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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbundsbildning av Räddningstjänsten Skåne Nordväst - En studie om bildandet av räddningstjänstförbund mellan tre kommuner ur ett organisations- och beslutsteoretiskt perspektiv

Korosec, Robert January 2019 (has links)
Formerna för styrning och organisering av kommunal räddningstjänst har under de senaste 40 åren förändrats där sammanslagningar och förbundsbildningar har blivit ett vanligt förekommande fenomen. Fenomenet verkar härstamma från den amerikanska tillverkningsindustrin i slutet av 1800-talet och nu tycks fenomenet även kommit till den kommunala räddningstjänsten. Trenden har enligt Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (2015) pekat mot en fortsatt utveckling av förbundsbildningar inom kommunal räddningstjänst. Det intressanta är att möjligheten att kunna bilda kommunalförbund har funnits i lag sedan 1919 men det dröjde 75 år innan sammanslagningar blev en intressant organisationsform för kommunala räddningstjänster.Uppsatsens syfte är att, med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, försöka förstå samt belysa vad eller vilka orsaker som kunde varit bakomliggande beslutet att bilda ett gemensamt räddningstjänstförbund för de tre kommunerna Helsingborg, Ängelholm och Örkelljunga. Studien anses befinna sig i skärningspunkten mellan organisationsteoretiska samt beslutsteoretiska perspektiv med fokus på litteratur som kopplar samman organisationer med dess omgivning, beslutsfattande i komplexa situationer samt motiv till beslut i offentlig kontext. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår från nyinstitutionell teori, domänteori och garbage-can teori.Uppsatsen har resulterat i tre gemensamma orsaker till förbundsbildningen som tematiserats till förväntad utveckling, bättre kvalité och effektivitet samt utveckla samverkan medan två avvikande orsaker har tematiserat till förutbestämt och bryta tradition. Det som främst framkommer är att tolkningen av sammanslagningen och förbundsbildningen inom Skåne nordväst har skett på grund av en strävan efter framgång samt viljan att effektivisera verksamheten. En slutsats kan det då tolkas som att förbundsbildningen av Räddningstjänsten Skåne Nordväst har främst drivits som ett moderniseringsarbete, för att avveckla en gammal organisationsform i syfte att ersätta den med en nyare och legitimare organisationsform.Kunskapsmässigt bidrar studien till forskning som betraktar räddningstjänsten i ett större sammanhang, och specifikt utifrån ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv med förhoppningen att inspirera till ytterligare studier av räddningstjänsten ur ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv. / The formation for governance and organization of municipal rescue services have changed over the last 40 years where mergers and unions are now a common phenomenon. The phenomenon seems to be descended from the American manufacturing industry at the end of the 1900 century where the phenomenon also seems to have spread to the municipal rescue service where the trend according to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (2015) points to a continued development of unions in municipal rescue services. The interesting thing is that the opportunity to form municipal associations has been in law since 1919 but it took 75 years before mergers became an interesting form of organization for municipal rescue services.The purpose of the essay is, with the help of qualitative interviews, to try to understand and to highlight what underlying reasons could have been to decide to form a joint Rescue Service Association within the three municipal emergency services Helsingborg, Ängelholm and Örkelljunga. The study is at the intersection of organizational theory as well as decision-making theoretical perspectives with a focus on literature that connects organizations with its environment, decision-making in complex situations and motivations for decisions in public context. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, domain theory and garbage-can theory.The result of the essay has resulted in three common reasons for the formation of the union which has been thematized to expected development, better quality and efficiency and develop collaboration, while two deviant causes have been thematized to predetermined and breaking of tradition. The main result is the interpretation that the merger and the union formation within Skåne nordväst have taken place due to a desire for gaining success and the willingness to improve the efficiency within the organization. A conclusion can then be interpreted that the association of Civil Protection Skåne Nordväst has mainly been run as a modernization work to dismantle an old organizational form with intent to replace it with a newer and more legitimate organizational form.The study contributes knowledge to research that considers the emergency services in a broader context, and specifically from an organizational theory perspective, with the hope of inspiring further studies of rescue services from an organization theory perspective.

Elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark : En studie om räddningstjänstens kunskap och riktlinjer

Berg, Matilda, Fyhr, Mathias January 2021 (has links)
Ökad miljömedvetenhet ökar anpassningen till ett klimatsmart samhälle där helt eller delvis elektriska bilar blivit populära. Med ökat antal elektriska bilar på vägarna tillkommer risker, som tidigare inte funnits, i form av litium-jonbatterier. Elfordon målas upp som en stor brandrisk men är det korrekt?  Vid brand i ett parkeringsgarage under mark finns flera försvårande förutsättningar när räddningstjänsten ska utföra insats. Vid elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark ökar komplexiteten ytterligare. På grund av begränsad forskning är osäkerheten fortfarande stor exempelvis om räddningstjänstens larmställ står emot toxisk brandrök, speciellt det farliga ämnet vätefluorid, som bildas vid elfordonsbrand.  Räddningstjänsten saknar tydliga riktlinjer för elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark vilket är ett problem som behöver belysas och utredas. Arbetet omfattar en litteraturstudie, enkätundersökning och intervjustudie.  Medvetenheten om eventuella risker med elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark är stor. Kunskapen hur riskerna ska hanteras vid insats är däremot bristfällig. Med högre befattning på räddningstjänsten och utbildningskrav höjs generellt kunskapsnivån. Oberoende om en person arbetar på räddningstjänstförbund, enskild kommuns räddningstjänst eller arbetsbefattning har individuellt intresse stor inverkan på personens kunskapsnivå kring elfordonsbrand. Resultatet av enkätundersökning och intervjustudie åskådliggjorde att riktlinjer för elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark förekom i mindre utsträckning inom svensk räddningstjänst. Istället uppgav vissa räddningstjänster att allmänna riktlinjer för elfordonsbrand förekom och dessa kan appliceras på efterfrågat scenario.  Slutsatsen av utfört arbete är att nationell riktlinje för elfordonsbrand behöver upprättas. Riktlinjen bör inte vara specificerad till elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark utan allmänt skriven. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap bör som styrande organ leda samverkan med svensk räddningstjänst för upprättandet av nationell riktlinje.  Önskan med arbetets resultat är att belysa kunskapsbristen med förhoppning att berörda parter tar ansvar för att höja befintlig kunskapsnivå. Vidare att framtagandet av nationell riktlinje kring elfordonsbrand genomförs. För att möjliggöra detta behövs mer och ny forskning.  På grund av arbetet omfattning fanns inte möjlighet att undersöka innehåll och utformning av eventuell framtida riktlinje. Vid fortsatt arbete är detta något som bör undersökas. Befintliga riktlinjer kring elfordonsbrand i parkeringsgarage under mark bör också studeras vidare. / With increased environmental awareness the adaption to a more sustainable society with electrical and part-electrical vehicles have become more popular. With an increasing number of electrical vehicles, new risks have appeared on the roads in the form of lithium-ion batteries. Electrical vehicles are considered a major risk, but is this assumption completely true?  There are several aggravating conditions for the fire department in the event of underground parking garage fires. The involvement of an electrical vehicle will make the firefighting event more complex. Due to limited research there still is a great deal of uncertainties about the toxic fumes from fires in electrical vehicles. One example the performance of the fire fighters' clothing to resist the toxic gas hydrogen fluoride; many others exist.  The lack of guidelines for the fire department regarding electrical vehicle fires in underground parking garages needs to be highlighted and investigated further. The methods used in the report include literature studies, surveys, and interviews.  Awareness of the potential risks when electrical vehicles are burning in underground parking garages is satisfactory. On the other hand, the knowledge of how to manage these incidents is inadequate. The level of knowledge is generally higher when personnel on the fire department have a higher position with associated qualification requirements. It does not matter if a person works in a fire department in a union or if it’s driven by one county for the level of knowledge. Each individual's interest in the subject have influence over a person’s knowledge.  The survey and interviews illustrated that specific guidelines regarding fire in electrical vehicles in underground parking garages have minimal occurrence in the Swedish Fire Department. Instead, some fire departments declared that general guidelines for fires in electrical vehicles exists. These general guidelines can therefore be adapted to address fires in electrical vehicles in underground parking garages.  This study concludes that national guidelines need to be established. The guidelines should not be specific to electrical vehicle fires in underground parking garages. Instead they should be written in a general and broad representation to encompass electric vehicle fires. National guidelines should be developed by The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in cooperation with the Swedish rescue services.  The desire with this report is to highlight the perceived lack of knowledge amongst stakeholders and for those involved to take responsibility to improve the existing knowledge platform. Further, it is suggested that national guidelines to be considered and potentially developed for fires involving electrical vehicles. To accomplish this additional research is needed as well as a broader understanding of electric car components and the considerations for firefighting.  The intention of this report was not to analyze the implementation of a national guideline regarding firefighting, building and parking design standards, fire mitigation efforts, etc. related to electric vehicles. As mentioned above, additional research for adapting a national study would be worthy for further consideration. Lastly, existing guidelines and standards should be further studied in order to modify and adopt to the changing landscape impacting electric vehicle use.

Fire Officer Leadership Strategies for Cost Management

Sedlmeyer, Leo R. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Fire departments in the United States accounted for 31% of municipal budgets with increases of 85% spending between 2015 and 2016. The purpose of this single case study was to explore leadership strategies fire officers used to manage costs associated with hazardous operations. The conceptual framework grounding this study was transformational leadership theory. The participants in this study were 10 fire officers who manage hazardous operations in central Wisconsin. The data collection process included open-ended questions in a semistructured format resulting in transcripts, a review of fire department staffing documents, and personal journal notes. Methodological triangulation was used to compare the collected data and verified through member checking for accuracy. Upon completion of data collection, the data analysis process consisted of transcripts involving coding, grouping key words, and reconstructing data into themes. Four central themes emerged from the study: servant leadership, partnership, accountability, and creative staffing. The fire officers used servant leadership to ensure the provisions of services to internal and external customers. The servant leadership practice created trust and integrity. Creative staffing provided innovative cost management and fiscal responsibility to include partnership. Partnership and accountability worked in every facet of the fire department soliciting input from every level of staff. Fire officers in the study practiced transformational leadership daily in both emergency and nonemergency situations. Social implications include innovative leadership strategies and application that may help fire officers promote positive social change through saving lives of firefighters and the citizens they serve.

Reading in the park : A new context for the library of Kungsholmen / Parkläsning : En ny plats för Kungsholmens bibliotek

Evensen, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
My project is about the library of Kungsholmen, spaces for interaction and theactivity of reading. In the beginning of the 20th century The public libraries of Sweden was born out of the idea that the “people” needed to be educated. Collective public education became the instrument by which the people would become more involved in creating a modern society. Throughout the 20th century the library grew stronger and together with the idea of “Folkhemmet” they turned into strong and distinctive symbols of the collective civic value and democracy. The access of knowledge and a built environment for everyone is two of the fundamental values when speaking of the library. At Kungsholmens the library is cramped away within the rumbling noise of the intersection of SanktEriksgatan / Drottningholmsvägen. Here you find the entrance to the third most visited library in the Stockholm region with about 2000 visitors/day. There has been a decision made for transforming the property that the library is a part of into a new large Shopping mall. As the early plans show, one of the entrances to the mall will cut straight through the library space leaving the visitors to pass through the shopping mall when moving within the library space. The library holds a tempo and carries a certain atmosphere, an atmosphere that I find difficult to combine within a shopping mall environment. But also thefundamental thought that Valfrid Palmgren had, the author of the public library inSweden in the beginning of the 20th century, that the library was to be free from external and commercial forces. I therefor find it somehow problematic having to pass through a shopping mall to be able to access the public space of the library. I therefor propose a new site and a new context for the library of Kungsholmen. / Biblioteket på Kungsholmen är på väg att bli en del av ett nytt shoppingcenter. Som de tidiga planerna visade skulle en av entreerna till gallerian skära rakt genom bibliotekets verksamhet. Man skulle därför vara tvungen att röra sig genom gallerian då man tog sig inom bibliotekets sfär.  Det går emot den grundläggande tanken som Valfrid Palmgren hade i början av 1900 talet då grunden till våra folkbibliotek idag lades - Biblioteket ska stå fri från komersiella påtryckningar och tankar, då som nu. Jag föreslår en alternativ plats för Kungsholmens bibliotek i direkt kontakt med ett nytt offentligt torg. Platsen är nuvarande Brandstationen vid Hantverkargatan.

ResPublica /Civitas Socialis – Vize Křídla / ResPublica/Civitas Socialis - Vision Křídla

Novotný, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis is urbanism and architecture study of village central part, reconstruction of municipal house and new house of fire department and community center in Kridla. The village itself is located six kilometres far away from Nove Mesto na Morave in Bohemian-Moravian highlands. The design is not trying to enter local structures inappropriately. The major affort is to combine different functions and activities with quality of public space and respect of countryside area. One of the goals is also to provoke discussion about vision for the next 30 years among inhabitants of Kridla.

Analýza vybraných zdravotnických rizik obyvatelstva při vzniku definované mimořádné události na daném ORP a analýza připravenosti základních složek IZS včetně nemocničního sektoru v plošném pokrytí pro snížení následků. / The analysis of the selected health hazards of population within defined special extraordinary event on the village with extended area of involvement and analysis of readiness and preparation of elementary subunits of IZS including healthcare in terms of reducing the impact on larger scale.

POJETA, Antonín January 2016 (has links)
Risk analysis is a very important keystone for preparation of the rescue system during a disastrous situation. It defines risks which are needed for the rescue system in given timeline. It also provides basic data regarding necessary preparation of rescue forces and resources within the defined area. Of course it is not the most perfect instrument for crisis set-up as it cannot, on the whole, express the risks and threats while talking about recent phenomenon such as terrorism etc. In these cases risk analysis can only come out from scenarios and geopolitical situations or experiences from previous disasters that the world has already experienced. Risk analysis answers questions such as - what can happen, how it will happen, where this could happen, how many people can be in danger or affected. The result is a model system of an operation during this nonstandard disastrous situation for the whole system which is ready to help the people in danger. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis describes characteristic of the area, where the risk analysis was made for Integrated Rescue System set-up, risks according to specific industrial activities and public health risks. The following chapters are dedicated to specific basic and other elements of the Integrated Rescue System, the basic elements are stated in further details. The most detailed part is the paramedics, because the risk analysis focuses primarily on their activities within the framework of incidents affecting public health. Within this topic the legislative basis is written in detail, in the meaning of Type Activities, levels of alarms, trauma plans, activation of forces and resources of Integrated Rescue System in case of public health affection report and other law-based keystones for the operation of basic elements, laws, regulations, statutory rules, declaratory regulations and other documents, complemented by Crisis Management problems. The operation of Fire Fighter Department, Police of the Czech Republic and other elements of the Integrated Rescue System is also stated up according to the thesis topic including a chapter about a co-operation of all above mentioned elements in a place of mass people endangerment. Health Care Crisis Management chapter closes the theoretical part of the thesis, and it is an integral part of managing disastrous situations in order to maintain the standard care administration even outside the area of disastrous incidents. The trauma plan of Paramedic provider and in-patient or day-care providers is being studied trough in detail right in this chapter. Summarized data within the health care securement in municipalities with extended effectiveness including the surrounded medical facilities can be found in the practical part of this thesis. According to data collection the summary of the most critical events the Paramedics had to deal with in Kralupy nad Vltavou selected municipalities with extended effectiveness in the last fifteen years. Ten years ago the methodical Integrated Rescue System training with focus on operational cooperation was carried out as a terroristic attack in Kralupy nad Vltavou. The results of this training came out as comments with actual risks and threats in the chapter called "Results". The core of the practical part is Medical Risk Analysis according to FMEA risk analysis compared with risk analysis from municipality with extended effectiveness listed in the Emergency plan of Central Bohemia Region. Based on the research forces and resources of basic integrated rescue system components are mentioned, which were the first to be sent to solve a disastrous situation including medical equipment. In conclusion of the practical part risk modelling with situation review is mentioned.

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