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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Twentieth Century Indian Interpretations of the Bhagavadgītā: A Selective Study of Patterns

Thomas, Mathew Phillachira January 1974 (has links)
<p>The Bhagavadgītā, the most popular religious text of Hinduism, has become the social and political gospel of India in the Twentieth Century. What is attempted in this study is an examination of the Hindu religious consciousness as reflected in the various recent interpretations of this religious text. In this, we have examined the writings of Twentieth Century national and religious leaders of India and their reinterpretations of the age-old Hindu concepts of dharma, karma and mukti. The main line pursued is to discern the attempt by the moderns to integrate dharma and mukti and to render the message of the Gītā relevant to the problems of contemporary India. We examine this attempt by these national leaders against the background of recent ideologies such as nationalism, socialism and secularism that have made deep inroads into the sub-continent. The "counter-ideologies" (à la Harry M. Johnson) that sprang up from the new interpretations of the Gītā by national leaders such as B.G. Tilak, M.K. Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo and others are examined in depth. The modern commentators also attempt to relate the teachings of the Gītā to the needs of a modern secular society, and in particular to the problems of religious pluralism which confront modern India. These commentators however, did not limit the relevance of this text to India, but have been eager to point out its relevance for a wider humanity.</p> <p>This study aims to be both descriptive and critical. I have sought to describe what modern Indian thinkers selected as essential to the tradition and have also sought to understand their determination to come to terms with not only spiritual but also national and social issues. It is clear that they understood that reconstruction work in India could not be envisaged without giving it a basis in religious tradition which in their mind was most succinctly represented by the Bhagavadgītā. The writer after critical study, has come to the conclusion that these commmentaries taken together have successfully pointed out the significance of the Bhagavadgītā as a text that can accommodate varieties, and as a text which, without losing the clarity and rigour of its central spiritual perception, can provide legitimation, for the social and political forces that underlie a secular state.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Percepção de alunos sobre as competências individuais adquiridas durante o período de formação dos cursos superiores em tecnologia

Giovana Furtado do Espírito Santo 14 March 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou identificar e analisar a percepção dos alunos e egressos sobre as competências adquiridas nos Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia em: Gestão da Produção Industrial, Recursos Humanos e Logística, de uma instituição educacional privada, situada na cidade de Barra Mansa-RJ. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, utilizando como instrumento para coleta de dados uma análise documental, aplicação de questionário e uma entrevista semiestruturada. O questionário e a entrevista foram os mesmos aplicado por Godoy e Antonello (2009), onde as autoras analisaram a percepção dos alunos a respeito das competências individuais adquiridas a partir da Graduação em Administração. Também foi verificado a correspondência entre as competências e habilidades definidas pelo MEC e as propostas no projeto pedagógico dos cursos tecnológicos. O questionário foi aplicado aos alunos matriculados no quarto período dos cursos tecnológicos, para o questionário, foi utilizada a população de discentes com um critério de cortes ou eliminação que se constituiu por desconsiderar apenas os indivíduos que se recusaram a participar da pesquisa. As entrevistas semiestruturadas tinham como alvo os egressos e, como critério para a escolha dentre estes, utilizou-se a acessibilidade. Entende-se aqui por egressos todos os alunos que concluíram os cursos, sendo que foram ouvidos seis egressos, sendo dois de cada curso. O recorte temporal foi compreendido entre 2006 e 2012. Os dados do questionário foram analisados estatisticamente no SPSS 17.0 em seguida foram realizadas uma análise descritiva e cruzamentos de variáveis a fim de uma melhor observação dos resultados pertinentes a cada grupo de estudo. Chegou-se ao seguinte resultado: no CST em Logística a competência com maior nível de concordância foi a competência de comunicação, no CST em Gestão da Produção Industrial a competência de comunicação também foi a de maior nível de concordância, já no CST em Gestão de Recursos Humanos a competência com maior nível de concordância foi a competência social. / This research sought to identify and analyze the perceptions of students and graduates on the skills acquired in the University Courses of technology: Industrial Production Management, Human Resources and Logistics, in a private educational institution located in the city of Barra Mansa-RJ. It was conducted a study case, using as a tool for a collection data: documental analyses, an application of a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The questionnaire and the interview were the same used by Gandhi and Antonello (2009), where the authors analyzed the students perception about their individual skills acquired from their graduation in Business. It was also verified that the competencies and skills defined by MEC and the proposals in the pedagogic project from technological courses. The questionnaire was applied to students enrolled in the fourth period of technological courses, for the questionnaire was used: the population of the students with a criterion of cuttings or elimination that is formed by disregarding only individuals who refused to participate in the research. The semi-structured interviews had as a target the graduates and, as a criterion for choosing among them, the accessibility was used. It is understood here by graduated students, the ones who have completed the courses, six of them were heard, two of each course. The timeframe was between 2006 and 2012. The questionnaire data was analyzed statistically in SPSS 17.0 then later it was performed a descriptive analysis and crossings of variables in order to have a better observation of relevant results to each study group. We had the following result: In the CST in Logistics, the competence with the highest level of agreement was the communication, in the CST in Industrial Production Management the competence of communication was also the highest level of agreement, but in the CST in Human Resource Management, social competence was the highest level of agreement.

Estudo das frações proteicas derivadas do veneno de serpentes "crotalicas" e "bothropicas" com atividade antibacteriana, isolamento, purificação e caracterização bioquimica e biologica

Toyama, Daniela de Oliveira 15 December 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Marangoni / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T01:48:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Toyama_DanieladeOliveira_D.pdf: 11046039 bytes, checksum: b59847c8c17a448c14ff005914cccd57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Nesta tese foram apresentados os resultados da purificação de várias proteínas biologicamente ativas do veneno de serpentes crotálicas (CrotaJus durissus temfjcus, Crotalus durissus cascavel Ia, Crotalus durissus ruruima e CrotaJus durissus colliJineatus); botrópica (Bothrops pirajal) e coral (Mícrurus dumerilíi carínícauda). Muitas destas frações foram purificadas e caracterizadas do ponto de vista biológico, bioquímico e farmacológico. FraçOes como: crotamina, fosfolipase A2 (PLA2), crotapotinas e outras mostraram uma significativa atividade antibacteriana contra bactérias frtopatogênicas e patogênicas. As análises ultraestruturais e outros dados bioquímicos indicam que estas frações exercem essa atividade de formas diferenciadas. Foram observados quatro mecanismos de ação: 1.interação das frações com a membrana bacteriana, induzindo a ruptura e desorganização da mesma com posterior lise celular, 2. desorganização citoplasmática através da entrada das frações por poros na membrana causando lise celular, 3. digestão da membrana com posterior extravasamento do conteúdo interno bacteriano com lise celular, 4.1ise da membrana através dos radicais livres gerados pela reação enzimática do veneno com a membrana bacteriana. Durante o desenvolvimento da tese foram publicados e submetidos à publicação os seguintes artigos: 1.0liveira et aI., 2002 apresentaram o fracionamento do veneno de CrotaJus durissus terrificus em HPLC de fase reversa, com obtenção das frações: crotapotinas (F5 e F7) e PLA2 (F15, F16 e F17). As frações apresentaram atividade antibacteriana contra Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae. A fração F17 apresentou atividade anticoagulante e foi seqüenciada apresentando uma homologia estrutural com outras PLA2 em tomo de 60-90%. Sua massa molecular de 14,6kDa foi determinada através de tricina SDS-PAGE, eletroforese de duas dimensões e MALDI TOFF. 2. T oyama at aI., 2003 verificaram a atividade enzimática, neurotóxica e antibacteriana da fração PLA2 (F15) isolada do veneno de CrotaJus dirissus teTTificus. 3.0liveira et aI., 2003 isolaram, purificaram, seqüenciaram a fração crotapotina, um componente ácido da crotoxina do veneno de Crotalus duríssus cascavel Ia, e realizaram testes para verificar a atividade antibacteriana em bactérias fitopatogênicas Gram-positivas e Gram-negativas, além de testes inflamatórios e nefrotóxicos. 4.Havt et aI., 2005 isolaram uma nova lectina tipo C (BPL) de Bothrops pirajai que foi caracterizada biológica e bioquimicamente. Esta fração também mostrou um efeito nefrotóxico em perfusão em rins isolados de ratos. 5. Toyama et al.,2004 isolaram, purificaram e caracterizaram bioquimicamente uma nova crotamina símile do veneno de Crotalus durissus cascavel/a. Foram identificados os peptídeos biologicamente ativos da crotamina, os quais foram responsáveis pela estimulação de secreção de insulina. . 6.Gandhi et aI., 2004 purificaram uma nova lectina tipo C (crotacetin), obtida do veneno de Crotalus durissus cascavel/a. Esta nova lectina induziu a agregação plaquetária, a aglutinação eritrocitária e também mostrou uma atividade antibacteriana. 7. Cavada et aI., 2004 purificaram e caracterizaram uma nova lectina da semente de Lonchocarpus sericeus, com alta especificidade por N-acetilglicosamina. 8. Cháriston et ai, 2004 isolaram e determinaram a estrutura primária de uma nova PLA2 de Micrurus dumerilli carinicauda. 9.Toyama et aI., 2004 isolaram, purificaram e caracterizaram uma nova isoforma da crotamina do veneno de Crotalus durissus ruruima e mostraram seu efeito antibacteriano. 10.Toyama et aI., 2004 isolaram, purificaram e caracterizaram uma nova PLA2 do veneno de Crotalus durissus collilineatus. Nestes trabalhos foram determinadas as regiões moleculares responsáveis pela atividade antibacteriana. 11. Toyama et a/., 2004 purificaram e caracterizaram uma nova L-amino oxidase do veneno de Crotalus durissus cascavel Ia (Casca LAO) através de exclusão molecular e HPLC de troca iônica. Casca LAO apresentou uma grande inibição bacteriana em bactérias Gram-negativas (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae) e Gram-positivas (Streptococcus mutans). Os estudos destas frações apresentam perspectivas futuras na aplicação terapêutica, como agentes antibacterianos, de novos peptídeos sintéticos ou naturais / Abstract: In this dissertation we present the results of purification of several biologically active protein from the crotalic rattlesnake venom (Crotalus durissus terrificus, Crotalus durissus cascavel/a, Crotalus durissus ruruima e Crotalus durissus collilineatus); from bothropic (Bothrops piraja) and coral (Micrurus dumerilli camicauda). Many of these fractions were purified and biochemical, biologically and pharmacologically characterized, some were reported and other submitted for publication in specialized joumals. Some fraction as crotamine, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), crotapotins and other showed a significant antibacterial activity against phytopatogenical and pathogenic bacterium. Ultra structural and biochemical analyses suggest that this fraction exert this antibacterial activity by different ways, which are grouped according to the mode action into four different mechanisms: 1.interaction of some fractions with the bacterial membrane inducing cellular Iyses by membrane rupture and disorganization. 2. Bacterial cell Iyses by action of fraction from the venom that form pore on the membrane and consequently cytoplasmatic disorganization and membrane rupture. 3. Membrane cell digestion induced by protein from the venom and consequently lost of cytoplasmatic content and cellular Iyses. 4. Membrane cel! Iyses induced by free radical generated by enzymatic action of protein form the venom. During the development of this thesis we reported and submitted some articles listed below: 1. Oliveira et aI., 2002 presents the purification of crotapotins (F5 and F7) and PLA2 (F15, F16 and F17)from the Crotalus durissus terrificus venom by reverse phase HPLC. These fraction showed significant antibacterial activity against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Passiflorae. Fraction F17 also showed an anticoagulant activity and its amino acid sequence showed high amino acid sequence identity with.60-90% with other PLA2 from different sources. Its molecular mass was 14,6kDa determined by Tricine PAGE-SDS, two dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI TOFF. 2. Toyama et aI., 2003 showed the enzymatic, neurotoxic and antibacterial activities of PLA2 isoform (F15) from the Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. 3. Oliveira et aI., 2003 isolated, purified and determined the amino acid sequence of crotapotin fraction, an acid compound of crotoxin from the Crotalus durissus cascavel/a, and detennined its antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative phytopathogenic baderium, intlammatory and nephrotoxicity. 4. Havt et aI., 2005 isolated a new type C-Iectin (SPL) trom the Bothrops pirajaithat was biologically and biochemical characterized. This fraction also showed a nephrotoxic effect on the isolated perfused kidney. 5. Toyama et aI., 2004 isolated, purified and characterized biochemical a new crotamine like from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom. In this work we identified the biologically active peptide from this crotamine, which were responsible for increasing insulin secretion. 6. Gandhi et aI., 2004 purified a new lectin type C (crotocetin) trom the Crotalus durissus cascavella venom. This lectin induced platelet aggregation, erythrocyte agglutination and also showed an antibacterial activity. 7. Cavada et aI., 2004 purified and characterized a new lectin from the Lonchocarpus serieus seed that showed high specific binding against N-acetyl glucosamine. 8. Cháriston et aI., 2004 isolated and determined the amino acid sequence of new PLA2 from Micrurus dumerilli carinicauda. 9. Toyama et aI., 2004 isolated, purified and characterized a new crotamine isofonn from the Crotalus durissus ruruima venom and showed its antibacterial activity. 10. Toyama et aI., 2004 isolated, purified and charaderized a new PLA2 trom the Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom. In this work we determined the molecular region of the PLA2 responsible for the antibacterial activity. 11. Toyama et aI., 2004 purified and characterized a new L-amino acid oxidase from the Crotalus durissus cascavella whole venom (Casca LAAO) by molecular exdusion and cation exchange HPLC. Casca LAAO inhibited strongly the bacterial growth rate of Gram-negative (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv passiflorae) and Gram-positive (Streptococcus mutans). These studies presented here showed a future perspective to therapeutic application of these peptides, synthetical/y or natural/y obtained as potential antibacterial substances / Doutorado / Bioquimica / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular

Capacita' e formazione nel liberalismo di Amartya Sen e Martha Nussbaum. Eredita' differenti del pensiero politico per una "cittadinanza del mondo" / Capabilities and Education in the Liberalism of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. Different Legacies of Political Thought for a "World Citizenship"

Baglieri, Mattia <1985> 28 May 2015 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si propone di discutere il contributo che l’analisi dell’evoluzione storica del pensiero politico occidentale e non occidentale riveste nel percorso intellettuale compiuto dai fondatori della teoria contemporanea dell’approccio delle capacità, fondata e sistematizzata nei suoi contorni speculativi a partire dagli anni Ottanta dal lavoro congiunto dell’economista indiano Amartya Sen e della filosofa dell’Università di Chicago Martha Nussbaum. Ci si ripropone di dare conto del radicamento filosofico-politico del lavoro intellettuale di Amartya Sen, le cui concezioni economico-politiche non hanno mai rinunciato ad una profonda sensibilità di carattere etico, così come dei principali filoni intorno ai quali si è imbastita la versione nussbaumiana dell’approccio delle capacità a partire dalla sua ascendenza filosofica classica in cui assume una particolare primazia il sistema etico-politico di Aristotele. Il pensiero politico moderno, osservato sotto il prisma della riflessione sulla filosofia della formazione che per Sen e Nussbaum rappresenta la “chiave di volta” per la fioritura delle altre capacità individuali, si organizzerà intorno a tre principali indirizzi teorici: l’emergenza dei diritti positivi e sociali, il dibattito sulla natura della consociazione nell’ambito della dottrina contrattualista e la stessa discussione sui caratteri delle politiche formative. La sensibilità che Sen e Nussbaum mostrano nei confronti dell’evoluzione del pensiero razionalista nel subcontinente che passa attraverso teorici antichi (Kautylia e Ashoka) e moderni (Gandhi e Tagore) segna il tentativo operato dai teorici dell’approccio delle capacità di contrastare concezioni politiche contemporanee fondate sul culturalismo e l’essenzialismo nell’interpretare lo sviluppo delle tradizioni culturali umane (tra esse il multiculturalismo, il comunitarismo, il neorealismo politico e la teoria dei c.d. “valori asiatici”) attraverso la presa di coscienza di un corredo valoriale incentrato intorno al ragionamento rintracciabile (ancorché in maniera sporadica e “parallela”) altresì nelle tradizioni culturali e politiche non occidentali. / This research discusses the importance of the analysis of the history of political thought (in both Western as well as non-Western thought forums) for the theory of the capabilities approach as founded and theorised by Amartya Sen (economist at the Harvard University) and Martha Nussbaum (philosopher of law at the University of Chicago). It will examine the impact of the history of political theory in Sen’s work which has been strongly influenced by the research of a close alliance between economics and ethics, but this contribution will also examine the most important fields of research of Nussbaum’s own version of the approach that finds its origins in the Ancient Greek and Roman political thought and especially in Aristotle’s ethical and political system. Ideas and institutions regarding education and lifelong learning philosophy have been chosen as a “prism” in order to study the three Western pillars of political theory which are mostly considered by Sen and Nussbaum and in particular: the emergence of the lexicon of positive and social rights; the debate around the nature of citizenship in the contractualist theory and the very debate around educational policies. Furthermore, this work aims to analyse Sen’s and Nussbaum’s endeavour to overcome the culturalist and essentialist conceptions championed especially in the contemporary political thought by considering the importance of non-Western legacies and heritage of political argumentation and reflection about politics in India’s political philosophy both in the ancient (Kautylia and Ashoka) and contemporary (Gandhi and Tagore) thought. Among these contemporary theories in political philosophy, the normative critique of Sen and Nussbaum faces especially multiculturalism, communitarianism, neorealism as well as the theory of “asian values” by remembering the very existence of political reflection in arenas of thought “other” than the West.

O trabalho ante a desafiadora sociedade pós-industrial (os Fogos de Santelmo)

Kury, Francisco Otaviano Cichero 22 June 2007 (has links)
O trabalho humano nem sempre foi considerado tarefa dignificante. Na Grécia e em Roma, na Antiguidade, as tarefas braçais eram desempenhadas por escravos, cabendo à classe abastada dedicar-se à filosofia ou a atividades ligadas às guerras. No período feudal, a escravidão foi substituída pela servidão; porém, isso não representou uma melhora de vida para os novos subjugados. Com o desmantelamento do feudalismo e do absolutismo, surgia, na sociedade agrária inglesa, o capitalismo que, mais tarde, seria utilizado pela Revolução Industrial. O trabalho passou, dessa forma, por uma revalorização conceitual, significando o centro da identidade humana na sociedade. Surgia a figura do emprego e do desemprego. A vida passou a ser sincronizada pelo relógio da fábrica, através de uma sistemática na automação denominada taylorismo e fordismo, o que propiciou um incremento na produção industrial e gerou um aumento expressivo nos lucros. O sistema capitalista começou a dar sinais de desgaste, e o desemprego passou a ser estrutural e tecnológico. Surge o toyotismo, trazendo a flexibilização e a desregulamentação das relações de trabalho. O desemprego passou a ter contornos epidêmicos, o que foi agravado pela evolução tecnológica e pelo surgimento da globalização. A crise do capitalismo foi revelada pelas contradições sociais, sendo que a riqueza de poucos era sustentada pela pobreza de muitos. Além disso, os danos ao meio ambiente colocaram em risco a vida no planeta Terra. A sociedade pós-industrial, também chamada Era do Conhecimento , vive período de transição e aposta alternativas: o terceiro setor pesquisa novas formas de produção de energia, simultaneidade do trabalho e tempo livre, o ressurgimento do socialismo, a modificação de padrões éticos. Na tarefa de reconstrução do futuro, deve-se levar em consideração que a busca do conhecimento científico-tecnológico deve agir em prol da humanidade, deixando de ser instrumento de aumento de riqueza capitalista. Assim, na busca de sinalizadores que indiquem a rota a ser tomada, utilizando-se a metáfora dos fogos de santelmo, entende-se que a solução está na modificação dos princípios éticos. Edgar Morin chama isso de antropo-ética; Sócrates e Platão afirmam isso através do verdadeiro conhecimento, da felicidade e do idealismo; Aristóteles indica a justiça como a maior virtude; Cícero nos mostra a ética estóica através do respeito a si próprio, ao universo e às leis cósmicas; a doutrina cristã prega esses princípios por intermédio do amor, da caridade e da justiça; Kant nos ensina o imperativo categórico; Gandhi ensina a não-violência. / The human labour wasn t always considered as worthy task. In Greece and Rome, in the Antiquity, the manual tasks were done by slaves, fitting to the supplied class the dedication on philosophy or activities related to wars. In the feudal period, the slavery was replaced by the servitude, but it did not represent an improvement of life for the new overwhelmd. With the dismantle of the feudalism and the absolutism, it began, in the English field society, the capitalism that, later, would be used by the Industrial Revolution. The labour passed, this way, through a conceptual revaluing, meaning the center of the human being identity in the society. The employment and unemployment was born. Life started to be sycronized with the worktime by an automation system called taylorism and fordism, which created an increment on the industrial production and an expressive increase in the profits. The capitalist system started to give wear out signals, and the unemployment started to be structural and technological. The toyotism appears, bringing the flexibilization and the deregulation of the work relations. The unemployment started to have epidemic contours, what got worse with the technological evolution and the sprouting of the globalization. The crisis of the capitalism was disclosed through the social contradictions, such as the wealth of few was supported by the poverty of many, moreover, damages to the environment put the life on earth at risk The postindustrial society, also called Age of the Knowledge , lives a period of transition and bets in alternatives: the third sector, research in new forms of energy production, concurrence of work and free time, the reappearance of the socialism, the changes of ethical standards. As task of reconstruction of the future it must be led in consideration that the search of the technological-scientific knowledge must act in favour of humanity, and stop being instrument of increase of capitalist wealth. Therefore, in search of beepers that indicate the route to be taken, and using the metaphor of St. Elmo s Fire), it s understandable that the solution is in the modification of the ethical principles: Edgar Morin calls it antropo-ethics; Sócrates and Platão affirm this through the true knowledge, the happiness and the idealism; Aristóteles indicates justice as the biggest virtue; Cícero shows us the stoic ethics through the self-respect, to the universe and its cosmic laws; the Christian doctrine fold these principles through love, charity and justice; Kant teaches the categorical imperative; Gandhi teaches the not-violence.

Study of the China-India Foreign Relations after the Cold War / 冷戰後中國與印度的外交關係研究

Chieng-Jen Huang, 黃建人 Unknown Date (has links)
碩士 / 淡江大學 / 中國大陸研究所碩士在職專班 / 96 / China has established diplomatic relations with India for more than half a century. Since the end of the Cold War, the relationship between the two countries has quickly increased. With the booming exchanges in politics, economics and trade, culture, military, society and so on, both countries concluded a strategic partner relationship toward peace and prosperity in 2005 that leads their relations even better. However, the two countries have not always kept good interactions since they established the diplomatic relations. As far back as 1962, their relationship had been suspended for more than ten years because of the border clash. In 1976, although both sides restored to send ambassadors, the grudges remained, and their foreign relations were always in the state of the “cold peace” till the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to China which made the mutual relations turn warming from cold peace. This thesis aims at discussing the reasons why the two countries’ relationship changed since the end of the Cold War and the obstacles both sides face in the future. On the bases of the discussions, we will predict the development of the relationship in the work. The study process will not only outline the China-India relationship in the Cold War and their interactions in politics, economics and military after the Cold War, but also adopt the new realist Kenneth Waltz’s “three levels of analytic methods” as a reference to probe into the reasons of the turn in terms of the international political and economic environment, both countries’ domestic environment and decision makers. In addition, the work will illustrate the obstacles in the future development from the four parts, that is, the border issues, Pakistani issues, economic competition and main countries’ relationship in South Asia. From these analyses, we will conclude the advantageous and disadvantageous factors as a basis to predict the future development of both countries. What the future relationship between China and India will be gives one much food for thought. Although the two countries have enhanced their relations in recent years, there is still a trusting shadow in the atmosphere of the warming exchanges. Also, the competition has been emerged in the cooperation of the politics and economics. On the basis of the national interests, China-India relationship will continuously keep the way both competitive and cooperative in the short term, but in the long term, it will depend on the wisdom of the decision makers and the extent of the relative interests during the competition.

Colonial Strategies and Anti-colonial Resistance: A Post-Colonial Reading of E. M. Forster's A Passage to India / 殖民策略與反殖抗爭:以後殖民論述解讀佛斯特小說《印度之旅》之研究

ChengYih Chen, 陳政義 January 2002 (has links)
碩士 / 淡江大學 / 西洋語文研究所 / 90 / This thesis is divided into three chapters, focusing on the discussion of colonial strategies and anti-colonial resistance in A Passage to India from postcolonial perspective. In Chapter One, I first examine how E.M Forster represents the "postcolonial self" delineated by Fanon and Gandhi through the depiction of Dr. Aziz's transformation from a Moslem doctor at the Government Hospital to the Muslim nationalist. Besides, I also draw my attention on the discussion of remolding mechanism in colonial strategies constructed by the colonizer in order to hold their superior identity and to keep the colonized as a degenerate and inferior population in the novel. And that "postcolonial self," in other words, the rejection of cultural colonialism and acceptance of indigenous tradition, are considered the origin of anti-colonial activities since the colonized's liberation must be carried out through a construction of self and of autonomous dignity. In Chapter Two, I discuss the mystery in Marabar Caves as the representation of "local knowledge" from postcolonial perspective. For postcolonial critics, they points out that while the European colonizer proposed the request of universality in philosophy and culture, they never considered the knowledge of other countries and their ignorance toward non-European world. The mystic characteristic of Marabar Caves can just represent the so-called "deterritorialised knowledge" in postcolonial theory, and such native culture and knowledge which express the unique difference from the dominant knowledge has become not only a major threat for the colonizer while they practice colonial strategy but also the theoretical foundation for the colonized to have anti-colonial battle. In Chapter Three, I discuss the chance for anti-colonial movement provided by the law in this novel. Originally, the function of law is usually served as the discursive knowledge power for the colonizer to stretch their colonial privilege and realistic strategy. However, in A Passage to India, it not only becomes the obstacle of colonial domination but also the excuse and platform for Indians to have demonstration and resistance in terms of the mimicry, the "excess" concealed in the textual performance. While Aziz get the verdict of no guilt, Forster has let the result of the trial become a victory for anti-colonial resistance; moreover, it also intensifies the confidence of Indian for anti-colonial movement. Then, I conclude that by reading the novel from postcolonial perspective, "epistemic violence" and the possibility of counter discourses will be gradually probed and that will produce "a new spirit…, which no one in the stern little band of whites could explain"(214), which is believed as an important spirit for the colonized Indian to achieve cultural decolonization and then fight for their national independence.

Annihilation and accumulation| Postcolonial literatures of genocide and capital

Thandra, Shashidar Rao 19 December 2014 (has links)
<p> The emergence of South-South relations in politics and economics refracts strangely through the literature produced in these postcolonial regions. Two primary worldviews emerge in these texts. The first focuses on the continued presence of imperial powers in the South and their culpability in eruptions of violence. The second shifts to modes of domination emerging within South-South interactions. Salman Rushdie's canonical <i>Midnight's Children</i> examines the Bangladeshi genocide through a variety of literary strategies, especially hyperbole, to produce a crisis of history to indict the Cold War arms trade on equal terms with a war criminal. Similarly, Boubicar Boris Diop's novel <i>Murambi, The Book of Bones</i> helps contextualize the Rwandan genocide within the circuits of international attention&mdash;weapons supplies, political support and humanitarian aid&mdash;that put the lie to the world's supposed "indifference." On the contrary, <i> Murambi's</i> fragmented and polyvocal form evinces the multiple and contradictory investments Rwandans suffered through. East Africa is also home to a South Asian diaspora that arrived before the European powers and now advance India's exponential trade relations with Africa. M.G Vassanji's <i> The In-Between World of Vikram Lall</i> caricatures one of these "Asian Shylocks" to critique the diaspora's class politics and, simultaneously, the racism and xenophobia that led to their 1969 mass deportation from Uganda by Idi Amin. Vassanji's focalizer weaponizes capital accumulation to claim that it protects against such racism, even if it confirms racist caricatures. This argument is not unlike that made by emergent economies from the postcolonial South, which have turned to neoliberal developmental policies to guarantee their independence. Despite the unsustainability of such policies, both Vassanji's novel and Aravind Adiga's <i>The White Tiger</i> take seriously capitalism's ability to nullify old hierarchies even while building new ones. Adiga's focalizer breaks free of his place in the caste system on the strength of capitalism's ability to profane this scared hierarchy. Such anti-caste politics challenge the category of 'radical politics' as espoused by anti-capitalists and adherents of Gandhi, who fought feverishly for the preservation of caste. Taken together, these two novels represent emergent Southern businessmen who fight local antagonisms through international capital, producing a complicated situation that helps us understand the allure of accumulation in emergent economies and its impact on South-South relationships.</p>

Political communication in the 1991 general election in India with special reference to Andhra Pradesh

Karan, Kavita January 1997 (has links)
This research on Political Communications in the general elections and its effectiveness is one of the first of its kind on India, the literature having concentrated on voting behaviour in relation to socio-economic characteristics. The importance of communication during elections has been inadequately researched because of the diversity of the country. Through a content analysis of the coverage of election information in the media and case studies of party campaigns, the study evaluates the campaign practices in the mass media and conventional interpersonal forms. It highlights the electronic and outdoor forms like posters, wall writings, symbol displays and cutouts that were important during the 1991 elections. The thesis then examines the impact of these campaigns through a panel survey on a sample of 1155 electors from the three constituencies of Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Nagarkurnool in Andhra Pradesh. The voting patterns have been evaluated in relation to access to and the impact of different forms of political' communications. Research revealed that Indian political communication campaigns were well organised and professional advertising agencies were hired to promote the parties. Campaigns have been systematically planned through the development of creative and media strategies. Apart from the mass media channels, interpersonal forms continued to be important to reach the diverse electorate. There was a high level of exposure to newspapers, radio and television which were sought as important sources for election related information. Interpersonal forms were found to be persuasive. Education, urbanization, gender, caste and religion are important factors influencing the voters' perceptions and receptivity to electoral communications. But, while increased level of information does heighten the level of political awareness, it does not determine the final outcome. An important aspect was that families largely tended to vote as single units with men generally deciding who to vote for. Women showed relatively little interest in politics (though comprising an important 45% of voters) and their under representation in the study necessitated the need for weighting. The assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in the middle of the elections adds an important dimension to the research, from those who voted in a normal election and those in the 'sympathy wave'. This study, though conducted under unusual circumstances does provide a much needed insight into the political changes in the country and the increasing use of US inspired media driven campaign practices of political marketing combining comfortably with conventional practices of political marketing in India. A final yet important aspect of this research is the exploration of the problems of survey research in a country of cultural plurality such as India.

Women and work in irrigated landscapes in rural India

Girard-Zdanowska, A. M. January 2014 (has links)
In India, the 1992 Reservation Law and the 2006 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) have formalised women as legitimate actors in rural development. These gender-inclusive policies do not necessarily conform to the traditional domestic role of women, which often precludes them from formally engaging in political processes and labour outside the home. In Northern India, these major policy shifts are illustrated in ancient irrigation management systems. With growing rural outmigration and climatic variability aggravating water resources and food security issues, irrigation management is increasingly dependent on the active participation of women. Yet irrigation management is still widely perceived as a male responsibility. This thesis investigates how women adapt and respond to new institutionally mandated responsibilities and expectations as female leaders and as water users. The research is presented in four complementary papers based on quantitative and qualitative data collected during fieldwork in Delhi and Himachal Pradesh. Three major findings emerged to contribute to theories and evidence of the role of public policies in shaping gendered outcomes for common pool resource management in irrigation system in India. First, gender norms affect women differently depending on their public role in the community. Unlike non-political women, female leaders, as public figures, must secure communal approbation to gain power, credibility, and socio-economic networks. As a result, female leaders shape their political behaviour and policy preferences around local notions of femininity, female morality, and labour-based ideas of expertise. Second, for female water users, gender inclusive policies that legitimise their role as participants in formal political processes and the labour force for irrigation management increase their likelihood to defy gender-based restrictions and engage in formal political processes around irrigation management. Third, providing that formal/legal structures legitimize their actions, women will readily breach gender norms if they are to economically benefit from it. The implication of this research are that policies aimed at providing legal support for women to engage in formal rural development, combined with formalised economic opportunities for women are effective eroding agents of gendered institutions and are catalysts in facilitating the engagement of women in all areas of rural development. Given worldwide concerns over rural development, this study encourages such governmental actions to enable the effective and full engagement of future generations of women in the formal management of common pool resources.

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