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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Open innovation como estratégia de inovação para indústrias farmcêuticas brasileiras : um estudo exploratório / Open innovation as innovation strategy for brazilian pharamceutical companies

Yang, Samanta January 2010 (has links)
A inovação é um fator crítico para o sucesso das empresas. A indústria farmacêutica é historicamente movida pela inovação. Entretanto, neste ramo, o desenvolvimento de novos produtos envolve custos elevados e um longo ciclo de desenvolvimento de produto acarretando em um alto risco de negócio. Recentemente, a estratégia de inovação aberta (open innovation) surgiu com alternativa às empresas para inovação sugerindo que as empresas mantenham-se abertas a idéias internas e externas, tornando o processo de inovação mais ágil, econômico e seguro, uma vez que ele passa a ser compartilhado com outras partes. Porém, embora este novo paradigma se aplique ao ramo farmacêutico, há poucas pesquisas até o momento que estudem diretamente a estratégia de inovação aberta à indústria farmacêutica. Desta forma, este trabalho busca estudar de forma exploratória a prática da estratégia de inovação aberta por indústrias farmacêuticas brasileiras e compreender: os motivos que levaram as empresas nacionais a adotarem este modelo, como esta prática está estruturada dentro destas indústrias e de que maneira elas trabalham com seus parceiros de inovação. A pesquisa comprovou que as indústrias farmacêuticas estão utilizando a inovação aberta como estratégia de inovação. Entretanto, o modelo de inovação aplicado possui adaptações, em razões de questões culturais e maturidade da empresa, de forma que o fluxo de idéias criativas ocorre somente na direção do ambiente externo para o interno da empresa. Entre os problemas relacionados à inovação aberta no Brasil, optou-se por investigar as relações entre os envolvidos como forma de encontrar oportunidades de melhoria para o modelo brasileiro que ainda se baseia muito na relação empresa-universidade. Dentre as empresas estudadas no estudo de caso indicou serem os principais stakeholder as universidades e institutos de pesquisa públicos e que estas parceiras se consolidam preferencialmente através de convênios de pesquisa. / In a highly competitive environment, innovation is a critical factor to the success and maintenance of any company. The pharmaceutical industry is historically moved by innovation in products. However, in the pharmaceutical business, the development of new products demands huge investments and a long development cycle which consequently increase the risk of the business associated to uncertainty. Recently, the open innovation strategy emerged as an alternative to companies to innovate and develop new products. This new paradigm suggests that companies must be opened to ideas from the internal and external environments and to perform co-development projects with the purpose of developing products faster, cheaper and in a less risky way. Although this new paradigm is adequate to the pharmaceutical segment, there are few researches that discuss the open innovation strategy in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, this research has the purpose to study the practice of open innovation strategy by Brazilian pharmaceutical companies and to access: the reasons that motivate the national companies to adopt this model, how this practice is structured inside the companies and how they work with their innovation partners. From this investigation it was possible to verify that the pharmaceutical industries in Brazil use open innovation as a strategy of innovation. However, the open innovation model characteristics in Brazil consider adaptations from the original model suggested by Chesbrough. For cultural and the companies’ business maturity level, it was noticed that the influx of creative ideas is mainly from the outside towards inside company. Additionally, it was investigated the relationship among the co-development stakeholders, as an opportunity to find improvements to the Brazilian open innovation model. The case study findings indicate that the most relevant partnership type is the consortium with the universities and research institutes.

Um processo para implementação da estratégia open innovation em empresas de sistemas regionais de inovação

Oliveira, Lindomar Subtil de January 2017 (has links)
A Open Innovation (OI) é uma abordagem emergente que têm despertado cada vez mais o interesse de especialistas e de estudos acadêmicos na área de inovação. Entretanto, a implemen-tação dessa estratégia ainda é desafiadora, especialmente para as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs). A carência de métodos e processos documentados e estruturados para implementar a OI, também são fatores que causam resistências e desestimulam muitas vezes as empresas. Ou-tro fato é que poucas pesquisas e trabalhos empíricos têm explorado o potencial e influência dos Sistemas Regionais de Inovação (SRIs) na implementação da OI nas empresas. Frente a essa problemática de pesquisa, esta Tese tem como objetivo geral desenvolver um processo de implementação da estratégia Open Innovation voltado para empresas de SRIs. O produto final da Tese é um framework que representa o Processo para Implementação da OI (PIOI). É uma ferramenta gerencial que visa auxiliar e orientar os gestores quanto as etapas, documentos, e forma mais apropriada para conduzir a implementação. Sobretudo, permite a compreensão dos elementos e Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) que interferem na melhoria da capacidade de inovação em PMEs. Este trabalho de Tese está estruturado em sete capítulos, com cinco artigos propostos. O artigo 1 busca identificar os fatores determinantes para a implementação da OI em SRIs. O artigo 2 apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura para identificar os FCS para implementação da OI no âmbito das empresas. No artigo 3, desenvolve-se uma pesquisa apli-cada com 50 empresas de um SRI para diagnosticar as estratégias de inovação e os FCS para implementação da OI. No artigo 4, propõe-se um framework para implementação da OI em PMEs de SRIs. No artigo 5, o framework é testado e avaliado empiricamente através de um estudo de caso de uma empresa. A estrutura metodológica geral da Tese está fundamentada no método de pesquisa construtivista (Design Science Research – DSR). Os artigos abrangem le-vantamento bibliográfico, survey, estudo de caso e pesquisa-ação, e empregam ambos os mé-todos, quantitativo e qualitativo, conforme seus objetivos. A Tese oferece importantes contri-buições acadêmicas e práticas ao abordar os FCS que interferem na implementação da OI, e ao desenvolver um processo para implementação dessa estratégia em PMEs de SRI’s. Além disso, representa uma oportunidade para que as empresas possam transformar e melhorar o seu pro-cesso de desenvolvimento da inovação, implementando mudanças de estratégia e introduzindo estruturas mais colaborativas que suportem novos modelos de negócios. / Open Innovation (OI) is an emerging approach that has increasingly attracted the interest of experts and academic studies in the area of innovation. However, implementing this strategy is still challenging, especially for Small and Medium Companies (PMEs). The lack of documen-ted and structured methods and processes to implement OI are factors that cause resistance and often discourage companies, besides the fact that few empirical studies and research have ex-plored the potential and influence of the Regional Innovation Systems (SRIs) in the implemen-tation of OI in companies. Faced with this research problem, this thesis has as general objective to develop a process of implementation of the Open Innovation strategy directed at SRIs com-panies. The final product is a framework that represents the Process for Implementing OI (PIOI). It is a managerial tool that aims to help and guide managers on the stages, documents, and the most appropriate way to carry out the implementation. Above all, it allows the unders-tanding of the elements and Critical Factors of Success (FCS) that affect the improvement of the innovation capacity of PMEs. The thesis is structured in seven chapters, with five proposed articles. Article 1 seeks to identify the determining factors for the implementation of OI in SRIs. Article 2 presents a systematic review of the literature to identify the FCS for implementing OI in companies. In Article 3 we carry out an applied research with 50 companies in a SRI, in order to diagnose their innovation strategies and the FCS to implement OI. In Article 4, we propose a framework for the implementation of OI in PMEs of SRIs. In Article 5, the framework is empirically tested and evaluated through a company’s case study. The general methodological structure of the thesis is based on the constructivist research method (Design Science Research - DSR). The articles cover literature review, survey, case study and action research, and use both quantitative and qualitative methods, according to their goals. The thesis offers important academic and practical contributions by addressing FCS that affect the implementation of OI, and by developing a process to establish that strategy in PMEs of SRIs. In addition, it represents an opportunity for companies to change and improve their innovation development process by implementing strategy shifts and introducing more collaborative structures that support new business models.

Estratégias e sistema de gestão da inovação : o caso de uma empresa do setor do vestuário

Schnorr, Leonardo Afonso January 2008 (has links)
Posto o contexto de competitividade no mercado global, é fato que nações e organizações buscam formas de inovar para permanecerem sustentáveis. Entretanto, para efetivar os anseios de serem competitivas e inovadoras, há uma necessidade de manter estratégias e uma estrutura de rotinas que as possibilite gerir e gerar as inovações, de forma a transformar suas capacidades tecnológicas em algo efetivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é a identificação de uma estrutura de um sistema de gestão de inovação adequada para atender o posicionamento estratégico de inovação. Utilizando o caso de uma empresa do setor do vestuário, elaborou-se um modelo para análise de capacidade tecnológica, focando tópicos relacionados à estratégia. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas em profundidade com o corpo diretivo e por questionários de pesquisa respondidos por 50 líderes da empresa. Os resultados obtidos convergiram na estruturação de um sistema de gestão da inovação que contemple: a) estratégia de inovação; b) capacidade tecnológica que sustente funções de alinhamento e funções da organização – produtos/serviços, gestão de projetos, processo/tecnologia e infra-estrutura e c) sistema de gestão da inovação que tenha relações com alinhamento às estratégias de inovação de produtos e processo, estrutura adequada para inovar oriunda de gestão de projetos eficaz, desenvolvimento de produtos que identifiquem a empresa no mercado como inovadora e por fim, foco em seus mercados de atuação. / The competitive environment of global markets leads nations and organisations to engage in a continuous search for innovation, in order to maintain sustainability. However, to effectively become innovative, firms need to sustain a formal structure of strategies and routines that enable them to generate and manage innovation, enhancing their technological capabilities. This study aims to identify an innovation management system structure that better fits to the strategic positioning of a specific firm. The firm in which the case study is developed belongs to the clothing sector. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with the firm’s directive body and application of research questionnaires along with 50 respondents. Results allowed the development of an innovation management system considering three aspects, namely: a) innovation strategy; b) technological capabilities to sustain organisational functions – products/services, project management, process/technology, and infrastructure; and c) structure and alignment, in order to allow efficient project management, development of innovative products and market orientation.

Open innovation as an important part of company’s innovation strategy / Open innovation as an essential part of a company's innovation strategy

Skibinska, Olesia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create an innovation strategy for R&D Department of a company that is operating in IT industry with a special focus on Open innovation. It consists of theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part presents modern literature research on innovation and outlines main concepts. Definition of innovation, its types and different approaches are described. Moreover, main principles of audit of Open innovation readiness and its measurement is presented. The last part is devoted to the description of IT industry and future trends. Practical part is devoted to company's analysis, audit of readiness to implement Open innovation approach and creation of innovation strategy for R&D Department.

Strategický manažment v kontexte znalostnej ekonomiky. Inovačná stratégia zdravotníckého zariadenia. / Strategic management in the context of the knowledge economy. The innovation strategy of plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic.

Máni, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the strategic management in the context of the knowledge economy. The output of the innovation strategy is applied to the plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic. The theoretical part deals with the introduction of strategic management theory, vast business analysis and principles of Balanced Scorecard. Within the theory are discussed different approaches to the innovation process. The practical part is based on theoretical knowledge and applies them to creating an innovation strategy based on business process management.

Estratégia da inovação para a empresa nascente: um estudo junto a empresas apoiadas pelo programa PIPE da FAPESP / Innovation strategy for the start up company: a study at companies supported by the program PIPE of FAPESP

Caio Cesar Saraiva 06 November 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação faz um estudo dos tipos de inovação promovidos por 11 empresas apoiadas pelo programa PIPE da FAPESP. Seu objetivo é descrever os tipos de inovação promovidos pelas empresas em seus primeiros dez anos de existência. Pretendeu-se aqui responder à pergunta \"Que tipo(s) de inovação as empresas de sucesso paulistas, intensivas em conhecimento, promovem nos dez primeiros anos de suas existências?\". Para tanto, o autor utilizou, em um primeiro nível de classificação, a tipologia do Manual de Oslo (2005), que estabelece e denomina a inovação como a) em produto b) em processo c) em marketing d) organizacional. Em um segundo nível de classificação, este só para a inovação em produto, o autor utilizou a tipologia de Garcia e Calantone (2002), que estabelece e denomina a inovação em produto como a) incremental b) realmente nova c) radical. Para desenvolver a pesquisa, qualitativa, de perfil exploratório-descritivo, o autor enviou email convite a 603 empresas beneficiárias de apoio do programa PIPE da FAPESP, apoio este obtido entre maio de 2002 e dezembro de 2009. Com as informações fornecidas pelos respondentes, denominadas ações empreendedoriais, o autor preencheu a parte inicial do instrumento de pesquisa, concluindo assim a primeira etapa do trabalho. A segunda etapa constituiu-se de entrevista, quando as ações empreendedoriais descritas pelos respondentes foram classificadas por tipo de inovação. Os resultados obtidos descrevem os tipos de inovações promovidos pelas empresas constantes da amostra em seus dez primeiros anos de existência. / The present dissertation studies the innovations promoted by 11 companies supported by the program PIPE of FAPESP. It aims at describing the types of innovations promoted by those companies in their first ten years of existence. One intended to answer the question \"What types of innovation successful companies of São Paulo state promoted in their first ten years of existence?\" At the first level, the typology of Oslo\'s Manual (2005) was used to classify the innovations in product, process, marketing and organizational. At the second level, this one only for products, the typology of Garcia e Calantone (2002) was used to classify the innovations in radical, really new and incremental. In order to develop this study, the author contacted companies supported by the program PIPE of FAPESP. Eleven companies were interviewed. The results do describe the type of innovations promoted by the companies in their first ten years of existence.

Corporate Entrepreneurship - Transferring Innovations into the Main Organization : A Case Study in the Context of the Telecommunications Industry

Mshothola, Angelina, Girlesa Lizcano Quintero, Maryori January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship in large organizations with regards to how innovations are transferred from an Innovation Department into a receiving Business Unit. It aims to understand this topic by identifying what challenges are common barriers to this transfer process. It also identifies the causes of these challenges. Finally, this thesis establishes what suitable approach can be adapted to address these challenges. To answer these concerns, this research takes a deductive research approach by conducting a qualitative, empirical research through semi-structured interviews within a large Nordic telecommunication company. It also includes, benchmarking against two examples of companies that have developed solutions to overcome similar challenges. This qualitative methodology involves analyzing the interview and benchmarking results in comparison with literature, to confirm or disprove previous research. From the findings, eight categories of common challenges are discovered which are rooted within the innovation strategy of incumbent companies. Based on this research, a framework is developed as an approach to address the challenges of transferring innovations from an Innovation Department into a receiving Business Unit. As contribution to this field of study, this thesis highlights how multiple academic theories such as Corporate Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management and Innovation Strategy can be synthesized to collectively address these challenges. This is done by proposing a solution that is adaptable for different incumbent organizations. The proposed framework uses a stage-gate process that progresses when certain criteria agreed between an Innovation Department and a receiving Business Unit, are fulfilled. This agreement is based on the extent to which the criteria for each stage-gate is achieved in order to transfer ownership of the innovation solution. / Denna avhandling undersöker ämnet företags entreprenörskap i stora organisationer när det gäller hur innovationer överförs från en innovationsavdelning till en mottagande affärsenhet. Den syftar till att förstå detta ämne genom att identifiera vilka utmaningar som är gemensamma hinder för denna överföringsprocess samt orsakerna till dessa utmaningar. Slutligen fastställs lämpliga tillvägagångsättför att hantera dessa utmaningar. För att svara på dessa utmaningar tillämpas en deduktiv forskningsmetod och en kvalitativ forskningsdesign baserat på semi-strukturerade intervjuer inom ett stort nordiskt telekommunikationsföretag. Den inkluderar också benchmarking med två företag som har utvecklat lösningar för att övervinna liknande utmaningar. Denna kvalitativa metod innebär analys av intervjuer samt benchmarking i jämförelse med litteraturen för att bekräfta eller motbevisa tidigare forskning. I resultaten återfinns åtta kategorier av gemensamma utmaningar som är förankrade i innovationskulturen hos befintliga företag. Baserat på resultaten utvecklades ett ramverk för att hantera utmaningarna kring att överföra innovationer från en innovationsavdelning till en mottagande affärsenhet. Som ett bidrag till detta ämnesområde framhävs i denna avhandling hur flera akademiska teorier som corporate entreprenörskap (or intraprenörskap- look it up), innovationsledning och innovationsstrategi kan syntetiseras för att gemensamt hantera dessa utmaningar . Detta görs genom att föreslå en lösning som är anpassningsbar för olika etablerade organisationer. Den föreslagna ramen använder en steg-grind-modellen (look it up) som fortskrider när vissa kriterier som överenskommits mellan en innovationsavdelning och en mottagande affärsenhet är uppfyllda. Processen är baserad på i vilken utsträckning kriterierna för varje steg är uppnådda för att överföra äganderätten till innovationslösningen.

Strategies for Managing Exploration, Global Value Chains, and Knowledge Flows in High-Technology Firms

Craig, Thomas Dominic January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation comprises three essays of a multilevel investigation into the strategies of high-technology firms to build and maintain competitive advantage through effective policies for innovation, global sourcing, and knowledge management. Through a combination of conceptual and empirical analyses that extend the existing theoretical boundaries in each of these areas, I contribute to our current body of knowledge and establish a solid foundation on which future related research will be built. In particular, I weave together classic and contemporary literature of strategic management, entrepreneurship, international business, and organizational economics to reveal how macro- and micro-level factors impact the activities selected, tradeoffs made, and performance of firms in regional and global settings. / Business Administration/Strategic Management

Innovation åt folket! : Hur innovationsstrategin för år 2020 kan gå från tanke till verklighet

Tikkanen, Sofia, Axelsson, Rickard January 2013 (has links)
I dagens samhälle krävs det allt snabbare förändring i organisationer för att hålla jämn takt med omvärlden. Detta har den svenska regeringen uppfattat och därför tagit fram en innovationsstrategi för år 2020, som vi till stor del har utgått från i detta arbete. Med den som grund ville vi ta fram ett verktyg för att introducera innovation för individer och organisationer för att starta en process för ett kontinuerligt lärande och arbete med innovation. För att testa detta verktyg gjordes en studie som bekräftade vår hypotes, och utifrån detta har vi tagit fram en stor, övergripande modell för hur vi ser att innovationsarbete kan fungera i organisationer utifrån vårt verktyg, samt en modell för hur individen och organisationsklimatet tillsammans kan fungera för att bidra till att höja innovationsförmågan i en organisation. Utöver vår hypotes hade vi även två forskningsfrågor som vi svarade på, där den andra är vårt innovationsbidrag.

The Innovation Strategy Management Study of High Technology Industry in Taiwan COMPEQ Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Lai, Chung-Hsiao 22 August 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to develop a methodical flowchart of the innovation opportunities, and issue an integrated innovation strategic planning and management by the analytic steps of the systematic strategy. The research is performed according to the following studies: 1. Relative theories & thesis of ¡§Technology Management¡¨, ¡¨Strategic Management¡¨, ¡¨Innovation Management¡¨as the bases of my study. 2. A traditional ¡§Opportunity, Motivation & Capability¡¨ behaviorism as the concept of my study. 3. The process approach of strategic planning & management as the processes of my study. 4. The total analysis of external & internal environment conditions as the scope of my study. And we try to find some innovation opportunities and the relative innovation strategies through the case study by the above flowchart & model. Wish to offer Taiwan technology industries and companies one new strategic planning of innovation domain, and another view of corporation business. The thesis selects Taiwan PCB maker ¡V COMPEQ Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as the subject of our studies to evaluate the reasonablness of the thesis. And the major finding of this study conclusions & results as follow: 1. Facing the strong threat from China, Keeping technology, product, and marketing competitive competence would be the better solution of Taiwan PCB industry in future. Taiwan PCB makers must move toward the trend of ¡§Focus your manufacturing, but also value your research & development more¡¨. And also these companies must recognize ¡§Manufacturing Power¡¨ is not only Taiwan PCB company strength any longer. 2. The corporation growth and survival don¡¦t just need the competitive competence of technology, product, and marketing only. At all times and in all countries, the ¡¨human error¡¨is the major key factor, absolutely forces all kinds of human organization into degeneration and dying. So corporations should be more careful to prevent human error. 3. Innovation is the key to a successful corporation. It is everywhere, and at anytime but it is not easy to find. But innovation has some risks. Successful innovation in the corporation does not only require ¡§Time¡¨, ¡¨Place¡¨, ¡§Support of the People¡¨, but also need a final & important key ¡V the CEOs and all of employees do it together.

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