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Exploring the Use of Courageous Followership in Conversations with Nurses and Their ColleaguesPaxton, Elizabeth L. 14 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Skjutning konstaterad! Ambulanssjuksköterskans förberedelser vid utlarmning till en plats där en patient blivit skottskadadAhnlund, Andreas, Tännström, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Introduction: Social development in Sweden points to an environment where shootings with firearms become an increasingly common phenomenon among criminal groups. With the Terrorist attack of April 7, 2017, the Civil Protection and Preparedness Authority (MSB) has been commissioned by the government to investigate what needs to be resolved in order for society to be better prepared for events with ongoing fatalities. It is important that the experiences created by the staff exposed to these challenges are taken care of and that you can integrate and identify the best strategies that you can use to prepare yourself best for the mission. Aim: The aim was to identify the strategies used by ambulance nurses for preparation during the drive out in a situation where a patient has received a gunshot wound. Method: The study has been conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect retrospective data from 10 ambulance nurses. The collected data was analyzed by critical incident technique and resulted in five final categories. Result: The results show that ambulance nurses use both mental and practical strategies to prepare for the care of a patient with a gunshot wound. The five final categories identified during the analysis were as follows: To talk to the colleague and to get a common strategy for structuring and distributing work, reviewing and repeating relevant algorithms, searching for a policy and thinking about safety, mental stability through calm and structured thoughts with an open mind, going through which equipment is the priority for a life-threatening bleeding and where it is located. Clinical implications: The result of this research project helps staff in the field of ambulance care receive different strategies that can be used to prepare for the care of patients who have been shot. The preparations are linked to their own mental strategies, collaboration with colleagues, collaboration with other actors and preparation for patient care. Key words: Preparation strategies, prehospital care, ambulance nurses, shot injury, critical incident technique. / Abstrakt Introduktion: Samhällsutvecklingen i Sverige pekar mot en miljö där skjutningar med eldhandvapen blir en allt vanligare företeelse bland kriminella grupperingar. I och med terrordådet 7 april 2017 har Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap fått ett uppdrag av regeringen att utreda vilka behov som behöver lösas för att samhället ska kunna förberedas bättre inför händelser med pågående dödligt våld. Det är viktigt att de erfarenheter som skapas av den personal som exponeras för dessa utmaningar tas tillvara och att man kan integrera och identifiera de bra strategier som man kan använda för att förbereda sig på bästa sätt inför uppdraget. Syfte: Syftet var att identifiera de strategier som används av ambulanssjuksköterskor som förberedelse under utlarmning i en situation där en patient blivit skottskadad. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en deskriptiv kvalitativ ansats. Semi- strukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla in retrospektiv data från 10 ambulanssjuksköterskor. Insamlad data analyserades med kritisk incidentteknik och resulterade i fem slutkategorier. Resultat: Resultatet visar att ambulanssjuksköterskor använder sig av både mentala och praktiska strategier som förberedelser inför ett omhändertagande av en patient med skottskada. De fem slutkategorier som identifierades under analysen var följande: Att prata ihop sig med kollegan och skaffa sig en gemensam strategi för hur arbetet ska struktureras och fördelas, att gå igenom och repetera relevanta algoritmer, att söka samband med polis samt tänka säkerhet, att samla sig själv med hjälp av lugn och strukturerade tankar med ett öppet sinne, att gå igenom vilken utrustning som är prioritet för en livshotande blödning och var den är placerad. Kliniska implikationer: Resultatet av detta examensarbete bidrar till att personal inom ambulanssjukvård får ta del av olika strategier som kan användas som förberedelser under utlarmning till patient som blivit skottskadad. Förberedelserna är kopplade till egna mentala strategier, samverkan med kollega, samverkan med andra aktörer och förberedelser inför omvårdnaden av patienten. Nyckelord: Förberedande strategier, prehospital omvårdnad, ambulanssjuksköterskor, skottskada, kritisk incident teknik
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Návrh a implementace postupů pro automatizované řešení bezpečnostních incidentů / Proposal and implementation of procedures for automated response of security incidentsHons, Kamil January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of proposals for procedures for dealing with security incidents, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Three generic scenarios in the form of graphical diagrams, designed in Inkscape program, were created as a theoretical template for the automatic handling of security incidents. The first proposed scenario suggests a general procedure for dealing with an event in which an email attachment is marked as suspicious. The second scenario serves as a suggested procedure for handling an event, where an untrusted external IP address is suspected to be communicating with a local one. The third scenario then suggests an investigation procedure for events, where a suspicious file on a remote device needs to be investigated. Based on these created scenarios, a practical implementation of procedures for automized solving of security incidents was performed and documented in the Python programming language within the Splunk Phantom environment. As part of the documentation of the scenario implementation, two audiovisual demonstrations were created to illustrate the designed environment and the functionality of the implemented scenarios using programs such as OBS and Blender. The individual implementations are tested at the end of the thesis by running them automatically over events from a defined time range. The results are clearly analyzed in the form of tables to determine the success of these scenarios, which is based on checking how the analysis results differ from the original assumptions. Based on the analysis, the practical implementations of the scenarios have been modified to ensure that their output matches with the assumption. Thus, results are three proposed, tested and analyzed scenarios, which can further serve as a basis for specific implementations in a corporate information system. The actual implementation of the theoretical scenarios was carried out within a testing environment and the work includes a description of the communication and a setup of the environment. Finally, the results of the individual scenarios were described.
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Stress and coping strategies among distance working employees during covid-19 : 1. What kind of stressors are perceived among distance working employees associated with their work situation during the covid-19 crisis?2. How do employees cope with stress associated with their work situation during the covid-19 crisis?Kokutensa, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
This study was conducted in order to understand stressful situations and stress coping strategies among employees who were working from home during the covid-19 pandemic. In attempt to bridge this knowledge gap, a critical incident approach was employed. Twelve (12) participants who were working from home were obtained purposively to participate in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted through zoom to collect data. Critical Incident Technique was used during interviews and thematic analysis were used to analyse data. The study revealed stressors which are lack of enough resources, extra work, lack of autonomy, work future uncertainty, stress due to covid-19, lack of help when needed, difficulties to reach colleagues, job inefficient and presence of telework unsuitable jobs. Coping strategies revealed were positive mindset, seeking social support, physical exercises, self-efforts to find solution of telework challenges, working extra hours and not answering calls or emails on purpose. It was recommended that organizations should determine suitable jobs for telework, providing required resources, granting employees working autonomy, as well as establishing a channel which can be used as a means of communication among employees as well as to be used as an inspiration and encouragement channel through proving motivational adds to help employees to relive their stressful situations.
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Návrh bezpečnostní studie jako prostředku ke zvyšování bezpečnosti civilního letectví v ČR / Draft safety studies as a tool to improve the safety of civil aviation in the Czech RepublicTejkl, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is to create a safety study which can be used as a tool to improve the safety of civil aviation. In the theoretical part of this thesis consideration is given to important organizations that are involved in creating legislation for civil aviation. Further, organizations which investigate aviation events were carefully examined and subsequently compared (ÚZPLN and BEA). The second part of this thesis consists of an analysis of events from 2014 using the ECCAIRS database from which were obtained suitable topics for the draft safety study. Finally a draft outline safety study was created and applied to study a specific event associated with aircraft L13 SE/SW Vivat.
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Lidský faktor v pilotáži malých letadel / The human factor in piloting small aircraftStraňák, Filip January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is on human as increasing factor in source of aviation events and effect of digital avionic systems on safety. Theoretical part discusses human factor and in detail describes human factor analysis HFACS and HRA. Further are discussed pros and cons of rise of digital instruments. Second part of thesis is focused on analysis of aviation events in Czech republic in category general aviation of maximum takeoff weight 2250kg in years 2004-2014 and analysis of accidents comparing aeroplanes with analog and digital instruments. Thesis also includes short analysis of video record using both types of instruments with focus on distribution of attention.
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Relationship Between Post-resuscitation Debriefings and Perceptions of Teamwork in Emergency Department NursesLyman, Kerri 01 January 2019 (has links)
Emergency department nurses are faced with traumatic patient events while functioning as members of multidisciplinary teams. Critical incident debriefing has been shown to benefit health care professionals and patient clinical outcomes. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between the use of formal post-resuscitation debriefings and perceptions of teamwork in emergency department nurses. The study also addressed the type and timing of debriefing to determine whether these factors impacted perceptions of teamwork. The nurse as wounded healer theory served as the theoretical framework. Data from the Nursing Teamwork Survey were collected from 68 emergency department nurses from across the United States. Data were analyzed using a statistical correlation coefficient. Results showed that when debriefings were done more frequently, were conducted using a formal debriefing method, and were held immediately after a situation, there was a positive correlation with higher levels of trust, team orientation, backup, shared mental model, and leadership. Findings may be used to increase utilization of debriefings and improve perceptions of teamwork among emergency department nurses, which may improve patient outcomes.
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Optimization of the Security Incident Management plan of NNIT A/s via the Integration of the Vulnerability Reports CreatorVignoli, Benedetto Gabriele January 2016 (has links)
Modern IT companies manage security of their customers'networks following particular models, processes and procedures. In this thesis are presented the most important and widespread guidelines on Security Incident Response Plans as well as the implementation of a software for an IT danish company called NNIT. In particular, this software aims to improve NNIT's Security Incident Management Process generating automatic reports of vulnerabilities found in NNIT clients networks. Enhancing this process reducing its execution time is directly translated into a proactive response where vulnerabilities are tackled and patched before an attacker could exploit them. The software developed and described in this thesis is called VRC and thanks to a particular algorithm analyzes the database of vulnerabilities found by the vulnerability scanner and produces customizable reports. In the reports, the list of vulnerabilities is ordered by severity and number of machines a ected in order to present the most urgent vulnerabilities that should be xed. Finally, an evaluation of the VRC performance and usefulness is also included.
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Containment Strategy Formalism in a Probabilistic Threat Modelling Framework / Formalisering av inneslutningstrategier i ett ramverk för probabilistisk hotmodelleringFahlander, Per January 2021 (has links)
Background - Foreseeing, mitigating and preventing cyber-attacks is more important than ever before. Advances in the field of probabilistic threat modelling can help organisations understand their own resilience profile against cyber-attacks. Previous research has proposed MAL, a meta language for capturing the attack logic of a considered domain and running attack simulations in a depicted model of the defender’s system. While this modality is already somewhat established, less is known about how to proactively model containment protocols for when an incident already has occurred. Purpose - By proposing a formalism for how to describe and reason about containment in a MAL-based system-specific model, this study aims to bridge the divide between probabilistic threat modelling and the containment phase in the incident response life-cycle. The main issues are how to formalise containment as well as how to reason about selecting the most beneficial strategy for a considered model. Method - The study firstly sets out to identify practical instances of incident containment in the literature. Then, some of these incidents and respective containment items will be encoded with a novel methodology. A containment strategy selection algorithm will be proposed that guides containment decisions by working with the encoded constructs and a system-specific model. Finally, the encoded items will be verified and the algorithm validated through example scenarios. Result & Analysis - The verification tests showed that all implementations of encoded constructs yielded results according to expectation. Validity tests also indicated that the algorithm endorsed the correct solution to a significant extent. The null hypothesis, being that the number of correctly predicted containment strategies could be explained strictly by coincidence, was namely rejected by two validity tests with respective p-values of 8:2. 10-12 and 2:9 . 10-17, both < 0:05. Conclusion - The study demonstrates a viable methodology for describing and reasoning about containment of incidents in a MAL-based framework. This was indicated by verification and validity testing that confirmed the correctness of the incident and containment action implementations as well as that the propensity for the algorithm to favour containment strategies that align with human reasoning. / Bakgrund - Att förutse, mildra och förebygga cyberattacker är viktigare än någonsin tidigare. Framsteg inom området kring probabilistisk hotmodellering kan hjälpa organisationer att förstå sin egen motståndskraft mot cyber-attacker. Tidigare forskning har introducerat MAL, ett metaspråk för att fånga attacklogik inom en betraktad domän och köra attack simuleringar i en avbildad model av försvararens system. Medan denna modalitet redan är hyfsat etablerad är det mindre känt hur man aktivt kan modellera inneslutningsprotokoll för tillfällen då en incident redan har inträffat. Syfte - Genom att introducera en formalism för att beskriva och resonera om inneslutningsåtgärder givet en MAL-baserade system-specifika modell hoppas den här studien sammanlänka probabilistisk hotmodellering med inneslutningsfasen inom livscykeln för incidenthantering. Studien arbetar med hur man kan formalisera inneslutningsåtgärder samt hur man kan resonera för att välja den mest fördelaktiga strategin givet en modell. Metod - Studien syftar först till att identifiera praktiska exempel på inneslutning av incidenter i litteraturen. Därefter formaliseras några av dessa exempel på incidenter och inneslutningsåtgärder med en ny metod. En algoritm för att välja bland dessa inneslutningsåtgärder kommer också att introduceras. Slutligen kommer de formaliserade incidenterna och inneslutningsåtgärderna att verifieras samt algoritmen att valideras. Resultat & Analys - Verifieringstesterna visade att alla implementationer gav upphov till resultat som stämde med förväntningarna. Giltighetstester visade också att algoritmen i betydande grad valde rätt lösning. Nollhypotesen, d.v.s. att antalet korrekt förutsagda inneslutningsstrategier kunde förklaras strikt av slumpen, avvisades av två giltighetstester med respektive p-värden på 8; 2 . 10-12 och 2; 9 . 10-17, båda < 0; 05. Slutsats - Studien demonstrerar en realistisk metod för att beskriva och resonera kring inneslutning av incidenter i ett MAL-baserat ramverk. Verifikationstesterna bekräftade att implementationerna av incidenter och inneslutningsåtgärder var korrekta. Giltighetstesterna visade även att algoritmen valde inneslutningsstrategier som stämmer överens med mänskligt omdöme i en signifikant utsträckning.
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Initialt omhändertagande av patient i cirkulatorisk chock : Nyckelfaktorer för god vård enligt intensivvårdssjuksköterskorLång, Anna, Lundmark, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Initialt omhändertagande av patienter i cirkulatorisk chock är en komplex uppgift. Att snabbt identifiera chock och sätta in tidiga åtgärder kan vara avgörande för utgången för patienten. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan är en del i teamet som vårdar och behandlar patienter i cirkulatorisk chock. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan har ett ansvar att förebygga, vårda och behandla patienter i kritisk sjukdom och att bedriva vården utifrån patientens fysiska, psykiska och sociala behov. I samverkan med andra i teamet verkar intensivvårdssjuksköterskan vid det initiala omhändertagandet för att optimera patientens förutsättningar, undvika negativa konsekvenser av chock och ge en god vård. Detta utifrån faktorer som kan vara påverkande i sammanhanget. Syfte: Att identifiera nyckelfaktorer i intensivvårdssjuksköterskors arbete som kan påverka det initiala omhändertagandet av patient i cirkulatorisk chock. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ deskriptiv studie med kritisk incident teknik för att besvara studiens syfte. Sju semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer med intensivvårdssjuksköterskor genomfördes. Insamlad data analyserades i enlighet med hur Flanagan (1954) beskriver dataanalysen. Resultat: Tre huvudområden framkom. Det första “Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans förmåga, kunskap och handlingar” beskriver faktorer som rör intensivvårdssjuksköterskans egna förmågor, kunskaper och handlingar i det initiala omhändertagandet. Det andra “Teamarbete och kommunikation” beskriver betydelsefulla faktorer som intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna lyfte fram i interaktion med andra personer i det initiala omhändertagandet. Det tredje “Tid, bemanning och materiella förutsättningar” beskriver de situationsbetingade, fysiska och organisatoriska förutsättningar som intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna uttryckte som betydelsefulla i det initiala omhändertagandet. Slutsats: Denna studie identifierar faktorer som kan ha en betydande påverkan i detta sammanhang utifrån intensivvårdssjuksköterskans perspektiv och roll i teamet. Studien lyfter fram att de påverkande faktorerna både berör tekniska och icke-tekniska färdigheter som kan relateras till individen och gruppen, men även faktorer som härrör till den specifika situationen, miljön och organisationen. För att förbättra vården för en patient i cirkulatorisk chock vid det initiala omhändertagandet måste åtgärder vara utformade för att innefatta alla dessa aspekter.
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