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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and Development of a Three-degree-of-freedom Parallel Manipulator to Track the Sun for Concentrated Solar Power Towers

Ashith Shyam, R Babu January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In concentrated solar power (CSP) stations, large arrays of mirrors which are capable of changing its orientation are used to reflect the incident solar energy to a stationary receiver kept at a distance. Such mirrors are often called as heliostats. The receiver contains a heat absorbing medium like molten salt. By absorbing the thermal energy reflected from thousands of heliostats, the temperature would reach around 6000C and the heat can be used in thermal power plants to generate steam and thus run a turbine to produce electricity. One of the biggest advantages of CSP over conventional energy harvesting from Sun is that it can generate electricity during night for long hours of time from the thermal energy stored during daytime. This eliminates the usage of batteries or any other energy storing methods. The conversion efficiency is also high in CSP due to the high temperature achieved. With prior knowledge of the station coordinates, viz., the latitude and longitude, the day of the year and time, the direction or the path of sun can be fully determined. Typically, the sun's motion is tracked by the azimuth-elevation (Az-El) or the target-aligned configuration heliostats. In both these approaches, the mirror needs to be moved about two axes independently using two actuators in series with the mirror effectively mounted at a single point at the centre. This arrangement causes the mirror to deform in presence of gusty winds in a solar field which results in loss of pointing accuracy. Typically a beam error of less than 2-3 mrad is desirable in a large solar field and this value also includes other sources of loss of pointing accuracy like gravity and wind loading. In order to prevent this, a rigid support frame is required for each of the heliostats. In this work, two three degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators, viz., the 3-UPU wrist and 3-RPS, have been proposed to track the sun in central receiver systems. The main reasons for choosing a parallel manipulator as heliostat are its desirable characteristics like large load carrying capacity, high accuracy in positioning the mirror and easy to obtain the inverse kinematics and convenient for real time control. The proposed parallel manipulators support the load of the mirror, structure and wind loading at three points resulting in less deflection and thus a much larger mirror can be moved with the required tracking accuracy and without increasing the weight of the support structure. The algorithm for sun tracking is developed, extensive simulation study with respect to actuations required, variation of joint angles, spillage loss and leg intersection has been carried out. Using FEA, it is shown that for same sized mirror, wind loading of 22 m/s and maximum deflection requirement (2 mrad), the weight of the support structure is between 15% and 60% less with the parallel manipulators when compared to azimuth-elevation or the target-aligned configurations. A comprehensive study on stroke minimization of prismatic joints is carried out. It is found that a stroke of 700 mm is required for a 2 m x 2 m heliostat at Bangalore when the farthest heliostat is at a distance of 300 m from the tower. Although, there is an extra motor required to track the sun, the 3-RPS manipulator is better than the conventional methods if the mirror area per actuator criteria is taken into consideration. Prototypes of the Az-El and 3-RPS heliostats were made with a mirror size of 1 m x 1 m. A PID controller implemented using MATLAB-Simulink and a low cost, custom made motor driver circuit is used to control the motion of the 3-RPS heliostat. The algorithm developed is tested on the prototype by tracking a point marked on the wall of the lab space and is found to have a tracking error of only 7.1 mrad. Finally, the actual sun tracking is carried out on the roof of a building reflecting the sun-light to a wall situated 6.72 m above and a distance of 15.87 m from the heliostats. The images are captured at various instances of time from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on October 15th and November 10th, 2016, tracking errors are quantified and it is demonstrated that the proposed 3-RPS parallel manipulator can indeed work as a heliostat in concentrated solar power plants.

Comportements sexuels problématiques : évaluation d'un modèle conceptuel axé sur les traits d'insensibilité émotionnelle

Tremblay, Marie-Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Les comportements sexuels problématiques (CSP) chez les enfants représentent une problématique complexe tant sur le plan de la recherche que de l’intervention clinique. L’hétérogénéité des enfants qui présentent des CSP est un défi sur les plans conceptuel et méthodologique. Alors que la recherche sur les facteurs associés aux CSP présentés par les enfants apparaît quelque peu limitée, plusieurs indices laissent supposer une association entre les CSP et les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Ces traits sont caractérisés par un affect superficiel ainsi qu’un manque d’empathie et de remords. Seulement quelques études à ce jour ont exploré cette association et aucune n’a porté spécifiquement sur les enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans. Les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont importants à considérer puisqu’ils sont associés à la gravité des gestes d’agression chez les jeunes et à une résistance accrue à l’intervention. Objectifs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Plus précisément, nous voulons comprendre si et dans quelle mesure les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont associés aux CSP. Nous avons donc proposé un modèle conceptuel adapté qui tient compte des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Méthode. Notre échantillon est constitué de 90 dyades parent-enfant (M âge enfant = 9,1 ans ; É-T = 2,2 ; 36,7% filles) ayant reçu des services de psychothérapie pour leurs CSP au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent entre 2006 et 2010. Les participants ont complété une batterie d’évaluation incluant plusieurs instruments de mesure qui permettent de refléter l’ensemble des dimensions du modèle conceptuel. Un score de traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle a été dérivé à partir de divers instruments mesurant le comportement des enfants. Un modèle de régression linéaire hiérarchique a été élaboré afin d’estimer l’influence des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle, en prenant en compte l’influence des autres variables individuelles et familiales. Résultats. Les résultats ont révélé que les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle ne sont pas associés aux CSP des enfants lorsque leurs comportements extériorisés sont également pris en compte. Par ailleurs, la présence de comportements extériorisés et l’exposition à un cumul d’expériences de victimisation, excluant la victimisation sexuelle, étaient des facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Il n’y avait également pas d’association significative entre la victimisation sexuelle et la variété des CSP. Conclusion. Les résultats appuient en partie le modèle conceptuel proposé. Des recherches reposant sur de plus grands échantillons devraient être effectuées pour mieux comprendre l’association entre les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle et les CSP. Les résultats suggèrent néanmoins que les comportements extériorisés et les expériences de victimisation non sexuelles contribuent davantage à expliquer la variété des CSP chez les enfants référés pour une intervention que la victimisation sexuelle. / Sexual behavior problems (SBP) in children represent a complex issue both in terms of research and clinical intervention. The heterogeneity of children with SBP is a conceptual and methodological challenge. While research on the factors associated with SBP presented by children appears somewhat limited, there is some ground of belief in an association between SBP and callous-unemotional traits (e.g., superficial affect and lack of empathy and remorse). Few studies to date have explored this association, and none has focused specifically on children aged between 6 and 12 years old. These traits are important to consider because they are associated with the severity of aggression behaviors in youth and an increased resistance to intervention. Objectives. The main objective of this Masters’ thesis is to foster our understanding of the factors associated with the variety of SBP. Specifically, we want to understand if and to what extent callous-unemotional traits are associated with SBP. We have therefore proposed an adapted conceptual model that takes into account callous-unemotional traits. Method. Our sample consists of 90 parent-child dyads (M child’s age = 9.1 years ; SD = 2.2 ; 36.7% girls), who received psychotherapy services for SBP at the Marie-Vincent Center between 2006 and 2010. Participants completed an assessment battery including several instruments that reflect all the dimensions of the conceptual model. A score of callous-unemotional traits was derived from various instruments measuring children's behavior. A hierarchical linear regression model was developed to estimate the influence of callous-unemotional traits, taking into account the influence of the individual and family variables. Results. Results revealed that callous-unemotional traits were not associated with children's SBP when their externalized behaviors were taken into account. In addition, the presence of externalized behaviors and exposure to a combination of victimization experiences, excluding sexual victimization, were associated with the variety of SBP. There was also no significant association between sexual victimization and the variety of SBP. Conclusion. The results partially support the proposed conceptual model. Research with larger samples should be done to better understand the influence of callous-unemotional traits on SBP. The results suggest, however, that externalized behaviors and non-sexual victimization experiences are more important in explaining the variety of SBP of children referred for an intervention than sexual victimization.

Comportements sexuels problématiques chez les enfants : l’influence des transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles et de l’adversité familiale à travers les générations.

Bédard, Sarah 01 1900 (has links)
Les comportements sexuels problématiques (CSP) chez les enfants soulèvent questionnements et incompréhension. L’hétérogénéité des profils d’enfants qui manifestent des CSP rend cette problématique complexe au plan de la recherche et de l’intervention clinique. Alors que les recherches révèlent que les CSP des enfants sont grandement influencés par leur environnement familial, certaines pratiques familiales pourraient être liées à différents indices de gravité et de sévérité des comportements sexuels chez les enfants. Ces pratiques concernent les transgressions des frontières sexuelles, physiques et émotionnelles. Seulement quelques études à ce jour ont exploré le lien entre les pratiques parentales inappropriées sur le plan des frontières interpersonnelles et les CSP des enfants âgés de 5 à 13 ans. Très peu d’entre elles se sont réellement penchées sur la provenance du non-respect des frontières interpersonnelles. La recherche révèle que les expériences d’adversité vécues par les parents peuvent exercer une influence importante puisqu’elles peuvent interférer avec la capacité des parents à offrir un environnement familial prévisible, à prodiguer des soins et à le faire dans le respect du développement psychosexuel de leurs enfants. Objectifs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre l’association possible entre les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles au sein du milieu familial et la manifestation de différents niveaux de CSP chez leurs enfants, âgés de 5 à 13 ans. Les CSP sont évalués à partir d’un cumul d’indices de gravité et de sévérité incluant l’étendue, l’intensité, la variété, la persistance et le niveau de coercition. L’objectif secondaire de ce mémoire concerne davantage l’historique des parents et vise à mieux comprendre les facteurs associés aux transgressions des frontières sexuelles, physiques et émotionnelles dans leur environnement familial actuel. L’influence des transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles dans leur l’enfance, la défavorisation socioéconomique, la détresse psychologique du parent et la victimisation sexuelle est ainsi évaluée. Méthode. L’échantillon est constitué de 58 dyades parent-enfant (M âge enfant = 9,36 ans ; É-T = 1,90 ; 74,1 % garçons) bénéficiant d’une évaluation des besoins préalable à une psychothérapie pour les CSP de l’enfant. Des analyses bivariées ont permis de comparer les caractéristiques des enfants exposés à un niveau plus élevé des transgressions des frontières sur le plan sexuel, physique et émotionnel. Un modèle de régression linéaire hiérarchique a permis d’examiner l’influence de différentes caractéristiques mesurées chez les parents sur les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles à la maison. Résultats. Les résultats révèlent que les enfants vivant dans un milieu familial où le niveau des transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles est plus important se distinguent par différents indices de gravité et de sévérité de leurs CSP, des comportements extériorisés plus nombreux ainsi que par un plus grand manque de flexibilité et de stabilité dans leur humeur. Quant aux parents, leur propre exposition aux transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles pendant leur enfance, leur défavorisation socioéconomique et leur niveau de détresse psychologique sont des facteurs associés aux transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles. En contrepartie, il n’y a pas d’association significative entre la victimisation sexuelle des parents et les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles. Conclusion. Les résultats de ce mémoire attestent de la pertinence de prendre en compte les transgressions des frontières interpersonnelles pendant l’enfance des parents puisqu’elle peut avoir une incidence, ou se rejouer au sein de la famille actuelle des enfants qui présentent des CSP. Les résultats mettent aussi de l’avant l’importance d’assister les parents d’enfants manifestant des CSP puisqu’ils demeurent les premiers agents de changement pour rétablir un environnement sécurisant et respectueux de l’intimité de chacun sur tous les plans. Les dynamiques familiales étant complexes, cette étude soutient l’apport d’un instrument de mesure permettant d’aborder dès l’évaluation un aspect important, mais peu étudié de ces dynamiques relationnelles qu’on observe souvent dans les familles d’enfants présentant des CSP, celui du respect des frontières. / Problematic sexual behaviours (PSBs) in children are often misunderstood and raise many questions. Children with PSB constitute a particularly heterogenous population, which challenges research as well the elaboration of tailored clinical interventions. While research shows that children's PSBs are greatly influenced by their family environment, some family practises may be linked to various indices of PSB gravity and severity. These practices include the transgression of sexual, physical and emotional boundaries. Only a few studies have explored the link between inappropriate parental practices, and even fewer have addressed the origins of such practices. The adverse experiences of the parents are important to consider since they can influence the parent’s general ability to provide appropriate care for their children and can potentially influence children’s’ psychosexual development and behaviours. Objectives. The general objective of this study is to better understand the possible association between the transgression of interpersonal boundaries of the family and the manifestation of different levels of PSBs in their children aged 6 to 12 years old, as assessed with a compute of severity indices including the extent, intensity, variety, persistence and level of coercion of PSB. The secondary objective of this study concerns the past and current life experiences of the parents, and aims to better understand the factors associated with the transgressions of sexual, physical and emotional boundaries in their present family environment. Factors assessed in parents include the influence of the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries in their childhood, indices of their present socioeconomic deprivation and their level of psychological distress. Method. The sample consists of 58 parent-child dyads (M child’s age = 9.36 years; SD = 1.90; 74.1% boys) recruited in the context of a needs assessment prior to psychotherapy for children with PSBs. Bivariate analyses made it possible to compare the characteristics of children exposed to a higher level of transgressions of sexual, physical and emotional boundaries. A hierarchical linear regression model allowed to estimate the influence of various characteristics of the parent with the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries at home. Results. The results revealed that the children living in a family environment where the transgression of interpersonal boundaries was more significant were differentiated by a higher severity compute score of PSB, more externalized behaviours as well as a greater lack of flexibility and stability in their mood. As for the parents, their own exposure to transgressions of interpersonal boundaries in their childhood, socioeconomic deprivation and psychological distress and are all factors associated with the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries. On the other hand, there’s no significant association between the sexual victimization of the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries. Conclusion. The results of this study demonstrate the relevance of taking into account the transgressions of interpersonal boundaries since they can have an impact of replay within the current family of children with PBSs. The results highlight the importance of taking charge of the parents of children manifesting PSBs since they remain the primary agents of change. Their influence should be taken into account in a model of parent-child interactions that would better represent the complex dynamics of families. Assessing parents' individual variables and several environmental factors may help to better understand intrusive parenting practises as well as violence perpetrated across generations.

Datový standard zdravotnických informačních systémů / Data Standard of the Health Information Systems

Holub, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Data Standard of the Health Information Systems" deals with the structure of data standard including XML language. Further the thesis is focusing on hospital information system CLINICOM with the inclusion of the access to data records from its database Caché company InterSystems. Description of the National registers of health is also included.The concept of web application is also one part of the thesis which enables to generate reports in the data standard of the Ministry of Healt of the Czech Republic for mandatory reporting by NHIS registers in the time interval from the Caché database. Found records from the database can be printed for archiving. The work also deals with security access to the HIS server and data communication between health organizations.

Automatické jazzové aranžmá / Automatic jazz arrangement

Chadim, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This Thesis is focused on the arranging of the melody, which is accompanied by jazz chords. It deals with creating a more harmonious voices using Block Voicing method. Distribution to target notes and passing notes is made using techniques of constraint programming (CSP). Passing notes are reharmonized by dominant seventh chord or by parallel chord. Using CSP a bass part is also created. To solve CSP is used Gecode library. The harmonious voices are arranged by Four Part Close Voicing. The application result is a tool for the music arranger.

Design Fabrication, and Initial Characterization of a 13 kWe Metal-Halide and Xenon Short-Arc Lamp High-Flux Solar Simulator with Adjustable Concentration Profiles Using a Horizontally-Translating Central Lamp

Ferreira, Alexander Vence 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Program Slicing for Modern Programming Languages

Galindo Jiménez, Carlos Santiago 24 September 2025 (has links)
[ES] Producir software eficiente y efectivo es una tarea que parece ser tan difícil ahora como lo era para los primeros ordenadores. Con cada mejora de hardware y herramientas de desarrollo (como son compiladores y analizadores), la demanda de producir software más rápido y más complejo ha ido aumentando. Por tanto, todos estos análisis auxiliares ahora son una parte integral del desarrollo de programas complejos. La fragmentación de programas es una técnica de análisis estático, que da respuesta a ¿Qué partes del programa pueden afectar a esta instrucción? Su aplicación principal es la depuración de programas, porque puede acotar la zona de código a la que el programador debe prestar atención mientras busca la causa de un error. También tiene otras muchas aplicaciones, como pueden ser la paralelización y especialización de programas, la comprensión de programas y el mantenimiento. En los últimos años, su uso más común ha sido como preproceso a otros análisis con alto coste computacional, para reducir el tamaño del programa a procesar, y, por tanto, el tiempo de ejecución de estos. La estructura de datos más popular para fragmentar programas es el system dependence graph (SDG), un grafo dirigido que representa las instrucciones de un programa como vértices, y sus dependencias como arcos. Los dos tipos principales de dependencias son las de control y las de datos, que encapsulan el flujo de control y datos en todas las ejecuciones posibles de un programa. El área de lenguajes de programación está en eterno cambio, ya sea por la aparición de nuevos lenguajes o por el lanzamiento de nuevas características en lenguajes existentes, como pueden ser Java o Erlang. Sin embargo, la fragmentación de programas se definió originalmente para el paradigma imperativo. Aun así, hay características populares en lenguajes imperativos, como las arrays y las excepciones, que aún no tienen una representación eficiente y/o completa en el SDG. Otros paradigmas, como el funcional o el orientado a objetos, sufren también de un soporte parcial en el SDG. Esta tesis presenta mejoras para construcciones comunes en la programación moderna, dividiendo contribuciones en las enfocadas a dependencias de control y las enfocadas a datos. Para las primeras, especificamos una nueva representación de instrucciones catch, junto a una descripción completa del resto de instrucciones relacionadas con excepciones. También analizamos las técnicas punteras para saltos incondicionales (p.e., break), y mostramos los riesgos de combinarlas con otras técnicas para objetos, llamadas o excepciones. A continuación, ponemos nuestra mirada en la concurrencia, con una formalización de un depurador de especificaciones CSP reversible y causal-consistente. En cuanto a las dependencias de datos, se enfocan en técnicas sensibles al contexto (es decir, más precisas en presencia de rutinas y sus llamadas). Exploramos las dependencias de datos generadas en programas concurrentes por memoria compartida, redefiniendo las dependencias de interferencia para hacerlas sensibles al contexto. A continuación, damos un pequeño rodeo por el campo de la indecidibilidad, en el que demostramos que ciertos tipos de análisis de datos sobre programas con estructuras de datos complejas son indecidibles. Finalmente, ampliamos un trabajo previo sobre la fragmentación de estructuras de datos complejas, combinándolo con la fragmentación tabular, que la hace sensible al contexto. Además, se han desarrollado o extendido múltiples librerías de código con las mejoras mencionadas anteriormente. Estas librerías nos han permitido realizar evaluaciones empíricas para algunos de los capítulos, y también han sido publicadas bajo licencias libres, que permiten a otros desarrolladores e investigadores extenderlas y contrastarlas con sus propuestas, respectivamente. Las herramientas resultantes son dos fragmentadores de código para Java y Erlang, y un depurador de CSP reversible y causal-consistente. / [CA] La producció de programari eficient i eficaç és una tasca que resulta tan difícil hui dia com ho va ser durant l'adveniment dels ordinadors. Per cada millora de maquinari i ferramentes per al desenvolupament, augmenta sovint la demanda de programes, així com la seua complexitat. Com a conseqüència, totes aquestes anàlisis auxiliars esdevenen una part integral del desenvolupament de programari. La fragmentació de programes és una tècnica d'anàlisi estàtica, que respon a "Quines parts d'aquest programa poden afectar a aquesta instrucció?". L'aplicació principal d'aquesta tècnica és la depuració de programes, per la seua capacitat de reduir la llargària d'un programa sense canviar el seu funcionament respecte a una instrucció que està fallant, delimitant així l'àrea del codi en què el programador busca l'origen de l'errada. Tot i això, té moltes altres aplicacions, com la paral·lelització i especialització de programes o la comprensió de programes i el seu manteniment. Durant els darrers anys, l'ús més freqüent de la fragmentació de programes ha sigut com a <<preprocés>> abans d'altres anàlisis amb un alt cost computacional, per tal de reduir-ne el temps requerit per realitzar-les. L'estructura de dades més popular per fragmentar programes és el system dependence graph (SDG), un graf dirigit representant-ne les instruccions d'un programa amb vèrtexs i les seues dependències amb arcs. Els dos tipus principals de dependència són el de control i el de dades, aquests encapsulen el flux de control i dades a totes les possibles execucions d'un programa. L'àrea dels llenguatges de programació s'hi troba en constant evolució, o bé per l'aparició de nous llenguatges, o bé per noves característiques per als preexistents, com poden ser Java o Erlang. No obstant això, la fragmentació de programes s'hi va definir originalment per al paradigma imperatiu. Tot i que, també hi trobem característiques populars als llenguatges imperatius, com els arrays i les excepcions, que encara no en tenen una representació eficient i/o completa al SDG. Altres paradigmes, com el funcional o l'orientat a objectes, pateixen també d'un suport reduit al SDG. Aquesta tesi presenta millores per a construccions comunes de la programació moderna, dividint les contribucions entre aquelles enfocades a les dependències de control i aquelles enfocades a dades. Per a les primeres, hi especifiquem una nova representació d'instruccions catch, junt amb una descripció de la resta d'instruccions relacionades amb excepcions. També hi analitzem les tècniques capdavanteres de fragmentació de salts incondicionals, i hi mostrem els riscs de combinar-ne-les amb altres tècniques per a objectes, instruccions de crida i excepcions. A continuació, hi posem la nostra atenció en la concurrència, amb una formalització d'un depurador d'especificacions CSP reversible i causal-consistent. Respecte a les dependències de dades, dirigim els nostres esforços a produir tècniques sensibles al context (és a dir, que es mantinguen precises en presència de procediments). Hi explorem les dependències de dades generades en programes concurrents amb memòria compartida, redefinint-ne les dependències d'interferència per a fer-ne-les sensibles al context. Seguidament, hi demostrem la indecidibilitat d'alguns tipus d'anàlisis de dades per a programes amb estructures de dades complexes. Finalment, hi ampliem un treball previ sobre la fragmentació d'estructures de dades complexes, combinant-lo amb la fragmentació tabular, fent-hi-la sensible al context. A més a més, s'han desenvolupat o estés diverses llibreries de codi amb les millores esmentades prèviament. Aquestes llibreries ens han permés avaluar empíricament alguns dels capítols i també han sigut publicades sota llicències lliures, fet que permet a altres desenvolupadors i investigadors poder estendre-les i contrastar-les, respectivament. Les ferramentes resultants són dos fragmentadors de codi per a Java i Erlang, i un depurador CSP. / [EN] Producing efficient and effective software is a task that has remained difficult since the advent of computers. With every improvement on hardware and developer tooling (e.g., compilers and checkers), the demand for software has increased even further. This means that auxiliary analyses have become integral in developing complex software systems. Program slicing is a static analysis technique that gives answers to "What parts of the program can affect a given statement?", and similar questions. Its main application is debugging, as it can reduce the amount of code on which a programmer must look for a mistake or bug. Other applications include program parallelization and specialisation, program comprehension, and software maintenance. Lately, it has mostly been applied as a pre-processing step in other expensive static analyses, to lower the size of the program and thus the analyses' runtime. The most popular data structure in program slicing is the system dependence graph (SDG), which represents statements as nodes and dependences as arcs between them. The two main types of dependences are control and data dependences, which encapsulate the control and data flow throughout every possible execution of a program. Programming languages are an ever-expanding subject, with new features coming to new releases of popular and up-and-coming languages like Python, Java, Erlang, Rust, and Go. However, program slicing was originally defined for (and has been mostly focused on) imperative programming languages. Even then, some popular elements of the imperative paradigm, such as arrays and exceptions do not have an efficient or sometimes complete representation in the SDG. Other paradigms, such as functional or object-oriented also suffer from partial support in the SDG. This thesis presents improvements for common programming constructs, and its contributions are split into control and data dependence. For the former, we (i) specify a new representation of catch statements, along with a full description of other exception-handling constructs. We also (ii) analyse the current state-of-the-art technique for unconditional jumps (e.g., break or return), and show the risks of combining it with other popular techniques. Then, we focus on concurrency, with a (iii) formalisation of a reversible, causal-consistent debugger for CSP specifications. Switching to data dependences, we focus our contributions on making existing techniques context-sensitive (i.e., more accurate in the presence of routines or functions). We explore the data dependences involved in shared-memory concurrent programs, (iv) redefining interference dependence to make it context-sensitive. Afterwards, we take a small detour to (v) explore the decidability of various data analyses on programs with (and without) complex data structures and routine calls. Finally, we (vi) extend our previous work on slicing complex data structures to combine it with tabular slicing, which provides context-sensitivity. Additionally, throughout this thesis, multiple supporting software libraries have been written or extended with the aforementioned improvements to program slicing. These have been used to provide empirical evaluations, and are available under libre software licenses, such that other researchers and software developers may extend or contrast them against their own proposals. The resulting tools are two program slicers for Java and Erlang, and a causal-consistent reversible debugger for CSP. / Galindo Jiménez, CS. (2024). Program Slicing for Modern Programming Languages [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/211183

Die aard van kommunikasie in ʼn sosiale betrokkenheidsprogram van die Studente-Jool-Gemeenskapsdiens (SJGD) : die Pick a leader- leierskapontwikkelingsprojek / Johanna Frederika Elizabeth Boshoff

Boshoff, Johanna Frederika Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The North-West University (NWU) is an example of an organization that has a social responsibity towards the community and the environment within which it finds itself (Van Schalkwyk, 2013). One of the social responsibility programmes of the NWU-Pukke is known as the Students’ Rag Community Service (SRCS). The SRCS is a registered NPO (non-profit organization) which is run by the students of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus and which has been in existence since 1992 in its present form. In this study it is argued that the SRCS developmental projects could be offered in a more effective and sustainable manner by implementing the basic principles of the participatory approach, viz. Participation, dialogue, empowerment and cultural identity in order to support the local communities in their developmental processes. For the present study the focus was solely on one of the SRCS projects, the Pick a leader-leadership development project. This project has the aim of providing in the developmental needs of ten to fifteen Grade 11 learners in three schools in the North West Province (Potchefstrom and the surrounding communities in Ikageng). Thus project participants (learners) are instructed in basic skills about starting their own businesses (entrepreneurship); how to develop their leadership skills and to apply these skills, and how to be able to use basic life skills in their everyday lives. Various theoreticians have explained how NPO’s without participatory communication are seldom successful in terms of developmental initiatives. The learners can only develop if the relevant roleplayers of the project take ownership of the project by also being able to communicate in a participatory manner about their specific needs with both the NPO and the project volunteers. The NWU-Pukke volunteers, who manage this particular project, therefore have the responsibility to communicate in a participatory manner with the relevant learners, their teachers and then also the different principals to make the project succeed and to contribute to the realization of the developmental needs of the learners. The general research aim of the study had been to determine the nature of the communication among interest groups in the Pick a leader-leadership development programme of the SRCS. Qualitiative research methods, viz. Semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and participant observation, were used in this study for purposes of making making a thorough investigation into the nature of the communication among those involved in the Pick a leader leadership development programme. The purpose of this was to determine perspectives about the project held by the persons involved (but especially those of the learners) and to interpret these in line with the normative theoretical principles of the participatory approach to developmental communication. It was ultimately found that the communication in the Pick a leader-leadership development programme was mostly one-way. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Réduction de dimension en apprentissage supervisé. Application à l'étude de l'activité cérébrale

Vezard, Laurent 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail est de développer une méthode capable de déterminer automatiquement l'état de vigilance chez l'humain. Les applications envisageables sont multiples. Une telle méthode permettrait par exemple de détecter automatiquement toute modification de l'état de vigilance chez des personnes qui doivent rester dans un état de vigilance élevée (par exemple, les pilotes ou les personnels médicaux). Dans ce travail, les signaux électroencéphalographiques (EEG) de 58 sujets dans deux états de vigilance distincts (état de vigilance haut et bas) ont été recueillis à l'aide d'un casque à 58 électrodes posant ainsi un problème de classification binaire. Afin d'envisager une utilisation de ces travaux sur une application du monde réel, il est nécessaire de construire une méthode de prédiction qui ne nécessite qu'un faible nombre de capteurs (électrodes) afin de limiter le temps de pose du casque à électrodes ainsi que son coût. Au cours de ces travaux de thèse, plusieurs approches ont été développées. Une première approche propose d'utiliser un pré-traitement des signaux EEG basé sur l'utilisation d'une décomposition en ondelettes discrète des signaux EEG afin d'extraire les contributions de chaque fréquence dans le signal. Une régression linéaire est alors effectuée sur les contributions de certaines de ces fréquences et la pente de cette régression est conservée. Un algorithme génétique est utilisé afin d'optimiser le choix des fréquences sur lesquelles la régression est réalisée. De plus, cet algorithme génétique permet la sélection d'une unique électrode. Une seconde approche est basée sur l'utilisation du Common Spatial Pattern (CSP). Cette méthode permet de définir des combinaisons linéaires des variables initiales afin d'obtenir des signaux synthétiques utiles pour la tâche de classification. Dans ce travail, un algorithme génétique ainsi que des méthodes de recherche séquentielle ont été proposés afin de sélectionner un sous groupes d'électrodes à conserver lors du calcul du CSP. Enfin, un algorithme de CSP parcimonieux basé sur l'utilisation des travaux existant sur l'analyse en composantes principales parcimonieuse a été développé. Les résultats de chacune des approches seront détaillés et comparés. Ces travaux ont aboutit sur l'obtention d'un modèle permettant de prédire de manière rapide et fiable l'état de vigilance d'un nouvel individu.

Die aard van kommunikasie in ʼn sosiale betrokkenheidsprogram van die Studente-Jool-Gemeenskapsdiens (SJGD) : die Pick a leader- leierskapontwikkelingsprojek / Johanna Frederika Elizabeth Boshoff

Boshoff, Johanna Frederika Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The North-West University (NWU) is an example of an organization that has a social responsibity towards the community and the environment within which it finds itself (Van Schalkwyk, 2013). One of the social responsibility programmes of the NWU-Pukke is known as the Students’ Rag Community Service (SRCS). The SRCS is a registered NPO (non-profit organization) which is run by the students of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus and which has been in existence since 1992 in its present form. In this study it is argued that the SRCS developmental projects could be offered in a more effective and sustainable manner by implementing the basic principles of the participatory approach, viz. Participation, dialogue, empowerment and cultural identity in order to support the local communities in their developmental processes. For the present study the focus was solely on one of the SRCS projects, the Pick a leader-leadership development project. This project has the aim of providing in the developmental needs of ten to fifteen Grade 11 learners in three schools in the North West Province (Potchefstrom and the surrounding communities in Ikageng). Thus project participants (learners) are instructed in basic skills about starting their own businesses (entrepreneurship); how to develop their leadership skills and to apply these skills, and how to be able to use basic life skills in their everyday lives. Various theoreticians have explained how NPO’s without participatory communication are seldom successful in terms of developmental initiatives. The learners can only develop if the relevant roleplayers of the project take ownership of the project by also being able to communicate in a participatory manner about their specific needs with both the NPO and the project volunteers. The NWU-Pukke volunteers, who manage this particular project, therefore have the responsibility to communicate in a participatory manner with the relevant learners, their teachers and then also the different principals to make the project succeed and to contribute to the realization of the developmental needs of the learners. The general research aim of the study had been to determine the nature of the communication among interest groups in the Pick a leader-leadership development programme of the SRCS. Qualitiative research methods, viz. Semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and participant observation, were used in this study for purposes of making making a thorough investigation into the nature of the communication among those involved in the Pick a leader leadership development programme. The purpose of this was to determine perspectives about the project held by the persons involved (but especially those of the learners) and to interpret these in line with the normative theoretical principles of the participatory approach to developmental communication. It was ultimately found that the communication in the Pick a leader-leadership development programme was mostly one-way. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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