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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Case study on inclusive design and operations at one campus recreation center

Cartner, Kelly 01 January 2018 (has links)
The case study highlights the evaluation of one campus recreation center in terms of its inclusive design and operation on the basis of physical disability inclusion. Because of the plethora of barriers in campus recreation centers, those with physical disabilities are limited in their recreation choices and do not take part in recreation as their able-bodied counterparts. This study measures, observers, and evaluates one campus recreation center to determine its level of inclusiveness for those with physical disabilities. The AIMFREE survey was conducted along with observations and extensive interviews with staff that run the campus recreation center and those with physical disabilities that have attended the recreation facility. Results from six interviews, a focus group, the AIMFREE survey, and observations have yielded four main themes. The environment lacks inclusivity that results from financial, attitudinal, and social barriers. Attitudinal barriers to inclusivity occur at three main levels: administration, the staff and users of the facility. As a result, the recreation center is also not socially constructed for inclusivity. The goal of this research is to create change in the studied setting. As a result of investigating inclusivity at one recreation center, several areas of improvement emerged and can be used to implement change at campus recreation centers alike.

Autism and inclusion: teachers' perspectives on the mainstreaming of autistic students

Roberts, Julie-Anne Samantha 20 June 2008 (has links)
As a result of White Paper 6 (2001), South Africa has embarked on a radical restructuring of its entire education system, with the aim of removing barriers to learning and including children with disabilities into mainstream schooling (Mittler, 2003). According to this new framework, autistic students should be included into mainstream schools but there is scant research on the feasibility and practical implementation of this. This study took the form of a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of both mainstream and specialised teachers in terms of the mainstreaming of autistic students in South African schools. Results of the study suggest that neither of the sample groups perceive the South African context ready for mainstreaming of autistic students. They felt that students with Aspergers Syndrome, higher-functioning autism, could be included more successfully. However, on the premise that all autistic students were going to be included, a number of changes would need to be made. These included the provison of paraprofessionals, smaller classes and a stronger emphasis on safety. Teachers would also need to receive extensive training on dealing with behavioural problems that autistic students may exhibit. It was further noted that mainstream teachers are in need of practical exposure to autism and training in this area.

GLOBAL SOLUTION, LOCAL INCLUSION? : A study of digital IDs for refugees in Uganda

Johansson, Karin, Ljungek, Frida January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the main implications, as well as future possibilities and challenges of a high-tech ID-system for refugees in Uganda. The implemented system captures biometric information and targets the UN sustainable development goal 16.9 legal identity for all. Through examining the involved parties’ experiences, perceptions and attitudes towards the digital ID system, the study contextualizes a global high-tech system in local rural areas. It moreover highlights the importance of social and geographical factors. The thesis is a result of a qualitative field study in Uganda where governmental and NGO representatives, working in the refugee settlements, were interviewed. The findings show that the IDs have improved the Ugandan refugee response and function as a base for delivering and receiving assistance in terms of food and cash distribution as well as access to SIM-cards. The IDs also give the providers more accurate data about the refugees, enabling population tracking for protection. The data is however sensitive and vulnerable to bias and misusage. Lastly, the provided IDs are important for an increased inclusion of refugees in Uganda aligned with the global goal.

A inclusão da criança deficiente auditiva no ensino regular: uma visão do professor de classe comum. / Inclusion of the hearing impaired child in regular school: viewpoint of the teacher of regular school

Buffa, Maria José Monteiro Benjamin 11 September 2002 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever e analisar a visão dos professores de ensino regular a respeito da inclusão da criança deficiente auditiva em classe comum das escolas da rede de ensino estadual, municipal e particular. Participaram, respondendo um questionário, professores de educação infantil e primeiras séries do ensino fundamental (1ª a 4ª série), selecionados aleatoriamente, num total de 196, sendo 73 de rede estadual, 54 da particular e 69 da municipal. Realizou-se intervenção no ensino fundamental buscando a formação de professores e a inclusão escolar da criança deficiente auditiva. Dos 196 (15,4% do universo) professores questionados, 83,16% (163) são a favor da inclusão da criança deficiente auditiva no ensino regular. A maioria, 56,63% (111), é formada em curso superior, sendo 55,85% (62) destes formados em Pedagogia. Dos professores participantes, 81,62% (160) sentem-se despreparados para atuar com criança deficiente auditiva, apesar de 45,91% (90) já terem atuado com as mesmas. Concluiu-se que os cursos de formação de professores não os preparam devidamente, para o exercício do Magistério conforme as exigências impostas pelo movimento de inclusão escolar; mas, mesmo assim a maioria dos professores é a favor da inclusão da criança deficiente auditiva no ensino regular, desde que sejam tomadas providências para sua real efetivação. / The present study aimed at describing and analyzing the viewpoint of the teacher of regular school regarding the inclusion of the hearing impaired child in regular classes of state, municipal and private schools. Teachers from nursery schools and the first years of primary school (1st to 4 th years) were randomly selected to answer to the questionnaire, adding up to 196 teachers, being 73 from state schools, 54 from private schools and 69 from municipal schools. An attempt was made to interfere with primary education, aiming at preparation of the teachers and school inclusion of the hearing impaired child. Among the 196 interviewed teachers (representing 15,4% of the entire population), 83,16% (163) are for the inclusion of the hearing impaired child in regular school. Most teachers, namely 56,63% (111), attended university, and that 55,85% (62) of these have a degree in Pedagogy. A total of 81,62% (160) of the interviewed teachers feel themselves unprepared to deal with a hearing impaired child, even though 45,91 (90) have already worked with them. It was concluded that the courses directed to training of teachers do not provide them proper skills to develop their professorship according to the demands of the school inclusion concept, yet most teachers are in favor of the inclusion of the hearing impaired child in regular school, since proper measures are provided for its actual establishment.

Saúde mental e os novos paradigmas de cidadania e inclusão social na sociedade contemporânea / Mental health and the new paradigms of citizenship and social inclusion in contemporary society.

Costa, Maria Izabel Sanches 16 March 2016 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar as categorias de cidadania e inclusão social na política de desinstitucionalização nos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico diante do processo de individualização na teoria social contemporânea. Assume como hipótese que a saída do hospital psiquiátrico por si só não garante a inclusão social e nem o livre exercício da cidadania. Considerado o objetivo desta pesquisa, optou-se por fazer uma pesquisa bibliográfica como procedimento metodológico. O material de estudo foi dividido em três conjuntos: (1) 56 artigos científicos, visando a compreender a visão da academia; (2) um conjunto de legislação, composto de 10 leis que implementaram a política de desinstitucionalização no Brasil e a reforma dos serviços de saúde psiquiátrica, visando a compreender as ações do Estado; (3) quatro Relatórios Finais das quatro Conferências Nacionais de Saúde Mental, para também compreender a participação da sociedade civil. Para a análise do material, utilizou-se uma combinação de duas técnicas complementares: leitura bibliográfica com a análise de conteúdo. Dentre os vários processos que caracterizam a sociedade contemporânea, optou-se por analisar a individualização que impacta nas formas de exercício da cidadania e na inclusão social. Na análise dos resultados da categoria de cidadania foram identificadas associações em relação à interdição civil, liberdade, moradia, saúde, trabalho, educação e participação política. Relacionadas à categoria de inclusão social foram identificadas as referências à família, estigma, laços sociais, autonomia, contratualidade e trabalho. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o campo da saúde mental não está em completa consonância com as transformações da sociedade contemporânea, o que provoca um descolamento da realidade social da própria politica de desinstitucionalização e, portanto, maior dificuldade para a efetiva inclusão social e o exercício da cidadania desses indivíduos. / This study aims to analyze the categories of citizenship and social inclusion related to the deinstitutionalization policy of individuals in psychological distress, considering the individualization process in the contemporary social theory. The hypothesis is that leaving the psychiatric hospital does not guarantee the social inclusion and the exercise of citizenship. Considered the objective of this research, it was decided to do a literature review as a methodological procedure. The object of this study has been divided into three groups: (1) 56 scientific papers reviewed in order to identify how the academy deals with this issue; (2) a set of legislation, made up of 10 laws that have implemented deinstitutionalization policy in Brazil and the reform of psychiatric health services analyzed in order to understand the State\'s actions; (3) Reading of the four Final Reports of the Fourth National Conference of Mental Health, to understand how the civil society has been participating in this process. As a research tool to analyze the material mentioned above, we used a technique of reading literature focusing on content analysis. Among the various processes that characterize contemporary society, we chose to examine the individualization that affects the forms of citizenship and social inclusion. In analyzing the citizenship category, associations between the civil interdiction, freedom, housing, health, work, education and political participation were found. Related to the category of social inclusion were identified references to family, stigma, social ties, autonomy, contractually and work. The result of this study shows that the field of mental health is not in complete harmony with the changes of contemporary society, which causes a detachment of the social reality of the deinstitutionalization policy and therefore it is more difficult to guarantee an effective social inclusion and the exercise of citizenship of these individuals.

O PIBID e a deficiência: entre ações e tensões / The PIBID and disability: between actions and tensions

Alexandrino, Daniela Fantoni de Lima 30 April 2015 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objeto de estudo as ações oriundas do subprojeto em Pedagogia/Educação Inclusiva do PIBID/UEMG/Barbacena, bem como as tensões nele produzidas. Dessa forma, temos como objetivo investigar tais ações e tensões no intuito de apresentar uma possibilidade de leitura para as relações produzidas pelas pessoas que estão atuando no contexto educacional, mais especificamente com a educação inclusiva da rede pública municipal de Barbacena-MG e fazer eclodir tais ações e tensões a partir das vozes que nelas se fazem ouvir. Para discutir tal problemática, traçamos um percurso histórico sobre a educação de pessoas com deficiência, onde compreendemos que estas pessoas passaram por um período de total segregação da sociedade, sendo, inclusive exterminadas, para posteriormente serem integradas e, mais recentemente, passamos a discutir sobre o conceito de inclusão. Inclusão esta que ainda muito precisa ser debatida e refletida nas escolas, uma vez que observamos que a responsabilidade é coletiva, envolvendo sistema governamental, instituição escolar, família e a comunidade. Deste modo, é importante pensarmos em mudanças na educação brasileira, e é preciso salientar que tais transformações dependem de um conjunto de ações em nível de sistema de ensino que tem de se movimentar a fim de garantir que todas as unidades que o compõem ultrapassem o patamar em que se encontram. Como exemplo de uma possível mudança, abordamos sobre o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) que possibilita uma ampliação da vivência do exercício da docência pelos seus licenciandos, especialmente na Educação Inclusiva, além de privilegiar a construção do conhecimento mais apurado, buscando a (co)relação entre teoria e prática, afinal o programa aproxima os alunos de licenciatura da realidade escolar, objetivando vivências para o enriquecimento em sua formação profissional. Além das reflexões feitas neste trabalho e para trazer à baila as discussões sobre a deficiência na escola, recorremos à entrevista estruturada e a observação aplicadas às bolsistas do PIBID regularmente matriculadas no curso de Pedagogia do Instituto Superior de Educação Dona Itália Franco UEMG/Barbacena (Minas Gerais) e às supervisoras do referido subprojeto e utilizamos como análise e tratamento dos dados a Análise de Conteúdo segundo Bardin (2008). De acordo com a autora, a Análise de Conteúdo é um método de investigação que permite ir além das análises de métodos tradicionais. São meios e formas de avaliar um objeto de pesquisa, levando em consideração sua totalidade e subjetividade. Em relação aos resultados obtidos, percebemos, destarte, que a inclusão escolar de pessoas com deficiência, muitas vezes, não ocorre por não entendermos que a responsabilidade sobre a inclusão é de todos (escola, professor, Estado, família) e não somente de um. Ainda não compreendemos que colocar a culpa e/ou a responsabilidade em um único elo dessa corrente determina o fracasso, não de aprendizagem, mas de todo um sistema que não conhece e que não busca conhecer as diferenças dos outros, e deste modo abarcar a função de cada um na escolarização desses sujeitos. Para acabarmos com as tensões apresentadas e envolvermos de vez as responsabilidades dessa inclusão é necessário que, acima de tudo, busquemos a compreensão de que a realidade é objetiva, mas que as condições subjetivas como aceitação, superação, afetividade e respeito são determinantes. Por fim, concluímos que a inclusão é algo realizável e que essa realização depende do deslocamento do olhar. Que passemos a priorizar nossos alunos e suas potencialidades, que enfatizemos a troca de experiências e vivências, que busquemos metodologias interativas e estimulantes e que façamos do (re)conhecimento da diversidade uma estratégia para a aprendizagem, concebendo, assim, a criança por inteiro, respeitando a dignidade de todo e qualquer indivíduo. / This thesis has as object of study the actions derived from the subproject in Education/Inclusive Education PIBID/UEMG/Barbacena and the tensions produced in it. Thus, we aim to investigate such actions and tensions in order to provide a readability for relations produced by people who are working in the educational context, specifically to inclusive education of the city in Barbacena-MG and to bring out such actions and tensions from the voices that are heard them. To discuss this issue, we draw a historical route on the education of persons with disabilities, where we understand that these people have gone through a period of complete segregation of society, including being exterminated, later to be integrated and, more recently, we began to discuss the concept of inclusion. Inclusion that this is still much to be discussed and reflected in schools, since we observed that the responsibility is collective, involving governmental system, a school, family and the community. Thus, it is important to think about changes in Brazilian education, and it must be noted that such changes depend on a set of actions in the education system level that has to move in order to ensure that all component units exceed the threshold they are in. As an example of a possible change we approach on the Institutional Program Initiation Grant to Teaching (PIBID) that enables an extension of the living from teaching for their undergraduates, especially in Inclusive Education, and favor the construction of more accurate knowledge, seeking the (co)relationship between theory and practice, after the program approaches the undergraduate students of the school reality, aiming to enrich experiences in their professional training. In our reflections in this work and to bring up discussions on disability in school, we used the structured interview and observation applied to fellows PIBID regularly enrolled in the course of the Pedagogy of the Institute of Education Dona Italia Franco - UEMG/Barbacena (Minas Gerais) and supervisors of this subproject and use as analysis and processing of data content analysis according to Bardin (2008). According to the author, content analysis is a research method that allows to go beyond the traditional methods of analysis. Are means and ways to evaluate an object of research, taking into account its entirety and subjectivity. Regarding the results obtained, we realize, Thus, the school inclusion of people with disabilities often does not occur by not understand that the responsibility for the inclusion of all is (school, teacher, state, family) and not only a . Do not understand that placing blame and / or liability in a single link in this chain also determines the failure, not learning, but of an entire system that does not know and does not seek to know the differences of others, and thus encompass the function each school in these subjects. To end up with the submitted tensions and engage once the responsibilities of this inclusion is necessary, above all, seek to understand that reality is objective, but subjective conditions as acceptance, overcoming, affection and respect are crucial. Finally, we conclude that inclusion is something feasible and that this realization depends on the look displacement. We pass to prioritize our students and their potential, we emphasize that the exchange of experiences and experiences, to seek interactive and stimulating methods and we do the (re)knowledge of the diversity strategy for learning, designing thus the child as a whole, respecting the dignity of every individual.

The Journey of a Suburban Elementary School to Include Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the Regular Education Classroom

Brown, Mary Louise January 2009 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Elizabeth A. Twomey / As the documented number of students demonstrating significant emotional and behavioral challenges continues to increase, teachers often encounter difficulties in meeting the needs of these students in their classrooms. With Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA) mandates requiring the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), schools are challenged to include these students in the regular education classroom while ensuring a safe learning environment for students and staff. This qualitative case study focused on affecting teacher attitude toward the inclusion of students with emotional and behavioral disorders in a suburban elementary school. The initiative incorporated a professional development series as well as the implementation of administrative, organizational and cultural supports aimed at building teacher capacity. As part of this study, the principal analyzed how school culture changed as the school sought to become more inclusive. The researcher, who was also the principal of the school, studied the attitudes and experiences of ten teachers who volunteered to be a part of this project. Data were collected and triangulated through interviews, journal entries, questionnaires, observations, field notes, a survey, and document analysis. The findings of this study indicate that efforts to affect teacher attitude must be comprehensive. Relying only on professional development opportunities does not necessarily ensure that teachers will generalize their newly acquired skills back to the classroom. Teachers require collaboration opportunities with special educators embedded within their school day. They also need the administrative, organizational, and cultural supports that sustain successful inclusion. These supports include: active modeling and assistance from the principal, accessibility to assistants, supportive scheduling, implementation of common language regarding behavior, and the identification of core values which affirm a commitment to inclusion. Implications for practice include the importance of: fostering communication and collaboration between and among special and regular educators, promoting professional development opportunities based on current adult learning theories, and utilizing journals to help teachers think more deeply about their interactions with students as well as their teaching practices. Limitations of this study include the researcher's role as school principal and participant, small sample size, and relatively short study duration. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2009. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Administration and Higher Education.

As instituições especializadas e o movimento da inclusão escolar: intenções e práticas / The specialized institutions and the school inclusion movement: intentions and practices.

Neres, Celi Corrêa 30 March 2010 (has links)
Esta Tese elegeu como tema de investigação as intenções e práticas das instituições especializadas frente ao movimento de inclusão escolar. Assim, a presente pesquisa dedicouse a examinar as práticas educacionais que visam proporcionar a inclusão escolar dos alunos com deficiência na escola comum, por meio da análise do Programa de Apoio à Inclusão, desenvolvido por uma instituição especializada, identificando: a) o lugar que ocupam no interior do movimento de inclusão; b) a efetivação das práticas desenvolvidas pelo Programa para a inclusão escolar dos alunos com deficiência. O termo inclusão escolar foi adotado para referir-se a um grande movimento que surge no bojo das reformas educacionais da década de 1990 como uma proposição política de incorporação dos alunos que, historicamente, têm sido excluídos da escola. A inclusão dos alunos ditos excluídos passa a ser considerada como via de inclusão social, reafirmando o ideário da escola como instrumento de equalização social. Na educação especial, a inclusão em escolas comuns de alunos com deficiência é defendida como via de superação das condições de segregação e de exclusão social às quais foram historicamente submetidos. Para apreensão do objeto de estudo, a abordagem utilizada foi a do estudo etnográfico uma vez que, conforme aponta Rockwell (1989), permite abordar um objeto particular como parte de uma totalidade maior que o determina. Essa abordagem possibilitou apreender uma gama de elementos de análise, o que é fundamental para esse tipo de investigação que propõe estudar as práticas da instituição e, ao mesmo tempo, possibilita ao investigador utilizar um leque de fontes. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram: entrevistas focalizadas, análise documental e observação participante que proporcionaram a análise das práticas desenvolvidas pelas instituições que visam à inclusão escolar e a seus desdobramentos. Para atender ao objetivo da análise da extensão dessas práticas na inclusão dos alunos no ensino comum, elegeram-se também duas escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Campo Grande, capital do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, que recebiam alunos com deficiência, encaminhados pela instituição pesquisada. A presente pesquisa revelou que a instituição especializada, por força do emergente movimento de inclusão escolar, deflagrou um processo de reorganização de suas práticas, implantando serviços direcionados especificamente à inclusão dos alunos com deficiência no ensino comum. A análise das ações desenvolvidas pela instituição, especificamente do Programa de Apoio à Inclusão, demonstrou que se constituem em uma iniciativa de manutenção dos serviços da instituição. Esta é pressionada a desenvolver atividades que atendam ao que postula o movimento de inclusão escolar. As ações do Programa de Apoio à Inclusão não têm conseguido, de fato, promover a inclusão escolar dos alunos no ensino comum, conforme os dados analisados, seja por limitações materiais do Programa, que tem dificuldade para viabilizar a indicação e o acompanhamento dos alunos atendidos, conforme planejamento e metas estabelecidas, seja por barreiras pedagógicas encontradas nas escolas que produzem uma pedagogia calcada na homogeneização. / This thesis has selected as research theme the intentions and practices of specialized institutions before school inclusion movement. Thus, the present research applied itself to examine the educational practices that aims to propitiate the school inclusion of pupils owning disability in regular schools, by means of the analysis of the Support Program to Inclusion, developed by a specialized institution, identifying: a) the place they occupy within the inclusion movement; b) the accomplishment of the practices developed by the Program for the school inclusion of pupils owning disabilities. The term school inclusion was adopted to refer to a great movement that arises in the heart of the educational reforms of the 1990s, as a political proposition of pupils incorporation who have historically been excluded from school. The inclusion of pupils called excluded comes to be considered as a way of social inclusion, reaffirming the ideal set of the school as an instrument of the social equality. In special education, the inclusion of pupils owning disability in regular schools is defended as a way of overcoming the segregation conditions and the social exclusion to which have historically been submitted. To the awareness of the object of study, the approach used was an ethnographic study, as emphasizes Rockwell (1989), since it allows to approach a particular object as part of a larger whole that determines it. This approach made possible to understand a range of analysis data, which is fundamental to this kind of research that aims to study the practices of the institution and, at the same time, allows the investigator to use a variety of sources. The instruments of data collection used were: focused interviews, documental analysis and participant observation, which allowed the analysis of the developed practices by the institutions that seek to school inclusion and its developments. To attend the objective of analyzing the extension of these practices in the pupils inclusion in regular teaching, two municipal schools of Campo Grande, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, which received students with disabilities, referred by the researched institution, were also chosen. This research has revealed that the specialized institution, because of the emerging movement for school inclusion, pulled the trigger of a reorganization process of its practice, implanting services dealing specifically with the inclusion of pupils owning disabilities in regular education. The analysis of the actions developed by the institution, specifically of the Support Program to Inclusion, showed that they constitute an initiative of maintaining the institution services. It is pressed to develop activities that attend to what the school inclusion movement postulates. The actions of the Support Program to Inclusion have not succeeded, in fact, in promoting the pupils school inclusion in the regular education, according to the data analyzed, either by material limitations of the Program, which has difficulty in affording the indication and the monitoring of the attended students, according to planning and set targets, or by pedagogical obstacles found in schools that produce a pedagogy based on homogenization.

Tangências, adjacências e enviesamentos dos discursos brasileiros sobre educação inclusiva: educação, aprender e ensinar. / Tangencies, adjacencies and biaging of the brazilian discourse about inclusive education: education, teaching and learning.

Nogueira, José Roberto Netto 06 June 2008 (has links)
A proposta desta dissertação consiste em discutir as expressões educação inclusiva e necessidades educacionais especiais, de uso corrente no campo educacional, tendo em vista a suposição de representarem conceitos ambíguos, cuja elucidação pode ter importância para a estruturação de referências práticas para o trabalho de escolas regulares inclusivas. Pareceram noções ambíguas por não apresentarem com clareza os espaços escolares onde se realizar (se especiais ou comuns, no caso das noções sobre educação inclusiva) e público-alvo preferencial de atendimento escolar (no caso das noções sobre necessidades educacionais especiais e sua relação com a educação de deficientes e de não deficientes). Foram analisadas algumas passagens de documentos oficiais brasileiros e internacionais sobre educação escolar, especial e inclusiva, referentes a apresentação de conceitos sobre educação, aprender e ensinar, objetos de estudo principais dessa pesquisa. Definiu-se como objetivo de pesquisa analisar as noções de educação, aprender e ensinar à luz das propostas e definições encontradas nos documento estudados. Foram realizadas análises de discursos inspiradas nas proposições de Scheffler (1974), inclusive no que se refere às considerações dos discursos sobre educação como discursos gerais de base programática, cuja análise deve considerar as suas funções práticas e ético-políticas. Abordou-se também alguns autores como: Rousseau (2004), Durkheim (1952), Arendt (2005), Dewey (1959), Ryle (1968), Oakeshott (1968), Passmore (1980), Lefort (1999), Mazzotta (2001), entre outros de expressão nacional, utilizando-os como contrapondo para a discussão das noções destacadas dos documentos oficiais estudados. Entre os resultados produzidos, destacou-se a análise da expressão necessidades educacionais especiais e a possibilidade de funcionar como referência positiva para a busca de soluções para os problemas de aprendizagem e de ensino nas escolas regulares inclusivas. / It was proposed for this thesis to discuss the expressions inclusive education and special educational needs, of current use in the educational field, having in mind the supposition that they represent ambiguous concepts, whose elucidation may have importance for the structure of practical references for the work of regular inclusive schools. They may seem ambiguous ideas due to the fact that they do not clearly represent the schools where they happen (if special or common, in case of the notions about inclusive education) and the target audience of school system (in case of the notions about special educational needs and its relation with the education of handicapped and of non handicapped). Some passages of official Brazilian documents as well as international documents were analized about school education, special and inclusive, reffered to the presentation of concepts about education, learning and teaching, main objects of study of this research. It was definined as the purpose of this research to analize the notions of education, learning and teaching based on the proposals and definitions found in the documents that were studied. Discourse analisys were done based on the propositions of Scheffler (1974), also in relation to the considerations of the discourses about education as general discourse of programmatic basis, whose analysis may consider its practical as well as ethical-political functions. Some other writers were used such as: Rousseau (2004), Durkheim (1952), Arendt (2005), Dewey (1959), Ryle (1968), Oakeshott (1968), Passmore (1980), Lefort (1999), Mazzotta (2001), among others of national recognition using them as an opposition for the discussion of the notions mentioned in the official documents studied. Among the results obtained, the expression special educational needs and the possibility to use it as a positive refference to the search of solutions for the learning teaching problems at schools.

Epilepsia, estigma e inclusão social/escolar: reflexões a partir de estudos de casos / Epilepsy, stigma and social/scholar inclusion: Reflections from three case studies

Roriz, Ticiana Melo de Sá 06 March 2009 (has links)
A epilepsia representa a desordem cerebral crônica mais comum na infância, sendo mais incidente nos dez primeiros anos. Muitas das epilepsias infantis caminham para remissão das crises com tratamento apropriado. Porém, devido a estigmas e preconceitos, o diagnóstico de epilepsia favorece atitudes de exclusão, restringindo inclusive a participação em escolas regulares. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como professores e familiares de crianças com epilepsia se referem e concebem a esta criança no cotidiano da educação escolar. E, ainda, como a própria criança aborda essas vivências. Para tanto, três crianças (10-11 anos), com diagnóstico de epilepsia, foram estudadas: uma freqüentando escola especial, uma classe especial, e, outra, classe regular. A seleção dos participantes foi feita a partir de crianças atendidas num ambulatório especializado. Realizaram-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os professores e as famílias. E, ainda, entrevistas com a criança, utilizando-se material lúdico de apoio. Paulo e Gabriel (nomes fictícios) têm 10 anos de idade, Isael tem 11. As crises de Paulo iniciaram-se, com um ano e um mês, e ele freqüenta escola especial, desde os dois anos. Freqüentou classe regular por três anos (5-8 anos), sendo depois reencaminhado para escola especial. As crises de Gabriel iniciaram-se aos onze meses, freqüenta classe especial desde os dois anos. Atualmente, o município agrupou todas as classes especiais num mesmo local. As crises de Isael iniciaram-se aos nove meses, freqüenta escola regular desde os oito anos, quando as crises cessaram, mediante tratamento cirúrgico. A análise qualitativa, baseada na perspectiva da Rede de Significações, foi conduzida por recortes temáticos das falas dos interlocutores, apreendendo-se significados relacionados ao processo educacional, à estigmatização da criança, às perspectivas futuras, dentre outros. Nos três casos, foram observadas limitações impostas às crianças devido às crises, havendo diminuição dessas restrições após remissão. Das entrevistas com as crianças, apreendeu-se poucos significados atribuídos ao ser uma criança com epilepsia, mas diversos quando se considera seu ambiente educacional. Nos três casos, as crises parecem se diluir em meio a outros aspectos. No caso de Paulo, o estigma não parece estar associado às crises epilépticas, e sim à sua vinculação com a APAE e às suas dificuldades de aprendizagem. No caso de Gabriel, o estigma parece mais relacionado ao comportamento da criança e suas dificuldades cognitivas. No caso de Isael, a estigmatização aparece, por um lado, pelas dificuldades de aprendizagem; e, por outro lado, pelo fato de que sua superação da doença o coloca como um escolhido por Deus. Verificou-se que, em termos escolares, ênfase dominante direciona-se às dificuldades de aprendizagem, trazidas tanto pelas escolas como pelas famílias. Não há consenso, no entanto, em nenhum dos casos, se aquelas dificuldades são decorrentes das crises. Evidenciamos, ainda, que o percurso escolar dessas crianças com epilepsia foi marcado pela segregação/exclusão. As escolas, de maneira geral, não demonstram aptidão/interesse em lidar com essas crianças. Além disso, o modo como cada município se estrutura em termos educacionais foi determinante na trajetória escolar de cada criança. Temos que considerar a luta de poderes e de práticas-discursivas que circunscrevem muitas das decisões/ações que envolvem a escolaridade dessas crianças. Devemos analisá-las de maneira situada, contextualizada, garantindo a análise da complexidade desses vários elementos. / Epilepsy represents the most common chronic cerebral disorder in infancy, which usually appears during the first ten years of life. Stigma and prejudice regarding epilepsy are understood as promoting exclusion attitudes, which can even restrict childrens entrance in regular schools. The aim of this study was to investigate, through a qualitative research, how teachers and parents conceive and refer to a child with epilepsy and his/her school education; and, how those children conceive their experiences. Three children with epilepsy, between ten and eleven years old were investigated. One of them was attending a special school; a second, a special class; and third child was attending a regular class. The participants selection was made among children who were attended in a specialized ambulatory. Empirical data was obtained by semi-structured interviews with teachers and families; interviews with play activities were carried out with children. Paulo and Gabriel (assumed names) are ten years old, Isael is eleven. Paulo and Isael had their crisis controlled when they were two and eight years old, respectively. Gabriel still has seizures. Paulo attended a special school since two years old and was sent to a regular class at 5-8 y.o., then went back to a special school. Gabriel attends a special class since he was two years old. Nowadays, the city where he lives has grouped all the special classes in a same building. Isael began attending a regular class when he was eight, when his seizures ceased after surgical treatment. Data collection and analysis were conducted based on the Network of Meanings perspective. Analysis of parents and educational professionals was conducted through the construction of thematic fields: attributed meanings regarding epileptic seizures; school trajectory; stigmatization of child; future perspectives, among others. Limitations are imposed to the children due to crises, there are less restrictions after the crises cease, in the three cases. Analysis of childrens interviews did not reveal many meanings related to be a child with epilepsy. They refer more frequently to questions related to their educational environment and experiences. In those three cases, the crises were not highlighted. In Paulos case, the stigma seems to come from attendance to a special school and from his learning disabilities. In Gabriels case, the stigma seems more related to his behavior and cognitive difficulties. In Isaels case, the stigmatization is linked to two paradoxical aspects: his learning disabilities and Gods will. In themes related to school, the learning disabilities are predominantly highlighted, both by families and schools. But there is no consensus that those difficulties derive from the crises. We showed that those childrens school trajectory is marked by exclusion; yet, the schools did not demonstrate interest/know-how to receive/accept them. Furthermore, the city educational system was determinant for the childrens school trajectory. We conclude that we must consider the social contradictory discursive practices present, which help to constrain many decisions/actions regarding these childrens school trajectories. Otherwise, prejudices, stigma and exclusion are only seen through individual lenses and as individual problems.

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