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Les effets des éléments d'atmosphère d'un site web sur le comportement des internautes : le cas de la web TV universitaire Diwi TV / The effects of the atmosphere elements of a web site on the net surfer's behavior : the case of the university web TV Diwi TVGazbar, Yousra 28 June 2012 (has links)
A la lumière de la revue de la littérature et des différentes opportunités empiriques qui se sont présentées, nous étions devant une problématique de recherche qui reflète l’actualité de l’usage de la web TV à des fins contributives, et plus précisément l’influence de certains éléments d’atmosphère du site de la web tv sur l’attitude des étudiants les conduisant à adopter un comportement d’approche spécifique à ce dispositif. Notre recherche nous a permis de proposer un modèle conceptuel qui s’est hissé en un cadre global d’appréhension du comportement des étudiants quant à la fréquentation des web tv universitaires étudiantes. A partir d’une approche qualitative et sur la base d’une expérimentation menée auprès d’un échantillon de 200 étudiants de l’USTV, nous avons pu détecter non seulement les éléments d’atmosphère les plus influents sur le comportement d’approche des étudiants mais également certaines caractéristiques individuelles dont l’impact est bien modérateur. Cette thèse contribue finalement à une meilleure compréhension du rôle et du fonctionnement de l’influence des stimuli environnementaux de la web tv sur le comportement de l’étudiant et présente en outre un ensemble de réflexion à adopter et d’action à entreprendre en vue de drainer les réponses comportementales souhaitées par les concepteurs. / In light of the literature review and the various empirical opportunities which appeared, we were facing a problem of research reflecting the current use of the web TV for contributory, and more precisely the influence of some atmospheric elements of the web TV site on student attitudes leading them to adopt a specific behavioral approach to this device. Our research allowed us to propose an abstract model of the search that has risen himself in a global frame of behavior apprehension of students on attendance web tv university. From a qualitative approach and based on an experiment led with a sample of 200 students from USTV, we were able not only to detect the most influential atmospheric elements on the behavioral approach of students, but also some individual characteristics whose impact is moderating. This thesis contributes finally to a better understanding of the role and functioning of the influence of environmental stimuli of the web tv on student behavior and also has a set of reflections that should be adopted and actions to be taken to drain behavioral responses desired by designers.
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Amélioration de la sécurité par la conception des logiciels web / Securing web applications by designScholte, Theodoor 11 May 2012 (has links)
L'internet est devenu un environnement omniprésent dans le monde du travail et du loisir. La popularité sans cesse croissante des applications web ainsi que des services associés entraînent l'exécution de nombreuses transactions critiques, qui soulèvent des questions de sécurité. Du fait de cette croissance, des efforts ont été entrepris durant cette dernière décennie pour rendre les applications web plus sûres. Malgré ces efforts, de récents rapports provenant de l'institut SANS estiment que plus de 60 % des attaques commises sur l'Internet ciblent les applications web en se concentrant sur les vulnérabilités inhérentes aux problèmes de validation, comme le Cross-Site Scripting ou les injections SQL. Dans cette thèse, nous avons conduit deux études de recherche empirique, analysant un grand nombre d'application web vulnérables. Nous avons assemblé une base de données contenant plus de 10.000 rapports de vulnérabilités depuis l'an 2000. Ensuite, nous avons analysé ces données pour déterminer si les développeurs ont pris conscience des problématiques de sécurité web de nos jours, comparé à la période où ces applications émergeaient. Puis nous avons analysé l'étroit lien entre le langage de programmation utilisé pour développer l'application web et le nombre de vulnérabilité reporté. Avec ces résultats empiriques comme base, nous présentons notre solution IPAAS qui aide les développeurs novice en termes de sécurité à écrire des applications sécurisées par défaut. Nous montrons par ailleurs que cette technique améliore de manière probante la sécurité des applications web. / The web has become a backbone of our industry and daily life. The growing popularity of web applications and services and the increasing number of critical transactions being performed, has raised security concerns. For this reason, much effort has been spent over the past decade to make web applications more secure. Despite these efforts, recent data from SANS institute estimates that up to 60% of Internet attacks target web applications and critical vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection are still very common. In this thesis, we conduct two empirical studies on a large number of web applications vulnerabilities with the aim of gaining deeper insights in how input validation flaws have evolved in the past decade and how these common vulnerabilities can be prevented. Our results suggest that the complexity of the attacks have not changed significantly and that many web problems are still simple in nature. Our studies also show that most SQL injection and a significant number of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities can be prevented using straight-forward validation mechanisms based on common data types. With these empirical results as foundation, we present IPAAS which helps developers that are unaware of security issues to write more secure web applications than they otherwise would do. It includes a novel technique for preventing the exploitation of cross-site scripting and SQL injection vulnerabilities based on automated data type detection of input parameters. We show that this technique results in significant and tangible security improvements for real web applications.
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Methadone Dosage and Opioid Overdose: a Secondary Analysis of Supervised Consumption Site DataCahill, Taliesin Magboo 19 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Opioid overdoses have killed almost 20,000 Canadians since 2016. To address this, Canada has established supervised consumption sites where people can use drugs in the presence of trained staff and get access to pharmacological treatments such as methadone. However, there is very little research on whether supervised consumption clients use methadone, or whether their use of methadone prevents opioid overdose. Methods: A secondary data analysis of information collected from one supervised consumption site was undertaken in order to explore relationships between client self-reported methadone dosage and subsequent observed same-day opioid overdose. Results: Statistical analysis showed no correlation between methadone usage and reduced chance of opioid overdose. However, the most common dosage of methadone reported (30mg/day) was far below the minimum therapeutic dose of methadone. Conclusion: Clients of supervised consumption sites often report being prescribed methadone, but not at a dose high enough to reduce opioid overdose.
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<i>pillow:you:blanket Dances</i>: an Improvisational Dance Score Designed for a Quarantined WorldMeadows, Zoe 03 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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En studie om digital avstämning av tidplan / A study about digital progress reporting of a project planNilsson, Elina, Bakhtiar, Kandan January 2017 (has links)
Enligt undersökningar som har gjorts konstateras att digitala verktyg används mindre inom byggsektorn i jämförelse med andra branscher. Den digitala utvecklingen är viktig för hur byggbranschen kommer att se ut i framtiden. I nuläget finns ett intresse för att öka användningen av digitala verktyg från byggföretaget Skanska. En mobil version av tidplaneringsprogrammet Asta Powerproject finns på marknaden, nämligen Site Progress. Site Progress används för att stämma av projektets aktiviteter via mobila enheter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en digital avstämning av tidplan går till genom att använda Site Progress. Vidare analyseras applikationens användarvänlighet och målet är att komma fram till om Site Progress skulle kunna implementeras i kommande projekt. I studien genomförs en undersökning på projekt Kvarteret Trollhättan 31, som är en om- och tillbyggnation av kontor. I början av undersökningen observerades hur avstämningen går till i nuläget på projektet. Därefter genomfördes samma avstämning med det digitala verktyget Site Progress. Undersökningen avslutades med kvalitativa intervjuer i syfte att ta del av produktionsledarnas tankar om det nuvarande arbetssättet samt deras inställning till införande av Site Progress. Studien resulterar i att Site Progress medför att avstämning sker direkt på plats och att all dokumentation hamnar på en enhet. I nuläget går det ej att tilldela fler personer på en och samma summa i Site Progress Manager, detta kan försvåra arbetet med avstämning. För att Site Progress ska implementeras i arbetet med avstämning av tidplan krävs justeringar för att åtgärda verktygets brister.
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Identifying Taphonomic Distribution Patterns at the Gray Fossil SiteHaugrud, Shawn 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Since the early days of the discovery of the Gray Fossil Site (GFS), meticulous efforts to preserve the spatial data were a priority. Direct surveying of fossils prior to recovery, as well as grid mapping the site, provided relative spatial data within a square meter. Such efforts meant that even fragments and microfossils, recovered during the screening operations and eventual concentrate picking, maintained some spatial data. Available spatial data are used to identify smaller deposits within the greater system, as well as non-random distribution patterns among a number of GFS taxa. Patterns are particularly pronounced in the large-bodied taxa, Teleoceras aepysoma and the GFS mammutid, as well as microvertebrates. Results suggest that controlling factors include taphonomic constraints related to body size, proximity to near-shore or shallow areas, underlying geological features, and to a lesser extent “ecological role”. Results of this research may help guide future excavation and collection methods.
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Evaluation Of A Mind-body Website By Women With Breast CancerBeck, Laura 01 January 2013 (has links)
Despite having access to volumes of information, women newly diagnosed with breast cancer report a moderate level of distress related to their diagnosis, treatment, life expectancy, threat to current roles, and life-changing surgery and treatment choices. Web sites designed to teach people strategies to reduce distress are readily available online. The online format may be useful and practical for women who can access the site at their convenience, learn the components of the interventions at their own pace, and practice the strategies in the comfort of their home. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an online Mind-Body web site (http://www.www.preparingforyoursurgery.com) designed to reduce distress related to surgery for its usability, practicality, and appropriateness for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Results of this study will be used to either adopt use of the web site into standard of care at our cancer center or explore development of a similar web site to meet the needs of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Women recently diagnosed with breast cancer, who had breast cancer surgery in the past 60 days, were asked to evaluate an online Mind-Body web site and then respond to an online questionnaire measuring the web site usability, practicality, and appropriateness. Thirty-one women evaluated the web site and completed the online survey. The majority of women agreed the web site is useful, practical, appropriate, and would recommend to others. There was no significant relationship between age, income, level of education, frequency of Internet use, or experience with Mind-Body techniques and women who agreed the web site is useful, appropriate, or practical compared to women who were neutral or disagreed the web site iii is useful, appropriate, or practical. The results of this study suggest the web site could be introduced to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer at our cancer center regardless of age, income, education, frequency of Internet use, or experience with Mind-Body techniques.
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An Assessment of the American Civil War (1861-1865) Period Archaeological Deposits at the Buchanan House Site in Bells Bend, Nashville, TennesseePhillips, Kathryn F 04 May 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the historic and architectural significance of the Buchanan House in Bells Bend, Nashville, Tennessee, in hopes that it will be protected and conserved. Artifacts from the University of Tennessee surveys conducted by David Anderson and Derek Anderson in 2009 and 2010 were used to establish whether or not there were any intact American Civil War period deposits. Spatial analysis was used to identify locations of activity areas. Historic documents were used to establish the occupants of the Buchanan House. This thesis concluded that while there were no definitive Civil War period deposits, the Buchanan House still provides an ideal spot for a museum commemorating the Battle of Bells Bend, owing to its close proximity to the battle, and because it offers a unique perspective on the civilian experience during the Civil War, one that demonstrates a long history of resistance and resilience.
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Sustainable Construction: Comparison of Environmental Impacts Due to Off-Site vs. On-Site ConstructionNDUNGU, PETER K. 19 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Site-Based Management – Principal Perceptions and Behaviors after 19 Years of ImplementationGauch, Pamela K. 10 March 2011 (has links)
With the advent of the No Child Left Behind legislation and the culture of standards-based education that it brings, it is imperative for educators to focus on the academic growth of students. Indeed, the nation's schools, school districts, and states are being held accountable for student achievement. Administrators in numerous school districts across the United States have implemented a popular reform initiative, Site-Based Management SBM), to improve student achievement. District leaders must examine the efficacy of SBM, where the authority, autonomy, and responsibility for student learning are devolved to the school level, to ensure that SBM is yielding intended results and to ensure fidelity of its implementation.
This study examined principal perceptions and implementation of SBM in the Prince William County School District in Virginia after 19 years of implementation. The investigator administered an SBM survey to a population of all 86 principals in the school district. Of those, 78 completed at least part of the survey, for a return rate of 91%. The study focused on the perceptions of principals under SBM and their implementation of SBM as defined by the functions of the School Advisory Council and the shared decision-making processes used at the school level. Variables of the study were principals' years of experience with SBM and the grade level at which they work.
Principals reported positive perceptions of SBM, in particular, the perception that SBM contributes to improvements in student achievement and to a climate of enhanced stakeholder satisfaction. A third of the principals indicated that SBM requires principals to spend too much time on administrative tasks.
Principals with more than 10 years of experience reported more positive perceptions than principals with zero to three years experience with SBM. Principals reported that School Advisory Councils spend the most time developing, monitoring, and evaluating the school plan. Principals' years of experience with SBM were not related to the functions of their School Advisory Council, but principals with more than ten years of experience with SBM indicated a significantly higher use of consensus as a shared decision-making process.
No significant relationship was found between the school level at which principals work and their perceptions of SBM. While not significant, middle school principals rated the School Advisory Council function of aligning the school budget with the school plan slightly higher than principals at other levels. There was no relationship between principals' school level and their use of shared decision-making processes. Principals reported strengths of SBM to be autonomy in making instructional decisions; flexibility with budget; building teacher leaders; and shared decision making. Challenges to the successful implementation of SBM were budget issues; too much time away from instructional focus; and the need for ongoing training. / Ed. D.
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