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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IT security: Exploring the Benefits of Cloud Computing for Incident Response / IT-säkerhet: en utforskande studie av fördelarna med cloud computing för incident response

Öhman, Malin January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the potential of Cloud Computing in enhancing incident response in IT security. It explores how cloud computing features, such as rapid elasticity and on-demand self-service, can positively impact IT infrastructure decisions during incident response scenarios. Through interviews with IT security consultants, insights are gathered on the interplay between incident response and Cloud Computing. The research findings highlight the significant economic impact of security incidents that emerges as a critical concern for organizations. Furthermore, the study reveals that the aftermath of an incident presents a unique opportunity to strengthen an organization's security posture, which aligns with the theory that security measures are often perceived as unnecessary until a breach occurs. This study demonstrates that leveraging cloud computing characteristics can yield several advantages for IT infrastructure decisions in incident response scenarios in terms of speed and efficiency, and that Cloud Computing offers the potential for improved visibility, ease of investigation, and inherent security measures. However, organizations need to address the challenge of acquiring the necessary expertise to securely utilize cloud resources. The time aspect emerges as a prominent benefit, as cloud resources can be rapidly provisioned compared to the lengthy process of acquiring and implementing hardware. Overall, cloud computing presents a viable option for rebuilding IT infrastructure after security incidents, particularly when functional backups are lacking.

När det värsta händer : copingstrategier och upplevelse av krisstöd bland ambulanspersonal i samband med en allvarlig händelse: en litteraturöversikt / When the worst happens : copingstrategies and experience of crisis support among ambulance personnel in connection with a critical incident: a literature review

Källmark, Emma, Jönsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Inom ambulanssjukvården ingår det i den vardagliga arbetsmiljön att utsättas för stressiga situationer. Det krävs att ambulanspersonalen är alert, förberedd och flexibel för att hantera det oväntade. Regelbunden exponering för trauman kan bidra till känslomässiga svårigheter. Vilket kräver stöd och hjälp för att hantera de stressreaktioner som kan uppstå till följd av en allvarlig händelse. Syftet var att belysa ambulanspersonals copingstrategier och upplevelse av krisstöd i samband med en allvarlig händelse. Som metod användes en allmän litteraturöversikt där 15 artiklar inkluderades i resultatet. Artikelsökningen gjordes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsykInfo, resultatet analyserades med hjälp av Forsberg och Wengströms analysprocess. Analysen genererade fem kategorier. I resultatet framkom fem kategorier; Före händelse - förberedande copingstrategier, under händelsen - copingstrategier för omhändertagande, efter händelsen - copingstrategier för bearbetning och upplevelsen av krisstöd, ledning och organisation samt kulturella skillnader. Där framkom det att emotionellt fokuserad coping var den mest förekommande metoden för att hantera stress i samband med en allvarlig händelse. Det mest uppskattade stödet erhölls av en nära kollega, familj eller vänner. Ambulanspersonalen uppgav att det fanns ett missnöje med ledningens stöd och omhändertagande efter en allvarlig händelse. Som slutsats var det huvudsakliga fyndet att ambulanspersonal främst använde sig av emotionellt fokuserad coping och en erfaren kollega var ett viktigt stöd för att hantera stress då de bidrog till en känsla av trygghet, säkerhet samt stärkte kompetensen. Studiens resultat påvisade vikten av tid för återhämtning och reflektion. Litteraturöversikten identifierat en rad olika förbättringsåtgärder såsom ett förbättrat krisstöd samt ett ökat behov av utbildning och kunskap i stresshantering. / In ambulance care, it is part of the everyday work environment to be exposed to stressfulsituations. The ambulance staff is required to be alert, prepared, and flexible to manage theunexpected. Regular exposure to trauma can contribute to emotional difficulties, whichrequires support and help to deal with the stress reactions that can occur because of a seriousincident. The aim was to highlight the ambulance personnel coping strategies and experience of crisissupport in the event of a serious incident. As a method, a general literature review was used where 15 articles were included in theresult. The article search was performed in the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsykInfo,the results were analyzed with the help of Forsberg and Wengström's analysis process. The analysis generated in five categories. The results revealed five categories; Before the event - preparatory coping strategies, duringthe event - coping strategies for caretaking, after the event - coping strategies for processingand the experience of crisis support, management and organization as well as culturaldifferences. Emotionally focused coping was the most common method when dealing withstress after a serious incident. The most appreciated support was received by a closecolleague, family, or friends. The ambulance staff stated that there was dissatisfaction in themanagement's support and care after a serious incident. In conclusion, the main finding was that ambulance mainly used the emotionally focusedcoping and an experienced colleague as support for managing stress as they contributed to asense of security, safety, and strengthens competence. The results of the study demonstratedthe importance of the need for recovery and reflection. The literature review identified anumber of different improvement measures such as improved crisis support and an increasedneed for training and knowledge in stress management.

A Director's Take on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Williams, Billie 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines what it is like to be an assistant director. The play, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time was adapted from a book by Mark Hadden that is structured as if the main character was the writer. The stage production reworks that concept and turns it into a “play within a play”. The story is about a boy named Christopher, his broken family and his struggle with autism. When the director, Cara Harker first approached me about being an assistant director, I struggled with anxiety and not feeling like I had a real place in the show. After some time working with the director, I found my place in the production and learned a lot about directing.

Classifying and Cataloging Cyber-Security Incidents Within Cyber-Physical Systems

Miller, William B 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the past, there were perceived delineations between the cyber world and the physical world. We are becoming increasingly aware of the overlap between these two worlds, and the overlap itself is increasing. The overlap between these two worlds is known as cyber-physical systems. There have been several incidents involving cyber-physical systems and the number of these incidents is increasing dramatically. In the past there has been no effort to identify methods for describing these incidents in the unique context of cyber-physical systems. This research provides a taxonomy for classifying these incidents that focuses on cross domain, impact oriented analysis. A repository for information about these incidents has also been created as part of this research.

Perioperativa avvikelserapporter ur ett patientsäkerhetsperspektiv - relaterade till anestesisjuksköterskans perspektiv / Perioperative incident reports from a patient safety perspective - related to nurse anesthetist profession

Andersson, Anne-Sofie, Westman, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år drabbas omkring 100 000 patienter av vårdskador inom somatisk sjukvård i Sverige, förutom det lidande som det innebär för den enskilda individen medför det även ökade kostnader på både individ- och samhällsnivå. Det dominerande sättet att arbeta med patientsäkerhet inom hälso- och sjukvård är genom avvikelserapportering och analysering av negativa händelser. Specialistsjuksköterskan inom anestesisjukvård är precis som all annan hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal skyldig att rapportera när en avvikelse observerats. En strategi som kan användas för att koppla avvikelserapportering till förbättrad patientsäkerhet är att analysera avvikelser och koda händelserna till specifika områden. Genom att identifiera ett specifikt problem kan ett tvärvetenskapligt team därefter skapas för att granska de negativa händelserna kopplat till en specifik kategori, för att utifrån det resultatet utveckla förbättringar.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva och kartlägga innehållet i perioperativa avvikelserapporter på operationsavdelningen som berör patientsäkerheten, relaterade till anestesisjuksköterskans profession. Metod: En retrospektiv registerstudie med induktiv ansats. Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier och fjorton underkategorier framkom under analysförfarandet. I kategorin patientomhändertagande identifierades flest avvikelserapporter, följt av kommunikation, teknik och organisation. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att de avvikelserapporter på operationsavdelningen, som berört patientsäkerhet relaterade till anestesisjuksköterskans profession, som var vanligast förekommande, var relaterade till patientomhändertagande eller kommunikation. I patientomhändertagande var läkemedelsrelaterade avvikelserapporter en av de vanligast förekommande och i kategorin kommunikation var det kommunikationen mellan vårdpersonal som genererade flest avvikelserapporter. Utifrån resultatet ses att mer forskning och fler förbättringsåtgärder behöver göras för att öka patientsäkerheten. / Background: Every year around 100,000 patients suffer from care injuries in somatic health care in Sweden, in addition to the suffering it entails for the individual, it also entails increased costs at both individual and societal level. The dominant way of working with patient safety in healthcare is through incident reporting and analysis of negative events. The anesthetic care nurse, just like all other personnel is obliged to report when an incident is observed. One strategy that can be used to link incident reporting to improve patient safety is to analyze incidents and code the events to specific areas. By identifying a specific problem, a multidisciplinary team can then be created to review the negative events linked to a specific category, in order to develop improvements based on that result. Aim: The aim was to describe and map out the content of perioperative incident reports in the operating department that affect patient safety, related to the nurse anesthetist´s profession. Method: A retrospective registry study with an inductive approach. The data was analyzed using qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: Four categories and fourteen subcategories emerged during the analysis procedure. Most incident reports were identified in the category patient care, followed by communication, technology and organization. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the incident reports in the operating department, which affected patient safety related to the nurse anesthetist's profession, which were most common, were related to patient care or communication. In patient care, medication-related incident reports were among the most frequently occurring, and in the communication category, it was communication between healthcare staff that generated the most incident reports.

User Interface Design And Forensic Analysis For DIORAMA, Decision Support System For Mass Casualty Incidents

Yi, Jun 23 November 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we introduces the user interface design and forensic analysis tool for DIORAMA system. With an Android device, DIORAMA provides emergency personnel the ability to collect information in real time, track the resources and manage them. It allows the responders and commanders to mange multiple incidents simultaneously. This thesis also describes the implementations of commander app and responder app, as well as two different communication strategies used in DIORAMA. Several trials and simulated mass casualty incidents were conducted to test the functionalities and performance of DIORAMA system. All responders that participated in all trials were very satisfied with it. As a result, DIORAMA system significantly reduced the evacuation time by up to 43% when compared to paper based triage systems.

Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Self-efficacy Beliefs About Science Using Critical Incident Technique: A Case Study Approach.

Ravikumar, Meera 01 January 2013 (has links)
The primary goal of this case study using qualitative and quantitative methods was to investigate pre-service elementary teachers’ initial self-efficacy beliefs about science and science teaching by exploring the K-12 science experiences of these prospective elementary teachers. Of the 108 participants who completed the science teaching efficacy belief survey (STEBI-B) (Enochs & Riggs, 1990), 12 participants were selected to be interviewed using Flanagan’s (1954) critical incident technique. Participants were asked to share their past positive and negative incidents during their K- 12 years with science and science teachers. They were also asked to report how past incidents affected them at present and how they believed they would impact them as future teachers of science in elementary schools. The past positive and negative incidents were analyzed using Bandura’s (1977) four sources of self-efficacy (mastery, vicarious, social persuasion, and physiological/emotional) and by school level; and the impact of the past science incidents on the subjects’ present and future beliefs as science teachers were categorized. The results of this study revealed that pre-service elementary teachers’ self-efficacy and beliefs were largely influenced by their past experiences with science in the K-12 years, and mastery experiences dominated as a source of self-efficacy. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research were made based on the findings of the study.

On the Influence of Rail Vehicle Parameters on the Derailment Process and its Consequences

Brabie, Dan January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aims at systematically studying the possibilities of minimising devastatingconsequences of high-speed derailments by appropriate measures and features in thetrain design, including the running gear. The course of events immediately afterderailments is studied with respect to whether the train stays upright and close to thetrack centre line or deviates laterally with probably serious consequences. There is abelief in the railway community that some trains can better cope with derailment thenothers, although this superiority is apparently hard to quantify.Firstly, an empirical database has been established containing as much relevantinformation as possible of past incidents and accidents occurred at higher speeds due tomechanical failure close to the interface between the running gear and the track, as wellas other causes that ultimately brought the train into a derailed condition. Although nevertwo derailments are the same, certain patterns appeared to crystallise after analysing thecourse of events immediately after the failure based on the descriptions available in eachincident or accident report. Ultimately, this led to that several critical vehicle parameterscould be distinguished as capable to influence the outcome of a derailment.Secondly, two of the critical vehicle features found in the first stage have been subject todetailed analysis by means of multi-body system (MBS) simulations. The first phase ofthe computer simulation program focused on studying the tendency of a wheelset toderail as a result of an axle journal failure on the outside of the wheel. The prederailmentcomputer simulation model has been validated with good results for twoauthentic Swedish events of axle journal failure.Thereafter, one of the newly found critical vehicle feature, the wheelset mechanicalrestrictions relative to the bogie frame, have been extensively studied on an X 2000power unit and trailer car model. The results show that a vertical mechanical restrictionof the wheelset relative to the bogie frame of approximately 50 to 60 mm is capable ofkeeping the wheelsets on the rails after an axle journal failure, for the studied conditions.An axle mounted brake disc constitutes the second critical vehicle feature that has thepotential to favourably influence the sequence of events in cases of wheel flangeclimbing. A minimal range of geometrical parameters for which the rail would safely fillthe gap between the brake disc and the wheel has been calculated.The third and last part of the thesis establishes the prerequisites necessary in order tostudy the remaining of the critical vehicle parameters found in the first part, whichrequires complete MBS simulations of derailed vehicles rolling on track structures, i.e.concrete sleepers. To accomplish this task, hysteresis data for the force as function ofconcrete material indentation, are aimed to be acquired by means of finite element (FE)simulations. Therefore, the intended FE model of wheel-concrete sleeper impact issubjected to a tentative validation procedure. A good agreement is observed whencomparing the FE model results with an authentic accident in terms of concrete sleeperindentation. Furthermore, preliminary results in terms of a wheelset tendency to reboundafter concrete sleeper impact are presented. / QC 20101125

Finna nya stigar : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om mångspråksarbete på Internationella biblioteket / Finding new paths : a qualitative interview study on multilingual work at the International Library in Sweden

Wahlstrand, Annie January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine how study participants at the International Library in Sweden work with multilingual literature. Interviews with members of the staff were performed by using the critical incident technique. Qualitative content analysis was used to find themes and categories in the interviews. The following research questions are used in this study: According to the informants, what governs their work, how is it organized and who, according to them, are the library’s users? How do the informants work with multilingual media, what challenges do the informants encounter and how do they work with these challenges? The theoretical framework used to analyze the results originates from models of collection development, theories of strategies in organizations and theoretical frameworks of learning in organizations. The results of the study show that the informants face several challenges in the process of working with multilingual media. The study also presents different strategies used by the informants to meet these challenges. The results suggest that the International library in Sweden is an organization characterized by adhocracy and learning with a strong occurrence of emergent strategies. Many times the informants must make their way up as they go along. The results suggest that working with multilingual collection building demands experience and adaptation to new situations and highlight the importance of language skills and support between colleagues

Numerical Calculations of Ion Scattering in Solids

Kwok, K. 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The motion of energetic charged particles inside a crystalline solid is strongly dependent upon the orientation of the ion beam and target. This effect is commonly known as the "channeling" effect. In this report, the development of a computer code is presented which simulates the 3-D ion scatterings experienced by energetic particles moving in a crystalline solid. A Monte Carlo technique is incorporated in the code to calculate scattering angles, range distribution, backscattering distribution and angular distribution of incident ions. The Thomas-Fermi interatomic potential is used for binary collision process and the continuum potential is used for the potentials experienced by the channeled ions inside crystal lattices. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)

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