat. Här prövades resultaten inför kraven på reliabilitet, validitet och generaliserbarhet. 7) Rapportering. I föreliggande arbete har resultaten redovisats med metodologiska, forskningsetiska och hermeneutiska överväganden. Resultat Mjuk massage beskrivs som ett extraordinärt redskap där erfarenheterna visade att beröringslängtan finns i den levda kroppen och att beröringens kraft frigör till mod, avslappning, ny energi, smärtlindring och balans. Andlig närvaro upplevdes av både givare och mottagare som Guds närvaro i kroppen. Möjligheter med Mjuk massage beskrevs som praktisk omsorg där den ickeverbala interventionen kunde stödja kommunikationen när orden inte räckte till. Lugn och lindring skapades genom att kroppens eget oxytocinsystem frigjordes och gav mottagaren social bekräftelse och kroppens upprättelse. Svårigheterna med att använda Mjuk massage inom diakoni beskrevs som kroppslig och själslig sårbarhet och oklar professionell identitet hos massagegivarna. Svårigheter relaterades även till integritet, gränssättning och könets begränsning, då majoriteten massagegivare och mottagare i nuläget utgörs av kvinnor. Ytterligare en svårighet utgjorde den organisatoriska osäkerheten om vad Mjuk massage är och denna svårighet hörde delvis samman med diakoni- och kyrkosyn. ´Diakonal beröring´ är det nya begrepp som utgör det praktiska resultatet av denna studie vilket beskriver Mjuk massage som diakonalt redskap i Svenska kyrkans kontext. Diakonal beröring tydliggörs i studien som ett värdefullt komplement till annan diakonal och själavårdande verksamhet.

Lifestyle study and product design for single femaleTaking variousdesign of the odor lamp as anexample / 單身未婚女性獨居生活型態研究與單品設計—以精油燈產品之多元性創作為例

Su-Yuan Cheng, 鄭夙媛 January 2012 (has links)
碩士 / 崑山科技大學 / 視覺傳達設計研究所 / 100 / With the changing times, the raise of feminine consciousness and the increase of female employment, more and more women choose to remain single or marry at a late age. These single and independent women are so-called “underdogs” or “Heidis” . In recent years, researcher and the friends of researcher are gradually to the year of economically independent women who are so-called “underdogs”. Many of researcher’s friends decide to rent outside or buy houses on their own. For the influence of these friends, researcher started to be interested on the home life style and the design of housing products of the single and unmarried female.There are lots of bachelor women putting more focus on their living qualities. Recently, more and more real estate commercial are focusing on bachelor women, which shows that single women put more consideration on their independent living environment. Those economical independent bachelor women care much about life quality. They have good taste and really put emphasis on choosing every material that fits their life style. However, currently there is not so many products that are suitable or designed for them. Since they are living alone, they think much on good atmosphere of the environment. Moreover, because of their heavy workload, they also need a relax feel after work especially at home. Therefore, among all the housing products, essential products are commonly attractive to them, especially fragrant lamps. The warm bulb/candle light creates romantic atmosphere with fragrance. They can be relaxed by the fragrance of aromatherapy.This study will focus on the market of volatile oil decorative lighting to collect data and analyze it. The single women who living alone were interviewed to understand their life style and their demand for volatile oil decorative lighting. The results of interview will be used to design volatile oil decorative lighting which suit for the single women who living alone. The designed volatile oil decorative lighting will be sent to the interviewees to test it, try to learn more about the views of this products from single women and their recommendations, in order to let the design of volatile oil decorative lighting could be closer to single women’s home living. Furthermore, volatile oil decorative lighting can have more design innovations and breakthroughs in the market.

Levandų (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) eterinio aliejaus poveikis kognityvinėms funkcijoms ir širdies ritmui / Effect of lavender (lavandula angustifolia mill.) essential oil on cognitive functions and heart rate

Bučelytė, Asta 23 June 2014 (has links)
Eteriniai aliejai plačiai naudojami aromaterapijoje, kosmetologijoje, farmacijoje bei parfumerijoje. Nors plačiai kalbama apie eterinių aliejų įtaką žmogui ir jų panaudojimą, tačiau moksliniais tyrimais patvirtintų duomenų apie jų poveikį nėra daug. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas - ištirti levandų eterinių aliejų poveikį kognityvinėms funkcijoms ir širdies ritmui. Eksperimentai buvo atliekami su 19-25 metų amžiaus vyrais ir moterimis. Moterys buvo tiriamos folikulinės, ovuliacinės, geltonkūnio ir vėlyvosios geltonkūnio mėnesinių ciklo fazių metu, o vyrai – vieno eksperimento metu kvėpavo levandų eteriniu aliejumi, kito – vandeniu. Kiekvieno eksperimento metu prieš ir po kvėpavimo levandų eteriniu aliejumi buvo atliekami kognityviniai (trumpalaikės regimosios atminties, dėmesio ir reakcijos laiko) testai bei nenutrūkstamai registruojama elektrokardiograma. Naudojant Eysenck‘o testą buvo įvertintas tiriamųjų intraversijos - ekstraversijos ir neurotiškumo - emocinio stabilumo asmenybės bruožų išreikštumas. Gauta, kad: 1. Neskirstant tiriamųjų į grupes negautas reikšmingas kvėpavimo levandų eteriniu aliejumi poveikis reakcijos laikui, trumpalaikei regimajai atminčiai, dėmesio parametrams – protino produktyvumo koeficientui, regimosios informacijos apimčiai, informacijos apdorojimo greičiui bei širdies ritmui. 2. Dėmesio tikslumo koeficientas po kvėpavimo eteriniu aliejumi statistiškai patikimai geresnis nei prieš kvėpavimą, kai tiriamieji neskirstomi į grupes. Vyrams šis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Essential oils are mostly used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, pharmacology and in perfumes industry. Though there are wide discussions about influence of essential oils on the human organism, there are not many scientific studies on the influence of these oils and mechanisms of their action. The main purpose of Master thesis is to investigate influence of lavender essential oil on cognitive functions and heart rate. The experiments were conducted with 19 -25 years old males and females. Women were examined in the follicular, ovulation, luteal and late luteal phases of menstrual cycle. Men were examined twice – with essential oil and water (as control). During every experiment before and after inhalation of the lavender essential oil cognitive tests (short-term memory, attention and reaction time) were performed and electrocardiogram was continuously recorded. The personality traits were identified using Eysenck test and subjects were categorized as introvert-extravert and neurotic-emotionally stabile. The main findings are as follows: 1. There was no statistically significant effect of lavender essential oil on reaction time, short term memory, parameters of attention - coefficient of mental productivity, capacity of visual information, velocity of information processing and heart rate when subjects were not subdivided into groups. 2. Coefficient of accuracy increased statistically significantly after breathing with lavender essential oil when subjects were not subdivided into... [to full text]

Cuidados de enfermagem à mulher com dor do parto: transformações a partir da pesquisa-ação participativa

FERNANDES SILVA, MÁRCIA 31 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mendes Márcia (marciinhamendes@gmail.com) on 2017-07-07T14:44:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_-_marcia_fernandes_silva.pdf: 3055976 bytes, checksum: 21518d02a6c140c812966438d61eecd9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edvaldo Souza (edvaldosouza@ufba.br) on 2017-07-18T18:43:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_-_marcia_fernandes_silva.pdf: 3055976 bytes, checksum: 21518d02a6c140c812966438d61eecd9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-18T18:44:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_-_marcia_fernandes_silva.pdf: 3055976 bytes, checksum: 21518d02a6c140c812966438d61eecd9 (MD5) / Evidências científicas apontam o excesso de intervenções prejudiciais na atenção às mulheres durante o parto, causando desconforto e dor. O uso de métodos não invasivos e não farmacológicos para alívio da dor do parto implica na participação efetiva da equipe de enfermagem. Objetivo geral: transformar o cuidado de enfermagem às mulheres durante o parto, por meio da utilização de métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor. Objetivos específicos: sensibilizar profissionais de enfermagem para o cuidado à mulher com dor do parto; analisar a percepção das profissionais de enfermagem sobre o parto; descrever o conhecimento sobre o cuidado às mulheres por meio do uso de métodos não farmacológicos de alívio da dor e construir coletivamente uma proposta de estratégias para a utilização de métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor do parto. Metodologia: estudo descritivo de natureza qualitativa utilizando a abordagem da pesquisa-ação participativa em saúde. Participaram do estudo 18 profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital na Bahia. Os dados foram organizados no software Atlas.ti, categorizados e analisados. Resultados: As participantes percebem o parto normal como experiência positiva; a dor do parto foi descrita como intensa, porém naturalizada; conhecem métodos não farmacológicos de alívio da dor e o definem como um cuidado qualificado. Bola, cavalinho, massagem, banho, deambulação, musicoterapia e aromaterapia foram os métodos mais citados e também utilizados pelas participantes. As dificuldades para realização do cuidado são insuficiência de pessoal; ambiente inadequado; despreparo de profissionais e de acompanhantes; e dificuldade na interação da equipe. As estratégias desenvolvidas foram: oficina de capacitação para o uso dos métodos não farmacológicos de alívio da dor, alocação de espaço destinado ao uso dos métodos pelas mulheres em trabalho de parto, elaboração e divulgação local de tecnologias educativas sobre estes métodos. Ao final da pesquisa, verificamos que o total de mulheres atendidas que utilizaram métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor dobrou, em relação à média dos seis meses anteriores, passando de 10% para 23%. Conclusão: A experiência evidencia a importância da utilização da abordagem participativa como mediadora de transformações nas práticas de cuidado em saúde, tanto do ponto de vista da melhoria da qualidade do cuidado prestado às mulheres, como na criação e fortalecimento de vínculos entre as profissionais. A pesquisa possibilitou, ainda, aprofundamento da integração ensinoserviço e maior inserção social do Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem / Scientific evidence points to the excess of harmful interventions in the care of women during labor, causing discomfort and pain. Noninvasive, non-pharmacological labor pain relief methods are recommended by the Ministry of Health, especially in the last five years. To its use is necessary the adoption of a model of care for women with appreciation for natural labor and inclusion of nurses in care management services to normal delivery, resulting in the effective participation of the nursing team. However, research in Brazil show low use of nonpharmacological strategies to relieve labor pain, like the hospital study. So, it is configured as a study problem: how nursing professionals can change their practice in the care of women with pain in labor using non-pharmacological methods? Overall objective: to transform nursing care to women during labor, through the use of non-pharmacological methods of pain relief. Specific objectives: to sensitize the nursing professionals to care for women with pain in labor; describe the perception of nursing professionals on delivery; describe knowledge about care for women through the use of non-pharmacological methods of pain relief, and build collectively an strategy proposes for the use of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief in labor. Methodology: A descriptive qualitative study using the approach of participatory action research in health. Study participants were 18 nursing professionals from a hospital in Bahia. Data were organized in Atlas.ti software, categorized and analyzed using thematic content analysis. Results: The participants perceive normal labor as a positive experience; labor pain has been described as intense, but naturalized; They know nonpharmacological methods of pain relief and define it as a skilled care. Ball, horse, massage, bathing, walking, music therapy and aromatherapy were the most frequent methods, also used by participants. The difficulties for the realization of care are insufficient staff; inadequate environment; unpreparedness of professionals and companios; and difficulty in team interaction. The actions were: sensitization and training workshops to equip professionals to the use of non-pharmacological methods of pain relief, space allocation to meet women who wished to use these methods during labor, development of educational technologies on use these methods. At the end of the survey, we found that the total number of women attending who used non-pharmacological methods for relief of pain doubled, compared to the average of the preceding six months, from 10% to 23%. Conclusion: The experience highlights the importance of using participatory approach as a mediator of changes in health care practices, for both points of view of improving the quality of care provided to women, as in the creation and strengthening of links between professionals. The research also resulted in a deeper integration between teaching and service and greater social inclusion of the Post-Graduate Nursing

A essência dos aromas e o aroma das essências : por um protótipo de glossário terminológico da aromaterapia

Neide Munhoz Albano 24 October 2010 (has links)
O suporte teórico deste trabalho tem como base a compreensão de novas possibilidades da Terminologia, a partir das perspectivas propostas por Cabré (1999), delineando-a como campo interdisciplinar em que os termos, até então assim denominados, nada mais seriam que itens lexicais ativados em contextos específicos pela língua posta em funcionamento, a Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia, ou simplesmente a TCT. Desta forma, a possibilidade da variação terminológica, plenamente aceita pela TCT, distanciando-se dos estudos teóricos tradicionais que propunham a descrição e análise do léxico de uma dada ciência ou técnica, sistematizando-o a fim de extinguir qualquer possibilidade de ambigüidade nas linguagens técnicas, tornou possível a descrição e a análise dos usos dos termos variantes no contexto especializado da Aromaterapia. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa configura-se na compilação, descrição, análise e elaboração de um protótipo de glossário terminológico, o GLOTEAR (Glossário Terminológico da Aromaterapia). A pesquisa resultou no registro de 245 (duzentos e quarenta e cinco) termos relacionados ao campo conceptual da Aromaterapia: óleos essenciais, óleos vegetais carreadores e técnicas de extração. A análise dos termos variantes privilegiou os neologismos semânticos (tratados como casos de terminologização e metaterminologização), os neologismos alogenéticos (estrangeirismos e decalques), as variantes formais, informais e ortográficas. O trabalho demonstrou que a variação terminológica no âmbito abordado contribui substancialmente para o enriquecimento do léxico geral da língua portuguesa. / The Communicative Theory of Terminology with its new possibilities proposed by Cabré since 1999, as an interdisciplinary field when terms starteded to be seen as lexical items activated in specific contents by a certain language, is the main foundation for this research. Therefore, the possibility of terminological variation, fully accepted by TCT, leaving behind the traditional theorists and their beliefs on the description and analysis of the lexicon of a given science or a technical field, as well as the systematisation of terms, in order to extinguish the possibilities of ambiguity within technical languages, brought the possibility of description and analysis of the variation in the Aromatherapy area. This way, the main objective of this research is to develop a word list, store them and create a glossary, the so called Aromatherapy Terminological Glossary. The research made possible to register 245 terms realted to the Aromatherapy field: essential oils, carrier vegetable oils and oil extraction techniques. Special attention was given to semantic neologisms (terminologisation and metaterminologisation), alogenetic neologisms (foreing words), formal and informal variation, and also orthographic variation. The research has shown that the variation in the Aromatherapy area has contributed to enrichen the Portuguese Language Lexicon.

Massagem com aromaterapia e sua eficiência para o usuário em internação psiquiátrica

Domingos, Thiago da Silva [UNESP] 21 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T11:09:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2013-02-21Bitstream added on 2014-11-10T11:58:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000790591.pdf: 1130215 bytes, checksum: 64f92a15dfdf02439f594b420d21839e (MD5) / A enfermagem psiquiátrica e o cuidado em saúde mental têm acompanhado as inúmeras modificações que têm acontecido no âmbito da medicina e nas esferas social, histórica e cultural. Com isso, o cuidado ao portador de transtornos mentais tem se delineado à luz da Reforma Psiquiátrica e da Reabilitação Psicossocial, militando-se por preceitos como a humanização, a ressocialização e a reintegração desses usuários à sociedade. Assim, ocasionando mudanças bruscas na micropolítica do trabalho, nos profissionais da equipe de saúde, nos familiares e nos dispositivos de cuidado na rede em saúde mental. No sentido de pluralizar as práticas de cuidado no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), conta-se desde 1970 com as práticas complementares no Brasil, no entanto, de forma não sistematizada. Em 2006, o Ministério da Saúde (MS) publicou a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde (PNPIC), assegurando para os profissionais a aplicação dessas técnicas Dentre essas práticas cita-se aromaterapia, cuja utilização tem crescido atualmente e a enfermagem como sendo uma das principais classes profissionais representante desta terapia. Consiste na utilização de óleos essenciais por meio da inalação, aplicação dérmica e olfação, com objetivo de prevenção e tratamento. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a eficácia da massagem com aromaterapia sobre a ansiedade de pacientes internados em uma unidade de internação psiquiátrica, tendo como parâmetros uma escala de ansiedade validada nacional e internacionalmente (IDATE), a mensuração das frequências cardíaca e respiratória e a experiência do usuário em relação a esta prática. Trata-se de um estudo quanti-qualitativo, com delineamento de ensaio clínico não controlado, aplicado na unidade de internação psiquiátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (FAMEMA). A população de estudo foi ... / Psychiatric nursing and mental health care have followed the numerous changes that have taken place in medicine and in the social, historical and cultural realms. Hence, care provision to patients with mental disorders has been outlined in light of the Psychiatric Reform and Psychosocial Rehabilitation based on precepts such as humanization, resocialization and reintegration of such users into society, thus causing abrupt changes in the micro policies of work, in health care team members, in patients’ relatives and in care provision devices in the mental health care network. With the purpose to pluralize care practices in the Unified Public Health System (SUS), complementary practices have been available in Brazil since 1970, although in a non-systematized fashion. In 2006, the Health Department (HD) published the National Policies for Integrative and Complementary Health Care Practices (Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde [PNPIC]), thus ensuring to professionals the application of such techniques. Among such practices, aromatherapy is mentioned, and its use has presently increased in Nursing as one of the main professional classes representing that therapy type. It consists in the use of essential oils by means of inhalation, dermal application and smelling, with the purpose of prevention and treatment. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the efficacy of massage with aromatherapy on the anxiety of patients hospitalized in a psychiatric hospitalization unit, using, as parameters, a nationally and internationally validated anxiety scale (STAI), the measurement of heart and respiratory rates and users’ experience in relation to that practice. It is a quanti-qualitative study with a non-controlled clinical-trial design applied in the psychiatric hospitalization unit of the Marilia School of Medicine University Hospital (FAMEMA). The population in the study consisted of fifty subjects ...

Avaliação neuropsicofisiológica dos níveis de ansiedade e voz pré e pós inalação do Citrus Aurantium L.

Araújo, Raynero Aquino de 29 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-01-26T13:42:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2220129 bytes, checksum: dcc2e3e59b2e84e4cb44a70753ec0ed2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T13:42:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2220129 bytes, checksum: dcc2e3e59b2e84e4cb44a70753ec0ed2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-29 / The voice can express in some way or intensity our emotions. Thus, from the mometo what is experienced situations of stress, exposure and great fear, can reflect anxiety through voice.The aromatherapy is presented as an alternative method with significant results in reducing anxiety, with modifications proven aspects physiological, emotional and behavioral. Involves the therapeutic use of aromatic essences, essential oils (EO), usually combined with therapeutic massage, excitement of the olfactory system (inhalation) or intake, in order to induce relaxation and reduction or even elimination of some symptoms of anxiety. From the foregoing, we seek the objective of this research verify anxiolytic effect of Citrus aurantium L. essential oil (CAL) in neuropsycophysiological and vocal responses in college students. This work is divided into three articles: the first is a systematic review on the shoulders of essential oils and their volatile components in minimizing anxiety levels, as submitted for publication the Journal of Psychology Studies. The main conclusion presented the presence of 16 types of essential oils or components thereof with anxiolytic effects in animals and / or humans. Next, a second article in a systematic review, entitled "Anxiety levels and impacts on the voice: a systematic review", aimed at assessing studies that bring better understanding of the impact of anxiety in his voice. This presented as main finding the existence of a relationship between anxiety and presence of vocal, besides elucidating the ways of measuring the vocal aspects and anxiety. This will be submitted to Journal CEFAC. Finally, we present the third article, built with empirical data from a field study, which aimed to evaluate the anxiolytic effect of essential oil Citrus Aurantium L (CAL) in neuropsycophysiological and vocal responses in college students. Demonstrated that the essential oil Citrus aurantium L. showed no anxiolytic effect compared the variables to control and experimental groups, and was not significant compared to the moments before, during and after the ansiogência task. It was observed that the vocal parameters and speech pitch, loudness, voice quality, resonance, modulation, speed, incoordination pneumophonoarticulatory, hesitations and pauses shown to be important markers of anxiety level. / A voz pode expressar de algum modo ou intensidade nossas emoções. Assim, a partir do momento que se vivencia situações de estresse, exposição e de grande temor, pode-se refletir ansiedade através da voz. A aromaterapia apresenta-se como um método alternativo com resultados significativos na minimização da ansiedade, com modificações comprovadas de aspectos fisiológicos, emocionais e comportamentais. Envolve a utilização terapêutica de essências aromáticas, óleos essenciais (OE), geralmente combinadas com massagens terapêuticas, excitação do sistema olfativo (inalação) ou como ingestão, com o objetivo de induzir o relaxamento e redução ou mesmo eliminação de alguns sintomas de ansiedade. A partir do exposto, busca-se como objetivo desta pesquisa verificar o efeito ansiolítico do óleo essencial Citrus Aurantium L. (CAL) nas respostas neuropsicofisiológicas e vocais em estudantes universitários. Este trabalho está dividido em três artigos: o primeiro é uma revisão sistemática sobre a Influência dos óleos essenciais e seus componentes voláteis na minimização de níveis de ansiedade, já submetida para publicação a Revista Estudos de Psicologia. Apresentou como principal resultado a presença de 16 tipos de óleos essenciais ou componentes destes com efeitos ansiolíticos em animais e/ou seres humanos. Concluindo que os óleos essenciais apresentam efeito ansiolítico. Seguidamente, um segundo artigo de revisão sistemática, intitulado Níveis de Ansiedade e impactos na voz: uma revisão sistemática. Teve por objetivo levantar estudos que proporcionassem melhor compreensão sobre o impacto da ansiedade na voz. Os resultados demonstraram a existência de uma relação entre ansiedade e presença de alterações vocais, além de elucidar as formas de mensuração dos aspectos vocais e de ansiedade. Este será submetido a Revista CEFAC. Por fim, apresenta-se o terceiro artigo, construído com dados empíricos de uma pesquisa de campo, que teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito ansiolítico do óleo essencial Citrus Aurantium L (CAL) nas respostas neuropsicofisiológicas e vocais em estudantes universitários. Demostrou que o óleo essencial Citrus Aurantium L. não apresentou efeito ansiolítico quando comparado as variáveis estudadas aos grupos controle e experimental, assim como não foi significante a comparação dos momentos antes, durante e depois da tarefa ansiogência. Foi observado que os parâmetros vocais e de fala pitch, loudness, qualidade vocal, ressonância, modulação, velocidade, incordenação pneumofonoarticulatória, hesitações e pausas mostraram-se marcadores importantes do nível de ansiedade.

Influência da recópula de fêmeas selvagens de Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) na eficiência da técnica do inseto estéril / Influence of wild Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females remating on the efficiency of the sterile insect technique

Renata Morelli de Andrade 04 February 2009 (has links)
A técnica do inseto estéril visa a indução de esterilidade em fêmeas selvagens por meio do acasalamento com machos estéreis liberados em grandes quantidades no ambiente. Os insetos liberados devem ser capazes de competir com os selvagens pela cópula com as fêmeas, fertilizar seus ovos e evitar que ela copule novamente. A recópula com machos selvagens pode interferir na eficiência da técnica por resultar em ovos férteis. Não é conhecido como a sequência de cópula-recópula com machos estéreis e/ou selvagens determina a fertilidade dos ovos na mosca-da-fruta, Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae), nem as conseqüências deste comportamento, o que justificou o presente trabalho. Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório, na Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, sob condições ambientes de temperatura e umidade relativa, para determinar a influência do tipo e ordem das cópulas na indução de esterilidade, além de parâmetros do comportamento de recópula, como frequência recópula entre as fêmeas, número de cópulas for fêmea, tempo de cópula e recópula, período refratário e competitividade sexual dos machos. Foi também avaliada a interferência do tratamento aromático dos machos estéreis com óleo de gengibre sobre a recópula das fêmeas. A Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil, Juazeiro- BA forneceu os insetos estéreis, e os selvagens foram provenientes de pupas coletadas de frutos infestados em áreas frutícolas na região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco. Na presença de machos estéreis e selvagens concorrendo pelas cópulas na proporção de 5 estéreis: 1 selvagem, 63% das fêmeas recopularam em média 3,37 vezes com curto período refratário entre a cópula e a primeira recópula. O tratamento dos machos com óleo de gengibre diminuiu significativamente a taxa de recópula. A aromaterapia dos machos não reduziu a fecundidade e nem conferiu aos machos vantagem da competição espermática, entretanto aumentou a indução de esterilidade em fêmeas selvagens que recopularam. O segundo macho a copular a fêmea apresentou maior vantagem reprodutiva em curto período refratário. Conclui-se que para que a técnica do inseto estéril seja eficiente, é necessário que haja sempre machos estéreis de boa qualidade no campo para recopularem as fêmeas em curto período refratário. / The sterile insect technique (SIT) aim at the induction of sterility in wild females by mating with sterile males released in great amounts in the field. These released males must compete with wild ones being able to attract and mate wild females, fertilize their eggs and avoid remating with a wild male that would lead to fertile eggs and consequently reduce the efficiency of the technique. The circumstances in which remating of Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females interfere with the SIT, as well as the consequences of this behavior are not well known, what justified the present study. The experiments were carried out at the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, inside the laboratory under ambient conditions of temperature and relative humidity to determine the influence of the order of mating type in the induction of sterility. The parameters evaluated to better understand the remating behavior were remating frequency, number of matings per female, mating and remating time, refractory period, sexual competitiveness of males, and the interference of males aromatherapy with ginger root oil in the females remating. Moscamed facility, Juazeiro-BA, provided the sterile males and the wild ones were from pupae collected from infested fruits from commercial orchards in the São Francisco River Valley. In the presence of sterile and wild males in competition (5 sterile: 1wild), 63% of females remated in average 3.37 times in short refractory period between the mating and the first remating. The males aromatherapy with ginger root oil reduced significantly the remating rate, but did not reduce the fecundity, neither confer advantage to the males in the sperm competition, however increased the induction of sterility in wild females multiply mated. The second male to mate the female presented reproductive advantage if the refractory period was short. For the SIT be efficient the sterile males in the field must always have great quality to remate the females in a short refractory period and thus induce sterility in the wild population.

As construções concessivas de polaridade negativa no português do Brasil

Miranda, Lara Carvalho 19 September 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-10-17T18:33:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 laracarvalhomiranda.pdf: 1049488 bytes, checksum: ee59d5bb53c31c845b687c45e2a081c9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-10-25T12:03:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 laracarvalhomiranda.pdf: 1049488 bytes, checksum: ee59d5bb53c31c845b687c45e2a081c9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-25T12:03:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 laracarvalhomiranda.pdf: 1049488 bytes, checksum: ee59d5bb53c31c845b687c45e2a081c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-19 / Este estudo tem como objeto as, aqui nomeadas, Construções Concessivas de Polaridade Negativa (CCPNs) de dois tipos [P nem que Q – “Tento estar presente, nem que seja por mensagens de texto”(Revista Veja)] e [~P nem que Q - E daqui não saio, nem que me empurrem (Corpora NILC)] e, para desenvolvê-lo, lançou-se mão, principalmente, dos constructos teóricos da Lingüística Cognitva (LAKOFF, 1987; LAKOFF, JOHNSON, 1999; FAUCONNIER, TURNER, 2002; SALOMÃO 1997-2002; MIRANDA, 2000) e da Gramática das Construções ((LAKOFF, 1987; GOLDEBERG, 1995; SALOMÃO, 1997-2002; MIRANDA, 2000, 2002, 2006). Tendo a Lingüística de Corpus como metodologia (SARDINHA, 2004; ALUÍSIO, ALMEIDA, 2006), constituiu-se um corpus com ocorrências do português do Brasil, colhidas, através de métodos de busca online, de blogs, revistas em versão online da Editora Abril e do corpora NILC, totalizando 300 dados com o conectivo concessivo nem que. A análise dos dados, apoiada nos fundamentos da Pragmática da Polaridade (ISRAEL, 2004), levou à verificação da existência de dois tipos de CCPN, cuja prototipicidade foi determinada pela distribuição dos itens de polaridade: (1) nucleares afirmativas selecionam condições mínimas como Itens de Polaridade Positiva (IPP) (Recorra à aromaterapia para relaxar, nem que seja por 15 minutos (Revista Cláudia)), enquanto que (2) nucleares negativas selecionam as condições máximas, por vezes, hiperbólicas, como seus Itens de Polaridade Negativa (IPN) (o empresário não vai querer a estrada nem que o Estado implore (Revista Exame)). A maioria das construções do corpus são as do tipo afirmativo (230 ou 77,97%). A baixa ocorrência das negativas (22,3%) deve-se à complexidade cognitiva e às exigências discursivas envolvidas em uma negação. Além desse achado, promoveuse a descrição das pluridimensões da CCPN. Na conceptual, foram mostrados os esquemas imagéticos (ELO, CENTRO- PERIFERIA, ESCALA, FORÇA e DINÂMICA DAS FORÇAS) e as metáforas (MAIS É PARA CIMA- MENOS É PARA BAIXO, CAUSA É FORÇA FÍSICA, DISCUSSÃO É GUERRA) que permeiam a elaboração cognitiva das CCPNs, bem como foi apresentado o processo metonímico PARTE PELO TODO presente na base da CCPN Hiperbólica (Não largo, nem que a vaca tussa). Na dimensão pragmática, foi apresentada a configuração das CCPN enquanto atos de fala e o papel do contexto como desambigüizador da interpretação do ato ilocucionário no uso de tais construções. As análises evidenciaram ainda a 7 não sinonímia semântico-pragmática das CCPNs em relação às demais construções da rede de concessivas do PB, pontuando sua distribuição discursiva (contextos mais informais) e sua especificidade semântica de polaridade negativa marcada pela locução conjuntiva nem que que preserva o significado lexical de negação adverbial do nem. Na dimensão morfossintática, foram apresentados os padrões modotemporais e os de ordenação sintática em seu entrelaçamento com os modos de significação semântico-pragmático da construção em tela. Por fim, foi elaborada uma rede parcial, radialmente organizada por relações de herança, exibindo o nódulo formado pela Construção Concessiva de Polaridade Negativa e suas duas construções herdeiras. As análises empreendidas consolidam a hipótese de que as CCPNs se constituem como um padrão construcional específico dentro da rede de construções concessivas do PB. / This paper focuses on Concessive Constructions of Negative Polarity (CCNPs) of two kinds [P even if Q - “Tento estar presente, nem que seja por mensagens de texto [I try to be present, even if it is through text messages] Veja magazine] and [~ P even if Q - E daqui não saio, nem que me empurrem [And I don’t leave here, even if they push me] Corpus NILC] and, in order to develop it, we use ,mainly, theoretical constructs of Cognitive Linguistics (LAKOFF, 1987; LAKOFF, JOHNSON, 1999; FAUCONNIER, TURNER, 2002; SALOMÃO 1997-2002; MIRANDA, 2000) and Construction Grammar (LAKOFF, 1987;GOLDEBERG, 1995; SALOMÃO,1997-2002; MIRANDA, 2000,2002, 2006). Having Corpus Linguistics as methodology (SARDINHA, 2004; ALUÍSIO, AMEIDA, 2006), a corpus was built with examples assembled through online search methods, blogs, online magazines of Editora Abril and corpus NILC, totalling 300 pieces of data with the connector even if. The analysis of data, with support from principles of The Pragmatics of Polarity (ISRAEL, 2004), led to the evidence of the existence of two kinds of CCNPs whose prototypicality was determined by the distribution of the items of polarity: (1) affirmative main clauses select minimal conditions as Positive Polarity Items (PPI) (Recorra à aromaterapia para relaxar, nem que seja por 15 minutos [ Make use of aromatherapy to relax, even if it is for 15 minutes] Cláudia magazine), whereas (2) negative main clauses select maximum conditions, sometimes hyperbolic, as their Negative Polarity Items ( NPI ) (o empresário não vai querer a estrada nem que o Estado implore [the entrepreneur won’t want the road even if the Government begs] Exame magazine). Most constructions of the corpus are of the affirmative type (230 or 7,97%). The low occurrence of negatives – 22,3% - is due to the cognitive complexity and discursive demands involved in a negation. Besides this finding, the pluridimensions of CCNPs were described. In the conceptual dimension, image schemas were shown (LINK, CENTRE-PERIPHERY, SCALE, FORCE and FORCE DYNAMIC) and the metaphors (MORE IS UP – LESS IS DOWN, CAUSE IS PHYSICAL FORCE, ARGUMENT IS WAR) which interpose the cognitive elaboration of CCNPs, as well as the metonymic process PART FOR WHOLE present on the basis of the Hyperbolic CCNP were presented (não largo, nem que a vaca tussa [I don’t let go, even if pigs fly]). In the pragmatic dimension, the configuration of the CCNPs as speech acts and the role of the context as a way of avoiding ambiguous interpretation of the illocutionary act in 9 the use of those constructions were presented. Our analysis showed also the nonsynonymy semantic-pragmatic of the CCNPs compared to the other constructions of the concessive net of Brazilian Portuguese (BP), focusing on their discursive distribution (more informal contexts) and their semantic specificity of negative polarity marked by the connector even if which preserves the lexical meaning of adverbial negation of even. In the morphosyntactic dimension, the mood-temporal and syntatic arrangement standards in their connection with the semantic-pragmatic meaning moods of this paper were presented. Finally, we created a partial net radially organized by inheritance relationships showing the knot made by the Concessive Constructions of Negative Polarity and their two heir constructions. Our analysis consolidate the hypothesis that the CCNPs are a specific construction standard in the concessive construction of BP net.

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