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Numerical Calculations of Ion Scattering in SolidsKwok, K. 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The motion of energetic charged particles inside
a crystalline solid is strongly dependent upon the orientation
of the ion beam and target. This effect is commonly
known as the "channeling" effect. In this report, the
development of a computer code is presented which simulates
the 3-D ion scatterings experienced by energetic particles
moving in a crystalline solid. A Monte Carlo technique is
incorporated in the code to calculate scattering angles,
range distribution, backscattering distribution and angular
distribution of incident ions. The Thomas-Fermi interatomic
potential is used for binary collision process and the
continuum potential is used for the potentials experienced
by the channeled ions inside crystal lattices. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)
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Performance Evaluation of the McMaster Incident Detection AlgorithmLyall, Bradley Benjamin 04 1900 (has links)
The McMaster incident detection algorithm is being tested on-line within the Burlington freeway traffic management system (FTMS) as an alternative to the existing California-type algorithm currently in place. This paper represents the most recent and comprehensive evaluation of the McMaster algorithm's performance to date. In the past, the algorithm has been tested using single lane detectors for the northbound lanes only. This evaluation uses data from lanes 1 and 2 for each of the 13 northbound and 13 southbound detector stations. The data was collected during a 60-day period beginning on November 15, 1990 and ending January 13, 1991. Detection rate, mean time-lag to detection and false alarm rate are used to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. As well, those factors such as winter precipitation, which influenced the performance of the algorithm are also examined. To improve the algorithm's detection rate and lower its false alarm rate, it is reccomended that the persistence check used to declare an incident be increased by 30-seconds from 2 to 3 periods. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy
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A Data-Driven Approach for Incident Handling in DevOpsAnnadata, Lakshmi Ashritha January 2023 (has links)
Background: Maintaining system reliability and customer satisfaction in a DevOps environment requires effective incident management. In the modern day, due to increasing system complexity, several incidents occur daily. Incident prioritization and resolution are essential to manage these incidents and lessen their impact on business continuity. Prioritization of incidents, estimation of recovery time objective (RTO), and resolution times are traditionally subjective processes that rely more on the DevOps team’s competence. However, as the volume of incidents rises, it becomes increasingly challenging to handle them effectively. Objectives: This thesis aims to develop an approach that prioritizes incidents and estimates the corresponding resolution times and RTO values leveraging machine learning. The objective is to provide an effective solution to streamline DevOps activities. To verify the performance of our solution, an evaluation is later carried out by the users in a large organization (Ericsson). Methods: The methodology used for this thesis is design science methodology. It starts with the problem identification phase, where a rapid literature review is done to lay the groundwork for the development of the solution. Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) is carried out later in the development phase. In the evaluation phase, a static validation is carried out in a DevOps environment to collect user feedback on the tool’s usability and feasibility. Results: According to the results, the tool helps the DevOps team prioritize incidents and determine the resolution time and RTO. Based on the team’s feedback, 84% of participants agree that the tool is helpful, and 76% agree that the tool is easy to use and understand. The tool’s performance evaluation of the three metrics chosen for estimating the priority was accuracy 93%, Recall 78%, F1 score 87% on average for all four priority levels, and the BERT accuracy for estimating the resolution time range was 88%. Hence, we can expect the tool to help speed up the incident response’s efficiency and decrease the resolution time. Conclusions: The tool’s validation and implementation indicate that it has the potential to increase the reliability of the system and the effectiveness of incident management in a DevOps setting. Prioritizing incidents and predicting resolution time ranges based on impact and urgency can enable the DevOps team to make well-informed decisions. Some of the future progression for the tool can be to investigate how to integrate it with other third-party DevOps tools and explore areas to provide guidelines to handle sensitive incident data. Another work could be to analyze the tool in a live project and obtain feedback.
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Anestesi- och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av betydelsefulla strategier för en patientsäker interhospitaltransport med intuberad patient eller där intubationsberedskap krävs. / Nurse anesthetist and intensive care nurses experiences of meaningful strategies for a safe interhospital transfer with an intubated patient or where readiness for intubation is needed.Almqvist, Daniel, Norberg, David January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Antalet interhospitala transporter med intuberad patient eller där intubationsberedskap krävs ökar i Sverige och internationellt. Detta betyder att specialistsjuksköterskan i större grad kommer att få ansvara för dessa transporter. Studier visar att specialistsjuksköterskan kan uppleva sig utelämnad, tappa kontrollen, jobba i en ovan miljö och även känna en känsla av oro. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka anestesi- och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av betydelsefulla strategier för en patientsäker interhospital transport med intuberad patient eller där intubationsberedskap krävs. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats där tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer med retrospektiv ansats genomfördes. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och data analyserades enligt Critical Incident Technique. Resultat: Fem slutkategorier med övergripande strategier för en säker interhospital transport identifierades: att kontrollera och behärska utrustningen samt de läkemedel som används, att förbereda sig genom att bilda sig en uppfattning och identifiera risker och problem i förväg, att stabilisera patienten och optimera förutsättningarna innan avfärd för en säker transport, att ha en plan för oförutsedda händelser och att vara vaksam på förändringar under transporten samt att inse sina begränsningar och begära förstärkning. Slutsats: Det finns flera viktiga strategier som bidrar till en ökad patientsäkerhet under interhospitala transporter, bland annat noggrann förberedelse och planering. Dessa strategier bidrar med kunskap och lärdomar till verksamma specialistsjuksköterskor och ger mindre erfarna specialistsjuksköterskor en viktig grund att stå på. Studiens mycket konkreta och praktiska strategier kan användas som en grund när rutiner och checklistor till interhospitala transporter tas fram.
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The Constitutionality of Warrantless Cell Phone Searches: Incident to ArrestBrown, Kylie 01 December 2014 (has links)
As technology has developed, Americans have come to carry their most private information around with them in their pockets in digital form on their cell phones. A cell phone has immense storage capacity and can contain a wide variety of communicative information about its owner. In the past, there had been a disagreement among the lower courts as to whether police officers could search the contents of an arrestee's cell phone when making an arrest. The United States Supreme Court settled this disagreement in Riley v. California; in that case, the Court held that the warrantless search of a cell phone incident to arrest violated the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This thesis discusses case law that preceded the United States Supreme Court case Riley v. California, that decision, and possible ramifications of that decision.
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Augmenting Incident Command System for Improved Emergency ResponseNagarajan, Meenakshi 05 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Coordination in Urban Firefighting: A Critical Incident AnalysisFern, Lisa C. 15 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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A Mixed Method Approach to Understanding Team Members' Perspectives After Receiving Problem-Solving Training and Performance FeedbackJulian, Alexander Mark 05 July 2022 (has links)
While countless studies have collected data on the effectiveness of various problem- solving models, few have attempted to identify which components of the training process are helpful to participants. Two teacher teams consisting of seven participants were trained in an adapted version of the Team-initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) model, observed each meeting, and provided performance feedback regarding how well they had adhered to the model. A mixed method approach was used to collect quantitative data in the form of the teams' adherence to the TIPS model and qualitative data once successful adherence to the model had been shown. Researchers interviewed each participant and used some strategies from the critical incident technique (CIT) to identify which components the training and performance feedback process were helpful, unhelpful, and which components they wished had been there that weren't. Themes among incidents reported as helpful were the expectation of meeting in professional learning community (PLC) teams to solve problems and consistent feedback on how closely they were adhering to the model. Unhelpful and wish list incidents included the difficult to use problem- solving form, structural components of meetings and training, and a desire to have more participants in meetings, particularly ones from other grades. Researchers and administrators who are looking to train teams with the TIPS model are recommended to use consistent performance feedback, include participants in the planning of the study, and have more question- and-answer style mini-trainings spaced throughout the observation phase. Lastly, two alternate problem-solving forms are presented as options to be used in place of the current meeting minutes form provided by the TIPS model. Both alternate versions aim to retain the components of the model, but with increased usability.
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Modeling Film Boiling and Quenching on the Outer Surface of a Calandria Tube Following a Critical Break Loca in a CANDU ReactorJiang, Jian Tao 04 1900 (has links)
<p> In a postulated critical break LOCA in a CANDU reactor it is possible that heatup of a
pressure tube (PT) causes ballooning contact with the calandria tube (CT). Stored heat in the PT is transferred out, yielding a high PT-CT heat flux, which can cause dry out of the CT and establishment of pool film boiling on the outer surface of the tube. The safety concern associated with this condition is that if the temperature of the CT experiencing film boiling gets sufficiently high then failure of the fuel channel may occur. However, quench heat transfer can limit the extent and duration of film boiling as has been experimentally observed. Current estimates of quench temperatures during pool film boiling are based primarily on experimental correlations. In this dissertation a novel mechanistic model of pool film boiling on the outside of a horizontal tube with diameter relevant to CT (approximately 130 mm) has been developed. The model is based in part upon characterizing the vapor film thickness for steady state film boiling under buoyancy driven natural convection flows around a tube located horizontally in a large liquid pool. Variations in steady state vapor film thickness as a function of the incident heat flux, the temperature of the CT outer wall, and the subcooling of the bulk liquid are analyzed. The calculated effective film boiling heat transfer coefficient is compared to available experimental data. Finally a transient equation is developed which quantifies the instability of the vapor film and a possible occurrence of rapid quench when a step change in governing parameters occurs, such as liquid subcooling. This mechanistic
model can be employed in safety analysis to demarcate the conditions under which fuel
channel failure will not occur in a postulated critical break LOCA.</p> / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Hantering och stöd vid kritiska incidenter : En studie av blåljuspersonalens upplevelserBerglund, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund En kritisk incident orsakar upplevelser av oväntat starka emotionella reaktioner som har potential att inverka på förmågan att fungera i yrkesrollen eller senare i tillvaron. För att minska incidentens inverkan på den egna förmågan behöver känslornas hanteras efter en kritisk incident. Syfte Beskriva upplevelser och hantering av kritisk incident inom blåljuspersonalen polis, brandmän och ambulanspersonal. Metod Kvalitativ intervjustudie av totalt 10 deltagare från polisen, räddningstjänsten och ambulanssjukvården med deskriptiv, induktiv design och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Exponering av kritiska incidenter kan bero av en känslomässig påverkan där farhågor att eller associationer till den egna livsvärlden framträder samt upplevelser av att vara otillräcklig. Detta genererar individuella varningssignaler som behöver bemästras. Arbetsklimatets inverkan på bemästringen inkluderar jargong på arbetsplatsen, ett oförlåtande arbetsklimat samt ett förlåtande arbetsklimat. Bearbetning kan ske på olika vis och en individuell bearbetning kan likväl som en kollegial berabeting vara till hjälp på samma sätt som en organisatorisk hantering kan leda till ett ökat välmående och minska riskerna vid en kritisk incident men även medföra att någon får mer information än önskat och därmed förvärra en upplevelse. Slutsats Att personal inom blåljusprofessionen påverkas av kritiska incidenter är ofrånkomligt. Inom samtliga tre blåljusprofessioner återfinns ett behov av att lyfta fram vikten och kunskapen av att kunna hantera sin upplevelser efter en kritisk incident på såväl organisatorisk nivå som på grupp och individnivå. Som fortbildning föreslås interprofessionell utbildning och ökad samverkan mellan blåljusorganisationerna.
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