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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude génotypique et phénotypique du Naevus Congénital, de taille moyenne et large

Dessars, Barbara 26 June 2008 (has links)
Un naevus congénital mélanocytique (CMN) est une prolifération bénigne de mélanocytes cutanés, cliniquement apparente à la naissance. On en retrouve chez approximativement 1% des nouveau-nés. Les CMN de taille large (LCMN), définis par un diamètre le plus large de plus de 20 cm, affectent environ 1 nouveau-né sur 20.000.<p>Puisque les LCMN ont une propension à dégénérer en tumeur mélanomateuse (dans 2 à 5% des cas) et que leur grande taille apporte un contingent cellulaire abondant, ils représentent un bon modèle d’étude des étapes initiales de la mélanotumorigénèse. Nous disposions précisément de cultures primaires de mélanocytes établies à partir de vingt-sept cas de naevi congénitaux (24 de taille large et 3 de taille moyenne (MCMN)) curetés pour la plupart chez des enfants en période néonatale.<p>La première phase de ce projet a permis d’identifier un mécanisme alternatif d’activation de l’oncogène BRAF dans deux cas de LCMN. Nous avons en effet mis en évidence dans ces deux cas de LCMN une translocation chromosomique entrainant une activation constitutive de BRAF par le biais d’une perte de son domaine auto-inhibiteur. Si des mutations activatrices de BRAF sont fréquemment rencontrées dans les tumeurs mélanocytiques, elles restent rares dans les naevi congénitaux et les mélanomes survenant dans des zones non exposées au soleil. Les translocations chromosomiques décrites ici pourraient représenter un mécanisme moléculaire récurrent d’activation de l’oncogène BRAF dans ces groupes de tumeurs mélanocytiques.<p>La seconde phase du projet consistait à réaliser sur notre série de 27 L/MCMN des analyses caryotypiques, des analyses « mutationnelles » (pour rechercher la présence de mutations activatrices des oncogènes BRAF et NRAS) et des études d’expression différentielle.<p>A l’inverse de ce que l’on observe dans le mélanome malin, les anomalies chromosomiques sont rares et isolées, reflétant très probablement le caractère bénin de ces lésions.<p>La mutation BRAFV600E a été mise en évidence pour 4/27 CMN (15%), des mutations du gène NRAS pour 19/27 (70%), soit une situation en miroir de ce que l’on observe dans les CMN de petite taille (SCMN) et dans les naevi acquis bénins, confirmant les résultats obtenus par d’autres. <p>L’étude du profil d’expression transcriptionnelle révèle des dysrégulations communes à l’ensemble des échantillons naeviques, comme une franche augmentation d’expression du transcrit de l’Ostéopontine.<p>Le profil d’expression des échantillons de CMN BRAFV600E semble refléter une réduction de la synthèse et de la distribution de pigment et une activation de gènes impliqués dans la réponse cellulaire aux dommages à l’ADN. Comme des altérations des mécanismes de la pigmentation peuvent générer des dommages oxydatifs au niveau de l’ADN, l’activation de la réponse cellulaire aux dommages à l’ADN pourrait refléter la capacité des cellules naeviques à se protéger contre le stress cellulaire. Enfin, on observait aussi une expression élevée de gènes médiant la chimiorésistance dans différents cancers, ce qui pourrait éventuellement jouer un rôle dans l’inefficacité caractéristique et bien connue de la chimiothérapie dans le mélanome malin.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experimental treatment of patients with disseminated malignant melanoma

Schiza, Aglaia January 2017 (has links)
Malignant melanoma (MM) is the deadliest skin cancer with an ever-increasing incidence. New treatments have improved the prognosis for patients with advanced MM. Still, most patients do not respond, and the side effects can be severe, underlining the need for better therapies. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate new means to improve the treatment for patients with advanced MM. Immunostimulatory gene therapy (AdCD40L) was evaluated in a clinical study and BRAF-inhibitory treatment in rare cases of BRAF-mutated MM. Due to its immunogenicity, MM is an attractive target for immunostimulatory gene therapy. AdCD40L is an adenovirus carrying the human gene for CD40 ligand, which in different ways can stimulate the immune system to combat cancer. We conducted a Phase I/IIa study with AdCD40L in patients with metastatic MM having received established treatments. In cohort 1 (n=6), four weekly, intratumoural AdCD40L injections were given. In cohort 2 (n=9), low dose cyclophosphamide was added to increase the immune response. Since irradiation may act synergistically with immunotherapy, patients in cohort 3 (n=9) also received a single fraction of radiotherapy (8 Gy). This fraction was given towards the lesion selected for injections. The primary objectives were to assess the feasibility and safety of AdCD40L-treatment and secondarily its anti-tumour effects. Patients were thoroughly assessed for toxicity. The anti-tumour response was evaluated by imaging techniques (FDG-PET/CT, DW-MRI scans), tumour biopsies and blood tests. Plasma protein markers were measured with a multiplex platform. Another objective was to evaluate the potential of DW-MRI and FDG-PET/CT for prediction of AdCD40L treatment response, in terms of overall survival (OS). AdCD40L was well tolerated with mild transient reactions. Local and distant responses in PET/CT scans along with a significantly better 6-month survival in the cohorts that received cyclophosphamide conditioning were observed. Effector lymphocyte responses were elicited. All patients had an increased T effector/T regulatory-cell ratio and death receptors were significantly up-regulated post therapy. Inflammatory cytokines and other plasma proteins were altered in favourable ways by the AdCD40L treatment. The analyses support that the functional DWI parameters may be better early predictors of OS than the established metabolic and morphologic criteria of FDG-PET/CT and CT/MRI, respectively. In conclusion, the stimulation of the CD40 pathway to initiate anti-tumour immunity is a promising treatment alternative for MM patients. However, further studies with developed treatment schemes are warranted. In the first report ever on treatment of a pregnant patient with a BRAF-inhibitor, the therapy was initiated in the second trimester. The treatment with vemurafenib enabled prolonged gestation, hence reducing the risk of immaturity-related complications. Further, we report the first case worldwide of a patient with metastatic conjunctival melanoma who benefitted from treatment with vemurafenib. Additional studies are needed to assess the efficacy of BRAF -inhibitors in the different subtypes of ocular melanoma.

Identification de biomarqueurs tissulaires et sanguins impliqués dans la progression, la réponse et la résistance aux thérapies ciblées des mélanomes cutanés / Identification of blood and tissue biomarkers involved in progression, response and resistance to targeted therapy in metastatic melanoma patients

Long-Mira, Élodie 14 December 2016 (has links)
Contexte : Le mélanome est un cancer agressif chez l’homme, développé aux dépens des mélanocytes. L’identification de la mutation BRAF conditionne la prescription d’une thérapie ciblée. L’objectif de ce travail a été de mettre au point dans les tissus tumoraux et dans le sang (cellules tumorales circulantes, ADN libre tumoral plasmatique) des approches technologiques de biologie moléculaire et d’immunohistochimie (IHC) pour identifier des biomarqueurs prédictifs d’une réponse ou de résistance thérapeutique. Nous montrons que l’IHC BRAF (clone VE1, Roche, Ventana) pourrait remplacer l’analyse en biologie moléculaire dans certaines indications, notamment sur un matériel tumoral de petite taille. Parallèlement, nous montrons que la présence de cellules mélanocytaires circulantes [détectées par cytomorphologie (Technique ISET)] chez des patients atteints de mélanome métastatique est un facteur prédictif indépendant de mauvais pronostic de la survie globale. Enfin, nous montrons que le système Biocartis Idylla™ (processus automatisé couplant l’extraction, le séquençage et l’analyse de l’ADN) est sensible et spécifique pour la détection plasmatique des mutations BRAF et NRAS et que cette technique pourrait être indiquée dans le suivi de la maladie résiduelle (apparition de résistance) après traitement des patients atteints de mélanomes métastatiques. Conclusion : L’identification des biomarqueurs tissulaires et sanguins (BRAF, NRAS et CTC) permettent : 1- Une optimisation des délais diagnostiques de la mutation BRAF/NRAS – 2) L’identification de facteurs de mauvais pronostic – 3) De détecter une récidive précoce et de suivre la maladie résiduelle après traitement / Background: Knowledge of the BRAFV600E status is mandatory in metastatic melanoma patients (MMP). Molecular biology is currently the gold standard method for status assessment. The aim of this work was to assess and compare several methods of molecular biology and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in tissue and blood (cell-free circulating tumor DNA, circulating tumor cell (CTC)) to identify predictive biomarkers of response or resistance to targeted treatment. Results: We showed that BRAFV600 IHC could be a substitute for molecular biology in the initial assessment of the BRAFV600E status in MPP. We also found that the presence of circulating tumor cell detetcted by a cytomorphological approach ISET (Isolation by Size of Epithelial Tumor Cell – Rarecells Diagnostics, Paris, France) in MMP is an independent predictor of shorter survival. Then, in a monocentric study conducted at the University of Nice Hospital, we evaluated a novel and fully automated CE-IVD PCR-based system (IdyllaTM, Biocartis, Mechelen, Belgium) for plasmatic BRAF and NRAS mutation detection. We showed that this technology is highly sensitive and specific and provide promising potential to assess tumor progression, identify targets for therapy, and evaluate clinical response to treatment. In conclusion, identification of tissue and blood biomarkers with these technologies allow a quick turnaround-time to BRAF/NRAS diagnosis and improve monitoring of treatment response and development of resistance in metastatic melanoma patients

Modeling and histopathological recognition of anoikis resistance in colorectal carcinoma

Patankar, M. (Madhura) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is an important cause of cancer-associated deaths. About 30–50% of CRCs show KRAS or BRAF mutation. In many cancers, anoikis, i.e. apoptosis induced by loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) contact, is disturbed. Anoikis resistance is essential for the formation of metastases, and since anoikis resistance assessment is based on in vitro cell cultures, the prognostic value of anoikis resistance is largely unknown. We aimed to identify the histopathological features indicating anoikis resistance in CRC and analyze their prognostic value. The roles of BRAF and KRAS mutations and survivin in anoikis resistance were analyzed and 3-D cell culture was used to model the histopathology of anoikis resistant (AR) structures. The two cohorts of CRC cases used in the study consisted of 62 (series 1) and 137 patients (series 2). Immunohistochemistry for ECM proteins enabled identification of tumor cells with and without ECM contact, and in both populations, apoptosis was determined with staining for caspase-cleaved keratin 18. Based on absence of ECM contact and decreased apoptosis rate, we identified micropapillary (MIP), cribriform and solid structures to represent the putative AR populations. High areal density of AR structures associated independently with short survival and was an independent prognostic factor. MIPs showed lower survivin expression, proliferation and apoptosis rates than non-MIP cells, and low apoptosis rate was associated with poor prognosis in stage I and II cases. For 3-D in vitro model of AR structures, we transfected Caco-2 cells with mutated KRAS or BRAF genes; both induced anoikis resistance as measured with Annexin V test in suspension culture. In 3-D cultures, native Caco-2 cells formed polarized cysts. In contrast, mutated cell lines formed partially filled cysts or solid structures, and inverted polarity in KRAS mutant cells. In conclusion, it is possible to identify putative AR structures by conventional histopathology and their number is associated with poor prognosis. MIPs represent a distinct subpopulation of CRC cells with features of quiescence. KRAS and BRAF mutations induce anoikis resistance in Caco-2 cells. In 3-D cultures, oncogenes KRAS and BRAF induce solid structures and cell piling, with structural resemblance to putative AR structures observed by histopathology. The mutated Caco-2 cells thus serve as a model to study the manifestation of anoikis resistance as a distinct histological feature with oncological significance. / Tiivistelmä Paksu- ja peräsuolisyöpä on yleinen syöpäkuoleman aiheuttaja. KRAS- tai BRAF-geenien mutaatio todetaan 30–50 prosentissa suolisyövistä. Anoikis tarkoittaa apoptoosia, jonka käynnistää solun irtoaminen soluväliaineesta. Anoikisresistenssi on etäpesäkkeen synnyn edellytys. Anoikisresistenssiä voidaan todeta vain soluviljelyssä, joten sen merkitystä syövässä in vivo ei ole aiemmin arvioitu. Tässä työssä pyrittiin tunnistamaan anoikisresistenssiin viittaavat muutokset histopatologisista suolisyöpänäytteistä ja selvittämään niiden vaikutusta potilaan ennusteeseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin BRAF- ja KRAS-mutaatioiden yhteyttä anoikisresistenssiin ja mallinnettiin anoikisresistenttejä (AR) rakenteita kolmiulotteisessa soluviljelmässä. Potilasaineisto koostui 199 suolisyöpäpotilaasta. Kudosleikkeistä värjättiin soluväliaineen komponentteja sekä määritettiin apoptoottiset ja jakautuvat solut (M30- ja Ki-67-värjäykset). AR-solupopulaatioiden tunnistamisessa käytettiin kriteereinä soluväliainekontaktin puuttumista ja vähentynyttä apoptoositiheyttä. AR-populaatioiksi osoittautuivat mikropapillaariset (MIP), seulamaiset ja solidit rakenteet. Näiden rakenteiden korkea kokonaisesiintyvyys osoittautui itsenäiseksi huonon ennusteen tekijäksi. MIP-rakenteissa surviviinin ilmentyminen ja apoptoosi- ja proliferaatiotiheys olivat vähentyneet muihin kasvainsoluihin verrattuna. Lisäksi apoptoottisten solujen pieni määrä MIP-rakenteissa liittyi huonoon ennusteeseen paikallisessa syövässä. Mallinnusta varten Caco-2 solut transfektoitiin mutatoiduilla KRAS- tai BRAF-geeneillä. Onkogeenien transfektion todettiin indusoivan anoikisresistenssiä. Kolmiulotteisessa soluviljelyssä polarisoituneet Caco-2 solut muodostivat säännöllisiä rauhasmaisia rakenteita. Onkogeeneillä transfektoidut solut muodostivat puolestaan osittain tai kokonaan täyttyneitä rakenteita ja KRAS-transfektio aiheutti solujen polariteetin kääntymistä. Havainnot osoittavat, että anoikisresistenssiä edustavat rakenteet voidaan tunnistaa kudosleikkeestä ja niiden runsas määrä viittaa huonoon ennusteeseen. MIP-rakenteissa todettiin lepotilan (quiescence) piirteitä. KRAS- ja BRAF-mutaatiot aiheuttavat Caco-2 soluissa anoikisresistenssiä. Kolmiulotteisissa soluviljelmissä onkogeenien vaikutus näkyy solujen pinoutumisena, mikä muistuttaa syöpäkudosnäytteissä todettuja AR-rakenteita. Tulosten perusteella modifioituja Caco-2 soluja voidaan hyödyntää anoikisresistenssin mallintamiseen ja tarkempien mekanismien tutkimiseen.

Insights into the Role of Oncogenic BRAF in Tetraploidy and Melanoma Initiation

Darp, Revati A. 09 March 2021 (has links)
Melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer, arises from altered cells in the melanocyte lineage, but the mechanisms by which these cells progress to melanoma are unknown. To understand the early cellular events that contribute to melanoma formation, we examined melanocytes in melanoma-prone zebrafish strains expressing BRAFV600E, the most common oncogenic form of the BRAF kinase that is mutated in nearly 50% of human melanomas. We found that, unlike wild-type melanocytes, melanocytes in transgenic BRAFV600Eanimals were binucleate and tetraploid. Furthermore, melanocytes in p53-deficient transgenic BRAFV600Eanimals exhibited 8N and greater DNA content, suggesting bypass of a p53-dependent arrest that stops cell cycle progression of tetraploid melanocytes. These data implicate tetraploids generated by increased BRAF pathway activity as contributors to melanoma initiation. Previous studies have used artificial means of generating tetraploids, raising the question of how these cells arise during actual tumor development. To gain insight into the mechanism by which BRAFV600E generates binucleate, tetraploid cells, we established an in vitro model by which such cells are generated following BRAFV600E expression. We demonstrate thatBRAFV600E-generated tetraploids arise via cytokinesis failure during mitosis due to reduced activity of the small GTPase RhoA. We also establish that oncogene-induced centrosome amplification in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle and subsequent increase in the activity of the small GTPase Rac1, partially contribute to this phenotype. These data are of significance as recent studies have shown that aneuploid progeny of tetraploid cells can be intermediates in tumor development, and deep sequencing data suggest that at least one third of melanomas and other solid tumors have undergone a whole genome doubling event during their progression. Taken together, our melanoma-prone zebrafish model and in vitro data suggest a role for BRAFV600E-inducedtetraploidy in the genesis of melanomas. To our knowledge, this is the first in vivo model showing spontaneous rise of tetraploid cells that can give rise to tumors. This novel role of the BRAF oncogene may contribute to tumorigenesis in a broader context.

TTF-1 Positive Posterior Pituitary Tumor: Limitations of Current Treatment and Potential New Hope inBRAF V600E Mutation Variants

Dawoud, Fakhry M., Naylor, Ryan M., Giannini, Caterina, Swanson, Amy A., Meyer, Fredric B., Uhm, Joon H. 01 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular understanding of KRAS- and BRAF-mutated colorectal cancers

Lundberg, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed malignancy in both men and women, and one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. One frequently mutated pathway involved in oncogenesis in CRC is the RAS/RAF/MAP kinase pathway. Oncogenic activation of KRAS and BRAF occur in 30‒40% and 5‒15% of all CRCs, respectively, and the mutations are mutually exclusive. Even though KRAS and BRAF are known to act in the same pathway, KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs have different clinical and histopathological features. For example, BRAF mutation in CRC is tightly linked to microsatellite instability (MSI) and a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP), which is not seen in KRAS-mutated tumours. BRAF-mutated CRCs are also more often found in right-sided tumours. However, the underlying molecular reasons for these differences have not yet been defined. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate molecular differences between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs to understand how KRAS and BRAF mutations differentially affect tumour progression. We used an in vitro cell culture system to explore molecular differences between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs and verified our findings using CRC tissue specimens from the Colorectal Cancer in Umeå Study (CRUMS). We found that BRAF mutation, but not KRAS mutation, was associated with expression of the stem cell factor SOX2. Furthermore, SOX2 was found to be correlated to a poor patient prognosis, especially in BRAF-mutated cancers. We further investigated the role of BRAF in regulation of SOX2 expression and found that SOX2 is at least partly regulated by BRAF in vitro. We continued by investigating the functional role of SOX2 in CRC and found that SOX2-expressing cells shared several characteristics with cancer stem cells, and also had down-regulated expression of the intestinal epithelial marker CDX2. There was a strong correlation between loss of CDX2 expression and poor patient prognosis, and patients with SOX2 expression were found to have a particularly poor prognosis when CDX2 levels were down-regulated. In conclusion, in these studies we identified a subgroup of BRAF-mutated CRCs with a particularly poor prognosis, and having a cancer stem cell-like appearance with increased expression of SOX2 and decreased expression of CDX2. Tumour progression is regulated by interactions with cells of the immune system. We found that BRAF-mutated CRCs were more highly infiltrated by Th1 lymphocytes than BRAF wild-type tumours, while the opposite was true for KRAS-mutated CRCs. Interestingly, we found that part of this difference is probably caused by differences in secreted chemokines and cytokines between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs, stimulating different arms of the immune response. Altered levels of expression of miRNAs have been seen in several malignancies, including CRC. We found that BRAF- and KRAS-mutated CRCs showed miRNA signatures different from those of wild-type CRCs, but the expression of miRNAs did not distinguish KRAS-mutated tumours from BRAF-mutated tumours. In summary, our findings have revealed possible molecular differences between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs that may explain some of the differences in their clinical and histopathological behaviour.

Cancer bronchique primitif, voies de signalisation intra-cellulaires et modèles précliniques

Mordant, Pierre 21 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Contexte. Le cancer bronchopulmonaire (CBP) demeure la première cause de mortalité par cancer dans le monde. Malgré l'espoir suscité par le développement des thérapies ciblées, son pronostic demeure sombre, particulièrement dans les cas de CBP à petites cellules (CBP-PC) et de CBP non à petites cellules (CBP-NPC) présentant une activation de l'oncogène KRAS. Matériel et Méthodes. Nous avons mené 3 études successives, visant à (i) radiosensibiliser des modèles de CBP-PC par l'ajout d'un inhibiteur de BCL2, (ii) cibler des modèles de CBP-NPC mutés KRAS par l'association d'un inhibiteur de mTOR et d'un inhibiteur de RAF, et (iii) créer un modèle préclinique orthotopique murin de CBP reproduisant la progression tumorale observée en clinique. Résultats. Dans la première étude, l'inhibiteur de BCL2 oblimersen a présenté un effet radiosensibilisant sur des modèles de CBP-PC, in vitro et in vivo. Dans la seconde étude, l'association de l'inhibiteur de mTOR everolimus et de l'inhibiteur de RAF/VEGFR RAF265 a présenté un effet synergique sur des lignées cellulaires de cancers présentant la double mutation de KRAS et de PIK3CA, in vitro et in vivo. Dans la troisième étude, l'injection orthotopique d'une lignée bioluminescente de CBP-NPC chez des souris nude a permis d'établir des tumeurs intra pulmonaires évoluant vers une extension métastatique ganglionnaire et hématogène, et de détecter la présence de cellules tumorales circulantes. Conclusion. L'association d'un inhibiteur de BCL2 à la radiothérapie est une stratégie intéressante dans le CBP-PC, l'association d'un inhibiteur de mTOR et d'un inhibiteur de RAF/VEGFR est une stratégie intéressante dans le CBP-NPC présentant une double mutation KRAS-PIK3CA, mais ces données doivent être confirmées sur des modèles orthotopiques afin de gagner en pertinence avant d'envisager un transfert en clinique.

APC, BRAF and KRAS mutations, and MLH1, MGMT and CDKN2A expression analysis in Nepalese colorectal cancer patients. : - / - : -

Nourizadeh, Alireza January 2017 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common malignancy which develops due to old age and lifestyle factors, low percent of patients afflicted by a genetic disorders. Half of all colorectal cancer patients are diagnosed after metastasis. The high rate of the late detection, emphasizes on the requirement of convenient and inexpensive diagnostic methods for comprehensive screening programs. The aim of this study was to discover proto-oncogenes mutation and assessment of tumor suppressor genes expression. Formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) histologically verified colorectal cancer samples were used. APC, KRAS and BRAF mutations were investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments and direct sequencing. Gene expression assessment of MLH1, MGMT and CDKN2A were achieved via quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In the present study we could detect a novel transversion heterozygous mutation in APC gene codon 1365 in three patients. BRAF codon 600 mutation were detected in one patient. KRAS codon 12 mutation was discovered in one sample and also a novel transition mutation in codon 15 was detected in 6 patients. In 80% of cases, MLH1 and MGMT expression were undetectable, in remaining 20%, MLH1 expression were reduced, but MGMT showed both reduced and increased expression compared to control. In 100% of patients CDKN2A expression was undetectable. The rate of mutations in predetermined hotspot codons and amount of uncommon mutations into APC, BRAF and KRAS in Nepalese patients indicates the requirement of further investigation in CRC patients from that part of the world. Also, the expression rate of MLH1, MGMT, CDKN2A and deficiency of an information source emphasizes the necessity of whole genome CRC expression profiling data to comparison and conclusion. / <p>-</p> / -

Molekulární testování nádorů hlavy a krku asociovaných s HPV infekcí / Molecular analysis of head and neck carcinomas associated with HPV infection

Glendová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Head and neck cancers (HNSCC) are highly heterogeneous disease, results from two major carcinogens - tobacco and/or alcohol, or HR HPV infection. This thesis was based on 60 biopsies of head and neck tumours embedded into paraffin after histological verification. HPV infection, including particular types was monitored in different HNSCC regions by multiplex qPCR. Subsequent IHC demonstrated expression of p16INK4A and p53 as a possible diagnostic biomarker. Based on the information, patients with HNSCC can benefit from antiEGFR therapy by Cetuximab, but so far without defined predictors, the analysis of point mutations of Ras gene family (Kras, Nras) and Braf gene was performed. These mutations were monitored as potential predictive biomarkers, in correlation with gender, age and other risk factors. For all statistical processing the Chi-x2 test was used. Key words: Head and neck cancers, biopsy, HPV types, PCR, p16INK4A, p53, molecular predictors, Kras, Nras, Braf

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